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Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 43

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Które z podanych C They have always included cafés and restaurants to allow
odpowiedzi A–C lub A–D są właściwe i zgodne z treścią shoppers to rest without leaving and there are often
nagrań? cinemas and children’s play areas for those who are less
keen on wandering round the shops.
Text 1 D Whether the reason is the atmosphere, the range of
1 In what way do the girls differ? products available or a desire for something new, there is
A In their attitude to overspending. certainly no question that these centres are a huge success.
B In their desire to find bargains. E The mall has a European feel to it with architecture more
C In the way the pay for products in shops. often found in Mediterranean villages than on the west
coast of the USA.
Text 2
F But while it may seem as if the shops are run by
2 What does the man explain to his wife?
individuals or small companies, the truth is that most of
A Why it isn’t a problem if a product is reaching its sell-by-
them are chain stores with branches all over the country.
B The importance of sticking to what’s on a shopping list.
C How to find special offers for items they want.
Saving the shopping centre
Text 3
Online shopping is here to stay but, although shopping
3 Which of these is NOT mentioned as a benefit to both
centres are suffering a loss of sales, they are fighting
businesses and customers?
back. 1 _____ Now, as well as these attractions, they
A Increased safety.
hope that a change of design and name will give
B Time saving.
customers an extra reason to return. One example of
C A better financial situation.
these new ‘lifestyle centres’ is Santana Row in California
D An improvement in mood.
which looks more Mediterranean than Californian.
2 _____ One shop even imported the front of a real 19th
4 Why does the speaker suggest governments like the idea
century French building rather than being content with
of a cashless economy?
the usual, anonymous glass fronted shops seen in most
A Crime will be reduced.
B Society will be modernised.
Although in many ways, these lifestyle centres are
C Tax avoidance will be stopped.
similar to traditional malls, they try to make the area as
D Society will be safer during pandemics.
pleasant to visit as a park or resort. 3 _____ . As well as
the design of the building, there are also differences in
5 Which is the best summary of the speaker’s views?
the shops themselves. They tend to be home to fewer
A Cash and cashless transactions should both be possible
department stores and more speciality shops selling
for as long as possible.
anything from jewellery to books to stationery. The food
B Cashless societies are actually more at risk of crime than
shops are also different to the normal supermarkets
those with cash.
found in shopping centres. There are small delicatessens,
C The growing cashless society is leading to an increase in
specialist bakers and patisseries, butchers in aprons and
advertising and offers.
trays of fresh fish lying on beds of ice. 4 _____ They are
D Cashless societies will only benefit some people, not all.
just designed to look different.
Sometimes, the design of these new lifestyle centres is
____ / 10
so unusual that you might not even realise you are in a
mall at all. Arbor Lakes in Minnesota is an outdoor area
2 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Które
which looks like an old-fashioned mid-western town
zdania A–E uzupełniają luki 1–4, tworząc spójny i logiczny
from the 1940s. In the summer, the outdoor cafés are
tekst? Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje
full of shoppers enjoying the car free streets. 5 ______
do żadnej luki.
Whoever thought that an outdoor mall in Minnesota,
a state with a record low temperature of -51°C, was a
A However, a huge percentage of retail sales in the USA are
good idea has obviously never been there!
made in the month of December and this is when shops
really need to persuade customers away from their warm
homes. ____ / 10
B Some, in warmer, drier parts of the country have even
removed the roof to allow the sun to shine down on the

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE
Imię i nazwisko: _________________________ Klasa: ____ Wynik: ____ / 43

3 Wpisz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia wszystkie trzy ____________________________________________

zdania w zadaniach 1–5. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność
ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. ____________________________________________
A My dad is useless at fixing things; he can’t even _____ ____________________________________________
a light bulb.
B Don’t _____ much money at the airport, just get enough
for the taxi to the hotel. ____________________________________________
C I hope Elaine doesn’t _____ her mind about coming
shopping with us. ____________________________________________
A Sally can afford to buy a lot of new clothes because her ____________________________________________
mum gets them from work at a wholesale ______.
B This ______ comparison website is really useful when ____________________________________________
you’re buying electrical goods.
C A 50% discount means that the clothes are half ______,
so we should buy something. ____________________________________________

3 ____________________________________________
A You can’t go back for another ______ sample of cheese;
you’ve had three already.
B It’s true that there’s no such thing as a _____ lunch – ____________________________________________
Gary gave us a lift to the mall and now he wants to hang
out with us all day. ____________________________________________
C You can park here for one hour _____ of charge but you ____________________________________________
need to get a ticket.
A Dad forgot to pay the ______ insurance so it’s lucky he ____________________________________________
didn’t have an accident. ____________________________________________
B I love watching the _____ wash working at our local
petrol station. ____________________________________________
C Mum and dad were late home because they got lost in
the _____ park at the mall. ____________________________________________
A These cakes are amazing, they really _____ my mouth ____________________________________________
B I don’t know how these shops ______ a profit with so few ____________________________________________
customers. ____________________________________________
C You should ______ a complaint about the service in the
restaurant. ____________________________________________
____ / 10
4 Szkodliwe produkty, takie jak papierosy lub alkohol, ____________________________________________
nie mogą być reklamowane w telewizji. Niektórzy ludzie
uważają, że ten zakaz powinien również dotyczyć reklam ____________________________________________
niezdrowego jedzenia i napojów gazowanych, szczególnie ____________________________________________
podczas emisji programów dla dzieci. Napisz rozprawkę,
w której przedstawisz swoją opinię na ten temat. Odnieś ____________________________________________
się do problemów, jakie stwarza niezdrowe jedzenie i do
tego, jak reklamy wpływają na młodych ludzi. ____________________________________________

Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów. ____ / 13

Repetytorium z języka angielskiego dla liceów i techników, Poziom podstawowy z materiałem rozszerzonym
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2022 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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