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Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Discussing the
Interactions Among Living
and Non-Living Things
Science– Grade 6
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 2 – Module 5: Discuss the Interactions Among Living and Non-Living
First Edition, 2020

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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Rodelia C. Rosagaran, Ma. Rosalie F. Lipura , Norhaima K. Pagayao
Editor: Marilou Doton- Jones EdD
Reviewers:. Emily Jean Omandam/ Alex S. Labarosa, EdD
Illustrator: Shiena Marie H. Gella
Layout Artist: Geunicar A. Perez
Cover Art Designer: Arvel Garry L. Campollo
Management Team:
Allan G. Farnazo, CESO IV – Regional Director
Fiel Y. Almendra, CESO V – Assistant Regional Director
Concepcion F. Balawag, CESO V-Schools Division Superintendent
Edgar S. Sumapal- Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Gilbert B. Barrera – Chief, CLMD
Arturo D. Tingson Jr. – REPS, LRMS
Peter Van C. Ang-ug – REPS, ADM
Peter Van C. Ang-ug – REPS, Science Supervisor
Pancho G. Balawag, EdD - Name of CID Chief
Engr. Reynaldo S.E. Villan- Division EPS In Charge of LRMS
Vivencio O. Aninon, EdD - Division ADM Coordinator
Alex S. Labarosa, EdD – EPS, Science Supervisor
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Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by- step as
you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-test are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module, or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check
your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you
will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also
provided to the facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests.
Read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

Hi there once again! Have you thought of planning for a

walk in the forest? I am sure that you will enjoy the whispers of the cool air. How
about swimming in the beach? It is relaxing to look up at the blue sky and feel the
warm sand between your toes. Or exploring mangrove swamp barefooted at low
tide? Just be careful of the shells that hide in the mud.
But before going on that planned trip, I want you first to familiarize yourself
with scenes that you will see when you get there. With me as your companion, I am
certain that your experience will be an extraordinary one. So, what are you waiting
for? Let’s start your journey.

This module designed to discuss the interactions among living things and
non- living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps (S6MT-
After going through the different activities, you are expected to:

1.Identify the living and non-living things in tropical rainforests, coral reefs
and mangrove swamps
2.Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in a tropical
rainforest and effects of their interactions.
3.Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in coral reefs
and effects of their interactions.
4.Discuss the interactions among living and non-living things in mangrove
swamps and effects of their interactions.

What I Know

Before we get started, I would like you to answer this preliminary test to
assess you prior knowledge on the lessons that you are about to study. Read each
sentence carefully. Select the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate
sheet/activity sheet.

1. Which of the following is NOT an abiotic component of tropical rainforest?

A. air
B. grass
C. sunlight
D. water

2. Which of the following components makes up the biotic factor of an ecosystem?
A. grass and air
B. plant and animal
C. soil and sunlight
D. water and pebbles

3. The following living things can be found in a mangrove swamp EXCEPT one.
What is it?
A. shrimps
B. eel
C. crocodile
D. cat

4. Which of the following is the importance of mangrove swamps?

A. attracts people to catch birds and other animals
B. help in producing plenty of carbon dioxide
C. provide nursery ground for marine animals
D. serve as depository of silt

5. Which is the MOST harmful effect of deforestation?

A. flooding
B. greenhouse effect
C. global warming
D. pollution

6. The following are the importance of coral reefs. Which one is NOT? A. They serve
as habitat to other aquatic animals.
B. They provide food to the people living near the shore.
C. hey function as science laboratory for researches.
D. They are used as decorations.

7. What is the main reason of the diminishing rainforest area in the Philippines?
A. climate change
B. deforestation
C. dynamite fishing
D. erosion

8. How can mangrove plants able to live and survive in salt water? A. Their bark is
made of salt-proof material.
B. They filter salt from the water using their roots.
C. They do not absorb saltwater.
D. They use salt and water to make food.

9. Which of the following human activities does NOT destroy coral reefs?
A. Use of fishing nets with big holes
B. Muro Ami
C. Dynamite fishing
D. Collecting corals
10. How will you conserve the mangrove swamp, tropical rainforest and coral reefs?
A. Kill the animals living on it.
B. Cut the trees and destroy the nests of the birds.
C. Join in tree planting and helping out clearing the wastes activities.
D. Throwing dynamite at the coral reef areas.

Now, you are already done with the pre-test activity. So, let’s proceed to the
first lesson on the interactions among living and non-living things. Let’s start!

Lesson Discuss the Interactions

1 Among Living and Non-

Living Things
Hi there once again! Have you thought of planning for a walk in the forest? I
am sure that you will enjoy the whispers of the cold air. How about swimming in
the beach? It is relaxing to look up at the blue sky and feel the warm sand between
your toes. Or exploring mangrove swamp barefooted at low tide? Just be careful of
the shells that hide in the mud.
But before going on that planned trip, I want you first to familiarize yourself
with scenes that you will see when you get there. With me as your companion, I am
certain that your experience will be an extraordinary one. So, what are you waiting
for? Let’s start your journey.

What’s In

Wait! Before proceeding, I want to know how far you have learned about
partnerships in an ecosystem.
Direction: Identify the partnerships of an ecosystem (Commensalism, Mutualism,
Parasitism, Competition or Predation). Fill in the table with appropriate answers.
Write your answers on your activity sheet.

Partnerships of an Ecosystem Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism,

Competition, Predation

1. Birds live in the hollows of trees.

2. Frog hunting mosquito.

3. Fleas or ticks that live on dogs and


4. Goats and cow dwelling on the same

5. Plant Pollinators and Plants.

Notes to the Teacher

This module contains different activities that will lead the

learner to a better understanding of the three identified
ecosystems: tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove
swamps. As the learner go through the various tasks, he/she
will learn to realize the importance of these ecosystems and it
is expected that concern on how to protect the components in
the above-mentioned ecosystems will be developed.

Varied activities were utilized in the presentation of

the lessons so that the learner will understand the key
concepts. At the end of each activity are guide questions
which will be answered by the learner to test his/her
comprehension on the
topics to be learned.

What’s New
How are you doing? At this moment, I know that you are
really excited to explore the tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps.
Just a reminder! Do not disturb the organisms that live there.

What are you waiting for? Let’s go.


What will you do?

1. Study the pictures of ecosystembelow.
2. Identify the different things found in eachecosystem.
3. Fill in Table 1 with the needed data. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
4. Make a Triple chart. Write separately the names of the animals under eachgroup.
5. Copy the Triple chart and write your answer on a separate sheet ofpaper.

Tropical rainforest Coral reef Mangrove swamp

List Down the Animals Under Each Ecosystem

Tropical rainforest Coral reef Mangrove swamp


Ecosystem Living and Non-living Things Found here

1. Tropical Rainforest
2. Coral Reef
3. Mangrove Swamp

QESTIONS: (Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.)

1. How will you define an ecosystem?

2. What are the things found in an ecosystem?

3. What are the components of a tropical rainforest, coral reef and mangrove swamp?

This is a preview of the places that you will visit in your planned trip. The
three pictures present the tropical rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove swamp
ecosystem. What is an ecosystem? Ecosystem is any place where organisms interact
with other living organisms and non-living components. It includes all of the living
things (plants, animals, and organisms) in a given area that interact with each other, as
well as the non-living environments (weather, earth, sun, soil, climate, atmosphere)
that surround the living things.
The tropical rainforest, coral reefs and mangrove swamp ecosystem have the
same components: the living and non-living components. The living components of an
ecosystem are called biotic factors. These are the plants and animals. The non-living
components are called abiotic factors. The examples are air, sunlight, water, soil and

Some examples of ecosystems are aquarium, flower pot, garden, pond, river and

Now, you are partially done identifying living ang non-living things found in a
specific place. At this moment, let us now start your next activity.


1. Study the pictures between interactions of living and nonliving things below.
2. Take note the non-living things that are found in the ecosystem.
3. Discuss the beneficial and harmful interactions among living things and non-living
things affect the tropical rainforest.
4. Make a graphic organizer “Brainstorming Web” on the harmful and beneficial
interactions among living and nonliving thing and their effects s in the tropical
5. Fill in the appropriate spaces in the brainstorming web with your response.

Figure 1. Brainstorming Web on Harmful and Beneficial Effects of Living and Non-
Living Things in the Tropical Rainforest.

1. What is the picture all about?
2. Are there enough plants and animals? Why do you think so?
3. What have you observed with the water and soil in the forest?
4. Is it your ideal forest? Why?

The tropical rainforests contain a wide variety of evergreen plants due

to the high rainfall and high temperatures. These can be found in the areas
near the equator. Rainforest is an ecosystem formed by the interactions
among the living and nonliving things for survival. It includes biotic and
abiotic components known as the living and non-living things.

The interactions are either beneficial to the rainforest to maintain its

ecological balance. However, it may also be harmful due to human activities
and natural calamities that lead to the destruction of the ecosystem. The
tropical rainforests are the dense forests with high biodiversity, high uniform
temperature and high annual rainfall. It is important to protect and conserve


Read and follow properly the given instructions.

1. Read and analyze carefully each of the items asked in each column in the table.
2. Discuss the beneficial and harmful interactions between and among living things and
non-living things.
3. Provide an accurate answer to what is ask for.
4. Write your responses in the appropriates spaces in the table provided. Use separate sheet
of paper for this table.

Table 2. Interactions of Living and Non-living Things in Coral Reefs

Living Non-Living Beneficial Effect Harmful Inter- Effect

Things Things Interaction action
Guided Questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What are the non-living things that interact with the living things in coral reefs?

2. What are the beneficial interactions between the living things and non-living things in
coral reefs? State their effects to the coral reefs.

3. What are the harmful interactions between the living things and non-living things?
State their effects to the coral reefs.

4. How will you conserve coral reefs?

The coral reef plays an important role among the marine organisms. It is
dominated by the corals and serves as the feeding and breeding station of the sea
creatures such as the sponges, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, sea turtles, sharks,
dolphins, and much more.
The abundance of phytoplankton, algae and sea grasses make it as the
favorite place for nourishing the young sea creatures. Because of this, the coral reef
is considered the “restaurant of the sea”. The sunlight provides energy for the
plants to continue supply foods for the sea animals. Other non-living factors that
help the coral reefs exist are the water, air and nutrients. The living things
continuously interact with these non-living and living things to maintain the
ecological balance in the coral reefs.

However, due to human activities and natural calamities the interactions
could be harmful sometimes. Human activities such as dumping of wastes and oil
spill destroy the sea grasses and may kill the fish. Too much sunlight causes loss of
water. Air pollution due to dumping of wastes is not favorable among sea organisms.

We can always contribute to conserve the coral reef such as:

1. Plant more trees to avoid run off to the sea.
2. Avoid illegal fishing like the use of dynamite and the Muro-ami fishing.
3. Stop dumping waste into the sea.
4. Avoid oil spill
5. Stop collecting corals and other sea creatures.


1. Read and analyze carefully each of the items asked in each column in the table.
2. Provide an accurate answer to what is ask for.
3. Write your responses in the appropriates spaces in the table provided.
Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.
Living Non-Living Beneficial Effect Harmful Effect
Things Things Inter-action Inter-action

Fish water
1. What are the non-living things that interact with the living things in mangrove

2. What are the beneficial interactions between the living things and non-living
things in mangrove swamp? State their effects to the mangrove swamp?
3. What are the harmful interactions between the living things and non-living
things? State their effects to the mangrove swamp.

4. How will you conserve a mangrove swamp?

Mangrove swamp is very important not only on the animals and plants living
here but also to the people because it also serves as contributor of our food and
income resources. Mangrove swamp is of great help to the people because it is
where they can find income and earn for living. Mangroves help stabilize coastline
ecosystem and prevent erosion. Mangrove swamps supports the people in terms of
food, source of raw materials for different products such as charcoal, wild honey. It
also provide materials for building their homes.

People living near the coastal areas where there are presence of mangrove
swamps rely their lives on this place because it provides them food. Mangroves help
stabilize coastline ecosystem and prevent erosion.
It also provide natural infrastructure and protection to nearby areas by
preventing erosion and absorbing storm surge impacts during extreme weather
events such as big storms or hurricanes. Mangrove swamp is of great help to people
not only for source of food and raw materials but also for earning a living or getting
income from it. Mangrove swamp also protect shorelines from winds, big waves and
Mangrove swamps are in danger because of coastal development such as
port facilities and widening of roads. Some are developed into shrimp farms, salt
farms and alike. Many mangrove swamp also die because of oil spill, too much
pollution on land and water.

What is It
Hi kids, you done a great job! Let go further in this lesson!

An ecosystem is any place where organisms interact with other living

organisms and nonliving components. An ecosystem has two components: the
living and nonliving components. The living components of an ecosystem are called
biotic factors. These are the plants and animals. The nonliving components are
called abiotic factors. The examples are air, sunlight, water, soil and temperature.
The tropical rainforests contain a wide variety of evergreen plants due to the
high rainfall and high temperatures. These can be found in the areas near the
equator. Rainforest is an ecosystem formed by the interactions among the living
and nonliving things for survival. It includes biotic and abiotic components known
as the living and non-living things. The interactions are either beneficial to the
rainforest to maintain its ecological balance. It is important to protect and conserve
The coral reef plays an important role among the marine organisms. It is
dominated by the corals and serves as the feeding and breeding station of the sea
creatures such as the sponges, crustaceans, mollusks, fish, sea turtles, sharks,
dolphins, and much more. The abundance of phytoplankton, algae and sea grasses
make it as the favorite place for nourishing the young sea creatures. Because of
this, the coral reef is considered the “restaurant of the sea”.
Other non-living factors that help the coral reefs exist are the water, air and
nutrients. The living things continuously interact with these nonliving things to

maintain the ecological balance in the coral reefs. Mangrove swamp is a wetland
usually found in coastal areas. This area is composing of thick mud and brackish-
a mix of fresh and salt water. This is a habitat of various animals and plants
needing the temperature appropriate for their body to survive.
The animals and plants interact with each other depends on their needs to
survive (i.e. Plants are getting their minerals from the soil and making food using
sunlight, sea creatures needing the saltwater or freshwater, shellfish attached
themselves to the roots, birds settle their nest on the mangrove trees.Mangrove
swamp is of great help to people, animals and plants. It serves as a protector, food
and income resources.Most mangrove swamps are destroyed for social development.

What’s More


1. Study the concept map.
2. Fill in the boxes with the terms you have learned about tropical rainforest, coral
reefs and mangrove swamps.
3. Write your answers on the box. Use separate sheet of paper for your answer.

has components which are called

which consists of which consists of


Direction: Make a Four Square Map graphic organizer of the beneficial and harmful
interactions among living things and non-living things and their effects on
the tropical rainforest.


Guide Question: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What particular interaction between living things in tropical rainforest and Non-
living things is presented?

2. What are the beneficial and harmful interactions among living and non-living
things in the tropical rainforest?

3. State the effects of each interaction.


Direction: Read and follow properly the given instructions.
1. Read and analyze carefully each of the items asked in each column in the table.
2. Write (/)if the interactions given are beneficialand (x) if it shows harmful
interactions among living things and non-living things.
3. Provide an accurate answer to what is ask for.
4. Write your responses in the appropriate spaces in the table provided.
Table 3. Interactions of Living things among Non-living things in coral reefs.
Living Things Non-Living Things Beneficial Interaction Harmful


Direction: Daw a heart ( ) on the blank if the statement tells the TRUTH and
lightning bolt ( ) if not.

________1. Mangrove swamps are wetlands that can be found on coastal areas.

________2. Living and non-living things found in mangrove swamps are shrimps,
birds, shells and mangrove trees.
________3.Mangrove swamps bring harmful effects to people that is why these
place are being destroyed.
4. Mangrove swamps are in danger because of coastal development such
as port facilities, widening of roads and some are developed into shrimp
farms, salt farms and alike.
_________5. Mangrove swamp is of great help to people not only for source of food
but this provides also raw materials where they used to earn a living or
getting income.
________6. Mangrove swamp also protect shorelines from winds, big waves and
7.There are sea creatures needing the saltwater or freshwater and
shellfish attached themselves to the roots.
________8. Many mangrove swamps were protected even there is presence of oil
spill and too much pollution both on land and on water.

What I Have Learned

A. Fill in the graphic organizer with the needed data.

has components has components has components

like like like like like like

B. Check (/) the corresponding column if the effect in the first column is brought by
beneficial or harmful interactions.

Effects of Living/Nonliving Beneficial Interactions Harmful

Interaction Interactions
1. Bush fire
2. Preventing soil erosion
3. Stabilizing the climate
4. Maintaining water cycle
5. Wood used for house construction

C. Fill in with the correct answer the boxes in the table

Living Non living (+) interaction Effect (-) Effect

Things things interaction
sunlight Source of 1. 2. Lessen the
energy for algae water level.
and Warm up the
phytoplanktons seawater that
may affect the
air 3. Healthy The animals Some animals
marine take in may die.
animals. polluted air. Lesser

Nutrients Needed by 4. Insufficient Unhealthy

plants and nutrients for marine plants
animals to plants and and animals.
grow healthy. animals

water Reef building Provides a Turbid water 5.

occur wider habitat prevents light
for marine penetration
organisms needed by
corals and

What I Can Do

Read the following situations. Answer them briefly. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

A. An aquarium is an example of an artificial ecosystem. You are going to make an

aquarium in your house. What materials will you prepare?

B. Is a flower pot an ecosystem? Why?

C. You are living in a forest. Your father is practicing kaingin system. What are the
harmful effects of this method to our tropical rainforest?

D. You are living near a mangrove swamp area. You observed that there are people
cutting the mangrove trees which they use as fence. How can you help in
preserving the mangrove swamp?

E. Your father is a fisherman. Being the eldest, you accompany your father to go
fishing. Your father wants to have a big catch, so he uses cyanide. How will you
convince your father to stop using this method?

Hello kids, you have done a great job! Let us have a test.

Direction: Read each item. Select the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer
on a separate sheet.

1. Which of the following is one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on

A. coral reefs C. mangrove swamps
B. deserts D. tropical rainforests

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of tropical rainforest?

A. dense with evergreen plants

B. diverse species of animals and plants
C. found in the polar regions
D. high rainfall and high temperature

3. The following shows interactions between living ang non-living things in the
tropical rainforest. Identify animal X.
Plant  Grasshopper  Frog  X  Eagle
A. rabbit C. tiger
B. snake D. wild boar

4. What are coral reefs made of?

A. coral polyps C. planktons
B. seagrass D. tentacles

5. Which of the following activities causes destruction of the coral reef ecosystem?
A. global warming C. overfishing
B. pollution D. all of the above

6. Which of the following describes the coral reef correctly?

A. It becomes the nursery of young fish and invertebrates.
B. It is made up of many amphibian and mammal species.
C. It provides wood that resists rotting.
D. It is the main habitat for most fish.

7. Which of the following activities could cause damage to mangrove swamps?

A. dynamite fishing C. pollution
B. illegal logging D. erosion
8. Which of the following is not found in the mangrove swamps?
A. corals C. snails
B. fish D. trees

9. Which of the following human activities does NOT destroy mangrove swamps?
A. Throwing of garbage C. Cutting mangrove woods
B. Dynamite fishing D. Replanting

10. What can we do to protect and conserve our tropical rainforest, mangrove
swamp, and coral reef?
I. enforcing the laws to everyone without exemption
II. educate the public to make them aware of the importance of these
III. planting, replanting, caring and growing of trees and other plant

A. I only C. II and III

B. I and II D. I, II and III

Congratulations Kids! Here is one last activity for you to completely finish this

Additional Activities

One of the activities in preserving our ecosystem is tree planting. As

your output, make a simple project plan on how you are going to implement
the said activity.

Time Frame (Month,

Project Plan Title Activities to be Conducted Day, Year)

Answer Key

BEAM I Unit 5: Living Things and Their Environment.

Songag, Irene D. Interactions Among Living Things.

MISOSA Module 6: Components of an Ecosystem.

BEAM 5 Unit 2 DLP 19: Destruction and Saving Coral Reefs.

MISOSA 6: Interrelationships among Living Organisms.

BEAM 5 Unit 2 dlp 18: coral reefs and their importance.


This Self-Learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd

SOCCSKSARGEN with the primary objective of preparing for addressing the
new normal. Contents of the module were based on DepEd’s Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material to be used
by all learners of Region XII in all public school beginning SY 2029-2021.
The process of LR development was observed in the production of this
module. This is version
1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments, and recommendations.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education –SOCCSKSARGEN

Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)

Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/(083) 2281893

Email Address:


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