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ES 205


❖ Statically Indeterminate Axially

Loaded Members
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)

✓ If the equations of equilibrium are not

sufficient to determine all the reactions on
a member.
✓ This type of problem is called statically
indeterminate, since the equilibrium
equation(s) are not sufficient to determine
the two reactions on the bar.

✓ Additional equations are required and this

refers to compatibility equation.

Compatibility eq:
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 01
A horizontal bar of negligible mass, is hinged at A. The
bar is supported by a bronze rod 2.0 m long and a steel
rod 1.0 m long as shown. Using the data in the table,
compute the stress in each rod.

Steel Bronze
Area (mm2) 600 300
E (GPa) 200 83
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 01
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 01
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 01
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 02
A rigid block of mass M is supported by three symmetrically
spaced rods as shown. Each copper rod has an area of 900 mm2;
E = 120 GPa; and the allowable stress is 70 MPa. The steel rod
has an area of 1200 mm2; E = 200 GPa; and the allowable stress
is 140 MPa. Determine the largest mass M which can be
supported assuming uniform deformation of steel and copper.
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 02
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 02
Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Sample Problem 02

❖ To be submitted and checked next face-to-face meeting.

Statically Indeterminate
(Axially Loaded Members)
Assignment No. 03

The three steel bars shown in the figure

are pin connected to a rigid member. If
the applied load on the member is 15 kN,
determine the force (kN) developed in
each bar. Bars AB and EF each have a
cross-sectional area of 50 mm2, and bar
CD has a cross-sectional area of 30 mm2.
(15 Points)

NOTE: You will submit your paper (hard copy) next face-to-face
meeting. We will check this assignment upon submission.

❖ Week 6 Session 2
Coffee Break!
- end -


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