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1.Have you ever broken a rule before?

- “I believe everyone has broken a rule at some point in their life, whether intentionally or
unintentionally. For me, I have certainly made mistakes and broken rules, but I have also
learned from those experiences and strived to become a more responsible person.”

Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Intentionally in a planned or cố ý, cố tình I've never hurt

(adverb) intended way anybody
intentionally in my

Experiences ( n) knowledge or skill kinh nghiệm Fighting in

from doing, Vietnam was an
seeing, or feeling experience that
things would haunt him
for the rest of his

Responsible (adj ) to have control chịu trách nhiệm The city council is
and authority over responsible for
something or keeping the streets
someone clean.
2.What is the most common crime in your city?

-“The most common crime in my city is usually related to petty theft and burglary.
Unfortunately, instances of theft and property crimes are quite prevalent, causing
concerns among the local residents and authorities.”

Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Burglary (n) the crime of vụ trộm Several men were

illegally entering a questioned by
building and police yesterday
stealing things about the burglary.

residents (n) a person who lives người dân Most local

or has their home residents
in a place strenuously object
to the building

Authoritíe (n) the group of people chính quyền I'm going to report
with official legal these potholes to
power to make the authorities.
decisions or make
people obey the
laws in a particular
3.Have you ever seen a crime in action?

-“Thankfully, I have not witnessed a crime in action. However, I understand the

importance of reporting any criminal activity to the appropriate authorities in order to
maintain the safety and well-being of our community.”

Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa Ví dụ

tiếng Việt

Appropriate (adj) suitable or right for a phù hợp We will provide

particular situation or help whenever you
occasion deem it appropriate

Maintain (v) to keep in existence duy trì Security during the

president's visit
must be maintained
at all costs.

well-being (n) the state of feeling healthy hạnh phúc People doing yoga
and happy benefit from an
increased feeling of

4.Is crime a serious problem where you live?

-“Crime is indeed a serious problem where I live. Incidents of theft, vandalism, and other
criminal activities have created a sense of unease and insecurity among the local
residents. It’s important for the community to work together with law enforcement to
address and prevent these issues.”

Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Incident (n) an event that is sự cố I'm trying not to let

either unpleasant or my judgment be
unusual/ coloured by that
one incident.

Unease (n) a feeling of being khó chịu The security lapses

worried about have caused
something widespread unease
amongst air

Insecurity (n) a feeling of lacking bất an His cruel sarcasm

confidence and not plays on people's
being sure of your deepest
own abilities insecurities.

5. Do you think crime rates are increasing in your country?

-“I believe that crime rates have been quite stable in my country. While there may be
fluctuations in certain areas or for specific types of crime, overall, the situation has not
shown a significant increase in recent years.”

Nghĩa tiếng Anh Nghĩa tiếng Việt Ví dụ

Fluctuation (n) a change, or the biến động There are many
process of issues that are
changing likely to cause
fluctuation in fish

Specific (adj) relating to one cụ thể the regional

thing and not editions of the
others paper contain
information for that

Significant (adj) important or có ý nghĩa Is there any

noticeable significant
difference in
quality between
these two items?

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