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Test 1 part 7 _ Glossary

1. Accommodate (/əˈkɒmədeɪt/)
o Definition: To provide lodging or space for someone or something.
o Example: The hotel can accommodate up to 200 guests for the conference.
2. Quintessential (/ˌkwɪntɪˈsenʃəl/)
o Definition: Representing the most typical or perfect example of something.
o Example: The little black dress is often considered the quintessential outfit for cocktail
3. Assortment (/əˈsɔːtmənt/)
o Definition: A variety or collection of different types of things.
o Example: The store offers an assortment of fruits and vegetables.
4. Exquisite (/ɪkˈskwɪzɪt/)
o Definition: Extremely beautiful, delicate, or finely made.
o Example: She admired the exquisite detail in the artwork.
5. Crescendo (/krəˈʃɛndəʊ/)
o Definition: A gradual increase in volume or intensity, particularly in music.
o Example: The music reached a crescendo as the orchestra played the final notes.
6. Acclaimed (/əˈkleɪmd/)
o Definition: Widely praised or recognized, especially in a particular field.
o Example: The author's latest novel was acclaimed by critics and readers alike.
7. Recruit (/rɪˈkruːt/)
o Definition: To enlist someone for a job, duty, or role.
o Example: The company is looking to recruit new employees for their sales team.
8. Confine (/kənˈfaɪn/)
o Definition: To keep someone or something within certain limits or boundaries.
o Example: Please confine your pets to the designated area of the park.
9. Evacuate (/ɪˈvækjʊeɪt/)
o Definition: To leave or remove someone from a dangerous place.
o Example: Residents were evacuated from their homes due to the approaching hurricane.
10. Unobstructed (/ˌʌnəbˈstrʌktɪd/)
o Definition: Not blocked or impeded; clear.
o Example: The view from the top of the mountain was unobstructed, allowing us to see for
11. Dispatcher (/dɪˈspætʃər/)
o Definition: A person who sends out vehicles, equipment, or workers, especially in an
o Example: The dispatcher sent an ambulance to the scene of the accident.
12. Intention (/ɪnˈtɛnʃən/)
o Definition: A plan or purpose.
o Example: Her intention was to travel the world and experience different cultures.
13. Distinct (/dɪˈstɪŋkt/)
o Definition: Clearly different or separate.
o Example: Each species has its own distinct characteristics.
14. Stimulate (/ˈstɪmjʊleɪt/)
o Definition: To encourage or arouse interest or activity.
o Example: The teacher used games to stimulate the students' creativity.
15. Lure (/lʊər/)
o Definition: To attract or entice someone to do something.
o Example: The company offered a discount to lure customers into the store.
16. Liaison (/liˈeɪzən/)

Ms Mina 04.04.2024
o Definition: A person who acts as a link to assist communication or cooperation between
o Example: The liaison between the two departments facilitated smooth collaboration on the
17. Unsolicited (/ʌnˈsəlɪsɪtɪd/)
o Definition: Not requested or invited; not asked for.
o Example: She received unsolicited advice from strangers about her career choices.
18. Insert (/ɪnˈsɜːt/)
o Definition: To put something into something else, such as adding text to a document.
o Example: Please insert your credit card into the slot to complete the transaction.
19. Defrost (/diːˈfrɒst/)
o Definition: To remove frost or ice from something, typically by allowing it to warm up.
o Example: I need to defrost the chicken before cooking it for dinner.
20. Rustic (/ˈrʌstɪk/)
o Definition: Characteristic of rural life; simple, plain, or rough in a way that is typical of the
o Example: The cabin had a rustic charm with its log walls and stone fireplace.
21. Clientele (/ˌkliːɒnˈtɛl/)
o Definition: Customers or clients collectively, especially those who are regular or repeat
o Example: The restaurant's clientele consists mainly of local residents and tourists.
22. Competent (/ˈkɒmpɪtənt/)
o Definition: Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.
o Example: The lawyer proved to be competent in handling complex legal cases.
23. Aggregation (/ˌæɡrɪˈɡeɪʃən/)
o Definition: The action or process of collecting something together into a single group or
o Example: The aggregation of data from various sources helped researchers analyze trends
more effectively.

Ms Mina 04.04.2024

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