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Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings — a


Y H Kim, A C C Tan & V Kosse

To cite this article: Y H Kim, A C C Tan & V Kosse (2008) Condition monitoring of low-speed
bearings — a review, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 6:1, 61-68

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Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review *

ACC Tan †, Y-H Kim and V Kosse

School of Engineering Systems, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane

SUMMARY: Machines with operating speeds less than 600 rpm are classified as low-speed
machinery. These machines are usually the most critical items in the production line, generally
large and have high rotating inertias. Until recently, there has not been much interest in condition
monitoring of these machines as they do not fail easily. However, if an expected failure does occur, the
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downtime and replacement costs can be enormous, which can lead to massive production loss. Unlike
those medium- to high-speed machines, condition monitoring of low-speed machinery presents a
challenge as traditional velocity and acceleration sensors are only sensitive to responses with high
impact rates. The moving components of these machines that require condition monitoring are
mainly bearings and gears. Due to the lack of interest until recently, there is limited literature on
condition monitoring of low-speed machinery. In this review, the authors have attempted to gather
together the innovative and advanced approaches on condition monitoring of low-speed machinery,
with the main focus on rolling element bearing condition monitoring.

1 INTRODUCTION failure occurs very rapidly due to large static and

dynamics loads.
To date there is no universally accepted speed
In spite of the limitations in vibration measurements
limit to classify low-speed machines. In general,
for condition monitoring of low-speed bearings, the
machines with rotating speeds up to 600 rpm are
reliability and success of vibration measurements have
classified as low-speed machines. This limit can be
seen several researchers using them in laboratory and
reasonably justified with reference to ISO 2372, the
industrial applications. The application of vibration
classifications of vibration velocity severity covers
measurements to detect a seeded defect in bearing is
machines with rotational speeds ranging from 600
presented in Jacobs et al (n. d.) and the presence of
to 1200 rpm. Low-speed rotating machines are
contaminated lubricant using high frequency stress
generally the most critical items in the production waves is shown in Jamuludin et al (2002). In Jacobs
line and can lead to massive downtime costs should et al. (n. d.), classification of stress wave signatures
an unpredicted failure occur. These machines are showed that autoregressive coefficients associated
usually large and have high rotating inertias. In with each stress wave provided an efficient and
most rotating machines, the bearing is the most effective parameter for bearing diagnosis. Other
critical component. It provides not only the rotating techniques used in conjunction with vibration
motion, but has to carry a great deal of dynamics measurements can be seen in section 2.
load. At low speed, the impact between the rotating
elements and the defect is generally low unless the Diagnosis of low-speed bearings is made difficult due
damage size has accelerated above the background to the low impact energy of the rolling elements of
noise level. The likelihood of a spall on the bearing the bearings against a damaged spall, which is small
generating enough energy to cause a significant level and results in a high ratio of noise to an abnormal
of vibration at low speed is remote (Robertson et al, bearing signal, or low s/n ratio. Recent development
1996). As the defect starts to deteriorate, the rate of of advanced piezoceramic (PZT) materials and digital
signal processing hardware and software have
led to widespread use of Acoustic Emission (AE)
* Reviewed and revised version of paper originally
technology in bearing condition monitoring. Besides
presented at the International Tribology Conference,
being used in bearing condition monitoring, the AE
AUSTRIB 06, 3-6 December 2006, Brisbane,
method has found application in the monitoring
of bolt structure mechanical integrity operating at
† Corresponding author Prof Andy Tan can be low speeds (Jamuludin & Mba, 2002) and gear fault
contacted at diagnosis (Mba, 2002). Monitoring of low-speed

© Institution of Engineers Australia, 2008 Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol 6 No 1

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62 “Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse
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Figure 1: Relationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration at constant velocity

(Jacobs et al, n. d.).

rotating machines can be very time consuming and Very little vibration acceleration (0.01 g) is produced
can end up with sampling a large amount of data for speeds below 600 rpm.
for a complete rotation. To overcome this problem,
However, as the speed decreases, displacement
parametric models to generate frequency spectra for
measurement is preferred. For low-acceleration
rolling element bearing fault detection is proposed in
measurements, high sensitive sensors with low
Ber & Karin (2000). In Mechefsky & Mathew (1992),
electronics noise are required. In spite of this set
a portable device, MK-550, for low-speed bearing
back, vibration measurements have been used by a
diagnostics utilised the cubic treatment of vibration
number of researchers. In Berry (1992), low-frequency
signals. In Jones (n. d.), the SKF Microlog CMVA60
monitoring was carried on industrial machinery,
ULS was used to monitor the condition of slow-
but required specialised sensors, instrumentation
speed bearings. It used the enveloped acceleration
and measurement techniques. Accelerometers with
processing to detect initial damage in rolling element
sensitivities of 100 and 500 mV/g were used in the
bearings with incipient failure. The user had to set up
experimental tests. From the results, it was concluded
a specific frequency range to examine the captured
that increasing voltage sensitivities will reduce the
energy, which was then demodulated and presented
contribution of instrumentation noise. The gain or
to the user in the selected frequency range. The
amplification of the amplifier will result in increase in
selected filter frequency range (from 30k to 600k
low-frequency acceleration noise, which is inversely
cpm, 300k to 2400k cpm, etc.) has no connection to
proportional to the charge sensitivities of the sensing
the display frequency range (normally 30k cpm).
element (Barrett, 1993; Schloss, 1993). In table 1,
Enveloped detection method has been successfully
it can be seen that the measurement sensitivity is
applied in bearing diagnostics, but the success is
proportional to the accelerometer sensitivity, and
dependent on the choice of filter frequency band.
shows the sensitivity is increased by fivefold from
An industrial accelerometer may have problem
100 and 500 mV/g accelerometers for all rotating
in capturing high-frequency signals beyond 30
speeds. The sensitivity of the 500 mV/g is well above
kHz. Detailed references on research involving
the background noise level of about 20 μV at low
ultrasound and AE are described in sections 3 and
operating speeds.
4, respectively.
The analysis of low-speed vibration normally involves
time domain signals. According to Mechefsky &
2 VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS Mathew (1992), in addition to the analysis of the
time domain signal, it is an absolute requirement
Traditional vibration measurement techniques may to have FFT spectral analysis of the data to obtain
fail to detect an incipient failure at low rotational more accurate results. Using envelope detection,
speeds due to the low impact energy. The relationship in conjunction with resonant frequency amplitude
between displacement, velocity and acceleration demodulation, has also been used to analyse low-
shows that as the rotational speed increases, the speed vibration. However, a major problem with
acceleration measurement produces relatively large this technique is that it relies on the magnitude of
amplitudes (Jacobs et al, n. d.), as shown in figure 1. the fault having an effect on the carrier frequency

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“Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse 63

Table 1: Sensor output levels and sensitivities against rotating speeds (Robertson et al, 1992).

1.5 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 10 MHz

(90 cpm) (600 cpm) (6000 cpm) (60,000 cpm)
Displacement (mils) 32 5 0.5 0.05
Velocity (ips) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Acceleration (g) 0.007 0.05 0.5 5
100 mV/g accelerometer (V) 0.0007 0.005 0.05 0.5
500 mV/g accelerometer (V) 0.0035 0.025 0.25 2.5
100 mV/ips piezovelocity transducer (V) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03

Table 2: Number of lines in FFT to achieve 95% confidence level for 25 μm

(p-p) for 10 Hz frequency range (Robertson et al, 1992).
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500 mV/g accelerometer 100 mV/g accelerometer

Blocks Blocks
100 10 4 1 100 10 4 1
10 3200
15 400 800 1600
20 400 400 800
30 400 1600
40 400 800 1600
50 400 400 400 800
60 400

(Robertson et al, 1993). Although frequency analysis 1992). Although the results were very promising,
is commonly used to determine the component the author did not specify the sensitivity of the
passage frequencies, it relies greatly on the resolution accelerometer used in those operations.
of the analyser. Table 2 shows the resolution in FFT
The results of an experimental test to evaluate the
analysis, and it is shown that as the data block gets
sensitivity of acceleration measurement for low-
smaller, the rotating frequency gets bigger. For a fixed
speed bearings are shown in table 3. A damaged
data block, as the accelerometer sensitivity increases,
bearing with an outer race defect was tested with
the measurement rotation speed decreases. For
example, with 10 blocks of data and using 800 lines, a range of operating speeds from 30 to 1200 rpm.
the maximum operating speed for the 100 mV/g The values in the table are the relative percentage
accelerometer is 40 rpm and the operating speed can differences of statistical parameters between
be as low as 15 rpm for the 500 mV/g accelerometer. healthy bearing and defective bearing. As the speed
Also for a fixed sensitivity and data block, it can be decreases, the differences are getting smaller, even
seen from the table that the number of lines in FFT minus value in some parameters, while they are
increases as the speed decreases. big enough at high speed. The results indicate that
acceleration measurement is not sensitive at low-
New methodologies for vibration monitoring of speed operations for condition monitoring.
low-speed machines ranging from 0.5 to 600 rpm,
known as PeakVue, can be seen in Murphy (1992). It
was reported that PeakVue presents consistent results 3 ULTRASOUND METHOD
and is independent of the speed of the machine
or analysis bandwidth. Based on this approach, In low-speed operations, the bearing rotating
several case studies involving multiple race defects, elements making contact with a defect will generally
loose mounting of belt driven pump and defective produce low-level vibration signals and are normally
spherical conveyor bearings were presented. Time buried in background noise. However, the initiation
waveform parameters of vibration acceleration such of a defect within the bearing component leads
as peak/peak value and crest factor are used to detect to material deformation and can result in high-
bearing failure operating at 250 rpm and dry roll frequency signal generation in the ultrasound range.
bearing acceptance test operating at 12 rpm (Murphy, In low-speed condition monitoring, it is becoming

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64 “Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse

Table 3: Relative percentage differences of statistical parameters from accelerometer

against shaft speeds.

rpm Mean RMS Skewness Kurtosis CrestF

30 –78.947 –25.01 0.795 –1.163 0.273
76 –93.71 –13.95 1.203 0.744 1.646
150 –212.58 23.92 –12.179 –10.238 –1.472
300 179.64 26.09 –3.869 –1.135 20.149
600 116.53 57.52 –54.002 51.695 104.040
1200 1792.1 54.73 128.990 246.550 101.400

Table 4: Relative percentage differences of statistical parameters from ultrasound

against shaft speeds.

rpm Mean RMS Skewness Kurtosis CrestF

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30 6278.6 122.63 75.899 4957.70 60.291

76 –297.87 149.78 –97.842 1237.70 70.374
150 –285.5 375.58 433.300 1131.00 93.033
300 –102.35 813.03 –208.720 496.54 36.439
600 –168.14 442.30 –89.644 –55.69 14.853
1200 4139.5 551.52 107.640 1.59 –14.496

common to use ultrasound techniques with vibration the sensing elements are small in size and relatively
analysis to monitor component of damage and to inexpensive. It has a frequency range from 50 kHz
predict bearing failure. It has been reported that to 2 MHz. Although the frequency response of the
NASA used ultrasound technology to monitor and ultrasound sensor is not as flat, the authors claim that
locate bearing wear and its results showed that the it is adequate for detection of broadband signals.
technique was more superior to using traditional
heat and vibration methods (Kanagawa et al, 2001). To evaluate the capability of ultrasound signals
In low-speed operations, an ultrasound instrument in low-speed condition monitoring, a series of
such as UE Systems can be used to “listen” for experimental tests with a range of rotating speeds
the heterodyned sound of the rollers or bearings. from 30 to 1200 rpm and a simulated defect on the
The ultrasound instrument of the system expands bearing outer race were conducted. Table 4 shows
the capability of the FFT analyser to provide a the relative percentage differences of parameters
more comprehensive analysis of the ultrasonic between healthy and defective bearings from the
emissions that can identify a mechanical fault. In tests using an Ultraprobe 9000 from UE Systems. It
Enercheck Systems (n. d.), airborne ultrasound can be seen that as the rotating speed decreases, the
instruments are used to detect leak, electrical arcing, difference of kurtosis value dramatically increases.
mechanical inspection and slow-speed bearings. The
This means kurtosis of ultrasound signals is the
development of reliable ultrasonic sensors requires
best condition monitoring parameter in low-speed
improved discrimination against background
noise, which is dependent on the size of the sensing bearings. It is also worth noting that the differences
elements. of root-mean-squared (RMS) value have stable
values with more than 100% increases at all speeds,
Both piezoceramic (PZT) elements and optical-fibre which imply the RMS value is also good indicator
materials were investigated for the construction of regardless of speeds. The mean value, skewness,
ultrasound sensors to measure tangential surface
based on kurtosis values of vibration and u and
strains at ultrasonic frequencies (Miettinen &
crest factor are relatively unstable. The results show
Pataniitty, 1999). Their results show that the optical-
fibre sensor’s efficiency is very low and, depending that ultrasound signal is effective for low-speed
on the configuration of fibre, the sensitivity can range operation. Figure 2 shows the plots of relative
from as low as 3% to 40%. A limitation of this sensor percentage difference of kurtosis values between a
is that it can only be designed for frequencies up to healthy and a defective bearing. It can be seen that
200 kHz. In their study, the PZT bases sensor offers as the rotating speed decreases the difference of
numerous outstanding results. Furthermore, the acceleration kurtosis falls down to zero, while the
advantage of a PZT-based ultrasound sensor is that ultrasound reading shows a tremendous increase.

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“Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse 65

300 6000

250 5000
Accelerometer Ultrasound
200 4000
Accelerometer (%)

Ultrasound (%)
150 3000

100 2000

50 1000

0 0
1200 600 300 150 75 30
-50 -1000
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Shaft Speed (rpm)

Figure 2: Relative percentage differences of kurtosis value between a healthy and defective bearing.

4 ACOUSTIC EMISSION METHOD the pulse count method has been used for condition
monitoring of rolling element bearings condition
AE occurs in a material by crack initiation, fracture operating from 0.5 to 5 rpm. The advantage of
and other mechanisms due to dislocations, phase the method is that the size of AE data recording
transformations in materials and electrical charges. can be greatly reduced; otherwise the data file can
The response can be characterised by a rapid burst be large and become unmanageable. However, a
of a group of atoms (M. C. M. E. BV PdM Partners, problem with this method or peak value technique
n. d.). It is a wave generated within a material when is that if the time cycle is short, it may be difficult to
it is under stress and the frequency bandwidth can determine the time duration of the measurement so
range as high as 1000 kHz. Most AE sources act as that different clusters will not be mixed together in
point sources and are non-directional. The sources the measurement. A possible solution to this problem
radiate energy in spherical wavefronts, and therefore is the application of AE overall pulse count level or
the sensor can be located anywhere in the vicinity of the AE activity RMS value.
the AE sources and it can detect the emission signal
(Smith, 1982). While as vibration measurement Recent applications of AE method to monitor
depends on the measurement direction, AE is extremely slow rolling element bearings are shown
dependent on the measurement axis of the sensor. in Jamuludin et al. (2001) and Jamuludin & Mba
Application of the AE technique in bearing failure (2002). The AE method is applied to detect early
detection operating at normal speeds can be seen stages of loss of mechanical integrity in rolling
from Beattie (1983), Li & Li (1995) and Tan (1990). element rotating at 1.1 rpm. In real life situations, the
Different parameters have been used to evaluate the measured AE signals could contain background noise
energy content of the AE source. Typical AE response of similar energy levels as the fault signal, therefore
is a burst type of signal that can be characterised in making it difficult to differentiate the fault signal
terms of time duration of the AE event; emission from the observed measured signals. According to
counts exceeding a predetermined level; rise and Jamuludin et al (2001), the shape of the background
decay time; and signal and peak amplitude. Statistical noise is generally random, while as the faulty AE is
parameters of AE in terms of standard deviation, generally of similar pattern. The clustering of the AE
kurtosis, variance, skewness and RMS level to coefficients associated with all AE activities yield
describe the signal energy content is presented in distinct cluster groups and can be used to provide
Beattie (1983). In Tan (1990), the area under the time evidence of early signs of deterioration.
waveform of the AE signal is used to gauge the
Table 5 shows the relative percentage differences
activity level of the defective bearing.
of AE parameters with its maximum value against
Early work on the application of the AE method to shaft speeds. For speeds between 30 to 150 rpm, the
monitor rolling element bearings operating at low maximum of Rise Time, Energy and Duration are
speed can be seen in Tandon & Nakra (1990) and good parameters for condition monitoring as they
McFadden & Smith (1984). Since then, the application show large differences between healthy and defective
of AE technique for bearing health monitoring has condition, while the differences of AE RMS is
generated a great deal of interest. In Smith (1982), getting smaller as shaft speed decreases. The relative

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66 “Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse

Table 5: Relative percentage differences of AE parameters against shaft speeds.

rpm Rise Time Counts Energy Duration RMS Signal Strength

30 758.6 67.0 460.0 191.8 –4.0 151.4
76 571.3 109.1 320.0 252.0 71.4 222.9
150 524.8 84.5 211.6 122.2 433.3 192.6
300 70.0 264.5 714.6 150.6 760.0 666.3
600 –62.4 39.1 238.1 –45.1 698.3 233.6
1200 –27.1 –45.8 17.3 –25.7 548.8 17.2

percentage difference for Rise Time is about 5.2 to 7.58 Berry, J. E. 1992, Required vibration analysis techniques
times from that of an undamaged bearing. and instrumentation on low speed machines (particularly
30 to 300 rpm machinery), Technical Associates of
Charllotte, Inc, 2nd Edition, pp. 46-47.
Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego] at 10:16 13 February 2016

Enercheck Systems, (n. d.), Using ultrasound

Low-speed machines are often large and represent with vibration analysis to monitor bearings, www.
a large capital investment. Due to high inertias and
slow rotation, incipient defects do not normally
appear in vibration measurement until the size of the Jacobs, L., Jarzynski, J., Shi, Z., Beadle, B. & Hurabus,
defect has accelerated beyond the background noise S. (n. d.), Sensing acoustic emission and transmission,
levels. The breakdown normally does not provide Technical notes, Georgia Inst of Technology.
any lead time for remedial actions to be taken.
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operating at low speed continue to be a challenge extremely slow rolling element bearings: part 1”,
to diagnosticians. Traditional vibration monitoring NDT&E International, Vol. 35, pp. 349-358.
methods are only suitable when the defect size is
large. The sensitivity of the sensor plays a critical Jamuludin, N. & Mba, D. 2002b, “Monitoring
extremely slow rolling element bearings: part 2”,
role in detecting a reasonable size defect. Peak value
NDT&E International, Vol. 35, pp. 359-366.
detection and envelope method can be effective in
detecting a bearing defect at low speed.
Jamuludin, N., Mba, D. & Bannister, R. H. 2001,
AE method is concerned with material dislocation “Condition monitoring of slow-speed rolling element
movement with a structure and caused by initial bearings using stress waves”, Procs of the IMechE, Vol.
crack, pressure leak and surface contact. In rolling 215, No. 4, ProQuest Science Journal, pp. 245-271.
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situations and has proven to be an effective tool for Jamuludin, N., Mba, D. & Bannister, R. H. 2002,
low-speed condition monitoring. However, a major “Monitoring the lubricant condition in a low-speed
problem is that background could be included in rolling element bearing using high frequency stress
the AE signals and advanced signal processing waves”, Proc Inst of Mech Engrs, Vol. 216, Part E, J
process Mech Eng, pp. 73-88.
techniques are required to suppress the background
noise or to enhance the source signals.
Jones, B. (n. d.), “Monitoring of slow speed bearings
using the Microlog CMVA60 ULS (Ultra Low
REFERENCES Speed)”, SKF Application Note CM3052.

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Li, C. J. & Li, S. Y. 1995, “Acoustic emission for bearing
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68 “Condition monitoring of low-speed bearings – a review” – Tan, Kim & Kosse


Prof Andy CC Tan received his BSc(Eng) and PhD degrees in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of Westminster, London. His research
interests include noise and vibration condition monitoring, and sensors for
active vibration control. He has applied adaptive signal processing and the
blind deconvolution algorithms to enhance the desired signals corrupted
by noise for the detection of incipient faults. These algorithms, together
with Acoustic Emission sensors, are currently being used in low-speed
machinery condition monitoring. He is expanding his research into machine
diagnostics/prognostics. Andy is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the
Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering at the Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane, and his academic interests include dynamics of
mechanical systems, noise and vibrations, and mechanism design. He is a
Fellow of Engineers Australia.
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Yong-Han Kim received his BS, Masters and PhD degrees in Mechanical
Engineering from Pukyong National University, Korea, in 1997, 1999 and
2004, respectively. His research background is in evolutionary algorithms
and its application for optimum design and parameter identification of
rotating machineries. Currently, he is a research fellow in the research centre
for Engineering Asset Management, Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane. His primary research interests are in the areas of diagnostics and
prognostics of rotating machineries, and the application of acoustic emission
techniques for condition monitoring.


A/Prof Vladis Kosse has more than 30 years experience as an academic,

researcher and consultant. He started his academic career in Ukraine at the
Azov State technical University. He moved to Australia in 1992, working for
Monash University, Melbourne. Since 1999, he has been at the Queensland
University of Technology, Brisbane, being responsible for engineering design.
Vladis’s area of research interest includes drive-train dynamics, computer
modelling of transition processes in drives, machinery failure analysis
and engineering creativity. He is internationally renowned as an expert on
the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). He has published more
that 80 refereed papers and a book Solving problems with TRIZ – an exercise
handbook, which has been printed in three international editions in the USA
and Japan.

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