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1. How do you usually communicate with your friends and family?

(such as)

Yah, of course. I always keep in touch with friends and parents . Because nowadays technology
has been developing strongly in Vietnam so people can easily chat with each other. I often
contact friends via social networks like Messenger, Zalo or in person. Because I go to school far
away so I contact my family through an internet chat application, which helps me connect with
my family more conveniently. Overall, I leverage a combination of messaging apps, video calls,
and phone conversations to maintain strong bonds with my loved ones in this fast-paced era.

Nghĩa tiếng anh Nghĩa Ví dụ


keep in to communicate or continue to giữ liên Have you kept in touch with
touch communicate with someone by lạc với ai boyfriend
(phrase) using a phone or writing to them đó

leverage the action or advantage of using tận dụng Using ropes and wooden
(n) a lever poles for leverage, they haul
sacks of cement up the track.

fast-paced happening very quickly nhanh I am not convinced of this

(adj) chóng fast-paced development.

NgDo you prefer calling or Nghĩa Ví dụ
texting people? Why? (I am tiếng
Strong 🔪📦) Việt

Calling of course. In my
opinion, calling is very
convenient and easy to clearly
describe what I want to say.
Moreover, it avoids wasting
time and we can focus on
short-term communication
rather than being “on call” all
the time. Additionally, calling
allows for immediate feedback
and clarification, fostering
better understanding between
both parties. Lastly, it
prevents the constant
distraction of being tethered to
messages, enabling us to
concentrate on other tasks
between conversations.
hĩa tiếng anh

Clarification making something clearer or sự làm Could you please provide

(N) easier to understand rõ clarification on the third
paragraph of the report?

Distraction a thing that takes your sự làm I find it hard to work at home
(N) attention away from what you phiền because there are too many
are doing or thinking about distractions

Tether (V) force to limit or control giữ lại, During the meeting, I felt
movement. ràng tethered to my phone,
buộc constantly checking for

3) Do you think social media has changed the way people communicate? (hieule)

Social media has indeed changed the way people communicate by providing instant connectivity
regardless of geographical distances. It has facilitated quicker and more convenient
communication, enabling people to stay in touch more frequently and easily share updates and
experiences with each other. However, it has also led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions,
which are essential for building deep and meaningful relationships.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Ví dụ


Connectivity(noun) The state or Tính kết Social media platforms provide

capability of being nối, sự kết seamless connectivity, enabling
connected or linked nối. users to interact with each other
together. regardless of their location or time

Geographical The physical space Khoảng Social media has bridged

distances (noun between two or cách địa geographical distances, allowing
phrase) more locations on lý. people from different parts of the
the Earth's world to connect and communicate

facilitated(verb) to make something tạo điều The new ramp will facilitate the
possible or easier kiện thuận entry of wheelchairs.

4.Do you prefer to communicate with people in person or using technology? (Phi Toàn 🔪📦📦)

In my opinion, I lean towards face-to-face communication. While technology has revolutionized

the way we connect, there’s an irreplaceable quality to direct interactions. When we converse in
person, we benefit from nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, which
enhance understanding. Moreover, the spontaneity of face-to-face conversations allows for real-
time adjustments and deeper connections. However, I do appreciate the convenience of
technology for maintaining relationships across distances and for efficient exchanges.
Ultimately, a balanced approach that combines both methods ensures effective communication in
our interconnected world.

Nghĩa tiếng anh Nghĩa Ví dụ

tiếng việt

Irreplaceable(adj) impossible to replace Không do not send valuable or

thể thay irreplaceable
thế photographs

Cues(n) a thing said or done that serves as a Tín hiệu any conversational lull
signal to an actor or other was my cue for asking a
performer to enter or to begin their question
speech or performance.

Spontaneity(n) Sự tự
the condition of being spontaneous; phát she occasionally tore up
spontaneous behavior or action. her usual schedule in
favor of spontaneity
5. Do you think communication styles differ among generations? (BB Trần)
Yes, I definitely believe that communication styles differ among generations. For example, older
generations often prefer face-to-face conversations or phone calls as their main forms of
communication. In contrast, younger generations are more inclined towards using social media
platforms, texting, or instant messaging apps for daily communication. This shift reflects not
only technological advancements but also changes in societal norms and personal preferences.
Understanding these differences is crucial for effective communication across age groups.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Ví dụ

Incline towards To think that a belief Nghiêng về I incline towards the view that
something or opinion is probably phía peace can be achieved
(phrasal verb) correct

Norms (noun) an accepted standard Các chuẩn It could be argued that youth
or a way of behaving mực rebelliousness is a societal norm,
or doing things that often encouraged and channeled by
most people governments of all persuasions.

Crucial (adj) extremely important Chủ yếu, rất Price will be a crucial factor in the
or necessary quan trọng success of this new product.
hoặc cần thiết

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