SS 12 Lab. Exer 6 Rev Module Up

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Soil Science 12

Soil Management and Conservation

Laboratory Exercise No. 6

Soil Density, Pore Space and Soil Water Content


The soil is a unique arrangement of solid and pore spaces. The solids form clusters or groups
known as aggregates which create pore spaces or voids between adjacent sand, silt and clay
particles and between aggregates. The pore spaces are important for gas exchange between
the soil and the atmosphere, root growth, water movement, and water storage. Soil texture and
structure are the main factors governing the amount of pore spaces in the soil. Organic matter
affects porosity indirectly through its influence on structure.

The soil has two types of densities, bulk and particle density. The difference between the two
lies in the volume used. Bulk density is the mass (weight) per unit bulk volume of dry soil. The
bulk volume is the total volume of the soil solid and pore spaces and particle volume is the
volume of the solid particles alone. Mathematically, the densities are expressed as
Ms Ms
Db = ----------------- Dp = -----------------
Vt Vp
Db = bulk density (g/cm3) Vt = total volume (cm3)
Dp = particle density (g/cm ) Vp = particle volume (cm3)
Ms = mass of soil solid (ODW of soil) (g)

Bulk density is an index compaction. A compact soil would tend to have relatively higher bulk
density. Bulk density can be determined by core method or excavation method while particle
density by pycnometer method. When the bulk and particle densities of the soil are known,
percent porosity (P) can be conveniently calculated using the formula:
P = [ 1 - -------- ] 100
Where : Db = bulk density (g/cm3)
Dp = particle density (g/cm 3)

Water is contained in the pores. The water holding capacity of the soil would be higher under
conditions of high porosity. Once water enters the soil, the micropores are the first to be filled
up, followed by the mesopores then by the macropores. Excess water from rainfall or irrigation
may temporarily fill the macropores but it may soon drain downward. This kind of water is
termed as gravitational water because it flows within the soil under the influence of gravity. The
amount of water retained in the soil after the gravitational water has drained away is called field
capacity (FC). It is held by the soil at a tension of 1/3 bar and is generally available to plants. If
the soil is allowed to dry until the plants will permanently, the moisture condition in the soil
reaches the permanent wilting point (PWP) in which the soil moisture is held by the soil particles
at 15 bar tension.

In this exercise, the students will familiarize the principle and measurement of particle density,
bulk density and porosity of soils. The students will also be exposed to a simple method of
determining water holding capacity, field capacity and permanent wilting point


1. Familiarize the principle and measurement of particle density, bulk density and porosity
of soils.
2. Expose to a simple method of determining water holding capacity, field capacity and
permanent wilting point.

Sample data sheet Procedure:

The students will be provided with a data set to use in learning how to compute the bulk
density and porosity (assume a soil particle density of 2.65 g/cm3) of the soil.

ISRIC, 1995. Procedures of Soil Analysis (L.P.van Reeuwijk, ed). ISRIC, Wageningen
Schlichting, E., H.P. Blume and K.Stahr. 1995. Soil Science Practicum (2nd ed). Blackwell,
Berlin -Vienna

Laboratory Exercise No. 6

Soil Density, Pore Space and Soil Water Content

Name: ______________________________ Date Conducted: ________________

Course and Year: ____________________ Date Submitted: _________________
Instructor: __________________________ Rating: _________________________

1. Familiarize the principle and measurement of particle density, bulk density and porosity
of soils.
2. Expose to a simple method of determining water holding capacity, field capacity and
permanent wilting point.

Show all calculations and use appropriate labels


I. Bulk Density by Core Method

Disturbed soil Undisturbed soil

a. weight of tin can, g _____103____ ____115_______

b. weight of tin can and oven-dried soil, g _ ____230____ ____244_______
c. c . oven-dry weight of soil, g _____ _______ ______________
d. d. radius of sampler, cm _____2.5_____ _____ 2.5______
e. height of sampler, cm _____5.6_____ ______5.6______
f. volume of core sampler, cm3 _____________ ______________
g. volume of soil, cm _____________ ______________
h. Bulk density (g/cm3) _____________ ______________
i. porosity _____________ ______________

Part II. Determination of Field Capacity (FC) and Water-holding Capacity by Gravimetric
Sandy Soil Clayey Soil Sandy Soil Clayey Soil
a. Wt. of tin can (g) 25.2 24.5 20.1 20.5
b. Wt. of tin can + soil (g) 170.2 125.3 153.4 132.8
c. Wt. of tin can + soil + water (g) 225.7 175.5 190.1 176.6
d. Wt. of tin can + soil (after oven- 165.3 115.4 167.8 110.3
e. Wt. of oven-dry soil (d - a)
c - d
f. Moisture content (%) = --------------- X 100




1. Calculate the weight (tons) of soil in a hectare field to a depth of 50 cm if its bulk density is
1.18 g/cm3 (1 hectare = 10,000 m2).
2. Using # 1, calculate the total weight of organic matter ( in kg.) if its average content in the
soil is 4%.

3. From your data, how is the degree of soil disturbance related to bulk density?.

4. Calculate the porosity of a 250g sample that contains 65g of water when 55% of the pores
are full of water. (Assume a soil particle density of 2.65 g/cm3)

5. What is the particle density of a soil sample that has a bulk density of 1.55 g/cm 3 and a
porosity of 40%.

6. Calculate the soil depth increment (cm) and estimated soil profile available water holding
capacity (AWHC) given the following data.

Soil Relative Soil depth Soil bulk Field Wilting AWHC, cm

depth, root increment, density, capacity percentage Soil depth x soil bulk
cm length cm Mg/m3 (FC), (WP), density x
g/100 g g/100 g (FC/100-
0-20 xxxxxxx 20 1.2 22 8

20-40 xxxx 1.4 16 7

40-75 xx 1.5 20 10

75-100 xx 1.5 18 10

100- -- 1.6 15 11 No roots


7. Why is soil available water holding capacity important? In terms of soil texture between a
sandy and clay soil, which has high water holding capacity? Explain.


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