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1 Biotic component: Plants/ Animals/ human. Natural: Pond/ forest/ Desert. Artificial: Garden/
Crop Field/ garden.
2 a. Plasmodium/ Amoeba(unfavorable condition) b: Amoeba/ Leishmania.
3 Phenophthalein : Pink in Base and colouless in Acid. Methyl Orange: Red in acid and Orange
in base.
4 Propanol C3H7OH. Saturated: C4H10 & C6H14.
5 Object at F: Real and Inverted Image. Object between F and P: Virtual and Erect.
6 X- Ester (Ethyl ethanoate) Y- NaOH (Sodium hydroxide). Red litmus will turn to blue.
7 i. Kilowatt is the SI unit of Power whereas Kilowatt hour is the SI unit of electrical energy.
1kWh = 3.6x1O6 Joule.
ii. Power= 2.5 Watt resistance= 10ohm.
9 Glucose:
a. Aerobic Respiration: Glucose will undergo complete break down to produce CO2 and
b. Lactic Acid Pathway: Glucose will undergo incomplete breakdown to produce Lactic
c. Anaerobic respiration: Glucose will go incomplete breakdwon to produce Ethanol
and CO2.
Arteries: Smaller lumen and thicker walls/ Greater blood pressure/ Oxygenated Blood/ Heart
to body flow.
Veins: bigger lume and thinner walls/ Lesser blood pressure/ Deoxygenated Blood/ Body to
heart flow.
10 Variation arises due to error in DNA replication. Such variation may sometime help to adapt
to different niche and conditions. e.g Bacteria in Change in water temperature/ Colour of
11 A: Anther: Contains the male gamate pollen grain
B: Style transports the pollen grain towards the ovary.
C: Ovary/ Ovule: Contains the female gamate also site of fertilisation.
12 i. C, A, B. B is the most acidic. Hydrogen ion conc will decrease.
ii. Baking soda is a basic salt so it will help to neutralise the acidity.
iii. Sodium Hydrogen Bicarbonate NaHCO3.
Ethene will form. Sulphuric acid will act as dehydrating agent. Ethane will form.
14 i.Because nitric acid is strong oxidising agent, the formed Hydrogen will be oxidised to water.
ii. Because it will react with Aluminium and form Sodium aluminate.
iii. Due to less reactivity of Silver it reacts very slowly.
iv. aquous solution of NaCl during electrolysis will form Hydrogen gas at cathode instead of
v. for the reaction with the Aluminium Temperature has an important role as in the
beginning less heat is evolved so it requires time to react with aluminium.
i.Ester and Esterfication reaction. Product: Ethyl ethonate + Water.
ii. Will act as dehydrating agent/ catalyst.
iii. 3 ways: n-Pentane, Iso-Pentane, Neo-Pentane. 2, methyl butaneand 2,2-dimethly
15 i. 2 marks for diagram: 0.5 for angle of refraction and 0.5 for latertal shift.
ii. 2 marks: 1 for Concace mirror and 1 for Concave lens.
iii. 1 mark: Question Error.
16 i. Magnetic field and the current is directly proportional.
ii. 1mark: Diagram and Maxwell Right Hand Thumb Rule.
iii. 1 mark: If they do so, compass needle will show two directions which is not possible.
17 I. Man: Pituatary gland. Plants: Apical Meristem region of stem and root. (0.5 + 0.5 mark)
ii. (2marrk) Events sequence: a. Auxin will accumulate towrads the shady region. b. Growth
will be more in the shady region as a result it will bend towards the sunlight.
(0.5 +0.5mark)Name of hormone: Auxin Type of movement: Phototropism.
iii. (0.5 + 0.5 mark) Root will show negative phototropism and Shoot will show positive

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