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University Programme Section

Yale‐China Chinese Language Centre


(The Chinese version of this notice follows the English one.)

Examination Regulations
1. Bring your student identity card to the examination venue.
2. Follow the seating arrangement as assigned.
3. Do not bring any unauthorised items or place them on the examination desk;
only stationery and papers distributed in the examination room can be placed on
the desk unless otherwise specified.
4. Return all papers distributed (including question papers, draft papers, etc.) to the
invigilator after the examination.
5. Do not communicate or attempt to communicate improperly with other
examinees, and do not copy from unauthorised materials or from the work of
other examinees during the examination.
6. Do not start the examination without permission.
7. If you have questions regarding examination procedures, ask the invigilator
before the examination starts.
8. Arrive on time.
For written examinations: Those who arrive more than 30 minutes late shall not
be permitted to take the written examination. No time extensions will be granted
for tardy examinees.
For listening and speaking examinations: Late comers will not be allowed to enter
the classroom to take the listening examination once it starts.
If you arrive late for a listening examination, wait outside the classroom until the
listening examination has finished. You may then join the speaking examination
as normal.
9. For written examinations, examinees cannot leave the examination room until 30
minutes after the start of the examination. Once an examinee leaves the room,
he or she will not be permitted to return for the duration of the examination.
10. Do not leave your seat without permission.
11. All examinees must stop and submit their examinations as per the invigilator’s
12. Follow the instructions of the invigilator in relation to the arrangements of the
examination in the examination room.

An examinee who violates any of the above regulations may be disciplined in

accordance with the nature and gravity of the offence and risk failing the entire
一. 考生憑學生證入試場。
二. 考生須按指示入座。
三. 不得隨身攜帶未經許可之物品或將未經許可之物品放在考生桌上;桌上只限
四. 在考試完結後,交回所有派發之紙張(包括試題、草稿紙等)。
五. 不得交談、傳遞及窺視。
六. 未有指示前,不得擅自開始作答。
七. 如對考試程序有疑問,須在開考前提出。
八. 必須準時到達應考。
筆試:遲到 30 分鐘以上者,不得與考。其他遲到的考生,不會有補時的安
九. 筆試開考 30 分鐘後可以提早離場,離場後不得重返考場。
十. 未有指示前,不可擅自離座。
十一. 考生必須按指示停止作答及交卷。
十二. 必須遵從監考員有關試場考試安排之指示。

Alternative time for examinations:
(a) If a student has schedule conflicts due to a time clash with another course’s final
exam or other official business and needs to arrange an alternative time to take
CLC’s final exam, the student must email the course teacher at least one week
before the final exam date with documentary proof of the time conflict.
(b) All make-up exams must be completed within CLC’s examination week.
(c) If students need to arrange an alternative time for the final exam due to personal
reasons, 20 points will be deducted from the total score of the exam if the
application is approved.

Absence from examinations:

(a) A student who, for medical reasons, official obligations (e.g. representing CUHK
to join a competition) or other compelling reasons, is unable to sit for any course
examination shall apply in writing with documentary evidence before the
examination date to the course teacher and the general office
( for applying for make-up examination. No marks will be
deducted. All make-up examinations shall be completed within the period
specified by the Centre. Late applications will not be accepted.
(b) Except for emergency cases, illness/injury should be reported to the course
teacher by e-mail no later than 1 hour before the examination commences.
Supporting evidence should be submitted to the teacher as soon as possible. For
COVID-19 infection, apart from the medical certificate, students should also
submit a photo of the positive result on the RAT test kit (marked with the
student’s name and the date) taken along with the student card when reporting
to the course teacher.
(c) For other reasons not stated above, the approved make-up examinations will
have 20 marks deducted from the total score obtained in the examination.

(甲) 學生如因考試時間衝突或公務需要更改考試時間,須於原定考試時間
(乙) 所有補考應在 CLC 的考試週之內進行。
(丙) 其他私人原因申請補考者如獲准補考,考試成績將會從考試卷面得分

(甲) 學生如因病、公務(例如代表學校比賽)等原因不能參加科目考試,
(乙) 凡因病缺考者,除非是急症等特殊情況之外,學生必須至少於開考前
(丙) 其他申請補考者如因其他原因獲准補考,考試成績將會從考試卷面得

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