Artificial Intillegence Essay

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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the capability of technology and the computer mind to perform task by human mind
to make lives easier. Today, the 21st century is the era of information technology. Day by day new
technology & inventions are developed to make our lives easier. Nowadays, we can find different forms of
Artificial Intelligence such as Google, Siri, ChatGPT, Bing and many more which have different features &
characteristics. Among them, ChatGPT has across range of applications in today's era. ChatGPT is
becoming very popular day by day and is used by different industries, organizations, bank and financial
institutions, the health sector as well as educational institutions. ChatGPT plays a significant role in
reforming university students with their academic studies along with both opportunities and challenges
which are discussed briefly.

 Information Gathering: ChatGPT provides a large amount of information which is used as a
reference and draft for academic purposes by the students. It provides a lot of information within
short period & helps to understand difficult words and problems by translating them into easier
 Problem-Solving: ChatGPT can be used as a tool of problem-solving. It provides ideas &
information by clearly identifying the problem within a short period which helps in making the right
decisions right time which helps in solving the problem that occurred during the time of academic
assignments, research papers, thesis, language support and lesson planning with high
convienience and speed.
 Minimize Error: ChatGPT helps in reducing mistakes and errors because it can be taken as the
machine of learning model. It increases the communication, learning & writing skills of universities
students and helps in reducing human error in writing, grammatical errors, spelling, structure of
sentences and so on.
 Increase Convenience & Speed: ChatGPT provides reliable and convenience information with
high accuracy and rate of speed which saves valuable time for the universities both teachers and
students. It helps in facilating meaningful interactions between the teachers and students within a
short stipulated time and limited resources.
 Plagiarism Risk: Overdependence in ChatGPt may lead to plagiarism risk unintentionally.
Improper use of ChatGPT can create problems of copyright & patient rights. Sometimes student
carelessly generate text from ChatGPT without proper citation for completing their assignments &
reports quickly and easily.
 Increase Cost & Resources: Overuse of ChatGPT increases the cost of the students. It is a
online-based artificial intelligence that will increase the cost of the internet, use of the latest
version may lead to subscription fee & use of internet devices such as Laptops, Computers &
Mobile Phones leads to an increase in the cost and resources of the students & teachers for
academic purposes.
 Reduces Ability of Crlaitical Thinking: Excess dependence on Artificial Intelligence like
ChatGPT decreases the critical thinking power and brainstorming power of both the professors
and the students. In every time and in every problem it makes the human mind depends on
ChatGPT. It also hinders the actual critical thinking power and research skills if students and
teachers become overdependence on it.
 Incomplete Information and Response: Sometimes misunderstandings between the users and
artificial intelligence like ChatGPT may lead to incomplete information and responses which may
create problems during the time of research and assignments performed by the students,
teachers and professors.
In conclusion, it can be stated that artificial intelligence like ChatGPT plays a significant role in the
successful story of academic users during their assignments and academic reports but it should be
properly and limitly used. Overdependence on it must be minimized.

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