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Iron And Steel industry

Def- It is a basic industry and forms the backbone of industrial development in any
country. It provides raw material for making industrial machinery, electrical machinery,
defence equipment, railway tracks, dams, houses and a host of other industrial and
consumer goods.

Type- Mineral based I:e primary industries that use mineral ores as their raw materials.

- Why is it basic?
It provides raw material to many other industries such as machine tools,
transport equipment, construction material etc. It is also called heavy industry
because raw materials [iron ore, coal, limestone] are bulky in nature.

- Why iron and steel industry is called the backbone of modern industry?

Steel is often called the backbone of modern industry. Almost everything we

use is either made of iron or steel or has been made with tools and
machinery of these metals. Ships, trains, trucks, and autos are made largely
of steel. Even the safety pins and the needles you use are made from steel.

- Why do we need industries?

Industries are needed for products of daily use: We will see items that we
use every day such as toothpaste, soap, bicycle, exercise books, pencils,
medicines, cheese, and jams, and so on. All these items are manufactured by
different industries.

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