English Syllabus Forms 3-4

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Republic of Malawi

Syllabus for


Forms 3 and 4

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Syllabus for


Forms 3 and 4

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Prepared and published by

Malawi Institute of Education

PO Box 50

Email: miedirector@sdnp.org.mw

© Malawi Institute of Education 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the permission of the copyright owner.

First edition 2013


The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Malawi Institute of Education
would like to thank all those who participated in various capacities, stages and levels in the
development, refinement and final production of this syllabus. The Ministry is particularly
indebted to the following for their contributions at various stages of the development of the
syllabus for English:

Geophrey Nsanja Polytechnic

Joshua I Kumwenda Mzuzu University
Patrick Kapito Chancellor College
Dr Grace M Chiuye Chancellor College
Zondiwe Mbano Chancellor College
Dr Syned Mthatiwa University of Malawi
Dr Bright Molande University of Malawi
Harry J Kamwaza Mchinji Secondary School
Kondwani Mkandawire Domasi College of Education
George N Chikane Domasi College of Education
Margaret Chilimanjira Malawi Institute of Education
Henri G Chilora Malawi Institute of Education
Max J Iphani Malawi Institute of Education
Franklin M Kadam’manja Tsabango Community Day Secondary School
Catherine Saiwa Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Special thanks also go to the Director of Department of Inspectorate and Advisory Services
(DIAS), Raphael Agabu, and his staff, the Director of Malawi Institute of Education, Dr William
Susuwele-Banda, and his staff, the head of Department for Curriculum Development (DCD),
the Coordinator of secondary school curriculum, Mrs Enia Ngalande and her Team (Naireti
Molande, Dr Ezekiel Kachisa and Austin Kalambo) for coordinating the process of reviewing
the syllabuses.

MoEST and MIE would also like to thank Mayamiko Chiwaya and Elina Msiska who helped in
the refining of the syllabus. Finally, thanks should also go to Dr Foster Kholowa, George CH
Chatha, Margret Dzimbiri and Edward Chagalamuka for providing expert advice on the
syllabus during its development.

Production team

Editing: Dr Fritz Kadyoma

Typesetting and
layout: Catherine Katete
Editor-In-Chief: Max J Iphani

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... iii
Foreword ……..................................................................................................................... v
The secondary school curriculum in Malawi ................................................................. vii
Developmental outcomes ................................................................................................. viii
Rationale for English ......................................................................................................... xi
Themes/topics ..................................................................................................................... 1
Scope and sequence chart for Form 1 .............................................................................. 2
Scope and sequence chart for Form 2 .............................................................................. 6
Scope and sequence chart for Form 3 .............................................................................. 10
Scope and sequence chart for Form 4 .............................................................................. 14
Scope and sequence chart for literature for Forms 1 and 2 .......................................... 18
Scope and sequence chart for literature for Forms 3 and 4 .......................................... 20
Teaching syllabus for Forms 3 and 4 ............................................................................. 23
References …. ………………………………………........……………………………..... 166
Education is the vehicle through which every citizen can realise his or her potential and
contribute to national development. The vision of the education sector in Malawi is to be a
catalyst for socio-economic development, industrial growth and an instrument for empowering
the poor, the weak and the voiceless. Its mission is to provide quality and relevant education to
Malawians. As a catalyst for the development, education should equip the individual with
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to enable one to perform one’s roles effectively, in an
attempt to promote and sustain the social-economic development of a nation.

It is the conviction of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology that primary education
alone is not sufficient for achieving socio-economic development. As argued in the NESP (2008-
2017), ‘In an evolving and changing world of education, there is no way basic education can be
taken as a complete transformer of our society when the world at large is getting more complex
and sophisticated’. Therefore, secondary education is critical as it provides additional
knowledge, skills and attitudes crucial for enabling Malawians to cope with the complex and
sophisticated socio-economic and political environment of the global village to which Malawi
belongs. Specifically, secondary education is:
• a human right, and important for achieving gender equity
• important for improving the health and quality of life for individuals, families and
• important for the socio-economic and political development of the nation
• necessary for reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Education For All
(EFA) and for promoting Universal Primary Education (UPE)

Against this background, the Malawi Government through the Ministry of Education, Science
and Technology has reviewed the secondary school curriculum with a view to improving its
quality and relevance, and to align it with the primary curriculum which has since been
reviewed and emphasises continuous assessment as a tool for learning.

The rationale for reviewing the secondary school curriculum is contained in the NESP (2008-
2017), and PIF (2000). The documents clearly state that the purpose of secondary education is to
provide students with the academic basis for gainful employment in formal, private and public
sectors. They further state that secondary education will prepare students for further education
according to their abilities and aptitudes. However, it is important to note that for the majority
of the children in Malawi, secondary education is terminal. Consequently, the curriculum has
put emphasis on practical skills that enable them to achieve self-employment.

It is also clear that a good secondary school curriculum enables a student to develop into an
adult with sound intellectual, moral, physical, and emotional abilities. Therefore the curriculum
needs to address the whole range of students’ abilities and interests. In addition, it should aim
at equipping the student to become an independent learner in order to promote personal,
family, community and national development. The new curriculum has therefore been
deliberately designed to achieve these important goals. The importance of this syllabus
therefore, cannot be over-emphasised.

I would like to thank all those who were directly or indirectly involved in the preparation of the
syllabuses. Key among the stakeholders are the Director and staff of the Department of
Inspectorate and Advisory Services (DIAS) in the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technology (MoEST), for facilitating the development of the syllabuses in collaboration with the
Director and staff of the Malawi Institute of Education (MIE). I would also like to extend my
gratitude to university colleges (both public and private), teachers from secondary schools (both
public and private), members of different religious groups and officers representing special
interest groups such as the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA), Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM),
Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and Malawi Blood
Transfusion Services (MBTS) for their valuable contribution to and participation in the
preparation of these syllabuses.

Most of all, I would like to express my hope that teachers will implement this curriculum
diligently and in the best interest of the students so that the goals for reviewing the curriculum
are achieved.

Dr McPhail Magwira
Secretary for Education Science and Technology (SEST)

The secondary school curriculum in Malawi
Among other reasons, the secondary school curriculum has been reviewed to align it with the
primary school curriculum. This curriculum puts emphasis on student-centred teaching and
learning approaches, including continuous assessment.

This curriculum focuses on student achievement. To achieve the outcomes, students must be
introduced to new knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in the context of their existing
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values so that they develop a deeper understanding as they
learn and apply the knowledge. In this way, the process of learning is integral to the final
product. The final products are the outcomes, that is, what students are expected to achieve in
terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, which must be clearly stated before teaching
and learning begin. The achievements made at school, however, are only truly beneficial when
the students transfer them to life beyond the school and view learning as a lifelong process. This
is essential to keep pace with the changing social environment of home and work.

The figure below illustrates the structure and major elements of Malawi’s secondary school
curriculum, which are elaborated in the text below.


Developmental outcomes

Secondary education outcomes

Assessment standards



The developmental structure of the secondary school curriculum in Malawi

Developmental outcomes
The developmental outcomes are over-arching; they are what the student is expected to achieve
by the end of the secondary school cycle both in and out of school. These outcomes apply to
subject areas and they have been derived from the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi,
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS), National Education Sector Plan (NESP),
Education Act and other education policy documents, including global policies and multilateral
agreements to which Malawi is a signatory, as well as from the Secondary School Curriculum
and Assessment Review (SSCAR). That is, students should be able to:

1 demonstrate appropriate moral and ethical behaviour in accordance with the accepted
norms and values of the society
2 demonstrate local, regional, and international understanding
3 communicate competently, effectively, and relevantly in a variety of contexts, in an
appropriate local or international language
4 apply mathematical concepts in socio-cultural, political, economic, environmental, scientific,
and technological contexts to solve problems
5 apply scientific, technological, vocational, and managerial skills in a creative and innovative
way to identify problems and develop appropriate solutions, so as to participate
productively in society
6 demonstrate health-promoting behaviour in their personal lives as well as in their
communities and the wider environment, with particular attention to prevalent diseases
7 appreciate and interact with the environment in a responsible and sustainable manner
8 apply the indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong
learning, personal advancement, employment, and the development of society
9 use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) responsibly and productively
10 demonstrate an understanding of the functioning of the economy and the contribution of
agriculture and other sectors to national development
11 make use of entrepreneurial and vocational skills for personal and national development
12 apply research skills for problem-solving
13 demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of issues of human rights, democracy,
gender, governance, and other emerging issues

Secondary education outcomes

The secondary education outcomes are categorised into seven sets of essential skills to be
acquired by a secondary school graduate. The skills are:
1 citizenship skills
2 ethical and socio-cultural skills
3 economic development and environmental management skills
4 occupational and entrepreneurial skills
5 practical skills
6 creativity and resourcefulness
7 scientific and technological skills

Citizenship skills
1 demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the symbols of nationhood
2 demonstrate a spirit of patriotism and national unity
3 apply decision-making skills necessary for participation in civic affairs
4 demonstrate a spirit of leadership and service
5 show respect for one’s own and other people’s rights and responsibilities
6 tolerate other people’s attitudes and beliefs
7 demonstrate respect for the rule of law
8 understand characteristics of good governance
9 initiate and implement community development projects
10 demonstrate a sense of good neighbourliness
11 demonstrate a sense of national, regional and international understanding
12 demonstrate cooperative behaviour
13 demonstrate personal and social responsibility

Ethical and socio-cultural skills

14 demonstrate moral, spiritual and ethical attitudes and values
15 appreciate Malawi’s diverse cultures and their respective practices
16 appreciate existing national institutions and cultural heritage
17 appreciate the value of the relationship between the individual and society
18 respect one’s own and other people’s cultures
19 identify beliefs which promote or retard national development
20 evaluate beliefs, taboos and superstitions in relation to national development
21 uphold beliefs which promote national development

Economic development and environmental management skills

22 understand Malawi’s economy and economic structure
23 demonstrate entrepreneurial and/or vocational skills for formal or informal employment
24 exploit economic opportunities stemming from agriculture
25 demonstrate an interest in land husbandry, animal husbandry and aquaculture
26 apply appropriate agricultural practices and methods
27 acquire positive attitudes and skills, and apply them to the sustainable development of the
natural and physical environment
28 understand the importance of diversified agriculture for Malawi’s economy
29 understand the impact of technologies on economic productivity
30 apply relevant technologies to various economic activities
31 apply value addition practices to agricultural and environmental resource utilisation and
32 appreciate Malawi’s environmental resources
33 understand the impact of rapid population growth on natural resources and the delivery of
social services
34 apply a variety of measures to conserve Malawi’s natural resources
35 apply ICT skills to improve intellectual growth, personal enhancement and communication
36 demonstrate the ability to adapt to climate change and mitigate its impact on the economy
and environment
37 appreciate the importance of energy in economic development
38 understand the importance of diversifying the economy through sectors such as tourism,
mining and manufacturing

Occupational and entrepreneurial skills

39 demonstrate the spirit of self-reliance through vocational and entrepreneurial activities
40 apply appropriate vocational, occupational and entrepreneurial skills to individual and
national advancement
41 demonstrate effective communication skills for the transfer of occupational and
entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, attitudes and values
42 apply the principles of science and technology, entrepreneurship and management to
promote active and productive participation in the society
43 demonstrate creativity and innovation for the benefit of the individual, community and the
nation as a whole
44 demonstrate an understanding of indigenous and non-indigenous knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values, and apply them to personal intellectual growth and national
45 use vocational, occupational and entrepreneurial skills for the creation of economic
opportunities in agriculture and other sectors

Practical skills
46 acquire entrepreneurial skills related to agriculture, commerce and industry
47 apply appropriate skills to agricultural, commercial and industrial production
48 demonstrate positive attitudes to manual work
49 demonstrate excellence in any kind of workmanship
50 demonstrate sporting ability and sportsmanship
51 demonstrate the ability to use creative and innovative artistic talents for self-employment

Creativity and resourcefulness

52 demonstrate a spirit of inquiry and creative, critical and lateral thinking
53 use problem-solving techniques to solve practical problems
54 demonstrate an imaginative and creative mind
55 exploit creative potential
56 understand personal strengths and weaknesses and use strengths to promote healthy
57 maximise the use of available resources

Scientific and technological skills

58 apply appropriate scientific, technological and vocational skills to improve economic
59 apply relevant innovations in science and technology
60 demonstrate a capacity to utilise appropriate technology
61 demonstrate basic research skills

Rationale for English
English is the most widely used international language in the world. In Malawi, it is a second as
well as the official language used to transact business in government, education, commerce,
industry and the legal system. English promotes unity and facilitates communication within
Malawi’s multilingual society, as well as with other countries.

As a subject of study in secondary schools, English consists of two components, namely

Language and Literature. Engagement with literature in English provides the students with
opportunities to apply to real life situations the lessons learnt from literature. Literary works set
a framework within which students can develop their reading, writing critical thinking and
problem solving skills as well as personal value systems. Specifically, secondary school students
in Malawi need to develop a high level of competence in English as a second language, and in
literature, for the following reasons:
1 It is a medium of instruction and should be mastered to ensure that students understand
their books and materials most of which are in English.
2 Proficiency in English is essential for employment opportunities such as in the media,
teaching, medical and the legal professions.
3 English is a major tool for dissemination of information on various critical issues such as
HIV and AIDS, gender, democracy, human rights, the environment, population, and other
contemporary issues through various media including the internet.
4 Proficiency in English allows people to experience other cultures through reading books,
listening to the radio, television and other print and electronic media.
5 Literature provides people with a window into various aspects of the human condition and
what it really means to be human.
6 Critical engagement with literature provides people with a guide to the ways in which
human beings, as a species, relate to one another and to their environment.
7 Engagement with literary texts is essential for mastery of the skills of comprehension,
analysis, interpretation and writing which students would later use to better educate
themselves and the nation at large.
8 Literary study enables students to see a work of literature as a way to understand the time
it was written, and the people who produced it, and to find what speaks to them in their
time and place.
9 Literature stimulates the four processes of reading, thinking, discussing, and writing, and
helps to improve the students’ ability to perform them.
10 Through the study of literature students acquire a general verbal sensitivity and
sophistication, correctness, clarity and precision of expression in speaking and writing.

Core elements
English is a skills subject. In order to communicate successfully in English, students need to
practise all the language skills integrated with grammar and literature. While some of the core
elements below apply more to literature than to language and vice versa, they are presented
together because the two components within the subject of English are interrelated and inform
each other. As such, teachers are required to integrate them when teaching.
The following are the core elements for English:

The student will be able to able to listen attentively and critically in order to understand and
respond to others in different contexts through a wide range of media.

The student will be able to express ideas confidently and fluently and respond orally and
appropriately to others in a wide range of situations.

The student will be able to read fluently, efficiently and critically in order to understand and
respond to different types of texts for learning, enjoyment and information.

The student will be able to write personal, factual, transactional and imaginative/creative texts
for a wide range of purposes in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Critical thinking and reasoning

The student will be able to use language to access and process information in order to think and
reason properly. The student will also be able to question and examine "accepted" /received
ideas to identify their strengths and weaknesses.

Structure and use of language (Grammar)

The student will be able to understand how sounds, words and rules of language can be used to
create, analyse, and interpret texts.

Literary terms
The student will be able to apply specific literary terms in analysing various works of literature
appropriately and with precision.

Literary genres
The student will be able to describe and classify literary texts into genres (forms).

Literary devices
The student will be able to appreciate the use of literary devices in works of literature.

Critical analysis and literary appreciation

The student will be able to discuss and critically analyse literary texts to appreciate their basic
elements and the use of techniques.


Since English is a skills subject, the language skills and grammar can be taught through any content. It is not possible nor is it necessary to specify
which skills must be taught using which content. The aim is to develop the skills. The content below is merely the vehicle for practice.

Politics Health Life skills Agriculture

• democracy • HIV and AIDS • guidance and counselling • food security
• good governance • drug and substance abuse • problem-solving • tobacco industry
• civic awareness • population • decision-making • poultry keeping
• human rights • family planning • conflict resolution • landscaping
• rights of the child • hygiene • self-esteem • horticulture
• first aid • assertiveness • fish farming
• stress and anxiety management • irrigation

Gender Economics Environment Culture

• role of woman/man in society • resource management • disaster risk management • customs
• gender based violence • mining • climate change • traditions
• wealth • pollution • taboos
• poverty • waste management • indigenous knowledge
• corruption • soil erosion • history
• privatization • deforestation/afforestation • domestic violence
• devaluation

Entrepreneurship Law Religion Education

• appropriate technology • lawfulness • beliefs and values • formal
• business skills • unlawfulness/lawlessness • freedom of worship • informal
• business management • morals and ethics • non-formal
• Information and Communication Technology (ICT) • special needs
• Financial literacy (investments, shares, insurance) education
• taxation • adult literacy

Scope and sequence chart for Form 1

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use

of language
1 Demonstrating an Planning and presenting Predicting the content Planning the Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
understanding of oral the content of oral of written descriptions content of a understanding of understanding of
descriptions and descriptions and and narratives from the written concepts and language forms and
narratives narratives from a title and title and picture descriptions and vocabulary structure in oral and
picture narratives from written texts
title and picture
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

2 Identifying the central Stating the central idea Identifying the central Noting in writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
idea from the title, the from the title, beginning idea from the title, the the central idea understanding of understanding of
beginning, or the end of and end of oral and beginning, or the end of from the title, concepts and language forms and
oral descriptions and written descriptions and written descriptions beginning or end vocabulary structure in oral and
narratives narratives and narratives of descriptions written texts
and narratives
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
3 Identifying the major Presenting the major Identifying major Noting in writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
points of oral descriptions supporting details of oral points in written the major understanding of understanding of
and narratives and written descriptions descriptions and supporting details concepts and language forms and
and narratives narratives in oral or written vocabulary structure in oral and
descriptions and written texts
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

4 Demonstrating Describing orally people, Demonstrating Describing in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an

comprehension of oral places, objects, incidents, comprehension of writing people, understanding of understanding of
narratives and moods and feelings and written descriptions of places, objects, concepts and language forms and
descriptions of people, narrate events people, places, objects, incidents, moods vocabulary structure in oral and
places, objects, incidents, incidents, moods and and feelings written texts
moods and feelings feelings
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
5 Demonstrating an Developing and presenting Identifying the basic Developing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
understanding of basic oral descriptions and structure of written written understanding of understanding of
structure of oral narratives using space descriptions and descriptions and concepts and language forms and
descriptions and order, chronological order narratives narratives using vocabulary structure in oral and
narratives and order of climax space order, written texts
order and order of Using language for Showing awareness
climax thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

6 Distinguishing between Giving clear and logical Distinguishing Writing clear and Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
fact and fiction in oral factual and fictional between fact and fiction logical factual and understanding of understanding of
descriptions and descriptions and narratives in written descriptions fictional concepts and language forms and
narratives in speech and narratives descriptions and vocabulary structure in oral and
narratives written texts

Using language for Showing awareness

thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
7 Listening for specific Presenting specific Reading for specific Presenting in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
information in oral information extracted from information in written writing specific understanding of understanding of
descriptions and oral and written descriptions and information concepts and language forms and
narratives descriptions and narratives narratives extracted from vocabulary structure in oral and
oral and written written texts
descriptions and
narratives Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

8 Interpreting the intended Conveying the intended Interpreting the Conveying in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
meaning of oral meaning of oral and intended meaning of writing the understanding of understanding of
descriptions and written descriptions and written descriptions intended meaning concepts and language forms and
narratives narratives and narratives of oral and vocabulary structure in oral and
written written texts
descriptions and
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

Scope and sequence chart for Form 2

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use of

1 Predicting the content of Planning the content of Predicting the content of Planning in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
oral descriptions, oral descriptions, written descriptions, writing the understanding of understanding of
narratives, expositions narratives, expositions narratives, expositions content of written concepts and language forms and
and reports and reports from a title and reports from the descriptions, vocabulary structure in oral and
and picture title and picture narratives, written texts
expositions and
Using language for Showing awareness
reports from a
critical thinking and correct use of
title and picture
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary

2 Identifying the central Stating the central idea Identifying the central Noting in writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
idea from the title, the from the title, idea from the title, the the central idea understanding of understanding of
beginning, the middle, or beginning, middle or beginning, the middle, from the title, the concepts and language forms and
the end of oral end of an oral or the end of written beginning, the vocabulary structure in oral and
descriptions, narratives, descriptions, narratives, descriptions, narratives, middle, or the written texts
expositions and reports expositions and report expositions and reports end of oral
Using language for Showing awareness
critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
expositions and
written texts
Using language to Developing and using
process information own vocabulary

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
3 Identifying the major and Presenting major and Identifying the major Noting the major Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
minor supporting details minor supporting details and minor supporting and minor understanding of understanding of
of oral descriptions, of oral and written details of written supporting details concepts and language forms and
narratives, expositions descriptions, narratives, descriptions, narratives, of oral and vocabulary structure in oral and
and reports expositions and reports expositions and reports written written texts
narratives, Using language for Showing awareness
expositions and critical thinking and correct use of
reports language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own
4 Demonstrating Presenting oral Demonstrating Writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
comprehension of oral descriptions, narratives, comprehension of descriptions, understanding of understanding of
descriptions, narratives expositions and reports written descriptions, narratives, concepts and language forms and
expositions and reports narratives, expositions expositions and vocabulary structure in oral and
and reports reports written texts

Using language for Showing awareness

critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
5 Identifying the basic Developing oral Identifying the basic Developing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
structure of oral descriptions, narratives, structure of written written understanding of understanding of
descriptions, narratives, expositions and reports descriptions, narratives, descriptions, concepts and language forms and
expositions and reports using space order, expositions and reports narratives, vocabulary structure in oral and
chronological order , order expositions and written texts
of climax classification and reports using
definition space order, Using language for Showing awareness
chronological critical thinking and correct use of
order, order of language in oral and
climax, written texts
classification and
definition Using language to Developing and
process information using own
6 Distinguishing fact, Giving clear and logical Distinguishing facts, Writing clear and Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
fiction, opinion, and facts, fiction, opinions and fiction, opinions and logical facts, understanding of understanding of
attitude in oral attitudes in descriptions, attitudes in written fiction, opinions concepts and language forms and
descriptions, narratives, narratives, expositions, descriptions, narratives, and attitudes in vocabulary structure in oral and
expositions and reports and reports in speech expositions and reports descriptions, written texts
expositions and Using language for Showing awareness
reports critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
7 Listening for specific Presenting orally specific Reading for specific Presenting in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
information in oral information extracted from information in written writing specific understanding of understanding of
descriptions, narratives, oral and written descriptions, narratives, information concepts and language forms and
expositions and reports descriptions, narratives, expositions and reports extracted from vocabulary structure in oral and
expositions and reports oral and written written texts
narratives, Using language for Showing awareness
expositions and critical thinking and correct use of
reports language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

8 Interpreting the intended Conveying the intended Interpreting the Conveying the Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
meaning of oral meaning of oral and intended meaning of intended meaning understanding of understanding of
descriptions, narratives written descriptions, written descriptions, of oral and concepts and language forms and
expositions and reports narratives, expositions and narratives expositions written vocabulary structure in oral and
reports and reports descriptions, written texts
expositions and Using language for Showing awareness
reports critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

Scope and sequence chart for Form 3

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use of

1 Predicting the content of Planning the content of Predicting the content Planning the content Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
oral descriptions or oral descriptions or of written descriptions of written understanding of understanding of
narratives, expositions narratives, expositions or or narratives, descriptions, concepts and language forms and
or reports and reports and arguments expositions or reports narratives, vocabulary structure in oral and
arguments from the title, from the title, picture, and arguments from expositions, reports written texts
the picture, the first or first or last paragraph the title, picture, the and arguments from
Using language for Showing awareness
last paragraph first or last paragraph the title, picture, first
critical thinking and correct use of
or last paragraph
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary
2 Identifying the central Stating orally the central Identifying the central Noting in writing the Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
idea from the title, the idea from the title, the idea from the title, the central idea from the understanding of understanding of
beginning, the middle or beginning, the middle or beginning, the middle, title, the beginning, concepts and language forms and
the end of oral the end of oral or written and the end of written the middle or the end vocabulary structure in oral and
descriptions or descriptions or narratives, descriptions or of oral or written written texts
narratives, expositions expositions or reports and narratives, expositions descriptions or
or reports and arguments or reports and narratives, Using language for Showing awareness
arguments arguments expositions or critical thinking and correct use of
reports and language in oral and
arguments using written texts
appropriate note-
Using language to Developing and using
taking, making or
process information own vocabulary
summary formats

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
3 Identifying the major and Stating orally the major Identifying the major Noting in writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
minor supporting details and minor supporting and minor supporting the major and understanding of understanding of
of oral descriptions or details of oral or written details of written minor supporting concepts and language forms and
narratives, expositions or descriptions or narratives, descriptions or details of oral or vocabulary structure in oral and
reports and arguments expositions or reports and narratives, expositions written written texts
arguments or reports and descriptions,
arguments narratives, Using language for Showing awareness
expositions or critical thinking and correct use of
reports and language in oral and
arguments using written texts
appropriate note-
taking, making or Using language to Developing and
summary format process information using own
4 Demonstrating Presenting oral Demonstrating Writing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
comprehension of oral descriptions or narratives, comprehension of descriptions or understanding of understanding of
descriptions or narratives, expositions or reports and written descriptions or narratives, concepts and language forms and
expositions or reports and arguments on topics narratives, expositions expositions or vocabulary structure in oral and
arguments on topics covered in other school or reports and reports and written texts
covered in other school subjects arguments on topics arguments on
subjects covered in other school topics covered in Using language for Showing awareness
subjects other school critical thinking and correct use of
subjects language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
5 Identifying the basic Presenting oral Identifying the basic Developing Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
structure of oral descriptions or narratives, structure of written written understanding of understanding of
descriptions or narratives, expositions or reports and descriptions or descriptions or concepts and language forms and
expositions or reports and arguments using analysis, narratives, expositions narratives, vocabulary structure in oral and
arguments enumeration, comparison or reports and expositions or written texts
and contrast arguments as analysis, reports and
enumeration, or arguments using Using language for Showing awareness
comparison and analysis, analogy, critical thinking and correct use of
contrast enumeration, language in oral and
comparison and written texts
Using language to Developing and
process information using own
6 Distinguishing fact, Giving clear and logical Distinguishing rumour, Writing clear and Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
opinion attitude, rumour, presentations of facts, speculation, evidence, logical facts, understanding of understanding of
speculation and evidence fiction, opinions, attitudes, fact, opinion and fiction, opinions, concepts and language forms and
in oral descriptions or rumour, speculation and attitude in written attitudes, rumour, vocabulary structure in oral and
narratives, expositions or evidence in oral or written descriptions, narratives speculation and written texts
reports and arguments descriptions or narratives, or expositions or evidence in
expositions or reports and reports and arguments descriptions or Using language for Showing awareness
arguments narratives, critical thinking and correct use of
expositions or language in oral and
reports and written texts
Using language to Developing and
process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
7 Listening for specific Presenting orally specific Reading for specific Presenting in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
information in oral information extracted from information in written writing specific understanding of understanding of
descriptions or narratives, oral or written descriptions descriptions or information concepts and language forms and
expositions or reports and or narratives, expositions narratives, expositions extracted from vocabulary structure in oral and
arguments or reports and arguments or reports and oral and written written texts
arguments descriptions,
narratives, Using language for Showing awareness
expositions, critical thinking and correct use of
reports and language in oral and
arguments written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own
8 Recording graphic and Presenting orally a prose Interpreting a variety of Writing a prose Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
numerical data from oral interpretation of graphic forms of numerical and interpretation of a understanding of understanding of
and written descriptions and numerical data from graphic information, variety of forms of concepts and language forms and
or narratives, expositions oral and written such as pie charts and numerical and vocabulary structure in oral and
or reports and arguments descriptions or narratives, bar graphs from oral graphic written texts
expositions or reports and and written information, such
Using language for Showing awareness
arguments descriptions or as pie charts, bar
critical thinking and correct use of
narratives, expositions graphs from oral
language in oral and
or reports and and written
written texts
arguments descriptions,
narratives, Using language to Developing and
expositions, process information using own
reports and vocabulary

Scope and sequence chart for Form 4

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use

of language
1 Predicting the content of Planning the content of a Predicting the content Planning the Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
any oral text from the title text from the title, picture of any written text from content of any understanding of understanding of
or the first or last of first or last paragraph of the title or the first or written text from concepts and language forms and
paragraph another text last paragraph of the title or picture, vocabulary structure in oral and
another text first or last written texts
paragraph of
Using language for Showing awareness
another text
critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

2 Identifying the central Stating orally the central Identifying the central Noting the central Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
idea from the title, idea from the title, the idea from the title, the idea from the title, understanding of understanding of
beginning, middle or the beginning, the middle or beginning the middle, the beginning, the concepts and language forms and
end of any oral text the end of oral and written or the end of any middle, or the end vocabulary structure in oral and
texts written text of any text, using written texts
an appropriate
Using language for Showing awareness
note- making or
critical thinking and correct use of
summary format
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
3 Identifying the major and Stating orally the major Identifying the major Noting the major Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
minor supporting details and minor supporting and minor and minor understanding of understanding of
of any oral text details of oral or written supporting details of supporting details concepts and language forms and
texts any written text of any text using vocabulary structure in oral and
appropriate note- written texts
making or
summary format Using language for Showing awareness
critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary

4 Demonstrating Presenting oral texts on Demonstrating Writing a text on Demonstrating an Demonstrating an

comprehension of oral topics covered in other comprehension of topics covered in understanding of understanding of
texts on topics covered in subjects and in the real any written text on other subjects and concepts and language forms and
other subjects and in the world topics covered in in the real world vocabulary structure in oral and
real world other subjects and in written texts
the real world
Using language for Showing awareness
critical thinking and correct use of
language in oral and
written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use of
5 Identifying the basic Presenting oral texts Identifying the basic Writing a text Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
structure of any text using an appropriate structure of any using an understanding of understanding of
basic structure written text appropriate basic concepts and language forms and
structure vocabulary related to structure in oral and
other learning areas written texts

Using language for Showing awareness

thinking (analyse, and correct use of
summarise, interpret, language in oral and
synthesize, apply, written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary
6 Listening critically to Giving clear, logical and Reading critically to Writing clear Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
analyse and evaluate the truthful oral analyse and evaluate logical and understanding of understanding of
truth of any oral text and presentations on a topic the truth of a written truthful concepts and language forms and
assess bias and attitude of text and assess bias presentations on a vocabulary related to structure in oral and
a speaker and attitudes of the topic other learning areas written texts
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking (analyse, and correct use of
summarise, interpret, language in oral and
synthesize, apply, written texts

Using language to Developing and using

process information own vocabulary

No Listening Speaking Reading Writing Critical thinking Structure and use
of language
7 Listening for specific Presenting orally specific Reading for specific Writing specific Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
information in oral information extracted information in a information understanding of understanding of
texts from oral and written written text extracted from a concepts and vocabulary language forms and
texts text related to other learning structure in oral and
areas written texts

Using language for Showing awareness

thinking (analyse, and correct use of
summarise, interpret, language in oral and
synthesize, apply, assess) written texts

Using language to
process information Developing and
using own
8 Recording and Presenting orally a prose Interpreting and Presenting in Demonstrating an Demonstrating an
synthesizing graphic synthesis of graphic and synthesizing graphic writing a prose understanding of understanding of
and numerical numerical information and numerical synthesis of graphic concepts and vocabulary language forms and
information from a from a variety of oral and information from a and numerical related to other learning structure in oral and
variety of oral sources written sources written text information from a areas written texts
variety of sources
Using language for Showing awareness
thinking (analyse, and correct use of
summarise, interpret, language in oral and
synthesize, apply, assess) written texts

Using language to Developing and

process information using own

Scope and sequence chart for literature for Forms 1 and 2

Form 1 Form 2
Short story Novel Play Poetry

Written and oral genres Basic literary terms Literary devices Basic textual analysis
• defining the term ‘genre’ • Plot (eg simile, metaphor, • identifying basic literary elements in a
• identifying genres of literature − defining plot personification, irony, symbol, text
• describing features of different − distinguishing plot stanza, repetition, flashback) • summarising a literary text
literary genres from story • reading oral and written texts • analysing short stories, plays, novels,
− analysing plot (eg poems, traditional songs, folktales, myths, legends
Approaching different literary genres • Persona/narrator myths) • explaining how literary devices are used
• discuss how to read a literary − defining persona • identifying literary devices in in a text
work − defining narrator given texts • using literary devices in own works eg
− distinguishing author • defining literary devices letters and poems
from narrator and • analysing various devices in a
persona given text
• Character • singing oral and written
− defining character stories
− identifying characters • role playing oral and written
− relating narrator to stories
character • reciting poems
− describing the • telling stories
behaviour of characters • miming stories
− explaining cause of
characters’ behaviour

Form 1 Form 2
Short story Novel Play Poetry

• Setting
− defining setting as
− describing the setting
in literary works
− explaining the
significance of setting
in literary works

• Theme
− defining theme in
− identifying themes in a
literary work
− finding supporting
evidence for the theme
in a literature

Scope and sequence chart for literature for Forms 3 and 4

Form 3 Form 4
Short story Novel Play Poetry
• Features of a short story • Plot (tragedy, comedy, tragic-comedy) • Classes of poetry
− identifying features of a − explaining the plot of a − identifying the features of a − identifying types of poetry
short story novel (cause and effect play − classifying given poems according
relationship between − describing features of a play to their types
• Plot events) − identifying types of plays
− summarising the story in − summarising the story in a − describing the major types of • Literary devices in poetry
a short story novel plays − identifying literary devices in a
− analysing the story in a given poem
short story • Distinguishing features of a − discussing literary devices used in a
− explaining events in a play given poem
short story − analysing ways through − defining a play as a literary − explaining the functions of literary
− analysing the plot of a which the personality of composition involving devices in a poem
short story characters have been actors and dialogue and
revealed drama as performance
• Character − summarising the sequence
− discussing character as a • Persona and addressee
− identifying characters in of events in a play
vehicle of message or − identifying the persona in a poem
a short story − explaining the events in a
theme in a novel − describing the persona in a poem
− classifying characters in a play
− debating character’s − describing the tone and mood of a
short story − analysing the plot of a play
behaviour from one’s point poem
− describing characters in a
of view
short story

Form 3 Form 4
Short story Novel Play Poetry
− describing the • Conflict Character and characterisation • Theme
relationship between − distinguishing internal and − describing different types of − identifying themes in a poem
characters in a short external conflict characters − discussing how themes have been
story − identifying sources of − describing the behaviour of conveyed in a poem
− describing how character conflict characters from their actions − relating theme to persona and
is being revealed through − identifying internal conflict thoughts and what they say addressee
their thoughts, what they in a novel − explaining why characters
say and what they do − identifying external behave the way they do
− analysing characters in a conflicts in a novel − relating character to theme
short story − explaining how character’s in a play
− explaining causes of behaviour can lead to − assessing the actions and
character behaviour conflict thoughts of characters from
one’s perspective
• Conflict • Setting − discussing character as a
− distinguishing internal − identifying different vehicle of theme in a play
and external conflicts aspects of setting in a novel − debating a character’s
− identifying internal − discussing the setting of a behaviour from one’s point
conflicts in a short story story in a novel of view
− identifying external − explaining how setting is
conflicts in a short story used to depict themes in a
− explaining how a novel
character’s behaviour can − discussing the relationship
lead to conflict between setting and

Form 3 Form 4
Short story Novel Play Poetry
• Setting • Themes • Conflict
− describing setting in a − identifying themes in a − tracing origins or causes of
short story novel conflicts in a play
− explaining how setting is − discussing themes in a − explaining how character
used to convey theme in novel contributes to conflict in a
a short story − explaining the relationship play
• Themes between theme and
− identifying themes in a character
short story • Setting
− discussing themes in a − analysing the context of the
short story story in a play
− explaining the − analysing the significance of
relationship between setting of the story in a play
theme and character − explaining how setting
relates to characters

• Themes
− identifying themes in a play
− discussing themes in a play
− relating setting to themes

Teaching syllabus for Forms 3 and 4

Form 3
Core element: Listening

Outcome: The students will be able to listen attentively and critically in order to understand and respond appropriately to others in different
contexts through a wide range of media.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students are able to:
able to
• demonstrate an 1 predict the Predicting • listening to the title of an • question and answer • pictures
understanding of content of an oral content of oral oral text • class discussion • titles of texts
oral descriptions description or descriptions • listening to first and last • debate • oral description
and narratives narrative, narratives, paragraphs of oral texts • pair work or narratives,
exposition, report, expositions • answering questions on • group work expositions or
argument from reports and picture and titles of texts • individual work reports and
the title, picture, arguments • discussing pictures, titles, • teacher observation arguments from
first and last first and last paragraphs • peer assessment radio, TV or
paragraphs of oral texts other recordings
• predicting content from
picture, title, first or last

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment and assessment
methodologies resources

• matching learners’ • discussion • written
predictions with the • pair work descriptions or
content of a text • group work narratives,
• individual work expositions or
2 identify the Central idea of • listening to oral texts • peer assessment reports and
central idea of an oral descriptions, • taking down points • teacher observation arguments
oral description, narratives, showing the central idea • written texts
narrative, expositions, of an oral text from other
exposition, report, reports and • identifying key words subjects
argument from arguments from oral texts • oral texts
the title, • brainstorming central • recordings of
beginning, ideas of oral texts news broadcasts
middle, end • stating central idea of oral • titles of texts
text • newspapers
• relating the central idea to • magazines
the title of a text • content from
other subjects

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

3 identify the major Major points and • listening to oral or written • question and answer • newspapers
points and minor minor supporting texts • discussion • magazines
supporting details details of oral • debating • peer assessment • short stories
of an oral descriptions, • identifying major points • pair work • supplementary
description, narratives, and minor supporting • group work readers
narrative, expositions, details in an oral text • individual work • English
exposition, report reports and • identifying key words that • teacher observation textbooks
and argument arguments show major points and • brainstorming • written texts
minor supporting details • content from
• identifying words, phrases, other subjects
sentences linking major • checklists
points and supporting • lists of key words
details in oral texts
• linking minor supporting
details to major points

4 answer Comprehension • listening to oral and • group work • oral reports,

comprehension of oral written texts • dramatisation expositions and
questions on an descriptions, • answering comprehension • pair work arguments
oral description, narratives, questions • individual work • written reports,
narrative, expositions , • summarising oral texts • question and answer expositions and
exposition, report, reports and • role playing texts • explanation arguments
argument arguments • asking questions on a text • self assessment • story books
• peer assessment • assessment
• teacher assessment checklists
• role playing • newspapers
Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify the Basic structure of • listening to oral texts • presentation • oral texts from
understanding of introduction, descriptions or • identifying the • question and answer TV, radio,
the basic body, conclusion narratives, introduction, body, • individual work recordings
structure of oral of an oral expositions or conclusion (main parts) of • pair work • written texts
descriptions or description, reports and an oral text • group work • prepared
narratives, narrative, arguments • identifying a sequence of • peer assessment questions
expositions or exposition, report events in oral text • teacher observation • content from
reports and and argument • answering questions other subjects
arguments • writing down signalling • checklists
devices, link words containing
• explaining the main parts signalling
of a text devices
• English text
• newspapers,

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment
• distinguish 1 identify facts and Facts and rumour • listening to texts • group work • oral texts eg
rumour from fact rumour in oral in oral • identifying facts and • pair work radio, TV
in oral texts descriptions or rumour • question and answer recordings
descriptions or narratives, • discussing facts and • brainstorming • written texts eg
narratives, expositions or rumour • discussion newspapers and
expositions or reports and • identifying evidence of • individual work magazines
reports and 2 distinguish arguments claims • debate • scoring rubrics
arguments rumour from fact • peer assessment • list of sentences
• teacher observation containing facts,
fiction, opinion,
• demonstrate an 1 identify specific Specific • brainstorming ideas on fact • pair work attitudes,
understanding of information in information in and rumour • group work rumour,
specific an oral oral descriptions • answering questions • individual work speculation and
information in description, narratives, • comparing statements to • questions and evidence
oral descriptions narrative, expositions, determine fact and rumour answers • checklists
or narratives, exposition, reports and • explaining claim about fact • teacher observation • debate topics
expositions or report, argument arguments and rumours • peer assessment • oral texts
reports and • listening to oral texts • explanation • written text
arguments • identifying specific • radio/TV or
information in oral texts recordings
• noting down specific
sentences and words
• discussing specific
information in oral texts
• explaining specific
information in oral texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• record graphic 1 record graphic Oral • listening to texts • group work • recordings of
and numerical and numerical descriptions, • identifying graphic and • discussions radio/TV
data from oral data narratives, numerical data • pair work documentaries,
descriptions or expositions, • recording graphic and • individual work news
narratives, reports and numerical data • question and answer programmes
expositions or arguments • completing tables with • debate that contain
reports and containing graphic and numerical • peer assessment graphic and
arguments graphic and data • teacher observation numerical data
numerical data • interpreting graphic and • tables with
numerical data incomplete
graphic and
numerical data
• lists of

Core element: Speaking
Outcome: The students will be able to express ideas confidently and fluently and respond orally and appropriately to others in a wide range
of situations.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• plan and present 1 plan a logical oral Content of oral • listening to oral texts • individual work • first and last
the content of oral description, descriptions, • reading texts • pair work paragraphs of
descriptions or narrative , narratives, • planning logical order of • group work written texts
narratives, exposition, report, expositions, ideas • discussions • oral
expositions or argument from a reports and • planning oral presentations • question and answer • pictures
reports and title, picture, first arguments from pictures, title, first, • oral presentations • titles of texts
arguments from and last last paragraph • debate • jumbled
title, picture, first paragraphs • discussing plans • peer assessment sentences
or last paragraph • discussing titles, pictures, • explanation
first, last paragraphs
• explaining plans
• making oral presentations
of planned content

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• demonstrate an 1 state the central Central idea of • listening to texts • pair work • oral or written
understanding of idea of an oral or oral or written • reading texts • group work texts
the central idea of written descriptions, • brainstorming central • discussions • checklists
written description, narratives, ideas from oral or written • explanation • charts
descriptions or narrative, expositions, texts • brainstorming • scoring rubrics
narratives, exposition, report, reports and • discussing the central • self assessment • newspapers
expositions or argument from arguments idea of oral or written • peer assessment • magazines
reports and the title, texts • teacher assessment • texts on topics
arguments beginning, middle • identifying key words or • debate from other
and end phrases from texts that • individual work subjects
signal the central idea
• debating central ideas of
oral or written texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• state orally the 1 state the major Major points and • brainstorming major and • brainstorming • newspapers
major points and points, minor minor supporting minor supporting details • question and answer • magazines
minor supporting supporting details details for oral or • identifying major and • explanation • short stories
details of oral or of an oral or written minor supporting details • discussion • supplementary
written written descriptions or • discussing major and • peer assessment readers
descriptions or description, narratives, minor details of oral or • pair work • radio/TV
narratives, narrative, expositions or written texts • group work documentaries
expositions or exposition, report, reports and • explaining stated ideas • debate • English
reports and argument arguments • linking the major and textbooks
arguments minor supporting details • songs
to the central idea • rubrics
• answering questions to • content from
justify choice between other subjects
major and minor • checklists
supporting details
• asking questions for
• analysing content for
major points and minor
supporting details

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• develop oral 1 present an oral Oral descriptions • planning the content of an • group work • pictures
descriptions or description, or narratives, oral panel discussion from • pair work • topics for panel
narratives, narrative, exposition or a topic or picture, eg, on • panel discussion discussion
expositions or exposition, report, reports and environmental degradation • explanation • topics for debate
reports and argument on arguments • taking part in a panel • asking and • sample of
arguments on topics covered in discussion answering questions recorded
topics covered in other school • debating on various topics, • peer assessment propositions and
other school subjects issues from other school • individual work oppositions of
subjects subjects • peer assessment motions from TV
• asking and answering • teacher observation or radio
questions on various topics • oral and written
from other school subjects expositions or
• giving of summaries of arguments of
main points on topics from topics covered in
other school subjects other school
• making speeches subjects on
radio/TV and in
the newspaper,

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• give oral 1 present an oral Oral • brainstorming points for • presentation • newspapers
descriptions or description, descriptions, an oral text • observation • magazines
narratives, narrative, narratives, • identifying reference ties • question and answer • list of signalling
expositions or exposition, report, expositions, • discussing reference ties • individual work devices and
reports and argument using reports and • identifying signalling • pair work reference ties
arguments using analysis, arguments using devices • group work • samples of oral
analysis, enumeration, analysis, • discussing signalling • debate and written oral
enumeration, comparison and enumeration, devices and reference ties • discussion texts using
comparison and contrast comparison and for presenting oral texts • peer assessment analysis
contrast contrast • planning texts using • teacher assessment enumeration,
analysis, enumeration, • explanation comparison or
comparison and contrast contrast
• presenting oral texts using
analysis, enumeration,
comparison and contrast

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• give clear and 1 express facts, Oral or written • expressing facts, opinions, • group work • written texts
logical opinions and descriptions, attitudes • pair work • magazine articles
presentations of attitudes narratives, • debating using facts, • individual work • features
facts, fiction, expositions, opinions, attitudes • teacher observation • editorials
opinions, reports and • peer assessment • English
attitudes, rumour, arguments • making arguments on an • question and answer textbooks
speculation and 2 present logical issue using facts, opinions • presentation • content from
evidence in oral arguments • giving counter arguments other subject
or written on an issue using facts, areas
descriptions or opinions
exposition or • giving evidence to support
reports and 3 evaluate factual claims
arguments evidence • analyse opinions based on
• classifying facts
• identifying factual
• evaluating the evidence of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• interpreting factual • pair work • oral texts eg

evidence • group work radio/TV,
• evaluating evidence • individual work recording
• evaluating opinions based • question and answer • written texts eg
on evidence • discussion newspapers,
• brainstorming magazines
• present specific 1 state orally Specific • brainstorming specific • role play • cloze passages
information specific information in information on oral or • debate • checklists
extracted from information oral descriptions, written texts • peer assessment • scoring rubrics
oral or written extracted from an narratives • stating specific • teacher observation • pictures
descriptions or oral or written expositions or information in oral and • presentation • debate topics
narratives description, reports and written texts • cloze procedure • incomplete
expositions or narrative, arguments • explaining specific sentences
reports and exposition, report information
arguments and argument • debating specific
information from oral and
written texts
• discussing specific
information from oral and
written texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• present a prose 1 present orally a Oral descriptions • discussing graphic data • group work • graphic and
interpretation of prose narratives, • discussing prose • pair work numerical data
graphic and interpretation of expositions, interpretation of graphic • individual work from other
numerical data graphic and reports and and numerical data • question and answer learning areas
from oral or numerical data arguments • analysing graphic data • peer assessment and sources
written from an oral or containing • presenting prose • teacher observation • charts
descriptions or written graphic and interpretation of graphic • oral and written
narratives, description, numerical data and numerical data prose texts
expositions or narrative, • oral and written
reports and exposition, report prose texts with
arguments and argument accompanying
graphic and

Core element: Reading
Outcome: The students will be able to read fluently, efficiently and critically in order to understand and respond to appropriately different
types of texts for learning enjoyment and information.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 predict the content Content of • studying pictures • question and answer • pictures
understanding of of a written written • making predictions of • class discussion • titles of text
written description, descriptions or content from pictures, • group work • TV/radio
descriptions or narrative, narratives titles, first or last • silent reading • written texts
narratives, exposition, report, expositions or paragraphs • debate • charts
expositions or argument from the reports and • describing what they think • pair work
reports and title, picture, first arguments the story is about from a • individual work
arguments from and last picture, title, first or last
the title, picture, paragraphs paragraph
first or last • discussing first or last
paragraphs paragraphs of written texts
• answering questions on
• debating predictions

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• matching learners’ • pair work • written texts

predictions with content • group work • checklists
of texts • class discussions • charts
• explanation • scoring rubric
2 identify the Central idea of • scanning a text for • brainstorming • texts on topics
central idea of a written information • self assessment from other
description, descriptions, • skimming a text for • peer assessment subjects
narrative, narratives, information • teacher assessment • newspapers
exposition, report, exposition, • reading texts • debate • magazines
argument from reports and • identifying the central
the title, arguments idea of written texts
beginning, middle • identifying words or
and end phrases that signal the
central idea

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

3 identify major Major and minor • scanning texts for • brainstorming • newspapers
points, minor supporting information • question and answer • magazines
supporting details in written • skimming texts for • explanation • short stories
details in a descriptions or information • discussion • supplementary
description, narratives, • reading texts • peer assessment readers
narrative, expositions or • brainstorming major and • pair work • science and
exposition, reports and minor details of texts • group work • radio/TV
report and arguments • identifying the major • debating documentaries
argument points and supporting • drama • English
details of a text • scanning textbooks
• identifying topic sentences • songs
• identifying support • checklists
sentences • content from
• explaining the link other subjects
between major and
supporting details

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate 1 read a description, Comprehension • reading stories, plays and • pair work • written
comprehension of narrative, of written poems • group work descriptions or
written exposition, report, descriptions, • scanning texts for main • dramatization narratives,
descriptions or argument narratives, ideas • role play exposition or
narratives, exposition • skimming through various • peer assessment reports and
expositions or reports and texts for main ideas • question and answer arguments
reports and arguments • scanning • newspaper and
arguments on • skimming magazine,
topics covered in 2 answer questions • asking comprehension • individual work articles
other subjects on a description, questions • teacher observation • texts on various
narrative, • answering comprehension topics
exposition, report, questions • text books
argument • summarising texts • vocabulary
• paraphrasing texts checklists
• novels
3 infer meanings of • getting meanings of words • content from
words from the using context other subjects
context • written texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify the Structure written • scanning texts for • question and answer • articles from
understanding of introduction, descriptions, information • individual work magazines/news
the basic structure body, conclusion narratives • skimming texts for general • pair work papers
of written of a written expositions information • group work • lists of signalling
descriptions or description, reports and • reading description, • explanation devices
narratives, narrative, arguments narrative, exposition, • teacher assessment • models of
expositions or exposition, report report, argument • peer assessment written
reports and and argument • identifying the • self assessment descriptions or
arguments as introduction, body, • discussion narratives,
analysis, conclusion of a text exposition or
enumeration, reports and
comparison and 2 analyse the basic • identifying the basic arguments with
contrast structure of a structure of written texts different basic
written text as • analysing signalling structures of
analysis, devices and reference ties organisation
enumeration, denoting analysis,
comparison and enumeration, comparison
contrast and contrast

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• distinguish fact, 1 read a description, Fact, fiction, • scanning texts • group work • checklists
fiction, opinion, narrative, opinion, rumour, • skimming texts • pair work • written texts
rumour, exposition, report, speculation, • reading texts • individual work • content from
speculation, argument evidence and • peer assessment other subjects
evidence and attitude in • teacher observation • magazines,
attitude in written 2 identify fact, written • identifying rumour, • question and answer • newspaper
descriptions or rumour, opinion, descriptions opinion, attitude, articles
narratives attitude, narratives speculation, evidence in • English
exposition or speculation, expositions written texts textbooks
reports and evidence in written reports and • identifying reference ties,
arguments texts arguments signalling devices showing
fact, opinion, attitude,
rumour, speculation and
• identifying contextual
support for claims
• classifying facts, opinions,
facts or rumour and

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 analyse texts for • classifying facts, opinions, • group work • checklists

fact, opinion, facts or rumour and • pair work • written text
speculation, speculations • individual work • content from
evidence, attitude • debating issues to justify • peer assessment other subjects
and rumour claims • teacher observation • magazines,
• answering multiple choice, • question and answer • newspaper
true or false questions on articles
facts, opinions, rumour • English
and speculation in written textbooks

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• read for specific 1 identify specific Written • skimming written texts for • pair work • written
information in information in descriptions or general information • group work descriptions
written description, narratives, • scanning texts for specific • individual work • written
descriptions or narrative, exposition or information in written • question and answer narratives
narratives exposition, report reports and texts • discussions • written reports
exposition or and argument arguments • reading texts • brainstorming • written
reports and • identifying words or • peer assessment expositions
arguments phrases that show • teacher observation • written
specificity • debate arguments
• role play • pictures
• cloze passages
• incomplete
• scoring rubrics
• checklists
• charts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• interpret a variety 1 identify graphic Written • reading texts • group work • graphic and
of forms of and numerical descriptions, • identifying graphic and • pair work numerical data
graphic and data from a narratives, numerical data • individual work from other
numerical and written exposition, • question and answer learning areas
graphic description, reports and • discussion and sources
information such narrative, arguments • debate with and
as pie charts and exposition, • peer assessment without
bar graphs data report, argument • teacher observation accompanying
from written prose
descriptions or 2 interpret graphic • interpreting graphic and interpretation
narratives, and numerical numerical data from texts • prose texts with
exposition or data into a • discussing the accompanying
reports and descriptions or interpretation of graphic graphic and
arguments narratives and numerical data numerical
• analysing graphic and illustrations
numerical data • charts/graphs

Core element: Writing
Outcome: The students will be able to write personal factual transactional and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes in a clear and
comprehensive manner.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 write a plan of a Content of • writing a logical ordering of • silent reading • written texts
ability to write logical description, written ideas • pair work • titles of texts
descriptions or narrative, descriptions, • drafting plans for texts • group work • pictures
narratives, exposition, report, narratives, • noting down points for a • discussions • charts
expositions or argument from a exposition plan • question and answer
reports and title, picture, first, reports and • planning the content of • written exercise
arguments from last paragraph arguments written texts • debate
the title, picture, • writing a plan for a • bus stop
first or last description, narrative, • individual work
paragraph exposition, report,

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• note in writing the 1 note the central Oral and written • reading written texts • pair work • oral and written
central idea from idea of a descriptions, • listening to oral texts • group work text
the title, the description, narratives, • identifying the central • discussion • checklists
beginning, the narrative, expositions, idea • explanation • charts
middle or the end exposition, report, reports and • identifying words or • brainstorming • scoring rubrics
of oral or written argument from arguments phrases that signal the • self assessment • newspapers
descriptions or the title, central idea • peer assessment • magazines
narratives, beginning, • teacher assessment • supplementary
expositions or middle and end • debate readers
reports and • topics from
arguments, using 2 write the central • writing the central idea other subjects
an appropriate idea of a using an appropriate
note-making or description or format
summary format narrative

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• note in writing the 1 outline in note Major points and • writing major and minor • brainstorming • newspapers
major points and form the major minor supporting details of an oral or written • question and answer • magazines
minor supporting and minor details of oral or text • explanation • short stories
details of oral or supporting details written • explaining major points and • discussion • supplementary
written of points of descriptions or minor supporting details of • checklist readers
descriptions or written text narratives, a text • peer assessment • radio/TV
narratives, expositions or • outlining major points and • pair work documentaries
expositions or reports and minor supporting details • group work • English
reports and arguments • analysing texts for major • debating textbooks
arguments using points and minor • drama • songs
an appropriate supporting details • freeze frame • content from
note-taking, • individual work other subjects
making or 2 write a summary • writing texts emphasising • topics
summary format of major and the major and minor • pictures
minor details of supporting details • people
oral or written • summarising major points • objects
texts and minor supporting
details of a text

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

3 write a fair copy • making notes of a text • brainstorming • newspapers

of notes using an • writing a fair copy of notes • question and answer • magazines
appropriate note • using appropriate note • explanation • short stories
taking/making making format • discussion • supplementary
format • checklist readers
• peer assessment • radio/TV
• pair work documentaries
• group work • English
• debating textbooks
• drama • songs
• freeze frame • content from
• individual work other subjects
• topics
• pictures
• people
• objects

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• write descriptions 1 write a Written • drafting content for a text • pair work • newspapers
or narratives, description, descriptions • editing drafts of a text • group work • magazine
expositions or narrative, narratives, • revising edited drafts of a • explanation pictures
reports and exposition, report expositions, text • discussions • text books
arguments on and argument on reports and • proof reading a text • asking and • sample of
topics covered in topics covered in arguments • writing compositions on answering questions speeches
other subjects other subjects different topics • peer assessment • gridding notes
• writing prose summaries • teacher assessment • topics for
• writing formal letters • individual work written
expositions in
other school
• topics for
arguments in
other subjects

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• develop written 1 write a Basic structure of • drafting texts using • individual work • lists of
descriptions or description, written analysis, enumeration, • pair work signalling
narratives, narrative, descriptions comparison and contrast as • group work devices and
expositions or exposition, report, narratives, appropriate • observation reference ties
reports and argument using expositions • writing descriptions, • question and answer • magazines
arguments using analysis, analogy, reports and narratives, expositions, • explanation • newspapers
analysis, analogy enumeration, arguments reports, arguments using • peer assessment • models of
enumeration, comparison and analysis, enumeration, • teacher observation written
comparison and contrast comparison and contrast as • self assessment descriptions or
contrast appropriate • discussion narratives,
• writing compare and expositions or
contrast compositions reports and
• writing argumentative arguments with
compositions different
• writing business letters structure of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• write clear and 1 express logical Facts, fiction, • expressing facts, fiction, • individual work • oral texts eg
logical facts, facts, fiction, opinion, attitude, opinion, attitude, rumour, • pair work TV/radio/
fiction, opinion, opinion, attitude, rumour, speculation and evidence in • group work recording
attitude, rumour, rumour, speculation and writing • observation • written texts
speculation and speculation and evidence • using appropriate verb • question and answer • magazines
evidence from evidence through forms, reference ties, • peer assessment • newspapers
descriptions or writing signalling devices to • teacher observation • content from
narratives, indicate facts, fiction, other subjects
expositions or opinion, attitude, rumour • checklists
reports and and speculation in writing • stories
arguments • writing factual descriptions • biographies
and narratives • fairytales
• giving evidence to support
• verifying opinion, attitude,
rumour and speculation on
the basis of evidence in
• writing argumentative

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• writing imaginative • pair work • written texts

compositions • group work • oral texts
• individual work • pictures
• present in writing 1 read a Specific • reading texts • questions and • charts
specific description, information in • listening to oral texts answers • checklists
information narrative, written • identifying specific • brainstorming • scoring rubrics
extracted from exposition, report descriptions, information • discussion
oral or written and argument narratives, • peer assessment
descriptions or expositions, • teacher observation
narratives, 2 write specific reports and • writing summaries
expositions or information arguments • writing paraphrases
reports and extracted from an • making an outline of key
arguments oral description, points
narrative, • developing a concept map,
exposition, report futures wheel
and argument • answering comprehension

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• write a prose 1 write a prose Written • interpreting graphic and • group work • written graphic
interpretation of a interpretation of descriptions numerical data in prose • discussions and numerical
variety of forms graphic and narratives, • planning prose • pair work data from other
of numerical and numerical data expositions, interpretations of graphic • individual work learning areas
graphic from an oral and reports and and numerical data • question and answer and sources
information such written arguments • writing prose • peer assessment with and
as pie charts, bar description or interpretations of graphic • teacher observation without
graphs from oral narrative and numerical data accompanying
and written prose
descriptions or 2 develop graphs, • drawing concept maps interpretations
narratives, tables, pie charts from oral, written prose • oral written
expositions or and bar charts • developing graphs, tables, prose texts
reports and from oral and charts from oral, written • charts/tables/
arguments written descriptions, narratives, graphs, etc
description or expositions, report and
narrative arguments

Core element: Critical thinking and reasoning
Outcome: The students will be able to use language to access, process and use information in order to think and reason properly.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 explain concepts Concepts and • identifying concepts and • group work • written texts
understanding of and vocabulary vocabulary terms from other subjects • pair work • oral texts
concepts and from other subjects • defining concepts and terms • individual work • charts
vocabulary from from other subjects • debating • maps
other subjects • explaining conceptions and • class discussion • diagrams
terms • teacher observation • topics
• case study • list of concepts
2 use concepts and • planning and writing • peer assessment and vocabulary
vocabulary from presentations using • self assessment • checklists
other subjects concepts and terms from • quizzes • pictures
other subjects • research • drawings
• making sentences using • question and answer • resource persons
learnt concepts
• applying concepts and terms
to other subjects

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 infer the meanings • brainstorming the • group work • written texts

of words from meanings of words from • pair work • oral texts
their context their context • individual work • charts
• inferring meanings of • debating • maps
words from title and texts • class discussion • diagrams
from other subjects • teacher observation • debate
• comparing meanings of • case study • topics
words and phrases • peer assessment • list of contents
• self assessment and vocabulary
4 interpret pictures • interpreting pictures • quiz • checklists
appropriately appropriately from other • research • pictures
subjects • question and answer • drawings
• recognising the subject of a • resource persons

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

4 develop and use • searching for difficult words • group work • written texts
personal and creating a personal • explanation • oral texts
dictionaries spelling list or bank • pair work • word building
• compiling a personal • peer assessment games, eg,
dictionary • individual work scrabble and
• categorising vocabulary into • presentation cross - word
subjects • teacher observation puzzles
• using vocabulary from other • quizzes • pictures
learning areas to plan an • research • diagrams
account or a report, eg, • question and answer • lists of technical
gender issues or climate words from
change other subject
areas, eg,
5 classify words • classifying words according mathematics
according to word to word families and sciences
families • writing a list of synonyms
• reading a list of antonyms

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
6 classify words • writing a list of words • group work • written texts
according to roots according to phonic • explanation • oral texts
and affixes similarities • pair work • word building
• classifying words according • peer assessment games, eg,
to roots and affixes • individual work scrabble and
• playing word games • presentation cross -word
• splitting words into roots • teacher observation puzzles
and affixes • quizzes • pictures
• research • diagrams
7 formulate • asking questions
• question and answer • lists of technical
questions and • classifying questions based
words from
answers on type
other subject
• formulating follow-up
areas, eg,
questions to maintain
subject/ topic
and sciences
8 distinguish main • identifying sentences • brainstorming • pictures
and minor carrying main and minor • group work • written texts
supporting details details • pair work • charts
• sorting and classifying • individual work • diagrams
information from texts, • case studies • checklists
maps or charts • peer assessment • oral texts
9 draw conclusions • using contextual clues to • teacher observation • newspapers
from an oral and draw conclusions from a • question and answer • magazines
written text text • textbooks from
• drawing conclusions other learning
Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• use language for 1 identify Critical thinking • solving jigsaw puzzles • pair work • oral and written
critical thinking connections • discussing concepts • group work texts
among concepts • debating issues to establish • discussion • pictures
connections • brainstorming • newspapers
• designing graphic • debating • magazines
organizers (charts, webs, • individual work • TV/radio
graphs, maps) to make • teacher observation programmes
connections among key • peer assessment • checklists
concepts, words • scoring rubric
• comparing concepts • record books
• identifying cause and
effect from a text
• explaining connections
among concepts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
• analyzing a chain of events • pair work • oral and written
• explaining cause and effect • group work texts
• deducing intentions of • discussion • pictures
authors or speakers • brainstorming • newspapers
• searching for appropriate • debating • magazines
2 evaluate information to solve a • individual work • TV/radio
information problem • teacher observation • checklists
• making judgements • peer assessment • scoring rubrics
• making decisions • group work • record books
• analysing sentences for • pair work • written texts
intended meaning • debate • oral texts
• analysing a problem, an • class discussion • charts
event and a situation • explanation • maps
• discussing intentions of • case studies • diagrams
speakers and writers • brainstorming • debate topics
• deducing intentions of • research • list of concepts
speakers and content • peer assessment and vocabulary
• writing descriptions, • teacher observation • checklists
narratives • individual work • pictures
• writing friendly/ informal • role play • drawings
letters • self assessment • resource persons
• expressing personal • demonstration • portfolios
opinion • teacher assessment
• asking questions to develop • quizzes
critical thinking and
Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• use language to 1 synthesize ideas Critical • asking and answering • individual work • oral texts
process from different thinking questions • pair work • written texts
information sources • identifying examples of • group work • graphic
cause and effect • brainstorming organizers
• summarizing ideas from • discussion • charts
texts • question and answer • maps
• producing graphic and • explanation • graphs
visual representations • peer assessment • tables
• writing compositions • teacher observation • pictures
• making simple speeches • debate • graphic
2 create graphic • designing charts, maps • checklists
organizers and graphs • scoring rubric
• using information from • diagrams
various sources such as • debate topics
graphs, charts and tables

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 create texts from • planning the content of a • discussion • pictures or

visuals text from visuals such as • pair work illustrations
pictures, charts, tables, • group work • oral and written
maps and graphs • individual work texts
• presenting orally or in • debate • titles of texts
writing a prose • question and answer • graphs/ tables/
interpretation of visuals • peer assessment charts and maps
such as pictures, charts, • teacher assessment with various
tables, maps and graphs information
• recording information • models of prose
from oral and written texts texts produced
into graphs, charts and from visuals
tables • assessment

Core element: Structure and use of language (grammar)
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how sound, words and rules of language can be used to create, analyse and interpret texts.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• show awareness 1 use nouns Nouns • using nouns as subject • pair work • lists of plural
and correct use of correctly in oral • making own sentences • group work and singular
language in oral and written texts using nouns • individual work nouns
and written texts • question and answer • lists of nouns
• peer assessment which show
• teacher observation gender
• develop and use 1 form nouns • forming plural nouns • explanation • lists of ordinal
own vocabulary • discussion and cardinal
• lists of sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use pronouns Pronouns • constructing sentences • pair work • written texts
awareness and correctly in oral using pronouns • group work • oral texts
correct use of and written texts • writing texts using • individual work • tables and list of
language in oral pronouns • question and answer pronouns
and written texts • brainstorming • texts from other
• peer observation subjects
• teacher observation • scoring rubrics
• discussion • checklists
• cloze procedure • cloze passages
• incomplete
• develop and use 1 write a list of • listing personal sentences
own vocabulary pronouns demonstrative, passive,
relative and pronouns

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show awareness 1 identify verb Verbs • identifying perfect tenses • brainstorming • newspapers
and correct use of tenses • discussing how perfect • question and answer • magazines
verbs in oral and tenses are f ormed • explanation • short stories
written texts • brainstorming why a • discussion • supplementary
particular tense has been • checklist readers
used in oral and written • peer assessment • science and
texts • pair work agriculture
• identifying out main verbs • group work articles
in oral and written texts • teacher assessment • textbooks from
• self assessment other subjects
2 identify phrasal • identifying phrasal verbs • English
verbs • discussing the meaning of textbooks
phrasal verbs • scoring rubrics
• giving a one word • oral and written
equivalent of phrasal verbs descriptions
and narratives

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show awareness 1 use verb tenses • completing sentences with • brainstorming • newspapers
and correct use of correctly correct verb forms • question and answer • magazines
verbs in oral and • completing sentences with • explanation • short stories
written texts correct verb tenses • discussion • supplementary
• writing texts using a • checklist readers
variety of tenses • peer assessment • science and
• producing oral texts in a • pair work agriculture
variety of tenses • group work articles
• converting written or oral • teacher assessment • text books from
texts from one tense to • self assessment other learning
another areas
• English
2 use phrasal verbs • use phrasal verbs correctly textbooks
correctly • scoring rubrics
• oral and written
• develop and use 1 form verbs from • forming verbs from other descriptions
own vocabulary other parts of parts of speech and narratives

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

2 develop a list of • categorising phrasal verbs • question and answer • lists of adjectives
phrasal verbs • writing meanings of • pair work • lists of sentences
phrasal verbs • group work • content from
• individual work other subjects
• demonstrate an 1 describe types of Adjectives • brainstorming types of • explanation • newspapers
understanding of adjectives adjectives • discussion • magazines
language forms • stating types of adjectives • demonstration • scoring rubrics
and structure in such as descriptive, • peer assessment • grammar books
oral and written reflexive, and possessive • teacher observation
texts adjectives

2 explain the order • discussing how multiple

of adjectives adjectives can be ordered
in a sentence
• reading sentences with
multiple adjectives
• explaining the order of
• ordering adjectives

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use adjectives • stating comparatives eg • question and answer • lists of adjectives
awareness and correctly much, more, most • pair work • lists of sentences
correct use of • using comparatives and • group work • content from
language in oral superlatives correctly in • individual work other subjects
and written texts oral and written texts • explanation • newspapers
• discussion • magazines
• develop and use 1 form adjectives • forming adjectives from • demonstration • scoring rubrics
own vocabulary from other parts of other parts of speech • peer assessment • grammar books
speech • compiling a list of • teacher observation
• categorising adjectives

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Adverbs • differentiating types of • group work • oral and
understanding of adverbs adverbs • pair work written texts
language form • identifying types of • discussion • grammar texts
and structure in adverbs such as manner, • question and answer about adverbs
oral and written degree and time • explanation • pictures
texts • stating types of adverbs • demonstrations • charts
• peer observations
2 identify time • reading texts with time • peer assessment
markers markers such as “rarely”, • teacher observation
“no sooner than” • role play
• explaining meanings of
time makers

• show awareness 1 use adverbs • making sentences that

and correct use of correctly contain adverbs
language in oral • composing passages that
and written texts contain adverbs

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• using different types of • group work • oral and

adverbs in oral and written • pair work written texts
descriptions and narratives • discussion • grammar texts
• question and answer about adverbs
2 use time markers • making sentences with • explanation • pictures
correctly appropriate time markers • demonstrations • charts
eg scarcely, seldom, rarely • peer observations
• making speeches • peer assessment
containing time markers • teacher observation
• role play
• develop and use 1 form adverbs from • categorising adverbs in
own vocabulary other parts of terms of type/ function
speech • forming adverbs from other
parts of speech
• compiling a list of adverbs

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use conjunctions in • planning oral and written • pair work • oral and written
awareness and sentences and texts that use conjunctions • group work texts containing
correct use of paragraphs correctly to join words • individual work different types
language in oral correctly • planning oral and written • question and answer of conjunctions
and written texts texts that use conjunctions • class presentations • charts of types
correctly to join words • demonstrations of conjunctions
• joining words using • peer assessment • pictures
conjunctions • teacher observation • cards
• joining sentences using • brainstorming • checklists
conjunctions correctly • cloze procedure • scoring rubrics
• filling in gaps with correct • cloze passages
conjunctions • incomplete
• develop and use 1 categorise • categorising conjunctions
vocabulary conjunctions according to type and

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use prepositions Prepositions • planning oral and written • individual work • oral and written
awareness and correctly in oral texts using prepositions • pair work texts
correct use of and written texts • presenting oral and written • group work • charts
language in oral texts that use prepositions • discussions • pictures
and written texts • constructing sentences • class presentations • cards
using prepositions • question and answer • scoring rubrics
• demonstrations • checklists
• develop and use 1 categorise • categorising prepositions • peer assessment • cloze passages
own vocabulary prepositions according to type • teacher observation • incomplete
• completing sentences • brainstorming sentences
• cloze procedure • texts from other
• lists of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Phrases • brainstorming types of • individual work • written texts
understanding of phrases phrases • pair work • oral texts
language forms • describing types of phrases • group work • scoring rubrics
and structure in eg, noun, adverb, adjective, • brainstorming • checklists
oral and written verbal phrases • discussions • tables and lists
texts • discussing various types • peer assessment of phrases
of phrases • teacher observation • charts
• identifying types of phrases • question and answer • incomplete
2 describe functions • analysing sentences • pictures
of phrases • describing functions of • cards
• identifying functions of
• describing meanings of
phrasal verbs

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use phrases • completing sentences with • individual work • written texts
awareness and correctly in oral phrases • pair work • oral texts
correct use of and written texts • presenting oral and written • group work • scoring rubrics
language in oral texts using phrases • brainstorming • checklists
and written texts • listing types of phrases • discussions • tables and lists
• peer assessment of phrases
• teacher observation • charts
• question and answer • incomplete
• pictures
• cards

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Clauses • brainstorming types of • individual work • oral texts
understanding of clauses clauses eg, noun, adverb, • group work • written texts
language forms adjective • pair work • scoring rubrics
and structure in • discussing various types of • brainstorming • checklists
oral and written noun, adjective and adverb • discussion • incomplete
texts clauses • peer assessment sentences
• identifying main and • teacher observation • charts
subordinate clauses • question and answer • cards
• describing main and • class presentations • lists of main and
subordinate clauses subordinate
• identifying other types of clauses
clauses such as noun,
adjective and adverb
• analysing sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use clauses • identifying types of clauses • individual work • oral texts
awareness and correctly eg, adverb, adjective and • group work • written texts
correct use of main clause • pair work • scoring rubrics
language in oral • answering questions • brainstorming • checklists
and written texts • completing sentences with • discussion • incomplete
main/ subordinate clauses • peer assessment sentences
• constructing sentences • teacher observation • charts
• presenting oral and written • question and answer • cards
texts using main clauses • class presentations • lists of main and
and subordinate clauses subordinate
• stating the functions of clauses
types of noun, adjective
and adverb clauses

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 identify affixes and Vocabulary • discussing affixes, roots • individual work • oral texts
awareness and roots of words and stems and their • group work • written texts
correct use of functions • pair work • word lists
language in oral • completing words • question and answer • letter/word
and written texts • forming words using • brainstorming cards
affixes, roots and stems • discussion • charts
• peer assessment • tables of word
2 identify registers • discussing the meaning of • teacher observation families
the term register • explanation • scoring rubrics
• explaining registers eg for • cloze procedure • checklists
law, school, nursing • cloze passages
• distinguishing use of
particular words

• develop and use 1 write a list of new • listing words with affixes,
own vocabulary words formed roots and stems
from affixes and • forming antonyms using
roots affixes and stems
2 compile a list of • developing a list of words
registers for *different disciplines
• comparing uses of registers

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• demonstrate 1 describe functions Articles and • filling gaps with definite • presentation • oral and written
understanding of of articles determiners and indefinite articles • brainstorming texts containing
language forms • separating determiners • individual work articles and
and structure in from adjectives • pair work determiners
oral and written • identifying determiners • group work • written text and
texts from other words in a list • discussion sentences with
containing mixed word • peer assessment gaps
types • teacher assessment • charts of types of
• show awareness 1 use articles and • differentiating • checklists
of correct use of determiners demonstratives from • scoring rubrics
language in oral possessives in sentences
and written texts • filling gaps with the
correct demonstratives
and possessives
• filling gaps with definite
and indefinite articles

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 analyse compound Sentences • differentiating statements, • group work • oral and
understanding of sentences interrogatives, question • pair work written texts
language forms tags, active, passive voice, • discussion • charts
and structure in direct, indirect speech • question and answer • cards
oral and written • analysing complex and • explanation • pictures
texts compound sentences • demonstrations • puzzles
• changing sentences from • peer observations • sentences
active to passive, passive to • peer assessment
active voice • teacher observation
• changing sentences from
direct to indirect, indirect to
direct speech

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use interrogatives Interrogatives • formulating questions • group work • oral texts
awareness and correctly • asking questions • pair work • written texts
correct use of • formulating question tags • class discussion • charts
language in oral • formulating topic sentences • question and answer • cards
and written texts • completing blank spaces • explanation • pictures
• identifying errors in oral • demonstrations • puzzles
and written texts • peer observations
• discussing statements, • peer assessment
interrogatives • teacher observation

2 make statements Statements • making simple or

compound sentences

3 analyse sentences • analysing sentences

• identifying topic sentences
• discussing topic sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

4 punctuate • changing sentences from • group work • dialogues

sentences correctly indirect to direct speech • pair work • speeches
• punctuating direct speech, • role playing • stories, sentences
• changing word forms for • lecture • checklists
indirect speech • question and answer • record books/
• discussing sentences • discussion television
• correcting errors in • brainstorming
• using words for indirect

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify polite Expressions • identifying polite • group work • oral and
understanding of expressions expressions such as “would • pair work written texts
language form you mind ..." • discussion • examples of
and structure in • discussing meanings and • question and answer polite
oral and written use of polite expressions • explanation expressions
texts • demonstrations • checklists
2 identify idiomatic • reading sentences • peer observations • scoring rubrics
expressions containing idiomatic • peer assessment • record books
expressions • teacher observation
• identifying idiomatic • role play
expressions in texts
• discussing meanings of
idiomatic expressions
• analysing sentences
containing idiomatic

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use polite • role playing use of polite • group work • oral and
awareness and expressions expressions • pair work written texts
correct use of correctly • making sentences using • discussion • examples of
language in oral polite expressions • question and answer polite
and written texts • completing sentences • explanation expressions
• demonstrations • checklists
2 use idiomatic • making sentences with • peer observations • scoring rubrics
expressions idiomatic expressions • peer assessment • record books
• making presentations • teacher observation
containing idiomatic • role play

• develop and use 3 list idiomatic • making speeches suing

own vocabulary expressions polite expressions
• identifying idiomatic
• compiling a list of idiomatic

Core element: Critical analysis
Outcome: The student will be able to discuss and critically analyse literary texts to appreciate their basic elements and techniques.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this The students must be
when the students are able to:
able to:
• demonstrate an 1 describe the Features of a • brainstorming the features • pair and group work • sample short
understanding and distinguishing short story of a short story, eg, written • presentations stories
appreciation of the features of a short in prose form, narrative, • discussion • chart paper
short story as a story complete on its own, deals • brainstorming • reference
literary genre with one central idea, not • debate materials, eg,
divided into chapters • research books, magazines
• analysing the story in a • explanation and newspapers
short story • question and answer • pictures
• explaining the plot of a • synopsis/summary • radio and TV
story with reference to the • role-playing programmes
cause and effect • hot-seating • DVDs
relationship among events • commentaries
• summarising the story in a • essays
short story • book reviews
• internet

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

2 describe the plot Plot • identifying the plot of a • pair work • sample short
of a short story short story • group work stories
• explaining the plot of a • presentations • chart paper
short story with reference • discussion • reference
to the cause and effect • brainstorming materials, eg,
relationship between and • debate books, magazines
among events • research and newspapers
• explanation • pictures
3 analyse the plot Story line • summarising the story in a • question and answer • radio and TV
of a short story short story beginning , • synopsis/summary programmes
climax, ending (eg • role-playing • DVDs
resolution, suspense) • hot-seating • commentaries
• analysing the plot of a • essays
short story • book reviews
• internet

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

4 identify Character • identifying characters in a • pair work • sample short

characters in a short story • group work stories
short story • classifying characters in a • presentations • chart paper
short story • discussion • reference
• describing the relationship • brainstorming materials, eg,
between characters in a • debate books, magazines
short story • research and newspapers
• describing characters in a • explanation • pictures
short story • question and answer • radio and TV
• describing how character is • synopsis/summary programmes
portrayed, eg, through • role-playing • DVDs
actions, thoughts and • hot-seating • commentaries
speeches • essays
• book reviews
5 analyse • analyzing characters in a • internet
characters in a short story
short story • explaining the cause of the
behaviour of characters in a
short story

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

6 analyse conflict in Conflict • tracing the origins or • pair work • sample short
a short story causes of conflict in a short • group work stories
story • presentations • chart paper
• distinguishing internal and • discussion • reference
external conflicts • brainstorming materials, eg,
• identifying internal conflict • debate books, magazines
• identifying external conflict • research and newspapers
• explaining how the • explanation • pictures
behaviour of characters can • question and answer • radio and TV
lead to conflict • synopsis/summary programmes
• explaining how the • role-playing • DVDs
relationship between • hot-seating • commentaries
characters can lead to • essays
conflict • book reviews
• internet

Assessment Success criteria Theme/Topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standards learning activities learning and teaching and
assessment methods learning

7 describe the Setting • describing the setting in a • pair work • sample short
setting of the short story, eg, • group work stories
story in a given − physical, geographical • presentations • chart paper
short story − historical • discussion • reference
− cultural • brainstorming materials, eg,
− political • debate books, magazines
− economic • research and newspapers
− psychological • explanation • pictures
• discussing how setting • question and answer • radio and TV
influences character • synopsis/summary programmes
• explaining how setting is • role-playing • DVDs
used to convey theme in a • hot-seating • commentaries
short story • essays
• book reviews
8 discuss how setting • explaining the meaning of • internet
influences theme as what the author
characters’ believes about an issue
motivations and • discussing how setting
actions influences characters’
motivation and actions

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

9 identify theme(s) Theme(s) • identifying themes in a • pair work • sample short

in a short story short story • group work stories
• analysing theme(s) in a • presentations • chart paper
short story • discussion • reference
• brainstorming materials, eg,
10 relate theme and • explain the relationship • debate books, magazines
character in a short between theme and • research and newspapers
story character • explanation • pictures
• explaining how particular • question and answer • radio and TV
themes have been • synopsis/summary programmes
developed in a short story • role-playing • DVDs
• explaining how theme • hot-seating • commentaries
relates to setting in a short • essays
story • book reviews
• internet

Core element: Critical analysis
Outcome: The student will be able to discuss and critically analyse literary texts to appreciate their basic elements and techniques.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this The students must be
when the students are able to:
able to:
• demonstrate an 1 analyse the plot The novel • describing storyline in a • pair work • sample novel
understanding and of a novel given novel • group work • chart paper
appreciation of a • analysing the events in a • presentations • reference
novel as a literary novel • discussion materials, eg,
genre • explaining the events in a • brainstorming books,
novel with reference to • debate magazines and
their cause and effect • research newspapers
relationship • explanation • pictures
• summarising the story in a • question and answer • radio and TV
novel • synopsis, summary programmes
• explaining how character • role-playing • DVDs
influences events • hot-seating • commentaries
• essays
• reviews

Assessment Success criteria Theme/ Topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standards learning activities learning and teaching and
assessment methods learning

2 analyse types of Character • identifying characters in a • pair work • sample novels

characters novel, eg, • group work • chart paper
− protagonist • presentations • reference
− antagonist • discussion materials, eg,
3 distinguish • describing characters in a • brainstorming books,
character from novel • debate magazines and
characterization • classifying characters in a • research newspapers
novel • explanation • pictures
• analysing the behaviour of • question and answer • radio and TV
characters with evidence • synopsis, summary programmes
from a given novel • role-playing • DVDs
• explaining characters’ • hot-seating • commentaries
behaviour • essays
• describing the relationship • reviews
between characters in a
• analysing ways through
which the behaviour of
characters has been
depicted (thoughts,
speeches and actions)

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• discussing character as a • pair work • sample novels

vehicle of the message or • group work • chart paper
theme in a novel • presentations • reference
• debating characters’ • discussion materials, eg,
behaviour from one’s point • brainstorming books,
of view • debate magazines and
• research newspapers
4 evaluate character • evaluating characters • explanation • pictures
in a novel • question and answer • radio and TV
• synopsis, summary programmes
• role-playing • DVDs
• hot-seating • commentaries
• essays
• reviews

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

5 analyse conflict in Conflict • tracing the origins or • pair work • sample novels
a novel causes of conflict in a novel • group work • chart paper
• distinguishing internal and • presentations • reference
external conflicts • discussion materials, eg,
• identifying internal conflict • brainstorming books,
• identifying external conflict • debate magazines and
• explaining how the • research newspapers
behaviour of characters can • explanation • pictures
lead to conflict • question and answer • radio and TV
• explaining how the • synopsis, summary programmes
relationship between • role-playing • DVDs
characters can lead to co • hot-seating • commentaries
nflict • essays
• reviews

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

6 describe setting Setting as context • describing the nature of the • pair work • sample novel
of the story in a setting of the story in a • group work • chart paper
given novel novel • presentations • reference
• explaining how setting is • discussion materials, eg,
7 explain how used to depict themes in a • brainstorming books,
setting of the novel • debate magazines and
story influences • relating the setting to the • research newspapers
characters’ values of the society in a • explanation • pictures
thoughts and novel • question and answer • radio and TV
actions • discussing the relationship • synopsis, summary programmes
between setting and • role-playing • DVDs
character • hot-seating • commentaries
• essays
• reviews

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

8 identify themes Theme • identifying themes in a • pair work • sample novel

in a novel novel, eg, subject, ideas, • group work • chart paper
issues and central message • presentations • reference
• discussing themes in a • discussion materials, eg,
novel • brainstorming books,
• debate magazines and
9 explain the • explaining the relationship • research newspapers
relationship between theme and • explanation • pictures
between theme character in a novel • question and answer • radio and TV
and character in • explaining how theme • synopsis, summary programmes,
a novel relates to setting in a novel • role-playing DVDs
• hot-seating • commentaries
• essays
• reviews

Form 4
Core element: Listening
Outcome: The students will be able to listen attentively and critically in order to understand and respond appropriately to others in different
contexts through a wide range of media.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment
We will know this Students must be
when the students are able to:
able to:
• demonstrate an 1 predict the Content of oral • listening to the title of a • question and answer • titles of texts
understanding of content of an oral texts text • discussion • TV/radio
any oral text from text from a • listening to first and last • debate • oral and written
the title, picture, title/picture/first/ paragraphs of texts • pair work texts
first or last last paragraph • answering questions on • group work • charts
paragraph titles first or last • explanation • texts from other
paragraphs of oral texts • demonstration subjects
• discussing titles, first or • checklist
last paragraphs of oral • scoring rubric

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• making predictions using • group work • oral texts

picture/title/first/last • pair work • recordings of
paragraph • discussion news broadcasts
• matching predictions • individual work • titles of texts
with content • peer assessment • written texts
• teacher observation from other
2 listen to title, Central idea in • listening to oral texts subjects
beginning, oral text
middle or end of
a text

3 identify the • brainstorming central

central idea of ideas from the
any oral text title/picture/beginning/mi
from the ddle/end of an oral text
title/beginning/mi • identifying words that
ddle/ end show the central idea
from an oral text

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• identifying the central idea • presentations • oral presentation

of an oral text • individual work from radio/TV/or
• noting the central idea • question and answer recording
• explanation • newspapers
4 identify the major Major and minor • listening to an oral text • discussion • magazines
points and minor details of oral • identifying major points • peer assessment • short stories
supporting details text and minor supporting • pair work • supplementary
of any oral text details in an oral texts • group work readers
• linking the major and • debating • English
minor details • drama textbooks
• linking the major and • teacher observation • songs
minor supporting details • content from
• identifying topic and other subjects
support sentences in an oral

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate 1 answer Comprehension • listening to oral texts • group work • oral texts
comprehension of comprehension of oral • answering comprehension • pair work • written texts
oral texts on topics questions on topics descriptions, questions on topics covered • individual work • content from
covered in other covered in other narratives, in other subjects and real • discussion other subjects
subjects and in the subjects/real world expositions, world topics • question and answer • magazines
real world topics reports and • taking notes • explanation • story books
arguments • asking questions on a text • self assessment • assessment
• peer assessment checklists
2 summarise texts • summarising texts • teacher assessment • newspapers
• paraphrasing texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify the Basic structure of • listening to the first or last • presentation • oral texts from
understanding of introduction, oral texts paragraph of an oral text to • observation TV/radio/
the basic body and identify its basic structure • question and answer recordings
structure of any conclusion of an • stating the main parts of an • individual work • written texts
oral text oral text oral text • pair work • lists of
• discussing the main parts • group work signalling
of an oral text • peer assessment devices
• identifying the • teacher observation • content from
introduction, body and • explanation other subjects
conclusion of any oral text • prepared
• identifying words, questions
sentences, phrases that • songs
signal introduction, body • English text
and conclusion books
• newspapers/

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• listen critically to 1 analyse the truth Analysis of oral • listening to oral texts • group work • oral texts, eg,
analyse and of an oral text texts • identifying truth, bias, • pair work radio and TV/
evaluate the truth attitude in an oral text • discussion, recordings
of any oral text • discussing truth, bias, • brainstorming, • written texts, eg,
and assess bias attitude • question and answer newspapers,
and attitudes of a • evaluating texts to identify • individual work magazines,
speaker bias, attitude and truth • peer assessment articles and
• analyse an oral text to • teacher observation speeches
identify the speaker’s • debate • list of sentences
attitude containing facts,
• identifying contextual fiction, opinion,
evidence to support a rumour,
claim speculation and
• scoring rubrics
• checklists
• debate topics

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify specific Specific • listening to oral texts • group work • oral texts, eg,
understanding of information in an information in • identifying specific • pair work radio/TV
specific oral text oral text information in oral texts • individual work recordings
information in • completing sentences with • question and answer • written texts, eg,
oral texts specific information • peer assessment newspapers,
• taking note of specific • teacher observation magazines
information in oral texts • role play • checklists
• answering questions with • debate • scoring rubrics
specific information • discussion • incomplete
• brainstorming sentences
• pictures
• debate topics

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• record and 1 record graphic Graphic and • listening to oral texts • group work • recordings of
synthesize and numerical numerical data in • identifying graphic and • discussions radio/TV
graphic and data from an oral oral texts numerical data • pair work documentaries,
numerical data text • recording graphic and • individual work news
from a variety of numerical data • question and answer programmes
oral sources • peer assessment • tables with
2 interpret graphic • interpreting graphic and • teacher observation incomplete
and numerical numerical data graphic and
data from an oral • discussing interpretations numerical data
text of graphic and numerical • lists of true/false
data questions
• using graphic and summarizing the
numerical data in contents of
presenting descriptions, graphic and
narratives, expositions, numerical data
reports and arguments

Core element: Speaking
Outcome: The students will be able to express ideas confidently and fluently and respond orally and appropriately to others in a wide range
of situations.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• plan the content 1 plan a logical oral Content of any • listening to oral texts • individual work • first and last
of any oral text text from a title, oral text • reading texts • pair work paragraphs of
from title, picture, picture, first, last • discussing titles ,pictures or • group work written texts
first or last paragraph of texts • discussions • pictures
paragraph of another text • discussing logical order of • question and answer • titles of text
another text ideas • oral presentations • oral texts
• planning oral presentations • debate • documentary
from title, picture or • supplementary
another text reading
• making oral presentations materials
of plan
• filling gaps

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• demonstrate an 1 state the central Central idea in • listening to texts • pair work • expositions
understanding of idea of a text from oral texts • stating the central idea of • group work • arguments
the central idea its title/ an oral text • class discussions • pictures
from the title, the beginning/ • discussing the central • comparing • drawings
beginning, the middle/ end idea of an oral text predictions with the • checklists
middle or the end • identifying words or central idea • charts
of an oral or phrases from text that • stating the central • scoring rubrics
written text signal central idea idea
• debating the central idea • explanation
of an oral text • brainstorming
• explaining the central • self assessment
idea of an oral text • peer assessment
• stating the central idea • teacher assessment
• linking the central idea to • debate
the title of a text

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• present orally the 1 state the major Major and minor • identifying major points • brainstorming • newspapers
major and minor points/minor supporting and minor supporting • question and answer • magazines
supporting details supporting details details of oral details from oral/written • explanation • short stories
of any text of any text and written texts texts • discussion • supplementary
• stating major points and • peer assessment readers
minor supporting details • pair work • radio/TV
• discussing major points • group work documentaries
and minor supporting • debate • songs
details of an oral or • drama • checklists
written text • teacher observation • content from
• explaining major points other subjects
and minor supporting
• debating major points
and minor supporting
• stating the link between
major points and minor
supporting details
• stating topic sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• present oral texts 1 make a Topics covered in • presenting oral texts on • group work • newspapers
on topics covered presentation on other subjects topics covered in other • pair work • magazines
in other subjects topics covered in and in the real subjects/real world • discussions • story books
and in the real other subjects/ the world • discussing topics covered • explanation • assessment
world real world in other subjects/real world • answering questions checklists
• debating on topics from • explanation • pictures
other subjects or the real • self assessment • oral and written
world • peer assessment texts on topics
• role playing topics covered • teacher observation covered in other
in other subjects/real world • individual work subjects
• reporting issues on other • oral and written
subjects/real world texts on topics
• holding interviews/panel covered on
discussions on topics radio/TV and in
covered in other newspapers or
subjects/real world magazines
• outlines of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• present oral texts 1 make an oral Basic structure of • making oral presentation • presentation • newspapers
using an presentation oral texts using various basic • observation • magazines
appropriate basic using structures • question and answer • models of
structure chronological, • discussing relevant • individual work written and oral
space order, order signalling devices and • pair work texts
of climax, reference ties for • group work • lists of
analysis, particular structures • debate signalling
classification and • using signalling devices • discussion devices and
enumeration in an oral text • peer assessment reference ties
• teacher observation
• explanation

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• give clear, logical 1 make logical and Logical and • discussing texts on the • group work • oral texts, eg,
and truthful oral truthful oral truthful basis of opinions/ truth/ • pair work TV/radio/
presentations on a presentations on a presentations of speculation/ rumour/ • question and answer recording
topic topic an oral or written evidence • individual work • written texts
text • giving evidence to support • teacher observation • magazines
claims • peer assessment • newspaper
• presenting orally logical articles
and truthful presentations • editorials
on selected topic • features
• debating a topic • text books
• content from
other support

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• present orally 1 present orally Specific • stating orally specific • pair work • oral texts, eg,
specific specific information information from oral and • group work radio/TV/
information information in extracted from written texts • individual work recording
extracted from oral and written any oral text • discussing specific • question and answer • written texts,
oral or written texts information from oral/ • discussion eg,
texts written texts • brainstorming newspapers,
• explaining specific • role play magazines
information from oral and • debate • close passage
written texts • peer assessment • checklists
• teacher observation • pictures
• cloze procedure • scoring rubrics
• debate topics
• incomplete

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• present orally a 1 present an oral Graphic and • presenting prose • group work • oral and written
prose synthesis of prose numerical interpretations of graphic • discussions prose texts with
graphic and interpretation of information and numerical data • pair work accompanying
numerical data graphic data • discussing prose • individual work graphic and
from a variety of from an oral or interpretations of graphic • question and answer numerical
oral or written written text and numerical data • peer assessment illustrations
sources • analysing graphic and • teacher observation • graphic and
numerical data from oral numerical data
and written texts from other
• debating prose subject
interpretations of graphic • charts
and numerical data • oral and written
prose texts

Core element: Reading
Outcome: The students will be able to read fluently, efficiently and critically in order to understand and respond to different types of texts
for learning, enjoyment and information.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 predict the Content of • reading the title/ first or last • question and answer • pictures
understanding of content of a written texts paragraph of a written text • class discussion • titles of text
a written text from written text from • discussing the title/first or • pair work • TV/radio
the title, picture or the title/ last paragraphs • group work • written texts
the first or last picture/first/last • answering questions on • silent reading • charts
paragraph paragraph pictures, titles or first or last • debate
paragraphs of texts • individual work
• predicting the content of a • peer assessment
written text
• debating predictions
• matching learners’
predictions with the
content of text

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

2 read any text Central idea of • reading texts • pair work • written texts
written texts • group work • checklists
3 identify the • identifying the central • discussions • charts
central idea of a idea from the title, • explanation • scoring rubric
written text from beginning, middle, end of • brainstorming • texts on topics
the title, a written text • self assessment from other
beginning, • discussing the central idea • peer assessment subjects
middle, end of a written text • teacher assessment • newspapers
• identifying words or • debate • magazines
phrases that signal the • supplementary
central idea readers

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

4 identify the major Major and • reading any written text • brainstorming • newspapers
points and minor supporting • scanning a text for major • question and answer • magazines
supporting details points and minor details • explanation • short stories
details in a • scanning a text for major • discussion • supplementary
written text points and minor • peer assessment readers
supporting details • pair work • checklists
• responding to written • group work • radio/TV
questions/prompts • debates documentaries
• linking minor supporting • comprehension • English
details to major points • individual work textbooks
• identifying topic and • content from
support sentences other subjects
• scoring rubrics

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate 1 read a text Comprehension • reading stories, plays and • pair work • newspaper and
comprehension of of written texts poems • group work magazine articles
any written text • skimming through various • dramatization • content from
on topics covered texts for main ideas • role play other subject
in other school • peer assessment areas
subjects and in the 2 answer • asking and answering • question and answer • resource persons
real world comprehension questions • individual work • text books
questions on topics • teacher observation • vocabulary
covered in other checklists
subject areas/real • written texts on
world issues topics covering
current issues
3 infer meaning of • explaining the meanings of • written topical
words from their words using context sentences

4 summarise texts • summarising texts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify the Basic structure of • reading any written text • question and answer • articles from
understanding of introduction/ written texts • identifying main parts of • individual work magazines/
the basic structure body/ conclusion any written text • pair work newspapers
of a written texts of a written text • identifying signalling • group work • lists of signalling
devices and reference ties • explanation devices
signalling introduction/ • teacher observation • models of
body/ conclusion • peer assessment various written
• identifying a given basic • self assessment texts with
structure in a written text • discussion different basic
• discussing basic structures structures of
in given written texts organisation

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• read critically to 1 read different Analysis of • reading written texts to • pair work • written texts
analyse and types of texts written texts identify verb forms, • group work • checklists
evaluate the truth reference ties, signalling • individual work • newspaper and
of any written text devices and tone • teacher observation magazine articles
and assess bias 2 analyse the truth • identifying • peer assessment • written political
and attitude of the of any written bias/attitude/truth in a text • question and answer speeches
writer text • analysing information for • editorials
3 evaluate the truth bias and attitude • features
of any written • identifying evidence to • content from
text support an argument other subject
4 analyse written areas
texts to identify
5 analyse a written
text to identify
the writer’s

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• read for specific 1 identify specific Specific • reading written texts • pair work • written
information in information in a information in • scanning texts for specific • group work descriptions
written texts written text written texts information • individual work • written
• skimming written texts for • question and answer narratives
general information • discussions • written reports
• reading a text to identify • brainstorming • written
specific information • peer assessment expositions
• teacher observation • written
• debate arguments
• role play • pictures
• cloze procedure • cloze passages
• incomplete
• scoring rubrics
• checklists

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• interpret and 1 interpret graphic Graphic and • identifying graphic and • group work • graphic and
synthesize information in a numerical numerical information • discussions numerical data
graphic and written text information in from texts • pair work from other
numerical written texts • recording graphic and • individual work learning areas
information from numerical information • question and answer and sources
any written text from texts • debate with written
• interpreting in prose, • peer assessment prose
graphic and numerical • teacher observation interpretation
information from texts • written prose
• discussing prose texts
interpretations of
numerical and graphic
• completing tables, charts,
graphs, etc

Core element: Writing
Outcome: The students will be able to write personal factual transactional and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes in a clear and
comprehensive manner.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 write a logical plan Content of • brainstorming ideas on the • silent reading • written texts
ability to write of any written text written text title, picture, first or last • pair work • titles of text
text from the title from the title, paragraph • group work • pictures
or picture, first or picture, the first, • noting a logical order of • discussions • charts
last paragraph of last paragraph of ideas in a text • question and answer
another text another text • writing a plan of a text from • written exercise
the title, picture, first, last • debate
paragraph • bus stop
• individual work

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• demonstrate an 1 note the central Central idea in • noting the central idea • individual work • written
understanding idea of any text any text from the title/ picture/ • pair work expositions and
the central idea from the title, beginning/ middle , end • group work arguments
from the title, the beginning, middle of any text • class discussion • oral expositions
beginning, the and end • noting key words, • explanation and arguments
middle or the end phrases, sentences that • brainstorming • checklists
of a text signal the main idea • self assessment • charts
• writing the central idea • peer assessment • scoring rubrics
using an appropriate • teacher assessment
format such as • debate

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

2 outline in note Major and minor • noting major points of any • brainstorming • newspapers
form the major supporting text using standard • question and answer • magazines
points and minor details of any text symbols/abbreviation/ • explanation • short stories
supporting details short forms of words • discussion • supplementary
of any text • noting minor supporting • peer assessment readers
details for each main point • pair work • radio/TV
using standard • group work documentaries
symbols/abbreviation/ • debating • English
short forms of words • drama textbooks
• freeze frame • songs
3 write a fair copy • writing a fair copy of notes • individual work • content from
of notes using an of the major points and other subjects
appropriate minor supporting details • topics
format of any oral or written text • resource person
• writing a summary of the • objects
major and minor • checklists
supporting details

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 write a text on a Topics covered • brainstorming the content • pair work • newspapers
ability to write topic covered in in other subjects of a text on topics covered • group work • magazine
any text on topics other subjects in other school subjects/real • explanation pictures
covered in other world issues • discussions • stories
subjects • planning the content of a • asking and • textbooks
text on topics covered in answering questions • samples of
other subjects/real world • peer assessment speeches
issues • teacher assessment • written
• drafting/editing/revising a • self assessment expositions on
text on topics covered in • individual work various topics
other school subjects/in the
real world
• writing compositions/
essays on topical issues, eg,
population rise, disaster risk
and preparedness, HIV and
• writing friendly/formal
letters on topics covered in
other school subjects/real

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

2 write a text using Basic structure of • brainstorming ideas to • individual work • words of a song
an appropriate written text include in a written text • pair work • list of signalling
basic structure • discussing the basic • group work devices and
structure or order of • observation reference ties
organization for • question and answer • magazine or
developing a text • explanation newspaper
• drafting/editing/writing • teacher assessment articles
any text using a basic • peer assessment • models of
structure • self assessment written texts of
• planning the main parts of • discussion any type with
a text different
• using appropriate structures of
signalling devices and organisation
reference ties for
developing a text
• writing an argumentative/
compare and contrast
composition using an
appropriate basic structure
• writing a business letter

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• write clear, 1 write factual and Composition • planning content for • pair work • oral texts, eg,
logical and logical compositions/reports • group work TV/radio/
truthful compositions on a • writing logical coherent • individual work recordings
presentations on a topic and truthful compositions/ • question and answer • written text
topic reports/arguments/friendly • peer assessment • newspaper
2 write a friendly/ /business letters • teacher observation articles
business letter • writing factual • magazines
compositions • checklists
3 write an • textbooks
argumentative • content from
composition other subjects
• speeches from
politics and
other discourses
• bibliographies
• fairytales
• checklists

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• present in writing 1 write specific Specific • noting specific information • pair work • written texts
specific information information from in an oral/written text • group work • oral texts
information extracted from a a text • writing paraphrases of • individual work • pictures
extracted from a text specific information • question and answer • charts
text • developing a concept map/ • brainstorming • checklists
future’s wheels • discussion • scoring rubrics
• writing summaries of • peer assessment
specific information • teacher observation
extracted from a text

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• present in writing 1 write a prose Written • interpreting in writing • group work • written graphic
a prose synthesis interpretation of descriptions, prose presentations of • discussions and numerical
of graphic and graphic/ narratives, graphic/numerical data • pair work data from other
numerical numerical data expositions, • present prose • individual work subjects and
information from from a text reports and interpretations of graphic • question and answer sources with
a variety of arguments and numerical data • peer assessment and without
sources containing • planning prose • teacher observation accompanying
graphic and interpretations of graphic prose
numerical data and numerical data interpretations
• writing prose • oral and written
interpretations of graphic prose texts
and numerical data • charts, tables,
graphs, etc

Core element: Critical thinking and reasoning
Outcome: The students will be able to use language to access process and use information in order to think and reason properly.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• demonstrate an 1 explain concepts Concepts and • identifying concepts and • group work • written texts
understanding of and terms from vocabulary terms from other subjects • pair work • oral texts
concepts and other objects • defining concepts and • individual work • charts
vocabulary terms from other subjects • debating • maps
• explaining concepts and • class discussion • diagrams
terms from other subjects • teacher observation • debate
• case study • topics
2 use concepts and • planning and writing • peer assessment • lists of contents
terms from other presentations using • self assessment and vocabulary
subjects concepts and terms from • quizzes • checklists
other subjects • research • pictures
• making sentences • question and answer • drawings
• resource persons

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• applying concepts and • group work • written texts

terms to other subjects • pair work • oral texts
• individual work • charts
3 infer meanings of • brainstorming the • debating • maps
words from their meanings of words in • class discussion • diagrams
context context • teacher observation • debate
• inferring meanings of • case study • topics
words from title and texts • peer assessment • lists of contents
from other learning areas • self assessment and vocabulary
• comparing the meanings of • quizzes • checklist
words and phrases • research • pictures
• question and answer • drawings
4 interpret pictures • interpreting pictures • resource persons
appropriately appropriately from other
• identifying the subject of a

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

5 develop and use a • researching on unfamiliar • group work • written texts

personal words and creating a • explanation • oral texts
dictionary personal spelling list or • pair work • word building
bank • peer assessment games, eg,
• compiling a personal • individual work scrabble and
dictionary • presentation cross word
• categorising vocabulary into • teacher observation puzzle
subject areas • quizzes • pictures
• using vocabulary from other • research • diagrams
learning areas to plan an • question and answer • lists of technical
account or a report, eg, terms from other
gender issues or climate subjects, eg,
change mathematics
and sciences
6 classify words • classifying words according
according to word to word families
families • writing lists of synonyms
• reading lists of antonyms

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

7 classify words • writing lists of words • group work • written texts

according to roots according to phonic • explanation • oral texts
and affixes similarities • pair work • word building
• classifying words according • peer assessment games, eg,
to roots and affixes • individual work scrabble and
• playing word games • presentation cross word
• splitting words into roots • teacher observation puzzle
and affixes • quizzes • pictures
8 formulate • research • diagrams
questions and • asking questions • question and answer • a list of technical
answers • classifying questions based words from
on types other subject
• formulating follow-up areas, eg,
questions to maintain mathematics
subject/ topic and sciences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

9 distinguish main • identifying vocabulary • brainstorming • pictures

and minor carrying main and minor • group work • written texts
supporting details details • pair work • charts
• individual work • diagrams
10 draw conclusions • sorting and classifying • case study • checklists
from oral and information from texts, • peer assessment • oral texts
written texts maps or charts • teacher observation • newspapers
• using context clues to draw • question and answer • magazines
conclusion from a text • textbooks from
other subjects

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• use language for 1 identify Critical thinking • solving jigsaw puzzles • pair work • oral and written
critical thinking connections • discussing concepts • group work texts
among concepts • debating issues to establish • discussion • pictures
connections • brainstorming • newspapers
• designing graphic • debating • magazines
organizers (charts, webs, • individual work • TV/radio
graphs, maps) to make • teacher observation programmes
connections among key • peer assessment • checklists
concepts/words • scoring rubrics
• analyzing chains of events • record books
• comparing concepts
• identifying cause and
effect from a text
• debating issues to establish
• explaining connections
among concepts

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
• designing graphic • pair work • oral and written
organizers (charts, webs, • group work texts
graphs, maps) to make • discussion • pictures
connections among key • brainstorming • newspapers
concepts/words • debating • magazines
• explaining cause and effect • individual work • TV/radio
between events • teacher observation • checklists
• deducing intentions of • peer assessment • scoring rubrics
authors or speakers • record books

2 evaluate • searching for appropriate

information information to solve a
• making judgements
• making decisions
• analysing sentences for
intended meaning
• analysing a problem, an
event or a situation
• discussing intentions of
speakers and writers

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• deducing intentions of • group work • written texts

speakers and content • pair work • oral texts
• writing descriptions, • debate • charts
narratives • class discussion • maps
• writing friendly/ informal • explanation • diagrams
letters • case study • debate topics
• expressing personal • brainstorming • list of concepts
opinion • research and vocabulary
• asking questions • peer assessment • checklists
• teacher observation • pictures
• individual work • drawings
• role play • resource persons
• self assessment • portfolios
• demonstration
• teacher assessment
• quizzes

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• use language to 1 synthesize ideas Critical • asking and answering • individual work • oral texts
process from different thinking questions • pair work • written texts
information sources • identifying examples of • group work • graphic
cause and effect • brainstorming organizers
• summarizing ideas from • discussion • charts
texts • question and answer • maps
• producing graphic and • explanation • graphs
visual representations • peer assessment • tables
• writing compositions and • teacher observation • pictures
contrasting information • debate • graphic
• making simple speeches representations
• checklists
2 create graphic • designing charts, maps • scoring rubric
organizers and graphs • diagrams
• using information from • debate topics
various sources such as
graphs, charts and tables

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 create texts from • planning the content of a • discussion • pictures or

visuals text from visuals such as • pair work illustrations
pictures, charts, tables, • group work • oral and written
maps and graphs • individual work texts
• presenting orally or in • debate • titles of texts
writing a prose • question and answer • graphs, tables,
interpretation of visuals • peer assessment charts and maps
such as pictures, charts, • teacher assessment with various
tables, maps and graphs information
• recording information • models of prose
from oral and written texts texts produced
into graphs, charts and from visuals
tables • assessment

Core element: Structure and use of language (grammar)
Outcome: The students will be able to understand how sound, words and rules of language can be used to create, analyse and interpret texts.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment
We will know this Students must be
when the students able to:
are able to:
• show an 1 use nouns Nouns • using nouns as subject • pair work • lists of plural
awareness and correctly in oral and object • group work and singular
correct use of and written texts • changing nouns from • individual work nouns
language in oral singular to plural • question and answer • lists of nouns
and written texts • making own sentences • peer assessment which show
using nouns • teacher observation gender
• develop and use 1 form nouns • identifying nouns that are • explanation • lists of ordinal
own vocabulary always in singular form • discussion and cardinal
• forming nouns from nouns
nouns, verbs, adjectives • lists of sentences
• brainstorming compound
• using the possessive case
of nouns

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use pronouns Pronouns • constructing sentences • pair work • written texts
awareness and correctly in oral using pronouns • group work • oral texts
correct use of and written texts • writing texts using • individual work • tables and lists
language in oral pronouns • question and answer of pronouns
and written texts • brainstorming • texts from other
• peer observation subjects
• develop and use 1 describe the • identifying pronouns used • teacher observation • scoring rubrics
own vocabulary position of as subjects, direct object or • discussion • checklists
pronouns in oral indirect objects • cloze procedure • cloze passages
and written texts • using pronouns as subjects, • incomplete
direct or indirect objects sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show awareness 1 identify verb Verbs • identifying simple present, • brainstorming • newspapers
and correct use of tenses past and future tenses • question and answer • magazines
verbs in oral and • discussing how verbs used • explanation • short stories
written texts in a given text are formed • discussion • supplementary
• brainstorming why a • peer assessment readers
particular tense or tenses • pair work • science and
have been used in oral and • group work agriculture
written texts • teacher assessment articles
• identifying present, past or • self assessment • textbooks from
future continuous tenses other subjects
• identifying out main verbs • English
in oral and written texts textbooks
• scoring rubric
2 identify phrasal • identifying phrasal verbs • oral and written
verbs • discussing the meaning of descriptions
phrasal verbs and narratives

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show awareness 1 use verb tenses • completing sentences with • brainstorming • newspapers
and correct use of correctly correct verb forms • question and answer • magazines
verbs in oral and • completing sentences with • explanation • short stories
written texts 2 use phrasal verbs correct verb tenses • discussion • supplementary
correctly • writing texts using a • peer assessment readers
variety of tenses • pair work • science and
• producing oral texts in a • group work agriculture
variety of tenses • teacher assessment articles
• converting written or oral • self assessment • textbooks from
texts from one tense to other subjects
another • English
• develop and use 1 form verbs from • forming verbs from other • scoring rubrics
own vocabulary other parts of parts of speech • oral and written
speech descriptions
and narratives
2 develop a list of • compiling lists of phrasal
phrasal verbs verbs
• explaining the meanings of
phrasal verbs

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 describe types of Adjectives • brainstorming types of • question and answer • lists of
understanding of adjectives adjectives • pair work adjectives
language forms • stating types of adjectives • group work • lists of
and structure in such as descriptive, • individual work sentences
oral and written reflexive and possessive • explanation • content from
texts • discussion other subjects
• demonstration • newspaper
• show an 1 use adjectives • stating comparatives, eg, • peer assessment articles
awareness and correctly big, bigger, biggest • teacher observation • magazine
correct use of • using comparatives and articles
language in oral superlatives correctly in • scoring rubrics
and written texts oral and written texts • grammar books
• ordering adjectives

• develop and use 1 form adjectives • forming adjectives from

own vocabulary from other parts of other parts of speech

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Adverbs • differentiating types of • group work • oral and
understanding of adverbs adverbs • pair work written texts
language form • stating types of adverbs • discussion • grammar texts
and structure in • question and answer about adverbs
oral and written • explanation • pictures
texts • demonstrations • charts
• peer observations
• show awareness 1 use adverbs • making sentences that • peer assessment
and correct use of correctly contain adverbs • teacher observation
language in oral • composing passages that • role play
and written texts contain adverbs
• using different types of
adverbs in oral and written
descriptions and narrative

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• develop and use 1 form adverbs from • categorising adverbs in • group work • oral and
own vocabulary other parts of terms of type/function • pair work written texts
speech • forming adverbs from other • discussion • grammar texts
parts of speech • question and answer • pictures
• explanation • charts
• demonstrations
• peer observations
• peer assessment
• teacher observation
• role play

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use conjunctions in Conjunctions • planning oral and written • pair work • oral and written
awareness and sentences and texts that use conjunctions • group work texts that
correct use of paragraphs correctly • Individual work contain the
language in oral correctly • joining words using • question and answer different types
and written texts conjunctions • class presentations of conjunctions
• joining sentences using • demonstrations • charts of types
conjunctions correctly • peer assessment of conjunctions
• filling gaps with correct • teacher observation • pictures
conjunctions • brainstorming • cards
• cloze procedure • checklists
• develop and use 1 categorise • compiling lists of • scoring rubrics
vocabulary conjunctions conjunctions • cloze passages
• categorising conjunctions • incomplete
according to function sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching and
assessment methods learning

• show an 1 use prepositions Prepositions • planning oral and written • individual work • oral and written
awareness and correctly in oral texts using prepositions • pair work texts
correct use of and written texts • presenting oral and written • group work • charts
language in oral texts that use prepositions • discussions • pictures
and written texts • constructing sentences • class presentations • cards
using prepositions • question and answer • scoring rubrics
• demonstrations • checklists
• develop and use 1 categorise • completing sentences • peer assessment • cloze passages
own vocabulary prepositions • categorising prepositions • teacher observation • incomplete
according to function • brainstorming sentences
• cloze procedure • texts from other
• lists of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Phrases • brainstorming types of • individual work • written texts
understanding of phrases phrases • pair work • oral texts
language forms • describing types of phrases • group work • scoring rubrics
and structure in eg, noun, adverb, adjective, • brainstorming • checklists
oral and written verbal phrases • discussions • tables and lists
texts • discussing various types • peer assessment of phrases
of phrases • teacher observation • charts
• identifying types of phrases • question and answer • incomplete
2 describe functions • analysing sentences • pictures
of phrases • identifying the functions of • cards
• describing the functions of

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use phrases • completing sentences with • individual work • written texts
awareness and correctly in oral phrases • pair work • oral texts
correct use of and written texts • presenting oral and written • group work • scoring rubrics
language in oral texts using phrases • brainstorming • checklists
and written texts • listing phrase types • discussions • tables and lists
• peer assessment of phrases
• teacher observation • charts
• question and answer • incomplete
• pictures
• cards

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Clauses • brainstorming types of • individual work • oral texts
understanding of clauses clauses eg, noun, adverb, • group work • written texts
language forms adjective • pair work • scoring rubrics
and structure in • discussing various types of • brainstorming • checklists
oral and written clauses • discussion • incomplete
texts • identifying main and • peer assessment sentences
subordinate clauses • teacher observation • charts
• describing main • question and answer • cards
subordinate clauses • class presentations • lists of main and
• identifying other types of subordinate
clauses such as noun, clauses
adjective and adverb
• analysing sentences for
noun, adjective and adverb
• stating the function of each
type of noun, adjective and
adverb clause

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 use main and • identifying types of clauses • individual work • oral texts
awareness and subordinate clauses eg, main clause and • group work • written texts
correct use of subordinate clause • pair work • scoring rubrics
language in oral • answering questions • brainstorming • checklists
and written texts • completing sentences with • discussion • incomplete
main/ subordinate clauses • peer assessment sentences
• constructing sentences • teacher observation • charts
• presenting oral and written • question and answer • cards
texts using main clauses • class presentations • lists of main and
and subordinate clauses subordinate

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• show an 1 identify affixes Vocabulary • discussing affixes, roots • individual work • oral texts
awareness and and roots of and stems and their • group work • written texts
correct use of words functions • pair work • word lists
language in oral • completing words • question and answer • letter/word
and written texts • forming words using • brainstorming cards
affixes, roots and stems • discussion • charts
• peer assessment • tables of word
• develop and use 1 write a list of new • listing words with affixes, • teacher observation families
own vocabulary words formed roots and stems • explanation • scoring rubrics
from affixes and • forming antonyms using • cloze procedure • checklists
roots affixes and stems • cloze passages

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching, learning
assessment methods and assessment

• demonstrate 1 describe the Articles and • filling gaps with definite • presentation • oral and written
understanding of functions of determiners and indefinite articles • brainstorming text containing
language forms articles • separating determiners • individual work articles and
and structure in from adjectives • pair work determiners
oral and written • identifying determiners • group work • written text and
texts from lists containing • discussion sentences with
mixed words • peer assessment gaps
• teacher assessment • charts of types of
• show awareness 1 use articles and • using determiners in oral determiners
of correct use of determiners and written texts • checklists
language in oral • differentiating • scoring rubrics
and written texts demonstratives from
possessives in a sentence
• filling gaps with correct
demonstratives and
• filling gaps with definite
and indefinite articles

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 analyse complex Sentences • differentiate statements, • group work • oral and
understanding of and compound interrogatives, question • pair work written texts
language forms sentences tags active, passive voice, • discussion • charts
and structure in direct and indirect speech • question and answer • cards
oral and written • analysing complex and • explanation • pictures
texts compound sentences • demonstrations • puzzles
• changing sentences from • peer observations • sentences
active to passive, passive to • peer assessment
active voice • teacher observation
• changing sentences from
direct to indirect, indirect to
direct speech

Assessment Success criteria Theme/Topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching and
assessment methods learning

• show an 1 use interrogatives Interrogatives • formulating questions • group work • oral texts
awareness and correctly • asking questions • pair work • written texts
correct use of • formulating question tags • class discussion • charts
language in oral • formulating topic sentences • question and answer • cards
and written texts • completing blank spaces • explanation • pictures
• identifying errors in oral • demonstrations • puzzles
and written texts • peer observations
• discussing statements, • peer assessment
interrogatives • teacher observation

2 make statements Statements • making simple or

compound sentences

3 analyse sentences • analysing sentences

• identifying topic sentences
• discussing topic sentences

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

4 punctuate Punctuation • changing sentences from • group work • dialogues

sentences correctly indirect to direct speech • pair work • speeches
• punctuating sentences • role playing • stories, sentences
• changing word forms for • explanation • checklists
indirect speech • question and answer • record books
• discussing sentences • discussion
• correcting errors in • brainstorming
• using words for indirect

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• demonstrate an 1 identify polite Expressions • identifying polite • group work • oral and
understanding of expressions expressions such as “I • pair work written texts
language form wonder if" • discussion • examples of
and structure in • discussing the meanings • question and answer polite
oral and written and uses of polite • explanation expressions
texts expressions • demonstrations • checklists
• peer observations • scoring rubrics
• show an 1 use polite • peer assessment • record books
awareness and expressions • role-playing use of polite • teacher observation
correct use of correctly expressions • role play
language in oral • making sentences using
and written texts polite expressions
• completing sentences
• develop and use 1 explain idiomatic
own vocabulary expressions • identifying idiomatic
• compiling lists of idiomatic

Core element: Critical analysis
Outcome: The student will be able to discuss and critically analyse literary texts to appreciate their basic elements and techniques.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this The students must
when the students are be able to:
able to:
• demonstrate an 1 identify Play • identifying the • pair work • sample plays
understanding and distinguishing distinguishing features of a • group work • chart paper
appreciation of a features o f a play, eg, playwright, • presentations • reference
play as literary play dramatic, personae, acts, • discussion materials, eg,
genre scenes, stage directions, • brainstorming books,
2 describe major dialogue, action and • debate magazines and
types of plays dramatic irony • research newspapers
• describing the features of a • explanation • pictures
play • question and answer • radio and TV
• identifying types of plays, • synopsis/ summary programmes
eg, tragedy, comedy, tragic- writing • DVDs
comedy • role-playing • commentaries
• describing major types of • hot-seating • essays
plays • re-telling stories in • reviews
plays • internet

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• defining a play as literary • pair work • sample plays

composition involving • group work • chart paper
actors and dialogue, and • presentations • reference
drama as the performance • discussion materials, eg,
of a literary composition • brainstorming books,
• describing the storyline in a • debate magazines and
play • research newspapers
• summarising the story in a • explanation • pictures
play • question and answer • radio and TV
• analysing the events in a • synopsis/ summary programmes
story writing • DVDs
• explaining the cause and • role-playing • commentaries
effect relationship of events • hot-seating • essays
• re-telling stories in • reviews
• dramatised reading
• miming

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 describe types of Character and • describing different types • pair work • sample plays
characters in a characterisation of characters • group work • chart paper
play • describing the personality • presentations • reference
traits of characters • discussion materials, eg,
4 discuss • describing the behaviour of • brainstorming books,
characters in a characters from their • debate magazines and
play actions, thoughts and what • research newspapers
they say • explanation • pictures
• analysing the relationship • question and answer • radio and TV
between characters in a • synopsis/ summary programmes
play writing • DVDs
• explaining why characters • role-playing • commentaries
behave the way they do • hot-seating • essays
• relating character to theme • re-telling stories in • reviews
in a play plays
• evaluating the actions and • dramatised reading
thoughts of characters • miming
from one’s perspective

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

• discussing character as a • pair work • sample plays

vehicle of theme in a play • group work • chart paper
• presentations • reference
5 analyse conflict Conflict • tracing the origins or • discussion materials, eg,
in a play causes of conflicts in a play • brainstorming books,
• distinguishing internal and • debate magazines and
external conflict • research, eg, library newspapers
• identifying internal reading • pictures
conflicts in a play • explanation • radio and TV
• identifying external • question and answer programmes
conflicts in a play • synopsis/ summary • DVDs
• explaining how the writing • commentaries
behaviour of characters can • role-playing • essays
lead to conflict in a play • hot-seating • book reviews
• explaining how the • re-telling stories in
relationship between plays
characters can lead to • dramatised reading
conflict • miming

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

6 analyse setting in Setting • describing the setting of a • pair and group work • sample plays
a play story in a play, eg, • presentations • chart paper
physical/ geographical, • discussion • reference
historical, cultural, • brainstorming materials, eg,
political, economic and • debate books,
psychological environment • research eg library magazines and
• analysing the context of the reading newspapers
story in a play • explanation • pictures
• question and answer • radio and TV
7 discuss the • analysing the significance • synopsis/ summary programmes
significance of of the setting of the story in writing • DVDs
setting in a play a play • role-playing • commentaries
• explaining how setting • hot-seating • essays
relates to character • re-telling stories in • book reviews
• relating setting to themes plays
• dramatised reading
8 analyse themes Themes • identify themes in a play, • miming
in a play eg, issues, subject, ideas
and central message
• discussing themes in a play

Core element: Critical analysis
Outcome: The student will be able to discuss and critically analyse literary texts to appreciate their basic elements and techniques.

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and
We will know this The students must
when the students are be able to:
able to:
• demonstrate an 1 identify types of Poetry • identifying types of poetry, • pair work • sample poems
understanding and poetry eg, lyrical, narrative, dirge, • group work • chart paper
appreciation of descriptive, ode and epic • presentations • reference
poetry as a literary • classifying given poems • discussion materials, eg,
genre according to their type • brainstorming books,
• debate magazines and
• research newspapers
• explanation • pictures
• question and answer • radio and TV
• synopsis/summary programmes
• role-playing • DVDs
• hot-seating • commentaries
• reading poems aloud • essays
• reciting poems • book reviews
• dramatised reading

Assessment Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standard learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

2 discuss the use of Literary devices • identifying literary devices • pair work • sample short
language in in a given poem, eg, • group work stories
poetry metaphor, simile, • presentations • chart paper
personification, symbols, • discussion • reference
irony, hyperbole, • brainstorming materials, eg,
understatement, repetition, • debate books,
rhetorical questions, • research magazines and
imagery, euphemism, • explanation newspapers
innuendo, onomatopoeic, • question and answer • pictures
alliteration, rhyme and • synopsis/ summary • radio and TV
rhythm • role-playing programmes
• discussing literary devices • hot-seating • DVDs
used in a given poem • reading poems aloud • commentaries
• explaining the function of • reading poems • essays
literary devices in a poem silently • reviews
• reciting poems
• dramatised reading
• writing poems

Assessment standard Success criteria Theme/topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
learning activities learning and teaching,
assessment methods learning and

3 identify the Persona • identifying the persona in a • pair work • sample poems
persona in a poem • group work • chart paper
poem • describing the persona in a • discussion • reference
poem • brainstorming materials, eg,
• distinguishing the persona • debate books,
and the addressee in a • research magazines and
poem • explanation newspapers
• describing the tone and • question and answer • pictures
mood of a poem • synopsis/ summary • radio and TV
• role-playing programmes
• hot-seating • DVDs
• reciting • commentaries
• dramatised reading • essays
• reviews

Assessment Success criteria Topic Suggested teaching and Suggested teaching, Suggested
standards learning activities learning and teaching and
assessment methods learning

4 identify themes in Theme • identifying theme(s) in a • pair work • sample poems

a poem poem, eg, issues, ideas, • group work • chart paper
5 analyse theme in subject and central • presentations • reference
a poem message • discussion materials, eg,
• discussing how the • brainstorming books,
theme(s) has been • debate magazines and
conveyed • research newspapers
• relating theme to persona • explanation • pictures
and addressee • question and answer • radio and TV
• synopsis/summary programmes
• role-playing • DVDs
• hot-seating • commentaries
• reciting • essays
• dramatised reading • reviews

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Ediger, Anne, Alexander, Roberta and Srutwa, Krystyna (1989). Reading for meaning: skills
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Gill, R (1995). Mastering English literature. London: Longman.
Graves, Michael F, Juel, Connie and Graves, Bonnie B, (2007). Teaching reading in the 21st Century.
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Jacobs, Monica, Vakalisa, Ntombizanele CG, and Gawe, Nqabomzi (Eds.) (2008). Teaching-
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