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1. What is your favorite animal? Why?

My favorite animal is the dolphin. I admire their intelligence, playful nature, and
strong sense of community. Dolphins exhibit remarkable communcation skills and
demonstrate empathy towards others in their pod. Additionally, their graceful
movements in the water fascinate me, making them truly captivating creatures to
observe and learn from.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Dolphins are known for their

Intelligence Trí thông minh high intelligence, as they can
solve complex problems and
even communicate with
Playful Nghịch ngợm Dolphins are playful creatures,
often seen leaping and playing
with objects like seaweed or
Strong sense of Tinh thần đồng Dolphins live in pods and
community đội mạnh mẽ exhibit a strong sense of
community, cooperating to
hunt and protect each other.
Remarkable Kỹ năng giao tiếp Dolphins use a variety of
communication đáng kinh ngạc clicks, whistles, and body
skills language to communicate with
each other, demonstrating their
remarkable communication

2. Do you like going to the zoo?

Yes, I enjoy visiting the zoo. It provides an opportunity to see a variety of animals up
close, which I find fascinating. It's educational as well, as I can learn about different
species and their habitats. Moreover, zoos often play a crucial role in conservation
efforts, which I appreciate and support. Overall, going to the zoo is an enjoyable and
enriching experience for me.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Variety Zoos offer a variety of animals

Đa dạng from different parts of the
world, allowing visitors to see
creatures they might not
encounter otherwise.
Fascinating Hấp dẫn, lôi cuốn The behavior of animals in the
zoo is fascinating to observe,
especially when they interact
with each other.
Habitats Môi trường sống Zoos often recreate natural
habitats for animals to mimic
their natural environment as
closely as possible
Conservation Bảo tồn Zoos participate in
conservation programs to
breed endangered species and
release them back into the

3. Do you often watch TV programs about wild animals?

Yes, I do watch TV programs about wild animals quite often. I find them both
entertaining and educational, as they offer insights into the diverse ecosystems and
behaviors of animals around the world. These programs often highlight conservation
efforts and raise awareness about environmental issues, which I believe are important
topics to learn about. Additionally, watching such programs allows me to appreciate
the beauty and complexity of nature from the comfort of my home.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Entertaining Giải trí TV programs about wild

animals are entertaining
because they showcase
fascinating behaviors and
interactions of various species.
Educational Giáo dục Watching TV programs about
wild animals is educational as
it teaches viewers about
different ecosystems and the
importance of wildlife
Raise awareness Nâng cao nhận TV programs about wild
thức animals raise awareness about
the importance of preserving
natural habitats and the impact
of human activities on wildlife.
Insights Hiểu biết sâu sắc TV programs about wild
animals provide valuable
insights into the behavior and
habitats of various species.

4. Are there any animals that you are afraid of?

Yes, there are a few animals that I feel apprehensive about. Snakes, for example,
make me nervous due to their unpredictable movements and venomous species.
Additionally, large predators like lions and bears also evoke a sense of fear due to
their potential danger. However, I understand the importance of respecting these
animals and their habitats while acknowledging that most are not inherently
aggressive towards humans unless provoked.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Apprehensive Lo lắng, bất an I feel apprehensive about

flying because I'm afraid of
Unpredictable Không thể dự Weather in this region is
đoán được unpredictable, with sudden
rain showers and
Resếpctingp Tôn trọng Respecting other people's
opinions is important in
maintaining healthy

5. What measures could we take to protect wildlife?

To protect wildlife, several measures can be implemented. First and foremost,

enforcing strict laws against poaching and illegal wildlife trade is crucial. Creating
and maintaining protected areas where animals can thrive undisturbed is also
essential. Furthermore, promoting sustainable practices such as responsible tourism
and habitat restoration efforts can help mitigate human impact on wildlife habitats.
Education and raising awareness about the importance of conservation are equally
important in fostering a culture of respect and care towards wildlife among
communities. Finally, supporting research initiatives aimed at understanding and
preserving endangered species is vital for long-term conservation efforts.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Enforcing Thực thi The police are responsible for
enforcing traffic laws to ensure
road safety.
Crucial Rất quan trọng, Proper nutrition is crucial for
then chốt the healthy development of
Protected areas Khu vực bảo tồn National parks are protected
areas where wildlife and
natural habitats are preserved.
Mitigate Giảm nhẹ, làm Planting trees can help
giảm mitigate the effects of climate
change by absorbing carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere.
Fostering Thúc đẩy, tạo điều Good parenting involves
kiện fostering a sense of
independence and self-
confidence in children.

Traffic/ transport

1. What kinds of transportation do you take to go to school?

I typically use public transportation to get to school, such as buses. Occasionally, I

may also walk or cycle if the distance is manageable. Using public transport not only
helps reduce traffic congestion but also contributes to lowering carbon emissions,
which is beneficial for the environment. Additionally, it allows me to save time and
compared to using private vehicles. Overall, I find public transportation to be a
convenient and environmentally friendly option for commuting to school.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Typically Thường, thông I typically go to the gym three

thường times a week to stay fit.
Congestion Tắc nghẽn Traffic congestion is a
common problem during rush
hours in big cities.
Emissions Khí thải Carbon emissions from
vehicles contribute to air
pollution and global warming.
Convenient Tiện lợi Online shopping is convenient
because I can buy things
without leaving my home.
Environmentally Thân thiện với Using reusable bags instead of
friendly môi trường plastic bags is environmentally
friendly because it reduces
plastic waste.

2. What are your favorite means of transportation and why?

My favorite means of transportation is cycling. I enjoy the sense of freedom it

provides and the opportunity to stay active while commuting. Cycling allows me to
avoid traffic congestion and enjoy the outdoors, making my journey to various
destinations more enjoyable. Moreover, it's an eco-friendly mode of transport,
contributing to a cleaner environment. Overall, cycling combines convenience, health
benefits, and sustainability, making it my preferred choice for getting around.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Means of Phương tiện giao Cars, buses, trains, bicycles,
transportation thông and walking are all different
means of transportation.
Sense of freedom Cảm giác tự do Traveling alone gives me a
sense of freedom to explore
new places at my own pace.
Eco-friendly Thân thiện với Using renewable energy
môi trường sources like solar or wind
power is eco-friendly because
it reduces carbon emissions.
Health benefits Lợi ích cho sức Regular exercise has numerous
khỏe health benefits, including
improved cardiovascular
health and increased stamina.
Sustainability Bền vững Planting trees helps promote
environmental sustainability
by absorbing carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere.

3. What type of public transportation can be found in your city?

In my city, we have a diverse range of public transportation options. This includes

buses, trams, and subway trains, providing extensive coverage across the urban area.
Additionally, we have a network of commuter trains connecting the city with
surrounding suburbs. Moreover, there are shared transportation services like bike-
sharing programs and ride-hailing apps that offer convenient alternatives for shorter
trips. Overall, the availability of these public transportation options makes commuting
within the city efficient and accessible for residents and visitors alike.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Extensive coverage Phủ sóng rộng lớn The Wi-Fi network provides
extensive coverage throughout
the entire building.
Shared Dịch vụ giao Bike-sharing programs allow
transportation thông chung users to rent bicycles for short
services periods, promoting
environmentally friendly
Efficient and Hiệu quả và dễ 1.
accessible tiếp cận The new public library is
designed to be efficient and
accessible, with ramps and
elevators for people with

4. Have you ever had a bad experience while traveling by public

Yes, I've had a few challenging experiences while traveling by public transportation.
One memorable incident was when the subway I was on broke down unexpectedly,
causing significant delays. Another time, I encountered overcrowding on a bus during
rush hour, making the journey uncomfortable and difficult. Despite these occasional
setbacks, I still appreciate the convenience and affordability of public transportation
and understand that such incidents are part of the urban commuting experience.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Challenging Trải nghiệm đầy Climbing a mountain was a

experiences thách thức challenging experience, but it
was also incredibly rewarding.
Memorable incident Sự kiện đáng nhớ Our trip to Paris was full of
memorable incidents, like
getting lost in the city's
winding streets.
Unexpectedly Một cách bất ngờ2.

She unexpectedly received a

promotion at work, much to
her surprise.
Setbacks Rủi ro, trở ngại Despite facing several
setbacks, she remained
determined to achieve her

5. What are the pros and cons of using public transportation?

Using public transportation offers numerous advantages, such as affordability,

accessibility, and environmental sustainability. It provides a cost-effective way to
travel, particularly for daily commutes, and reduces traffic congestion, thereby
lowering air pollution. Additionally, public transport networks often connect various
parts of the city, making it easier for people to reach their destinations. However,
drawbacks include potential delays, overcrowding during peak hours, and limited
flexibility compared to private transportation options. Despite these challenges, the
overall benefits of public transportation in terms of convenience and environmental
impact make it a preferred choice for many commuters.

Nghĩa Tiếng Anh Nghĩa Tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Frequent (adj) Accessibility Sự tiếp cận The new library was designed
with accessibility in mind,
with ramps and elevators for
wheelchair users.
Environmental Bền vững môi Recycling programs promote
sustainability trường environmental sustainability
by reducing waste and
conserving resources.
Flexibility Tính linh hoạt Working from home offers
more flexibility in terms of
scheduling compared to
working in an office.
Peak hours Giờ cao điểm During peak hours in the
morning, the highways are
filled with commuters heading
to work, resulting in heavy
traffic and longer travel times

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