Seismic Assessment Report - Rev 0 Final

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0 Initial issue TT SK PC 27/08/2023

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BTC PIPELINE CEYHAN MARINE TERMINAL ....................................................................... 1
1. OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 3
2. SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................................................................... 5
3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND SCOPE OF REVIEW ........................................................ 6
4. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ...................................................................................................... 7
5. COMMENTS AND FINDINGS EXTERNAL ................................................................................. 9
6. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX A– PHOTOGRAPHS .............................................................................................. 19
APPENDIX B – SHELL CONTOUR MAPS ................................................................................. 27
APPENDIX C – VERTICALITY AND ROUNDNESS REPORTS ..................................................... 36

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The South Eastern region of Turkey was subjected to a major earthquake event during February 2023
that caused significant loss of life and injury, displacement of citizens, as well as damage and
destruction to buildings and infrastructure in the region. The Ceyhan Marine Terminal resides within
the zone of influence of that earthquake.
BP Azerbaijan has engaged Worldwide Tanks Services, through its Azeri partner MQS LLC, to carry out
due diligence inspection of the Crude Oil Storage Tanks located in the Terminal.
This Report covers the observations of the tanks and associated piping within the bunded areas of the
tanks, and includes recommendations for remedial attention, where appropriate.
The Terminal consists of seven (7) Crude Oil Storage Tanks, and a Relief Storage Tank. The Crude Oil
Tanks are each of capacity 150,800 m3, of dimensions 100 m dia. and 20 m shell height, and each
incorporates a double deck style external floating roof. The Relief Tank is a Cone Roof Tank with
column supported roof incorporating an internal floating deck. Relief Tank is of 11,100 m3 capacity, of
diameter 33.0 m and shell height 16.545 m.

Figure 1 – Elevation View of Three Crude Oil Storage Tanks facing North East

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Figure 2 – Elevation View of Relief Tank Facing Northwest

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The scope was to:
• Conduct an In-service inspection of the Crude Oil Storage Tanks, comprising of a Close Visual
Inspection (CVI) and a detailed survey to analyse the shell geometry for each tank. It was
hoped that the survey could also include foundation levels to assess the presence (Or
otherwise) of undue differential settlement at the base of the tanks. However, the lack of
previous data could not provide the base condition against which to gauge changes, and so
this survey was not performed. The inspection brief was extended to include CVI of the piping
and associated pipe supports and fittings within the bund area for each tank, as well as the
bund structure. The inspection was to be governed by the Regulations and guidelines
ordained in API 653 – Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration & Reconstruction.
• Evaluate the data gathered and produce a report describing each tanks’ continued suitability
for service, with emphasis on aspects that require maintenance and/or repair works to bring
the tank to suitable service condition, that follows the API 653 guidelines.
• The specific scope was to ascertain the extent of any damage to tank integrity that may have
arisen from effects of the earthquake.
• Issue a recommended Scope of remediation requirements, that BP can use as the basis for
tank repairs and maintenance if required.

Specific Details of Site Inspection were as follows:

• CVI of tank externals, based on access from ground level and spiral stairway only.
• CVI of the Floating roof, as observed from the Top Wind Girder.
• CVI of all tank system components within the bund area, including pipe supports, piping and
associated valves and fittings, electrical and instrumentation components, protective
coatings, and the bund walls.
• Optical laser Scan of the tank shell, to ascertain roundness and verticality aspects.

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The epicentres of the February Earthquakes occurred at Pazarcik and Elbistan, a distance of 110 km and 179 km
respectively, from the Ceyhan Terminal. There are two forms of waves that emanate from an earthquake, these
being body waves and surface waves. Body waves travel through the interior of the earth in the form of either
Primary (P) waves or Secondary (S) waves. The other forms of waves are called Surface Waves which move along
the surface of the earth. These arrive after the main P and S waves and are confined to the outer layers of the
earth and they cause the most destruction. Earthquake surface waves are further divided into two categories:
Love waves and Rayleigh waves.

Love waves have a particle motion, which, like the S-wave, is transverse to the direction of propagation but with
no vertical motion. The short, sharp shaking motion of the Love waves causes the ground to twist from side to
side, which leads to the most structural damage. Rayleigh waves create a rolling, up and down motion with an
elliptical and retrograde particle motion confined to the vertical plane in the direction of propagation (similar to
the ripples that emanate from a pebble being dropped into a pool). Surface waves are generally not generated
by deep earthquakes.

Particle motion for Rayleigh and Love waves are different: Love waves have purely transverse motion in the
horizontal plane, and generally occur nearer to the epicentre. Rayleigh waves have retrograde particle motion
confined to the vertical plane of motion, and generally occur further from the epicentre.

Our main area of concern at the Ceyhan Terminal is with Rayleigh waves. The rippling type effect of these waves
is what gives rise to sloshing of product in storage tanks. The Ceyhan tanks, being of large diameter, have shown
this effect primarily on the floating roofs, where discharge of oil onto the top of the roof is evident.

Areas of concern for storage tanks that have been subjected to Rayleigh waves includes the following:

• The “elephants’ foot” phenomenon, which is a form of plastic buckling that takes place near the bottom
of the shell and occurs when the maximum pressure due to horizontal seismic excitation coexists with
the maximum pressure due to vertical seismic excitation.
• Diamond shaped buckling, which occurs in the shell plates when the maximum pressure due to
horizontal seismic excitation is combined with the minimum pressure due to vertical seismic excitation.
The stabilising internal pressure decreases, which can lead to axial buckling.
• Buckling due to negative internal pressure. When a seismic combination causes excessive pressure on
one side of a tank, those pressures when subtracted from the hydrostatic pressure can lead to negative
pressures on the opposite side, which can cause buckling that assimilates a vacuum being pulled inside
the tank. This generally takes place in the upper shell regions, on thinner plate materials.
• Rupture or damage to Anchor Bolts, as evidenced by deformation in the bolts, and/or cracked and
spalled concrete at the anchorage. This extends to supports for system piping.
• Damage or rupture of bolted or welded connections. Connections need to be checked for possible
damage from the relative action of the tank in relation to the connected piping and other connected

The Ceyhan tanks were to be inspected with the above aspects in mind, and observations reported.

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The tanks were constructed in 2005, in accordance with API 650 Requirements. See typical
Nameplate(s) below.

Crude Oil Tank T 24140 Nameplate (in English)

Crude Oil Tank T 24140 Nameplate (in Turkish)

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Relief Tank T 23040 Nameplate (in English)

Relief Tank T 23040 Nameplate (in Turkish)

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5.1 Tank No T 24140 – Storage Tank A

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow
uninhibited within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage
consists of sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are
connected in a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund
drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath
the tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a
corrosion risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby
surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and
undisturbed. Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There is a distinct ring of pooling water on the floating roof at the radius of the roof drain wells.
However, there is no evidence of oil on the tank roof, either at this location or at the outer seal area,
that is a possible eventuality from the sloshing action that the Rayleigh waves can cause.
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-AT24140-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank
(i.e. 180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• The Roundness Survey scans indicate that the shell is in a slightly elliptical shape, commencing in
Course 2, and continuing for the full shell height. The radius is narrower in the diametrically opposite
regions of approx. 100 deg and 280 deg, and wider in the regions of approx. 10 deg and 190 deg. The
results remain within acceptable tolerances through shell courses 2 through 5 but fall outside
acceptable tolerances near the top of Course 6. There is concern that the narrowing of the shell at
diametrically opposed survey points 30 and 79/80 shows the diameter is cumulatively -176 mm from
median at that location.

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This condition continues in these same orientations to the top of the shell. The main cause for concern
is that the narrowing could cause the floating roof to bind. Typically, floating roof seals are designed
for a local deviation between the shell and the roof of +/- 100 mm. It is recommended that the
behaviour of the floating roof be carefully observed during filling and draining operations, to ensure
that the narrowing of the shell is not causing any undue stress or binding of the roof or its peripheral
• Verticality (or Plumbness) – this was measured as 0.18 deg, at orientation 89.96 deg. clockwise from
Nozzle N1. This equates to 60 mm out of plumb, which is well within the allowable tolerance of 190

5.2 Tank No T 24240 – Storage Tank B

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow
uninhibited within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage
consists of sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are
connected in a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund
drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath
the tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a
corrosion risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby
surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and
undisturbed. Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There are distinct low patches across the roof that have allowed water to pool, that has led to
degradation of the roof coating. This is especially characterised by a ring at the radius of the roof drain
wells. Discharged oil is evident on this ring, that has been discharged from the roof drain vents. It is
suspected that sloshing action from the earthquake’s Rayleigh waves has caused this to eventuate. No
oil discharge is evident at the location of the peripheral seal.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-BT24240-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank.

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The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank (i.e. 180
degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from theoretical
or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – Tank B also illustrates an elliptical shape in the shell geometry. The tank is
narrower in the sectors approximating 100 deg and 280 deg respectively from Nozzle N1 and is wider
in the sectors of approx. 10 deg and 190 deg respectively. This trend is maintained to the top of the
shell, and becomes marginally beyond tolerance acceptance near the top of Course 5. There are no
visible signs that the floating roof/seal system is binding or behaving abnormally. Typically, floating
roof seals are designed for a local deviation between the shell and the roof of +/- 100 mm. It is
recommended that the behaviour of the floating roof be carefully observed during filling and draining
operations, to ensure that the narrowing of the shell is not causing any undue stress or binding of the
roof or its peripheral seal.
• Verticality (or Plumbness) – this was measured as 0.0 deg, at orientation 92 deg. clockwise from Nozzle
N1. This equates to the shell being plumb.

5.3 Tank No T 24340 – Storage Tank C

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow
uninhibited within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage
consists of sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are
connected in a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund
drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath
the tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a
corrosion risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby
surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and
undisturbed. Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The Sludge pit/drainage sump that is located at Orientation 0 deg., (opposite the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
N1) indicates that product has been disgorged through the sump manhole. It is possible that this was
a product of sloshing of product in the tank during the earthquake aftershocks, that has given rise to

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abnormal pressure applications within the tank that likely caused a “burp” type mixture of air and oil
that has discharged under pressure into the drain.
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There are distinct low patches throughout the top of the floating roof that have allowed water to pool,
that has led to degradation of the roof coating. This is further characterised by a ring at the radius of
the roof drain wells. Discharged oil is evident on this ring, that has been discharged from the roof drain
vents. It is suspected that sloshing action from the earthquake’s Rayleigh waves has caused this to
eventuate. No oil discharge is evident at the location of the peripheral seal.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-CT24340-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank (i.e.
180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – Tank C also illustrates an elliptical shape in the shell geometry, that is mildly
discernible in the lower courses, but becomes more pronounced. The tank is narrower in the sectors
approximating 100 deg and 190 deg respectively from Nozzle N1 and is wider in the sectors of approx.
10 deg and 190 deg respectively. This trend is maintained to the top of the shell, and becomes marginally
beyond tolerance acceptance near the top of Course 5. There are no visible signs that the floating
roof/seal system is binding or behaving abnormally. Typically, floating roof seals are designed for a local
deviation between the shell and the roof of +/- 100 mm. It is recommended that the behaviour of the
floating roof be carefully observed during filling and draining operations, to ensure that the narrowing
of the shell is not causing any undue stress or binding of the roof or its peripheral seal.
• Verticality (or Plumbness) – this was measured as 0.07 deg, at orientation 91 deg. clockwise from Nozzle
N1. This equates to the shell being out of plumb by 21 mm, which is well within acceptable tolerances.

5.4 Tank No T 24440 – Storage Tank D

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow uninhibited
within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage consists of
sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are connected in
a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath the
tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a corrosion
risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old, and are unlikely to

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have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby
surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and
undisturbed. Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The tank was removed from service and undergoing scheduled maintenance at the time of inspection.
This provided opportunity to conduct more finite inspection of the tank internals and the floating roof,
and the results of those inspections shall be addressed in a separate report. The tank was out of service
at the time of the earthquake, and so it had not been subjected to the same stress conditions as the
other tanks during the earthquake event. The top of the floating roof was being abrasive blast cleaned
to repair damaged coatings, however the trend of water collection in low spots was evident, and again
most prevalent around the ring at the radius of the Roof Drain wells.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-DT24440-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank
(i.e. 180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – the shell exhibits an elliptical shape, again the tank is narrower in the sectors
approximating 100 deg and 190 deg respectively from Nozzle N1 and is wider in the sectors of approx.
10 deg and 190 deg respectively. The individual level profiles appear more “spiked” for Tank D, than
for the other tanks, and it is possible that the lack of hydraulic loading from contained product has
allowed the shell profile to fluctuate more markedly under the influence of the Rayleigh waves from
the earthquake. It is recommended that once the tank is returned to service, the action of the
peripheral seal is monitored during loading and unloading, to ensure that there is no binding of the
• Verticality – plumbness was measured at approx. 90 deg clockwise from Nozzle N1, and was measured
as 0.07 deg, which equates to 24 mm, well within acceptable tolerances.

5.5 Tank No T 24540 – Storage Tank E

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow
uninhibited within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage
consists of sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are
connected in a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund
drainage system.

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• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath
the tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a
corrosion risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby
surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and
undisturbed. Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There are distinct low patches throughout the top of the floating roof that have allowed water to pool,
that has led to degradation of the roof coating. This is further characterised by a ring at the radius of
the roof drain wells. Discharged oil is evident on this ring, that has been discharged from the roof drain
vents. The presence of oil trails around the roof periphery indicates that oil has been discharged
upwards past the rim seal and into the rim space/foam dam space, and then discharged through the
drainage slots onto the roof deck. It is likely that the sloshing action from the earthquake’s Rayleigh
waves has caused this to eventuate. No oil discharge is evident at the location of the peripheral seal.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-ET24540-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank
(i.e. 180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – this shell again exhibits an elliptical shape, however for this tank the wider sectors
are in the zone approximating 45 deg and 225 deg respectively and narrower sectors are in the zone
of 135 and 315 deg, respectively, measured from Nozzle N1. This pattern commences in Course 2 and
is consistent to the top of the shell. In course 5, at Survey Point 54, the radius spikes to below tolerance
acceptance, by 25 mm. However, it is confined to this one location, and so is not considered to be
detrimental to the operation of the floating roof seal. From the bottom of Course 7, at approx. Survey
Point 90, the radius thins to below the acceptable tolerance by approx. 10 mm, and continues this
trend to the top of the shell. Again, this is not considered to be detrimental to the performance of the
floating roof seal. It is recommended that once the tank is returned to service, the action of the
peripheral seal is monitored during loading and unloading, to ensure that there is no binding of the
• Verticality – plumbness was measured to be 0.08 deg, at orientation 270 deg clockwise from Nozzle
N1. This equates to a physical dimension of 26 mm, well within acceptance limits for this tank.

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5.6 Tank No T 24640 – Storage Tank F

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however vegetation has been allowed to grow uninhibited
within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage consists of
sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are connected in
a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath the
tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a corrosion
risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby surrounding
grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and undisturbed.
Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or movement.
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There are distinct low patches throughout the top of the floating roof that have allowed water to pool,
that has led to degradation of the roof coating. This is further characterised by a ring at the radius of the
roof drain wells. Discharged oil is evident on this ring, that has been discharged from the roof drain vents
as well as the auto bleeder vents. It is likely that the sloshing action from the earthquake’s Rayleigh
waves has caused this to eventuate. No oil discharge is evident at the location of the peripheral seal.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-FT24640-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank (i.e.
180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – this shell again exhibits an elliptical shape, with similar alignment to Tank E, with
the wider sectors in the zone approximating 45 deg and 225 deg respectively and narrower sectors are
in the zone of 135 and 315 deg, respectively, measured from Nozzle N1. This pattern commences in
Course 2 and is consistent to the top of the shell. There is a noticeable narrowing of the shell radius from
the base of Course 7 to the top of the shell. At no point does the radius fall below acceptable tolerances,
however it is recommended that the actions of the floating roof and peripheral seal be monitored during
product loading and unloading to ensure that there is no binding of the roof.

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• Verticality – plumbness was measured to be 0.09 deg, at orientation 270 deg clockwise from Nozzle N1.
This equates to a physical dimension of 30 mm, well within acceptance limits for this tank.

5.7 Tank No T 24740 – Storage Tank G

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, is of open top design, and incorporates a double deck style
external floating roof. The chime area beneath the shell is located on an asphalt layer, which drains
freely away from the tank. The tank shell is supported on a compacted earth type berm that is topped
with a bitumen sand mix.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however, vegetation has been allowed to grow uninhibited
within the bund area, including on the bund walls and on the tank berm. Bund drainage consists of
sludge pits to which the roof drains and internal water draw offs discharge. These pits are connected in
a ring main that connects to a control pit, which in turn drains to the site wide bund drainage system.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath the
tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater to present a corrosion
risk to the underside of the annular ring.
• The asphalt layer surrounding the chime displays radial cracks that appear to have formed over an
extended period from the cyclic loading of the tank. The cracks look relatively old and are unlikely to
have emanated from the earthquake event. These cracks can lead to water ingress and possible
corrosive attack to the underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports within the bund show no sign of displacement from the earthquake, whereby surrounding
grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping remain intact and undisturbed.
Piping penetrations through the bund appear sound and show no signs of agitation or movement.
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• The floating roof appears to be centred within the tank and operating according to design parameters.
All visible elements of the floating roof and the circumferential Secondary Seal appear to be operating
• There are distinct low patches throughout the top of the floating roof that have allowed water to pool,
that has led to degradation of the roof coating. This is further characterised by a ring at the radius of the
roof drain wells. Discharged oil is evident on this ring, that has been discharged from the roof drain vents
as well as the auto bleeder vents. It is likely that the sloshing action from the earthquake’s Rayleigh
waves has caused this to eventuate. No oil discharge is evident at the location of the peripheral seal.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-GT24740-RO) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank (i.e.
180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 96 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness Survey – this shell again exhibits an elliptical shape, with similar alignment to Tank F, with
the wider sectors in the zone approximating 45 deg and 225 deg respectively and narrower sectors are
in the zone of 135 and 315 deg, respectively, measured from Nozzle N1. This pattern commences in
Course 2 and is consistent to the top of the shell. There is a noticeable narrowing of the shell radius from

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the top of Course 5, between survey locations 103 and 01, and also at location 27. At these points the
radius falls below the acceptable figure, however the discrepancy is minor, and should cause no
detriment to the action of the floating roof and peripheral seal. A large indent is evident in the shell at
orientation approx. 90 deg (Close to the guide pole). This equates to survey points 27-31, where the
radius falls below the acceptable tolerance figure. There is no visible defect(s) caused to the secondary
seal at this location, however it is recommended that the actions of the floating roof and peripheral seal
be monitored during product loading and unloading to ensure that there is no binding of the roof.
• Verticality – plumbness was measured to be 0.13 deg, at orientation 270 deg clockwise from Nozzle N1.
This equates to a physical dimension of 43 mm, well within acceptance limits for this tank.

5.8 Tank No T 23040 – Relief Tank

• The tank is constructed of Carbon-Steel, and features a column supported cone roof. The shell is
supported on a reinforced concrete ring beam with an asphalt/stone pad separating the tank bottom
and the foundation. The tank is restrained with anchor bolts cast into the ring beam. The tank design
includes an internal floating roof to minimise vapour loss.
• The bund area is clean and free from rubbish; however, vegetation has been allowed to grow uninhibited
within the bund area, including on the bund walls and adjacent to the ring beam foundation. Vegetation
growth is also evident adjacent to the bottom annular projection on top of the ring beam.
• A mastic sealant has been applied around the chime to preclude product/moisture ingress beneath the
tank. This type of seal is unsuited for the application, and the seal has become degraded over time,
whereby shrinkage has allowed cracks to form that can allow ingress of rainwater and vegetation growth
to present a corrosion risk to the outer edge and underside of the annular ring.
• Piping is of steel manufacture and is well reticulated and supported throughout. Some pipe supports
exhibit shrinkage cracking and/or spalling of the concrete, that can lead to water ingress to potentially
result in corrosive attack to the reinforcing steel.
• Pipe supports and concrete structures within the bund show no sign of displacement from the
earthquake, whereby surrounding grade at base of supports is undisturbed, and supports beneath piping
remain intact and undisturbed. Piping penetration through the bund floor appears sound and shows no
signs of agitation or movement.
• The compacted earth bund that surrounds the tank shows no signs of cracking or ground disturbance.
• Shell Geometry - Tank Inspection Report (3145-001-01-T23040-R1) provides the roundness
observations. The tank radius was measured at 106 equally spaced stations around the circumference
of the tank. The profiles indicated at each station reflect the condition on opposite sides of the tank (i.e.
180 degrees apart). The acceptance criteria per API 653 Table 10.2, is +/- 57 mm tolerance from
theoretical or mean radius.
• The 0-degree reference point for each tank was taken to be at the orientation of the Inlet/Outlet Nozzle
• Roundness survey – the tank exhibits a near perfectly circular shape for much of the shell height. Some
minor variation to roundness becomes evident above Course 5, however these variations are within the
allowable tolerances.
• Verticality – plumbness was measured to be 0.03 deg, at orientation 226 deg clockwise from Nozzle N1.
This equates to a physical dimension of 8 mm, well within acceptance limits for this tank.

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The Visual Inspection and Survey program reveals that the crude oil storage tanks have experienced some effect
from the seismic event.

The earthen containment bunds, earth berm tank foundations, and concrete pipe supports and other structures
within the bunded areas reveal no effect from ground movement.

However, the storage tanks reveal a consistent possible modification to the tank geometry. All seven tanks
display a slightly elliptical shape for the shell profiles. Additionally, that elliptical profile lies essentially in the
same orientation range for each tank. Several of the tanks have disgorged product onto the floating roof, by a
combination of through emergency roof drain vents, vacuum bleeder vents, and in one case, via the peripheral
rim seal. There is little doubt that the disgorgement of product has resulted from the ripple effect from the
Rayleigh waves, causing a sloshing motion to eventuate in each tank during the course of the earthquake. It is
possible therefore, that the tank shells have become slightly deformed as a result of the additional stresses
imposed from the sudden and energetic product movement, that has caused the shell to bulge outwards in the
direction of travel of the waves, and to be drawn inwards at the locations perpendicular to the waves. Without
the benefit of earlier similar surveys, it is not possible to confirm that this observed geometry was/was not
existing prior to the earthquake, however the consistent profile exhibited by each tank suggests that it has been
caused by a phenomenon and is not the result of construction activities.

There is no evidence of any buckling in the shell plates, nor cracking of protective coatings, that would be an
indicator of introduced stresses sufficient to cause deformation.

The visible sections of peripheral seals on the floating roofs reveal no evidence of undue binding or distortion
from a narrowing of the tank shell. The only visible signs of shell distortion on the tanks are flat areas on Tanks
D and G at the location on Horizontal weld between Courses 7 and 8, where the wind girder has been welded to
the outside of the shell. This is obviously a construction defect and not earthquake related.

The Relief Tank shows no evidence of any negative effect from the earthquake, with its geometry and
surrounding structures in undisturbed condition.

The recommendation from our Inspection and Survey Program is that the tanks have not suffered any significant
effects from the February earthquakes, that will require remediation other than housekeeping to clean the
spillages. We do recommend that the slight narrowing of the shells in one axis that has been observed is sufficient
cause to conduct regular observations of the action of the peripheral seals during loading and unloading
operations to ensure that they continue to operate to specification.

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Screenshot of BTC Ceyhan Terminal with Export Jetty in Foreground

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Photo 1 – Elevation View of Tanks F and G facing North West

Photo 2 – Tank C Floating Roof View showing Pooled Liquid Areas (Water and Oil) on Radius of Roof Drain Wells
(Typ. All Tanks)

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Photo 3 – Showing Product Discharging from Peripheral Seal Area – (Tank E Specifically)

Photo 4 - Secondary Seal on Tank B Interacting Correctly with Shell (Typ. All Tanks)

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Photo 5 – Earth Bunds and Bunded Areas Display no Sign of Ground Disturbance (Other Than Animal Tracks)

Photo 6 - Vegetation Growing Freely in Bund and on Tank Foundation Berm (Typ. All Tanks)

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Photo 7 - Grade Surrounding Major Inlet/Outlet Pipe Support showing no Ground Disturbance
(Typ. All Tanks)

Photo 8 – Bund Penetration for Oil Inlet/Outlet and Foam Feed Line with Integrity Intact (Typ. All Tanks)

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Photo 6 -

Photo 9 – Flat Spot on Shell of Tank D Opposite Wind Girder Attachment to Shell

Photo 10 – Flat Spot on Tank G Opposite Wind Girder Attachment to Shell

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Photo 11 – Radial Hairline Cracks in Tank G Foundation Asphalt Topping are Aged and Not Related to Recent
Seismic Event (see vegetation growing in cracks) – Typ. All tanks

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CRUDE TANK A - T 24140

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CRUDE TANK B - T 24240

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CRUDE TANK C - T 24340

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CRUDE TANK D - T 24440

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CRUDE TANK E - T 24540

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CRUDE TANK F - T 24640

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CRUDE TANK G - T 24740

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Attached as separate file, as follows:

• Report No 3145-001-01-AT24140-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-BT24240-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-CT24340-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-DT24440-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-ET24540-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-FT24640-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-GT24740-R0
• Report No 3145-001-01-T23040-R1

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