English Catch Up Friday (Grade 7 Enhancement Material)

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Directions: Read the selection entitled, “The Thankful Thread”


Activity 1:

Possible answers:

1. Lola responds to Aya's question about the old dress by emphasizing the value of true treasures
over material possessions. She suggests that there's more to appreciate beyond the latest styles.
2. Lola explains that the magical thread weaves tapestries of gratitude, but only if the person using it
feeds it true appreciation. Each day, Aya is instructed to add something she's grateful for,
whispering thanks into the thread. As she does so, the tapestry grows, reflecting the beauty of her
3. Aya's attitude towards gratitude evolves from initial reluctance and grumbling to a deep
appreciation for the simple joys in life. At first, she struggles to find things to be grateful for, but as
she continues the ritual, she begins to notice and appreciate the little things around her. For
example, she adds beads for Lola's adobo, laughter shared with friends, the cool breeze, vibrant
sunsets, chirping birds, bedtime tales, help from neighbors, and the strength of her community
after a storm.
4. Despite the devastation caused by a storm that destroyed many homes, Aya feels a surge of
gratitude when she realizes her own roof is intact. This event prompts her to add a bead to the
tapestry, symbolizing the strength of her community and her appreciation for their resilience in the
face of adversity.
5. Aya realizes that Lola's magical thread isn't just about creating a beautiful tapestry; it's about
unlocking a wellspring of happiness within herself and others. The thread serves as a reminder to
find joy in the simple act of expressing gratitude and to appreciate life's blessings, both big and

Activity 2: Illustration Varies.

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