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Key Attribute: DEX and CHA

Requirements: None
Hit Dice: 1d4
Maximum Level: 14

Successful adventurers live forever in the sagas and songs about their deeds. Remembering and recounting these sagas is the
profession of bards. Most bards are content to recite the deeds of others, but some bold few participate in the dangers themselves
and become inspiring heroes in their own right. In the Auran Empire, such a bard might be an adventuring minstrel with a sword
in his hand and a song at his lips, a warrior-skald of the Jutland kingdoms, or a haughty Kemeshi aristocrat.

Bard Level Progression

Hit Damage Arcane
Experience Title Level Dice Bonus Dabbling Listening Loremastery
0 Reciter 1 1d4 +1 4+ 14+ 18+
1,750 Versifier 2 2d4 +1 4+ 13+ 17+
3,500 Archivist 3 3d4 +2 4+ 12+ 16+
7,000 Annalist 4 4d4 +2 4+ 11+ 15+
14,000 Chronicler 5 5d4 +2 4+ 10+ 14+
28,000 Panegyrist 6 6d4 +3 4+ 9+ 13+
56,000 Skald 7 7d4 +3 4+ 8+ 12+
110,000 Rhapsodist 8 8d4 +3 4+ 7+ 11+
220,000 Bard 9 9d4 +4 4+ 6+ 10+
320,000 Bard, 10th level 10 9d4 + 2* +4 4+ 5+ 9+
420,000 Bard, 11th level 11 9d4 + 4* +4 4+ 4+ 8+
520,000 Bard, 12th level 12 9d4 + 6* +5 4+ 3+ 7+
620,000 Bard, 13th level 13 9d4 + 8* +5 4+ 2+ 6+
720,000 Master Bard 14 9d4 + 10* +5 4+ 1+ 5+
*No adjustment from Constitution applies to this flat bonus.

Combat Proficiencies: Bards have weapon proficiency with all missile weapons and with all tiny, small, and medium melee
weapons. They have armor proficiency with medium, light, and very light armor. They have fighting style proficiency with all three
optional styles (i.e. the dual weapon, two-handed weapon, and weapon and shield styles).

Combat Progression: Bards advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of experience. They
increase their base damage roll from successful missile and melee attacks by +1 at 1 st level, and by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th,
and 12th level. They can cleave after killing a foe a maximum of once per round per class level.

Bard (Fighter) Attack and Saving Throws

Level Paralysis Death Blast Implements Spells Attack Throw
1 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 17+ 10+
2–3 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 16+ 9+
4 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 15+ 8+
5–6 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 14+ 7+
7 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 13+ 6+
8–9 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 12+ 5+
10 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ 4+
11 – 12 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 3+
13 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 2+
14 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 1+


At the start of play, bards have the following class powers. As with thieves, some of the bard’s throws improve as he gains levels
according to the progression shown on the Bard Level Progression table.
Arcane Dabbling: Bards are prone to dabble in the arcane. They can attempt to use wands, staffs, and other magic items only
usable by arcane casters. The bard does not need to know the command word for the item, but he must make a proficiency throw
of 4+ on 1d20 or the attempt backfires in some desultory way (Judge’s discretion).

Listening: Bards have sharp ears that permit them to hear noises in caves, hallways, at a door, or other locations. The Judge makes
a Listening proficiency throw in secret on behalf of the bard. If the throw succeeds, he hears any noises in earshot. If the throw
fails, or if there aren’t any noises in earshot, he doesn’t hear anything. The bard must be quiet and must be the closest creature in
the party relative to the location of the sound or suspected sound. Listening only requires one round but can only be undertaken
once per turn (10 minutes) if the party is moving at all, because it takes time for people to settle down into quiet.

Inspire Courage: By reciting heroic lays and epic poems, bards can improve the effectiveness of their allies. Inspiring courage
requires a few moments of oration before a battle (one round), and makes up to 30 of the bard’s allies within a 50’ radius inspired.
An inspired creature gains a +1 bonus to attack throws, armor class, morale rolls (for monsters or NPCs allied with the caster), and
saving throws against magical fear. The bonus lasts for 10 minutes (1 turn). A bard can inspire courage once per day per class level.
(Even the most inspired epic gets stale if you hear it twice in the same day.) A bard cannot inspire courage on characters who are
already engaged in combat.

Jack of All Trades: Being habitually curious jacks-of-all-trades, bards pick up an array of skills that vary widely. The bard can learn
a class proficiency from any class; a thief skill (excluding backstab); a venturer class power (excluding mercantile network); or other
class power approved by the Judge, excluding spellcasting powers. The bard cannot select a class power when the bard’s class level
is lower than the class level at which that power becomes available to its default class. For instance, he could not select
Rumormongering at 1st level because it doesn’t become available to venturers until 4th level. Note that some selections might not
be useful; e.g. the bard has no spells to regain with Contemplation, so that proficiency isn’t ever a good choice.

Loremastery: The bard can make a proficiency throw of 18+ to decipher occult runes, remember ancient history, or identify a
historic artifact or special monster part. The proficiency throw required reduces by 1 per level. He can also identify magic items as
if he were a 5th level mage. (This class power is the equivalent of Loremastery proficiency.)

Multilingual: Because they travel widely and converse freely, bards become conversant in a wide variety of tongues. They gain
three bonus languages. The bard can select some or all of these languages immediately from among those in common use in the
campaign’s starting region or select them later from among those he encounters in play. (This class power is the equivalent of one
rank of Language proficiency.)

Performance: The bard has been trained in a performing art such as chanting, reciting poetry, singing, or playing an instrument.
He can earn 10gp per month from working as a street performer or tavern entertainer. He can identify renowned performers,
famous works, and unusual songs with a proficiency throw of 11+. (This class power is equivalent to one rank of Performance


Jack of All Trades II (3rd level): The bard can learn another class proficiency from any class, thief skill (excluding backstab), venturer
class power (excluding mercantile network), or other class power approved by the Judge, excluding spellcasting.

Deciphering (4th level): The bard gains the ability to decipher text (including ciphers, treasure maps, and dead languages, but not
magical writings). Deciphering a page of text requires one turn (10 minutes) and a successful proficiency throw of 4+ on 1d20. If
the roll does not succeed, the bard cannot try to decipher that particular page of text until he reaches a higher level of experience.

Chronicles of Battle (5th): The bard’s songs and stories inspire his hirelings to strive for glory. Any henchmen and mercenaries hired
by the bard gain a +1 bonus to their morale score while the bard is present to witness and record their deeds. This bonus stacks
with any modifiers from the bard’s Charisma or proficiencies.

Jack of All Trades III (6th level): The bard can learn another class proficiency from any class, thief skill (excluding backstab), venturer
class power (excluding mercantile network), or other class power approved by the Judge, excluding spellcasting.
Inspire Hope (7th): By recounting the glorious deeds of old, bards can brighten the darkest Max HP Temp HP Gained
moment. Inspiring hope requires a few moments of oration (one round), and grants up to 30 1–3 1d2
of the bard’s allies within 30’ a pool of temporary hit points. The number of hit points gained 4–9 1d3
by each ally is determined on the adjoining table based on the bard’s or the ally’s max hit 10 – 16 1d4
17 – 23 1d6
points (whichever is lower). These temporary hit points last for one turn (10 minutes), until
24 – 29 1d8
lost to damage, or until the bard inspires hope on the ally again, whichever comes first. The
30 – 36 1d10
bard can inspire hope once per day at 7th level, and one additional time per day with each level 37 – 49 2d6
thereafter. 50 – 63 2d8
64 – 76 2d10
Jack of All Trades IV (8th level): The bard can learn another class proficiency from any class,
77 – 89 2d12
thief skill (excluding backstab), venturer class power (excluding mercantile network), or other 90 – 110 3d10
class power approved by the Judge, excluding spellcasting. 111 – 140 4d10
141 – 170 5d10
Great Hall (9th level): By acquiring a great hall worth at least 15,000gp, the bard can attract
171+ 6d10, plus 1d10
followers to his service. 5d6 x 10 0th level troops and 1d6 bards of 1st – 3rd level arrive to serve per 30 hp past 170
him within 1d3 months of him acquiring the hall. If the bard already has a hall, the followers
arrive to serve him within 1d3 months of him reaching 9th level. The bard must pay his followers the ordinary rates for mercenaries
and henchmen or they leave his service. Additional rules for great halls are detailed in the Campaigns chapter.

Scrollreading (10th): The bard gains the ability to read and cast magic from arcane and divine scrolls. The bard does not have to be
able to read the language in which the scroll is written provided he has successfully deciphered it before. Reading a magical scroll
requires one round and a successful proficiency throw of 4+ on 1d20. However, a failed throw means the spell does not function
as expected, and can create a horrible effect at the Judge’s discretion.

Jack of All Trades V (11th level): The bard can learn another class proficiency from any class, thief skill (excluding backstab), venturer
class power (excluding mercantile network), or other class power approved by the Judge, excluding spellcasting.

Proficiency Progression: At 1st level, bards select one class proficiency from their class proficiency list and one general proficiency
from the general proficiency list. They select an additional class proficiency at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level. They select an additional
general proficiency at 5th, 9th, and 13th level.

Bard Proficiency List: Acrobatics, Bargaining, Beast Friendship, Bribery, Combat Trickery (disarm), Command, Diplomacy, Disguise,
Elven Bloodline, Fighting Style Specialization, Healing, Knowledge, Language, Leadership, Lip Reading, Magical Engineering, Magical
Music, Mimicry, Mystic Aura, Performance, Precise Shooting, Prestidigitation, Running, Seduction, Skirmishing, Swashbuckling,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus
Roll Template Proficiencies Starting Equipment
3–4 Woodland Piper Beast Friendship 2 javelins, hide armor, leather shoes, leather belt, belt
Naturalism pouch, pan pipes, waterskin, 1 week’s iron rations, 1gp
Performance (instruments) (enc. 2 5/6 st)

5–6 Hedge Magician Prestidigitation Quarterstaff, leather armor under mage’s cassock, cloak
Alchemy with embroidered sigils, fancy silver sash, low boots, 2
Performance (oration) small sacks, 2 tallow candles, tinderbox, 1 pint of rare
Soothsaying wine in potion vial, leather-bound spellbook (blank),
waterskin, 1 week’s iron rations, 2gp (enc. 5 4/6 st)
7–8 Swashbuckler Swashbuckling Short bow, quiver with 20 arrows, scimitar, well-
Seafaring balanced dagger with boot-sheath, leather armor,
Performance (singing) colorful tunic and pants, bright silk girdle, high boots, 50’
Fighting Style Specialization rope, grappling hook, waterskin, 1 week’s iron rations
(dual weapons) (enc. 6 st)
9 – 10 Wandering Minstrel Magical Music Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, short sword, dagger, well-
Diplomacy maintained leather armor, traveler’s tunic and pants,
Performance (instruments) embossed belt, sturdy low boots, belt pouch, small sack,
Precise Shooting lute, waterskin, 1 weeks’ iron rations (enc. 4 2/6 st)

11 – 12 Historian Magical Engineering Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, short sword, dagger, well-
Knowledge (history) maintained laminated linen armor, traveler’s tunic and
Performance (epic poetry) pants, polished high boots, backpack, parchment journal
Bright Lore of Aura half-filled with entries, quill and ink, waterskin, 1 week’s
iron rations, 6gp (enc. 6 2/6 st)
13 – 14 Beguiler Mystic Aura Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, sword, polished chain mail
Seduction armor, flamboyant fur-lined cloak, fancy tunic and pants,
Performance (singing) long leather gloves, high boots, bright silk sash, purse,
Treachery (Venturer) belt pouch, waterskin, 2 weeks’ iron rations, 10gp (enc. 7
15 – 16 Spy Disguise Crossbow, case with 20 bolts, short sword, dagger,
Streetwise unmarked leather armor, simple hooded cloak, traveler’s
Performance (acting) tunic and pants, embossed belt, low boots, backpack,
Hiding (Thief) disguise kit, crowbar, 50’ rope, waterskin, 1 week’s iron
rations, 56gp for bribes (enc. 6 2/6 st)
17 – 18 Aristocrat Command Matching sword and dagger with lacquered hilts,
Leadership exquisitely made plate armor, shield, fur-lined cloak,
Performance (oration) armiger’s tunic and pants, high boots, medium riding
Armor Training (heavy) horse, riding saddle and tack, 2 leather saddlebags,
waterskin, 1 week’s iron rations, 10gp (enc. 6 2/6 st with
rations on horse)
Notes: The Performance proficiency and Jack of All Trades ability that each bard template begins with is noted in bold. If the power
is a thief skill or venturer class power, the name of the relevant class is listed in parentheses after it. The woodland piper’s familiar
can be any small woodland critter such as a field mouse, ferret, rabbit, etc. The swashbuckler’s scimitar is a type of short sword.

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