Applied Mechanics 2023 Set 1

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POKHARA UNIVERSITY Exam Final Internal Examination 2080


TECHNOLOGY Programme BCE (Set 1) PM 45

Subject: Applied Mechanics

Candidates are required to give answers in their own words as far as practicable.
The figure in the margin indicates full marks.
Attempt all the questions Figure 2 a
Assume the data where required
1. a) A 38 kg container is hanging from ring A, supported by cable BAC, which runs through the ring
and is fixed at points B and C. To keep the container in its current position, two forces, P = Pi and Find the radius of gyration and moment of inertia of the shared area, as illustrated in the figure
Q = Qk, are exerted on the ring. Find the values of P and Q, assuming that the tension in both below, with respect to the 'X' and 'Y' axes. [10]
sections of cable BAC is equal. [9]

Figure 2 b

3. a) Sketch the bending moment diagram (BMD) and shear force diagram (SFD) for the given beam,
including all significant points. [10]

Figure 1 a

b) Can the man, with a weight of 813 N and a shoe-ground friction coefficient of 0.4, move the 1565
N crate on the ground, given that the crate has a coefficient of static friction of 0.3 with the
ground? Justify the answer with the help of proper solution. [8]

Figure 3 a

b) Find forces in member DF, EG and DG using method of section [8]

Figure 1 b

2. Determine the Moment of Inertia of quarter circle about the centroidal axis and base axis. [10]
.Figure 3 b
6. Consider a system shown in the figure. The masses of the blocks are respectively m1 = 3 kg, m2 =
8 kg. The coefficient of kinetic friction is µ = 0.25. The mass of the pulley can be neglected. After
4. A shot is fired with a bullet from a point 20m in front of vertical wall 10 m high. Find the the blocks are released from rest: [10]
minimum angle of projection with horizontal to enable the shot to just clear the wall.
[10] i. Find the acceleration of the system and the tension in the cord

ii. Find the speed of the system after moving s = 1.5 m.

Figure 4

5. The two blocks shown are originally at rest. Neglecting the masses of pulleys and the effect of
friction in the pulleys. Assuming that the coefficients of friction between block A and the
horizontal surface is negligible. Determine: [10] Figure 6

i.The acceleration of each block 7. In a game of pool, ball A is moving with a velocity of magnitude Vo = 6 m/s when it strikes balls
B and C, which are at rest and aligned as shown. Knowing that after the collision the three balls
ii.The tension in the cable.
move in the directions indicated and assuming the frictionless and perfectly elastic impact
determine the magnitude of the velocities of VA, VB and VC. [15]

Figure 5 a
Figure 7
8. Write short notes: (Answer any two) [5 X 2]
The acceleration of a package sliding at Point A is 3 m/s2. Assuming that the coefficient of kinetic
friction is the same for each section, determine the acceleration of the package at Point B. [10] a) Rigid and Deformed bodies

b) Principle of Transmissibility

c) Dynamic Equilibrium

d) Application of mechanical vibration

Figure 5 b

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