Common Sense. Kol Nidre. Zionists

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Conde Me Ginley and the Old America...

his book. CONSPIRACY
ACY? There are people who say that there
can never be any real integrity in any-pro-
Conde McGinley was one of the “Old IN MEMORY — FIFTH ANNIVERSARY ‘American or Anti-Communist movements.
Americans.’ He was born in the Indian Ter- They say that we must always peddle the
ritory, before Oklahoma.became a State. Try (Born 1890 — Died July 1, 1963) same. old tired myths,tell the same old tales.
to picture the landscape into which Conde They say that the American people do not
McGinley was born: To the North and South want the truth. Professor Oliver points out
of the Indian Territory, lay the rural Heart- that, if this is really so, then we are finished
land of America, the farmlands of the Middle to pre-
in any case, and it is mere charlatanry
West and Texas. It was an area of kerosene- tend otherwise. We at COMMON SENSE
lit farmhouses, country churches, and circuit- hope that it is not so. We hope that the fires
riding preachers, It was, if you please, “The of patriotism can again be kindled, that: Real-
Bible Belt.” Beatniks and Hippies had not ity can be traced, that America can besaved.
yet been invented. Treason, treachery, and But we will. not be the peddlers of false. nos-
betrayal had not yet become fashionable. trums, of quack cures, of political charla-
Lawless.mobs were not allowed to loot and tanry. We will tell you quite plainly that, un-
burn stores in our cities. The Army and Navy, less this country mends its ways, then this
were respected. We were a proud, patriotic, Country is headed for its final roundup.
sound, and healthy nation. We are not the only people telling you. this.
The other day, on a street corner in We have recommended that you read. Gen-
Brooklyn, a crusty Irish gentleman. of the Old eral Nathan :F. Twining’s book NEITHER.
School said to me, “This used to be a great LIBERTY NOR SAFETY. We would like
Country. How did it go bad so fast?” now to recommend another to you. You
How indeed? This was the question which ought to read General Curtis LeMay’s, book
agitated Conde McGinley.. He saw with
sharp-eyed clarity the fact. thatthe United competent. military authorities have, warned
States was under hostile attack from. without you that you are in danger of annihilation.
and within. He fought -the forees which
Yet, day after day, the “Peace Quacks” strut
sought to destroy the old,-sound, happy, pa- on our campuses, fill the editorial columns of
triotic America. He fought with might and the Jew-owned newspapers. They tell you
main, with every ounce of his energy and that they can conjure ‘Peace’ with their hum-
with every dollar he had. He gave up a suc- CONDE Mc GINLEY, trail-blazer in fight bug and magical incantations. This ischarla-
cessful: business career to devote himself to against International Zionism, founder of tanry of the worst and lowest kind. You will
the business of warning America against the Common Sense, the first nation-wide news- have peace and security ONLY if you are
sophisticated forces of treachery, treason and paper in America to expose the hidden strong.
nihilism. Conde McGinley was, as all of our power behind Communism. Conde Mc Ginley knew that America was in
older readers know, the founder of COMMON danger. That was why he founded COMMON
SENSE. business men brought. pressure upon printers SENSE, Long ago, Paul Revere jumped onto
COMMON SENSE has long been slandered and paper-suppliers. Within one very short his horse and galloped across the American
as a “Hate Sheet.” We are in fact nothing of period, COMMON SENSE was printed in countryside to sound a warning. McGinley
the kind. We have never incited mobs to eleven different printing shops. Each time, did exactly the same thing. McGinley knew
rage through the streets and burn stores, as the Jews applied pressure to stop COMMON that his warning was urgent, that time was
the Jew-owned mass media have done. We SENSE from being printed. Each time, Con- short, that the need for action was, impera-
have never urged or instigated the persecu- de McGinley had to go out and find another tive. America was being delivered in a bag
tion of ordinary individuals because of their printer. Finally he bought his own printing to the forces of international nihilism. Behind
race, color, or religion. If we merely wanted press. Then they tried to shut off his paper the sugar-sweet mask of phoney “Liberal-
to foment racial hatred, we probably supply. All of the paper wholesalers were Idealism,” the sinister Four Horsemen of the
wouldn’t even bother to put out the paper at Jewish. To this day, our printing paper Apocalypse were already riding, riding for the
all. Racial hatred exists as a natural force, travels a long, long way before we get it. We destruction of America. In recent years we
like earthquakes and volcanos. Oswald are not impressed when some Jewish writer have seen the bitter fruit of these things, in
Spengler attributed racial hatred to a natural in the NEW YORK TIMES praises the sabotage of patriotism, the destruction of
cultural dissonance between the phases of de- “Freedom of Dissent.” We know their the American Christian culture, the ruin of
velopment reached by various races. We real attitude toward “Freedom of Dissent.” public order, the decline of the dollar, the de-
think that this theory is, in general, true. We The only “dissenters” they are willing to tol- struction of economic stability. Conde Mc-
DO NOT believe that the Jewish Anti-Def- erate are the dissenters from patriotism, and Ginley wanted to save the Old America, the
amation League is accomplishing anything from the American tradition. Real dissenters sturdy character generated on his boyhood
whatsoever in the way of improving racial re- from treachery, treason, nihilism, decadence, landscape of kerosene-lit farmhouses, the pa-
lations in this country. On the contrary, they and anarchy are given short shrift. The Jews triotism and religious faith which made
are. fanning the fires of hatred by their arro- have silenced a whole generation of native America great. McGinley saw clearly. that
gant injuries to other people. We think that American writers through their control of the America would not survive if the culture-ali-
the Jews are bound to learn, sooner or later, vicious, degenerate, and corrupt literary rac- ens had their way. _
that when a minority race behaves with con- ket of New York City. They have flooded To this day, many “Conservatives” write to
summate arrogance and cupidity toward the our bookstalls with literary garbage of the us and complain that we are not following the
majority among whom it dwells, then the mi- worst and lowest kind. Patriotism, merit, and “Conservative Party Line.” We have no pa-
nority race inevitably will suffer bitterly for real talent are consigned silently to oblivion. tience with the mere “Money Conservative.”
its arrogance. The Jews try to hide their cu- (Henry Ford mentions this in his book THE If you are interested only in your money, and
pidity behind a mask of charlatanry and INTERNATIONAL JEW.) Then the editori- care nothing for the QUALITY of American
quack ideology, such as Marxism. This failed al hacks of the NEW YORK TIMES sing the life, then you are no Conservative. You are
bitterly in Germany in the years between praises of “Dissent” and “Freedom of expres- probably a hick, and you just don’t know
1933 and 1944. We believe it will also fail sion.” enough to get on the side where you really.
everywhere else. We do not foresee or fear
a future in which the world will be ruled by
They didn’t show much respect for Conde belong. You ought to join up with the REDS.
McGinley’s freedom of expression. Deputy That is where all of the big money people of
“Jewish Supermen.” We foresee a calamity
brought on by Jewish arrogance, Jewish in-
Sheriffs invaded the offices of COMMON New York are. They are doing all right for
SENSE and assaulted McGinley. Then they themselves too, robbing the savings of you
competence, and Jewish stupidity. charged him with “Resisting an Officer.” Mc- and me and the unholy rest of us all the time.
Conde McGinley did not found COMMON Ginley beat the case in Court. A libel suit for It 1s utter provincialism today to believe that
SENSE for the purpose of fighting the Jews. $250,000 was brought by Rabbi Prinz against -y pa Wing” represents “big money” and
COMMON SENSE originally confined itself to COMMON SENSE. Meetings of patriots & business.” Big Business today is largely
fighting Communism. The paper was sold in sponsored by COMMON SENSE were in- owned by the Jew-dominated Foundations,
Catholic Churches all over New Jersey. Dur- vaded and broken up by goons. In this man-
ing the first two years of its existence, COM-
which have been up to the ears in Communist
ner, the Jews exhibited their delicate concern activity for so long. that surely everybody in
MON SENSE did not so much as mention the for “Freedom of Dissent” and “Freedom of
Jews. Conde McGinley did not declare war on
the country ought to know about it by now.
Expression.” The fact is that they want these Mear and the Big Money are brothers
the Jews. The Jews declared war on Conde freedoms for themselves only, and not for e skin and always have been.
McGinley. Those were the days of the “Red anybody else, most eSpecially, not for any-
Takeover.” Marxism was the power-instru- body who represents the Old American Tra- ee McGinley did not found COMMON
ment of the Jews. It was changing the coun- dition. Conde McGinley was the walking em- =a or the purpose of peddling stale
try. We had come to the time of the power bodiment of the Old America which has been.
s. COMMON SENSE was devoted
of minority groups, which means Jewish pow- lost in a swirl of riots, disorder, decay, to the cause of real truth from the beginning.
er. THE JEWS ACCUSED COMMON SENSE anarchy, treachery, and treason. Dr 1Swhy our coverage of theMiddle
Tisis of last year was different
COMMON SENSE IS ABSOLUTELY NOT that carried in some other “Conservative” —
the firs t place, we took
A MERE HATE SHEET. Of course there
EVER PUBLISHED A WORD ABOUT THE ARE hate sheets, whose editors sit down at
JEWS. To be Anti-Communist was to be what reall
ie _ Anti-Semitic. The Jews identified them-
their typewriters and cook up just any old the second place,
thing which will engender racial hatreds _ rapidly.
ves with Marxism ttacking Anti-Com - “4

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