PHYS 102 Questions On Dimensional Analysis 2024 - 014114

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PHYS 102: Physics For Computer Scientist


Q1: Define the term ‘Dimension’
Answer: The term ‘dimension’ is used to refer to the physical nature of a quantity and the type of unit
used to specify it. Mathematically dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the
fundamental quantities must be raised.
e.g. Dimension of velocity = Displacement / time = [L]/[T] = [M0][L1][T-1]
Q2: What are dimensional constants?
Answer: Constants which possess dimensions are called dimensional constants. E.g. Planck’ Constant.
Q3: What are dimensional variables?
Answer: Those physical quantities which possess dimensions but do not have a fixed value are called
dimensional variables. E.g. Displacement, Force, velocity etc.
Q4: What are dimensionless quantities?
Answer: Physical quantities which do not possess dimensions are called dimensionless quantities. E.g.,
Angle, specific gravity, strain. In general, physical quantity which is a ratio of two quantities of same
dimension will be dimensionless.
Q5: Define the principle of homogeneity of dimensions. On What principle is it based?
Answer: The principle of homogeneity of dimensions states that an equation is dimensionally correct if
the dimensions of the various terms on either side of the equation are the same.
This principle is based on the fact that two quantities of the same dimension only can be added up, and
the resulting quantity also possess the same dimension.
i.e. In equation X + Y = Z is valid if the dimensions of X, Y and Z are same.
Q6: Who introduced Dimension Analysis
Answer: Fourier (Joseph Fourier – French Mathematician)
Q7: List the basic dimensions.
Length – L
Time – T
Mass – M
Temperature – K or θ
Current – A
Q8: What are the uses (applications) of dimensional analysis?
Answer: The applications of dimensional analysis are:
To convert a physical quantity from one system of units to another.
To check the dimensional correctness of a given equation. Establish a relationship between different
physical quantities in an equation.
Q9 (NCERT): A book with many printing errors contains four different formulas for the
displacement y of a particle undergoing a certain periodic motion:
(a) y = a sin 2π t/T
(b) y = a sin vt
(c) y = (a/T) sin t/a
(d) y = (a 2) (sin 2πt / T + cos 2πt / T )
(a = maximum displacement of the particle, v = speed of the particle. T = time-period
of motion). Rule out the wrong formulas on dimensional grounds.

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PHYS 102: Physics For Computer Scientist

Dimension of a = displacement = [M0L1T0]

Dimension of v (speed) = distance/time = [M0L1T-1]
Dimension of t or T (time period) = [M0L0T1]
Trigonometric function sine is a ratio; hence it must be dimensionless.
(a) y = a sin 2π t/T (correct ✓ )
Dimensions of RHS = [L1] sin([T].[T-1] ) = [M0L1T0] = LHS (equation is correct).
(b) y = a sin vt (wrong ✗)
RHS = [L1] sin([LT-1] [T1]) = [L1] sin([L]) = wrong, since trigonometric function must be dimension
(c) y = (a/T) sin t/a (wrong ✗)
RHS = [L1] sin([T].[L-1] ) = [L1] sin([TL-1] ) = wrong, sine function must be dimensionless.
(d) y = (a 2) (sin 2πt / T + cos 2πt / T ) (correct ✓ )
RHS = [L1] ( sin([T].[T-1] + cos([T].[T-1] ) = [L1] ( sin(M0L1T0) + cos(M0L1T0) )
= [L1] = RHS = equation is dimensionally correct.
Q10(NCERT): A famous relation in physics relates ‘moving mass’ m to the ‘rest mass’ mo of a
particle in terms of its speed v and the speed of light, c. (This relation first arose as a consequence of
special relativity due to Albert Einstein). A boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets
where to put the constant c. He writes
Dimension of m (mass) = [M1L0T0]
Dimension of m0 (mass) = [M1L0T0]
Dimension of v (velocity) = [M0L1T-1]
∴ Dimension of v2 = [M0L2T-2]
Dimension of c (velocity) = [M0L1T-1]
Applying principle of homogeneity of dimensions, [LHS] = [RHS] = [M1L0T0]
⇒ The equation (1- v2)½ must be dimension less, which is possible if we have the expressions as:
(1 – v2/c2) The equation after placing ‘c’
Q11: Check the following equation for calculating displacement is dimensionally correct or not
(a) x = x0 + ut + (1/2) at2
where, x is displacement at given time t
xo is the displacement at t = 0
u is the velocity at t = 0
a represents the acceleration.
(b) P = (ρgh)½
where P is the pressure,
ρ is the density
g is gravitational acceleration
h is the height.
(a) x = x0 + ut + (1/2) at2
Applying principle of homogeneity, all the sub-expressions of the equation must have the same
dimension and be equal to [LHS]
Dimension of x = [M0L1T0]
Dimensions of sub-expressions of [RHS] must be [M0L1T0]
⇒ Dimension of x0 (displacement) = [M0L1T0] = [LHS]
Dimension of ut = velocity x time = [M0L1T-1][M0L0T1] = [M0L1T0] = [LHS]

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Dimension of at2 = acceleration x (time)2 = [M0L1T-2][M0L0T-2] = [M0L1T0] = [LHS]

∴ The equation is dimensionally correct.
(b) P = (ρgh)½
Dimensions of LHS i.e. Pressure [P] = [M1L-1T-2]
Dimensions of ρ = mass/volume = [M1L-3T0]
Dimensions of g (acceleration) = [M0L1T-2]
Dimensions of h (height) = [M0L1T0]
Dimensions of RHS = [(ρgh)½] = ([M1L-3T0]. [M0L1T-2].[M0L1T0])½ = ([M1L-1T-2])½
= [M½L-½T-1] ≠ [LHS]
Q.12 (NCERT): A man walking briskly in rain with speed v must slant his umbrella forward
making an angle θ with the vertical. A student derives the following relation between θ and v : tan θ
= v and checks that the relation has a correct limit: as v → 0, θ →0, as expected. (We are assuming
there is no strong wind and that the rain falls vertically for a stationary man). Do you think this
relation can be correct ? If not, guess the correct relation.
Answer: Given, v = tanθ
Dimensions of LHS = [v] = [M0L1T-1]
Dimension of RHS = [tanθ] = [M0L0T0] (trigonometric ratios are dimensionless)
Since [LHS] ≠ [RHS]. Equation is dimensionally incorrect.
To make the equation dimensionally correct, LHS should also be dimension less. It may be possible if
consider speed of rainfall (Vr) and the equation will become:
tan θ = v/Vr
Q.13: Hooke’s law states that the force, F, in a spring extended by a length x is given by F = −kx.
According to Newton’s second law F = ma, where m is the mass and a is the acceleration.
Calculate the dimension of the spring constant k.
Answer: Given, F = -kx
⇒ k = – F/x
F = ma, the dimensions of force is:
[F] = ma = [M1L0T0].[M0L1T-2] = [M1L1T-2]
Therefore, dimension of spring constant (k) is:
[k] = [F]/[x] = [M1L1T-2].[M0L-1T0] = [M1L0T-2] or [MT-2] ….. (answer)
Q.14: Compute the dimensional formula of electrical resistance (R).
Answer: According to Ohm’s law
V = IR or R = V/I
Since Work done = QV where Q is the charge
⇒ R = W/QI = W/I2t (I = Q/t)
Dimensions of Work [W] = [M1L2T-2]
∴Dimension of R = [R] = [M1L2T-2][A-2T-1] = [M1L2T-3A-2] … (answer)
Q.15: A calorie is a unit of heat or energy and it equals about 4.2 J where 1J = 1 kg m2 s–2. Suppose
we employ a system of units in which the unit of mass equals α kg, the unit of length equals β m, the
unit of time is γ s. Show that a calorie has a magnitude 4.2 α–1 β–2 γ2 in terms of the new units.
Answer: Considering the unit conversion formula,
n1U1 = n1U2
n1[M1aL1bT1c] = n2[M2aL2bT2c]
Given here, 1 Cal = 4.2 J = 4.2 kg m2 s–2.
n1 = 4.2, M1 = 1kg, L1 = 1m, T1 = 1 sec
n2 = ?, M2 = α kg, L2 = βm, T2 = γ sec

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The dimensional formula of energy is = [M1L2T-2]

⇒ a = 1, b =1 and c = -2 Putting these values in above equation,
n2= n1[M1/M2]a[L1/L2]b[T1/T2]c
= n1[M1/M2]1[L1/L2]2[T1/T2]-2
= 4.2[1Kg/α kg]1[1m/βm]2[1sec/γ sec]-2 = 4.2 α–1 β–2 γ2 … (answer)
Q.16: The kinetic energy K of a rotating body depends on its moment of inertia I and its angular
speed ω. Considering the relation to be K = kIaωb where k is dimensionless constant.
Find a and b. Moment of Inertia of a spehere about its diameter is (2/5)Mr2
Dimensions of Kinetic energy K = [M1L2T-2]
Dimensions of Moment of Inertia (I) = [ (2/5)Mr2] = [ML2T0]
Dimensions of angular speed ω = [θ/t] = [M0L0T-1]
Applying principle of homogeneity in dimensions in the equation K = kIaωb
[M1L2T-2] = k ( [ML2T0])a([M0L0T-1])b
[M1L2T-2] = k [MaL2aT-b]
⇒ a = 1 and b = 2
⇒ K = kIω2 … (answer)
Q.17: What are the limitations of Dimensional Analysis?
Answer: Limitations of Dimensional Analysis are:
It cannot determine value of dimensionless constants.
We cannot use this method to equations involving exponential and trigonometric functions.
It cannot be applied to an equation involving more than three physical quantities.
It is a too not a solution i.e. It can check only if the equation is dimensionally correct or not. But cannot
say the equation is absolutely correct.
Q.18: Convert 1 Newton into dyne using method of dimensions.
Answer: Dimensions of Force = [M1L1T-2]
Considering dimensional unit conversion formula i.e. n1[M1aL1bT1c] = n2[M2aL2bT2c]
⇒ a = 1, b = 1 and c = -2
In SI system, M1 = 1kg, L1 = 1m and T1 = 1s
In cgs system, M2 = 1g, L2 = 1cm and T2 = 1s
Putting the values in the conversion formula,
n2 = n1(1Kg/1g)1.(1m/1cm)1(1s/1s)-2 = 1.(103/1g)(102cm) = 105dyne …(answer)
Q.19: The centripetal force (F) acting on a particle (moving uniformly in a circle) depends on the
mass (m) of the particle, its velocity (v) and radius (r) of the circle. Derive dimensionally formula
for force (F).
Answer: Given, F ∝ ma.vb.rc
∴ F = kma.vb.rc (where k is constant)
Putting dimensions of each quantity in the equation,
[M1L1T-2] = [M1L0T0]a. [M0L1T-1]b. [M0L1T0]c = [MaLb+cT+cT-b]
⇒ a =1, b +c = 1, -b = -2
⇒ a= 1, b = 2, c = -1
∴ F = km1.v2.r-1 = kmv2/r
Q.20: If the velocity of light c, gravitational constant G and planks constant h be chosen as
fundamental units, find the value of a gram, a cm and a sec in term of new unit of mass, length and
time respectively.
(Take c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec, G = 6.67 x 108 dyn cm2/gram2 and h = 6.6 x 10-27 erg sec)

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Answer: Given,
c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec
G = 6.67 x 108 dyn cm2/gm2
h = 6.6 x 10-27 erg sec
Putting respective dimensions,
Dimension formula for c = [M0L1T-1] = 3 x 1010 cm/sec …. (I)
Dimensions of G = [M-1L3T-2] = 6.67 x 108 dyn cm2/gm2 …(II)
Dimensions of h = [M1L2T-1] = 6.6 x 10-27 erg sec …(III)
(Note: Applying newton’s law of gravitation, you can find dimensions of G i.e. G = Fr2/(mM)
Similarly, Planck’s Constant (h) = Energy / frequency)
To get M, multiply eqn-I and III and divide by eqn.-II,
⇒ [M0L1T-1].[M1L2T-1].[M1L-3T2]
= ( 3 x 1010 cm/sec).( 6.6 x 10-27 erg sec)/ 6.67 x 108 dyn cm2/gm2
⇒[M2] = 2.968 x 10-9
⇒[M] = 0.5448 x 10-4 gm
or 1gm = [M]/0.5448 x 10-4 = 1.835 x 10-4 unit of mass
To obtain length [L], eqn.-II x eqn-III / cube of eqn.-I i.e.
= (6.67 x 108 dyn cm2/gm2 ).( 6.6 x 10-27erg sec)/(3 x 1010 cm/sec)3
⇒ [L2] = 1.6304 x 10-65 cm2
⇒ [L] = 0.4038 x 10-32 cm
or 1cm = [L]/ 0.4038 x 10-32 = 2.47 x 10-32unit of length
In eqn-I, [M0L1T-1] = 3 x 1010 cm/sec
⇒ [T] = [L] ÷ 3 x 1010cm/s
⇒ [T] = 0.4038 x 10-32 cm ÷ 3 x 1010cm/s = 0.1345 x 10-42 s
or 1s = [T]/0.1345 x 10-42 s = 7.42 x 1042 unit of time
Q 21: A student while doing an experiment finds that the velocity of an object varies with time and
it can be expressed as equation:
v = Xt2 + Yt +Z .
If units of v and t are expressed in terms of SI units, determine the units of constants X, Y and Z in
the given equation.
Answer: Given, v = Xt2 + Yt +Z
Dimensions of velocity v = [M0L1T-1]
Applying applying principle of homogeneity in dimensions, terms must have same dimension.
[v] = [Xt2] + [Yt] + [Z]
∴ [v] = [Xt2]
⇒ [X] = [v] /[t2] = [M0L1T-1] / [M0L0T2] = [M0L1T-3] ….(i)
Similarly, [v] = [Yt]
⇒ [Y] = [v] / [t] = [M0L1T-1]/ [M0L0T-1] = [M0L1T-2] …(ii)
Similarly, [v]= [Z]
[Z] = [M0L1T-1] …(iii)
⇒ Unit of X = m-s-3
⇒ Unit of Y = m-s-2
⇒ Unit of Z = m-s-1
Q.22: Express Capacitance in terms of dimensions of fundamental quantities i.e. Mass (M),
Length(L), Time(T) and Ampere(A)

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Answer: Capacitance(C) is defined as the ability of a electric body to store electric charge.
∴ Capacitance (C) = Total Charge(q) / potential difference between two plates (V)
= Coulomb/ Volt
∵ Volt = Work done (W)/ Charge(q) = Joule/Coulomb
⇒ Capacitance (C) = Charge(q)2/ Work(W)
∵ Charge (q) = Current (I) × Time(t)
Dimension of [q] = [AT] ———– (I)
Dimension of Work = Force × distance = [MLT-2][L] = [ML2T-2] ——— (II)
Putting values of I and II,
[C] = ([AT])2/ [ML2T-2] = [M-1L-2T2+2A2] = [M-1L-2T4A2]
Physical Quantities having the same dimensional formula:
a. impulse and momentum.
b. force, thrust.
c. work, energy, torque, moment of force, energy
d. angular momentum, Planck’s constant, rotational impulse
e. force constant, surface tension, surface energy.
f. stress, pressure, modulus of elasticity.
g. angular velocity, frequency, velocity gradient
h. latent heat, gravitational potential.
i. thermal capacity, entropy, universal gas constant and Boltzmann’s constant.
j. power, luminous flux.
Q.23: If Force (F), velocity (V) and acceleration (A) are taken as the fundamental units instead of
mass, length and time, express pressure and impulse in terms of F, V and A.
Answer: We know that Force = mass ✕ acceleration
⇒ mass = FA-1
and length = velocity ✕ time = velocity ✕ velocity ÷ acceleration = V2A-1
and time = VA-1
∵ Pressure = Force ÷ Area = F ÷ (V2A-1)2 = FV-4A2
Impulse = Force ✕ time = FVA-1

Additional questions

1. Explain the following terms as applied to measurements and dimensions:

Measurement; Principle of dimensional homogeneity; Resolutions
2. What is a Physical quantity?
3. With examples, distinguish between the following:
a. Fundamental units and derived units
b. Fundamental quantities and derived quantities.
c. Dimensional quantities and dimensionless quantities
4. State two types of dimensions.
5. In Egypt, the cubit (informal system of measurement) was the length of Pharaoh’s arm. State why
standard units of measurement have significance over the informal systems of measurement that was
once applied in Egypt.
6. Mechanics can be subdivided into three main categories. State and explain what each category entails.

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7. With clear steps, find the dimension of: Area, Volume, Density, Pressure, Acceleration and Force.
8. What are the applications of dimensional analysis?
9. Young’s Modulus is defined as the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain. Starting with the
(i) Show that the units for young’s Modulus are same as for Pressure
(ii) Use dimensional analysis to determine the fundamental physical quantities of Young’s Modulus.
10. In the gas equation, (P+𝑉 2)×(V −b)=RT , find the dimensions of the constants a and b. Note: P represent
pressure, V represent volume, T represent temperature and R is universal gas constant.
11. List five examples of dimensional constants (A part from Planck's constant and universal gravitational
constant) and dimensional variables. Hence perform dimensional analysis for Planck's constant and
universal gravitational constant.
12. State the limitations of dimensional analysis.
13. What is the dimensional analysis of kinetic energy?
14. Define the principle of homogeneity of dimensions. On What principle is it based?
15. A book with many printing errors contains four different formulas for the displacement y of a particle
undergoing a certain periodic motion:
(a) y = a sin 2π t/T
(b) y = a sin vt
(c) y = (a/T) sin t/a
(d) y = (a 2) (sin 2πt / T + cos 2πt / T ) (a = maximum displacement of the particle, v = speed of the particle.
T = time-period of motion). Rule out the wrong formulas on dimensional grounds. Note: dimensions
of T = Dimension of t.
16. A man walking briskly in rain with speed v must slant his umbrella forward making an angle θ with the
vertical. A student derives the following relation between θ and v : tan θ = v and checks that the relation
has a correct limit: as v → 0, θ →0, as expected. (We are assuming there is no strong wind and that
the rain falls vertically for a stationary man). Do you think this relation can be correct ?
17. Hooke’s law states that the force, F, in a spring extended by a length x is given by F = −kx. According
to Newton’s second law F = ma, where m is the mass and a is the acceleration. Calculate the dimension
of the spring constant k.
18. A student while doing an experiment finds that the velocity of an object varies with time and it can be
expressed as equation:
v = Xt2+ Yt +Z . If units of v and t are expressed in terms of SI units, determine the units of constants X, Y
and Z in the given equation.
19. List physical quantities that have the same dimensional formula.
20. The period, t, of a vibrating wire depends on its tension force F, its length, l, and it's mass per unit
length 𝜎. Assuming that the relationship is of the form: 𝑡 = 𝑘 𝐹 𝛼 𝑙 𝛽 𝜎 𝛾 , where k is a dimensionless
constant. Use dimensional analysis to determine the value of 𝛼, 𝛽 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝛾
21. In a particle accelerator operating at power P, a charged sphere of radius r and density 𝜌 has its speed
30𝜋 𝑟 3 𝑢2 𝜌
increased from u to 2u over a distance x. A student derived this formula: 𝑥= 9𝑃
i) Write down the dimension for pressure and density
ii) Show that this formula is not dimensionally consistent
iii) Given that there is only one error in this formula for x, obtain the correct formula

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