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ee Peres ia TR ire eo ee rat ee magnetic field B = 6 x 10 Texiss inthe space. The work done in taking the magnet slowly from a oom naa te eve eee ers Minions Care Cee 4 @ oon a J Cw) Ld ee ee eee Creed The correct graph representing the variation of total energy E , kinetic energy K and potential energy U a Peo eves en ne ees cn eee ee ee eos Clear Rerponse Cee Peres ‘Match the units/dimensions in Columa-1 withthe physical quantities in column -IL: Cee omnes Comnea ee @ [Mer] Ome ( Weems (b)_ Toule-see Omer os o) aa OMe eerety (4) Bhergy per unit (8) Linear momentum ered Se el ee eo Cee lee ee et ee Oe el ee ee ee OA eines tos Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee Crees Ceres ‘Avbead of mass m can slide without friction on a fixed circular horizontal ring of radius 3R having a centre at the point C. The bead is attached to one of the ends of spring with spring constant k. The natural length of spring is Rand the other end of the spring is fixed at point O as shown in the figure. Ifthe bead is released from position A. then the kinetic energy of the bead when it reaches point B is Cer ee ee eee Peo ented tutor Crem Seer oes Dene ere eet ee ene ees Peo eee ene eee ee ce eee ee Apetae age Cee tutor 3. Maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons depends only on the frequency of light and not om its res 4, Even when metal surface is faintly illuminated the photoelectrons leave the surface immediately. @ Pare J . 0124 PM oa ) Ld oss Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee [pee ree es A Se ac eee svete teen O EZ =e @ @ of rt - O oon i) Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee Creed Seer oes eee ee eters rere CO ene ce ee eee cL eae Fear Taree Waersenone ie PCE eae . SE Premera eg ceed es eet a ene) FEE . eee Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee Cre) Seer oes ‘Ametal rod moves at a constant velocity ina direction perpendicular to its length. A constant, uniform Peo ‘magnetic field exists in space in a direction perpendicular tothe rod as well as its velocity. Select the ee ee Cece tutor Seer cd . Pree reece nny col Peo highest at the center ofthe rod. Peer Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee Cen) ea ered Figure shows a thin converging lens for which the focal length is 5.00 em. The lens isin front of a ‘concave spherical mirror of radius R = 30 em. Ifthe lens and mirror are 20.0 em apart and an object is placed 15 em to the let ofthe lens, determine the approximate distance of the final image from lens. (in co Cer Pec ee eos eee Cee Peres De eer sons re Perron ie innnryan ern nn nn rT nn) soon anestennee yee nin Sa) Mision ene sono = on ce re av ae oan vu vs nn) ar La Le Ld id rr ee eet ee ern a ne Sieh deibal saan te O EZ =e Cena ae CSTE} @ Le on) aren | a | en ) ere _ on ae bt Tid ern asta Crear ‘A changed particle qis placed at the centre O of a cube of length L (ABCDEFGH). Another same charge is placed ata distance L from O. Ifthe total electric flux through the cube is 6 then the value of ¢ is ee eos ce a clectrc field component of the wave ata particular point of space and time is E= 6 Van" along y- ee Seer eT ec OPPS URE ee cy Ces Uae rt ee ney OPPs Uae cy © 6 x10 Talong z-direction ee ee eee Coen es ‘The root-mean-square (RMS) speed of oxygen molecules (Oz) at a certain temperature T (on Kelvin a ror scale) is V. Ifthe temperature is doubled and oxygen gas dissociates into atomic axygen, the RAS speed en co Ciena Omatm arenes came i ofats he vues Ocanss Tn wvev Le = = ee ee eee denen yoamilr enemy opera ac enn en O EZ =e SS Se aE Velocity is zero, acceleration is OR aa ee ee ee eee Question No. 16 Seer oes Temperature and volume curves are drawn for two thermodynamic processes. For the fist process, it is a Peo straight line and for the second, its a rectangular hyperbola. The ratio of work done in the first process to vee tc Review the work done in the second process is eed tutor ee ee eee Creo Seer oes A sinusoidal wave with amplitude y is travelling with speed v on a string with linear density p. The angular frequency of the wave is &. The following conclusions are drawn. Mark the one which is correct. (Gn particular option, if we are changing one quantity, assume others are kept constant) Dard Coe eee Pree errs co eee Reet ee Cee sa Coe none ie ee ee eee Peo ented tutor Ce onony es ‘Current Fis flowing in a conductor as showa in the figure. The radius of the curved partis R. The length of straight portions is very long. The value of the magnetic field atthe centre O will be PAGES) 2 (¥-1) 2: (5+) (5-1) ee ee eee Peo ented tutor Cron es ‘What is likely to be orbit number fora circular orbit of diameter 20 nm of the hydrogen atom, if we assume Bobi orbit to be the same as that represented by the principal quantum number? ee ee eee Peo ented tutor Creches Seer oes Pe ee eR ee eae eg ee ene a of sound, the time 7 after dropping the stone at which the splash is heard is given by, Ore ens CPL ees ree ee ee eee Peo ented tutor gti a rs eo Ree esa ‘Mass of nitrogen atom ( 7N")= 14.00307 0 ee Te pean) CO) Cd Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Cena Perey ‘A.10pF capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 50 V and is connected to another uncharged. Cee capacitor in parallel. Now the common potential difference becomes 20 V. What isthe capacitance value eee Cog eed e@ a — oS ae a ) Bio evs . nd Ld i IB Pe Coa Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Question No. 3 ees ‘Abul is projected from the ground at an angle of 45° with the horizontal surface, It reaches a maximum hight of 120 m and retumns to the ground. Upon hitting the ground for the first time, it loses half of its, kinetic energy. Immediately after the bounce, the velocity of the ball makes an angle of 30° with the eee ee en een ee ee eee Peo ented tutor Coen) ees SS igen a nee a a Pei ae ea ee Tee en combi sons ineo he eng and ek ofmas mista as shovnint gue Ihe QY_ tneamee Pa ‘mass is slightly displaced and then let go, then the system shall oscillate with a time period of 2m/ Pi eee Cy Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Cen ees 2kkg of ice at 20 *C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20 °C. The water content of the final mixture is Peo (Latent heat of ice = 80 Keal kg”, the specific heat of water = 1 keal kg~ “C~ and specific heat of ee eS aeas TC She) nial — oS — aoe au eae) Ld Pe Coa Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Co pers ‘The upper half ofan inclined plane with inclination ¢ is perfectly smooth while the lower half is rough. A a Peo body starting from rest at the top will again come to rest atthe bottom if the coefficient of friction for the ae eae Ley ented a Ce i Pe Coa ee ee eee Crna Peery es ‘The value of inductance L for which the current is maximum in a series LCR AC eireuit with Tomes Uh ort es PEC ED aed Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib cd Ce Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Fe te Pe eer emo rac ee eer een rar nn O EE = Par) iy alialls ee ee eee Question No. 9 Peery es Screen texporiment, the intosiies at two points P and P, on the screen are Ty and eee ee eee er nee eee et ete ey See a Co Par) 4 HIB SBE ro co) Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee In the figure, the ammeter (I) reads a current of 10 mA, while the voltmeter reads @ potential difference a ee pera SpnnnnT in v nE nn NTS et TEC an _ eo ee . oes ‘The resistance of the ammeter is, m x 10? 9. What isthe value of m? Par) ee ee eee Cen] ‘An alkene (A) on ozonolysis gives a mixture of two carbonyl compounds. Mixture on Clemmensen seduction gives just one alkane (B) .(B) isthe lowest alkane which in pure form can not be prepared by standard Wurtz method. (A) is eee reececitcy ee Ren ete CeCe oi te eco OR Ce ne eee i Oo ee ee eee Peete ete ce Question No.2 ere Consider the following standard electrode potentials (B® in volts) in aqueous solution: Ceenond Borents Ma GL ene Cet ed Vt er ( eens pre es oa Based on these data, which of the following statement is correct? Ono eas Oar er tetas eee eas ee oes ee ee eee Creed ‘An clectron practically at rest, is initially accelerated through a potential difference of 100 vols. I then has a de Broglie wavelength — ,A . It then get retorted through 19 volts and then has a wavelength AoA Dee ST ECR on ce ea ee ee eee Peete ete ce Question No. 4 res ee ee Co eNO Step1. A+B+1 (slow) Step2. IAB (fast) ‘Which of the following graphs correctly represent this reaction ? ee ee eee Peete ete oe) err eee ree eee mr CeCe ee Ae ee ex oS ee en eee Cee ean eee ON ean ee ee eee uestonne 8 eee reer CO ree ee eo. COU ecm) ° Tollen’s reagent Ceernres © Carbylamine test ee ee eee Creed Pe ee eet Ee Re cece eee? In the titration of the liberated iodine, 48 mL of 0.25 N Na,Sz03 was used to reach the end point. The SR ee Creo rey aera Cora eas ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Question No. 8 es Peete = oe) Cena paqqaaad e4aeanea Clear Rerponse Cree) Sn eee cee eS Oe es CRONE ad See Cael Crete Cates © 103°C ee ee eee Peete ete ce Cony es ‘The major product of the reaction is Peete = oe) Cena paqqaaaea e4aeanea eee Cero Pee ES eee ee ee ee eT ee pies rere eke ne eens repos biel eacestCe) — ie RRO aad ory BARC Te ae cea eer erect Cerri Prertg ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Ceeony The standard enthalpy of formation (AH) at 298 K for methane, CHy(g) is — 78.4 ki mol, The acdiional information required to determine the average energy for C ~ H bond formation would be Se ees © and enthalpy of sublimation of ery eens methane Sees eee CT ona ee ee eee Peete ete oe) re eee Pomme necting ee reer ee ee = eS PCE TNC) eae nike) Cea) CELA} ee ee eee Cons : Match List - I with List - I. List Il indicate magnetic moment of contral metal atom. el Pn Oy IeOU eae Go) Ease ) eC AO hae w CoENE © sen CUDDLE oy nO () -L78BM Choose the correct answer from the options given below: © Gv), Gi, (0, Gi) © Hii), OG), Gi), @-@) ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Cen Which of the following statement is true about hydrogen bonding? Reo Seer sn er Pacer eee Pend een ar Petree eee eer Pee eee ere ered ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Crees es ae eo Peete ne yi @ ea an Seer Aon ee ee eee Creo Dee ee meets (Ke ered st) Pre cay asked ct) Pang NC See rare (cy eet Cet een SELES ad Cares as Cae SUR KC a Oasis ee ee eee Peete ete ce Cay ees Assertion: The majority of noble gas compounds are those of xenon (Xe). Ceenond ‘Reason: Xenon has the lowest ionization enthalpy and can be easily oxidized by oxidizing agents like ry Fenn CSE evant Assertion and reason aro Coenen Seog assertion, Assertion and reason aro Ce con Seon” ee ee eee Cen) Consider the acidity of the carboxylic acids. yokes CO ten eee [oO es One rCe8 () m~ NO;C,H,COOH Se eS ener eed Cee er Cresesies Creteses eee Peete ete oe) Cece) Given the electronic configurations of few elements. Select the incorrect Match: PBR ‘Most electronegative element in the periodic table Pann ra a An element belonging to 3"! period and 5" group ORR a eo Cos PRB en Perrone re Cae Oona Cero Cee Ey Oe ere ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Cen] Copper sulphate solution (250 mL.) was electrolysed using a platinum anode and a copper cathode. A a constant current of 2 mA was passed for 16 min. It was found that after electrolysis the absorbance of the solution was reduced to 50% ofits original value, Concentration of copper sulphate in the solution to begin with isx x 10-®. Find the value of x (mark answer to nearest integer) ee Left Right Co ee ee eee Peete ete Creed Peery es Ifthe pK, of acetic acid and pK, of NHyOH are 4.76 and 4.75 respectively, what will be the pH of ammonium acetate solution? (mark answer to nearest integer) Co) coed Bion ei) Bib cd Ce Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Question No. 3 Peery es How many of the following are obtained on heating Potassium permanganate? SACRE OOM CHO a Ce Bio nog qIBI6 ro Cr Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Cres Peery es Den Oe en en toe eee ee es ed Caer oR ae eee REC ae eee eee) Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib cd Ce Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Cee Peery es Coe en eR ee eC en Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib cd Ce Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee Cen Peery es ‘The number of paramagnetic species among the following is [oer e Re eos eo rmeLey Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib Ce rd Scniiadieneeienal | anata | Crna Dring the nuclear explosion, one ofthe products is Sr with half life of 6.98 years. If 1 yg of wSr was a Peete absorbed inthe bones of a newly bor baby in place of Ga, how uch tne (in years) i required to reduce sovws nana soe Pea ad ( Weems ee tere ee ceed rec ee ee eee Question No. 8 Peete ete oe) CO) Backspace ‘The number of peptide bonel) in the following molecule is a Bio i) Bib ole ees Mie er owes es canal: rane | ee eereren eee nr ae Calculate the final temperature of the gas, if one mole of an ideal gas is allowed to expand reversibly and a reer adibatically from a temperature of 27°C and the work done during the process is 3 kJ. eter Tor eee ct} Co) a6 Be en cor) ee ee eee Cece Se ee Sg ee Ry eee Peete ete oe) Cen] es Sees (OM Aw COCR ots On ay ee COP ca Tn Oe Peed CO aera earns © f=" Cer ee ee eee = ce Cee Pesto ME a Se et ee em et Et ed eo Oe oa: == oan an i S o¢ a Lo | a ae @®e@e ss Pore ea maar Creed ea es ‘The mean and variance of 20 observations are found to be 10 and 4 respectively. On rechecking, it was found that an observation 8 is incorrect. Ifthe wrong observation is omitted, then the correct variance is “2 Es ee ee eee Peete ete oe) If A and B are matrices with 24 and 40 elements respectively, then the number of possible orders of A Peete Peep Eten ne Eee Question No. 4 ea errr es = ce i | os ee ee eee Cee ens ‘The lines Ly: x= y = 2Lz:x= } = § and aline Ls is passing through (1,1, 1) forma triangle of Peete area 6 units, (1,1, 1) being one of the vertices ofthe triangle. Then the point of intersection of the Ly oswete on ane for Reve = ners a Ce) © 24,0) CEO) (5,7) ee ee eee uestonne 8 ere Li reer ee eG Petes O EE ce) iene are = or ee ee eee Creed sect es ‘Anum contains 3 red, 4 green and certain number of white balls. Two balls are drawn simultaneously and found to be of different colour. Ifthe chance that none of them was a white ball is 2/9, then number of See ees ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Question No. 8 es Let f(e) be defined for all x € Resuch that lim yo[ f(z) + In(1 ~ _4,) ~ In((2))] = 0 then roe Toe Onn ee ee eee = ce Cee eco ere 8 (0 eC oe eee ee Ceenond (A,u) for which the equations f(z) = 0 and f((2)) =O have the same (non empty) set of real roots is ae ( Weems evhaton) oa oa Coenen Opens ee ee eee Cony es Ifthe function f : R > Ris defined by f(x) = [x|(x — sin), then which of the following statements is. Srutty Oey een Oe on ean Beers Sete S . ony ee ee eee Peete ete oe) ee ee eee ee Ce oe ee eee Cee a tok ny eet re See ee ae en eos Oe poms == 2 233 : [| onc a Ll aa. | on ee) _— Ceeony res ane ene TC ) eee eee OP) en en ee ene Cece eet ny ee ee eee Peete ete ce Conor oon acca ‘The coefficient of z* in the expansion of (1+ 2)" + (1+2)"+...+ (1+ 2)" is rd ( Weems Ory oa Perel Cee PET een er a ee ee eee pererey Saree ‘The area (in sq. units) bounded by y = 2* and y = 22 — 2” from z = 1 to z = 2s klog,e — m, then Ce the value of || is equal to Peete eed reais 7 on on eereey oes eee ed Cen es If (2,4) is interior point of the circle 2? + y? — 62 — 10y + A= O and the circle does not cut the coordinate axes, then A OaCoED) COEF © (25,32) ONC) ee ee eee Peete ete ce porn Saree Vg letra peg ESP ne coe ince roe > Se eee eee ro reais 7 raed rer Cea Ore) ee ee eee Creo tes ere emery Pea er eer} err er ry Se OE ee Ces ere tt oe ce Dr oa Cen Tay, 2,45 -.- dy are in A.P and if 1 + 2x is the arithemetic mean of ay, dy and 1 —x" isthe arithemetic Een os ne en EC ee rd oa Oneal ov oy Mie er owes es canal: [meme | ee peer en [amber of el rots ofthe equation & = 8 —xis- Pewee (renee o ae os a a ee ee eee Come) es Cae a = 1(a; > by > 0) and hyperbola nr O25 - 4 SCS) ces re re OM eee en eee ed Eee ‘and Cy in the first quadrant and |F Fs| = 2|PFs| -e1 is the eccentricity of C; and eg is the eccentricity panei Bye er S u ee ee eee Cea eens eet roe [Note: {&} denotes the fractional part function of k:] oswete on ane for Reve ( Weems pen Co) corey Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Question No.2 Pen ares Ina village of 1000 inhabitant, there are three newspapers P,Q and Rin circulation, Each of these a Ceenond Peer Se eee ee Peet ec eee eet eh ener er) ee ee persons, papers R and P are read by 250 persons. All the three papers are read by 250 persons, Then the panei ‘number of persons who read no newspaper at all, is Bib ogc Pec’ cr ee ee eee Cece Pen ares eee eee AC eee ony a ee F'(2) = 100(z — 1)(2 ~ 2)*(z —3)°.... (2 100)", for all 2 € R. If gis funetion defined on R oswete on ane for Reve Se a ra Coe ete ar rey Bib ogc Pec’ cr ee ee eee a,b, ¢,d are in GP and are in ascending order such that a + d = 112 and b + ¢ = 48. If the GP is. Ce ere eo ay Ye ere sen ten = ae Co) corey Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Cee Given A and B are two non singular matrices such that A # I, B® = I and BA® = AB, then the least value of m for which A™ = Tis K. Then KC is (where Tis identity matrix) Given (m © N) Co) coed Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Cen ace a ec ee a ee eee ed rests eae Ler Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Peete ete oe) Crna Peery es ‘The remainder when (2024) is divided by 17 is Ces = —) oo = Pe Coan) ee ee esis Question No. 8 De enn een ee eee Noe ee ee ee Pu eee eee ers) Co) corey Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Peete ete ce Question No. 9 Fetes Se ng EC eae (OE Cee Tae Let f(2) + J(4) + §(6) +... + (000) =a and s(n) denote the sum of digits of n then 9(s(a)) is Co) Ded Bion ei) Bib cd Ce ee ee eee Peete ete ce eer ee ee a eee ee ey cea ines ee = eS Co) ceed Cee Pe) rey nig cd Ce ee ee eee

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