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Science communication with

generative AI
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Generative AI tools can quickly translate or summarize large volumes of complex information.
This technology could revolutionize the way that we communicate science, but there are many
reasons for caution. We asked six experts about the potential and pitfalls of generative AI for
science communication.

How can generative AI tools help us to

communicate science?

Shirley S. Ho: Generative AI tools have intro-

duced new synergy to science communication
by potentially generating content at an easier
and faster pace than before. For example, tools
such as ChatGPT4 and can enable sci-
ence communicators to upload scientific
papers and translate scientific jargon to make
it more understandable for laypeople. These
tools can produce a large volume of content
quickly. The introduction of generative AI
tools enhances the ease with which scientific
jargon can be translated, as well as the speed of
content creation for science communication. Generative AI could potentially help review- nonsense, science communicators should
ers to identify inconsistencies in results and consider whether generative AI is in fact
Aylin Caliskan & Jevin West: Generative AI conclusions, and could summarize human completely antithetical to the very purpose
presents new opportunities for human–AI reviewer notes. of their work.
collaboration in science communication.
There is reason to be excited. For example, gen- Lisa Messeri & M. J. Crockett: Scientists A.C. & J.W.: If the goal of science were to write
erative AI tools such as ChatGPT and Semantic are anticipating how generative AI tools can papers, generative AI would be a watershed
Scholar’s TLDR feature are competent at sum- augment or replace human labour across the moment. But this is not the goal. Science is a
marization and paraphrasing. Generative AI research pipeline1, from acting as an Oracle social process with the goal of understand-
can spark the frozen writer or creator. One can that can search, evaluate and summarize scien- ing the world in which we live. Writing more
ask for an introduction to a particular topic tific literatures2 to an Arbiter that can evaluate papers is not the limiting resource; we must
using ChatGPT or other language models, or scientific merit and replicability of findings3. proceed with caution so that we advance
they can take a collection of notes or bullet The presumed savings to time and cost that human knowledge, rather than just produce
points and turn them into readable sentences. make generative AI appealing when produc- piles of papers.
One play around with the image features to ing scientific knowledge4 similarly makes it Precision is a key feature of science commu-
explore different ways of building a visual a tempting solution to the challenge of com- nication, but is not a strong suite of generative
for explaining a new model or for presenting municating scientific findings — both to other AI. Hallucinations and ‘hallu-citations’ are an
a slide for a talk at a conference. Generative scientists as well as to the broader public. intrinsic property of generative AI. We need
AI-powered translation tools such as Chat- This hopeful vision of AI as Scribe posits that to be aware of these baseline errors across
GPT can help non-native English speakers to generative AI could help to translate research domains and not underestimate the effort that
translate science — although the jury is out as findings for different audiences and ease the is required to fact-check the output of genera-
to whether existing, more-customized models burden on already overtasked researchers. tive AI. In addition, generative AI converges on
for translation and grammar-checking (such stylistic patterns from its training data that lose
as Google Translate, Bing Translator, DeepL What are your concerns about generative important nuance and therefore precision.
or Grammarly) are better, when the cost to AI tools and science communication? As with most machine technology that is
the environment is considered. And genera- reliant on large, human data, biases exist.
tive AI might aid the overtaxed peer-review Amanda Alvarez: Given the much-publicized ChatGPT has been shown to perpetuate
system, but only if humans remain in the loop. propensity of generative AI tools to produce gender biases in machine translation from

nature human behaviour


one language to another5. When using AI for trustworthiness, and this is evidenced by the up to public expectations of trustworthiness?
science communication, we must be aware of Merriam-Webster dictionary’s choice for the This is an important question to ponder as
these biases and do our best not to perpetu- word of the year in 2023: authentic. The sci- the interaction between science communica-
ate them. ence communication field faces challenges tors and the next generation of generative AI
Biases also affect the science that gets from lightning-quick generative AI systems co-evolves.
highlighted in generative AI-mediated search that can fabricate references, boost misinfor-
and field-level summaries. Hype in the training mation and pollute the knowledge pool itself. Are generative AI tools compatible with
data — from media articles and social media — culturally specific or sensitive science com-
can lead to an over-reliance on select studies S.S.H.: AI-generated content may not always munication?
and authors. be accurate, reliable or transparent, which is
crucial in science communication. Deploying A.A.: ChatGPT, DALL-E and other generative AI
L.M. & M.J.C.: Using generative AI as a tool for AI to generate content at scale raises concerns tools have set us up for an arms race to produce
communicating science could eliminate diver- about the potential for the large-scale crea- ever more volumes of eye-catching, interactive
sity from the pool of science communicators. tion and spread of scientific misinformation. and multimodal media. But for whom? Audi-
Decades of theoretical and empirical work Besides, the originality and integrity of scien- ence (read: humans) is key here.
recognizes that diversity (including lived expe- tific research articles are in doubt if research- Good science communication is a dialogue,
riences and academic training) strengthens ers do not disclose the use of generative AI11. but generative AI tools such as ChatGPT do not
scientific knowledge production6,7. Likewise, Against this backdrop, do the lay public know who they are talking to or why. In cer-
diverse communicators of science will high- trust science content curated by science com- tain situations, bot-to-human communication
light different meanings, limitations and impli- municators, with the assistance of generative is the wrong approach. For example, reporting
cations of scientific work. Tasking generative AI tools? Do the lay public trust the technology on #MeToo in academia requires a sharp grasp
AI with science communication threatens to companies and developers of generative AI, of facts, legal considerations, timelines, confi-
erase diverse interpretations of scientific given the fact that many are developing the dentiality and sensitivity. The debate around
work8, which narrows the potential for science technology for profit instead of for the good contentious and culturally sensitive scientific
to affect the broader public. of humanity? infrastructure such as the Mauna Kea Observa-
In place of diverse science communica- As key consumers of science information, tories warrants human empathy and historical
tors, what perspective does generative AI the lay public often rely on heuristic cues such awareness. ChatGPT obviously cannot con-
instead offer? Many envision generative AI as as trust to assess the credibility of scientific duct interviews or investigative journalism,
providing a neutral or universal standpoint information12 and to make decisions about and the sourcing of its facts is unknown given
that desirably eliminates bias from scientific science13,14. Studies have underscored the the opaque training data. Meaning is more
communication. This vision clashes with the importance of trust in shaping public atti- than just words credibly strung together.
fact that datasets used to train generative AI tudes towards and intention to use genera-
tools such as ChatGPT reflect the hegemonic tive AI tools15. Recent research has also shown “Good science
perspectives of English-speaking people with that trust in generative AI tools can be built
internet access, who tend to skew younger through enhancing its transparency, fairness,
communication is a
and who are willing to publicly express their accountability and explainability15, although dialogue, but generative AI
views9,10. Thus, using generative AI tools for this can be an issue because the process tools … do not know who
science communication not only erases diver- remains opaque to many. As a fundamental
sity but also overrepresents the perspectives imperative of science communication is to
they are talking to or why”
of those who have shaped the production and establish trust in science, a lack of trust in gen-
application of science for centuries. Embed- erative AI tools in producing science content Similarly, for communicating science in lan-
ding those perspectives in computer code may become a real detractor to this goal. guages with fewer speakers (for which large
makes them less visible, but not less pervasive. This is exacerbated by a situation in which language models might not yet exist), genera-
many science communicators are not suf- tive AI may be a dead end for now. The lack of
A.A.: Do we as science communicators and ficiently trained to use generative AI tools cultural nuance, ignorance of current events
purveyors of science — a uniquely human to develop content, despite having experi- and inability to contextualize with human
endeavour — really want to forfeit that won- mented with the new technology. To gain the expertise — all of these make generative AI a
der and responsibility to the likes of a faceless trust of the public, science communicators non-starter for certain science communica-
chatbot? I expect that level of inauthenticity need to equip themselves with the skillsets to tion use cases.
from a bank or an online retailer; do I also verify and crosscheck the content that they
want to set that expectation for universities produce with the aid of generative AI tools. S.S.H.: For science communicators, the
or trusted news outlets? Companies should also develop policies that ability to convey information in ways that
make declaration of the use of generative AI resonate with specific cultural and regional
How is trust in generative AI tools a tools for science communication mandatory. audiences is crucial for enhancing the col-
concern when using them for science Evidently, developing generative AI goes lective understanding of scientific issues. At
communication? beyond trustworthy AI; trustworthy science the point of writing, GPT-4 (for example) has
communicators are also part of the techno- not fully comprehended the cultural intrica-
A.A.: The explosion of generative AI has logical ecosystem. Can the use of generative cies of its content generation and is unable
stirred up questions of legitimacy and AI tools by science communicators measure to account for minority languages, dialects,

nature human behaviour


colloquialisms and regional idioms. Studies to this creative freewheeling, though; creative 4. Messeri, L. & Crockett, M. J. Artificial intelligence and
illusions of understanding in scientific research. Nature,
have shown that English GPT-4 closely reflects collaboration with AI reduces people’s sense (2024).
the cultural values of the USA when it is used of ownership17. The speed and exploratory 5. Ghosh, S. & Caliskan, A. ChatGPT perpetuates gender
to answer contextual questions in other coun- power of generative AI tools must be balanced bias in machine translation and ignores non-gendered
pronouns: findings across Bengali and five other
tries16. This suggests the possibility of cultural by human goals and agency, both for the crea- low-resource languages. In AAAI/ACM Conference on
incompatibility, particularly with non-Western tor and consumer of science communication. Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (eds Rossi, F.
countries. Consequently, human intervention et al.) 901–912 (AAAI/ACM AIES 2023).
6. Longino, H. E. Science as Social Knowledge: Values and
is necessary because the cultural compatibility Amanda Alvarez1 , Aylin Caliskan2 , Objectivity in Scientific Inquiry (Princeton Univ. Press, 1990).
of generative AI tools is still questionable. M. J. Crockett3,4 , Shirley S. Ho5 , 7. Harding, S. Centen. Rev. 36, 437–470 (1992).
Lisa Messeri6 & Jevin West2,7 8. Nakadai, R., Nakawake, Y. & Shibasaki, S. Nat. Hum. Behav.
7, 1804–1805 (2023).
What do generative AI tools mean for 1
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, Aalto 9. Bender, E. M., Gebru, T., McMillan-Major, A. &
creativity in science communication? University, Espoo, Finland. 2The Information Shmitchell, S. On the dangers of stochastic parrots:
School, University of Washington, Seattle, Can language models be too big? In Proc. 2021 ACM
Conf. on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency,
A.A.: During a similar, past technological WA, USA. 3Department of Psychology, 610–623 (ACM, 2021).
upheaval — the invention of photography — Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 10. Crockett, M. J. & Messeri, L. Preprint at OSF, (2023).
it was feared that painting, a creative art that 4
University Center for Human Values,
11. Conroy, G. Nature 622, 234–236 (2023).
imperfectly captured the world yet required Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. 12. Ou, M. & Ho, S. S. Public Underst. Sci. 33, 241–259 (2023).
technical mastery, would be destroyed. 5
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication 13. Ho, S. S., Scheufele, D. A. & Corley, E. A. Sci. Commun.
33, 167–200 (2011).
Now, using generative AI tools such as and Information, Nanyang Technological
14. Ho, S. S. et al. Environ. Commun. 13, 457–471 (2019).
Midjourney, one can achieve hypersurreal cap- University, Singapore, Singapore. 15. Shin, D., Rasul, A. & Fotiadis, A. Internet Res. 32,
ture of any idea — from prompt to picture — 6
Department of Anthropology, Yale University, 1214–1234 (2022).
16. Cao, Y. et al. (2023). Assessing cross-cultural alignment
with zero technical aptitude. New Haven, CT, USA. 7Center for an Informed
between ChatGPT and human societies: an empirical
There may be a silver lining for science Public, University of Washington, Seattle, study. In Proc. First Workshop on Cross-Cultural
communication in this unprecedented shift. WA, USA. Considerations in NLP (C3NLP), 53–67 (ACL, 2023).
17. Draxler, F. et al. (2023). The AI ghostwriter effect: when
Generative AI tools are systems of statistical e-mail:;
users do not perceive ownership of AI-generated text but
mimicry and vast combinatorial capacity.;; self-declare as authors. In ACM Trans. Computer–Human
This opens a treasure trove for scientific sto-;; Interaction, vol. 31 (eds Höök, E. & Hornbæk, K.) 25
(ACM, 2023).
rytelling and outputs, and also for creativity —
a huge remix dashboard in which only the clev- Acknowledgements
erness of a prompt sets the limit. Illustrations Published online: xx xx xxxx S.S.H. is part of the research programme DesCartes,
for stories can be generated with just a one-line which is supported by the National Research Foundation,
Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore under its Campus for
idea; media such as cartoons or audio become References Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE)
accessible, with storyboards or voiceovers gen- 1. Wang, H. et al. Nature 620, 47–60 (2023). programme.
erated in seconds; and the creation and itera- 2. Wagner, G., Lukyanenko, R. & Paré, G. J. Inf. Technol. 37,
209–226 (2022). Competing interests
tion of pilot ideas make it easier than ever to 3. Yang, Y., Youyou, W. & Uzzi, B. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA J.W. is on the board of The other authors
overcome writer’s block. There are drawbacks 117, 10762–10768 (2020). declare no competing interests.

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