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Chitosan nanoparticles as a green and renewable

Published on 10 December 2014. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 09/10/2017 07:54:58.

catalyst in the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine

Cite this: New J. Chem., 2015,
39, 1905 under solvent-free conditions†
Received (in Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Javad Safari,* Fatemeh Azizi and Masoud Sadeghi
4th October 2014,
Accepted 10th December 2014 In the present study, chitosan nanoparticles were obtained by the gelation of chitosan by heptamolybdate
DOI: 10.1039/c4nj01730g anions and dried with dry CO2 for 30 minutes. Chitosan nanoparticles efficiently proceeded the Hantzsch
reaction at 80 1C under metal and solvent free conditions. The present method offers several advantages such as a simple procedure, green conditions, excellent yields and short reaction time.

1. Introduction acids and is insoluble in most organic compounds and pure

water.13 Nanomaterials are expected to be an important area for
These are exciting times for renewable chemicals. Throughout green catalysis due the increasing ability of nanoscale design and
history, humans have enlisted biological polymers, especially high surface areas of nanomaterials.14 Chitosan nanoparticles
proteins and polysaccharides, to meet their needs for food, fuel, were first prepared by Alonso et al. by the ionic gelation of
clothing and shelter. The development of renewable chemicals chitosan with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) anions.15 The
and polymers will significantly benefit from the previous number of active hydroxyl and amino groups existing on chitosan
advances in industrial chemistry. There is also increasing nanoparticles are more than chitosan and it can be modified
interest in obtaining chemicals from renewable resources, which chemically into many forms and can participate more effectively
has spurred a myriad of commercial activities. Chitin is the second in different types of chemical reactions as a suitable support for
most abundant natural polysaccharide on earth after cellulose.1 different catalytic species.16 The OH and NH2 groups can activate
Chitosan, a random copolymer of N-acetyl-b-D-glucosamine and the nucleophilic and electrophilic components of the reactions
b-D-glucosamine linked (1 - 4), is obtained after partial by hydrogen bonding and lone pairs, respectively. These require-
N-deacetylation of chitin2 (Scheme 1). A literature survey shows ments fully exist in the multi component Strecker reaction of
that a wide range of applications have been reported for carbonyl compounds and amines with trimethylsilyl cyanide
chitosan in different fields such as medicine, drug delivery,3 food (TMSCN).16 The Hantzsch reaction is one of the most straight-
packaging,4 cosmetics,5 water treatment,6 membranes,7 fuel forward methods for the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridines (DHPs).
cells,8 hydrogels,9 adhesives,10 and surface conditioners.11 1,4-DHPs were first synthesized by Hantzsch in 1882.17 DHPs
Chitosan is an antibacterial, biocompatible, environment are an important class of N-heterocyclic rings. Several DHPs
friendly, biodegradable material with significant potential for are commercial products such as amlodipine,18 felodipine,19
surface modification due to amino and hydroxyl groups in its isradipine,20 lacidipine,21 nicardipine,22 nitrendipine,23 nifedipine24
chemical structure.12 It is soluble in most mineral and organic and nemadipine B,25 of which nitrendipine and nemadipine B
exhibit potent calcium channel blocking activities.26 Realizing the
importance of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives, several synthetic
methods have been reported such as FeF3,27 ionic liquid,28 organo-
catalysts,29 Microwave assisted,30 cellulose sulfuric acid,31 nano-
ZnO32 and heteropolyacid catalysts.33 Although some reactions are
satisfactory in terms of yield, the use of high temperatures, expen-
sive metal precursors, catalysts that are harmful to the environment,
and long reaction times, limits the use of these methods. This study
Scheme 1 Chemical structure of chitosan.
investigates the possible role of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles
in the Hantszch reaction. Herein, we wish to report the
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.
E-mail:, Safari_
commercially available chitosan NPs, as a renewable and
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ recoverable bifunctional heterogeneous catalyst, for the one-
c4nj01730g pot three-component Hantzsch reaction of aldehydes and ethyl

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2015 New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 1905--1909 | 1905
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Scheme 2 Hantzsch reaction of carbonyl compounds and ammonium

acetate catalyzed by chitosan NPs.

acetoacetate and ammonium acetate under solvent-free condi-

tions at 40 1C (Scheme 2).
Published on 10 December 2014. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 09/10/2017 07:54:58.

2. Experimental method
2.1. General
All chemicals were purchased from Merck or Aldrich. Melting
points were determined using an Electrothermal 9100 apparatus
and are uncorrected. FT-IR spectra were recorded as KBr pellets
on a Shimadzu FT IR-8400S spectrometer. 1H NMR (400 MHz)
spectra were obtained using a Bruker DRX-400 AVANCE spectro- Fig. 1 FT-IR spectra of chitosan (red line) and chitosan NPs (blue line).
meter. Analytical thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was accom-
plished on 0.2 mm precoated plates of silica gel 60 F-254 (Merck)
or neutral alumina oxide gel 60F 254 (Merck). The morphological
characteristics of nanoconjugates were observed by a scanning
electron microscope (SEM, EVO LS 10, Zeiss, Carl Zeiss Inc.,
Germany) operating at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV under
high vacuum. A freshly prepared nano-conjugate sample was
fixed to aluminum stubs with double-sided carbon adhesive tape,
sputter-coated with conductive gold–palladium and observed
using SEM.

2.2. Procedure for the preparation of chitosan NPs

Chitosan was modified to nano-chitosan by an ionic-gelation
method with ammonium heptamolybdate. 0.5 g chitosan was
dissolved in 2% acetic acid solution under constant magnetic
stirring at room temperature, and 5 mL ammonium hepta-
Fig. 2 SEM micrograph of the synthesized chitosan NPs.
molybdate tetrahydrate with a concentration of 2 g L 1 to 50 mL
of chitosan solution was added dropwise. The product was
extensively rinsed with distilled water to remove any ammonium characteristic absorption bands of the polysaccharide structure
heptamolybdate, and then the chitosan NPs were obtained by of chitosan.
centrifugation at 16 000 rpm after drying with dried CO2 for In Fig. 3 the X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the chitosan
30 min. NPs are shown. Original chitosan (see ESI†) gives two charac-
teristic peaks at 2y = 101 (weak diffraction peak) and 201 (strong
2.3. Morphology and structure characterization of the diffraction peak), indicating the high degree of crystallinity
chitosan NPs of chitosan. However, there are no comparable peaks in the
The FT-IR of chitosan and chitosan NPs were obtained with KBr diffractograms of the chitosan NPs. The broad peaks are
pellets (Fig. 1). The characterization peaks in the chitosan attributed to the increased amorphous nature of the chitosan
spectrum are 3000–3800 cm 1 (–OH and –NH2 stretching), NPs. The XRD of the chitosan NPs is characteristic of an
2877 cm 1 (C–H stretching) 1656 cm 1 (amide I band), 1640 cm 1 amorphous polymer.
(N–H deformation) and 1079 cm 1 (C–O stretching). The FT-IR The SEM micrograph of the synthesized chitosan NPs is
spectrum of the chitosan NPs shows the characteristic absorp- shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the particles are nearly
tion peak of OH and NH2 at 3000–3800 cm 1. The characteristic spherical with an average diameter of 50 nm.
absorption peaks of N–H, –CH3 and the second hydroxyl (OH)
absorption peak (bending) appear at 1631, 1382 and 1337 cm 1, 2.4. Procedure for the preparation of 1,4-dihydropyridine by
respectively. The OH bending appears as a broad and weak the chitosan NPs
peak and is obscured by CH3 bending. The absorption bands at In a 25 mL round bottom flask equipped with a magnetic bar,
1080 cm 1 (asymmetric stretching of the C–O–C bridge) are the a mixture of aldehyde (1 mmol), ethyl acetoacetate (2 mmol),

1906 | New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 1905--1909 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2015
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Table 2 Chitosan NPs catalyzed synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridines

Time Yield
Entry Aldehyde Product (min) (%) M. p. M. p.a

1 20 90 157–158 157–159

2 15 95 162–164 162–164
Published on 10 December 2014. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 09/10/2017 07:54:58.

3 40 80 147–148 146–149

Fig. 3 X-ray diffraction patterns of the chitosan NPs.

4 40 80 157–159 156–159

ammonium acetate (1 mmol) and 0.05 g chitosan NPs was

5 30 80 145–146 147–149
stirred under solvent-free conditions at 80 1C. After completion of
the reaction (monitored by TLC, petroleum : ethyl acetate, 3 : 2),
5 mL EtOH 96% was added to the reaction mixture and was heated 6 30 90 144–146 146–148
to 60 1C. The products were dissolved in EtOH and isolated from
the chitosan NPs in the crystalline form by cooling in an ice-bath
and required no further crystallization. 7 30 95 192–194 190–192

3. Results and discussion 8 30 95 192–194 190–192

To compare chitosan and the chitosan NPs catalytic properties,

a reaction model was conducted. The results indicated that the 9 20 95 149–152 148–150
chitosan NPs have better efficiency than bulk chitosan (Table 1,
entry 9). Hence, the chitosan NPs were selected as the main
10 20 98 169–171 172–174
catalyst and all the reactions were performed using the chitosan
NPs. According to our studies, the Hantzsch reaction has a poor
11 40 80 210–212 205–212
yield in organic solvents and water. To achieve the optimum condi-
tions, various solvents and amounts of catalyst were employed, and
the results are listed in Table 1. The results suggest that the solvent- Reaction condition: benzaldehyde (1 mmol), ethylacetoacetate (2 mmol),
ammonium acetate (1 mmol), catalyst (0.1 g) stirred at 801.
free condition is more efficient than solvents such as EtOH or CCl4.
Varying amounts of chitosan NPs were tested and 0.1 g was
used as the optimized catalyst amount under the reaction were observed are summarized in Table 2. The reaction time
conditions (Table 1, entry 9). for the Hantzsch reaction catalyzed by the chitosan NPs is
By considering the optimal conditions, we further investi- generally shorter compared to previous methodologies that
gated more substrate derivatives, and satisfactory results which require a Bronsted or Lewis acid center in the structure of their
catalysts. As expected, the aldehyde substrate containing electron
donor groups (such as OMe and OH, entries 3, 4 and 11), showed
Table 1 Optimization of the reaction conditions weaker results than the cases containing electron withdrawing
groups (such as NO2, Cl and Py, entries 2, 6–8). The cases such as
Entry Catalyst (g) Solvent Time Yielda (%)
furan-2-carbaldehyde and thiophene-2-carbaldehyde (entries 9
1 — — 18 h Trace and 10) exhibited excellent yields probably due to less steric
2 Chitosan NPs (0.05) EtOH 3h 65
3 Chitosan NPs (0.1) EtOH 3h 70 hindrance.
4 Chitosan NPs (0.15) EtOH 3h 70 The proposed mechanism for the formation of the 1,4-
5 Chitosan NPs (0.05) CCl4 4h 55
dihydropyridines is shown in Scheme 3. As is clear from the
6 Chitosan NPs (0.1) CCl4 4h 55
7 Chitosan NPs (0.15) CCl4 4h 55 structure of chitosan, it has many hydroxyl group and amine
8 Chitosan NPs (0.05) — 1h 80 (or amide) groups. These OH and NH2 groups in the structure
9 Chitosan NPs (0.1) — 20 min 90 of chitosan can activate the electrophilic components of the
10 Chitosan (0.1) — 3h 90
11 Sulfonated chitosan (0.1) — 2h 90 reactions, such as the carbonyl group, by hydrogen bonding.
12 Chitosan NPs (0.15) — 40 min 90 The hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl and amine groups
Reaction condition: benzaldehyde (1 mmol), ethylacetoacetate (2 mmol), and the substrates is a key factor in the Hantzsch reaction
ammonium acetate (1 mmol) and catalyst stirred at 80 1C. catalyzed by chitosan (Scheme 4).

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Scheme 3 Chitosan NPs catalyzed synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridines.

silicagel supported sodium hydrogensulfate, N-bromosuccinimide

Published on 10 December 2014. Downloaded by University of Newcastle on 09/10/2017 07:54:58.

and iodine, can catalyze the reaction. However we attempted to

find a biocompatible, recoverable and more efficient catalyst for
the 1,4-dihydropyridins synthesis. In comparison with other pre-
sented procedures, our method is very quick, avoids the use of
expensive reagents or high temperature and leads to improved
product yields by easy procedures at room temperature.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the
Research Council of the University of Kashan for supporting
this work by Grant No. 256722/XI.

Scheme 4 Proposed mechanism for the chitosan NPs catalyzed Hantzsch
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