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Name______________ Grade & Section-11 Titan

Date of Submission____________ Subject-Mathematics
Topic- Sets Worksheet-1

Q1.Let A& B have 3 and 6 elements respectively. What can be the minimum number of elements in A∪B?
Q2.Two finite sets have m and n elements respectively. The total number of subsets of the first set is 56
than the total no. of subsets of second set of B. Find the value of m and n.
Q3. If n(A)= 115, n(B)= 326, n(A-B) = 47. Find the value of n( A ∪ B).
Q4. If A= {x: x is a multiple of 3, x belongs to N}, B= {x: x is a multiple of 6, x belongs to N}.
Write set (A-B).
Q5.From 50 students taking examinations in math, Physics, and chemistry, each of the student has
passed in at least one of the subjects, 37 passed mathematics, 24 physics and 43 chemistry. At most 19
passed Mathematics and physics, at most 29 passed mathematics and chemistry, and at most 20 Physics
and Chemistry. What is largest possible number that could have passed all three examinations using
Venn diagram.
Q6. If n(A)=4, n(B)= 7 write the maximum value of n( A ∪ B).
Q7. There are 3 athletic team in a school, 21 are in basketball team, 26 in hockey team, 29 in football team.
14 play hockey and basketball, 15 play hockey and football, 12 play football and basketball and 8 play
all the three games. Write the total no. of members using Venn diagram.
Q8. 20 teachers of a school either teach Math or Physics. 12 of them teach Math, 4 teach both the subjects.
Find how many teaches Physics only.
Q9. A and B are two sets such that n(A-B) =14+x, n(B-A) =3x and n(A ∩B) =x. If n(A)=n(B), find the value
of x and n(A∪ B).
Q10. In a survey of 200 students of a school, it was found that 120 study Mathematics,90 study physics and
70 study chemistry, 40 study Mathematics and Physics, 30 study Physics and Chemistry, 50 study
Chemistry and Mathematics and 20 none of these subjects. Find number of students who study all the
three subjects. Also, find,
(i) Number of students studying math.
(ii) Number of students studying atmost two subjects?
(iii)Number of students studying Exactly one subject?
(iv) Number of students studying neither of the subjects?

Subject Teacher Senior Mistress

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