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=SUM (To add)

=AVERAGE (to find average)

=MAX (To find Maximum)
=MIN (To find minimum)
=INT (To make the number an integer/whole number)
=ROUND (To round up a number) [=ROUND(number, num of digits/number behind
decimals)]Ex: =ROUND(17,0)
In ROUND, if it is rounding to nearest 10/100/1000, count the zeros and put minus
beside the number of zeros
Ex: Round to the nearest 10 = -1
Round to the nearest 100 = -2
Round to the nearest 1000 = -3

COUNT () = count the numbers in a list

COUNTA() = count the numeric and text value in a list (A = ALL)
To count text only: COUNTA()-COUNT() (to exculde number in the counted text)

=COUNTIF - (To only count a specific thing/that meets a specific citeria)

- (Count the cell if the cell meets with the citerita)

GUI- Graphical Unser Interface

COUNTIF= look at the condition, and if the condition is correct they count the
number, if not, they do not
SUMIF= Look at the condition, and if the condition is correct they add the number
to each other

If the info is in a horizontial format = HLOOKUP

If the info is in a vertical format = VLOOKUP

In Filter, '*' is any character

Web Authoring Notes:

Table format for html: <table>
<captaion>--> for table title
<tr>---> for table row
<td>--> to input information into each inidivual tabel cell
<th> ---> to write data as header into a tabel cell
<table border="">-->write number into brackets for the
thickness of border, if there isn't border insertet in the table, there will be no
border lines
<table border="" style="border-collapse: collapse;"> for
only a singular line instead of double
<table width: %"> to increase the width of cell by a
precentage of the price
Ex: 35% takes 1/3 of the browser, the size
will automatically shrink and increase with the screen size when written in
'px': the size of width will be the same whether you increase the web browser page
or not
<!DOCTYPE html>

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