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Directorate: Curriculum FET

SUBJECT and GRADE Life Orientation Grade 11

TOPIC Development of Self in Society
AIMS OF LESSON At the end of the lesson the learner must be able to:
• Evaluate the importance of prioritising life goals, e.g. family, parenting, marriage, career choices and relationships
• Analyse the relationship between personal values, choices and goal setting
• Explain how relationships can influence and are influenced by on own well-being.
• Explain the different types of relationships with different people/ groups and their changing nature.
RESOURCES Paper based resources • Approved textbooks.
• Work sheets
INTRODUCTION In this lesson we will look at the importance of prioritising life goals, explore the link between values and goals and healthy
relationships are influenced by our well-being.
CONCEPTS AND Life Goals: What you plan to achieve throughout your life. Are you sure you still know the following concepts?
SKILLS Prioritise: To arrange in order of importance
Well-being: State of being content and healthy
Reminder: Career choices
Values are Relationships: A type of connection or association between people
principles or who are related to or who have dealings with each other
standards of It is your turn to find the meaning of:
Interdependent relationship: They make mature and reliable Independent relationship:
behaviour; one’s
decisions and agreements with each other based on their separate
judgement of
and mutual needs and wants.
what is important
in life. Dependent relationship: Unhealthy romantic relationships are often
dependent, where one partner does not, or is not allowed to
function independently.
Ask yourself the following Evaluate the importance of prioritising life goals
questions:  Prioritising goals involves planning your actions so that the most important things get done first and get the
o Will this matter in a day? majority of your time.
o Will this matter in a week?  Think carefully about what the priorities are in your life now, sometimes different areas of our lives
o Will this matter in a clash or decisions, and this can be difficult. Achieving your short-term goals depends on how well you
month? plan your goals. (passing gr 11?)
o Will this matter in a year?  You need to find the balance between the important life goals: family, marriage, parenting, career choices and
o Will this matter in ten relationships.
years?  Prioritising helps you to maintain a clear focus on reaching the most important goals first and taking the steps
to ensure that you do what it takes to achieve your goals.
Analyse the relationship between personal values, choices and goal setting;
Values and goal setting:  Your values determine your choices.
 So, you ask the question how your personal values and choices relates to goal-setting? They are linked because
the goals (life goals) you set SHOULD NEVER cause you to make choices against your values.
 Aligning your goals with your values will ensure that you stay committed to achieving your short-, medium-
and long-term goals.
How relationships can influence and are influenced by on own well-being:
1. People need people.
2. Social, emotional, intellectual and moral development does not occur without other people.
3. Other people help us to figure out who we really are, and they often mirror us.
Below, is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (as you can see throughout the pyramid there is a constant need for
human interaction/relationships)
Human interaction with family and friends can help you “grow” and develop traits necessary on your way to
achieving your life goals:
1. You learn societal rules from your family.
2. You learn your culture and belief system from them.
3. Interactions with family members will teach you: sharing, conflict, loyalty, tolerance, acceptance, obedience,
hierarchical relationships and respect.
4. How your family deals with conflict affects the way you learnt to deal with conflict.

The different types of relationships with different people/ groups and their changing nature:
Relationships tend to change with time. Relationships with your parents, siblings, and friends changes as you
grow (from babyhood through childhood and adolescence and into adulthood).
Below are different types of relationships, explain the type and how these relationships may change over
time. (Include why we sometimes end relationships)

Type of relationship Explain the relationship Explain how it may change


More about the changing nature of relationships (especially during Covid – 19 time)
During the last 18 months, we have become closer with our neighbours/community as we have struggled to
engage in family gatherings. During lockdown, individuals have chosen to safeguard their friends and family,
rather choosing to stay indoors. In marriages, many relationships changed, because both partners worked from
home, so the dynamics changed.
ACTIVITIES/ASSESSMENT Answer the following exam type questions:
1. What is the difference between a relationship with a colleague and a romantic relationship? (2)
2. Explain TWO negative consequences of a unhealthy relationship (2x2)
3. Your best friend is in an unhealthy, romantic relationship. They reached out to you for advice. Provide 3 (3x1)
practical tips

4.A life lived with purpose and direction is most of the times true when your goals are in line with your
values. Critically discuss what influence your values currently have on your choices regarding:
• your personal life
• the career you would like to pursue
CONSOLIDATION It is important that you assess on a continuous basis which goals are the most important to you. Prioritising goals
can be confusing and deciding which life goal is the most important can be difficult. Sometimes events/things
happen that makes the less important goal more urgent, as we experienced with COVID-19. Your parents may
have lost they jobs which has financial implications on your career choices. So, it is important to go back to the
SMART principles, re-evaluate, prioritise and adapt
Remember long term goals are important because they relate to your future.
Therefore, if you put more energy in the short- and medium-term goals that are important in achieving the long-
term goal, your accomplishments would make you most proud of yourself.
Reflect on your relationships with other, ensure that they are healthy and contribute positively to your well-being.
Acknowledge the changing nature of your relationships.
✓ When you think about your relationships; are they making you feel good about yourself?
✓ Are your values the compass that keeps you headed and focused on your goals
Something to ponder on:

VALUES Hard work, Focus, Responsibility, Perseverance, Persistence, Self-confidence, Self-awareness

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