Empowerment Technology Qa

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Direction: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What type of web provides a framework that allows data to be shared and reuse to deliver
web content specifically targeting the user?
A. Web 1.0 B. Web 2.0 C. Web 3.0 D. Website

2. Which of the following is an example of sites under web 2.0?

A. Facebook B. YouTube C. Wikipedia D. All of the above

3. What type of web page is classified as flat or stationary?

A. Web 1.0 B. Internet C. Web 2.0 D. Web 3.0

4. Twitter statuses are only composed of a few characters. What type of social media site
does Twitter belong?
A. Micro blogging C. Social Networks
B. Media Sharing D. Bookmarking Sites

For #’s 5-6, use the choices inside the box.

A. If only the FIRST statement is TRUE. C. If BOTH statements are TRUE.
B. If only the SECOND statement is TRUE. D. If BOTH statements are FALSE.

5. Social networks are sites that allow you to connect with other people having the same
interests. It allows you to share your own news and other news from other sources.

6. The Philippines is considered as the “ICT Hub in Asia.” The ICT Industry shares 19.3% of
the total employment population in the Philippines coming from the government agencies.

7. Marisa wants to publish her collections of original poems online. Which online platform
must she do this?
A. Social News B. Bookmarking Site C. YouTube D. Blogs

8. Watson is creating a cover video of his favorite song. Which online platform must he
publish this?
A. Social News B. Bookmarking Site C. YouTube D. Blogs

9. Cathy has created a very good slideshow presentation on a certain topic, and she wants to
share it to other teachers around the world. Which online platform must she publish this?
A. Presentation Platforms C. File Management Platforms
B. Cloud Computing Platforms D. Social Media Platforms

10. What is the name of the symbol that is used to classify and categorize information?
A. Hashtag B. Question Mark C. Asterisk D. At sign

11. What type of malicious program is designed to replicate itself and transfer from one
computer to another either through the internet or local networks or data storage like flash
drives and CDs?
A. Adware C. Worms and Virus
B. Spyware D. Ransomeware

12. What harmful online programs are designed to send you advertisements, mostly pop-up
A. Adware C. Worms and Virus
B. Spyware D. Ransomeware

13. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal
A. Adware C. Worms and Virus
B. Spyware D. Ransomeware

14. What is ransomware based on?

A. Fear of hackers C. Fear of spyware
B. Fear of the Internet D. Fear of losing important files

15. Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?

A. Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look
like an email from someone reliable.
B. Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick
users into entering their login information.
C. Sending someone a text message looks like a notification that the person has won a
D. Sending someone an email that records their keystroke activities while using their

16. Which of the following must NOT be done if you received an embarrassing picture from
your friend?
A. Tell your parents or teachers
B. Send the picture on to other friends
C. Talk to your friend about its negative outcomes.
D. Discourage your friend from sending pictures like that.

17. What is a flame in cyberspace?

A. A person who follows the rules of Netiquette.
B. An expert programmer.
C. An online chain letter.
D. A post or email message that expresses a strong opinion or criticism.

18. What is considered shouting over the Internet?

A. Screaming at your computer.
B. Writing in all CAPS.
C. Putting a lot of exclamation marks at the end of a sentence.
D. Not answering a friend request on Facebook.
19. To avoid being cyber-bullied you should always...
A. Give out personal information to anyone who asks.
B. Strike first - post mean things about other people on your Wall on Facebook.
C. Observe proper netiquette rules.
D. Ignore any requests from people to be your friend online.

20. How are you judged in cyberspace?

A. No one can see you, so no one can judge you.
B. You are judged by what you do on the Internet and how it looks - by your spelling,
grammar, and netiquette.
C. You are judged by your intent - if you didn't mean to hurt someone's feelings, then
it's okay.
D. You are judged by how you look - your profile picture is important.

21. What happens when a phrase or sentence is placed inside quotation marks when doing
A. Will only return items that have both terms.
B. Will search for words that are together and in order
C. Will return items that exclude a term
D. Will return items that have either of the terms

22. What is a URL?

A. A computer software program
B. An acronym for Unlimited Resources for Learning
C. The address of a document or "page" on the World Wide Web
D. A search engine

23. What are the three main search expressions, or operators, recognized by Boolean logic?
A. and, or, not C. and, or, but
B. from, to, whom D. search, keyword, text

24. How do you evaluate a web page?

A. You confirm that the author or site an authority on the subject.
B. You check to see if the author has been objective.
C. You check to see if the information is current.
D. You do as many of the above as possible.

25. What do you call the cells that do not change?
A. Constant cells C. Absolute Reference
B. Relative Reference D. Single cells

26. What type of Excel function searches for a specific value in your data using the
spreadsheet columns and a unique identifier within those columns?
A. VLOOKUP B. IF Function C. COUNTIF D. Absolute Reference

27. What two Microsoft applications are used to create a mail merge?
A. Word & PowerPoint C. Word & Excel
B. PowerPoint & Excel D. Word & Publisher
28. What are hyperlinks in PowerPoint?
A. A tool that you use to navigate from one slide to another.
B. A tool that you use to play in PowerPoint.
C. A tool that you use to save a file and slide.
D. A tool that you point to another image in the PowerPoint.

29. What do you call the software that people use to create and produce professional quality
documents, presentations, databases, charts, and graphs?
A. Production Tools C. Professional Tools
B. Productivity Tools D. Advanced Application Tools
30. How many types of balance are in graphic design??
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

31. Which principle of design is seen by the shapes on the right?

A. Balance C. Color
B. Contrast D. Proximity

32. Which design principle is seen below?

A. Alignment C. Contrast
B. Asymmetrical balance D. Proximity

33. Which of the following is NOT a way to use contrast in a composition?

A. Placing shapes around a central axis.
B. Pairing different typefaces together.
C. Changing the color values.
D. Using various textures.

34. Which best describes the image on the right?

A. Alignment C. Contrast
B. Balance D. Repetition

35. Which type of balance has two sides that are balanced but different?
A. Asymmetrical B. Centered C. Radial D. Symmetrical

36. Which image manipulation technique is used in the picture?

A. Brightness and Contrast
B. Color Balance
C. Cropping
D. Removing Colors

Image source: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/dip/brightness_and_contrast.html

37. Which image manipulation technique is used in the

A. Brightness and Contrast
B. Changing Background
C. Color Balance
D. Inserting Texts
Image source: https://www.jihosoft.com/photo/replace-photo-background.html

38. What is created when hue is combined with white?

A. Hue B. Shade C. Tint D. Tone

39. What type of image manipulation technique is used if you want to remove unnecessary
parts of a picture?
A. Brightness and Contrast C. Cropping
B. Color Balance D. Removing Colors

40. Which of the following statements is an example of good website design??
A. Having very detailed instructions to teach the user how to use the website.
B. Having lots of flashing animation that shows how clever the designer is.
C. Having navigation which makes it intuitive to use the website.
D. Having animation should be used as much as possible to attract audiences’

41. Which statement best describes good use of animation on a website?

A. Animation should never be used on a website; it is just too distracting.
B. Animation should be used sparingly and to create impact.
C. Animation should be used as much as possible to attract audience attention.
D. Animation should be in small sizes, so they do not get too much space in the

42. Which of the following statements describes good website design?

A. Consistent use of styles and color create a professional look to a website.
B. Using lots of different styles and colors shows how creative the designer is.
C. Consistent use of styles and color is boring and will make the user log out.
D. Websites that have background music are a sign of creativity from the designer.

43. How does the F-shaped reading pattern help visual hierarchy?
A. Users can confirm that the author of the site is an authority on the subject.
B. Users first read in a horizontal movement, usually across the upper part of the
content area.
C. It enables search engine users to index the website efficiently when they crawl the
web pages.
D. It enables users to enter the site from a number of different pages.

44. When a user makes a mistake which of the following would they expect?
A. An easily understood error message telling them how to solve the problem.
B. A detailed error message which gives them detailed instructions on how they
can avoid the error next time.
C. To have to log out of the site, log back in and start again.
D. A re-direction to another website where you will log in.

45. Which of the following elements contains the budget needed for the project?
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Support D. Purpose
46. Rita a computer programming student, she created an online program that
would help parents in checking the grades of their children. She created a
concept paper about this project. In what part of Rita’s concept paper, she
should state the reasons why this project is worth for the parents and her
sponsor’s time, effort?
A. Purpose C. Support
B. Contact information D. Description

47. Demographic is defined as.

A. The overall people that saw a certain post.
B. The reach obtained throughout advertisement.
C. Contains the information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.
D. The statistics which includes age, location, gender, language, and

48. All are the key elements in creating a Concept Paper, except;
A. Introduction C. General Idea
B. Description D. Purpose

49. A part of a concept paper where you can read the aim of the ICT project.
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Purpose D. Introduction

50. What is the importance of a concept paper in a corporate setting?

A. The concept paper explains the importance of a particular research
B. The concept paper will convince the support team that this could
C. The concept paper will give them enough statistical information.
D. The concept paper can provide enough money for the
accomplishment of the project.

51. This includes your group’s mission and vision and a brief introduction of your
A. Contact information C. Description
B. Purpose D. Introduction

52. Which is NOT a type of multimedia?

A. Moving Picture Experts Group Audio Layer-3 (MP3)
B. Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)
C. Audio Video Interleave (AVI)
D. Flash Video (FLV)

53. The importance of multimedia today are the following except:

A. It has the ability to interacts user with the applications
B. It gives static interactions between the user and the applications
C. It represents various types of media which can be integrated in one
D. It gives entertainment to viewers

54. Which is the best descriptions of demographics?

A. The overall people that saw a certain post.
B. The reach obtained throughout advertisement.
C. Contains the information about the number of people who was
reached by your post.
D. The statistics which includes age, location, gender, language, and

55. Collaborative ICT enables a person to be the following EXCEPT

A. Enables learners to establish common goals
B. Enhances rate for interactivity
C. Give ambiguous instructions and outcome
D. Promotes development for interpersonal communication

56. Which of the following is NOT an aim for online collaboration tool?
A. Preventing distance barrier C. Communication Online
B. Productivity D. Able to be physically together

57. Which is NOT a function of BLOGS as one the collaborative tools?

A. Allows admin to read, edit, add and delete posts.
B. Allow blogs that includes media file type like image and videos.
C. Allows users to post updates.
D. Allows multiple people for contribution.

58. The following are the sources of information EXCEPT ___________.

A. Computer C. Television
B. Mobile phone D. Printer

59. The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT development except
A. Microsoft Office C. eBooks
B. Blogs D. magazines

60. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Facebook C. Twitter
B. Instagram D. Blogger

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