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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl.

1, pp 461-466, 2014
Copyright © 2014 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1313-7050 (print)
ISSN 1313-3551 (online)


S. Nunev*
Department of Public Health and Social Activities, Faculty of Public Health and Health Care,
Ruse University "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Bulgaria

The article presents issues with social work students, enrolled in university programs with professional
field “Social activities”, which is defined as a key element of their practical education. Concept- and
content-related supervision aspects of the practical education of the future social workers are being
analyzed. The specifics of the supervision design have been outlined through particular patterns, and
organization- and implementation-related essentials are presented. There is a focus on the conditions
and the environment, which this type of supervision creates for the students in terms of recognizing
values, gaining knowledge, developing skills, integrating theory and practice, displaying professional
flexibility, variability and reflectivity, forming and developing a professional identity in the educational
practice and study process. Within this context there is an emphasis on its key role for conducting more
detailed analysis of problems and situations, for effective practical learning, and for gaining practical
experience, which together contribute to higher quality of education and supervision.

Key words: supervision, social work supervision with students, concepts of social work supervision
with students, patterns of social work supervision with students, integrating theory and practice,
reflectivity, effectiveness of the social work supervision with students.

INTRODUCTION Social work supervision with students is

Social work supervision is an integral part of the perceived as a constant process, in which the
professional training and development of social learning young specialists get guidelines,
workers, and of boosting the quality and support, gain experience, study and overcome
effectiveness of the provided services. It is one difficulties and challenges in practical situations.
of the social workers’ key activities, throughout It allows them, through mutual exchange, to
their higher education training and their career. display reflectivity in awareness and self-
Its significance is obvious at the time of social awareness, and to form their professional
work students’ training, because it allows for identity. Structuring the social work supervision
integrating theory and practice, and with students in practical training is determined
tremendously contributes to developing critical by a number of factors, which could translate
professional thinking and effective practical into: developing a favorable cognitive activity,
learning. cooperation and reflection of the training
environment and the atmosphere for holding
business meetings; using appropriate supervisory
Interpretations of the social work supervision
methods; systematic active feedback; adequately
with students in practical training
meeting the learners’ educational needs within
*Correspondence to: Assoc. prof. Sasho Nunev, the context of their respective level of
Faculty of Public health and health care, Department development, their need to integrate theory and
of Public Health and Social Activities, Ruse practice, and knowledge-and-skills transfer from
University "Angel Kanchev", Ruse, Studentska St 8, both fields; achieving a cognitive value change;
Bulgaria, e-mail: facilitating professional and personal growth;

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2014

creating and developing a professional identity. Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Spain, Belgium,
The supervisor makes education interventions, Croatia, Slovenia) in 2010 within the network
through which he supports and guides the Supervision in Social Work Education (SWEE)
students, and encourages and mobilizes them to (4). Its authors support the point of view,
achieve their tasks by taking great responsibility, according to which the supervision within the
to explore problems, which have arisen, and students’ practical training is perceived as a
overcome the consequent obstacles. Supervision, teaching method, and they use the term “student
which is used with social work students, supervision” to denote it. They consider it
represents a beneficial amount of information, “academic-oriented” and distinguish it from the
which enables both sides to measure their term supervision (in particular educational
progress in terms of gaining knowledge, supervision), which is relevant to the
developing good practices and associating with professional social work (5). The research study
the values of the profession. It should be taken is focused on searching for solutions to all
into account that the success of student issues, which are related to the relevant inclusion
supervision is related to two factors: of supervision within the curriculum and to using
 forming and developing critical organizational and methodological approaches
thinking in terms of detecting problems, for applying supervision in practical teaching
receiving and assessment of information from situations. The findings point out that most
different sources, having regard to different universities’ Social work Bachelor degree
points of view, generating, analyzing and programmes in Europe provide supervision in
assessment of decisions and their relevant support of students’ practical training.
actions and behavior; Nevertheless the social work supervision with
 using reflections as one of the major students is subject to various interpretations.
tools for an in-depth understanding of the According to researchers differences are due to
practically acquired knowledge, skills, values, its design, organization and the way supervision
and the results from reflecting on them, their re- is positioned in degree programmes and
structuring and integration within the quality of curricula. There is however consensus between
the training and the future career development. all universities on how necessary and helpful it is
Social work students’ development is tightly to the students, and on how much they could
related to reflection on personal, educational, achieve by using it.
professional and personal level. With regard to
this the reflection allows learners to become Social work supervision with students as an
aware of: their current level of practical skills, element of their practical education
whether they are satisfied with it on a personal, Exercising supervision within Bachelor students’
educational and future professional level; in practical education is an integral element of the
which direction they need to develop if they are whole education process. Our understanding is
willing to amend the present situation; what that such a position allows for its educational
methods and means they need to use so that they functions to stand out, but it could not be
could reach a new level of development, which concluded that it is entirely “educational
would correspond with both the practical supervision” within the context of it being used
training’s tasks and objectives, and with their with practicing social workers. We could define
professional goals. Thus supervision could be it, in compliance with its goal-oriented nature,
flexible and various enough and it could adapt to functional and organizational particularities, as
the changes and requirements of the training and social work supervision with students, which is
the practical social work and integrate thoughts, directed towards creating and developing
feelings, actions and behavior in a suitable competent and qualified specialists in terms of
manner. its educational purpose. Social work supervision
with students, in terms of their practical training,
Research on social work supervision with allows for gaining experience, which would
students’ practical training enable students to independently work as
Supervision, which is used for teaching social professionals, depending on their reached level
work students, is a problematic area, which has of competence. Social work practical training
been insufficiently researched. The first in-depth during the period of study is a challenge, which
European research project in that area was students face, and a sort of responsibility they
conducted in seven universities in countries with bear toward their clients, the professional circle
different levels of expertise and experience (The and toward themselves as would-be specialists.
462 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2014
This specific context allows us to point out that supervision with practicing social workers.
with students’ practical education it is very Students need to realize that their inclusion in
difficult to differentiate supervision, which is the education-oriented supervision would
interpreted only in this way and as an education contribute to their personal and professional
tool applied solely with practicing social development, and to receiving support for work-
workers. Students’ practical experience, gained related problems and issues.
as part of the study process, includes to a certain
extent social work elements, as they are Supervision concepts with practical education of
supervised by supervisors – social work experts social work students
or professors, and their common goal is not only Social work supervision with students is founded
gaining and integrating knowledge, experience, on the general term and concept of social work
values, and developing skills, but also improving supervision. Its specific feature is that it is
effectiveness and quality of the activities and realized within a training context and there are
services, which are offered to the clients during evaluation- and study-related elements, which
the practical studies and in their future capacity necessitates a careful analysis of the didactic
as professionals. Thus it is approximated to the aftermath of the evaluation results and their
professional social work and its typical specific transformations under supervisory
supervision, and based on that we could continue interaction. In terms of methods the social work
using the term “social work supervision with supervision with students is based on patterns,
students”, which highlights its educational recognized in the supervision of practicing social
function. Such an approach facilitates avoiding workers – psychodynamic models, personality-
the risk of some negative positions, according to based model, development model, integrative
which there is a great gap between the model, system oriented model, holistic model,
professional work and the social work during the interaction model and consultancy-based models.
period of study. Such positions interpret practical Forming and realization of social work
education as something very different from the supervision with students is based on the
social work, which could be mastered only in following concepts:
real situations. It commits supervision goals to:  reflexive practice concepts –
personal and professional development; contemporary social workers are expected to
willingness for continuous learning; reflection on have reflexive competences. Therefore, social
the gained professional experience within work students’ practical education has to create
various fields of the practical training; conditions for developing such competences
perceiving the supervision not only in its rational during the period of study. That is a pre-
dimensions, which are related to knowing the condition for young specialist’s future
social work methods, but also in terms of the professional career. Students should be able to
reflection on personal experiences, feelings, analyze their own thoughts, feelings, experience
thoughts, actions and behavior. Its major element and actions within a particular work context, and
is using reflection for self-analysis of the to perceive them as “outside observers”, so that
individual’s personality, professional activity they could correct their professional behavior if
and behavior, with an emphasis on education and necessary. Social work supervision with students
achieving the relevant professional goals. Social could also be defined as a managed reflexive
work supervision with students is perceived as process, which is oriented toward integrating
creating secure and appropriate space for theoretical and practical education of every
studying and reflection, in which, on the basis of student and their commitment to particular
the gained experience, students could form a resources in order to improve the study and
new vision for actions and constructive attitude development processes (1; 6). The reflexive
toward education and professional activity. It practice concept is also focused on the
should accompany the entire practical education supervisor’s function and role in terms of
of social work students, and boost their encouraging students to analyze their activities
sensitivity toward their own and their clients’ and the gained practical experience, and to apply
thoughts, feelings, actions and behavior and the newly-acquired knowledge and skills. It is
form a positive disposition toward the within this context that the supervisor functions
supervision. Thus they will be able to apply it in as a conceptualizer and provides facilitation to
their future professional social work practice. the learners with integrating theory and practice,
This context emphasizes the need for continuous and to consider this process as part of their
learning, which is also a typical feature of the continuous professional development. S/he also
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2014
needs to clarify, in an accessible way and students to gain knowledge about the basics of
through immediate examples, the functionality different social work fields and to reach a certain
of the supervision and to encourage them to use level of independence. This process is supported
it not only in their practical education, but also in by a relevant social work coach who works for
their future capacity as social workers (2); the respective institution or agency and by a
 concepts of integrative supervision, in university professor - the practical training
which on one hand there is an emphasis on leader. Depending on the agreement between the
particular possibilities for integrating theory and higher education institution, and the practical
practice (technical eclecticism and theoretic training institution, the functions of a supervisor
integration), and on the other hand – on the could be carried out by one of the two designated
motivation and support for students’ specialists, or by an independent supervisor (4).
participation in the supervision, boosting self- The different experience in the specified field
confidence, creating consistent motivation for allows for the recognition of the following
applying supervision and objective evaluation of patterns of supervision of social work with
the individual’s studies and practice. Brought students:
together those elements contribute to the  complex model of social work
professional and personal education of the supervision with students – the student, the
trainee; social work practicing specialist and the
 concept of supportive counselling university social work professor aim at
supervision. That concept is based on the improving the process of practical education.
systematic model, which is related to partnership The supervisory function is performed through
and empowerment of the two participants, regular meetings, which are held at the higher
bringing in the forefront the interaction between education institution, or at the premises of the
a supervisor and a supervisee and its supervisory practical education institution, depending on the
functions and tasks. The other dimensions are problems for discussion;
also taken into account as specific contextual  the external supervisory pattern – one of
factors, which have an indirect impact on the its typical features is involving an external
supervision process; supervisor from the higher education institution
 concept of supervision’s interactive for meeting the needs of the practical education.
approach – an emphasis on the essence and He has the necessary knowledge and license, and
quality of the supervisor-supervisee interaction, is in contact with the university leader of the
and it is simultaneously influenced by the teaching practice; he does not visit the institution
supervisory working alliance concept, which of the teaching practice, and holds meetings with
takes part in creating a relationship between a his students at his own supervision practice,
supervisor and a supervisee, and in establishing a which is separated from the higher education
strong emotional relationship, based on care, institution. This pattern is considered to avoid
trust and respect. Supervision interaction model role overlapping of the teaching practice assessor
followers see the interaction as a major with the supervisory university leader, or the
supervisory tool, and as the most important social work specialist, which opens up
supervision element, which contributes to high possibilities and room for reflection;
quality results and process. Having in mind that,  the internal supervisory pattern – social
there are several recognized key elements of the work supervision with students is conducted by a
supervisor-supervisee interaction, which are social work specialist. The idea is that s/he
actively involved with social work supervision would be the most appropriate supervisor, as
with students – responsibility, trust, power and s/he would supervise the learner about an
authority. The concept of supervision interactive activity, which s/he controls and s/he is very
approach significantly contributes to the familiar with. The social work
formation of professional identity. specialists/supervisors interact with the teaching
practice university leader, and the higher
Supervision patterns with social work students’ education institution involves them in
practical education supervision training. Students’ practical training
The experience in the developed world and in results are mutually evaluated by the social work
our country indicates that the teaching practice is specialist/supervisor and the social work
on the rise in terms of regularity and teaching university professor. Striking a balance between
hours, and its average share increases with the role and functions of a supervisor, trainer and
upper-class students. It is aimed at enabling assessor is of tremendous importance;
464 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2014
 supervision in a group of equals down their teaching practice and supervision
(intervision) – used at educational institutions observations in a logbook, which also includes
and agencies, or at social work institutions with self-analysis (reflexive element), aimed at their
limited experience in social work supervision motivation to independently manage (on the
with students, and with supervisors, who are ill- basis of their resources) their own study process.
prepared to provide supervision. Students could Social work supervision with students is
discuss their practical experience in intervision conducted in individual and group form, and
groups, in which they are looking for decisions, there are attempts for striking a balance between
and support each other upon facing obstacles. the two of them, and priority is given to the
They work and study their work in intervision individual supervision. Group supervision of
groups by exploring a module, which enables social work with students is conducted in groups
them to develop particular skills. The social of 3 to 5 students, which are considered optimal
work specialist or the teaching practice and which provide appropriate effective work
university leader (depending on the distribution environment and conditions, beneficial learning,
of functions) monitor the intervision groups’ which is based on comparing different positions
progress and development, and assess their and sound mutual support. The supervision
actions. Using those patterns stirs contradictions process, inclusive of reflection and learning, in
and questions whether this type of activity groups of 3 to 5 students enables supervisors to
successfully attains the goals and fulfills the more easily involve the whole group, to actively
tasks of the social work supervision with use dialogues in communication, and students
students. could present their practical experience or
unresolved issues, listen to their colleagues
All types of supervision of social work with sharing experience and points of view, and better
students are related to: students applying familiarize themselves with social work.
reflection, and gaining reflexive experience;
professional and personal development as future Prospects for social work supervision with
social work specialists; setting the time students
framework in terms of regularly held meetings Social work supervision with students has a
within a particular period of time. clearly defined education purpose, and it is
focused on students’ effective learning and
The common organizational structure of the establishing and developing reflexive
social work supervision with students with the experience, easing the professional-personal
presented models include: an initial stage of opposition, and thus it indirectly facilitates their
introducing the student with the practice-related clients’ handling obstacles and problems (3).
institution, the supervisor and the supervision
group; major stage, which represents the essence Our point of view is that social work
of the practical education process and of the supervision, when used in students’ practical
student supervision in line with the adopted training, should be perceived as a major element
model and organizational framework; closing of that training. Social work supervision with
stage, which comprises of completing the time- students represents a structured approach, which
limited training within a particular practical field is in compliance with the whole interactive- and
and conducting individual and group supervision partnership-based process, and it includes
aimed at pointing out major issues, analysis of monitoring, facilitation, consultation and support
actions in terms of achievements and lapses, for the learning students. Its final goal is
outlining future strategies for overcoming them providing students with conditions and
and working on making a smooth transition opportunities for integrating theory and practice,
from the particular field of the teaching practice gaining hands-on experience in certain social
to the next field within the respective academic work areas, studying and analyzing their own
term or year. Depending on the curriculum social work and professional behavior, and those
structure and the teaching practice organization, of their clients and the activities of the social
the social work supervision with students in the service staff members. It is in real situations,
presented models could be conducted on a term when they could not only observe the social
or annual basis, and the duration has impact on work dynamics within different problematic
the decision on the relative share of the areas, but under supervision conditions they
individual and group supervision and on the could also try and solve new problematic issues,
transitional generalization stages. Students note and learn and advance in the same time. The
interaction between students and their supervisor
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 12, Suppl. 1, 2014
is as equally important as the interaction with is necessary to integrate, within the educational
staff members, clients and the surrounding social practice, supervision patterns of social work with
environment community. The role of the students, which are consistent, in terms of
supervisors is manifested through their skill to content, organization and technology, with the
involve students in those interactions, and to concept of the degree programme and the study
create conditions for diversification of the plan, the academic staff resources, and the expert
practical education activities. staff members at the practical education
institution. Such an approach would contribute to
The supervisor of the social work students, who better quality of education for social activities
gain practical training experience, focus his/her students.
actions on the study needs and those of his/her
own and the students’. S/he needs to possess REFERENCES
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