Informational Interview Questions To Land You A Referral

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Questions to Ask in the Beginning

Why is this job a good fit for you? Why do you like it? How does it support your growth
as a person?

How do you see the company evolve in 5 years? How do you see yourself evolving in 5

What is something you wish you could've told your past self when starting out in this

What skillset are you currently developing for yourself to continue succeeding in this

How do you empower the team you manage? What do you think worked out best?

What do you think is the best way to succeed in the role?

What's the company culture like? What kind of employee tends to succeed here?

Can you describe the onboarding process for new hires in this role?

What kind of training and professional development opportunities does the company

How does the company handle feedback and performance reviews?

What kind of projects would someone in this role be likely to work on?

What kind of challenges does the company or department currently face, and how might
someone in this role contribute to overcoming them?

Can you describe the typical career path for someone in this role?

What is the company's approach to work-life balance?

How has the company adapted to remote work (if applicable)? What has been the
impact on the company culture and workflow?
How does the company demonstrate its values in the everyday work environment?

What are some of the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?

Could you provide some insight into the team I'd potentially be working with?

And when you're wrapping up the conversation, you could ask:

How do I boost chances of getting hired? Do you think I have the right resume for this
>> If they say yes, ask them for a referral
>> If they say no, share how you do meet that qualification and if you can update your resume
and send that over for a referral; if you don’t meet that qualification, tell them you will work on
building those skills in the next few months and reach back out for a referral

Is there anyone else in the company you think I should speak with?

Do you have any additional advice for someone pursuing a role like this in your

Would you mind if I kept in touch with you as I progress in my job search?

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