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Annex F - DepEd OPCF (Revised 2021)

Office Performance Calibration Form (OPCF)

Mark an “x” on the appropriate box:

YES, there is a need to calibrate the CY _____ OPCRF
NO, there is no need to calibrate the CY _____ OPCRF

CONTENT Proposed Amendment
Justification Rater Remarks PMT Recommendation
(Based on
Example – Change Obj 7 weight to There was a need to
Weight per 20% adjust the weight for Obj. [ ] Approved [ ] Recommended
KRA: 7 due to reprioritization of [ ] Disapproved [ ] Not recommended
Obj 7 weight is office PAPs
15% Remarks: Remarks:

[ ] Approved [ ] Recommended
[ ] Disapproved [ ] Not recommended
Remarks: Remarks:

[ ] Approved [ ] Recommended
[ ] Disapproved [ ] Not recommended
Remarks: Remarks:
Annex F - DepEd OPCF (Revised 2021)

Prepared by: Endorsed by:

Name of Ratee and Position Name of Rater and Position

Date: Date:

Approved by:

Name of Authority and Position


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