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Grand Senior Warden 1925-26
Liberian Consul at San Francisco, California

Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F.&A.M., California and Jurisdiction, will

Convene in the City of Long Beach, Calif., July 17-20, A.L. 5960,
105th Annual Communication

Official Publication of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of California and its Jurisdiction

MASTERB!PDCulacrkewnothFbdi.HLsWmJyvSBgRGazenCtohud.sirPlWmyTwKLJA,SEHzeaMRchsodnrigktWpClvmxubOSaeRHchndBLog.rtMKAiWlvwsDJGmCufayhnSeit.rAHLcdWFlkJpDbv,EwMuT2NGntSigFHxrWDdeEJMAyplhC(8B)u™RIobs.cqSavP"^TYi§■'~ZUde! CABNOGVED
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H urn.t ,
LODGE KingAcai B.F.TalbotFideltySan Hiram OrangeKystone R.C. PHrinacel ACngietlyCrescntHolandDelta. Unity.—ExcelsiorJewl. AdonisSunset Firma EurekaGHoopde ProidefDouglas Ahler GWaetset PVarldoeLandmrkCom unityGEaaset Garison Peinsula A.E. Amicus Thos. Guardin£Vu.loaC^ivc Friendshp Wm. WestrnJWm.Gibrah . HighlandCFre.d Harmony PhilpVBaiewyCeodarfsSilver EAdwi.n JHame.s T- EPau.l AJoh.n MonarchMonumetL.J. GWeorg. Gustav TPewamksOlympus Golden

1. ^

2. 3. 5.St.
6. 7. 8.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 33. 35. 36. 37. 40. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
S a n 'ir 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
L o s '2r 59. 60. 61- 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69- 70. 71.
73. 74. 76. 77. pn



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F r a n c i s o A n g e l s

"Tfta&aeiCc *Dtye&t
Volume 8 • Number 4


7&e 1/oice
Grand Master

3011 - 12th Avenue IN THE WILDERNESS

Los Angeles 18, Calif.
When John the Baptist preach¬
was opera houses of San Francisco im¬
ing in the wilderness and to the peo¬ mediately offered their all to him, but
ple of Israel, he had a definite mes¬ Cole tactfully omitted San Francisco
sage for his people which can be read from his itinerary.
in the Great Light of Masonry. His

every work is comparable to those in¬

However, this office did not see fit
to respond to the newspaper excerpt,
dividuals and educated Masons who
know the truth about our revered for the following of Nat King Cole
Prince Hall. Just as there were scep¬ is at least 95% White. No reference
was made that it was because of his
tics in those days, we have them to¬
Photogra pher-Editor color he was turned down. As to the
Director of Public Relations
day as well. Grand Secretary's remark of
Wm. K. Jarvis Any one can deny his brother or tion — it doesn't reflect the true
Assistant Photographer family today audibly, but in the scope of Masonry any more than it would
of the All-Seeing Eye, the Truth have been had he stated that this isn't
A. C. Bridges, Editorial Director
gleams through like a sunbeam pene¬ the year of 1960. The fact that other
trating the fog. colored artists have
appeared at the
Editorial Staff The modern John the Baptists of Temple, leaves us at a loss as to under¬
Members of Committee on — Foreign Masonry are viewing the legitimacy standing.
Correspondence, Research and General of Prince Hall Masonry. Today, no In the meantime, at a Masonic
Information, Education, Youth Move¬
ment, Motion Pictures; Grand Historian,
other subject is more discussed by luncheon in Oakland, Naval Com¬
Grand Inspectors, and Grand Sessions. Masonic organizations than Prince mander, Chaplain Earl Bean Smeary
Royal E. Towns, Chairman Hall Masonry. Here is one good ex¬ of the United States
Albert C. Payton, General Brewer, Navy, was de¬
Sandy Diggs, Marvin Brown, ample for you to scan and think of. livering to the High Twelve Masonic
There are many more like this one Club a lecture on 'The Legitimacy of
Sammy Lacy, Henry Alexander
going on throughout these United Prince Hall Masonry."
States where clear thinking, unbiased
Masonic students, are turning over the So we get back to the story of the
The Digest
The Prince Hall Masonic Digest is pub¬ rubbish to find or replace that which snarling dog wagging his tail, it is
lished by the Most Worshipful Prince was lost. hard to believe either end. Yet on the
Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Ac¬ above stated gathering, we get this
cepted Masons of California and Juris¬ Despite the newspaper reports report:
diction, 533 Rosal Avenue, Oakland 10, carried throughout the realm of the
California. Published at Oakland, Calif. "A very
various press associations the reports timely and interesting talk
that Brother Nat King Cole of Thomas was
givenon the subject of Prince
Waller Lodge No. 49, had been de¬ Hall Masonry, before the Oakland
Subscription Rates nied a concert date at the Masonic High Twelve Club on January 25,
Masonic members, $1.25 per year in 1960, by Brother Earl B. Smeary,
advance. Non-members and foreign, Temple Theatre in San Francisco, be¬
cause of his "following." The dramatic Commander, Chaplain Corps, United
$2.00 a year in advance. States Navy, Alameda, California. The
editor of the "Oakland Tribune" had
this to say: "They must have mistaken Commander's talk covered the histor¬
him for someone else." High class en¬ ical facts and aspects of the subject
Editorial Office
tertainers like Brother Cole do not try
in an
exceptional masterful and
533 Rosal Avenue
to use their Masonic influence to try learned manner.
Oakland 10, California
Phones TWinoaks 3-4196 or
to impress those who refused to ful¬ The Club's attendance was 50%
fill their contract. Therefore the refer¬ above normal,
OLympic 8-1971
ence to his
indicating great inter¬
being a 32nd degree Ma¬ est in the subject. The reaction to the
Change of address: Please notify your son and as to ultimate
recognition by talk is that each member left there
postman when you change your address; this high official of the Masonic fra¬
then notify this office immediately. with a feeling that Freemasonry has
ternity, was in the eyes of the world been found wanting and that some¬
poor excuse for covering up the thing should be done in this matter.
action taken by the association. Then How can we claim the universality of
Advertising the
Advertising rates furnished upon
eyebrow raising of the Ro¬ Freemasonry so long as we refuse to
written request.
man Catholics — This is Masonry????? accept the American Negro into our
Produced by Public Relations Dept. Brotherhood?
Someone was wrong. Because of
COLOR ART PRESS this remark, all of the theatres and (Continued on page 17, col. \)
Page 3
the formation through injunctions, Mount Logan Grand Lodge F. & A.M.
THE QUESTION OF COLOR and let it be said to their credit, they (1954). John Stallworth, Grand
"The question of color seems to be
have done a good job." Master, 1150 E. 51st Street, Los
confined largely to the United States, "The Negroes are troubled with Angeles.
where any discussion of the color line clandestine lodges; they regard all True Light Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
until recent years has been fraught Prince Hall Grand Lodges as legiti¬ (1954). No data.
with dynamite. We do not discuss it mate, and while they do not have Esoteric Grand Lodge of America Inc.
here, only show that there is a divi¬ Prince Hall groups, we supply a list Its address is Box 494, Los Angeles;
sion. do have thirty-nine such Grand it is said to have a branch in New
Lodges. York City."
"When Negroes were first brought
to this country from Africa by their "Believing each Grand Lodge will (Editor's Note— Others were noted
white masters, they were a slave peo¬ wish to have information as to these in the several United States, filling
Prince Hall groups, we supply a list eleven full pages.)
ple, and our Masonic ancestors be¬
lieved that none but freemen were as a
part of this report. Discussion;
entitled to membership in the fra¬ "We believe that no one would care The late Fred Hartman, Grand Mas¬
ternity; at that time, with the excep¬ to destroy what our Negro friends re¬ ter of Oregon, speaking before the
tion of a very few, Negroes stood low
gard as their legitimate Freemasonry; conference of Grand Masters a few
in culture and probably unfit
they should not have to contend with years ago,discussed Freemasonry
for membership.
Slavery was abol¬ clandestine groups in their attempt to
among the Colored People; those who
ished, the Negro began to attend carry on their work." were
present, or who have read it in
school and fit himself educationally the Conference
for the BEGULAR, IBBEGULAR AND proceedings, may re¬
race of life. call it.
In the meantime, being barred from We recall matter in
LODGES one particular,
the white fraternity he proceeded to
Listed in this bookIllegal, Bo¬
as brought out bya study of this report:
organize one for himself, and thus That if the white fraternity did not
came into existence the various Prince gus and Clandestine Negro Grand
Lodges (regarded as such by Prince give their moral support to the Prince
Hall Grand Lodges composed entirely Hall Grand Lodges, in their attempt
Hall Groups).
of colored people — in fact we under¬ to do away with clandestine groups^
stand they do not accept whites. They California these groups might eventually over¬
claim their authority is derived from Sons of Light Grand Lodge A.F. & A. whelm the Prince Hall group; these
a charter
granted by the Grand Lodge M. (1947). J. S. Pough, Grand statistics tend to prove the Hartman
of England to Prince Hall, an early Master, 1797 Eddy Street, San statement.
day Massachusetts Freemason. Those Francisco.
who object to the claim say that the were surprised to discover how
Charter was abrogated by failure to Alpha Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. many instances there were where the
work under it.
(1926) No data. Prince Hall Grand Lodges went into
Fletcher Grand Lodge A.F & A.M.
court to protect the name of Freema¬
In Liberia there is a Grand Lodge
(1910). Organized by an expelled sonry.
of Freemasons, composed exclusively
member of the Prince Hall Grand The
of colored men; up to a few years ago "Bogus" groups counteract the
it Lodge; the name of the Grand Prince Hall argument of legitimacy
recognized by several Masonic Lodge was changed in 1913 to — with "The White Freemasons say you
Grand Lodges, including England. In
Hiram of Tyre Grand Lodge A.F. & are clandestine; so we are no worse
recent years, Liberia has not appeared off than you
in the world picture, although recog¬ A.M. (1949) C. B. Lawrence, are."
nized Grand Master, 1358 E. 42nd Street, We certainly wish the Prince Hall
by some of the Prince Hall
Los Angeles; said to have connec¬
groups. It is our belief that color has groups "Goodspeed" in their attempts
entered the Liberian picture. And yet tion with a Detroit group. to put out of business those organ¬
a visit to the Grand izers who attempt to defraud their
Lodge of Scot¬ St.Anthony Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M.
land will find several brethren of color;
Its lodge meets at 318
we recall the Bi-Centennial in Edin¬
3rd Street, Los Angeles. All bogus and clandestine groups
burgh, in 1936, at which time there Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
are a Masonic Problem. They will
appeared a brother representing Brit¬ York Masons
continue to be a problem until Amer¬
ish Guiana, who was black as any
Ancient (1949).
ican Grand Lodges can get together
American Negro of our knowledge; Lodges meet at 10201 Grandee on some unified
and there are lodges, composed of Ne¬ Avenue, Los Angeles. plan. What is that
plan to be?"
groes, working under the Grand Pyramid Grand Lodge, A.F. & A.M.
Lodges of the British Isles. (1949). Organized in 1947; al- (Excerpts taken from "Begular,
While not here advocating any pol¬ ledgedly incorporated. L. N. Fos¬ Irregular and Clandestine Grand
ter, Grand Master in 1953; Office Lodges," Bay V. Denslow, P.G.M.
icy in respect to the Negro Freemason, at 10201 Grandee Ave., Los An¬
we shall call attention of the Fra¬
ternity to the number of clandestine geles, same as above; is allegedly a HABMONY
mixed, racially membership.
and bogus lodges which have grown Happy union with wife and chil¬
up among the colored people as a re¬ Mount Tabor Grand Lodge A. F. &
dren is like the music in harmony;
sult of having no Masonic authority A.M. (Scottish Bite) (1954). The
when there is concord
the among
to take the lead in preventing the for¬ Grand Master, a minister (Carter),
mation of irregular groups; so far the claims to have been a Prince Hall brethren, the harmony is delightful
Prince Hall groups have had to fight member forty years ago. and enduring. — Confucius.


That was not to protect any par¬
CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE AFFECTS US ALL ticular group. That was to protect all
By Joseph Cubban, President, N.M.U. seamen. There was a vicious
which existed in our industry of pitting
"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or blacks against whites, Chinese against
abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or whites and vice versa and even using
previous condition of servitude. various nationalities
"The Congress shall have
against each
power to enforce this article by appropriate other. That was one of the main
legislation." weapons for keeping all seamen in the

gutter and preventing our setting up a

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; real union until 1937.
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that Our Union has remained strong,
among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these conditions have been bettered for
rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from everyone because of our breaking that
the consent of the governed; that whenever any form ,of government becomes
destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and
practice. Our members, united, all
races, creeds and colors, made an out¬
to institute neio government." standing contribution toward winning
These are
passages from the United the war against the Fascists and Nazis.
States Constitution and the Declara¬ mass as
practiced by Thousands of them died in that effort
tion of Hitler on the Jews.
Independence. Compare these But there is lynch
and there was no question of race,
words with the spectacle of 18 sena¬ violence, there color or creed when they were making
tors of the United States, sworn by is desecration, there is mass intimi¬ the supreme sacrifice for their coun¬
oath to uphold the Constitution, now dation. And if the law of the land
can be flouted
using every form of trickery and de¬ by some of the people Speeches are made every day about
ceit to keep the Congress in these areas and by their representa¬
of the tives in
the dictatorship which exists behind
United States from doing anything Washington, who can say that the Iron Curtain and the fact that
about its responsibility to protect the it would not reach its climax in the
America is the last great hope of free¬
fundamental rights of all citizens re¬ same manner that Hitler enforced his dom and democracy. McClellan and
gardless of race, color or previous Aryan-supremacy philosophy. his 1 kes are certainly doing nothing
ft ft ft
conditions. to make the
picture of democracy
For the past The Dixiecrats in
Congress are not stand up.
two weeks, these sena¬
tors have been carrying filibuster
on a
alone responsible. The President of the And Eisenhower, touring the world
United States, who was so quick to
keep the Senate from voting on a to promote goodwill must find it diffi¬
moderate civil rights bill which would go on television to back • up a union- cult to explain to the peoples of Africa
offer some safeguards of the right of busting bill because of his claimed and Asia, the mob violence, abuse
concern for the
Negroes to vote in the Deep South. rights of workers, has and intimidation that some Americans
One of the filibuster gang is Mc- not raised his voice to condemn those are
subjected to.
Clellan of short time
Arkansas, who a who are fighting the efforts of Negroes ft ft ft

to achieve human
ago was shedding crocodile tears on rights guaranteed On his return from South America
the floor of the Senate for the "demo¬ in the Constitution. this week, the President spoke of the
And in the speeches of candidates
cratic rights" of union members in "reservoirs of respect" that America
order to get a law that would weaken hopefully looking toward the presi¬ enjoys in that area. If there is any¬
unions and strengthen sweatshop em¬ dency, you will find few really forth¬ thing left in those reservoirs, it is
ployers. right declarations on behalf of action dwindling fast because of our inability
on civil
McClellan is running true to form rights. They will talk about to solve the civil
rights issue.
in being part of this filibuster against it only when they have to for political
Every right-thinking American
the Constitution of the United States. purposes and then they will make sure wants to see our
country the kind of
The filibustering senators are stand¬ they offend nobody. bulwark for freedom that our found¬
The Chamber of Commerce and the
ing in the way of an attempt on the ing fathers and the framers of the
National Association of Manufac¬
part of some right-thinking congress¬ Constitution and its Amendments in¬
men and senators to carry out their turers, of course, are completely silent tended it to be. And there is no doubt
in this situation.
responsibilities under Article XV of that in every part of this country, in¬
the Constitution of the United States There is question about where
cluding the South, right-thinking citi¬
and provide some of the laws needed they stand. As long as there are situa¬ zens are in the majority.
protect the equal rights the Con¬ tions, such as exist now in the South, But this majority has
to make it¬
stitution guarantees for all our citi¬ where race is
pitted against race, citi¬ self heard and demand that the Senate
zens. zen
against citizen, big business and and Congress of the United States be
The present civil rights battle in utilities are able to exploit that situa¬ the legislative representatives of all
Congress bring major advance tion and use it against the best inter¬ the
can a people and establish law that as¬
in the effort to end the Fascist- and est of all citizens. sures
just and equal treatment for all
Nazi-like "white supremacy" rule in ft ft #
the people.
force in some sections of our country. We The abuse and violence which have
pride ourselves in NMU that
Some may say that this particular when we built our Union we set been inflicted on individual citizens in
evil bears no relationship to the Nazi equality of opportunity, regardless of this battle has always been the work
and Fascist operation. There may be race, creed or color, as one of the of a small minority. And the members
a difference, that is true, but
only in foundation stones and we never have of this minority are tools of a hand¬
degree. There have been no concen¬ swerved from that fundamental prin¬ ful of professional bigots and
tration camps, no gas chambers, no ciple. (Continued on page 23)
Page 5
Prince Hall Commission on Clandestine Masonry preparation of material for distribu¬
tions. It is not presumptuous to as¬
sert that with the cooperation
of the
Introduction it becomes a natural assumption. It
This session of the annual confer¬ should be so pointed up that every jurisdiction and Masonic bodies, it will
not be
ence of Grand Masters marks the be¬ Prince Hall Mason will be armed with long before Prince Hall Ma¬
sons wherever found, will be edu¬
ginning of the third year of the exist¬
answers to any and every question cated as to their
ence of the Prince Hall Commission that might be raised by these bogus legitimacy; and, that
there will no longer be those who
on Clandestine groups.
Masonry. The idea for cringe in fear when confronted by the
the formation of the Commission found Prince Hall Masons must be given
statements made
by these pretenders
fruition at the Conference of Grand all available information regarding the
and degree peddlers.
Masters in session at St. Paul, Minne¬ various bogus groups which seek to
sota, May 20-22, 1957. oppose us. Answers to the questions Preparing to Fight
raised by The Commission wishes to empha¬
From the beginning, the idea found these pretenders must be
size and to urge that the statutes of
favor with the members of the Confer¬ garnered and distributed throughout
the jurisdictions and must be taught the various states be studied by com¬
ence. Each
recognized the great need
of Prince Hall Masons to join together and re-taught until every Prince Hall petent lawyers to determine whether
Mason is armed with information to it would be desirable to amend the
in a
fight to the finish against clandes¬
tine masonry. squelch every pretender in the coun¬ present statutes or to enact new sta¬
tutes if there are none
barring organ¬
In the years of its existence, the try.
izations fromcoming into areas using
Commission has worked closely with Keeping the Jurisdictions the name, emblems, badges, etcetera
the various jurisdictions when called The program of education is in full
of an organization already operating
upon to fight bogus masonry when¬ swing with Grand Master John G. in that area.
ever it has reared its Lewis in charge. Brother Lewis has
ugly head. It has In
consistently maintained that a con¬ appointed Brother O. C. W. Taylor seeking to strengthen the laws
so as to protect legal masonry, it is
certed program of education is one of as
public relations chairman and since felt that Prince Hall Masons will find
the greatest factors toward helping his appointment, many activities of
Prince Hall Masonry to take its right¬ Prince Hall Masons (which in former support in our white brethren. They,
ful place as the only legitimate ma¬ too, have been affected by spurious
years were lost to the press), have
sonry for men of color. And, with this been favorably reported in the lead¬ Masonry. The same statutes which
thought in mind, the Commission has ing publications of the nation.. protect us will protect them.
made every effort to keep Prince Hall In the effort to protect itself from
Prince Hall Masons all over America
Masons informed. and its Provinces were thrilled with spurious organizations by legislation,
Prince Hall Masonry is fortunate in
Prince Hall Masons must first be the very wide publicity given to the
that in several of the state legislatures
educated about themselves. They must Prince Hall story in the September,
are found some of its most
be so indoctrinated with facts regard¬ 1958 issue of EBONY magazine. The loyal sup¬
ing the history and legitimacy of birth and growth of Prince Hall Ma¬ porters. However, even in those states
where Negroes are not serving in the
Prince Hall Masonry, that no argu¬ sonry in America was very interesting¬ state legislatures, great strength and
ment advanced by a member of a bo¬ ly told in words and pictures. influence have been amassed which
gus group can sway them. The Commission has been literally
may be used to secure the enactment
Too long have Prince Hall Masons swamped with congratulatory mes¬ of protective legislation.
been involved in a labyrinth of per¬ sages from all over America regarding Precedent for this enactment of
plexities occasioned by questions pro¬ the article, not only from Prince

pounded by those who oppose us! Hall Masons but from our white
statutes to protect the legitimacy of
Too long have they allowed them¬ brethren. Freemasonry may be found in the
State of Kansas, where the Prince Hall
selves to become confused by state¬ Coverage such as was given in Grand Lodge, through its influence,
ments of bogus groups that we are, EBONY is very important to the cause
secured the passage of an act protect¬
"State-Rite Masons," that they are and is of great help in educating our
"four-letter men" and that we are brethren and others as to the legiti¬ ing Masons, both white and colored,
in the use of the regular name and
"three-letter men." These and like macy of Prince Hall Masonry and the emblems of the Order.
statements have confused many Prince illegitimacy of those who oppose us.
Hall Masons. Since the inception of the Commis¬ Under this statute, in November,
Such titles as, sion, whenever and wherever infor¬ 1956, four high-ranking officers of the
"International Grand
mation United Supreme Council of the An¬
Master," "Most Powerful Sovereign regarding the operations of
cient Accepted Scottish Rite for the
Grand Commander," are rife in the bogus groups has been found, it has
been channelled into the various juris¬ 33rd and Last Degree of Freema¬
ranks of these bogus groups. Some
Prince Hall Masons tremble in fear dictions with the thought in mind that sonry for the Southern and Western
"an informed people" will know how Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Grand
when these bogus groups advertise
themselves in this manner and claim best to combat the evils that beset Orient, Washington, D.C., were ar¬
them. rested in the midst of a large parade
that they are 'The Greatest Masonic
Too much credit cannot be given which they were holding in Kansas
Order in the World."
to Brother Lewis and Brother
Taylor City. They were charged with a crimi¬
Because our brethren have not been for the very fine program of education nal offense under the statutes, were
informed, they have found reason and and public relations that they have found guilty and fined. The decision
logic in these claims and assertions of worked out and are building within of the lower court was appealed.
the bogus groups. the On August 1, 1958, an unanimous
various jurisdictions. These
The legitimacy of Prince Hall Ma¬ brothers have worked untiringly and decision by the Supreme Court of
sonry should be told and re-told until have given much thought in the (Continued on next page)


Kansas upheld the decision of the Dis¬ of
leadership of Past Grand Master sons
Kentucky) trace their origin
trict Court o f Wyandotte County, George W. Crawford, the victory will and continuity in Kentucky
as legiti¬
Kansas. be ours. mate Masonic bodies for a period of
Those bogus Masons did not stop 2. Georgia more than 170
there but appealed to the Supreme On the 13th days of April, 1959, 4. Pennsylvania
Court of the United States. That in the Superior Court of Coloquitt The Supreme Council,
Court denied the petition as being
County, Georgia, in Cause No. 5721, Jurisdiction and the Grand Lodge of
without merit. It is interesting to note, the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania have brought suits
however, that considerable money Georgia recovered a judgment against against a bogus group operating in
spent by the bogus group to avaid the International F. & A. M. Masons that area which styles itself (among
the payment of a mere five ($5) dollar and certain of its officers and agents other names) as the National Supreme
fine. They defended the case in the in that county.
Council, A. & A. S. R. Masons, 33rd
lower court; they had an array of The International Masons is one of and Last Degree of the World."
expensive lawyers which they brought the most active of the bogus groups. In these suits, an injunction is
from San Francisco, California to It is headed by William V. Banks,
sought against the defendants, "Pro¬
they appealed to the Supreme who styles himself as, "International
hibiting the use of the name 'Free and
Court of Kansas; then to the Supreme Grand Master," and calls himself a
Court of the United States. minister and a lawyer. The literature
Accepted Masons' and the insignia,
emblems and secret work commonly
Bogus Masons are not taking the of this bogus group advertises that. used by Freemasons.
fight "sitting down." They are arming It is just as the name
. .

implies. Although these cases have been

themselves financially to fight. It is 'International' in scope — a world¬
filed for some time, at this report it
It is most important that wide organization for all people, re¬
prepa¬ seems that it will
rations should be made for the fight gardless of race, creed or color."
probably be several
months before they are tried. Every
that must, sooner or later, be launched The victory against this band of pre¬ tactic for delay has been used by the
in every state to rid ourselves of these tenders deals a telling blow to the defendants. We sought to take the
pretenders to legitimate masonry. Banks organization. By the terms of
deposition of Fitzpatrick in order to
How the judgment rendered,
your jurisdiction prepare? get specific information on certain
Take ". International F. & A. M. Ma¬ points. Three trips were made to
example from the Jurisdic¬ . .

tion of New York where, under the sons, their agents and associates Philadelphia in an effort to get him
are restrained and enjoined from on the witness stand. It is only re¬
very able direction of Grand Master
Jordan, a "working" committee for using the name International F. & cently that we were able to take the
A. M. Masons and any other color¬
Investigation of Spurious Masonry has deposition. Many questions were pro¬
been able imitation of the name of the pounded to him which he refused to
organized. The committee,
headed by Brother Harrison S. Jack¬ Plaintiff, Most
Worshipful Prince answer on the advice of his attorney.
son, has in turn organized several sub¬
Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia, from He admits that he lived in Akron,
committees, including a Legal Be- wearing or using the badges, in- Ohio but his attorney advised that he
search Committee, Masonic Besearch signias or emblems of the plaintiff not answer as to his occupation. Ques¬
Committee and an Education Com¬ and from parading or holding any tions about the emblems, insignia and
mittee. other meeting under the name Inter¬ other paraphernalia, he could not an¬
national F. & A. M. Masons or any
The chairman of your Commission swer, ". on advice of his attorney."
. .

other colorable imitation of plain¬ He was instructed by his attorney not

has met with the New York committee
tiff's name or any of its branches
on several occasions and it is with ut¬ to give information regarding the
most frankness that I state at this time
lodges." number of members in any of the
It is of
importance to note that the
that never in the years that I have lodges.
been working with masonry, have I Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand William J. Fitzpatrick who styles
found a group more inspired, — more Lodge of Georgia and the attorneys himself variously as, "Grand Master,"
imbued with the desire to work to had the full support and goodwill of "Most Powerful Sovereign Grand
the white masons of Moultrie, Georgia.
prove their legitimacy and to wipe Commander," or "President" of this
out those who would throw a cloud We congratulate Grand Master J. bogus knew nothing about the
on that W. Dobbs and the Prince Hall Grand record books, — except that he had
legitimacy, than the brethren
in the New York Jurisdiction. Lodge of Georgia for their successful seen them. But,
having seen them, he
The Fight Is On defense of their jurisdiction against had no idea how many there were.
Whenever called upon, the Com¬ these degree peddlers. Though subpoenaed by the Court to
mission has gone into the various juris¬ 3. Kentuckij produce documents, records, etcetera,
dictions to help in the fight against Another of the Banks' group "bit he could not furnish them. In fact, in
the dust" when the judgment which the vernacular, — "he knew nothing
bogus masonry. If it has been neces¬
the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ken¬ from nothing."
sary to bring a lawsuit to squelch the
ever-rising tide of spurious masonry, tucky had against the International The question as to whether the
this has been done. Some of the states Free and Accepted Modern Masons Court will
in which we have moved against these was affirmed
require him to answer these
by the Court of Appeals questions is now before the Court.
spurious groups are: of Kentucky in November, 1958. We confidently believe, however, that
1. Connecticut The Opinion handed down recited
upon the trial of the cause, this group
The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the history of Prince Hall Masonry (which is the strongest of the spurious
Connecticut has filed suit against and of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge
groups) will be enjoined from oper¬
three of the bogus groups in that state. of Kentucky and held that "The
Ap¬ ating in that state and this should be
The cases, at this time, are not at issue pellees (Most Worshipful Prince Hall the "beginning of the end" for this
but we are confident that under the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Ma¬ spurious body whose tentacles have
Page 7
spread like a giant octopus through¬ Resume Thatthey have succeeded in gar¬
out the nation inflicting much dam¬ Here have called attention to a
nering much revenue in this fashion
age within our ranks. few of the states in which action is pointed up in the number of law¬
5. Bahama Islands against bogus groups has been taken. suits which they have financed, >— in
The International Masons (that The implication is not that these are the lower courts as well as in the
Banks group again) has gone into the the only ones alert to the evil spewed higher courts. In many instances, they
Bahama Islands and has organized forth by the pretenders and degree have had to hire expensive counsel
several lodges. The Prince Hall Grand peddlers of the spurious groups. which had to be brought by plane
Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons of It is suggested, however, that these from distant points to help in the de¬
Bahama Islands has requested us to states have sought (and are seeking) fense of certain litigations.
assist them in checking the operations to get in the death dealing blow be¬ Even their delaying tactics cost
of this spurious group. We have sent fore the evil has a chance to spread. money. But, because they do not want
them such material as we had on the These have sought to "nip the evil in to lose the fees, they pay their money
Banks organization and have advised the bud," which emphasizes the fact and fight to the bitter end.
them to secure a local lawyer to seek that the time to begin the fight against Conclusion
injunction against him in the bogus groups — wherever and when¬ A fight to the death has been
Islands. ever — the exact
is at moment that launched by your Commission. It will
We will give our brethren in the it is learned that sucha
group is in maintain its constant assistance to the
Bahamas all of the assistance we are operation (or beginning to operate). Prince Hall Grand Lodges in taking
able to give and we feel certain that Don't be led to believe that because legal steps against bogus groups and
in the end, Banks will be kicked out Prince Hall Masons present an im¬ it will also continue to develop and
of the Islands. posing history of legitimacy, that pursue a diligent program of educa¬
6. Washington these bogus groups will 'quietlywrap tion and fight for recognition.
The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of their shrouds" around themselves and We do not feel that our fight
Washington has filed suits against the steal forth from our midst. against these spurious groups will in
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, A. F. any manner offend our white brethren.
They will be in there fighting "tooth
& A. M. of Washington and the Most and We have found that whenever we
nail," with every weapon possible
Worshipful John A. Bell Grand Lodge to get a foothold. They will bring to have moved against spurious organi¬
of Washington, A. F. and A. M. bear the full power of their resources zations, our white brethren have been
Copies of the petitions have been sent —
financial and numerical strength and only too willing to assist us in what¬
to the Grand Masters. influence, and will not give up with¬ ever manner
The Commission is assisting our out a desperate struggle. In instances It is to be hoped that the day of
brethren in that state and the plead¬ where they are caught napping and complete recognition for Prince Hall
ings being settled. Upon the
are now are not armed for the
fray, they will Masonry as the only legitimate Free¬
trial, we all
expect to give to them use
every delaying tactic possible until masonry for Negroes is in the not too
of the assistance possible and, of their resources and strength are gar¬ distant future. We have found en¬

course, we expect to win. nered. couragement from much of the liter¬

We congratulate Grand Master ature which reaches our office from
Your Commission will not be put
Scott and the Grand Lodge of Wash¬ various white lodges.
on the defensive, however. The battle
ington on their moving against these We should like, particularly, to call
will be carried to these spurious
bogus groups. your attention to "AN ANCIENT
groups and there will be no rest for
7. Wisconsin the Commission until the battle is won
TALE NEW TOLD, which is a book
In Wisconsin, our brethren are mak¬ and those who oppose us are them¬ published by the Lodge of St. Andrew,
ing preparations for filing suit against selves destroyed. Boston, Massachusetts for its Bi-cen-
tennial Memorial in 1958. The com¬
bogus groups operating in that area. Financing the Fight
Very competent attorneys have been
mittee compiling material for this
retained. This office has been in¬
According to the rules and regula¬ book, devoted several paragraphs to
tions adopted by the Commission on
formed that within a very short while, a recital of Prince Hall, African Grand
Clandestine Masonry, the Commission
suit will be filed against the bogus
is to be financed through,
Lodge and to Negro Masonry. The
groups. closing paragraph of this chapter, very
It will be recalled that attention
". . voluntary contributions by the

thought-provoking states:
constituent Masonic Bodies on the
was called to spurious operations in "Perhaps ... it would be no less
basis of an annual
budget recom¬
that area when a news article in timely, fully as patriotic and con¬
mended by the Executive commit¬
March, 1958, reported that suit had siderably more constructive, if we
tee and approved by the Commis¬ turned our attention once more to
been brought by the Most Worshipful sion." the subject of Negro Masonry, and
National Grand Lodge of Free and
How well the Commission has been after almost two centuries of frus¬
Accepted Ancient York Masons (Com¬
pact) of the United States and North sponsored financially will be given in tration, managed finally to resolve
America, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, a
subsequent report by our treasurer this problem and thus bring to all
and shall not be dealt with here. of our Craft a greater portion of that
against the King Solomon Grand
Lodge of Milwaukee. In previous reports, we spoke of light which God sheds upon the
Here was something interesting: the fact that bogus groups had met minds of men, and which we know
for the purpose of organizing a Fed¬ as Truth."
bogus group (operating without
eration for the expressed purpose of NOT MADE WITH HANDS by
legal authority) charging another
equally bogus group with operating raising funds with which to fight Paul W. Harvey, being the Centennial
without authority and with damaging Prince Hall Masons. Every bogus ma¬ History of the Grand Lodge, Free and
the plaintiff bogus organization's repu¬ in the country was assessed one
Accepted Masons of Washington and
tation. dollar earmarked for this special fund. Alaska, published in 1958, devotes


several pages to "The Contention over The Commission does not intend to
Well Done, Prince Hall!
Negro Masonry." The chapter makes rest
past laurels won. It does not

special reference to a special commit¬ propose to assume a lackadaisical or

Negro Masonry (Prince Hall) be¬
appointed by the Grand Lodge in languid attitude toward these illegal gins its 183rd year! Ebony Magazine,
its 1897 session to report to the next
pests. The Commission knows that the
professionally designed publication
communication on the "Negro Ques¬ much likeLife, salutes the Negro Fra¬
bogus groups will not take this all-out
tion."2 fight "sitting down." They will come ternity, 312,000 strong with 4729
In its report, this Committee stated into the fray, "armed to the teeth," Lodges in 38 states, Canada, Nassau
that it had examined the history
. .
and with funds to fight for their right and Liberia.
of Prince Hall lodges, and declared to exist and
The Prince Hall history is a saga
peddle degrees.
their members are 'as fully entitled to The Commission knows these things of many fine members who have been
a credit to America. Ironical is the fact
the name of Masons and to brotherly and is prepared to fight and to con¬
that white Masons fail to live
recognition as any other Mason in the tinue to fight until the battle is won. up en¬
World.' " It further states that, "Prince
And, with your continued cooper¬

tirely to their creed, are reluctant to
extend the hand of fellowship.
Hall Lodge was as regular a lodge as
ation, your wholehearted support, — Very
ironical when you consider the historic
any Lodge created by competent au¬ it will be won.
truth that the biblical King Solomon
thority . . ." The Commission is counting on
No — we do not feel that there will was black!
be any dissension with our white you!!!
brethren over our fight for recogni¬ Respectfully submitted ENGLISH FREEMASONRY!
Prince Hall Commission on
tion of our legitimacy. Frankly, we
Clandestine Masonry, by Carlos E. Ramirez
feel that we will have their whole¬
English way of conducting
hearted support. Amos T. Hall, Chmn.; William
But this fight is not the fight of the W. Grasty, Secretary; John G. Freemasonry is upon a solid founda¬
tion and suffers no fear or
Commission alone! Lewis, Treasurer; Booker T. Alex¬ suspicion.
Its members, whether old or
This all-out fight will be won through ander, Willard W. Allen, George young,
the combined, concerted efforts of W. Crawford, J. D. Dobbs, E. holding opinions in a general
Prince Hall Masons wherever found, W. Duncan, James C. Gilliam, way, meet and greet in Freemasonry
H. A. Greenwood,
and all seem pleased, and, indeed,

willing to give time, labor and Thurgood

Marshall, David Muckle, P. G. relieved, to meet within peaceful
money. The bogus groups combine walls. That is a distinct characteristic
their efforts! So must Prince Hall Ma¬ Porter, A. J. Worsham.
in favor of the Craft, and
sons! So must legal masons every¬ 1
Published Vol. 7, No. 4 of the Prince Hall long may
Masonic Digest. Refer to the full articles. it continue.
where! 2
Published Vol. 2, No. 2. We remember an American brother,
Started in 1951 in California and continued to
THE PROGRAM? present date. visiting a small English Lodge. He
said he was a member of a
We can
only here repeat the points lodge with
several hundred members, and he
that have been called to your atten¬ President William Tubman marveled at the congenial
tion in the past: happy lodge
1. Be on the alert for any item of
Decorates Two Americans he was visiting. It so
happens that all
the members of the
propaganda relative to the bogus Monrovia, Liberia, Africa. — Two lodge were pres¬
ent and entered into the
groups and transmit any information Americans decorated by Presi¬
were proceedings
with zest and considerable interest.
garnered to the Commission.3 dent William V. S. Tubman with de¬
The American brother remarked
2. Start now to build within your grees of the Humane Order of Africa's that with such a happy and
own Masonic
Body or Grand Lodge, Redemption following inaugural cere¬ congenial
program of education and public monies. Willard W. Allen, Baltimore, lodge he should have thought there
would be many
relations that will keep every member Md. was decorated with the Gold desiring to be initi¬
ated. The reply was that the
of your Body constantly informed as Band of the order and John G. Lewis, lodge
took only one candidate at a time and
to what is happening concerning the Jr., Baton Rouge, Louisiana was made
bogus groups; and the good deeds every officer did his utmost to impress
Knight Commander of the order. the entrant and assure a real Masonic
and acts of Prince Hall Masons. The two were in Liberia as guests of
3. Keep in close contact with
welcome to the lodge.
the the Liberian president at the fourth
That is the English
Commission and answer promptly in¬ inaugural of President Tubman. After¬ way of doing
quiries made to your Body; send in¬ wards, they remained a week as per¬ things, and there are many more in¬
formation requested promptly. stances of special characteristics in the
sonal guests of the President, the De¬
manner in which our
4. Secure data as to the numerical partment of State and of the Most English brethren
and financial strength of any bogus Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge carry on the work of their lodges.
groups operating in your state. Free and Accepted Masons of Liberia.
5. Secure, if possible, Articles of In placing the decoration upon the Mr. Allen is the
Sovereign Grand
Incorporation of any bogus groups Americans, President Tubman stated Commander of the Thirty-Third de¬
operating in your state and pass this that it was done as a result of the gree section of Prince Hall Masonry,
information on to the Commission. the Supreme Council, Southern
splendid work the two had done for Juris¬
ABOVE ALL - REMEMBER-the Prince Hall Masonry in the USA and diction and Mr. Lewis is the Lieu¬
time to move
against a bogus group in widening it on the African con¬ tenant Grand Commander. They are
is NOW — this minute, — whenever tinent. Plans had been made known both Grand Masters in their respective
you find that they are operating or to organize units of Prince Hall in states. President Tubman is himself

trying to operate in your area. DO Ghana and Nigeria, both of which a

thirty-third degree Prince Hall Ma¬
NOT LET THEM GET A FOOT¬ countries were visited by Messrs. Allen son and a past Grand Master of the
HOLD!!! and Lewis. Liberian Grand Lodge.


fully that each and every candi¬ available in books,
Young Freemasons and see
date has a
thorough and complete

magazines and pamphlets all the ad¬


Self-Education knowledge of every aspect of Free¬ vances made in Masonic knowledge

masonry. Our craft would then be during the past seventy-five years.
(Upon initiation every Freemason has composed of better informed and more This knowledge is spread through a
received the injunction to make daily
a keenly interested members." great variety of volumes. In the ab¬
advance in Masonic knowledge.) sence of
New York has a fine Lodge of Re¬ organized facilities, the se¬
search, North Carolina, Missouri and lection of a few good Masonic books
By Norman C. Dutt
will help. The recommending of cer¬
What would you think of a man
Virginia also, with California having
three Lodges of tain Masonic books upon the sound
who at the expense of years' study
Research along with
several Masonic advice of older and learned members
and much money, secured an educa¬
Study and Research
of the Craft will enable the younger
groups. These to help the brethren
tion and then never read a book or members to build a small Masonic Li¬
in the pursuit of more light. There
wrote a letter? This is what thousands
many Grand Lodges that present brary. A start may be made by using
of Freemasons are doing in
regards its aspirants in each degree pamphlets the ritual or monitor as
Freemasonry not only here but in that deal with the subject in kind. by the Grand Lodge in which his
many other jurisdictions and consti¬ Illinois, Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, membership is held along with the
tutions. Volume of the Sacred Law, to en¬
Virginia, California and a few more
They spend much money and time follow this practice, and Massachu¬ hance his knowledge of this Ancient
acquiring degrees and orders, and setts presents a small book in each and Honorable Fraternity.
then never inform themselves as to
what they paid their money for, and
degree. The last-named mentioned
has an excellent system of Lodges of
know nothing of the history of the Instruction and these are not merely
philosophy of Freemasonry. They do confined to the ritual alone. Speaking of books, how Masonic
not take a Masonic
periodical nor buy The Grand Lodge of Iowa has one literature improves the Masonic mind,
a Masonic book of
any type, and many our Editor
of the finest libraries of its kind in Royal E. Towns, has been
go to Lodge so seldom that were it
not for some old
the world, New York, Massachusetts given a concession to sell Masonic
standby they would and Pennsylvania are also proud pos¬ books. If there is anything you have
be refused admittance because they
sessors of wonderful libraries, and in¬ in mind, anybook you desire that
could not work their way in.
Masonic Education may be one an¬
sist, provided of
course that the breth¬ can
help you in any of the Masonic
swer to this
ren use them (How
many avail them¬ degrees, he can get them for you, so
perplexing problem, not selves of this opportunity?) in the future, when thinking of pur¬
only in the USA, but in other lands There are chasing a book, drop him a line, his
as well. published some mighty address is in the front of the maga¬
In their report to fine Masonic magazines and periodic¬
the Grand Lodge zine. Next month we will publish
F. & A. M., of the state of New York als, even the California Prince Hall
a list of books that will be available
for the year 1955, the "Committee on (Colored) Masonic Digest is one that
will bring credit anywhere in the Craft which will either be printed in the
Masonic Education and Lodge Serv¬
next issue of the Digest or
ice" wrote: "It is the sincere feeling
world. To name a few in the USA: copies sent
of the members of this committee, as The New Age, The Royal Arch Mason to your Lodges.
well as the officers of Grand Lodge, Magazine, The Philalethes, The Cali¬
that it is absolutely unjust and unfair fornia Freemason, The Virginia Ma¬ DECISIONS
to sonic Herald, The Illinois Enlightener
initiate, pass
and raise a man in and the Indiana Freemason. "Question: Are the Prince Hall
Freemasonry without giving him an
education, or educational material, Despite this of material, tal¬
array Negro Lodges clandestine?
which will help him to understand the ent and over 60,000 books published Answer:
No. They have a Grand
about Freemasonry, there are untold
principles of our great fraternity; to Lodge, the same as we. However,
numbers of uninformed and unedu¬
give him the opportunity to talk in¬ they have not asked us for recognition
cated Freemasons. Every jurisdiction have extended
telligently of it and assist him in build¬ nor we same.

ing his future Masonic edifice. It is has a goodly number of young Free¬
The Committee on Jurisprudence,
masons who
opinion, the duty of the Masters following initiation are to whom was referred that portion of
and Wardens of a Lodge to see that desirous of learning more about that
the Grand Master's Address relating
each candidate is so instructed. This never to be forgotten experience than
to Decisions, beg leave to
report that
committee has all the material you they were able to assimilate or under¬
they have had the same under con¬
need for that purpose, and it is yours stand in the ceremony. A great many
sideration and believe that the deci¬
for the asking. Do not hesitate to ask Brethren looking forward to the Fel¬
sions are in accordance with Masonic
for it, because Brethren, we are at low Craft degree cannot possibly be
Law and, therefore, recommend the
your service." expected to appreciate its significance
No doubt this committee has been without first having been grounded in adoption of the following resolution:
congratulated innumerable times since the lessons of the First Degree. Resolved, that the decisions made
then upon its splendid contribution to When the time arrives for these by the Most Worshipful Grand Master
Freemasonry in the state of New young Brethren to be made Master
hereby approved.
York. Masons, their condition is one of men¬ —

The Committee"
A few years ago tal confusion which makes it almost
R. R. McEwen,
P.G.M., Grand Lodge AF & AM of a matter of
impossibility for them to Accepted, resolution accepted, and
ordered printed in the Proceedings.
Saskatchewan in a most strong state¬ grasp the transcending teachings of
ment: "It is our paramount duty not this sublime degree. —

From the Grand Lodge of

only to make Freemasons, but to care¬ Today more than ever before there Connecticut 1959


we most desire
LIGHT Light, a Knowledge ought to listen and be guided by the
of the Truth, a Personal Acquaintance voice of our own soul, the voice of
Man's views in
regard to God con¬ with those who are the Best. The True
tain only as much positive truth as
higher self: "Enter into thine inner
Light should be a lamp unto our feet chamber and shut the door." The soul
the human mind is capable of receiv¬ and a Light unto our pathway. It can is Divine and in allowing it to become
ing, whether that truth is attained by be readily understood that unless some translucent to the Infinite Spirit re¬
exercise of communicated by
reason or assistance is given the newly made veals all things to us.
revelation. The human intellect being brother he will not attempt to solve We should at all times guard well
finite cannot form a clear conception the intricate problems confronting our
every thought and action. We are
of the infinite; being material we can¬ him. A natural course for any one to
not form a real
taught that the soul of man informed
conception of the Spir¬ take is to follow the path of least re¬ by the Creator for a purpose fashioned
itual. Even Omnipotence cannot in¬ sistance. Show a desire to help this in
every part by His infinite skill. The
fuse infinite conception into finite wonderful truths of life, the gems of
newly made Master Mason over some
minds, nor can God without first of the rough spots and he will respond precept and counsel are all untilized
changing the conditions of our being in a surprisingly short time. Give him in the building of spiritual
temples in
pour a full and complete knowledge a chance and
Masonry will benefit. human consciousness. The great light
of His own nature into the narrow ca¬ As a man turns away from the Di¬ of truth shines in the
Lodge, veiled
pacity of human soul. Human intel¬
a vine Light all things become hidden. in symbols, awaiting our
ligence cannot grasp it nor human We are born in darkness and
spend and to free us from ignorance and
language express it. The Deity is thus our
days in search for that which is fear, that truth by which no one was
not an object of knowledge but of lost. Believing that somewhere there ever injured, but always and every¬
faith, not to be conceived but to be exists an absolute life, we make a where blessed. Truth must be meas¬
felt. The Divine Nature is a theme continual search, ured
transforming our (imparted) according to in¬
on which man is little entitled
days into one long progress. When telligence or preparation of the mind.
to dogmatize. Here the intellect be¬ the spiritual sense is opened, then it The truths, secrets and even the ritual
comes most painfully aware of its own transcends all the limitations of the must be concealed from the wicked
insufficiency. Truth in its perfection is physical sense and the intellect. In the and profane. It is a fine thing to be
not humanly attainable. It is our
duty degree that we are able to get away able to respect another's point of view
to always press forward, for Masonry from the limitations set by them, and that we neither agree with nor share.
is a continual struggle toward the light. realize that so far as the real life is We should not underestimate our
One of the most exalted desires of concerned it is one with the Infinite great privilege in being counted
man is for light — physical light to Life, then we begin to reach the place worthy to have some part in the
guide the body, intellectual light to where this voice will always speak, blessed ministry of reflecting the light
guide the mind, spiritual light to guide where it will never fail us if we will of divine Truth. Let us
prove our¬
the soul. The Holy Bible ever stands follow it. To know this and to live in selves jewels of rarest value, heartily
as a bulwark for the
preservation of this realization is not to live in heaven receiving and beautifully transmitting
national integrity, honor and patriot¬ hereafter, but to live in heaven here to others the
light of Truth, for if
ism. Its teachings point us to our home and now, faithful in the small things of life we
today and everyday. No hu¬
beyond the skies, whose builder and man soul need be without it. When shall in due time be counted worthy
Maker is God. The teachings found face in the
we turn our
right direction to
reign with Jesus Christ in power
on the sacred
pages of this Great Book it comes as
simply and as naturally as and glory. We should prize the truth
make us better citizens, more devoted the flower blooms and the wind blows. so that we will not
compromise it in
members of society and lift us out It is not to be bought with money or any sense or in any degree, always
of the slough of despondency and with a price. It is a condition waiting holding fast to the Truth in the letter
place our feet upon the solid rock simply to be realized, by rich and and in the spirit. God's promise is the
of everlasting life. It is the spiritual foundation upon which all that we
poor, master and servant alike, the
nature within each of us that lifts our world over. All men are heirs to it. hope for is built.
thoughts heavenward. It is the spir¬ In
regard to wisdom that guides us The spiritual nature of man is like
itual side of man that makes him God¬ in daily lives, there is nothing
our unto the spiritual nature of the uni¬
like and unlike all other created things. that is right and well for us to know verse in which man lives. Is life but
It is the soul and spirit that insepa¬ that may not be known, when we can a
moving show of vanishing figures,
rably unites us to immortality, because recognize the glow of its coming and or has it some
strange meaning full
it given to man by the Divine are able of strength and sublimity, of form and
wisely to use it. Let us know
Creator at the time He authorized that all things are ours as soon as we beauty? Is there not some plan laid
man to exercise dominion overall cre¬ know how to appropriate them to our down by the G.A.O.T.U. on the Trestle-
ated beings. daily use. The light is ever shining, board of life by which the individual
Our wishing is next to our willing. and the only thing that is necessary may progress to better things? Is it to
What we wish is our inclination. What for us is to diligently see to it that find the answer or solution to this that
we will is our
Purpose. In either case we
permit neither this thing nor that the candidate comes to our Masonic
it is a Bevelation of our Inner Life, to come between us and the light. In
society seeking light—even more light?
and this Inner Life is Character. We all dark hours and times of perplexi¬ A belief in immortality is one of those
should train ourselves to desire the ties we need to follow one
simple majestic heights which determine the
best of things and wish for them with direction, found, as all needed direc¬ course of man's activities. Man cannot

intensity. What we set our hearts on tions can be found, in the dear old be explained in terms of material
possessing we may be said to love, gospel which so many read, but, alas, value, neither can the universe in
and what we love is the Index to so few interpret. "The soul is a light which we live. Then man must be a
what we are. To know a Man's desire set in man by God as His deputy, spiritual being living in
up a spiritual
is to know the man. Above all else to observe, inform and direct us." We universe.


ROW I—Grand Master Herbert A. Greenwood (18); Deputy Grand Master, Walter C. Taylor (36); Grand Senior Warden, Archille W.
Heber (50); Grand Junior Warden, Paul E. Washington (79); Grand Treasurer, Roy E. Treece (29); Grand Secretary, Lillard G. Dandridge
(20); Senior Grand Deacon, Manuel Davenport (21); Junior Grand Deacon, Austin Joseph (92); Senior Grand Steward, Timothy W.Wright
Jr. (20); Junior Grand Steward, McKinley K. Courts (10). ROW 2—Grand Chaplain, Rev. B. L. Carson (15); Grand Tyler, Charles Davis
(15); Grand Marshal, Burney B. Irvin (18); Grand Lecturer, Luther Johnson (63 ); Grand Orator, Jerome L. Hubert (45); Grand Pursuivant,
Carl D. Cannon (76); Grand Bible Bearer, Arthur L. Crosby (65); Grand Standard Bearer, Robert W. Ford (12); Grand Sword Bearer,
Claude E. McKinney (20); Grand Flag Bearer, Willie Atkins (19). ROW 3—Grand Keeper of Archives, L. L. Stewart (5); Grand Organist
Charles Pryme (49); Grand Trustees: W. Robert Brown (90), Chmn.; Paul L. Howard (49), Stanley Y. Beverley ( 13), Theodore R. Hardeman
(57), John H. Wiley (63); Foreign Correspondence, Roy W. Moore (56); Public Relations, Royal E. Towns, Chmn. (57); Grand Sessions
Committee, W. C. Faulkner (18), Chmn. ROW 4—Grand Sessions Committee: Alfred E. Thompson (21), Frank O. Allen (68); Grand Assist¬
ant Secretary, Adrian C. Bridges (25) Grand Auditor, Du Bois McGee (28); Motion Picture Committee: Herbert Jenkins (45), Wm. K.
Jarvis (3); Department of Research and Education: W. H. Brooks, Chmn. (8); Randolph Williams (5), Roxber Chambers (I), Frank E.
Boone (27). ROW 5—Youth Movement: Arthur R. McDonald (62), John W. Thompson, Gen. Chmn. (21); Clandestine Masonry: Wm. Henry
(45), Mack Bufford (25), Frank G. White (21); Grand Inspectors: Dist. I, T. A. Satchel I (5); Dist. 2, Roy W. Taylor (33); Dist. 3, John W.
Lee (17) Dist. 4, James O. Whaley (88); Dist. 5, Emmett L. Draper (36). ROW 6—Dist. 6, W. L. Garner (6); Dist. 7, Alex Wade (27):
Dist. 8, Harold D. McGhee (7); Dist. 9, W. L. Rati iff e (46); Dist. 10, Wm. A. Petty (74); Dist. II, Clark Deane, Jr. (23); Dist. 12, Harry
Overton (3); Dist. 13, Ambrose Costa, Sr. (82); Rep. 50th Hall Assn.: W. S. Cohn (5); Jurisprudence, Dero Howard (64).
March 31, 1960
GRAND MASTER'S PAGE Mr. Winthrop Wetherbee, M.D.,
Letters to Grand Master heavy guard and under seven seals. 204 Walnut Street
I was permitted to investigate and
Brookline 46, Massachusetts
Dear Brother Greenwood: look at this and at the signatures on Dear Brother Wetherbee:
this warrant. I was fully convinced
I have
just received a copy of the as I was
prior to seeing the actual
Masonic Digest, Volume 8, Number Greeting!
document that it is genuine, that it Over and over again have we re¬
3 of November-December-January in
which a talk which I gave before the exists, and that it issued by the was ferred to the copy of the Bi-centennial
Grand Lodge of England at the time Memorial volume of the Lodge of St.
National Federated Craft was copied
that M'-W'- Brother Upton of Wash¬
and I thank you very much for the Andrew which was so graciously pre¬
publicity which has been given to my
ington said that it was issued. I re¬ sented to us by you for the commit¬
ceived every courtesy and possible tee on St. Andrew's Day, 1958.
thoughts on the general subject of our Masonic
interests in Freemasonry. courtesy at that time. I might
We have read it in lodges and
add, also, that I saw the original
I have have been heartened by its expres¬
question, or have a request Prince Hall minute books and was
that I should like to make, and that is sions upon the Fatherhood of God
quite interested in noting them and
that a copy of this particular magazine the contents of these letters quoted by and the Brotherhood of Man — and
be sent to Brother Erwin Seignemar- M '-W '- Brother Upton as being genu¬ the sincerity evident in said utter¬
tin, Grand Secretary of Foreign Rela¬ ine and actually existing and not being

tions of the Grand Lodge of the State Kindest

the creation of a prejudiced mind who regards. Sincerely yours,
of Sao Paulo, Brazil, C. Postal 8348, might wish to put into them some¬ Herbert A. Greenwood
Sao Paulo, Brazil. thing that did not exist in order to Grand Master
This Brother has expressed his as¬ accomplish a favorable reaction to¬
tonishment at the attitude of Masonry wards Prince Hall Masonry on the
of the two branches in America to¬ part of the Caucasian Groups in this Grand Master's Itinerary
wards one another. I should like to country.
have him see how I feel about the Sincerely yours, Date Lodges — City — Host

other. Harry W. Bundy, April 12-Nos. 36, 44, 57, 62, 81, 89,
Grand Secretary 93 — Oakland — No. 93.
There is another matter which
prompted my request for a copy of April 13—Nos. 15, 43 — San Tose —

this paper and that is the fact that No. 15.

I have a letter from our good friend
March 31, 1960
April 14—Nos. 7, 25, 29, 60, 63, 73,
Harry Williamson, whose writings Mr. Harry W. Bundy, 84 — Oakland — No. 29.
have graced both branches of Ma¬ Grand Secretary
April 15—Nos. 27, 35, 48, 76, 77-
sonry in their publications, white and Grand Lodge AF & A.M. of Colorado
300 Masonic Temple
Vallejo - No. 27.
black, through many years. His good
wife, Blanche Williamson, passed 1614 Welton Street April 16—Nos. 2, 14, 54, 61, 74, 87-
Sacramento — No. 87.
away a few days ago and as you may Denver 2, Colorado
imagine, Brother Williamson who is Dear Brother April 19—Nos. 1, 3, 64, 72, 80, 92 -
Bundy: Greeting! San Francisco — No. 3.
in ill health himself is quite distraught
It was with pleasure that we re¬
by the loss of his life mate. I had the ceived your letter of February 19, April 22—Nos. 6, 11, 47, 66, 67, 85,
86 Fresno No. 6.
privilege of knowing Mrs. William¬ 1960 acknowledging receipt of Prince
— —

personally having been enter¬ Hall Masonic Digest Volume 8, Num¬
tained in the Williamson apartment ber 3 in which the talk you gave be¬ Masters, Wardens, Secretaries,
at one time Harry and I were
when fore the National Federated Craft was Treasurers Meetings Planned
working on a mutual interesting sub¬ copied.
ject, the regularity of Prince Hall Ma¬ In accordance with your April 30, 1960 — Pasadena, Calif.
request we
sonry. I seldom have gone into New Time —9:00 a.m. Hiram
Lodge Hall,
York but I have met either Harry or
sending a copy of this and copies 1475 Lincoln Avenue,
of other issues to Brother Erwin Pasadena.
Mrs. Williamson or both of them for
Seignemartin, Grand Secretary of For¬ Lodge Numbers: 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 17,
greeting on that occasion. I believe
that some kind of tribute to Mrs. Wil¬ eign Relations of the Grand Lodge of 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 33,
the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. 37, 40, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55,
liamson is worthy of publication in
Thanks for the information given
your Prince Hall Digest. I think I 56, 58, 59, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
shall enclose a little note I received us with regard to Brother Harry Wil¬
79, 83, 86, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95.
from Harry for your information so liamson and the passing of Mrs. Wil¬
« # #
that you will know that I am not liamson, of whom you may rest as¬
sured a tribute will be published in
wrong bringing this knowledge to May 21, 1960 — Oakland, California.
the Digest.
your attention and the brethren of Time —9:02 a.m. Good Hope Lodge
Prince Hall Lodge. We are
sending a copy of your let¬ Hall, 610 - 55th St., Oakland.
probably do not know it, but
ter to our most capable editor and
Public Relations Director, Brother Lodge Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 14,
I had the privilege of being accom¬
Royal E. Towns. 15, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 35, 36, 43,
panied by the officers of the Prince 46, 48, 54, 57, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,
Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Kindest regards. Sincerely yours,
to the vault in which the warrant of Herbert A. Greenwood 66, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 80, 81, 84,
African Lodge No. 459 is kept under Grand Master 85, 87, 89, 92, 93.


the great perfection of those who do life." Faith, hope and love are the
the right because it is right and leave abiding virtues that make for perma¬
MISCELLANEOUS the reward entirely in the hands of nence and
happiness to the human
We must all realize that the One who created heaven and earth soul. God sends us into the world to
humanity and put man in power to discern right
cannot dwell together in
unity and
create something and at the same
from wrong, good from evil. time to enrich our own personality in
harmony when selfishness, intolerance the process. He it is who we all seek,
and indifferences to individual rights Man's conscience requires regulat¬
whether or not we are conscious of
inspire man's conduct. Selfishness de¬ ing as do all the other features of his
mands of its servants the commission fallen nature. It is like a watch whose doing so, for "God has made is for
of many offenses against individual dial is properly marked with the Himself and our hearts are disquieted
hours, but whose correctness time¬ within us unless we rest in Him." Man
rights and the rules of organized so¬ as a
wants to find his way to God and to
ciety. There is one thing that the ages keeper depends upon the proper regu¬
know Him whom to know aright is the
have shown—that is, the heart of hu¬ lating of the main-spring, so that it
fulfillment of every human need, for
manity is sound. Otherwise civiliza¬ may point out the hours truthfully
and correctly. If our consciences are it is life eternal. May our lives be so
tion would not have progressed and
to indicate filled with doing the things worth¬
man would have retrograded. We be¬ right and wrong to us,
while for others that when the days
lieve that the only solid foundation they can only be relied upon after
of our labor are over, we may enjoy
for any organization is loyalty and being regulated in connection with
confidence. Without these elements the new main spring, the new heart, the happy recollection consequent to
we cannot succeed, so let each one
which is brought into full harmony a
well-spent life.
of do with the law of love, as presented to In this night of darkness and con¬
something that will tend to
increase us in the Word of God. Time is an fusion we may in the silence of our
public confidence in our ef¬
forts. Then success will come to us important element in all of God's own
being find a gleam of light — the
individually and as an organization. plans. He took time to frame the light of divine wisdom which will, if
world and fit it for human habitation. we will but let it, lead us
through the
Having this spirit within your own
He took time to give to the world the of confusion and doubt to the
being it will show itself in everything maze

necessary experience with evil and solution of our problem and a better
you do.
for the shaping and adjusting of the and nobler life. The problems of the
When we are born each brings with
individual affairs of His people. Rev¬ world are individual's problems, and
him certain God-given talents and
erence is the cannot be solved by force or legis¬
some faculties. As we become more only proper attitude of
the creature towards the Creator, the lation. They must be solved in the
and more conscious of our being we
Author of our Being, the Preserver recesses of our own
being. The man
become aware of a world full of op¬
and Lord of the universe. When He who has found the secret of that mys¬
portunities and possibilities. We grad¬
ually realize that God has already pre¬ speaks our hearts should be reverent¬ terious power which dwells
ly attentive to His voice and every within the temple of his body will not
pared for us ere we started our life's
power alert to do His bidding. only successfully meet his own prob¬
pilgrimage. Our discoveries of the lems but by his example and presence
world around us precedes our claims Morality might be termed as a yard assist his brother man along life's
to the world's blessings. Let us see stick by which we measure right and
the sublime truth of our discovery of wrong. We cannot justly hold the journey. The spiritual temple we
the bountiful substance of bliss and man who has never been
taught a
erect through right thinking and
high standard of right and wrong to proper understanding of our inner
happiness all about us.. It is in direct selves will be a tower of strength and
ration to the use we have made of a strict account, as we can the man
a beacon of
our talents and faculties. God "im¬ who has been taught what he should light to those who chance
do and what he should not do. Re¬ to
pass us on life's highway.
proves" the earth through the talents
and faculties he has given us. In this gardless of what have been the con¬ Life will not do a man's work for
improvement we meet our needs and ditions under which one has been him, but it places tools and materials
prepare sustenance for the more ad¬ reared, if he afterwards becomes a right at his hand and keeps him well
vanced and progressive tomorrow member of our great Institution, he supplied with opportunities, but it re¬
which must follow today He enables has placed before him teachings that mains for each of us to take advan¬
calling no matter how humble it are
compatible with the highest sense tage of them or let them pass by un¬
of what is right. He is taught that heeded. The successful man is he who
may seem to be to the limited vision
of mankind. he has certain duties which he owes knows how to take advantage of the
The plan of Omnipotence develops
to God, his neighbor and himself. chances which other men fail to see.
Here he has an unexcelled opportunity We living in a wonderful age with
with infinite slowness but with infinite
to learn what is
surety. The Almighty is not on hand right, just and honor¬ opportunity written high over the
able. There is no excuse for him to horizon.
with a sugar plum to reward every
do wrong; he knows better. Masonic
righteous act. He treats humanity like We have heard much regarding our
men, who are willing to do what is morality presents a measure of right possessions. Are they material or spir¬
and justice that is as nearly perfect
right with no immediate payment in itual? Material possessions are very
as human limitations can make it.
sight, but with the thought always in precious to most of us, yet without
mind that every individual is doing his The soul of man, when it is healthy, divine protection earthly wealth is as
utmost to assist in bringing about a is athirst for God. No man can know
fleeting as the summer cloud before
much needed regeneration of the the joy of kinship of the soul with a breeze. To feel the sense of security
souls of humanity. It rests with each God "until God has become the se¬ one must know God and the
individual whether he will be weak¬ cret of his soul, reigning
reality of his reality of man. When he knows his
ling, just drifting along life's pathway, thoughts, the inspiration of his acts true of existence as the image

or a real soldier ever

striving to reach and the form, color and glory of his and likeness of God, then he will know


that his true and lasting possessions man is that
nothing worthwhile can Prince Hall F. &A.M. of
are but be done for God and humanity with¬
quality of the mind. Man must
decide whether he is to claim ma¬ out the
principle of faith. Faith is al¬ New York State
terial wealth or spiritual being as his ways constructive and destruc¬
tive. No man can ever rise beyond
Dedicate Library
possession. If it is material wealth that
occupies completely his thought, it is his conception of God. It has been On Friday evening, January 29,
a treasure laid up
where moths and said that "the most powerful force 1960, another milestone was reached
rust doth But if spiritual
corrupt. in the universe is the concept which in the long and distinguished history
qualities be superior as his posses¬ men entertain respecting God." To of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall
sions, then the treasure is laid up in live honest, courageous, clean lives Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
heaven, "where moth and rust do not give us a sense of being participators Masons, State of New York.
corrupt and where thieves do not in a great moral and spiritual enter¬ This was the occasion of the open¬
break through and steal." prise controled by ONE who is shap¬ ing and dedication of the New Library
ing and moulding human history in which was opened at the cost of sev¬
What we call possessions are in re¬ eral thousand dollars.
accordance with the plan deposited in
ality not ours to possess. They are a the archives of Eternity. Masons are It saw the fulfillment of a long and
trust committed to our keeping. We
sure of cherished dream of M.W. William L.
are stewards, permitted to use ma¬
immortality because they are
terial wealth for a time and then pass
sure of the moral
integrity of God, Jordan, the present Grand Master. In
the Architect and Ruler of the Uni¬ 1947 when the now Grand Master
it on to others and account to God
for the way we have used it. Some
verse. If there is
intelligence, no
no Jordan was chairman of the Activities
moral purpose behind the universe, Committee of the Most Worshipful
day manwill learn that material things then we could not complain if death Grand Lodge, he envisioned such an
do bring happiness. The richest
not event and has never ceased to work
were the end.
man of all is he who has loyal friends,
toward this goal.
deep rooted sense of joy in the The universe pays every individual The Library presently contains
simple wholesome things of life, a in his own coin; if
you smile, it smiles about 400 books, Masonic and Fic¬
consciousness of abiding love and an upon you in return; if you sing, you tional, also several items from the
inexhaustible resource of good will be invited into gay company; if
priceless collection of Past Grand Mas¬
thoughts. That which the world calls you think you will be entertained by ter, Harry A. Williamson, one of the
riches may for a time flee from him, thinkers; if you love the world and most widely read and highly
but this abiding sense of inner wealth
earnestly seek for the good that is authorities on Masonic History and is
cannot be lost. Smile and be glad: it therein, it will pour into your lap the apart from the famed collection which
is the best way of serving God and treasures of the earth. Man's thoughts is to be found on display at the 135th
your fellowmen. "I always seek the are the basis of his self, the founda¬ St. Library. It also contains parapher¬
good that is in people and leave the tion of his character, the reflection of nalia which can be purchased by the
bad to Him who made mankind and his inner personality and the source Craft for in their many
knows how to round off the corners." of all his actions. Think intelligently
Liberty does not consist in doing what and in the right direction, for your Prince Hall Masons Honored
we like, but in
liking to do what we thoughts control your life. We must
can, what we may and what we ought. be something in order to At Presidential Inauguration
do some¬
Things are only worth what we make thing; but we also must do something Monrovia, Liberia, Africa. — Prince
them worth. in order to be something. Hall Masons in attendance at the
We must
have faith in God, in man, in our¬ fourth inauguration of President Wil¬
All the
higher motives, ideals, con¬ selves, and in the superiority of right liam V. S. Tubman of this African
ceptions and sentiments in a man are over
wrong, truth over error. Then Republic, were given high rating in
of no account if they do not come for¬
ward to strengthen him for the better
good will overcome evil, selfishness protocol and extended many formal
and sin. There is no life so humble and informal courtesies. Representing
discharge of the duties which devolve that, if it betrue and genuinely hu¬ the Prince Hall Masons at the event
upon him in the ordinary affairs of man and obedient to God, it may not were Dr. Willard W. Allen, Baltimore,
life. He who provides for this life but
who takes no care for eternity is wise
hope to shed some of His Light. Noth¬ Md., Sovereign Grand Commander of
ing progresses more rapidly in the the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree
for a moment but a fool in the end. human heart set upon doing good than
Should not all of us SO' live that we
body of the organization and John G.
can look up unashamed into our
ability to be useful. Lewis, Jr., Lieutenant Commander.
The high ranking Masons occupied
Father's face? All things proclaim the enviable positions in the inaugural
existence of God. The man who radi¬
ates good cheer, who makes life hap¬ procession and officially appeared on
Our respects to the late the program.
pier wherever he meets it, is a man
of vision and of faith. "Although the President Tubman, a native of the
Blanche E. Williamson United States from the state of Geor¬
world is full of suffering it is full of
the overcoming of it." Education is gia, and himself a Prince Hall thirty-
beloved wife of Historian third and last degree by Mr. Allen and
capable of creating intelligence ap¬
propriate to the many problems of our
Mr. Lewis during the last
official visit
of the president to the USA, is also
every day life. Harry A. Williamson, P.G.M.
past grand master of the Most Wor¬
The great purposeof life is to attain shipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of
New York
working theory of life that has stood Liberia. He called a special meeting
the test of experience and then risk of the Liberian Masons in honor of the
one's all upon it. The experience of ranking dignitaries.


(Continued from page 3) facts to ourselves; the foundation of
The commander presented his talk
Youth in Today's World better needs for youth was laid many
without advocating Prince Hall recog¬ It is often said by older people, years before we came into the world.
We are now building on a sure
nition but its contents brought home "What is going to become of the foundation to the Order of the East¬
this question so clearly, that all gave young people of today?" This vital
ern Stars. Count on
it serious consideration. Some took his question is often repeated in various youth, we cannot
address for future talks. He has been places where public speaking is tak¬ go back, we must go forward and this
is our sincere prayer:
kind enough to give these talks to sev¬ ing place. Lord help me live from day to day
eral Masonic groups around the S. F. Yesterday it was the opinion that In such
Bay area. children should be seen and not heard. a self-forgotten way,
That when I kneel to pray,
The talk he gave was quite similar Today parents believe in self expres¬
to a talk given by Norman C. Dutt, sion. This leads conclude that
us to prayer shall he for others,
GMC, USN., entitled "LIFE, BACK¬ in the near future the child will guide Help me in all the work I do,
the To ever be sincere and true.
GROUND AND ACTIVITIES OF instead of the parents
PRINCE HALL" which was printed guiding the child. While it is true
Let self be crucified and slain,
that each one is alike, it is equally And buried deep, not all in vain.
in the Prince Hall Masonic Digest,
true each is different. While all And when my work on earth is done,
Vol. 2, No. 2, second quarter 1952-53. one

have the characteristics of hu¬ And my new work in Heaven begun

The Editor of the Prince Hall Di¬ same

gest has presented us with nearly all man

beings, each is a unique person, May I forget the crown I've won
unlike every While thinking still of others.
the back numbers of this magazine. other one. We say twins Let this my
We were therefore able to present are
just alike and yet they are differ¬ motto be, "Help me
ent in thoughts, deeds, and behavior.
to live
several copies of it to Commander
Others, that I may live for Thee."
Smeary. I am sure they were highly How can the youth find his place
appreciated. We have passed along, in today's world? There are many Jacqueline Clark
by phone, to the editor a report of this ways provided today to help youths
find themselves and prepare them¬ Prince Hall Masons in Alaska
splendid talk."—A Prince Hall Admirer.
The educated Mason is one who selves to step into high places when Anchorage, Alaska. — Prince Hall
realizes that in the midst of the strife the hour arrives. Masonry scored another hit in 1959,
that lasted nearly forty years, those We have training centers, religious when late in November, a lodge was
wars of unfriendliness existing at research groups, beautiful camps for formed here in Anchorage. Presiding
exercise and development, churches at the ceremonies was Grand Master
many changes in America. Yet, Prince
Amos T. Hall, of Oklahoma and the
Hall, despite this period of unrest, everywhere, and many public schools.
through the horrors of the impending It is the youth's fault if they fail to lodge placed under the jurisdic¬
of unfriendliness that existed at tion of the Grand Lodge of Oklahoma.
qualify, for everything within reason It was stated that two other lodges
that historical period, where the ships is being prepared for them. With this
were in the immediate future plan¬
of this new nation were shorn of man¬ fact in mind, we ask why is there so
power while enroute to England, final¬ much child delinquency, so much ning and when these have been
crime, and so many young people formed a Grand Lodge will be erected.
ly after an armistice he was able to
get his money to the Grand Lodge of roaming the streets?
England, and receive a charter from It must be because the youth of to¬ "Notice of Institution"
of the most humane and God- Dear Editor: Greetings.
day are not taking advantage of the
given organizations because they knew opportunities that lie before them. In The Rev. N. P. Greggs Council of
that this teaching must be dissemi¬ order to feel secure in their world, the Order of the Knights of Pytha¬
nated to ALL.
youth need homes in which they have goras, under the sponsorship of
The war of 1812 came along, Eng¬ responsibilities, and feel loved and ap¬ Guardian Lodge No. 50 F. & A. M.;
land stubbornly resisted our thwarts preciated. Then youth must show Robert Bogan, Worshipful Master,
at Freedom. They weren't satisfied some
gratitude for the love and devo¬ will be formally instituted Thursday
with the results of the Revolutionary tion showered on them. evening, March 31, 1960 at Western
War, so this situation confronted the As our world today offers great pos¬ Knights Masonic Temple, 1853 So.
new United States of America. With sibilities to youth this is a new age, Arlington Avenue, Los Angeles, Cali¬
this many things, including the
came science is advancing new ideas, new fornia at 8:00 p.m.
divorcement of everything connected The ceremony of Investiture to be
changes, new drugs, new weapons of
with England from the Americans. conferred upon the Boys, promises to
war, new ways for traveling, and youth
Many American Masonic Lodges were be ready to be both colorful and informative to
must take their places in
dropped, erased, ceased to operate the midst of all; the knowledge God those Master Masons who are inter¬
any other term that is synonymous ested in the successful growth and de¬
or is opening before them. Youth today
with withdrawing from the parent is attracting world wide fame in the velopment of this worthy Masonic or¬
body. Many writers seemed to think revealing of much knowledge, such ganization for our Youth.
that it included Prince Hall Grand as the "Whizz Kids," the "Bible Your looking in on this ceremonial
Lodge that was established in 1792. School," the young people on the occasion will reward you with a brief
However, records in the archives of $64,000 quiz program, and many other glimpse into our Masonic future.
the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and Kindly accept our cordial invitation
ways youth is advancing in our world
Prince Hall's letters at our Temple in of today. We to you, and to the officers and mem¬
take no glory of these
Boston, Massachusetts have taught bers of your respective Bodies to be
the world the truth. able Gettysburg Speech: "You can present.
Let those who would destroy our fool someof the people some of the Fraternally yours,
time, but you cannot fool all of the Archille W. Hebert
Masonic legitimacy remember Abra¬
ham Lincoln's words from his memor- people all of the time." Supreme Deputy Master Knight
In order, therefore, to bring this Committee on G.M.'s address re¬
RESOLUTION matter fully before you, bear
more ferred same to Jurisprudence Com¬
Redding, California with patiently while I read the
me mittee.

June 9, 1905. following communications, namely: COMMITTEE ON JURIS¬

By Brother Douglas the following Communications from M. W. Prince PRUDENCE REPORT
resolution in the matter of expulsion
Hall G. L., Mass., Dec. 17, 1903. (Page 38)
of John G. Jones by the Most Wor¬
Communication from the G.L. of Greetings:
shipful Grand Lodge of the State of the Dist. of
We your Committee on Jurispru¬
Illinois, was read and submitted: Columbia, November
2, 1906, dence, beg leave to report the follow¬
To the Most Worshipful Sovereign
All of which the Grand ing:
Grand Lodge: Lodges of We find the John G. Jones faction
California approve.
Not since the Illustrious Prince Hall of Scottish Rite Masons is in existence
and his associates, formed the First The saddest phase of this question in California, and that Brother R. J.
Masonic Lodge in the State of Massa¬ to my mind is that our Grand Lecturer Fletcher admits that he is the head
chusetts, has there been given to the Brother R. J. Fletcher, is an exponent of the same; we also find a Temple
Masonic world such important tidings of this rebellious element, which our and Consistory is in existence in the
as came to the MasonicFraternity by Grand Lodge absolutely ignores and
City of Oakland, this State; also we
action of the Most Worshipful Grand discards as un-Masonic. (See the find that member of the said
Lodge of Illinois in the expulsion of Douglass Resolution above.) of the Mystic Shrine and Consistory
John G. Jones (once a brilliant mem¬ And when we consider that our is also a member of this Grand Lodge.
ber of said jurisdiction). Grand Lecturer today is one of the All of which we find, is contrary
During this long period of contro¬ brightest Masons in the United States. to the edict of this Grand Lodge as
His national reputation as a Masonic
versy between the above-named Most enunciated in the Douglass Resolu¬
Worshipful Grand Lodge and John jurist ranks with the brightest through¬ tion atRedding, June, 1905.
G. Jones, the numerous violations of out the fraternity. While all this is
Wedo hereby recommend that
Fraternal requirements by the said true, it is sad to know that he has Brother R. J. Fletcher, and all con¬
failed to obey the edicts of this Grand
Jones have compelled all good and nected with said John G. Jones fac¬
true Craftsmen to hang their heads in Lodge. tion, shall sever their connection here¬
humiliation and shame, therefore be it
Now, Brethren, before we leave this with, under penalty of expulsion with¬
RESOLVED, That the Most Wor¬ grave measure let us free our minds in thirty days from this date, and
from friendship, anger, or passion, for notify the Grand Master of the same,
shipful Sovereign Grand Lodge of the
State of California in 51st Annual the mind and the heart cannot fore¬ and in event of those recommenda¬
Communication assembled, does here¬ see truth, when these things obstruct tions being complied with that
them. The question at issue is not a
by declare itself in full accord with the they shall be suspended by an edict
action of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, personal attack. It is not for us to of the Grand Master.
and approve the same, also, be it discuss the legitimacy of Scottish Rite Fraternally submitted,
further Masonry in this jurisdiction. It is for A. F. Holland, James Smith, F.
us to force brethren of this
RESOLVED, That we disapprove jurisdic¬ D. McClanahan, T. A. Harris and
of all Masonic work of any kind what¬ tion to stop their wilful violations of Geo. A. Wrenn
their oath and obligation. Therefore,
soever, as may be practiced by the Amended that the time limit be
said Jones, his deputies or associates, brethren, I recommend that this Grand
sixty days instead of thirty days, and
wherever they may be, under penalty Lodge now in session, discharge its the foregoing amendment, the fore¬
of severest discipline of this Most sacred duty and uphold the sacred going report, as amended, was duly
Worshipful Grand Lodge. duty and dignity of the M.W.S.G.L.
of California; I also recommend that adopted.
Fraternally Submitted our Grand Lecturer, Brother R. J. At this juncture Brother R. J. Flet¬
R. F. Douglas cher stated that he would forthwith
Fletcher, who holds the office of Grand
Chancellor of the Scottish Rite Ma¬ order the temples existing in this State
THE DOUGLAS RESOLUTIONS sonry, of which John G. Jones is now by authority of John G. Jones, to
cease to work, to lock
OF 1905
the M.S.G. Commander, should come up their char¬
before this Grand Lodge and show ters, and, further, that he would re¬
"Another important matter for us
to consider is the unimpeachableness
cause and upon
what authority he has sign his position under said Jones. The
above statement met with hearty ap¬
of the resolution presented by the late disobeyed the edict of this Grand
R. F. Lodge, which we put ourselves on rec¬ plause.
Douglass and passed and ad¬ ord at Redding in 1905, as being in Grand Master Tinsley's Address, San
opted by this Grand Lodge at Red¬
harmony with our sister jurisdictions Jose, California, June 4-11, 1909
ding, June 9, 1905, namely: That no against the John G. Jones faction, and
member of this jurisdiction should af¬ Fifty-fifth Annual Communication
also in our estimation a rebellious fac¬
filiate with the John G. Jones element Since our last communication the
tion in Masonry. action of R. J. Fetcher has given us
Masonically. But it is a public secret
that some of the prominent Masons of And now, brethren, shall vindi¬
we a
great deal of publicity, through
this jurisdiction are members of the cate our
principles and dare to take which we have been the subject of
stand for the right and unfurl our several unpleasant criticisms in the
John G. Jones faction. It is, therefore, our

the imperative duty of this Grand banner in pure Masonic atmosphere, public press. This old man has been
or allow it to be
Jurisdiction to see that the resolution dragged in the dust riding rough shod over our jurisdic¬
be absolutely and unqualifiedly en¬ of hypocrisy? No! We answer a thou¬ tion like the ghost of some departed
forced. sand times, no! shade, proclaiming himself as the only


anointed H.P. in California S.G. 33rd of our Subordinate Lodges, instructing
them not to grant any demits to any
Notes About Negro (So-
Degree of the A. and A. S. R., Father
of Masonry in California, Monarch of members of their respective Lodges
all and owe allegiance to none, deny¬ who were affiliating with John G.
Called) Masonic Bodies
ing the right of this Grand Lodge to Jones in the higher degrees, unless By Harry A. Williamson
question his actions or suspend him. they complied with the edict of the
Past Deputy Grand Master, and Past
On the 13th of Grand Lodge. Grand Historian, Prince Hall
October, in the city
of Sacramento, he was attacked with a Grand Lodge of New York
Naturally, this caused quite a pro¬ Written and printed records which
severe fit of brainstorm and convened testfrom that faction, and here is
cannot be successfully disputed have
imaginary G.C. of O.E.S., where where a great service could have been
he not only elected and installed sev¬ rendered us, and all doubts of the proven that the only organization with
eral M.M. of this jurisdiction in the legality of Jones would have been
legitimate origin among the Free¬
various offices of the G.C. in their ab¬ masons of color in the United States,
obliterated, had our P.G.L. R. J. Flet¬
bears the designation of the "Prince
sence, but without their knowledge or cher, who has fostered and promoted
consent. the principles of this rebellious Jones Hall Fraternity." This legitimacy was
He had invaded the sacred in our jurisdiction for the last three
attained through the following sources,
of to-wit:
our homes, and humiliated several years, fulfilled the promise he made
sisters of the G.C. O.E.S. before this Grand Lodge last June, on March 6, 1775,
(a) The initiation
by having of
them arrested, and dragged before that he would notify the Consistory gentleman by the name of Prince

civil courts in his frantic efforts to in Oakland to stop work and cease Hall, together with fourteen of his
their affiliation with their parent body. associates, by Military Lodge, No.
compel them to recognize him fra¬
In view of the fact that Rrother R. 441, working under the authority of
ternally and turn over the property the Grand Lodge of Ireland, and
of the G.C. to him. J. Fletcher did violate the solemn
As a man I have which Lodge was assigned to the 38th
nothing against pledge made to this Grand Lodge at
him, but I must say with all sincerity, the Fifty-third Grand Session I recom¬ Regiment of Foot in the British Army
that I do not think that as a Mason mend that the Grand Lodge now in
then situated in the Boston area of
he deserves the least consideration the Massachusetts Colony.
session take such action as in their
from you; however, I present his ac¬ wise judgment the case will warrant. (b) The granting of a Warrant of
tions to you, do with them as you In September I received a commu¬
Constitution onSeptember 29, 1784,
to Prince Hall, and his associates under
think best." nication from the members of Leba¬
the denomination of African Lodge,
Jurisprudence Report: "In regard non
Consistory, situated in Oakland, No. 459, by Thomas Howard, Earl of
to that part of the communication re¬
stating their position and asking me
ferring to the case of Queen Esther to stay the edict of the Grand Lodge Effingham, Acting Grand Master, and
at the command of Henry Frederick,
Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, of until our next Communication. Think¬
Oakland, refer back to the com¬
Duke of Cumberland, Grand Master
we ing that the desired ends could be ac¬
mittee of Acacia Lodge to be settled complished best through amicable
of the Grand Lodge of England of
1717 establishment.
by the Grand Chapter Order of East¬ means, I granted their request, and
Star. (c) That Warrant of Constitution,
being convinced of the good inten¬ which is now in the possession of
"Affiliations with Clandestine Ma¬ tions of the brethren, who had been
Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. & A. M.
sonry," Part of the Grand Master's misled in these so-called higher de¬ of Massachusetts, bears the Seal of
(Charles H. Tinsley) annual address. grees, and knowing that the only
In accordance with the edict of this that English Grand Lodge, together
thing they wanted to know was the with the signatures of R. Holt, Deputy
Grand Lodge at our last session rela¬ truth on the subject, I sent a circular
Grand Master and William White,
tive to all Master Masons in this Juris¬ letter to the G.M. of every jurisdiction
diction who are affiliating with John Grand Secretary.
whose position we did not know on
G. Jones in the higher branches of the subject. However, unfortunately, and in con¬
tradistinction to the Prince Hall Fra¬
Masonry, that they should cease all I was fortunate enough to receive
Masonic intercourse within sixty days an answer to most of my letters, ternity, there are numerous so-called
or be
Masonic bodies now in operation
suspended, a bulletin proclaim¬ which I compiled together and allowed
ing the above edict was sent to all the brethren to read them. The result among our citizens of color. These
subordinate Lodges through the office have come into existence through at
of which I am pleased to report to
of the Grand Secretary on or about least two sources, namely:
you is that nearly every one, with
August 15th. My attention was called (a) Through the deviltry of men
exception of a few, have proclaimed who had, or have been expelled from
to a letter emanating from one C. R. their allegiance to the true standard, Prince Hall Masonry, and who organ¬
France of Pittsburgh, Pa., proclaim¬ and it is gratifying to report to you ized such
ing himself G.R. of M.S. and that Masonry in all its Lodges out of pure spite
a mem¬ branches is at
ber of Hiram Grand Lodge, F. & A. irrespective of the fact they had been
peace and harmony in this jurisdiction.
M. of Pennsylvania (a clandestine G. The Jonsites have been scourged punished for gross un-Masonic origin
is exceedingly questionable.
L), encouraging members of the from our midst, and I pray this in¬
Craft in California that if the Grand Some of those so-called Masonic
famous name will never polute the
Lodge of this state persisted in carry¬ groups even have the audacity to make
harmony of this Grand Lodge again use of the following designations:
ing out the edict relative to affiliating or his
proselytes be given any further
with John G. Jones in the Higher de¬ quarter. (a) Prince Hall Origin.
grees of Masonry, to withdraw from I regret that it fell to my lot to pre¬ (b) Prince Hall Affiliation.
our Grand
Lodge and establish a sent these unpleasant episodes to you, (c) Prince Hall Descent.
Grand Lodge of their own. but these irregularities have been The sad fact is, that when chal¬

Owing to this information I sent a going on so long in this jurisdiction lenged, none of the leaders of those
communication to the Masters of each that the time has arrived. organizations have been willing to
submit indisputable documentary evi¬ vidual now engaged in such a move¬ that among its projects is one through
dence to sustain their claims; some of ment who came
originally from a which a member my borrow money
which have been fanciful indeed. Prince Hall to make a down payment on a home;
jurisdiction in a southern
A few of the prime movers in the state; his record is interesting. other opportunities are advertised.

propagandizing of Negro "bogus" Ma¬ Over the years I have been engaged (e) It claims its membership is
sonry, have been: in an intensive research pertaining to inter-racial, and in one issue there is
facts concerning such organizations, the illustration of one of its alleged
1—JOHN GEORGE JONES, who and what shall follow will reveal some white members.
expelled from John Jones Lodge
of the activities as have been found
No. 7, at Chicago, 111., on October Organization No. 2:
in literature issued from time to time. This claims to be the successor of
14, 1903, by Prince Hall Grand Lodge
This information will likewise reveal Prince Hall
of Illinois. The similarity in the name a
Supreme Council of the
of the culprit and his Lodge, was due the fact that many of these organiza¬ Scottish Rite over which a Prince
to the fact, that the Illinois jurisdic¬ tions are
engaged in practices which Hall Mason had been the Grand Com¬
tion came from Ohio, and the Lodge through history, daw, and tradition, mander over 60 years ago, but when
are forbidden to the Prince Hall Fra¬
was named for
John Jones, who had pressed for proof to sustain that claim,
been a Grand Master of that grand ternity, consequently, the latter is at nothing has ever been forthcoming.
great disadvantage through its ad¬ Some of the activities are:
herence principles.
2—WILLIAM GRAY, a close associ¬ (a) It issues policies payable at
ateof Jones in his nefarious activities, Although Prince Hall grand bodies death.
and who was likewise expelled, on the in several states have been successful
in court actions
(b) Attached to it is a real estate
same date, and by the same Grand against some of these
elements, court corporation whose shares are listed as
Lodge as Jones. procedure is a very selling at $10.00 each, so an item in
uncertain process for at least two rea¬
3—MILTON F. FIELDS, a member an issue of its
publication states.
sons, to wit:
of True Blue Lodge, No. 107, at St.
(c) Past issues of an illustrated
Louis, Mo., was expelled by his Grand (a) In many instances it is exceed¬ journal for its annual sessions reveal
Lodge about the year 1892. ingly difficult to convince some judges it makes excellent use of female sub¬
4—JOHN A. BELL was expelled regarding the validity in the origin, ordinates, and, the illustrations of such
from North Star Lodge No. 5, at progress, and status of the Prince Hall groups as printed, exceed those of
Grand Rapids, Mich., by "Union" now Fraternity, because, records have been members of the male branches, as for
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of that state, submitted to show that some of the
and he was permanently enjoined white Grand Lodges have classified
(1) One journal of 66 pages car¬
from engaging in any form of Masonic- our
Fraternity being "clandestine."
as ries the illustrations of 4 children's
activity therein by Judge George (b) When cases come before judges groups; 24 of males and 57 of fe¬
Sample about 1922, as can be proved who are without any familiarity with males.
in Case No. 180, in the Circuit Court Masonic history, law, tradition, or pro¬
(2.) This one has 71 pages with 40
of Washtenaw County. However, he cedure; some are unable to note the illustrations of males and 61 of fe¬
continued his activities in other states. line of
demarcation between legiti¬ males.
5—DORSEY F. SEVILLE was a macy and illegitimacy. (3) 66 pages with illustrations of
member of John F. Cook Lodge No. Although I may not definitely identi¬ 28 male, and 39 female.
10, in the District of Columbia. He fy each organization, I shall assign (d) In one year it claims to have
number to each one for the purpose
suspended from his Lodge on a
paid out nearly $30,000 in death
of definite separation.
August 6, 1896, for his association in claims, in 17 states.
the activities of John G. Jones, and Organization No. 1:
was later I have a copy
(e) Another journal of 60 pages
expelled by the Prince Hall of the Constitution of carries illustrations of 1child; 38 of
jurisdiction in the District. this group, and under the heading of males, and 56 of females.
6—ROBEBT "salaries," we learn:
J. FLETCHER was, at (f) A copy of the magazine states
one time a member of Philomathean (a) The Grand Masters of the sub¬ there is a corporation at hand "whose
ordinate Grand Lodges receive 35%
Lodge No. 2, and later, Secretary of business is to buy, sell, mortgage,
Eureka Lodge No. 21, under the of the total collections. Each Grand
lease, sublease, option, contract and
Prince Hall jurisdiction in California, Secretary receives 30%, and each
assign real estate."
serving as Grand Master in 1874, when Deputy Grand Master receives 5%.
the rival grand bodies in the state (b) In the Order of the Eastern Star Organization No. 3:
consolidated. which is attached to this outfit, each This Grand Lodge through com¬
Grand Matron receives 35% of the munications has endeavored to enter
In 1906, the Grand Lodge directed
into fraternal relationship with legiti¬
that all those who were associated collections; the Grand Secretaries re¬
mate Masonic bodies in foreign coun¬
with John G. ceive 30%, and the Associate Grand
Jones in his so-called tries, but, after
Matrons receive 5% of the total col¬ having been warned
higher degree" organizations, to sever
their connection therewith, But Flet¬ lections. by my contacts, I was able to pre¬
vent such in at least two instances.
cher refused to obey the order, and (c) This group issues policies, and
later was expelled. He is the alleged the ages run from 16 up to 95 years Organization No. 4:
founder of one of the bogus organi¬ in various age In issue of of the "United"
classifications. At the an one

zations now
operating in California. age of 96 one becomes art "Honorary Supreme Councils magazines, there
Member, and the assessment is $.20. is a scale of rates from the various
Through what sources leaders of
other "bogus" organizations procured probably month.
per degrees, and the following appears at
their so-called the conclusion of the scale:
degrees, remains a mys¬ (d) This group publishes a peri¬
tery with the exception of one indi¬ odical, and through a copy we find (Continued on page 22)


tennial anniversary of the Prince Hall which nearly a year ago decided
FRATERNAL BOOGY MAN Grand Lodge, he was sent to England against Brother H. C. Scott, Grand
to find out the facts in the case of Master at the time, from which he ap¬
George W. Wilson, P.G.M.
1907. He returned with the astound¬ pealed, and at last won the victory.
On the 10th of July, 1909, R. J.
ing discovery that General Gage's They are beaten in every court. The
Fletcher send an appeal to the Grand decision of the Supreme Court of the
army was not in the United States
Lodge through my office, praying of America in 1775, the time that District of Columbia is the last straw
that his expulsion and the findings of Prince Hall and his associates claimed that broke the camel's back. I openly
this Grand Lodge which convened in to have been made Masons. General invite you and all self-respected Ma¬
Stockton, June 8th-13th, 1909, be set Gage's military army was recalled in sons to right. This is no secret;
aside and a rehearing be granted him. 1773, and, further, he never had a any Lodge can be healed (or indi¬
vidual Mason). Let me hear from you
By the same mail he sent an appeal Military Lodge, and if he had he could
to me praying that I set aside the
not have made civilians Masons as the at your earliest convenience.

action of Philomathean Lodge in their

Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Wishing you and you wife and
against him and declare the ac¬ England prohibits Military Lodges family a Happy New Year, I am
from making them. The Grand Secre¬ Fraternally years
tions of the said Lodge null and void.
I authorized the Grand tary of England declared that the rec¬ R. J. Fletcher, (33°)
Secretary ords of the Grand Lodge do not
toacknowledge the receipt of his ap¬ show that at any time from the year
D.D. G.M. Grand Lodge,
peal and inform him that same would 1170 to the present time that a body
Illinois and Jurisdiction"
be turned over to the Grand Lodge
of colored men in the United States
when you meet at the present session. Brethren, I might discuss the ac¬
had ever been granted a charter; that letter, but such a dis¬
cusations in this
On October 25th, I received a com¬
munication from Bro. T. A. Harris of
they had been informed that Prince cussion would give assurance of a
Hall and his associates had received doubt and to confirm by any attes¬
Los Angeles informing me that R. J. their warrant from France. tation the legality of Prince Hall
Fletcher, assisted by several expelled Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and its
Masons, were trying to organize a Brother Eugene Fields, armed with
clandestine Masonic Club for the pur¬ these facts, returned home, and was legal descendants of Negro Masons in
one of the committee that was ap¬ the United States would profane the
pose of setting up a Lodge.
I commissioned Brother Harris as pointed to go to Boston, Mass., and sanctity of fraternalism.
my special deputy to actthe mat¬
on investigate and demand to see the Now I wish to call your attention
original. to the fact that the average Crafts¬
ter and use every honorable and peace¬
ful means in his power to cope with man
gets but little authentic informa¬
They had to confess that they never tion concerning some of the vital
the situation and win the organization saw the copy was all they
original; the
if possible. This was a matter which ever saw. Think of this! Mackey, the questions which threaten our peace
and harmony, but not our fidelity.
required a great deal of tact and skill, great Masonic Jurist, always con¬
but Bro. Harris was equal to the The subject of the question I now
tended that we illegal. If then

emergency and not only succeeded in we were

illegal, it goes to show that refer to is a bugbear, the ghost of a
exposing Fletcher's scheme, but cap¬ all that we have done must be illegal, thing we thought was at least a man,
tured all of his desirable timber and and could not be otherwise, until we who is in a league with the prince
delivered to this jurisdiction a new are healed and made Masonically right of the lower regions, and has sum¬
Lodge of 36 members, composed of by some regular and legitimate Ma¬ moned all his deceptive powers to lure
some of Los Angeles' best citizens. sonic Grand Lodge. This is just what you to destruction by trying to intimi¬
After this Fletcher has the brazen has been done. The Grand Lodge of date you with false statements and per¬
audacity to try to intimidate many the District of Columbia, of which sonal letters. I know that the afore¬
of the members of this jurisdiction by Brother H. C. Scott (33°) is the Mas¬ said method has been used to coerce
false statements printed in pamphlets ter, was made Masonically right and many of you, but the letter sent to
and misleading letters. properly healed by the Most Worship¬ Bro. Boyden was the only one that
I shall read you an extract of one ful Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted came to my notice.
which he sent to Brother G. W. Boy- Masons of Roumania, and empowered Now in order that you may
him to heal and make masonically
thoroughly acquainted with the case
Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 12, 1910 right all colored Masons in the United in which these parasites are falsely
States emanating from the Prince Hall
G. W. Boyden, Esq: Grand Lodge of Boston, Mass. And
publishing, I have requested G.M.
Dear Sir and Brother: You no doubt N. E. Weatherless and P.G.M. Grim-
this is what I am doing. I was healed shaw of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M.
have been convinced by this time that
and made Masonically right in May, of the District of Columbia to ad¬
we have been hoodwinked and most
1908, and was a member of Lodge dress a communication to you, giving
grossly deceived into the belief that No. 6 in Chicago, 111. On the first day
we, the descendants of the Prince Hall of May received my commission as
you the true status of the
Grand Lodge, which was reversed by the Supreme
F. & A. M., were legiti¬ D.D. Grand Master of the M.W. St.
mate Masons. Court of the D. C. in their first with
Let me now disabuse your mind, for
John's Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. spurious Masonry.
for the State of Illinois and Jurisdic¬
such is not the case. What I am tell¬ tion. Both Brothers immediately sent us
ing you is not hearsay, but cold facts, the following reply:
direct from the I received a letter from Chicago
Secretary of the Grand Washington, D.C. May 3, 1910
Lodge England. Bro. Eugene
of informing me that said Supreme Court
Fields, whom you might have met in of the District of Columbia reversed
Most Worshipful Brother:
Boston while visiting during the cen¬ the action of the Superior Court, Your communication of April 25,


addressed to Brother William H. enforce, hence they went into court (Continued from page 20)
Myers, Grand Secretary of our Most several years ago now and sought to "To be deducted from the whole
Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Dis¬ enjoin our Most Worshipful Grand is the sum of Twenty per cent, or
trict of Columbia and expressing a de¬ Lodge, of which Brother William H. the sum of Seven ($7.00), for
sire for an immediate reply on the Grimshaw was then Grand Master, the Deputy as his commission,
decision handed down by the Supreme from practicing the principles of the with necessary expenses addi¬
Court of this Jurisdiction in our fight Order. Of course they could not do tional."
with spurious Masonry here has been that. The Court here knew, as every When a member attains the 33°,
forwarded to me. I take great pleasure court knows, that it has no jurisdic¬ an additional amount over and above

in replying immediately as you re¬ tion over

Freemasonry. They, of the initiation fee, of $10.00, must be
quest and giving you all the informa¬ course, were kicked out of court, and paid into the Foundation Fund. When
tion your letter requests. lost their case; the Court deciding, as the forms reporting the election and
it could not help from deciding that installation of the officers of a Con¬
Spurious Masonry here in the Dis¬
trict of Columbia has had its origin
we were
regular and had Masonic sistory are sent in, $15.00 must be
with several men who had been ex¬ standing, which those fellows had not. included to pay "the Warrants of the
The next step that occurred was a three houses."
pelled by Most Worshipful Grand
Master for unbecoming conduct. This
cross-bill that was filed asking the Organization No. 5:
courts to stop these spurious fellows A letter to a prospective organizer,
occurred in 1896. These expelled Ma¬
got together and organized what
from setting up bogus lodges and at¬ bearing the date of April 4, 1951,
contained the following paragraph:
they styled "A Masonic Grand Lodge" tempting to make Masons. The Court
and went into the office of the clerk of Equity, which is presided over by "My offer to you is to consider
one of the ablest securing new applications in your
of the Court and took out an act of judges here, did en¬
join them and issued a decree re¬ spare time, for the Masons and
incorporation, styling themselves, five make extra money. You would be
or six of them in number, not more, as straining them from attempting to
"The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, work. They appealed their case and given up to fifty (50) percent of
Free and Accepted Masons." They carried it before the Supreme Court the application fee as your commis¬
here. The Supreme Court here de¬ sion. If you are interested and agree
incorporated. Anybody or any¬ to accept I would come to Chicago
cided, after mature deliberation that
thing can take out articles of incor¬
the courts of law cannot decide Ma¬ and assist you in getting started
poration if they pay the price, and and show you the short cuts to sell¬
in any name they choose, if there is sonic questions, and therefore ruled
no similar
corporation in the place.
the whole matter out, leaving the mat¬ ing memberships."
ter where it stood when the spurious A certificate of membership in this
There was no such body as "A Most
fellows were kicked out of court on group bears the names of four grand
Worshipful Grand Lodge, Free, An¬ their attempt to stop us. This, my officers, but each signature is in the
cient and Accepted Masons" on the
dear sir, is just where the matter same
books of the Clerk's Office here, for
stands today, the lies and trickery of Supreme Councils:
this reason: that no true Masonic
John G. Jones and his infamous lieu¬ My researches have revealed the
Grand Lodge as such is every incor¬ fact there are about four bodies of
tenants to the contrary notwithstand¬
porated. It does not need to be, for ing. the Scottish Rite which style them¬
the reason that Freemasonry does not selves as a "UNITED" Supreme Coun¬
Tell all the brethren there and
get its authority from Common Law, cil, and these have been and still may
but as you well know, "From some everywhere them that
you may meet
be as follows:
we have lost nothing and
Grand Lodge of competent jurisdic¬ could lose
nothing. Our flag floats higher today (a) In 1947, one with headquarters
tion, empowering it to work." Hence
than ever before. Never before in the at Brooklyn, N. Y.
our Grand
Lodge has never been in¬ (b) In 1948, one with headquarters
corporated and never will. history of the Craft were there so at Boston, Mass.
many good men coming into our
Our Charter comes from the Mother Order. These spurious fellows here do (c) In 1951, one with headquarters
Grand Lodge of England, through not amount to a drop in a bucket.
at Chicago, 111.
Prince Hall. We need no other author¬
They are glad to be let alone. It is (d) In 1954, one with headquarters
ity. Courts of law cannot make, and only in far off places, where they are
Brooklyn, N.Y., but whether or not
have never tried to make Masons, or not known that they can make head¬
this was the same outfit as in 1947,
Masonic Bodies. The law will incor¬ I have no information.
way, and in such places it will not
porate anything that asks for it, pro¬ be long before they are found out and (Concluded next issue)
vided the object is not at variance turned down. I hope this letter is
with statutory provisions. These ex¬ THE BRAIN
satisfactory to you, if not, write again
pelled fellows had themselves incor¬ to me, and I shall take a great pleas¬ The human brain is a wonderful
porated. ure in
writing you again. I shall be thing. It starts working the moment
For some reason they got the no¬ you are born and never stops until you
glad to hear from you at any time.
tion in their heads that their act of Our Order is doing extremely well stand up to speak. — Masonic Tribune
incorporation gave some advantage here. We are prospering and are ask¬
the Regular Masons here, and DUTY
ing no quarters and are giving none.
that since they had been incorporated It is the
duty of all Freemasons and
Believe me to be yours fraternally,
that the law which incorporated them all good citizens to combat the efforts
N. E. Weatherless of any
would stop our Masonic Grand Lodge secret society to interfere, di¬
Grand Master
which was not incorporated, from rectly or indirectly with the adminis¬
247 10th Street N.E. tration of justice by duly constituted
practicing the principles of Freema¬
sonry. Someone advised them that Washington, D.C. authorities.
this was a technical point they could (Continued next issue) Manchester Masonic Herald


(Continued from page 5) should be in the forefront in the effort that my copy arrived with the others
to assure to all Americans the
rights for San Diego, as I saw it. But some¬
fanatics. And aiding these bigots and
guaranteed them in our Constitution. where along the line it was never de¬
fanatics are the corrupt business men
The attack on these rights, for any livered. You can be sure that I have
and corrupt politicians for whom ra¬ individual or
group, is an attack on registered acomplaint. Meanwhile I
cial and religious hatred is profitable. the security of every person who am without copy of same and you

With all the chasing after "security works for a living. It is a violation of can
imagine my concern especially re¬
risks," it is time that somebody recog¬ everything the trade union movement garding the "Cornerstone" layout.
nized exactly what the filibustering is supposed to stand for. I would appreciate it very much,
senators are doing to our security as
Bro. Towns, if you would send another
a nation.
They are among the clearest Letters to the Editor copy if you have any more around
internal dangers in our country today,
the office.
Dear Editor:
damaging our strength, our morale
and our chances of achieving our goals As always I have received with a Hoping to see you at the sessions
and if you should be in our citv be¬
in the world. great deal of pride my copy of your
recent issue of the Digest. As always fore then, please come and see me or
Thesight of U.S. senators fighting at least call me at Congress 2-5081. I
it full to capacity with valuable
night and day to deny Constitutional items of news and information. enjoyed our last telephone chat so
rights to Negroes, halting the workings much.
of our Senate and forcing the majority The composition of this publication
to either surrender denotes without a doubt that much Wishing for you every success and
compromise, is
with kindest personal regards, I am,
picture that threatens every Amer¬ thought, and ingenuity was
combined in Respectfully and fraternally yours,
ican because itdestroys the faith of accomplishing so fine a Paul E. Washington
people around the world in our de¬ piece of literature.
Jr. Grand Warden
mocracy and their respect for us as a It follows then that I am rightfully
nation. O O <*

indignant, nay completely lost as to

Communism or any other "ism" why you seem utterly unable to get February 23, I960
Dear Editor:
could not threaten us nor influence straight the fact that I, W. ROBERT
other nations against us if we could BROWN, was honored by my collea¬ Many thanks for the copies of the
achieve unity among ourselves and gues on the Board in 1958, and again Digest. That article of notes from the
in 1959, by being selected by them records of Prince Hall G. L. of Massa¬
realize the decency and justice the
to be their Chairman. chusetts, will be used in a court action
vast majority of Americans want.
In 1958 you here by my G. L.,
Maybe when Krushchev made his reported that Brother
Baker Chairman, this I did not
was You may receive a letter from a
boast that his countrywould "bury"
mind, he was Chairman the year be¬ member of the Bogus Committee ask¬
us it was as a result of witnessing
the effects of racial discrimination fore, it seemed to me a natural mis¬ ing for a copy of issue No. 2, of Vol.
here. take, but this year 1959, I am puzz¬ 8, to be used for the same purpose.
led, and of course my mind is full of His name is Daniel O. Brathwaite, 815
You can imagine what the Nazi questions. East 166th St., The Bronx (59). That
Storm Troopers must have thought of committee is endeavoring to get as
democracy when they were May I ask you to correct this mis¬ much of the old records
take in your next issue and thanks. may be as

brought over here as prisoners and, possible to offset the arguments of the
while en route to prison camps, could Fraternally yours, defendants as to the legality of our
eat railroad station restaurants
in W. Robert Brown
Fraternity and its origin.
where the colored American soldiers Chairman, Trustee Board Please help him if you can.
who were guarding them were not al¬ • • •
I have been in very poor health
lowed to eat.
for many months; in fact was in a
"Divide and Dear Editor:
conquer" is what our hospital here for close to six weeks.
We trust that this will find you and
enemies are counting on today and On the 7th of this month, my dear
we are giving them plenty of reason yours enjoying health, happiness and
feel the manifold blessings of our Infinite wife, who for years has assisted me
to optimistic. in all of
Father. my researches, etc., took sail
This is not just a Negro problem. out on the Sea of
As you
Eternity; had she
There is no basic difference between must know everything here lived until Valentine Day, we would
is buzzing with activity for the com¬
anti-Negro discrimination, anti-Jew, have been married 41 years. She was
anti-Catholic or anti-labor discrimina¬ ing Grand Sessions. We surely do taken ill late last July, and for the
tion. All of it is anti-American. And hope to make this one of the grandest past four or more months was in a
behind all of it there are always those times in our history.
who profit as a result of this disunity
hospital here suffering with a most un¬
It was my good fortune to see some usual and peculiar condition of the
The civil of the proof sheets that you sent to bones and the blood for which there
rights issue is one that
Brother Thompson and I sincerely isnow no known remedy. The blood
every American should be heard on.
want to
express my appreciation for bank of my G. L., supplied any
Every presidential candidate should
have to take a clear, honest stand on the magnificent coverage you gave us amount of blood but to no avail.

it if he expects the consideration of in the latest edition of the Digest. With kindest regards, I am,
American people. Church groups and However, I have not received my Yours fraternally,
community groups have a duty to copy as yet. Let me hasten to say that Harry A. Williamson
speak out. this is through no fault of the staff. Credit feature articles "Light"
And I work for the Post Office and know
certainly organized labor and "Miscellaneous" to Acacia


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Passover, the Jewish festival commemorating in a
struggle for equality and dignity in parts of
the exodus from
Egyptian slavery more than our
country and in distant lands.
3,200 years ago, began with the Seder meal and
"The God of Israel who revealed himself at
the retelling of the story of deliverance.
Sinai as the
Emancipator continues to watch over
Rabbi Saul E. White, chairman of the San
history, and will vindicate their struggle for the
Francisco Council of Rabbis, took note of the
occasion right to eat at a lunch counter, to work, to studv
by sending greetings to Negroes through¬
and to live as free men.
out the world. He said:
"I want to take the
opportunity of Israel's cele¬ "By their heroic behavior of resisting discrimi¬
bration of its historic nation and hatred with nonviolence and love, they
holiday of emancipation
and freedom to bear testimony and to extend have already made certain and inevitable the tri¬

greetings to our Negro brethren who are engaged umph of their cause."

A Tribute to Deceased dreaded messenger, Death, to which circle of successive life and death ever
all life must subscribe. embraces us.
Masons Yet, consoling words come to us We earnestly believe that our de¬
saying, "thy brother shall live again." ceased brethren subscribed to these
By John R. Lawrence In other words, we are told that a fu¬ tenets. As workmen, as temple build¬
Grand Master, P. H. Grand Lodge ture life exists for us somewhere; yet ers, they toiled industriously in their
Minnesota and Jurisdiction we ask not where. We await the respective communities and in their
Grand Architect's decision. Some¬ respective stations in life, as so aptly
A philosopher has said, "Brethren, where in this boundless universe, we typified in our Ritual by the Moni¬
in the midst of life, we are in death, shall find our brothers and other torial Emblem — the Bee Hive, en¬
and none knows what a
day may loved ones. This is not idle prattle or couraged and buoyed up by the prom¬
bring forth. We live but to see those conjecture. We Masons believe that ise that when the temple was finished
we love
pass away into the silent land there is that part
before us." within us that shall they would receive their deserved
never die; that the soul is immortal wages.
This teaches the impressive lesson and that law shall govern Now death has ended their labors
that every one of us ere long must
universe, and that law is the Law of and we gather to pay homage and re¬
yield his body to the earthworms. Love. spect to them, to vow to ever retain
Death and the dead are ever with us, To fond memories of association with
exemplify this law of love, Ma¬ our

teaching us the uncertainty and brevi¬ sonry opens its portals, and invites them, and to express our sympathy,
ty of life, as well as the instability of men to enter where
they may live in not only in words, but in deeds of love
material goods. Thus have our de¬ and
peace, usefulness and harmony. All charity to their widows, to their
ceased brethren passed from our men are welcome, who are
willing to orphans, and to their other loved
midst. live according to its mandates, willing ones. This is our definite
duty, our
They have nobly completed their to live a truly virtuous and moral life, task, our Masonic obligation. Thus,
mission on this terrestrial love their brethren, minister to the we shall
sphere. In bring a rich experience to
many instances the Psalmist may say, sick and distressed, and believe in the Masonry and instead of this evolving
"Well done, thou good and faithful One Omnipotent Creator, by whose into a time of somber deliberation and
servant, . ." as they responded to
. universal law of harmony this uni¬ reflection, it is transformed into our
that inevitable summons of the verse continues to move, and the vast shining hour.

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