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Short Story - Plot

Main Concept
The Plot of a story is always driven by some kind of conflict. To identify the plot of a story, look for the conflict.

Background: Plot is the sequence of events that drives the action of a story. It is based on conflict, which can be external
or internal.

Plot is often depicted as follows, shown in these basic parts:

- Exposition = sets the stage of the conflict
- Rising Action = the conflict develops and deepens
- Climax = emotional high point
- Falling Action - events following the climax and ending in the resolution
- Resolution = the final outcome, how things are different now

NOTE: There is always some kind of inciting action that ignites the story and begins the conflict.

Remember this...
The Plot of a short story is the conflict that leads to all the action and consists of the exposition (setting the stage),
Rising Action (the conflict deepens), Climax (the emotional high point) and the Resolution (final outcome).

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