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1. A: Would you like chips or fish?

B: Er, I (have) ___________________________ chips, please.
2. I think I (have) _____________________________ another cup of tea.
3. Mark has bought a clarinet and he (take) ______________________ Music lessons.
4. I think it (cost) _________________________ about 3.000 euros to rebuild the
5. Alice (have)____________________________ a baby in April.
6. I (play) _____________________________ tennis with Stan on Sunday.
7. Look! The train (stop) ____________________________________
8. I’m sure everybody (have) __________________________ proper housing one day.
9. She (get) ___________________________ married on Friday at the local church.
10. It (rain) _________________________, look at those clouds.
11. A: Look! The house is on fire.
B: Good heavens! I (call) __________________________ the fire brigade immediately.
12. A: What shall we have for dinner?
B: I don’t know. Ok, we (have) ________________________ chicken.
13. A: Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening?
B: of course, I (take) _________________________ you. I’d be delighted.
14. Perhaps Ann (arrive) ____________________________ at about 8 o’clock.
15. A: have you got a ticket for the play?
B: Yes, I (see) _______________________________ it on Thursday.
16. What can I do this evening? I know! I (go) _______________________ and see
17. Someone told me that you are moving from London. That’s right. I (live)
____________________________ in Manchester.
18. Would you like to come to my house this evening? Yes, all right. I
(come)__________________________ at 9 o’clock.
19. I don’t feel very well. I think I (faint) _______________________
20. It’s Simon birthday soon and I (buy) _______________________ him something to
21. Oh, no! Look at those cars! They (crash) _____________________________
22. A: I could lend you some money if you like.
B: could you? I (pay) ___________________________ you back on Friday.
23. The phone is ringing. Ok. I (answer) _____________________________ it.
24. Has George decided what to do when he leaves school? Oh, yes, everything is
planned. He (have) _____________________________ a holiday for a few weeks and
then he (do) _________________________ a computer course.
25. Hello. Can I speak to Jim, please? Just a moment. I (get) _________________ him.
26. Do you think that he (recognize) _________________________ me?
27. If petro pump attendants go on strike we (not have) ______________________ any
28. He (spend) ___________________________ his holidays in Spain.
29. I (pick) _______________________ you up at 6:30; don’t forget.
30. The Town Council (build) ________________________________ a new school
31. I (compete) _____________________ in the bicycle race tomorrow.
32. I (play) _________________________brigde tonight with Tom and Ann.
33. Perphaps he (arrive)______________________________ in time for lunch.
34. I wonder how many of us still (be) __________________________here next year.
35. If you learn another language you (get) ________________________ a better job.
36. What horse (you ride) __________________________ tomorrow?
37. I’m sure that you (like) ____________________________ him.
38. He has cut my hair too short. Don’t worry; it (grow) _______________________
again very quickly.
39. I (give) _____________________________ a football trainers for his next
40. The Queen (open) __________________________ Parliament next month.
41. I (collect)_________________________________ my new dress this afternoon.
42. The fire has gone out! So it has. I (go) __________________ and get some sticks.
43. I’ve hired a typewriter and I (learn) _______________________ to type.
44. If you drop that bottle it (break) ___________________________
45. I hope he (remember) ____________________________ to buy wine.
46. You ‘ve bought a lot of paint. (you redecorate) ________________ your kitchen?
47. How do I get from here to London Bridge? I don’t know, but I (ask)___________
that policeman.
48. I can’t understand this letter. I (call) _______________ my son. He (translate)
___________ it for you.

Write the questions of the underlined words.

1. Yes, she is.

2. They are going to build a new house.
3. She will work on Friday.
4. No, she won’t
5. He is going to spend his holidays in Spain.
6. I will study Laws.
7. You are going to clean the house.
8. They will give you the dossier.
9. Yes, I will.
10. He is going to buy it tomorrow.
11. No, they aren’t.
12. We will play in the park.
13. No, you aren’t.
14. We are going to answer the question.
15. She will live in Manchester.
16. He is going to pass his exams.
Jason’s future plans
My name’s Jason, I’m twenty-two years old and I live in
London. I’m studying medicine and today it’s been a hard
day because I’ve studied a lot. I have an important test
tomorrow and I don’t want to fail. The test is at 8 o’clock
and it is about anatomy. I have studied for six months! If I
pass the test, I’ll be very happy. My father is a good doctor
and I want to be like him, but I want to become a
pediatrician, that’s a doctor who helps children. I hope I’ll
finish all my exams before I’m 25. At weekends, I do charity work: I visit old people and do the
shopping for them or clean the house. Volunteering is a great experience, and I hope I will be able
to do it in the future too. Tonight, I’m going to have a relaxing shower, lay on the sofa and listen to
my favourite music because it helps me get rid of the tension. Then, I’m going to bed. What a day!
I’m looking forward to my next holiday. I’m leaving in January with my cousin Albert. We are going
to the Caribbean. I’m sure we’ll have a good time together.

1 Jason is a student. __ 6 He helps old people. __
2 He wants to be a doctor. __ 7 He cooks for old people. __
3 He has studied for twelve weeks. __ 8 He volunteers on Mondays. __
4 Jason is 25. __ 9 He is feeling tense tonight. __
5 Jason’s father is a pediatrician. __ 10 He will be on holiday in January. __


1 How old is Jason?
2 What does he study?
3 What does he have to do tomorrow?
4 What time is the test?
5 What is the test about?
6 How long has he studied?
7 What does he do at weekends?
8 Who does he volunteer for?
9 What is he going to do tonight? WHAT CAN YOU SEE IN THIS
10 Where will he be in January? PICTURE?
11 Who is he leaving with?
12 What would you like to be in the future? ------------------------------------------
13 Have you ever done charity work?
14 When was your last holiday?
15 Where did you go?
16 Who did you go with? ------------------------------------------
17 What did you do there? ------------------------------------------
18 What makes you relax? ------------------------------------------

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