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Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

AJdo Pero a

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ISBN- 13: 978- I-S%')3-206-7

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109H 7 6 S 4 32 1

Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
Chapter I. Introduction to Dielectric Resonator Antennas I
1.1 Brief History of Dielectric Resonator Antennas I
1.2 Major Characteristics 3
1.3 Outline of the DRA Handbook 4
References 5

Chapter 2. S imple-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antennas 7

2.1 The Hemispherical ORA 8
2.1.1 The TE 111 Mode 9
2.1.2 The TM 10 1 Mode 14
2.2 The Cylindrical ORA 17
2.2.1 Resonant Frequency and Radiation Q-Factor of the
Lower-Order Modes 18
2.2.2 Design Procedure for the Cylindrical DRA 25
2.3 The Rectangular ORA 29
2.3.1 Resonant Frequency and Radiation Q-Factor 31
2.3.2 Design Example 42
References 46

Chapter 3. Coupling to DRAs 49

3.1 Coupling Coefficients 49
3.2 Fields Within Rectangular and Cylindrical DRAs 51
3.3 Aperture Coupling 55
3.4 Probe Coupling 67
3.5 Microstripline Coupling 71
3.5.1 The Multisegment DRA 73
3.6 Coplanar Coupling 77

vj Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

3.7 Dielectric Image Guide Coupling 78

3.8 Survey of Analytical Methods 79
3.8.1 Green's Function Analysis 80
3.8.2 Frequency Domain Analysis 80
3.8.3 Time Domain Analysis Techniques 81
References 82

Chapter 4. Survey of DRA Shapes 89

4.1 DRAs Derived from Hemispherical Shapes 89
4.2 DRAs Derived from Cylindrical Shapes 90
4.2.1 Split-Cylinder ORA 90
4.2.2 Cylindrical-Ring ORA 91
4.2.3 Electric Monopole ORA 97
4.2.4 Disk-Loaded Cylindrical ORA 97
4.2.5 Sectored Cylindrical and Ring DRAs 98
4.2.6 Elliptical ORA 99
4.2.7 Conical DRAs 100
4.3 DRAs Derived from Rectangular Shapes 100
4.3.1 Notched Rectangular ORA 101
4.3.2 Chamfered ORA 101
4.3 .3 Cross ORA 102
4.3.4 Perforated ORA 103
4.4 DRAs with Other Shapes 107
4.4.1 Split-Triangular ORA 107
4.4.2 Triangular ORA 107
4.4.3 Tetrahedral ORA 109
4.4.4 Stepped DRAs 110
4.5 Hybrid ORAs Ill
4.5.1 Microstrip Ring Cylindrical ORA Ill
4.5.2 ORA-Loaded Monopole 112
4.5.3 Microstrip Patch - Cylindrical ORA 112
4.5.4 Dielectric-Loaded Microstrip Suspended Patch 113
References 114

Chapter S. Bandwidth Enhancement of DRAs 119

5.I Bandwidth Performance of Simple-Shaped DRAs 119
5.2 Bandwidth Enhancement for Simple-Shaped DRAs 123
5.2.1 Resonating Rectangular Slot Feed 123
5.2.2 Ring-Aperture Feed 123
5.2.3 U-Shaped-Aperture Feed 123
5.2.4 Microstrip-Fed DRAs 125
5.2.5 Dual-Mode Rectangular DRAs 125
5.2.6 Cavity-Backed Disk 125
5.2.7 Air Gaps 127
Contents vii

S.2.8 Ring DRAs 128

S.3 Mu ltiple DRAs 130
S.3.1 Stacked DRAs 131
5.3.2 Coplanar DRAs 132
S.3.3 Embedded DRAs 134
5.4 Hybrid Antennas 135
5.4. 1 ORA-Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna 135
5.4.2 ORA-Loaded Monopole Antenna 136
5.5 Modified DRAs 138
5.5 .1 Notched Rectangular DRA 138
S.5.2 Inverted Stepped Pyramidal DRAs 140
5.5.3 Conical DRAs 14 1
S.5.4 Tetrahedral DRAs 142
5.6 Summary 143
References 144

C hapter 6. Low-Profile and Compact ORAs 149

6.1 Fundamental Limitations of Antennas 149
6.2 DRAs with High Dielectric Constants ISS
6.3 Low-Profile Designs 156
6.4 Compact Designs 157
6.4.1 Electric Monopole DRA 157
6.4.2 Edge-Grounded Rectangular DRA 159
6.4.3 Top-Loaded Rectangular DRA 16 1
6.4.4 Sectored Cylindrical ORA 162
6.5 Finite Ground Plane Effects 164
References 167

Chapter 7. Circular- a nd Dual-Pola rized ORAs 17 1

7 .I Review of Polarization 17 1
7.2 Dual-Point Feed 174
7.3 Single-Point Feed 178
7.3.1 Chamfered Rectangular DRA 181
7.3.2 Rectangular ORA 182
7.3.3 Cross DRA 183
7.3.4 Cross-Slot Aperture 185
7.3.5 Annular-Slot Apertures 186
7.3.6 Parasitic-Slot Aperture 187
7.3.7 Parasitic Strips 188
7.3.8 Dielectric-Loaded Microstrip Patch 189
7.4 Sequential Rotation 190
7.5 Dual-Polarized DRAs 192
References 193
vjjj Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Chapter 8. Ferrite Resonator Antennas 197

8.1 Review of the Permeability Tensor of Ferrites 197
8.2 Frequency Agility 198
8.3 Polarization Agility 204
References 207
Chapter 9. ORA Arrays 209
9.1 Review of Array Theory 209
9.2 Overview of Feed Network Design 213
9.2.1 Series- and Parallel-Feed Networks 21 3
9.2.2 Amplitude Excitation 215
9.2.3 Phase Excitation 216
9.3 Mutual Coupling 217
9.4 Linear Arrays of DRAs 219
9.4.1 Microstrip Parallel-Feed Network 219
9.4.2 Microstrip Series-Feed Line 220
9.4.3 Dielectric Image Guide Feed 228
9.4.4 Microstrip Branchline Feed 231
9.5 Planar Arrays 233
9.5.1 Sequential Rotation Arrays 233
9.5.2 Phased Array of MSDRAs 234
9.5 .3 Perforated ORA Array 237
9.5.4 Reflectarray of DRAs 240
9.6 Summary of ORA Arrays 242
References 242
Chapter 10. Practical Considerations 247
I0.1 Frequency Limitations 247
I0.2 Dielectric Material 250
10.3 Fabrication 250
I0.3.1 ORA Element Fabrication 250
I0.3.2 Bonding 251
I0.3.3 Air Gaps 251
I0.3.4 ORA Array Fabrication 254
I0.4 ORA Pattern Measurements 255
I0.4.1 Basic Far-Field Pattern Measurement Setup 256
I0.4.2 AUT Roll Positioner and Backlobe Measurements 258
I0.4.3 Connectors and Cables 260
10.5 Measuring Radiation Efficiency ofDRAs 266
References 269
Bibliography 271
List of Symbols 301
About the Author 303
Index 305
The final two decades of the previous millennium saw the emergence of the
dielectric resonator antenna (ORA ) as a new and viable alternative to convent ional
low-gain elements. such as dipoles, monopoles. and microstrip patches. There are
now hundreds of publications covering various aspects ranging from theoretical
analysis and numerical modeling of ORA behavior. excitation using different feed
mechanisms, compact designs, enhancements for wideband operation, circular
polar ization configurations, and array implementations. These publications bring
into evidence a degree of versatility and n ex ibility not found in most other
antennas. With dozens of patents already awarded and with the emergence of
companies who are applying ORA technology to comm unication systems. the
ORA promises to have an impact similar to that of the microstrip antenna.
This book brings together the rapidly growing body of knowledge on ORAs
into a single comprehensive volume. It serves as a good introductory text,
providing detailed explanations of the modes of operation and radiation behavior
of ORAs. descr ibes the main methods of excitation, and provides a thorough
survey of the major advances in ORA technology. The book is also intended as a
design handbook, where guidelines are provided using simple equations or graphs
to allow for the rapid design of ORAs without having to resort to complex
analytical or numerical calculations. Numerous design examples are provided to
give the reader a sense of the versatility offered by ORAs, and a chapter is
included to highlight some of the practical challenges associated with ORA
fabrication and implementation.

Much of the information contained in this book is the result of an ongoing research
in vestigation on dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) carried out at the
Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC). I would therefore like to
acknowledge the work of my colleagues at the CRC who have made various
contributions. Michel Cuhaci. research manager of the Advanced Antenna
Technology Lab at CRC. has provided unwavering support and enthusiasm for the
research on DRAs over the years. Dr. Apisak lttipiboon, project leader of
Microwave Theory and Techniques, has been a lead researcher on DRAs since the
early 1990s and has developed several new designs and configurations. He also
was kind enough to proofread the book and offered numerous suggestions. I would
also like to thank my colleagues, Soulideth Thirakoune, Nicolas Gagnon, John
Bradley, and David Lee, for their work on electromagnetic modeling, fabrication,
or measurements of numerous ORA designs that have been developed over the
years. Many of the ORA prototypes presented in this book were fabricated by the
staff at the CRC Prototyping Services. and I wish to commend them on their
dedication and the quality of their work.
I would like to acknowledge the long-standing collaborations with Dr. Yahia
Antar (Royal Military College) and Dr. James Wight (Carleton University) and
their respective graduate students. who have been instrumental in advancing the
body of knowledge of DR As.
Finally. I would like to recognize Dr. Rajesh Mongia who. in 1994 while I
was a graduate student, first introduced me to DRAs. and whom I credit with
steering my research in that direction.

Chap ter 1

Introduction to Dielectric Resonator


This chapter begins with a brief history of dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs),
highlighting the main developments in this emerging technology. A list of general
characteristic s of DRAs is then compiled to give a sense of where they stand.
compared to traditional low-gain antenna elements, such as dipoles and microstrip
patches. Perceived strengths and weaknesses of DRAs are also enumerated .
Finally, a chapter-by-chapter overview of the contents is provided to give the
reader a quick glimpse at the information to be covered in this handbook.


Microwave resonators in the form of unmetallized dielectric spheres and toroids

were first theoretically demonstrated in 1939 by Richtinger [ 1]. and their modes
were first analyzed in the early 1960s by Okaya and Barash [2]. The development
of low-loss ceramic materials in the late 1960s opened the way for the use of these
dielectric resonators as high-Q (low-loss) elements for circuit applications, such as
filters and oscillators, offering a more compact alternative to the waveguide cavity
resonator and a more amenable technology for printed circuit integration [3-5]. For
these c ircuit applications, dielectric resonators are typically machined into
cylindrical shapes (like small pucks) out of materials having a relatively high
dielectric constant (c, ~ 35), to maintain compactness. The dielectric resonators are
2 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

also usually shielded (enclosed in metal cavities) to prevent radiation and thus
maintain a high quality-factor, required for filter and oscillator designs.
If the shielding is removed and with the proper excitation to launch the
appropriate mode, these same dielectric resonators can actually become efficient
radiators. Furthermore, by lowering their dielectric constant, the radiation can be
maintained over a relatively broad band of frequencies. The study of dielectric
resonators as antenna elements began in earnest in the early 1980s with the
examinatio n of the characteristics of cylindrical, rectangular, and hemispherical
shapes by Long, McAllister, and Shen [6-8] . Analysis of their resonant modes,
radiation patterns, and methods of excitation made it apparent that these dielectric
resonators could be used as antennas and offered a new and attractive alternative
to traditional low-gain radiators. This decade also saw a demonstration of the first
linear array of DRAs by Birand and Gelsthorpe (91 and the first planar array by
Haneishi and Takazawa [10].
In the early 1990s, emphasis was placed on realizing various feeding
mechanisms to excite the DRAs and on applying various analytical or numerical
techniques for determining the input impedance and Q-factor. Focus was mainly
on individual elements. A significant amount of th is characterization was carried
out by two research teams; one was led by Kishk, Glisson, and Junker and the
other by Luk and Leung (see Bibliograph y). Much of the early work to
characterize the performance of the basic DRA elements was summarized in a
1994 review paper by Mongia and Bhartia [II], which also proposed to
standardize the mode nomenclature and provided a set of simple equations for
predicting the resonant frequen cy and Q-factors for several DRA shapes.
By the mid 1990s more attention was being given to linear and planar DRA
arrays, ranging from simple two-element arrays, up to complex phased arrays of
over 300 elements with beam-steering capability. This period also saw the
development of ferrite resonator antennas, DRAs operating at 40 GHz, and DRAs
with nearly 40% impedance bandwidth. Many of the recent advances were
profiled in a 1998 paper by Petosa et al. [ 12].
Since the late 1990s more researchers have entered the field, and the yearly
number of publications has grown. Emphasis has been on compact designs to
address the needs of portable wireless applications and on new DRA shapes or
hybrid antennas for enhanced bandwidth performance to meet the requirements for
emerging broadband or ultrawideband systems. Many of these latest developments
will be covered in the following chapters, and an extensive bibliography is
provided at the end of the book for those who wish to delve further into specific
Introduction to Dielectric Resonator Antennas 3


Some of the main findings of the early investigations of the simple-shap ed OR As,
which are generally applicable to most ORAs. are summarized below:

• The size of the ORA is proportional to )." t-J£:. where A. 0 is the free-
space wavelength at the resonant frequency, and £ , is the dielectric

constant of the material:

• The resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor will also be affected
by the aspect ratio of the ORA for a fixed dielectric constant,
allowing added design flexibility ;
• By selecting a dielectric material with low-loss characteristics, a
high-radiation efficiency can be maintained, even at millimeter-wave
frequencie s, due to an absence of surface waves and minimal
conductor losses associated with the ORA;
A wide range of dielectric constants can be used (from about 8 to
over I00), allowing the designer to have control over the physical
size of the ORA and its bandwidth;
• DRAs can be designed to operate over a wide range of frequencies .
with published designs from as low as 1.3 GHz to as high as 40 GHz;
• Several feeding mechanisms can be used (including probes, slots,
microstrip lines, dielectric image guides, and coplanar waveguide
lines) to efficiently excite DRA s, making them amenable to
integration with various existing technologies:
• Several modes can be excited within the ORA, many of which
radiate patterns similar to short electric or magnetic dipoles,
producing either broadside or omnidirectional radiation patterns for
different coverage requirements.

One of the main advantages of the ORA is its high degree of flexibi lity and
versatility. allowing for designs to suit a wide range of physical or electrical
requirements of varied communications applications. The price incurred for this
versatility is the increased complexity associated with fabricating DRAs. Ceramic
materials are typically used, which must either be machined to shape from large
blocks or cast from molds. Drilling may be required for certain types of feed
excitations (like probes), and the DRAs have to be bonded to a ground plane or
substrate. Contrasted to the printed circuit antennas, the fabrication of DRAs is
generally more complex and more costly, especially for array applications. For
high-volume production, however, the cost differences may not be as significant,
since economies of scale and automation can appreciably reduce fabrication costs.
There will also be applications where performance is more important than cost,
and DRAs may provide solutions not offered by other radiating elements.
4 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


The intent of this book is to provide the reader with an understanding of the
fundamental operation of DR As and to give an overview of the various aspects of
DRA technology, emphasizing design and practical implementation. The book is
useful for both the readers who are unfamiliar with DRAs and wish to better their
understanding as well as for the experienced antenna engineers who are searching
for a practical design and reference guide.
The chapters are arranged in groups to cover various topics, but as much as
possible, the chapters are written as independent from one another, so that the
reader can select topics that are of interest without necessarily having to read all
the previous material or without having to follow the order in the book. Chapters 2
and 3 deal with the fundamentals of DRAs. Chapter 2 .introduces the basic and
most commonly used shapes (hemispherical, cylindrical, and rectangular) of the
DRA. For each of these shapes, the fundamental modes of operation are described
and design equations provided for determining the resonant frequency and
radiation Q-factor of an isolated DRA. Design examples are also shown to
illustrate the performance and versatility of these simple-shaped DRAs. Chapter 3
then focuses on the numerous coupl ing methods that have been used to excite
DRAs. A review of coupling theory is included, and where possible, guidelines are
given on the design of the particular feed to achieve proper coupling to the ORA.
Chapter 4 surveys recent developments in ORA technology and is intended to
give the reader a sense of what areas of research are currently under investigation
and what performance has been achieved. This chapter highlights many variations,
enhancements, or novel shapes developed for improving various aspects of DRA
performance, such as increased bandwidth, improved feed coupling, more compact
structures, or circular-polarized designs. The survey provides a glimpse into the
wide variety and versatility possible with DRAs, and many of these antennas are
later revisited in more detail to focus on more specific aspects.
Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 examine various techniques used to adapt DRAs for
certain uses. Chapter 5 discusses the theoretical bandwidth behavior of simple-
shaped DRAs and then looks at the various methods for improving the impedance
bandwidth. The modification of existing designs, new configurations, the use of
multiple DRAs, and the combination of DRAs with other antennas to form hybrid
structures are all examined. Chapter 6 considers various techniques for designing
low-profile or compact DRAs and includes a review of the fundamental limits of
electrically small antennas. Also included is a brief treatment of the effects of
finite ground planes on the radiation patterns of DRAs. Chapter 7 deals with
circular-polarization designs. Single-point and dual-point-fed designs are covered,
as well as the concept of sequential rotation for improving the circular-polarized
performance in an array environment. Chapter 8 examines the properties of ferrite
resonator antennas. When unbiased, these antennas behave similarly to DRAs, but
under bias conditions the tensor nature of the permeability leads to interesting
Introduction to Dielectric Resonator Antennas 5

behavior that is used to design antennas with either polarization diversity or

frequency agility.
Chapter 9 examines the design and performance of several linear and planar
DRA arrays and includes a brief review of array theory and feed network design.
Chapter 10 discusses some practical issues relating to the fabrication and use
of DRAs in practical systems. Sections are also included that discuss details
related to the setup of DRAs for radiation pattern measurements and for
determining radiation efficiency. Finally, a comprehensive bibliography concludes
the Dielectric Resonator Anlenna Handbook.


II] Richtinger, R.D.. "Dielectric Resonators." Journal of Applted l'h)ISICS, Vol. I0, June 1939, pp.
121 Okaya. A.• and L F Barash. "The Dielectric Mtcrowave Resonator." Proceedmgs afthe IRE. Vol
50. Oct. 1962. pp 2.081-2.092.
(31 Cohn. S.B . "Mtcrowave Bandpass Filters Containing High 0 Dielectric Resonators." I EEF.
Transacuon.r on M1crowavt Theory & 7'echmques, Vol. 16. April 1968, pp. 218-227.
141 Fiedziuszko. S.J .. "Microwave Dielectric Resonators." Microwave Joumal. Sept. 1986. pp. 189-
151 Kajfez. D.. and P Guillon. (eds.). D1eltctnc Rnanators. Dedham. MA. Anech House. 1986
(6( Long. S.A . M W McAllister. and L C Shcn. "The Resonant Cyhndncal Dielectric Cavtty
Antenna," IEEE TransactiOns on Antennas & Propagauon. Vol. 3 I, No. 3. March 1983, pp. 406-

171 McAllister, M.W.. and S.A. Long, "Rectangular Oielectric-Rcsonator Antenna," IE£ Electromcs
Leiters, Vol. 19, March 1983, pp 218-219
181 McAllister. M W.. and S.A Long, "Resonant Hemispherical Dielectric Antenna," lEE Electromcs
Leuers. Vol 20. Aug 1984. pp 657-659

(91 Birand, M.T.• and R V. Gelstborpe, "Expertmental Millimetric Array Using Dielectric Radiators
Fed by Means of Dielectric Waveguide." 1££ Electromcs Leiters. Vol 17. No. 18. Sept. 1981. pp.

1101 Hancishi, M., and H. Takazawa, "Broadband Circularly Polarised Planar Array Composed of a
Pair of Dielectric Resonator Antennas." IE£' Electronics ~elltrs. Vol. 21 . No. 10, May 198S. pp.

[Ill Mongia, R.K • and P. Bhania. "Dielectric Resonator Antennas - A Review and General Design
Relations for Resonant Frequency and Bandwidth," lnternanonaf Journal of M1crowave and
Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engmeermg. Vol. 4, No. 3, 1994, pp 230-247.
(121 Petosa. A., et al. , "Recent Advances in Dielec tric Resonator Antenna Technology," 1£££
Antenna.r and Propagotton Maga:me. Vol. 40. June 1998, pp. 35·48
Chapter 2

Simple-Shaped Dielectric Resonator


This chapter introduces the three basic shapes of the DRA: hemispherical,
cylindrical, and rectangular. DRAs of these shapes are the most commonly used.
Hemispherical DRAs have been studied primarily, since exact analytical solutions
exist to describe the various field mode configurations. These solutions can be
used to predict the resonant freguency, radiation Q-factor, and radiation patterns of
�he ORA. In addition, the input impedance can be determined for various feed
excitations, such as probes and slot apertures. The hemispherical ORA is of
limited practical value, however, due to the difficulty involved in fabrication and
the lack of any degree of freedom in choosing the design parameters. As will be
seen shortly, for a material of a given dielectric constant, the radius of the sphere
will determine both the r_esonanl frequency and the radiation Q-factor, leaving the
designer no control over the antenna size or its impedance bandwidth. (Variations
of the hemispherical DRA have been investigated resulting in some enhanced
performance, as discussed in Chapter 4).
The cylindrical ORA offers greater design flexibility, where the ratio of
�5!i.�s/hejg�t ���f9l_s_ t�-�--r.�sonant _fre_qu�IJcy__a_n_�_.fue_Q�_P._tQ!, so that for a given
dielectric constant and resonant frequency, different Q-factors can be obtained by
varying the ORA's dimensions. Fabrication is also simpler than the hemispherical
ORA. Various modes be easily excited within the cylindrical DRA, which

results i�-�ii���f? or omni«!!���tional radiation �tte�(The ring ORA, a

! l! d
_ si�e
subclass of the cylindrical ORA that offers increased impedance bandwidth
p�rfom1ance, is examined in Chapter 4.)

8 Dielectric Resonator AntennaHandbook

The rectangular DRA offers the greatest design flexibilitY of the three basic
shapes, having two degrees of freedom (length/width and depth/width). For a fixed
dielectric constant, several aspect ratios can be chosen to all resonate at a given
frequency, while offering different radiation Q-factors. This allows the designer
more options in tailoring the ORA for particular applications.
This chapter looks at the fundamental modes of these basic DRAs and
provides design equations and curves for estimating their resonant frequencies and
radiation Q-factors. These designs, however, do not account for the coupling
mechanism used to excite the DRAs, which will load the antenna to some extent,
usually resulting in a shift in the resonant frequency and a modification of the
Q-factor. There may also be an innuence on the radiation pattern, especially in the
cross-polarization levels. Feed coupling will be discussed in Chapter 3. The
designs in this chapter can be used as good starting points to quickly determine the
approximate DRA dimensions required for operation at a given frequency and will
provide an indication of the bandwidth to be expected.


The geometry of the hemispherical ORA is shown in Figure 2.1. It consists of a

material with a dielectric constant of e, and a radius of a. As with all DRAs
considered in this book, the hemispherical DRA is mounted on a ground plane
that, for the designs presented in this chapter, is assumed to have infinite
conductivity and be infinite in extent. (Some finite ground plane effects are
considered in Chapter 6.)

z Observation

Fi�ture 2.1 Hemispherical dielectric resonator antenna.

Simp/e-Shaned Dielectric ResonatorAntemzas 9

In the 1960s, the electromagnetic resonant modes of dielectric spheres in free

[1]. Since the hemispherical DRA is placed on a
space were investigated in depth
perfect electric conductor of infinite extent, image theory can be used to equate the
hemispherical DRA of radius a to an isolated dielectric sphere having the same
radius, so that the results in [I] can be directly applied. The modes in a dielectric
sphere can be divided into transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM)
modes. The TE modes are characterized by having a zero value for the radial
component of the electric field (E, = 0), while the TM modes have a zero radial
component of the magnetic field (H, = 0). The two modes of interest for the
hemispherical ORA ar c the fundamental mode TEr r 1, whose radiation pattern is
similar to that of a short horizontal magnetic dipole, and the TM101 mode, whose
radiation pattern is similar to that of a short electric monopole. Sketches of these
patterns are shown in Figure 2.2. The three subscripts describing the mode refer to
the field variation in the radial (r), azimuth (ip), and elevation (f1) directions,
respectively, in the spherical coordinate system. The resonant frequency and
radiation Q-factor will now be examined for these two modes.

2. 1.1 The TE111 Mode

The TEu1 mode is the lowest order mode of the hemispherical ORA. The
equations of the fields inside and in the near vicinity of the DRA are given in the
Appendix, while plots of the fields can be found in [2]. This mode produces a far­
field radiation pattern similar to that of a short horizontal magnetic dipole, having
a wide beam with a broadside peak. The resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor
for the TE111 mode of the hemispherical DRA can be determined by solving the
following characteristic equation [I]:

1112(-JE:koa) H�JHkoa)
(2. I)
lm(.Ji:k,a)"' .[e;Hlti{koa)

where J(:r) is the first-order Bessel function, H<2>(x) is the second-order Hankel
function, and ku is the free-space wave number. Equation (2.1) is transcendental
and the solution for k., is complex. Once k,. is obtained, the resonant frequency is
determined using:


where the resonant frequency is expressed in GHz, and the radius is in em. The
radiation Q-factor can be found from:
10 Dielectric Resonator AnLenna Handbook

"' _R_,..,.
c( ,k"-, .. a,_)
21m(k,a) (2.3)

If the dielectric material is assumed lossless, the lost power in the resonator will be
completely in the form of radiated power, so that the Q-factor is equal to the
radiated Q-factor (Q"" Qrn,,).


Infinite Ground


�= o rp= 90'
(x-z plane) (y-z plane)
- - -Horizontal Magnetic Dipole
--- Electric Monopole
Figure 2.2 Ideal rDdiation models of the dieleclric resonator antenna on an infinite ground plane.
Simple-ShapedDielectric ResonatorAntennas II

real part of (k,a) a nd the Q-factor are plotted as a function of e, in Figure 2.3.
frequency of a hemispherical ORA of radius a and dielectric constant
The resonant
e, can be determined by reading the appropriate value of Re(k,.,a) from Figure 2.3

and substituting this value into (2.2). The radiation Q-factor can be obtained
directly from Figure 2.3. For convenience, numerical values from this graph for
selected dielectric constants are listed in Table 2.1. The values for Re(k.,a) and
Q-factor can also be obtained by the following expressions, which were derived
from curve-fitting the traces in Figure 2.3:

Rc( k"a) "' 2.831&

�·47829 (2.4)


The radiation Q-factor be used to estimate the fractional impedance bandwidth

of an an tenna using:


where 6f is the absolute bandwidth,/,, is the resonant frequency (from 2.2), and s
is the maximum acceptable voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR).
The graph in Figure 2.3 can be used to design a hemispherical DRA, as
illustrated by the following example:

Determine the radius and dielectric constant

of a hemispherical ORA with
Hemispherical DRA Design Example

aresonant frequency of 10 GHz and a minimum 5% fractional impedance

bandwidth for a VSWR = 2. The solution can be arrived at by the
following steps:

Step /. Determine the Q-factor.

From (2.6), with s == 2, and BW= 0.05, then Q = 14.14.
Step 2. Determine the dielectric constant.
From Figure 2.3 (where a zoomed-in view is shown in Figure 2.4),
the value of e, for which Q = 14.14 is 14.5. Alternatively, Table 2.1
can be used to obtain e, by interpolation, or (2.5) can be solved.
Step 3.
Using Figure 2.3, the value of Re(k,,a) at t, = 14.5 is found to be
Determine Re(k0a).

0.79, or, from (2.4), Re(k,a) = 0.788.

Step 4. De/ermine the radius.
The radius of the hemispherical ORA is then found using (2.2),
where withkH: = I 0 and Re(k,,a) 0.79, then a= 0.38 em.
!2 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

constant of E,
Thus a hemispherical DRA having a radius of a 0.38 em and a dielectric
14.5 will resonate at I 0 GHz with a 5% impedance

2.0 200
I I o o I 0 > I ' I o o 0 o o ' o ' o

:r:::r::: r::r::.:r::: F::r:::r: :r::: :r:: :r:::r:r:::r: ::r:::F:r::r:::F·

1.9 190

r: · :r r ·
1 r -r 1 -r
··:····· : �--·· : ·· ·· : ·····: ·····�····· ···· : ····: ····: ···· · ; ·· ·· : ·····: · · · --� ·-·· · ; · ··· : ··· ·· ··· ·· ·-· ·· : ·
1r I ; r r r :� · rr
i 1
·· ····· --··· · ··· ·· ··· ·· ··· ·· ··· -··· · ···· ····· --··· ·· ·· ·····;· ··· ·· ···
ir r� rr- Tr �r 1; rr r ;I � r rT r -r r rr -r -r�
· ····- ····· ····· ····- -···

r. �
n.: :j..: :.j: .:.,
1.7 ·· ····· ···· ··· ···- ----· ···-- ···· ···· ···· ···· ···· -···· ·····i· .. · ····· ···· · · · 170

: ��e<�va> � Q�F � : : : :
· . ·
· ·

1.6 . a o r . 160
.i 1 . :1 : 1 : r -r T. . : : : · ·-!- -· � l �
· ..

I r I i r T r ; i r f � r T r : 1
1.5 ··· ····· ···· ···-- ·---- ··-·· • ····· ··-··� ····- ---· 150
-- ---­
. -- ···· ·-··· ····· ····· ·····- ····· ···

: i::: :! : : :J::: :t: :: j: :::J: :::r::: :t: :: f:: ::r:: :l : : : f: : r:: r·::r:: f:· - ;.: : i: : :J:: :.
:···--!.. ·-·::.. --·-r .. ·--�-----:··..·:---··:--·-·:·--··r····:-····:··--·:···--:·····:·.. ···:·····:·· :···--;-·--

1.4 .. 140

1 .3 130



.... 1 1
. !iEHli-1-flll!J !JH:J
::r. (::t::::t :::;:::::1:::::t::::t::::t :t:::t:::t:t·::.�:::::t::::t:::t::::l:::::t
· · · ..


t t j j t l j :t:·::.�: t t l j

: t: : .; ::: :::: :::::,::::: ::::: ::::: :::::f::::: ::::: :::: ::: ::::!::::: :::::�::::: ::::: :::
1.0 100
· ·

09 90

0.8 80

0.7 70

0.6 60

0.5 50

0.4 40

0.3 30

0.2 20

0.1 10

0.0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00
Dielectric Constant E,

Fleure 2.J Real part or(k.aJ and the Q-factor of the TE,, mode of the hemispherical ORA
Simole-Shaped DielectricResonator Antennas 13

Table 2.1
Real Part or k,a and the Q-Factor of the TE11, Mode of the Hemispherical ORA

_ £, ___!l!j_k..a) ___ g.Fac�:.__....
2 2.00660 !.73714
4 1.44660 3.51536
6 1.19620 5.31328
8 !.04540 7.18629
10 0.94146 9.16705
15 0.77674 14.66930
20 0.67861 20.52380

25 0.61014 27.12820
0.55913 34.60690
35 0.51916 42.21350
40 0.48672 49.65100
45 0.45974 57.64370

55 0.41706
50 0.43683 66.41490
60 0.39976 85.63490
65 0.38446 95.89740
70 0.37079 106.38300
75 0.35849 116.93600
80 0.34732 127.53000
85 0.33715 138.29800
90 0.32182 149.42100
95 0.31923 161.21500
100 0.31130 174.30000

1 .0 .....-,-..,..---,--.--r-...---.---.--r--...-.----, 1 00
0.9 90
0.8 80
0.7 70
� 0.6 60-§
-;::{ 0.5
0.4 40°

0.3 --e-- Q-Factor 30
0.2 20
. . . . .. . . . . .... ... . ..

14 20
Er =14.5
Dielectric Constant £,

Figur� 2.4 Design example of the hemispherical DRA operating in the TE111 mode.
1.4 DielectricResonator AntennaHandbook

The use of the characteristic equation, based on the fields in an isolated dielectric
sphere, results in a fairly good prediction for the resonant frequency of a
hemispherical DRA mounted on a large ground plane. Table 2.2 compares the
resonant frequencies obtained using Figure 2.3 (or Table 2.1) with some published
results [3-6], where the hemispherical DRAs are excited with either a probe or an
aperture. The agreement is quite good considering that the equations do not take
into account the effects of the feed. The Q-factor for the isolated dielectric sphere
does not agree as well with that of the actual hemispherical DRA, due to the
significant impact of the feeding mechanism on the input impedance of the DRA.
Various feeding mechanisms for exciting DRAs will be investigated in Chapter J.

T�ble 2.2
Comparison oflhc Rcsonanl r:rcqucncy ofAnlsolnl.:d Diclcclric Sphere �nd u licllliSilhcr�aiOilA

a j. (GH:) j.(GH:) Percent

£, (mm) -.m
.::EJ.;;:.;·co:.:/l;'.[ro F.! 1L�::..!..: _J '-:!!.'!!.!!!..!t/.._.Qif!erenC!_ Refm'!.:!...
_ __ __

Probe 1.88 1.90 1.1"/o (3]

9.8 1.25 Probe 3.63 3.58 1.4% [4]
16.0 I .25 Probe 2.89 2.75 5.0% [4]
30.0 1.25 Probe 2. 13 2.08 2.4°/o {4]
9.5 0.82 Aperture 5.63 S.SO 2.3% [5]
9.5 1.25 Aperture 3.65 3.61 1.0% [a!

2.1.2 The TM1o1 Mode

The TM1o1 mode of the hemispherical DRA radiates like a short electric monopole
antenna and is typically excited using a probe located at the centre of the DRA (at
,. = O) [7). The fields inside and in the near vicinity of the DRA are described by
the equations in [1]. As with the TE111 mode case, the resonant 'frequency and
radiation Q-factor of the TM101 can be determined by solving a transcendental
equatio n [ 1]:


Once the complex wavenumber, k0, is obtained, (2.2) and (2.3) can be used to
determine the resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor, respectively. The real
for this mode are plotted as a function of E, in Figure
part of k,a and the Q-factor
2.3. Curve-fit equations for the Re(kua)
2.5 and selected values are listed in Table
and Q-factor are also provided in (2.8) to (2.1 0). For a hemispherical ORA of
given radius and dielectric constant, its TM 101 mode resonant frequency is
r nas 15

3.2 640
3.0 600
2.8 560
2.6 520
2.4 480
2.2 440
2.0 400
1.8 360
-- ,_

1.6 320 u..



._, �

300 0
1.4 280
1.2 240
1.0 200
0.8 160
0.6 120
0.4 80
0.2 40
0.0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Dielectric Constant e,

Figure 2.5 Real part ofk,a and the Q-factorofthe TM101 mode of the hemispherical ORA
16 DielectricResonator AntennaHandbook

Tablt 2.3

Real Part of k.n and the Q-Fnctor of Ihe TM ,., Mode of the Hemispherical DRA

--- �-'----�_e_(lr.IJ)____.._._ _q:f..q_c_�!...........

2 3.18200 2.2277
4 2.24670 3.1918
6 1.83440 3.6472
8 1.58870 3.8583
10 I .42090 3.9367
15 1.16020 3.7536
20 0.92278 3.7826
25 0.84240 10.0290
30 0.77926 18.1320
35 0.72803 28.4860
40 0.68547 41.5260
45 0.64943 57.4740
�0 0.61845 76.7210
55 0.59143 99.0990
60 0.56762 125.1900
65 0.54645 I 55.1300
70 0.52745 188.5900
75 0.51030 225.4700
80 0.49470 268.8200
85 0.48044 316.3900
90 0.46733 369.4600
95 0.45524 426.6400
100 0.44403 482.6400

approximately 40% higher than that of the TE111 mode. For values of E, < 45, the
TM1o1 will have a lower Q-factor, while for E, > 45 the TE111 mode will have a
lower Q-factor.

Re(koa) .. 4.47226£;'·S0 {2.8)

for Er::S 20

Q- 0.723 + 0.9324£, - 0.095&; + 0.00403£� - 5 ·I 0-5 E� (2.9)

fore,> 20

Q .. 2.621-0.574£, + 0.02812f; + 2.59 ·10-4 e: (2.1 0)

The design procedure for the TM 101 mode is identical to that of the TE111
mode, and taking the same example with a ORA
operating at l 0 GHz with a 5%
impedance bandwidth, the dielectric constant would be £,- 2& from Figure 2.5,
Simole-ShaoedDielectric Resonator Antennas 17

and Re(k.,a) = 0.83 from (2.8). Therefore the radius would be a = 0.4 em, using


Cylindrical-shaped dielectric resonators have been used in circu p

g _lk.ations for
several years [8]. Their high Q-factor and compact size make them ideal for use in
@!�J.s and osc�9J:�, especially in microstrip technology, where resonant
waveguide cavities are not very practical. A significant amount of literature is
devoted to the field configuration, resonant frequency, and coupling behavior of
the cytind�i�-��--�e�t!j_c!�() �.t?r<:.9.n.!ext <?L�ii.�.E.iliP.Iications [9-15]. It
_ -
ha.s on(y been more recently that the radiation properties of the cylindrical

dielectric resonator have been exploited, starting with the first comprehensive
study to examine the radiation characteristics of a probe-fed cylindrical ORA [16).
The cylindrical DRA is characterized by a height h, a radius a, and a dielectric
constant e, as shown in Figure 2.6. The cylindrical shape offers one degree of
freedom-nlOre than the hemispherical shape; it is the aspect ratio alh, which
determines k.,a and the Q-factor for a given dielectric constant. Thus a tall, slender
cylindi-icaloR.A can tie n;ad� to resonate at the same frequency as a wide, thin
DRA. The Q-factors for these two resonators \'Jill,,.be_differ.e.nt. This
allows the--ct"eSlgn-e;- a.'d�gr�e �f- fie�ibility. that ··i� not available with the
hemispherical DRA, which has only one resonant frequency and one Q-factor for a
given radius and dielectric constant per mode (i.e., no degrees of freedom). With a
cylindrical DRA, the designer can choose the most suitable aspect ratio to best
realize the desired frequency and bandwidth.

Cylindri9a1 ORA Far-Field
• Observation

Figurt 2.6 Geomelry of lhe cylindrical ORA.

18 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

2.2.1 Reson a nt Frequency and Radintion Q-Factor or the Lower-Orde•· Modes

Th is section presents the resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor. of the three
lowest order modes of the cylindricaf"i:iR:A: The· modes of a� isolated cylindrical
dielectric resonator can be divided into three types: TE, T M, and hybrid modes
(called HE if the £, component is dominant, or E H if the H: compo·�;�t-·fs
��-�[ant)':-This mode nomenclature is -the one-��-d-·in (h;-·re�iew- pap�;by
Mongia and Bhartia [ 17), which is attributed to Kobayashi [ 18] an d has been
adopted by most researchers since. The TE and. TM modes are axially sym��l!:i�
(no a zi muthal dependence), while tlle.. hybrid. m.odes ·do have a dependence qn
azfrliutti". -fi1erio \ des which are most commonly used for radiating ap p (i��ti�ns
·are the TM01h, TE01�, and H!j:1� modes. The mode subscripts refer to field
variation;-ln the azimuth (t/J), ·radial (r), and'axlaf(ifdirections, respectiveiY;in
cyTilid�iCaY cciori:liriates:- The vaiue of 0 ranges between zero and one, -��d
""-..:. .
. .. for high values of dielectnc constant. The TM01h
--····-·· · . ·-· one
approaches -
-- -�--------·-··· -- -- modes radiates

"like·a-Stiort-Edectric. monopole, similar--to -ttietrvf;�;-mode of the hemispherical

ORA, while the TE01b mode radiates like a short magnetic monopole (or for the
case of t he split cylinder describ ed in Chapter 4, the TE016 will also radiate like a
short horizontal magnetic dipole). The HE1 1h mode radiates like a short horizontal
magn e�i!: �!P.<?.Ie. �-imilar to the TE 111 illode..o(tlie he�ispherical ORA [17).
. _ __

�·· Unlike the hemispherical ORA, there is no exact solufionto the-fields of a

cy lindrica l ORA. A common approach is to derive the fields for a cylindrical
dielectric resonator by assuming that the z-component of the magnetic field (H,) "is
zero at all surfaces parallel to the z-axis (i.e., a magnetic wall or perfect open­
circuit condition) and that the tangential electric and magnetic fields are
continuous across surfaces paral lel to the z-axis. fl�_s._out�ide the resonator are
assumed to. decay exponentially from their value at the boundary to :z;ero at .a n

Infinite d istance away [10). This magnetic wall boundal)' condition was shown to
be valid for high values of£, (19] but it remains a fairly accurate assumption for
lower values as well.
The equations for the resonant frequency and Q-factor of the TEoth• TMol.\•
and HE11b modes presented in the following pages are taken from [ J 7] and [20]
and are based on extensive numerical simulations and curve fittings. Below each
equation, a graph is provided (Figures 2.7-2.12), plotting either k.,a or Q-factor as
a function of a/h for selected values of c,. An indicat ion o!' the accuracy of these
equations can be see n in Table 2.4, which compares the predicted resonant
frequency and Q-factor with those of two isolated cylindrical DRAs obtained frorn
their measured radar cross-section [21]. The.�d iy_t�d. resona _ nt . frequencies of the
three modes are less than 2.5% different from the measured values. The difference
in the Q-factors is somewhat larger but, except for one case, is still less than l 0%.
Simple-ShavedDielectric ResonatorAntennas 19

TEo16 Mode

k"a ... ��1+

-ve,+l .2123�-0.00898(!:)2}
It h























4.0 4.5 5.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


Figure 2. 7 k.a of lhc TE,,. mode of the cylindrical ORA.

20 pielectrjcResonatorAntenna Handbook


Q-0.078192£1.27 l+l7.31 l (;) -21.57 (�r +10.86(�r (;f)

-1.9s (2 .12)


















0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figu•·t 2.3 Q-faclor of the TEo16 mode of the cylindrical DRA.
Simole-ShapedDielectric Resonator Antennas 21

TMor6 Mode

3.83 +

k.,a= (2.13)
�E, +2
























0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Figure 2.9 k.a of the TM01� mode of the cylindrical DRA.
22 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook

{I- ( *)( 382�e,)}

TM01• Mode

Q • 0.008721&�.88841leO.o39747x, 0.3- 0. 2

(*) �)
X 9.498186 * +2058.33
4.322261 -3




90 2250

85 2125

80 2000

75 1675

. 70 1750



(.) (.)
55 1375 '0
0 "'
en "'
50 0
0 45 1125 g�
"' 0
u.. 0
0 40 1000 m
35 875

30 750

25 625

20 500

15 375

10 250

5 125

0 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 2.10 Q-factor of Ihe TM01• mode of Ihe cylindrical ORA.
Simple-Shaped DielectricResonatorAaten11as 2:\

HE11• Mode

kna- �6.324
-yE, + 2
{ 2h
0.27 + 0.36- + 0.02 -






















0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5· 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figurc2.1J k,a of the HE11• mode of the cylindrical ORA.
24 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

HEu6 Mode









LL 80








0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Fi�:ure 2.12 Q-faclor oflhe HE116 mode of the cylindrical ORA.
Sima/e-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Amennas 25

Although they become less accurate for extreme values of a/h (i.e., alh << I or a/h
>> 1), these equations offer a good starting point for the design of cylindrical
DRAs. A design procedure for cylindrical DRAs, given a specific resonant
frequenc y and bandwidth, is outlined in the next section.

Table 2.4
Comparison of Measured and Theoretical Resonant Frequency and Q-Factor for Isolated Cylindrical

£, = 79, o = 0.5145 em. h = 0.2155 em

% %
Fre9.uencl'_ Q-Foc/or
Measured Theoretical Measured Theoretical
TEoto 2 .3%
Mode j(GH=) [21] Difference Q-Factor Q-Factor Difference
3.48 3.56 114.7 106.2 7.7%

HE"• 4.56 4.61 1.1% 76.4 80.9 5.1%
5.41 5.40 0.2o/o 336.7 349.0 3.6%

E,- 38. a= 0.6415 em, h = 0.281 em

% %
Freg_uent;;£, Q-Fac/or
Measured Theoretical Measured Theoretical

TEt,,. 3. 97
Mode j(GH:) {21} f(GH:) Difference Q-Faclor Q-Faclor Difef rence
3.98 0.30% 46.2 42.0 9.5%
HEuo 5.18 5.26 1.50% 30.2 JI.J 3.6%
TM.,, 6.1J 6.12 0.!6% 72.1 46.4 43.4%

2.2.2 Design Procedure for the Cylindrical ORA

This section illustrates how the preceding graphs can be used to des ign a
cylindrical DR�_ based on a required impe_d.ance bandwidth and resonant
th:quency.-Foi""this example, the HE116 mode will be used, but the pro cedu re
applies to the other modes. The same example is taken as for the hemispherical
DRA, where a resonant frequency of I 0 GHz and a minimum fractional bandwidth
of 5% is requir�(CT!le"cles{gner needs to determine the DRA height, radius, and
" in order to satisfy these requirement s .

Step 1. Determine the Q-factor.

This is the same as for the hemispherical DRA. Using (2.6), the
Q fa ctor is 14.14 for BW= 0.05 ands= 2.
Step 2. Determine the dielectric constant.

Unlike the case for the hemispherical ORA, there is no uniqu e value
of dielectr�_.£_<�D�.t�n.t for a _g_iy�-9.�f�c-��r. To determine the possible
values of E,, the required Q-factor value is d ra wn on the Q-factor
graph for the HE11h mode, as shown in Figure 2.13. This allows the
designer to quickly determine what values of dielectric constant can

be selected
elected for the ORA. The _shadt!d area in Figure 2.1 J represents the
region for which the combination of alh and £,will not achieve the
!J:Iinimum required b.andwidth. Solu"ticins ·are. tlius I i mi ted to the a;ea

under the Q =14.14 horizont al line. Por this example, a ORA with
approximately £, � 16 will satisfy the bandwidth requirements.
regardless o f the a/h ratio ch os en , while for 16 < Er :<:: 42 there will be
a limited range of values for alh that will meet the bandwidth
requirement. Any dielectric constant above E,""' 42 will not meet the
bandwidth. In general, the selection of Er will als o depend on other
factors, such as material availability and size requirements. For this
speci fie example, a value of t, IS will be selected in order to

maintain maximum flexibility io choosing the alh ratio.

Step 3. Determine k a

Rearranging (2.2) into the form:

fGuz ·h�, ·(a!h) (2.17)

k , a-

which, withkH:= 10 GH� in this example, reduces to:


Step 4. Determine the radius.

Equation (2. 18) is then plotted on the (k,,a)

for the HE11"
vs. (a/h) graph
mode for a set of values for 2. 1 4 The
he,., as shown in Figure .

intersection of these lines of constant h with the curve for E, IS =

determines the v.nlue of alh (and thus_· the-value· for a) required to

resonate at 10 GHz- For' the-set of 6 heights chosen in. this exam rile,
only DRAs with heights of 0.2 em or higher will resonate at I(} GHz.
The results are summarized in Table 2.5.

For each v alue of alh, F'igure 2.13 or (2.16) can then be used to determine the
Q-factor and thus the bandwidth- These values are also listed in Table 2.5.

Table 2..S
Polcnlial Cylindric:• I Rcson:uor O.:si�m; f<V 10 G� l·l fOt" r;, � 15

alh Q Dandwidth
0.2 1.490 3.56 0.712 5.6 12.60o/e
0.3 0.750 1.19 0.357 12.8 5.5%
0.4 0 . 626 0.75 0.300 12.3 5.7%
0. .5 O.S6S 0.54 0.270 10.9 6.5%
Sjnmle-SbapcdDielectric Resonator Antennas 27








u. 80







0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 2.13 Acceptable E,. values for a S% fractional bandwidth.
28 DielectricResonatorAntennaHandbook



�" 1.25


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figtre 2.14 Cylindrical ORA designs at 10 GHz fort,"' 15.

The four DRAs are drawn to scale in Figure 2.15. The designer has the flexibility
of selecting the DRA design most suitable for t he intended application. If there is a
height restriction, the DRA with h = 0.2 em would be selected, while for an area
restriction, the DRA with h 0.5 em would be chosen.
Simple-SbapedDielectric Resonator Antennas 29


0 0 j_
Lx j_ j_
0.40 0
0.3 .
1 I 0.5
1.424 em
·I T1
o.714 ·I
T1. •I 0.6

Figure 2.15 Dimensions of the 10-GHz cylindrical DRAs with <,- 15.


The ORA with a rectangular cross-section (which will be called simply a

rectangular ORA for the remainder of this book) is characterized by a height h, a
width w, a depth d, and a dieledric constant En as shown in Figure 2.16. The
rectangular shape offers a second degree of freedom (one more than the cylindrical
and two more than the hemispherical ORA), making it the most versatile of the
basic shapes. There is a greater amount of flexibility in designing rectangular

resonant frequency and dielectric constant, since the ratios wlh and c an be
DRAs to achieve the desired profile and bandwidth characteristics for a given
chosen independently. Thus either a tall and slender or a thin and wide aspect ratio
can be selected, depending on the particular application. The choice of aspect ratio
wi l l also have an impact on the radiation Q-factor, which again allows for a greater

As with the cylindrical DRA, t he fields in the rectangular ORA are assumed
design tlexibility.

to be similar to those of an isolated rectangular dielectric waveguide [I 0, 17) of

width w and height b = 2h (due to the ground plane on which the ORA is
mounted). Perfect magnetic walls are assumed along the four surfaces parallel to
the direction of propagation in the dielectric guide, while the tangential
components of the electric and magnetic fields are assumed to be continuous
across the two surfaces, perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The modes
in an isolated rectangular dielectric guide can be divided into TE and TM, but with
the ORA mounted on the ground plane, it ·is the TE modes which are typically
excited. The rectangular ORA can support TE-', TP', or TE: modes, which wo uld
radiate like short magnetic dipoles in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively. The
resonant frequency of each of these modes will be a function of the ORA
30 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook

1 Far-Field
Rectangular DRA
, Observation

foignnl.16 Geometry of the rectangular ORA.

dimensions. If w > d > b, then h < J; < };; thus by properly choosing the ORA
dimensions, the designer can ensure that unw ant ed " modes do not appear over the
frequency band of operation.1
The field configuration of· the TE'"h11 mode for the rectangular DRA is
discussed in Chapter 3. The lowest order modes arc TE\11, TE-·1�1. and TE=11�. fo r
w > d > b, where the subscripts represent the field va riatio n in the x-, y-, and
z-directions, respectively, as defined in Figure 2.16. F or the TE\11 mode, the
reso n an t frequency,/.., is found by solving the following transcendental equation:



The equations for the resonant frequencies of the TE'16t and TE= ltb modes are

In several references, the =-axis is aligned parallel to the d dimension of the rectangular ORA, in the
plane of the ground plane, resulting in the TE'11• being the lowest mode. To keep a consistent
convention throughout this book, the =-axis is always perpendicular to the ground plane and the
modes are referenced·accordingly.
Simole-ShaoedDie(ectric ResonatorAntennas 31

2.3.1 Resonant Frequency and Radiation Q-Factor

Equation (2.19) has been solved for selected ratios of wlb as a function of dlb, and
the results are plotted in Figure 2.17, where the normalized frequency, F, is
defined as:


Figure 2.17 can be used to quickly estimate the resonant frequency of an existing
DRA without having to solve the transcendental equation (2.19). (For a more
atcurate solution, the value obtained from Figure 2.17 can be used as the initial
VC\lue off,, in (2.19).) As an example, consider a ORA with dimensions
w i: 1.5 em, d 1.125 em, b = 2h ""0.75 em, and E, = 15. For this case, the value

of,F is determine by reading the value of the "w 2b" curve at dlb 1.5, from
Figure 2.17, resulting in F = 7.7. Equation (2.20) can be rearranged in the more
= =

convenient form: .

where w is expressed in em, and the resonant frequency will be in GHz. Thus, with
F = 7. 7 and E, =l 5, the resonant frequency is 6.33 GHz. (If the transcendental
equation in (2.19) is solved, the resonant frequency is 6.29 GHz.)
Using curve fitting, the following approximate equation has been derived for
the normalized frequency F:


a0 � 2.57- 0.8( d /b)+ 0.42( d I b)2- 0.05( d lb)
3 (2.23a)

a1 �2.1! (dlb )-O.lBl (2.23b)

a2 = 0.16 (2.23c)
32 Dielectric Resonator AntennaHandbook



0 w = 0.5b
0 w=b
19 0 w = l.Sb
)( w= 2.0b
18 6. w = 2.5b

17 w =3.0b

• w = 3.56
16 • w =4.0b
: : : : :


. 13
l-<> 12



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Yreurt 2.17 Normalized resonant frequency of the rectangular ORA.
Simp{e-Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antennas 33

For the above example, with (w/b) = 2 and (dlb) = I.S, the normalized fr equency
from (2.22) is F = 7 .62, resulting in a resonant frequency of 6.26 GHz using
The radiation Q-factor of the rectangular ORA is determined using (22]:


where w. and P,,.1 are the stored energy and radiated power, respectively, and
cv = 21if.,. These quantities are given by:




where Pm is the magnetic dipole moment of the ORA:


Equations (2.24) to (2.27) were used to generate the graphs in F igur es 2.1 & to
and A is an arbitrary constant related to the maximum amplitude of the fields.

2.25. These graphs plot the normalized Q-factor (Q.), defined as (17]:


Since there is a second degree of freedom, the Q-factor curves cannot easily be
plotted on a single graph, as was the case for the cylindrical ORA. Instead, a set of
Q. curves has been plotted as a function of dlb for various values of w!b.
For the ORA presented in the example above, Figure 2.21 would be used
(w 2b), and the value along the s, 15 curve at dlb 1.5 is Q. = 0.1725 or
Q = I 0.02 from (2.28), which translates into a fractional bandwidth of 0.07 for a
= = =

VSWR = 2, using (2.6).

Several comparisons between the measured resonant frequency and Q-factor
of rectangular ORAs to those predicted using the dielectric waveguide model
34 Die!cclricRcsonalorAntenna Handbook



--e- e,= 10
--8-- E,= 15

0.19 �e,=20

)( t,= 40
--t:r- E., = 100











0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Figure 2.18 Nomralizcd Q-focror oflhe rectangular ORA (11'= 0.5b).
Simo!e-ShqpedDielectricResonator Antennas 35



e E
== 10
0 Er = 15

0.23 0 E =

�� Er = 40













0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figure 2.19 Nonnalizcd Q-factor of the rectangular DRA (w-= b).
36 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook



-0-- Er= 10

0.22 0 Er::: 15


0.21 -*- E,=4Q

--6-- E,= 100



.. 0.18

Cl 0.17

0. 16





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figure 2.20 Nonnalized Q-factor of the rectangular ORA (w = l.5b).
Simple-ShapedDielectric ReJonawr Antennas 37


£, = 10

8 s, = 15

0 £, = 2 0
0.19 :

-�- a,=40

: : : : : :








0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
fi&:un 2.21 Normalized Q-f.1ctor of the rectangular ORA (w = 2b).
38 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


0.17 �6(;::;10

0 •,= 15

---x- £,"' 40


"' 0.14
oi 0.13




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figurt 2.22 Nonnalizcd Q-factor of the rectangular ORA (w"' 2.5b).
Simole-Shaoed DielectricResonatorAntennas 39


0 e,= 10
0 £, = 15

Q s,= 20

)( s,= 40




.:::. �


0.1 0




0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figun 2.23 Normali:z;cd Q-factor ofthe rectangular ORA (w � lb).
40 DjelectrjcResonator AntennaHandbook


-e--- e,=10

0.13 --8-- e,= 15











0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figure :Z.24 Normalized Q-factor ofrhe rectangular DRA (IV� 3.5b).
SimPle-ShapedDielectricBe.wnatorAnrennm 41


0 Er = 10

0. 1 2 0 £,= 15

0 Er = 20

£,= 40

: :








0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figure 2.25 Normalized Q-factor ofthe rectangular ORA (1r = 4b).
42 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

have been carried out [22, 23]. Differences between measured and theoretical
resonant frequency varied by between about 3% to 12%, depending on tile aspect
ratio and dielectric con�tanl or the DIV\. The theoretical Q-factor can differ by up
to almost I00% from the measured values. This is partially attributed to the
loading caused by the feed mechan ism . When an isolated rectangular DRA was
measured using a radar cross-section technique (24), the percentage di ffcrcncc was
limited to 7% for the resonant frequency and 35% for the Q-factor.
A modifie d dielectric waveguide model has been proposed in {24], where the
phy s i cal dimensions of the rectangular DRA were replaced by effective
dimensions by multiplying eac h dimension by the scaling factor a= ( 1-1/e,). This
is based on the assumption that the fringing fie ld effects are inverse ly related to
the dielectric constant of the DRA. The result is that the resonant frequency
obtained by (2. I 9) is scaled by a factor of l /a. Consider the previous example of a
ORA with di men sio ns w = I .5 em, d =1.125 em, and b 2h = 0.75 em and a

dielectric constant of E, = IS. The resonant frequency was originally found to be

6.33 GHz. Using the modified model, the resonant frequen cy would be 6.33/a =

6.8 GHz.
For moderate to high values oft,, the resonant freq uency predic ted using this
modifie d model is s omewh at closer to measured results, but for low values of r::,,

the percentage difference is less accurate than the original model. Since the intent
of the waveguide model is to obtain an approximate value for the resonant
frequency and Q-factor of the DRA, it is usually sufficient to use the original
model. If more accuracy is requil'ed, a full-wave analysis will have to be
undertaken, which takes into account such factors as the feeding mechanism and
ground plane si7.c.

2.3.2 Design Eumplc

As with the previous two DRA shapes, the design of a 10-GHz ORA with a
minimum of 5% impedance bandwidth will be illustrated for the case of a

rectangular shape. Since there are now two degrees of freedom, the design
procedure is somewhat more i nvolved than for the cylindrical or hemispherical

Step !. Determine the Q-Jaclor.

This is th e same as in the previous cases, with Q = 14.14.
Step 2. Determine the dielectric constant.
As with the cylindrical ORA, there is no unique solution for r:, for a given
Q-factor. To determine suitable values for s, the Q-factor is converted to
Q•• which is a function of c,. Table 2.6 lists the Q. for a Q-factor of 14.14,
with selected values of c,. The values of Q. in Table 2.6 represent the
maximum vatucs below which the DRA will meet the bandwidth
requirements. For values of E., above 20 (i.e., Q. < 0.158), not all aspect
Simnle-ShaoedDielectricResonatorAntetwa.f 43

ratios will meet the bandwidth requirements, as can be seen from Figures
2.1 & to 2.25, where some of the c urve s exceed Q" = 0.1 5 8 . To maintain
maximurn llcxibility then, a value ore,= 15 is chosen. (T hus Qc = 0.243,
and all the curves fall below tl1is value).


Nonnal izcd Q-Factor, Q,, £,

____ __£.
_ ___ �--
10 0.447
15 0.243
20 O.lS8
40 0.056
100 0.014

Step 3. Determine F.
Using (2.20) withf,"" I 0 GHz, and E,"' 15, F 8.112w•m· The values of
F for selected values ofw are listed in Table 2.7.

Tablr 2.7 Frequcucy, F, Versus DRA Width, w

,,(em) F w (em) F

0 . 75
0.50 4.056 1.50 12.168
6.080 1.75 14.200
1.00 8.112 2.00 16.220
1.25 10.140

Step 4. Determine the DRA dimensions (w. b, d).

The values in Table 2.7 are then plotted onto the F vs. d/b graph, as
shown in Figure 2.26. The intersection of these lines of constant w with
the various wlb curves determines the values of dlb that will satisfy the
requirements. The results are listed in Table 2.8.
To obtain the Q-factor for each row in Table 2.8, Qe is determined
from the intersection of the E, = 15 curve with the dlb value from the
appropriate wlb graph. Equation (2.28) can then be used to solve for the
Q-factor, and (2.6) is then applied to determine the fractionai
bandwidth. These values are also listed in Table 2.8. Four of the
rectan gular ORA designs from Table 2.8 are sketched in Figure 2.27 to
give an idea of the relative sizes.

Depending on the application, a rectangular DRA with either a relatively small

foot-print or a low profile can be selected. It should be pointed out that the designs
in Table 2.8 represent only a few possible solutions, and other aspect ratios could
44 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook


0 w= l.5b
19 )( w=2.0b
6 w= 2.5b
18 w=3.0b
• w= 3.5b
• w = 4.0b



....� 13

".S' 12



0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

Figur�e 2.26 Plots of constant width w,,. on the F versus dlh curves.
Simple-Shaped Dielectric ResonatorAntennas 45


0.25J re?J

0.215 ff-l -----.v 0 .33��
5u"f--- /}· --,o
1.5 1.5

Figurf 2.27 Four rec!angular DRAs with £, = 15 dCl;igncd al I 0 G H:z.

also be considered. This example is intended to demonstrate the versatility of the

rectangular DRA.

Table 2.8
Selected ORA Di s o s That SatisfY the Design
men i n Requirements

wlb dlb b(em) Bandwidth

O.SO o.s
0. 37
0.53 1.000
10.90 .
6 5%

0.193 11.20 6.3%

0.75 1.0 0.750 0.280 12.00 5.9o/o

1.00 0. 38
0 17 9 6.8%
I.S 1.52 0.500 0.760

1 02
0 .40

0.6 2 5
0 1 88

8 90
2 .5 o.600
2.5 0.90 0.500 0.450 0.163 7.5%
1.50 0.43 0.260 0.135 7.80 9.0o/o

0 .430 0.099 1 2 .2%

3.0 0.80 0.500 0.400 0.141 8.18 8.6%
3.5 2.20 0.940 5.78

3 .0 0. 11 7
1.75 2.5 0 .26 0.700 0.180 0.098 5.70 12.4%
0.45 0 .260
0.580 6.80 10.4%

3.0 0 . 29
1.71 0 .440
0.500 0.390
0.750 .
0 1 00
0.123 7.17

5.80 12.2%

3..� 0 45 5.98 11.8%
0.670 0.190 0.092.
0.570 0.260
0.75 0.500 0.175 0.109 6.34 1\.2%

The next chapter will look at the various methods for coupling to DRAs and
examine how the various modes that were described in this chapter can be excited.


[I] Guastinc, M., L. Courtois, and J.J. Donnann, "Elcctromagn�tic Resonances of f ree Dicl�ctric
Sphere," IEEE TrallsactiO SOil Micr o1�ave Theor & Techniques, Vol. 15, No. 12, Dec. 1967,
p p .694-700.

[21 Kishk, A.A., G. Zhou, and A.W. Glisson, "Analysis of Dielectric Rcsonntor Antcnn�s w ith
e rnphasis on Hemispherical Structures; /ESE Antennas & Propagalion Maga tne, VoL 36, No. 2,
Ap ril 1 994, pp. 20·3 t.

[31 McAllister, M.. and S.A. Long, 'Resonant Hemispherical Dielect ric Antenna," IEE Electronics
Letters Vol. 20, No. 16,Aug. 1984, pp. 657-659.
(4] Leung, K.W., e t al., "The or and Experiment of a Coaxial Probe Fed Hemispherical Didect ric
Resonat or Antenna,' ffi.EE Transar lion s on Antennas & Pl' opagation,Vol . 41. No. 10,Ocl.
1993, pp. 1390-1398.

[5J Leung, K.W., et al.. "Input Impedance of Ap erture Co upled Hemi spher i ca l Dielectric Resonator
Antenna" fEE Electronics Ulltrs, Vol. 29, No. 13, June 1993, pp. 1,165-1,167.

[6] Leung, K.W., and K.M. Luk, "Radiation Characteristics of Aperture-Coupled Hemispherical
Dielectric Resonator Antenna," Micr owave and Optical r �chnolog Letters,Vol. 7, No. 14, Oct .
1994, pp. 677-679.
[7} Leung, K.W,, et al., "On r he TM10, Mode of Dielectric Resonator Antenna; Micro!Vove and

Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. II, Sep t. 1993,p p . 626-629.

[81 Plourde, J.K., and C.L. Ren, "Applicalions of Dic!eclric Rcsonalor5 in Microwave Conlponcnts,
• IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 28,No.8. Aug. 1981, pp. 754-770.

[9] Chow,K.K., "On ll!eS olution end Field P allcrns of Cylindrical Dielectr ic Resonator�." IEEE
Transaction on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 14,No.9,Sept 1966,p. 439.
[10} Sethares, J.C., and J. Naumann, "Dcsir,n of Micr owave Dielect ric Resonators," 11!1./;
Transactions on Mlc•owave Theor & Tech11iqttes.Vol. 14, No. \, Jnn. 1966, pp. 2-7.
(II] Glisson, A.W., D. Kajfc1., and J. J;nncs, "Evnlu�tion of Mocks in Didcclric Resonators Usiolg n
Surface Integral Equation FOflllulation," IEEE Tran.ractions on Microwave Theory & Tecliniqucs.
Vol. Jl, Dec. 1983, pp. 1,023-1,029.

[11] Kajfc'r� D., "Basic Principles Give Underst�nding of Die l ec t r ic Waveguides >nd Rc�onators,"

Microwave � yslem New.<. Vol. 13. May 1983,pp. 152·16!.

(13} Kaj(ez, D., A.W. Glisson, and J. James, •computed Mode Field Distribution of Isolated
Dic lcct r ie Resonators," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniq11es, Vol. 32, No. 12.
Dec. 1984, pp. 1,609-1,616.

[14) Fiedziuszko, S.J., "Microwave Dielectric Resonators,'' Microll'aYc Joumal, Sept. 1986, pp. 189-

[15] Kajfcz. D., and P. Guilton, (eds.), Dielectric Resona/ors, Dedham, MA: Artech House, 1986.

[!6) Long, S.A, M.W. McAllister. and L.C. Shen, "The Resonant Cylindrical Dieleclric Cavity
Antenna," IEEE TransactiO/IS otJ AntctJnoJ & Pro pagation, Vol. 31, No. 3, March 1983, pp. 406·
Simple-ShapedDielectric ResonatorAntennas 47

{17] Mongi�. R.K., and P. Ohartia, "Dielcwic Resonator Antennas- A Review and General Design
Rcla!ions for Rcsonanl Frequency and Bandwidth," fn/ernatio11al Journal of Microwave and
Millime/er-ll'ave Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol. 4, No.3, 1994, pp. 230-247.

! 18] Kobayashi, Y., and S.Tanaka, "Resonant Modes of a Dielectric Rod Resonator Short Circuited at
Both Ends by Parallel Conducting Plates," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Th e ory &
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[19) van Blade!, J., "On the Resonances of a Dielectric Rcsonntor of Very High Permittivity," IEEE
Transacrions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 2J, No. 2, Feb. 1975, pp. 199-208.

Antennas," 1999 An/enna Applicarions Symposium, Sept. 1999, Allerton Park, Monticello, 11, pp.
[20] Kishk, A.A., A.W. Glisson, and G.P. Junker. "Study of Broadband Dielectric Resonator


IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 42, No. 8, Aug. 1994, pp. 1463-
[21] Mongia, R.K., ct al.. "Accurate Measurement of Q-Factors of Isolated Dielectric Resonators,"


[22] Mongia, R.K., and A. ltlipiboon, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Rectangular
Dielectric Resonator Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Anlennas & Propagation, Vol. 45, No. 9,
Sept. 1997, pp. 1348-1356.

[23J Trueman, C.. et al.: 'Computation and Measurement of the Resonant Frequencies and Q-factors
of High-Pcrmillivity Dielectric Rcsonato�." Symposium on Antenna Technology aNi Applied
Electromogn�rics ANTEM 94 Digesl, Onawa, Canada, Aug. 1994, pp. 395-402.

Micro,ave ond Oplical Technology Leuers, Vol. 19, No.2, Oct. 1998, pp. 158·160.
[24) Antar, Y.M.M., ct al., "Modified Waveguide Model for Dielectric Resonator Antennas,"
48 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handboo k


The fields of the TE modes of an isolated dielectric sphere can be expressed

by [1):

where Pn"'(cos8) is the first-kind Legendre polynomial, 1,+112(/cp) is the first­

kind Bessel function, and lc is the wavenumber. The field expressions for the TM
modes are similar, withE and H exchanged.
Chapter 3

Coupling to DRAs

Chapter 2 examined the basic DRAs and presented design equations for predicting
the resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor for the commonly used lower order
modes. The models for deriving these equations assumed the DRAs were in
isolation or mounted on an infinite perfect conducting ground plane and did not
account for the feeding mechanisms used to excite the DRAs. The selection of the
feed and that of its location both play an important role in determining which
modes are excited. This, in turn, will determine the input impedance and radiation
characteristics of the DRAs. The coupling mechanism can also have a significant
impact on the resonant frequency and Q-factor, which the previous equations fail
to predict. This chapter begins with a brief review of coupling theory and an
examination of the internal fields within rectangular and cylindrical DRAs. A
knowledge of the internal field configuration is essential for understanding how
the various feeds can excite different modes within the DRA. The more common
feeds are then surveyed and examples provided to highlight practical design


For most practical applications, power must be coupled into or out of the DRA
through one or more ports. (One notable exception is the DRA reflectarray, which
will be discussed in Chapter 9.) The type of port used and the location of the port
with respect to the DRA will determine which mode will be excited and how much
power will be coupled between the port and the antenna. The mode or modes

50 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

generated, the amount of coupling, and the frequency response of the impedance
are all important in determining the performance of the DRA. Although these
quantities are difficult to determine without using numerical methods, a great deal
of insight can be obtained by knowing the approximate field distributions of the
modes of the isolated DRA and by making use of the Lorentz Reciprocity
Theorem and some coupling theory borrowed from resonator circuits [1].
When coupling to a DRA, the source can typically be modeled as either an
electric or magnetic current, and the amount of coupling, χ, between the source
and the fields within the DRA can be determined by applying the reciprocity
theorem with the appropriate boundary conditions. For an electric source Js

χ∝ (EDRA ⋅ Js )dV (3.1)


and for a magnetic source Ms

χ∝ (H DRA ⋅ M s )dV (3.2)


where V is the volume occupied by the source within which the electric and/or
magnetic currents exist, while EDRA and HDRA are the electric and magnetic fields
within the DRA. Equation (3.1) states that in order to achieve strong coupling
using an electric current source (like a probe), then that source should be located in
an area of strong electric fields within the DRA. On the other hand, to achieve
strong coupling using a magnetic current source (like a loop or an aperture) then
from (3.2) the source should be located in an area of strong magnetic fields. It is
thus necessary to have a good understanding of the internal field structures of the
isolated DRA to determine where the feed should be placed to excite the desired
mode. The fields within cylindrical and rectangular DRAs will be examined in the
next section.
In addition to transferring power, the coupling mechanism to the DRA has a
loading effect that will influence the Q-factor of the DRA. An external Q-factor
(Qext) can be defined in terms of the coupling factor, χ:

Qext = (3.3)

and the loaded Q-factor (QL) of the DRA can then be expressed as:

1 1 Q
QL = + = (3.4)
Q Qext 1+ χ
Coupling to DRAs 51

where Q is the unloaded Q-factor. Maximum power is transferred between the

coupling port and the DRA when the coupling factor is 1. This condition is known
as critical coupling. When χ < 1, the DRA is said to be undercoupled, while when
χ > 1, the DRA is overcoupled. The more common coupling methods to DRAs
will be presented later in this chapter.


For the rectangular DRA shown in Figure 3.1, with dimensions w > b or d, the
lowest order mode will be TExδ11. Using the dielectric waveguide model, this leads
to the following fields within the DRA [2]:

Hx =
(k 2
y + kz2 )cos(k x) cos(k y)cos(k z) (3.5)
jωµ o
x y z

(ky kx )sin(k x)sin k y cos(k z)

Hy =
x (y ) z (3.6)

(kz kx ) sin k
Hz = ( xx ) cos(ky y)sin(kz z) (3.7)
jωµ o
Ex = 0 (3.8)

( )
Ey = kz cos(kx x ) cos ky y sin(kz z ) (3.9)

Ez = −k y cos(kx x)sin(ky y)cos(kz z ) (3.10)

where, as was shown in Chapter 2:

k x tan(k x d / 2) = (ε r −1)ko2 − kx2 (3.11)


kx2 + ky2 + kz2 = ε r ko2 (3.12)

The ejωt time dependence is suppressed in the above equations. Assuming magnetic
walls along air-dielectric interfaces parallel to the z-axis, then:
52 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

mπ nπ
ky = and k z = , where m, n are positive integers.
w b

The value δ can be defined as the fraction of a half-cycle of the field variation in
the z-direction and is given by:

δ= (3.13)
π /d

For the lowest order mode (m = n = 1), a sketch of the field configuration is shown
in Figure 3.1. The Hx component of the magnetic field is dominant along the
center of the DRA, while the E-fields (predominantly Ey and Ez) circulate around
the Hx component. These fields are similar to those produced by a short magnetic
dipole. A plot of the relative amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields in the
x-y plane of the DRA is shown in Figure 3.2. A knowledge of the relative
amplitudes of these fields as a function of location within the DRA is important
for determining where to place the feed mechanism to efficiently excite the DRA.

Figure 3.1 Sketch of the fields for the TExδ1 mode of the rectangular DRA.
Coupling to DRAs 53

Relative Field Strength


-w/2 0 +w/2
y (at z = 0)

Figure 3.2 Relative field strength of the TE δ11 mode within the rectangular DRA.

Higher-order modes of rectangular DRAs can also be excited for certain

aspect ratios. Figure 3.3 shows sketches of the electric fields of some of these
x x
modes. The TE δ31 and TE δ13 modes will produce radiation patterns similar to the
TE δ11 mode, having a peak in the broadside direction (along the z-axis), while the
x x
TE δ21 mode will have a null at broadside. (Note that the TE δ12 mode cannot exist
for the case of the DRA mounted on the ground plane, due to the boundary
condition that forces the tangential E-field to zero at z = 0, since the TE δ12 would
require the E-field to be maximum at that location.) By properly combining one or
more of the higher-order modes with the fundamental mode, a wider bandwidth or
dual-band operation can be achieved [3].
The fields of a cylindrical DRA operating in the TE01δ mode can be
approximated by [4-6]:

H z ∝ J o (βr ) cos z (3.14)
H r ∝ J1(βr )sin z (3.15)
54 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.3 Sketches of the E-fields for selected higher-order modes within the rectangular DRA.

Eφ ∝ J1(βr ) cos z (3.16)
E z = Er = H φ = 0 (3.17)

where Jo(β ) and J1(β ) are Bessel functions of the first kind, and β is the
solution to Jo(βa) = 0.
The TM01δ fields are similar to those of the TE01δ with the magnetic and
electric field components interchanged. For the HE11δ mode of the cylindrical
DRA, the field components can be expressed as:

π cos φ
Ez ∝ J1(αr ) cos z (3.18)
2h sin φ
Coupling to DRAs 55

∂J1(αr ) π cos φ
Er ∝ sin z (3.19)
∂ (αr ) 2h sin φ

π sin φ
Eφ ∝ J1(αr )sin z (3.20)
2h cos φ

π sin φ
H r ∝ J1(αr ) cos z (3.21)
2h cos φ
∂J1(αr ) π cos φ
Hφ ∝ cos z (3.22)
∂ (αr ) 2h sin φ

Hz ≈ 0 (3.23)

where α is the solution to J1(αa) = 0. The choice of cosφ or sinφ depends on the
location of the feed.
The fields for these three modes are sketched in Figure 3.4. Examples of the
relative field strengths for these modes are shown in Figures 3.5 and 3.6. The
actual values will depend on the dielectric constant and radius of the DRAs;
however, these figures are useful for visualizing the locations of high electric and
magnetic fields within the DRA for the different modes, to assist in determining
what type of feed is best suited and where the feed should be located to optimize
the DRA excitation. The following sections will examine the more conventional
coupling mechanisms in closer detail.


One common method of exciting a DRA is through an aperture in the ground

plane upon which the DRA is placed. Figure 3.7 shows some of the aperture
shapes that have been used for exciting DRAs. The small rectangular slot is
probably the most widely used aperture [7-14]. By keeping the slot dimensions
electrically small, the amount of radiation spilling beneath the ground plane can be
minimized. Annular slots have also been used for exciting cylindrical DRAs [15],
while cross-shaped and C-shaped slots are used to excite circular polarization [16-
18]. The aperture can itself be fed by a transmission line (either microstrip or
coaxial) or a waveguide [19, 20], as shown in Figure 3.7. Aperture coupling offers
the advantage of having the feed network located below the ground plane,
isolating the radiating aperture from any unwanted coupling or spurious radiation
from the feed.
56 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.4 Sketch of the cylindrical DRA field configurations.

Coupling to DRAs 57


Relative Field Strength



Hz (Ez)
Eφ (Hφ)

0 DRA Radius (r) a
Figure 3.5 Example of relative field strength of the TE01δ (TM01δ) mode in the cylindrical DRA.

Relative Field Strength


0.4 Ez


0 a
DRA Radius (r)

Figure 3.6 Example of the relative field strength of the HE11δ mode in the cylindrical DRA.
58 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.7 Various slot apertures.

The electric fields within a rectangular slot are sketched in Figure 3.8. For
coupling purposes, the slot can be considered as an equivalent magnetic current
whose direction is parallel to the slot length. To achieve strong coupling to the
DRA, the aperture should be located in a region of strong magnetic fields, as
indicated by (3.2). Figure 3.9 shows a rectangular slot feeding a rectangular DRA.
The orientation of the slot will excite the TE δ11 mode of the DRA [8]. Centering the
DRA over the slot will ensure strong coupling to the internal magnetic fields. Some
degree of impedance matching can be achieved by offsetting the DRA from the slot
center. A rectangular slot can also be used to excite the HE11δ mode of a cylindrical
Coupling to DRAs 59

DRA [12] or the TE01δ mode of a split-cylinder DRA, as shown in Figures 3.10 and
3.11 [9, 12].
Feeding the aperture with a microstrip transmission line is the most common
approach, since printed technology is easy to fabricate. Microstrip lines also offer a

Figure 3.8 Equivalent magnetic current for slot apertures.

Figure 3.9 Slot aperture coupling to a rectangular DRA.

60 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

degree of impedance matching not available with coaxial lines or waveguides. As

shown in Figure 3.12, the microstrip line can be extended by a distance s beyond
the slot. This extension behaves like an open-circuit stub, whose admittance is in
parallel with the admittance of the slot. By adjusting the length s of the stub, the
reactive component of the slot admittance can be reduced (and, in theory,
completely cancelled at the design frequency), resulting in an improved impedance
match to the microstrip line. The techniques for aperture coupling to DRAs are
similar to those of a microstrip patch antenna, and as a rule of thumb, the stub
length is chosen to be s = λg/4, where λg is the guided wavelength of the microstrip
line. The slot length ls and width ws will control the amount of coupling from the
microstrip line to the DRA. The area of the slot should, in general, be kept as small
as possible to avoid excessive radiation beneath the ground plane. Also, if the
aperture is too large, it will significantly load the DRA, and the resonant frequency
will shift compared to the theoretical value obtained using the models in Chapter 2.
The aperture introduces an air gap beneath the DRA, which will then no longer see
a continuous ground plane. If the aperture is too large, the previous assumptions
using image theory to double the height of the DRA become less accurate,
resulting in larger errors in the predicted resonant frequency and Q-factor.

Figure 3.10 Slot aperture coupling to a cylindrical DRA.

Coupling to DRAs 61

Figure 3.11 Slot aperture coupling to a split-cylindrical DRA.

Computational electromagnetics methods, such as the finite element method,

the method of moments, or the finite-difference time domain method are typically
used to determine the input impedance of slot-fed DRAs. Several commercial
software packages are available for analyzing three-dimensional electromagnetic
problems, which can be used to predict the input impedance with a reasonably
high degree of accuracy. These software tools are better suited for analysis than
design, since the computational time can be lengthy, especially for high values of
the dielectric constant. Although there are no simple equations for designing the
slot dimensions given the various antenna parameters, the following guidelines can
be used as a starting point for rectangular slots:

1) The slot length ls is chosen large enough so that sufficient coupling

exists between the DRA and the feed line but small enough so that it
does not resonate within the band of operation, which usually leads
to a significant radiated back lobe. A good starting value is [10, 21]:

0.4 λ o
ls = (3.24)
62 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.12 Microstrip-fed rectangular slot.

εr + εs
where εe = (3.25)

and εr and εs are the dielectric constants of the DRA and substrate,
2) A fairly narrow slot width is usually chosen to avoid a large backlobe
component. A reasonable choice is:

w s = 0.2l s (3.26)

At high frequencies, (3.26) might result in a very narrow slot that

may be difficult to fabricate due to etching limitations. At these
frequencies, a wider slot width can be used.
3) The stub extension s is selected so that its reactance cancels out that
of the slot aperture. It is generally initially chosen to be:
s= (3.27)

where λg is the guided wave in the substrate.

Coupling to DRAs 63

The amount of coupling actually achieved using the above guidelines is not always
as high as desired. Oftentimes the coupling can be significantly improved simply
by slightly offsetting the DRA with respect to the slot. This solution requires
neither a second design iteration nor the fabrication of a new circuit and is an
attractive method for obtaining a good impedance match [2].
An example of a slot feed for a rectangular DRA design at 5.5 GHz with an
8% fractional impedance bandwidth is now illustrated. To design the DRA, the
procedure outlined in Section 2.3.2 can be followed. Using a material with a
dielectric constant of εr = 10, the following DRA dimensions were chosen:
w = 14 mm, and d = h = 8 mm, as shown in Figure 3.13. Substituting these values
into (2.19) the theoretical resonant frequency is 5.6 GHz and from (2.24), the
radiation Q-factor is Qrad = 7.9, which translates to a fractional bandwidth of 8.9%.
The microstrip line was printed on a substrate have a dielectric constant of
εs = 3.38 and thickness of 0.5 mm. Using (3.25) the effective dielectric constant is
εe = 6.7, from (3.24) the slot length is ls = 8.4 mm, and from (3.26) the slot width
is ws = 1.7 mm. The stub length extension, from (3.27) is s = 8.3 mm, where a
guided wavelength λg = 33.2 mm was calculated for the microstrip line shown in
Figure 3.13. Based on these initial calculations, several feed circuits were
fabricated with different combinations of slot length (ls) and stub length (s). For
these prototype circuits, a somewhat narrower dimension was chosen for the slot
width (ws = 1.0 mm) to help minimize the potential for high backlobes.

Figure 3.13 Design example of a rectangular DRA fed by a rectangular slot.

64 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.14 shows the effects of varying the slot length for a fixed stub length of
s = 5 mm. Increasing the slot length from 8 to 12 mm results in an increase in the
10-dB return loss bandwidth from 6.3% to 13.3% as well as an upward shift in the
frequency response. The increase in bandwidth might come at the expense of
higher backlobes, if there is increased radiation from the longer slots.
The effect of varying the stub length from s = 3 mm to 10 mm is seen in
Figure 3.15, where the slot length was kept constant at ls = 10 mm. A significant
amount of frequency tuning can be achieved by adjusting the stub length.


|S11| (dB)

ls = 8 mm

ls = 10 mm

ls = 12 mm



4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 3.14 Effects of slot length the DRA return loss (s = 5 mm).
Coupling to DRAs 65

As the stub length is reduced from 10 mm down to 3 mm, there is an upward shift
in the frequency response and an increase in the 10-dB return loss bandwidth.
Trimming the stub length could thus be a practical method for tuning the return
loss response of the DRA. Instead of fabricating several microstrip circuits with
different stub lengths, a single circuit could be fabricated with a stub length
somewhat larger than the value obtained using (3.27). If the desired impedance
response is not obtained, the stub could then be trimmed to improve the results.


|S11| (dB)

s = 3 mm
s = 5 mm
s = 7 mm
s = 10 mm


4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0

Frequency (GHz)

Figure 3.15 Effects of stub length on the DRA return loss (ls = 10 mm).
66 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

A second method for tuning the impedance response is to offset the location of the
DRA with respect to the slot. Figure 3.16 shows the change in the impedance
response that occurs by offsetting the DRA a few millimeters from the center of
the slot. The response is shifted down in frequency by a significant amount,
without an appreciable narrowing of the impedance bandwidth. The results of
these measurements help confirm that the procedure outlined above for
determining the slot and stub dimensions is a useful design tool for slot-coupled
feeds for DRAs.


|S11| (dB)



4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 3.16 Effects of offsetting the DRA on return loss.
Coupling to DRAs 67


Another common method for coupling to DRAs is with a probe, as shown in

Figure 3.17 [22-28]. The probe usually consists of the center pin of a coaxial
transmission line that extends through the ground plane. The center pin can also be
soldered to a flat metal strip, that is placed adjacent to the DRA [29], whose length
and width can be adjusted to improve the impedance match. Instead of a coaxial
line, the flat metal strip can also be connected to a microstrip line [30-32]. For
coupling purposes, the probe can be considered as a vertical electric current, as
shown in Figure 3.17 and, from (3.1), it should be located in a region of the DRA
having high electric fields to achieve strong coupling. The probe can either be

Figure 3.17 Vertical probe sources.

located adjacent to the DRA or can be embedded within it. The amount of
coupling can be optimized by adjusting the probe height and the DRA location.
Also, depending on the location of the probe, various modes can be excited.
A probe located adjacent to (or slightly inset into) a rectangular DRA, as
shown in Figure 3.18, will excite the TExδ11 mode. Similarly, the HE11δ mode of a
68 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

cylindrical DRA or the TE01δ mode of the split cylinder can be excited with a
probe located adjacent to (or slightly inset into) the DRA, as in Figures 3.19 and
3.20. For a probe located in the center of a cylindrical (or ring) DRA, the TM01δ
mode is excited, as shown in Figure 3.21. One advantage of coaxial probe
excitation is the direct coupling into a 50-Ω system without the need for a
matching network. Probes are useful at lower frequencies where aperture-coupling
may not be practical due to the large size of the slot required.
The probe length is generally chosen to be less than the height of the DRA, to
avoid probe radiation. (A notable exception is the hybrid monopole-DRA,
described in Section 4.5.2, where the probe is actually designed to act as both a
feed for the DRA and a monopole radiator.) Rigorous analyses for probe-fed
hemispherical and cylindrical DRAs have been carried out, showing the effects of
both the probe position and length on the input impedance and resonant frequency

Figure 3.18 Probe coupling to a rectangular DRA.

Coupling to DRAs 69

of the DRA [33-35]; however, there are no simple equations to design the required
probe height for a given set of DRA dimensions and dielectric constant. In terms
of practicality, locating the probe feed adjacent to the DRA is preferred since it
does not require drilling into the DRA. (This, of course, cannot be avoided for the
TM01δ mode of cylindrical DRAs where the probe must be at the center of the
DRA.) If the center conductor of a coaxial cable is used as the probe, one approach
is to begin with a probe height slightly taller than that of the DRA, then trimming
the height until the desired match is achieved. Similarly, if a flat metallic strip is
used, it is recommended to start with a taller, wider strip which can be then
trimmed for impedance tuning.

Figure 3.19 Probe coupling to the HE11δ mode of the cylindrical DRA.
70 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.20 Probe coupling to split-cylindrical DRAs.

Figure 3.21 Probe coupling to the TM01δ mode of the cylindrical DRA.
Coupling to DRAs 71


A common method for coupling to dielectric resonators in microwave circuits is

by proximity coupling to microstrip lines. Figure 3.22 shows this feeding
technique applied to DRAs [36]. Microstrip coupling can be used to excite the
TExδ11 mode of the rectangular DRA or the HE11δ mode of the cylindrical DRA, as
shown in Figure 3.23. This sketches the magnetic fields in the DRA and the
equivalent short horizontal magnetic dipole mode.

Figure 3.22 Microstrip line coupling to DRAs.

72 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

The amount of coupling from the microstrip line to the DRA can be controlled
to a certain degree by adjusting s in Figure 3.22, which represents the spacing
between the DRA and the line for the side-coupled case or the length of the line
underneath the DRA for the direct-coupled case. A more dominant parameter
affecting the degree of coupling is the dielectric constant of the DRA. For higher
values (εr > 20), strong coupling is achieved; however, the maximum amount of
coupling is significantly reduced if the dielectric constant of the DRA is lowered.
This can be problematic if low dielectric constant values are required for obtaining
wideband operation. For series-fed linear arrays of DRAs (discussed in Chapter 9),
the lower level of coupling may not be an impediment, since each DRA element
usually only requires coupling a small amount from the microstrip feed line [37-

Figure 3.23 Fields and equivalent radiation models of microstrip line-coupled DRAs.
Coupling to DRAs 73

3.5.1 The Multisegment DRA

As mentioned in Section 3.5, to achieve strong coupling between the microstrip

line feed and the DRA, the dielectric constant of the DRA needs to be relatively
high (usually εr > 20). Since the radiation Q-factor is proportional to the dielectric
constant, the bandwidth of these DRAs is typically narrow. For wider-band
applications, DRAs with lower values of dielectric constant are required, but only
a small amount of coupling is achievable between the microstrip line and the
DRA, resulting in poor radiation efficiency. One solution to overcoming the weak
coupling of DRAs with lower dielectric constants is the multisegment DRA [39-
40]. The multisegment dielectric resonator antenna (MSDRA) consists of a
rectangular DRA of low permittivity under which one or more thin segments of
different dielectric constant substrates are inserted, as shown in the exploded view
of Figure 3.24. The inserts serve to transform the impedance of the DRA to that of
the microstrip line by concentrating the fields underneath the DRA; this
significantly improves the coupling performance. In general, more than one insert
can be added to obtain the required impedance match, but to reduce the
complexity of the fabrication process and ultimately the cost, it is desirable to use
only a single insert, as shown in Figure 3.25.

Figure 3.24 Exploded view of the multisegment DRA.

74 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.25 MSDRA with a single insert.

The MSDRA can be designed using the equations for the rectangular DRA in
Section 2.4, with some modifications. To account for the effect of the insert and of
the microstrip substrate on the resonant frequency of the MSDRA, the dielectric
waveguide model equations are modified by including an effective permittivity
(εeff) and effective height (Heff). Adopting a simple static capacitance model, the
effective permittivity of the MSDRA is calculated using:

H eff
ε eff = (3.28)
h /ε r + t /ε i + s /ε s

where εr, εi, and εs are the dielectric constants of the DRA, insert, and substrate,
respectively. The effective height (Heff) is simply the sum of the DRA height (h),
insert thickness (t), and substrate thickness (s):

H eff = h + t + s (3.29)

Equations (3.28) and (3.29) are substituted into (2.19), with εeff replacing εr and
2Heff replacing b.
The selection of the insert thickness and dielectric constant should be based
on two considerations. The first is to ensure that the insert itself does not radiate.
The dielectric waveguide model equations can be used with the insert parameters
to ensure that the resonant frequency of the insert is well above the desired
frequency of operation. The second consideration relates to the impedance
bandwidth obtained by the various inserts. In general, the higher the dielectric
constant of the insert, the narrower the impedance bandwidth, for a given insert
thickness. MSDRAs with higher dielectric constant inserts also show a greater
Coupling to DRAs 75

sensitivity to their position with respect to the open end of the microstrip line.
Since one of the objectives of using the MSDRA is to obtain a wide impedance
bandwidth, the insert dielectric constant should be chosen accordingly. This places
an upper bound on permittivity. Based on the investigations carried out in [39], a
set of guidelines was proposed for designing the MSDRA.

(1) Determine the dimensions (w, h, d ) of the DRA, using the dielectric
waveguide model equations for the desired resonant frequency and
radiation Q-factor. The dielectric constant of the DRA should be
chosen within the range of approximately 10 ≤ εr ≤ 12 for wideband
(2) Choose an insert dielectric constant in the range of 20 ≤ εi ≤ 40 and
an insert thickness (t) such that 0.1 < T < 0.3 (where T = t/(t+h)).
Ensure that the resonant frequency of the isolated insert is well above
the desired frequency of operation by substituting the insert
parameters into the dielectric waveguide model equations.
(3) Estimate the resonant frequency of this MSDRA structure by using
(2.19) with the effective dielectric constant (εeff) and effective height
(Heff), based on the insert parameters chosen in (2). The insert
parameters or the DRA dimensions might require some adjustment if
there is a significant shift in the desired resonant frequency.
(4) Once fabricated, some experimental optimization may be required to
maximize the coupling. The simplest form of optimization is done by
adjusting the position of the MSDRA with respect to the open end of
the microstrip line. If this is not sufficient, a second iteration of the
MSDRA parameters may be required.

Using these guidelines, several MSDRA designs have been carried out at various
frequency bands, achieving impedance bandwidths of up to about 20% [39]. For
the single insert case, an empirical study has led to design guidelines for the
optimum values of the dielectric constant and thickness [41]:

ηo ε r
εi = (3.30)
t= (3.31)
4 fo εi

where ηo is the intrinsic impedance of free space, Zo is the characteristic

impedance of the transmission line, c is the speed of light and fo is the center
frequency of the DRA. Arrays of MSDRAs will be investigated in Chapter 9.
76 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

The effects of changing the position of the MSDRA with respect to the open
circuit of the microstrip transmission line can be seen in the example shown in
Figure 3.26. The frequency response of the return loss was measured for various
positions of the MSDRA, such that the stub extension (ls) ranged from +3 mm to
-3 mm, where the positive values indicate that the stub extends past the MSDRA
while the negative values indicate that the MSDRA extends past the end of the
open circuit. The measured return loss curves for the various positions are overlaid
in Figure 3.27.

Figure 3.26 Effects of the microstrip stub length on the MSDRA return loss.


|S11| (dB)

s = -3 mm
s = -2 mm
s = -1 mm
s = 0 mm
s = +1 mm
s = +2 mm
s = +3 mm
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 3.27 Return loss response as a function of stub length for the MSDRA.
Coupling to DRAs 77

By simply moving the position of the MSDRA with respect to the open, the return
loss can be tuned for a broadband response. For this particular case, the position
with (ls = 0) offered the widest frequency response. In general, either a positive or
a negative value for ls could result in the widest response. The length of the stub
can also be used to slightly shift the frequency response for fine tuning.


Coupling to DRAs can also be achieved by using coplanar feeds with some
examples shown in Figure 3.28 [42-48]. Open-circuit coplanar waveguides can be
used to directly feed DRAs similar to the open-circuit microstrip lines examined
earlier. Additional control for impedance matching can be achieved by adding
stubs or loops at the end of the line. Figure 3.29 shows a cylindrical DRA coupled
to a coplanar loop. The coupling level can be adjusted by positioning the DRA
over the loop. The coupling behavior of the coplanar loop is similar to that of the
coaxial probe, but the loop offers the advantage of being nonobtrusive. By moving
the loop from the edge of the DRA to the center, one can couple into either the
HE11δ mode or the TE01δ mode of the cylindrical DRA [42]. As with aperture
coupling, the dimensions of the coplanar feed should be chosen large enough to
ensure proper coupling, but small enough to avoid excessive radiation in the

Figure 3.28 Various coplanar feeds for coupling to DRAs.

78 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 3.29 Coplanar loop coupling to a cylindrical DRA.


The final method of coupling to DRAs presented in this chapter is by way of a

dielectric image guide, as shown in Figure 3.30. Dielectric image guides offer
advantages over microstrips at millimeter-wave frequencies, since they do not
suffer as severely from conductor losses. As with microstrip lines, the amount of
coupling to the DRA is generally quite small, especially for DRAs with lower
dielectric constants, although it may be possible to increase the coupling by
operating the guide closer to the cut-off frequency. The dielectric image guide is
thus best utilized as a series feed to a linear array of DRAs. It will be examined in
Chapter 9 [38, 49, 50].
Coupling to DRAs 79

Figure 3.30 Dielectric image guide feed for DRAs.


One important parameter in designing a feed to excite the DRA is the input
impedance. Knowledge of the input impedance as a function of frequency is
needed to determine the bandwidth of operation and for matching the antenna to
the circuit. In this chapter, guidelines were given for the various coupling
mechanisms to help obtain a good impedance match that did not rely on a
knowledge of the DRA input impedance. These guidelines offer a good starting
point for the design, but do not allow for precise designs if specific impedances are
required. Unfortunately, there are no simple closed-form expressions for
predicting the input impedance of the DRA when excited by a particular feed and
rigorous analytical or numerical techniques are required. This section provides a
brief survey of some of the techniques that have been used to predict the input
impedance for DRAs excited by the various feeds.
80 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

3.8.1 Green's Function Analysis

For a probe-fed DRA, the input impedance (Zin) can be determined using the
following equation:
Z in = (E ⋅ J s )dS (3.32)
I o2 so

where E represents the electric fields of the DRA, Js is the applied source current
density on the probe, Io is the magnitude of the current on the probe, and the
integral is carried out over the surface So of the probe. The electric fields of the
DRA will, in turn, depend on the source excitation, and are determined using:

(G ⋅ J s )dS (3.33)

where G represents Green's function for the DRA. Thus the determination of the
input impedance requires a knowledge of Green's function of the DRA. Using
some simplifying assumptions about a single-mode operation and the currents on
the probe, the Green's function for a hemispherical DRA was first derived in [51]
and was then used to predict the input impedance of the probe-fed DRA operating
in the TE111 mode. Moderately good agreement was achieved between the
predicted and measured input impedance. More rigorous derivations soon
followed [52-53] which led to more accurate predictions. This technique was also
applied to a probe-fed hemispherical DRA operating in the TM101 mode [54], as
well as other variations of hemispherical DRA geometries [55-57]. The input
impedance of conformal strip feeds [58] and aperture feeds [59-62] can also be
analyzed using Green's function approach. The advantage to this technique is the
relatively fast computation time required to obtain the input impedance. It is,
therefore, a useful method for analyzing the effects of altering probe dimensions
and probe location and can be used for optimizing the input impedance. The main
drawback is its limitation to hemispherical DRA geometries, due to the fact that
Green's function has only been determined for DRAs of hemispherical shape. For
other DRA shapes, different analytical techniques are required.

3.8.2 Frequency Domain Analysis

Two common frequency domain techniques that have been used to analyze DRAs
are the method of moments (MOM) and the finite element method (FEM). The
MOM involves discretizing the antenna into a number of small segments and
solving for a set of unknown coefficients, each coefficient representing the current
on one segment due to a known incident field [63]. Once the currents are
determined, the input impedance of the antenna can then be calculated. The MOM
was first developed for wire or metal antennas of arbitrary shape, but can be
Coupling to DRAs 81

extended to include dielectric materials by introducing equivalent currents. By

using the MOM, analysis of DRAs is not limited to a hemispherical shape, and the
technique can be used to also analyze simple cylindrical and rectangular DRA
shapes [63-73]. Determining the DRA input impedance using the MOM technique
will require more computer memory and time than applying Green's function,
since the DRA must usually be finely segmented to obtain an accurate solution
(especially when they are made of high dielectric constants). The MOM technique
is therefore not as convenient a tool for optimizing the DRA performance.
The FEM is a second frequency domain technique and can be used to analyze
DRAs of arbitrary shape. Similar to the MOM, it involves a discretization of the
geometry (usually using small tetrahedrons), but whereas in the MOM only the
DRA and the ground plane require segmentation, in the FEM technique, the entire
volume surrounding the DRA must also be discretized, thereby increasing the
computational size of the problem. The advantage of the FEM is that it does not
require the formulation of equivalent currents and can thus be readily applied to
arbitrary shapes. Another advantage of the FEM is its availability as commercial
software where graphical user interfaces are provided to simplify the geometrical
definition of the problem. Examples of the use of the FEM to analyze DRAs can
be found in [74-76]. In Chapter 6, the FEM is used to determine the effects of a
finite ground plane on the radiation patterns of a DRA.

3.8.3 Time Domain Analysis Techniques

Two time domain techniques that have been applied to analyzing DRAs are the
finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and the transmission line method
(TLM). Just as with the FEM, these time domain techniques require the entire
volume around the DRA to be discretized and thus can be memory and time
intensive. For the FDTD and TLM methods, small cubes are used for
discretization, instead of tetrahedrons, and care must be taken to properly model
curved geometries, due to the stair-stepping effect. Time domain techniques use a
wideband pulse to excite the DRA, and by transforming the solution into the
frequency domain, the input impedance can be determined over a wide frequency
range. For the frequency domain techniques, the problem would have to be
resimulated at every frequency of interest and obtaining the impedance response
over a broad frequency range could be very time consuming. Commercial software
has also been developed for the FDTD and TLM techniques, eliminating the
necessity for designers to develop their own codes. Examples of DRAs analyzed
using time domain methods can be found in [77-86]. Again, as with the frequency
domain methods, the time domain methods are good tools for analyzing the
performance of a given DRA geometry, but are less useful for optimizing the
performance of DRAs. However, with the continual increase in the speed and
memory of computers, it may not be long before these methods can also serve as
optimization tools, providing solutions within reasonable times.
82 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

[1] Collin, R.E., Foundations for Microwave Engineering, New York: McGraw Hill, 1966.

[2] Mongia, R.K., and A. Ittipiboon, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigations on Rectangular
Dielectric Resonator Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 45, No. 9,
Sept. 1997, pp. 1,348-1,356.

[3] Bit-Babik, G., C. Di Nallo, and A. Faraone, "Multimode Dielectric Resonator Antenna of Very
High Permittivity," IEEE Antennas & Propagation Symposium Digest AP-S 2004, Monterey, CA,
Vol. 2, pp. 1,383-1,386.

[4] Sethares, J.C., and J. Naumann, "Design of Microwave Dielectric Resonators," IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan. 1966, pp. 2-7.

[5] Verplanken, M., and J. van Bladel, "The Magnetic-Dipole Resonance of Ring Resonators of Very
High Permittivity," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 27, No. 4, April
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84 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

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Coupling to DRAs 85

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86 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

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Coupling to DRAs 87

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Chapter 4

Survey ofDRA Shapes

In Chapter 2, the three basic shapes of the dielectric resonator antenna were
introduced, and design equations for predicting resonant frequency and Q-factor
were examined. In this chapter, a survey of other DRA shapes is presented. Many
of these DRAs are derived from the three basic shapes and are grouped
accordingly. A fourth group is included for the shapes that do not readily fit into
the basic categories. Finally, a fifth grouping contains hybrid antennas that
combine the DRA with another antenna, usually for enhanced bandwidth. Some of
the antennas presented i n this chapter will be revisited in later chapters, where
topics such as compact design, broadband performance, or circular polarization are
discussed i n greater detail.


As mentioned in Chapter 2, the hemispherical DRA has zero degrees of freedom,

and so there is no possibility of tailoring the design. Some flexibility can be gained
by using a hemispherical DRA with a nonhomogeneous dielectric, as shown in
Figure 4.1, which consists of a small hemisphere of radius b and dielectric
constant £,1 covered by a shell of outer radius a and dielectric constant E,1. Various
combinations of E,1, r,1, and bla have been examined. For the case of an air
hemisphere (E,1 = 1), and with E,1 8.9, a= 2.5 em, and bla 0.6, analysis has
= =

shown that an increase in bandwidth is possible from about 13% for the solid
hemisphere, to 24% for nonhomogeneous hemisphere [1]. This is accompanied by
an upward shift in resonant frequency from 1.9 to 2.05 GHz. An analysis of the

90 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

m ore general case with different values of s,1 h as shown that a ratio of E,/Er� - 0.5,
(for alb = 1 .6) results in the widest bandwidth [2-4) .


Figure 4.1 Hemispherical DRA with nonuniform dielectric constant (after [1·4]).


Thissection surveys selected DRAs whose shapes are derived from cylinders.
Improved bandwidth performance or more compact designs can be achieved by
modifying the basic cy lindrical shape .

4.2.1 Split-Cylinder DRA

ln Chapter 2, three modes of the cyl i ndric al DRA were discussed: the TEot�.
HE1 r� and TMot6• For the disk geometry in Figure 2.5, the TEo1A mode would
radiate like a short magnetic monopole, with a null along the z-ax i s and an omni­
directional azimuth pattern. Using the split-cylinder DRA geometry [5, 6], shown
in Figure 4.2, t he TEo1A mode1 would radiate like a short horizontal magn eti c
dipole, with a s i m i lar radiation pattern to the HE1 16 mode. With the split cylinder
sitting atop a perfect conductor of infinite extent, the equations in Chapter 2 for the
resonant frequency and radiation Q-factor are still valid (using d = 2h). Although
both the TEo 1h of the split cylinder and HE11� mode of the full disk have similar
radiation patterns, the TE0 16 is a lower-order mode than the HEm. Thus for a given
radius and dielectric constant, the TE01b mode of the split cylinder will resonate at
a lower frequency than the H E 1 1 6 mod e of the disk, and it will usually exhibit a

lower Q-factor. As an example, a sp l i t cylinder with a = 7.5 mm,·d = 3 mm, and

e, = I 0.8 has a resonant frequency of 7.9 GHz and a Q-factor of approximately 5

for the TE01 h mode, using (2. 1 1 ) and (2. 1 2). For this split-cylinder ORA fed with a
rectangular slot (6. 1 2 mm x 1 .22 mm), the measured resonant frequency was 7.4
GHz and the 1 0-dB return loss bandwidth was 1 0%, corresponding to radiation
Q-factor of7 [6]. A cyl i ndri cal disk ofthe same volume (a = 7.5 mm, h = 1 .5 mm)
would have a theoretical resonant frequency of 1 4.56 GHz and a Q-factor of

1 Note lhal a IOGal coordinate system i s introduced for the split-cylinder DRA. s o lh�l the same mode
nomenclature can be used.
Surveyo(DRAShapes 91

approximately 5 for the HE11h mode. (Conversely, the height of the disk would
have to be increased to h = 3.3 mm in order to resonate at 7.9 GHz, representing
more than a doubling in the volume.)


Figure 4.2 Split-cylinder ORA geometry (after [5, 6J).

4.2.2 Cylindrical-Ring DRA

Analytical studies carried out on cylindrical dielectric resonators have

demonstrated that the Q·factor could be reduced by removing a central portion of
the dielectric material to form a ring, as shown in Figure 4.3 [7, 8]. There is,

expected if the DRA is considered a resonant cavity, and by applying perturbation

however, an accompanying increase in the resonant frequency. This behavior is

theory, the removal of dielectric mater ial would result in a lowering of the
Q-factor and an increase in the resonant frequency. This section will examine the
resonant frequency and Q-factors of the TM01� and TE01� modes of the ring

Figure 4.3 Cylindrical-ring ORA geomerry (after [7, 8]).

92 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

The resonant frequency of the TM01h mode can be determined using [7):

/, • __
( )2 ( )2
.!!._ + X0
(4 . 1 )
0 2n ..{E: 2h a

where c is the speed of light in free space, and X., is the solution to:


where J1 (x) and Y1 (r) are the first-order Bessel functions of the first and second
kind, respectively. A curve of Xa as a function of b!a is plotted in Figure 4.4, while
selected values are listed in Table 4 . 1 .

.........;...........:. ..... .. ;. .... ... ;. .... ....;... ... . .;... ... ·- �- -· · ···:...... .... . .. . .

�· 1 � j l � j � �
. .

::::: : r:: ::::::r:.:::.::r::.::-.:�::::.:::.:�:::.:::::r.:::.:.:r.::::J. -.:.: -: �:. : :


l -1 J i 1 :t -•r • l:_

-. - .

-••• • ·--···•· J·_ _. . • • •.

· .•-.

•••· :
.• r : 1 r r 1 r r :r :·- - ·-
� ! l l l !
· l ! j

·· -··-· · ·

·• ·--·-· ·..····· · - --··- · ·-···--- ···-- -· . · ·--------· ···-····· ··--..-·· ···· - -- - --····

....... r··· ·· .rj... . . ..... !l.. ..... .ir. ..... .tr. . . ...rt . .......rl. ·· . . !� . . . .

t ·•· ·· ... ,........ ·-=-··· . ....., ···· :-·-·· . .· t·· · ·· ·. ,. ... . ...... ....,......
.. . . . . . . .
. . .. . .

. J
�--·--. r-� .········-···---r··� · ···---�-; ---····-·t·l ···· ·· ·+·l -··· . f ..........y� . ... . .��........
....... -�- ....•. .. ..

: I : : : : : : :

........ L. . . l.. . .... . i....... .�. .. . . .j.. .. . . . .; ..........i. . .... .. L ...... .

. .. .

.. . .. . .
� � i � � ;
. . .. . . .

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Flgull! 4.4 Solution of X. for values of b/a.

Survev o(DRA Shapes 93

Values ofX. for Various Ratios of bla

Table 4.1

bla � ----
� �
� �
� ---
0 3.8317 0.5 6.3932
0.1 39409 0.6 7.9301

0.2 4.2358 0.7 10.5220
4.7058 0.8 15.7376
0.4 5.39 12 0.9 3 1 .4292

For bla 5 0.7, the curve iri Figure 4.4 can be well approximated by the following

X0 c 3.56 + 5. I 3(b l a) - l3.07(b/ a )2 + 28.2(bl a )3 (4.3)

The values for the radiat.ion Q-factor have been calculated using a rigorous
analytical approach [7]. The normalized Q-factors are plotted in Figure 4.5 for
selected values of bla. A ninth-order polynomial, o f the form shown in (4.4) has
been curve fitted to the normalized Q-factors, and the coefficients are listed in
Table 4.2.



--e-- b!a = 0

-- bla = 0.25
0.0065 -...- bfo = O.S
-- IJ/(J = 0.75

� 0.0045

oi 0.0040








0. 6 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.0

F'igurt 4.5 Normal ized TMa1• mode Q-factor vs hla for selected bla of the ring DRA (afler [7)).
94 Dielectric Reson ator Antenna Handbook

Table 4.2
Curve-Filled Equalions for Qle/1 for the TM0,. Mode of1hc Ring ORA for (4.4)

_____ wo c_
o-----��E--·-··----I>!f:...:Q:._ ,!_ bJ.�--:-o. 7�_...
_________ _

Co 0.0063 1 3 -0.00050275 -0.0018816 -0.00036248

c, -0.156010 -0.01958900 0.0204940 0.00831980
c, 1.368900 0.38791000 0.0223700 -0.04 14 1900
c, -4.654600 -1 .53360000 -0.3533900 0.10631000
c, 8.397700 2.93440000 0.9416600 -0.16603000
c, -9.012700 -3.25880000 -1.2535000 0.16587000
c, 5.959400 2.21360000 0.9619100 -0.10636000
c-, -2.386100 -0.90889000 -0.4319500 0.04228000
c. 0.53 1210 0.20749000 0. 1056400 -0.00947370
c, -0.050507 -0.02023600 -0.0108780 0.0009 1368

where x = hla.
A ring DRA can be excited in the TM01� mode by using a probe located at the
center of th e ORA (8J .. The impact of varying the bla ratio on the resonant
frequ ency and Q-factor of this mode will be re-examined in Chapter 5 .
For the TEo1h mode, there are no simple equations for predicting the resonant
frequency or Q-factor for the ring ORA. A"rigorous analysis was carried out and
cu rves were generated for ka and the modified Q- factor {9]. Figure 4.6 plots ka vs.
h/a for selected values of bla, while curves for the mod ified Q-factor are shown in
F i gure 4.7. Polynomials have also been fitted to these various curves. Table 4.3
l ists the coefficients of the polynomial of {4.5) for determining the value of ka,
while Table 4.4 lists the coefficients of the polynomial of (4.6) for determ ining the
norm alized Q-factor value.
The analysis carried out in (9] assumed a very high dielectric constant for the
resonator and loses some accuracy for lower dielectric constants. Correction terms
were introduced in [I 0] to improve the ·accuracy of the model for ring resonators
fabricated from lower dielectric constants operating in the TE01� mode.

( 4.5)


w here x = h/a, and k .. k0.Ji:.

Sun'ey ofDRAShapes 95



--e-- b/a = O
5.25 --- bla = 0.25
-- bla = O.S
-- bla = 0.15










0.0 0.5 1.0 1 .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 4.6 ka vs. hla for the TEo,. mode of the ring ORA (after [9]).

T1ble 4.3
Curve-Filled Equations for ka for the TEo,. Mode of the Ring ORA for (4.5)

hlo - 0 b/a - 0.25 bla - 0.5 bla = 0.75

- 15 .7240000
Co 6.6230000 6.6371000 7.1 552000 8.771 8000
c, -15.8 1 10000 -17.3130000 -20.4910000

Cz 30.2940000 30.0620000 33.5230000 38.9410000
c, -33.3640000 -37.3780000 -42.8140000
c� 22.4790000 22.3390000 25.5010000 28.8900000
Cj -9.5552000 -9..5180000 - 10.9680000 -12.3180000
c. 2.5696000 2.5665000 2.9809000 3.3245000
c, ..0.4236000 -0.4242400 -0.4959400 -0.5500200
c, 0.03904 1 0 0.0392000 0.0460660 0.0508630
c. ..0.0015398 ..0.0015497 -0.0018289 -0.0020 121
96 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook



0.13 ____.__ bla = 0

-e-- hla = 0.25
0.12 ---+-- b/a = 0.5

---- bla = 0.75


... ..






0.02 l.u..J..l.J...u..l..l.l.l.L.I..LLI..L.I.l.&.U..u.lJ..uJ..u.J..Lu.Li.wW.U.lJ..u.1..u..ll.J..IJ.J..U.I..U.J.JLJ..I.I.J.J:l3li:..O
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Fieun: 4.7 Q, vs. hla for the TEo,. mode ofthe ring ORA (after (9]).

Curve-Filled Data for the Normalized Q-Factor Q, of the TEoo• Mode of the Ring DRA for (4.6)

bla = 0 bla - 0.25 blo - 0.5 bla � 0.75

Co -0.05 15460 -0.04449800 -0.0391170 -0.01555200
Co • 0.8917000 0.81670000 0.6554700 0.28033000
cl -1 .6087000 -1.43120000 - 1 .2 1 1 2000 ·0.5 1 894000
C) ! .S724000 1.35630000 1.2486000 0.53503000
c, -0.9487400 -0.79639000 -0.8069000 -0.34471000
c, 0.3667100 0.3013 1000 0.3355100 0.14263000
c, ·0.0910050 -0.07355500 -0.0891810 -0.03776500
"' 0.0140180 0.0 1 1 1 9400 0.0146550 0.00617300
Co -0.0012202 ·0.00096582 -0.00 1 3490 -0.00056654
c, 4.5859e-05 3.60660e-OS 5.3214e-05 2.23090e-05
Survey o(DRA Shapes 97

4.2.3 Electric Monopole DRA

As described in Chapter 2, the TM016 mode of a cylindrical or ring DRA radiates

like an electric monopole. Since it is not the lowest order mode, the size of the
DRA is relatively large for a given resonant frequency. For example, with a
dielectric constant of :;, = 36, then 2a - 0.2)..., while h - O . ! Au [1 1]. Although the
height is about 40% that of a conventional monopole antenna, the diameter of the
DRA will be much wider. This makes the ORA unsuitable for lower-frequency
applications, since its volume becomes prohibitively large.
A grounded metallic post has been introduced "in the center of the cylindrical
ORA, as shown in Figure 4 . 8 , altering the mode structure such that the
TMo1� mode becomes the lowest order mode [I I ]. Thus the ORA size can be
significantly reduced for a given resonant frequency. For the design presented in
[ 1 1 ], dimensions of the DRA are approximately 0.08).,. The electric monopole
DRA will be examined in more detail in Chapter 6 on compact designs.

Metal Post

4.2.4 Disk-Loaded Cylindrical DRA

Another modification to the cylindrical or ring ORA is the addition of a circular

metallic disk placed on the top surface of the ORA, as shown in Figure 4.9 [12].
The disk can either be isolated or grounded with a thin shorting post. The disk
perturbs the resonant frequency of the unloaded DRA, and by adjusting the size of
the disk, a certain degree of tuning is achievable. Examples given in [ 12]
demonstrate a tuning range of up to 30%. This technique may be useful to
compensate for the frequency shift introduced by feed mechanisms, since they are
not accounted for by the simple models presented in Chapter 2.
Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 4.9 Disk-lo3dcd ring 3nd �-ylindricul DRAs (3ilcr [12])

4.2.5 Sectored Cylindrical and Ring DRAs

Sectored cylindrical and ring DRAs, as shown in Figure 4 . 1 0, have been proposed
to reduce the volume of cylindrical DRAs [ 1 3 - 1 7). Decreases in volume of up to
75% have been realized [ ! 5). A probe-fed half-volume sector cylindrical DRA has
also been designed to radiate circular polarization, by properly exciting two
o rthogonal modes [1 6]. Sector DRAs will be examined more closely in Chapter 6
on compact designs.

Figure 4.10 Geometry ofseclored cylindrical and ring DRAs (after [IJ-17]}.
Survev o(DRA Shaoes 99

4.2.6 Elliptical DRA

A ORA having an elliptical cross-section, as shown in Figure 4.1 1 , can be

considered as the more general case of a cylindrical DRA with circular cross­

axis) as an ex:tra design parameter and was suggested as a candidate for producing
section. The elliptical DRA introduces the aspect ratio (ratio of major-to-minor

circular polarization from a single-point feed [ 1 8}. (Circular polarization will be

discussed in Chapter 7 .) Numerical simulations carried out in [ 1 8] on an elliptical
DRA with a = 5.25 mm, b = 3.5 mm, h = 3.5 mm, and £, = 12, predicted a 3-dB
axial ratio bandwidth of 3.5%, which is typical for single-po int-fed DRAs.
Simulations carried out in [ l9] demonstrate the use of the elliptical DRA as a dual­
band, dual-polarized resonator, where two probes are. used, one placed along the

An analysis
major axis (a) and one along the minor axis (b), to excite two orthogonal modes.
of the fietd configuration within the elliptical DRA has been carried
out in [20], which is usefu l for predicting the radiated patterns.

Elliptical ORA

Figure 4.1 1 Geometry of che elliptical ORA.

100 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

4.2.7 Conical DRAs

Conical and split-conical ORA geometries can be considered as modifications to

the cylindrical ORA [2 1 , 22]. The conical ORA shown in the left of Figure 4 . 1 2
has its base larger than its top (2b > 2a), By flipping the resonator such that the
base is narrower (2b < 2a), it was demonstrated experimentally that an increase in
bandwidth was possible [21J. For the example studied, the bandwidth of the HE,,�
mode that was excited using a probe feed increased from 9% to 13% when the
conical DRA was flipped from the wide. base to the narrow base. This was
accompanied by an increase of about 17% in the frequency response.
Using the split-conical ORA configuration, shown in the right of Figure 4.12,
a much wider impedance bandwidth has been experimentally demonstrated [22].
In the split-conical configuration, a probe feed can excite both the HE,,� and HE,u.
modes, and by proper adjustment of the a and b dimension of the ORA, the modes
can be located such that a broadband impedance response is achieved, with a 50%
bandwidth [22]. However, the radiation patterns of the HE1 16 and HE,2� modes are
different, with the former having a broadside peak and the latter having a
broadside null. The pattern shape thus does not remain constant over the entire
impedance bandwidth, but there may be wideband applications where the change
in pattern shape is not of significant concern, making the split-conical DRA a
viable candidate. Conical ORAs are revisited in Chapter 5 on bandwidth

Conical ORA Split-Conical ORA

Fla:ure 4.11 Conical and split-conical DRA geometry (after [21, 22]).


This section examines a selection of the DRAs whose geometry has been derived
from the basic rectangular shape. Once again, the modifications result in either an
increased bandwidth or the generation of circular polarization.
SurveyQ[DRA Shapes 101

4.3.1 Notched Rectangular DRA

ln Section 4.1, a hemispherical DRA with a central air gap was presented and was
demonstrated analytically to offer a larger impedance bandwidth than the solid
hemispherical DRA. Later, in Section 4.2.2, a ring DRA was also shown to offer
an increased bandwidth, compared to the solid disk DRA. The increase in
bandwidth i n both these cases was based on a lowering of the Q-factor, as pointed
out in [8). A similar concept can be applied to the rectangular ORA. By
introducing a central notch in the re�tangular geometry, as shown in Figure 4.13 ,
the radiation Q-factor of the DRA can b e reduced. Experimental investigations on
aperture-fed notched rectangular DRAs have demonstrated impedance bandwidths
of up to 28% [23]. The pattern shape remained fairly constant over the entire
i mpedance bandwidth, since only one mode is being excited. The notched
rectangu lar DRA will be examined in more detail in Chapter 5, which focuses on
bandwidth enhancement techniques.

Rectangular ORA


Fi�urc 4.13 Geometry of ihe notched rectRngulnr ORA (nftcr [23)).

4.3.2 Chamfered DRA

A square DRA with two of the four corners chamfered, as shown in Figure 4 . 1 4,
was proposed for generating circular polarization using a single-point feed [24].
As will be discussed in Chapter 7, chamfering of the two opposite comers perturbs
the resonant frequency of one of the two degenerate and orthogonally polarized
modes of the square DRA, which, if properly designed, will generate circular
polarization. For the chamfered DRA described in [24], using a single-probe feed,
a 4% bandwidth was achieved over which a 3-dB axial ratio was maintained.
Then, using an arraying technique known as sequential rotation, the 3-dB axial
ratio bandwidth was extended to 1 7%. The chamfered DRA represents a
J._02 Dielectric Resona tor Antenna Handbook

significant improvement over single-point-fed, circular-polarized, microstrip

antenna, whose 3-dB ax.ial ratio bandwidths are typically on the order of only I%
to 2%. DRAs for circular polarization and the use of sequential rotation to improve
axial ratio bandwidth will be further discussed in Chapter 7.

Rectangular DRA

Figure 4.14 Geometry of the chamfered ORA (after [ 24]).

4.3.3 Cross DRA

Another DRA developed for producing circular polarization is th e cross-shaped

DRA shown in Figure 4.15 [25J. It can be pictured as consisting of two
orthogonal, rectangular DRAs whose lengths are chosen such that the re is a small
shift in th e ir resonantfrequencies. The ORA can be fed with a single aperture
located at t h e center of the cross which will ex:cite both arms of the cross. A 3-dB

axial ratio bandwidth of 4% was achieved for the cross ORA re ported in [25],
similar in performance to the chamfered DRA. The cross ORA and other DRAs
desi gned to radiate circular polarization will be examined in Chapter 7.
SurveyofDRA Shapes 1 03

Cross-Shaped ORA

Jligure 4.1!i Geometry of the cross ORA (after [25]).

4.3.4 Perforated ORA

As individual elements, DRAs offer several attractive advantages over microstrip

antennas, as discussed in Chapter I . One disadvantage w ith th e ORA is the
increased complexity in fa brication. Elements are typically machined fro m a large
ceramic block, or are sintered from molds for h igh-volume production. The
fabrication complexity increases in an array environment, where individual
elements must be precisely located and bonded into place. This is not a difficult
problem with microstrip technology, where patch elements are typically etched
away from copper-clad substrates, using standard printed circuit board technology
and leaving the desired array pattern. To address some of the fa brication
challenges associated with DRA arrays, a technique was proposed that would
avoid the positioning of individual DRA elements. This technique involved the
perforation of a single dielectric sheet to create regions of lower d i electric constant
around islands of higher dielectric constant material [26]. Figure 4.16 shows a
quasi-rectangular ORA of length w. depth and height h, formed by perforating a
substrate of dielectr.ic constant E,. By controlling the diameter a n d spacing of the

perforat ions, the dielectric constant o f the host material can be l o wered to a value
between I e,. In Figure 4.16, an equ ilateral triangular lattice is used with the
centers of the perforated holes of diameter
D located at the vertices of the lattice,
separated by a distance s. The effective dielectric constant is the n found using:
104 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


Flgue 4.1(; Geometry of the perforaled ORA (after [26]).

E�ff =(1-a)t, +a (4.7)

where a is the filling factor which, for the equilateral triangular lattice, is given



By increasing the diameter D of the hole, the effective dielectric constant of the
material surrounding the DRA can be lowered. However, as Dis approaches I, the
wall thickness of the material decreases, and the structu re will no longer be self­
supporting. Tests have been carried out to compare the performance of several
DRAs formed using the perforation technique to a conventional rectangular DRA
[26]. Figure 4. 1 7 shows the geometries of three perforated DRAs fabricated from a
SurveyefDRA Shaoes 1 05

substrate having a thickness of 0.9 mm and a dielectric constant of Er "' I 0.2. By

altering the diameter (D) of the holes and their separation (s), the effective
dielectric constant (e.ff) of the material surrounding the DRA varied between 3 .1
and 4.9. Figure 4. 1 8 shows the return loss o f the various cases, where each DRA
was in turn placed over the same rectangular slot. The perforated DRAs
demonstrated a slightly better return loss than the solid ORA. A comparison of the
H-plane patterns at 24 GHz, shown in Figure 4. I 9, also shows that there is only a
small difference between · the solid DRA and the perforated DRAs. This
perforation technique has been used to successfully design arrays of DRAs at
25 GHz [27, 28], as will be seen in Chapter 9.

;� ORA 1 DRA 3
dis "' 0.8a9, teff= 3.6



4.0 I� ��

dis "' 0.923, •err= 3.1 dis = 0.800,
£efT"' 4.9

Figure 4.17 Geometry of the perforated DRA (al'ler (26]).

l 06 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

-- DRA 1
r r . . . ..... . . . DRA 2
-5 ········ · · · · · · - - · · · · · · · · · · · ············· ···············


. . . . x. . . . DRA 3
.. .. . . . . o- . . . DRA 4



- -15



23 23.5 24 24.5 25

Frequency (GHz)
Figure 4.18 Comparison of Ihe re1um loss of Ihe pcrforaled DRAs (after (26)).

� -10
(.!) -1 5



-- DRA 1 - - x- - ORA 3

- -o- - ORA 2 - ....,_ - DRA 4

Figure 4.19 Comparison of Ihe H-plane paucrns al24 GHl of Ihe perforated DRAs (after [26)).
Survevo(DRA Shapes 107


ORAs that are not d i rectly based on the three basic shapes have also been
investigated. This section examines triangular, tetrahedral, and stepped DRAs.

4.4.1 Split-Triangular DRA

The split-triangular DRA, shown in Figure 4.20, was proposed as an alternative to

the spl it-cylindrical resonator, described in Section 4.2. 1 , since it is considered
easier to fabricate [29]. Using image theory, the ORA can be modeled as an
isolated rectangular DRA of dimensions w, b, and d, so that the equations
presented in Chapter 2 are applicable. By exciting the split-triangular ORA with an
aperture feed, the TE\ 1 1 mode can be easily excited. For the ORA cited in [29],
which had w = b = I 0.6 mm, d = 3 mm, and E, = I 0.8, the measured resonant
frequency was 8.53 GHz, with an impedance bandwidth of I 0%. Using (2.19) for
a rectangular DRA, the theoretical resonant frequency is 9 GHz, with a bandwidth
of I 0%. The discrepancy in the measured and theoretical resonant frequency is
partially attributed to the loading effect of the aperture feed used to excite the

Split Triangle ORA

f<'igurc 4.20 Gcomclry oflhc split-triangular ORA (after [29]).

4.4.2 Triangular DRA

.The triangular-shaped DRA, shown in Figure 4.2 1 , has been introduced as a

candidate for low-profile applications [30, 3 I ) . The advantage of the triangular
DRA is that for a given height and resonant frequency, it offers a smaller area than
either a cylindrical or rectangular DRA. The resonant frequency of the TM1mn
modes of an equilateral triangular DRA (where I + +
n = 0) can be estimated

using the transcendental equations derived from a waveguide model [32):

1 08 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

4lt l 2 7
"' 2n\t: ( )l(m +mn+n )+k� J
fmn 3 (4.9)


k =
p = 1 ,2,3 ...
z 2h .
For a very thin ORA (h << a), the resonant frequency for the TM106 mode can be
approximated by (30]:

(4. 10)

As an example, a high-pennittivity, low-profile triangular ORA was designed with

£, "' 82, h 1 . 1 mm, and a = 20 mm [33]. Using (4.1 0), the theoretical frequency

of the triangular ORA is 7.6 GHz, which, depending on the size of the aperture
feed, was also measured experimentally. This DRA was found to have a 5%
impedance bandwidth. To achieve the same resonant frequency, a cylindricnl ORA
of the same height and permittivity would require a radius of a = 7.55 mm
(operating in the HE116 mode), while a rectangular DRA would require dimensions
of w d = 1 9 mm. Thus the size of the triangular DRA would be about 92% that

of the cylindrical DRA and about 48% that of the rectangular ORA.

Triangular ORA

Figure 4.21 Geometry of the triangular ORA (after [30, 31 ]).

Surveyq[DRA Shapes 1 09

4.4.3 Tetrahedral DRA

A generalization of the triangular ORA is the truncated tetrahedron, shown in

Figure 4.22 [34, 35]. I f the base and the top of the DRA have the same
dimensions, then the truncated tetrahedral reverts to the triangular DRA of Figure
4.2 1 . By inverting the DRA such that the base is narrower than the top, wideband
performance. has been demonstrated. For the case of a probe-fed equi lateral
inverted tetrahedron with L1 "" 25 mm, L" = 64 mm, h = 26 mm, and E, = 12, a
10-dB return loss bandwidth of 40% was measured (from 2 to 3 GHz) (35]. The
tetrahedral DRA offers an advantage over the spl it-conical DRA (Section 4.2.7), in
that the radiation pattern remains fairly constant over the impedance bandwidth.

Truncated Pyramid

figure 4.22 Geometry of the truncated tetrahedral ORA (after [34, 35j).
I 10 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

4. 4.4. Stepped DRAs

E11hancements to DRA bandwidth have been achieved by combining two or more

D "RAs in a stepwise fash i on Figure 4.23 shows the geometry of a proposed

st:aircase DRA, formed by stacking rectangular DRAs of decreasing width [36).

Si mutations carried out on a probe-fed three-stepped staircase DRA with e, 37

indicate that a 10% impedance bandwidth is expected.

Stepped Rectangular DRA

Other variations of the stepped ORA are shown in Figure 4.24, where the
DRAs appear as inverted stepped pyramids formed from either rectangular or
circular DRAs [37, 38). For an apertut·e-fed three-stepped pyramid of square
DRAs fabricated from e, 12 material, an impedance bandwidth of over 60% has

been demonstrated [37]. These and other wideband DRAs will be discussed in
more detail in Chapter 5.
Stepped Stepped
Rectangular ORA Cylindrical DRA

Figure 4.24
fDRA Shapes I !I


im proved bandwidth or dual-band operation. This section surveys some of these

Various combinations of DRAs with other antennas have been proposed for

hybrid antennas.

4.5.1 Microstrip Ring- Cylindrical ORA

A combination of a ring microstrip patch and a cylindrical DRA, shown in

Figure 4.25, has been proposed for dual-frequency operation [39]. The ring patch
would be suspended on a foam spacer and the inner radius would be short­
circuited to ground to reduce interference with the performance of the cylindrical
DRA, located in the middle of the ring. A design for 4- and 6-GHz operation for
satellite commun ication applications was proposed i n [39], with simulated
impedance bandwidths of about 6% for each band. The structure was excited to
produce broadside radiation with separate aperture-coupled feeds for both the
DRA and ring pate�.

Cylindrical ORA

Ficure 4.25 Gcomelry ofa hybrid microslrip ring and cylindrical ORA (after (391).
l12 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

4.5.2 ORA-Load ed Monopole

A hybrid antenna has been developed, which consists of a combination of

monopole and ring DRA, as shown in Figure 4.26 [40-42]. By properly choosing
the individual resonant frequencies of the monopole and the ring ORA, the
combined antenna can be designed to radiate an omnidirectional pattern for over a
3:1 bandwidth, while maintaining a return loss of 10 dB or better. This compact
antenna design is ideally suited for ultrawideband communication applications
requiring omnidirectional coverage. The monopole antenna is excited by a coa.xial
probe, ami it also serves to excite the DRA, so that only a single feed is required.
The design of this hybrid antenna will be examined in Chapter 5.


Figure 4.26 Geometry of the monopole and ring ORA (after {40-42]).

4.5.3 Microstrip Patch - Cylindrical DRA

A microstrip patch loaded with a small cylindrical ORA, as shown in Figure 4.27,
was proposed to enhanced the impedance bandwidth of the patch [43-45).
Experimental results demonstrated that the impedance bandwidth of the microstrip
patch, which in the unloaded case was approximately 2%, could be increased to
Survey o(DRA Shapes 1 13

10% by proper placement of the ORA. The gain ofthe ORA-loaded patch was also
found to be 1-dB higher than that of the unloaded microstrip patch.

Cylindrical DRAs


Fi(!urc 4.27 Exampl�s ofDRA-Iondcd microslrip pnlchcs (ancr [43-45]).

4.5.4 Dielectric-Loaded Microstrip Suspended Patch

A final example of a hybrid antenna also consists of a m icrostrip patch and

dielectric combination. In this case, the m icrostrip patch is suspended in air to
achieve a broadband impedance response (since the bandwidth is inversely
proportional to the dielectric constant). Two or more dielectric inserts are then
placed underneath the patch, close to its edges, as shown in Figure 4.28, resulting
in a significant lowering of the resonant frequency [46-49]. Linear polarized
designs have been reported with frequency reductions of up to 30% over the
nonloaded patch, while still maintaining an 8% impedance bandwidth [46], and
circular-polarized designs have also been reported {49], which will be examined in
more detail in Chapter 7.

Microstrip Patch
Dielectric Support

Dielectric Inserts


Figure 4.28 Suspended microstrip patch with di l

e ec ric loading (af1er [46]).


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1 16 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

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Chapter 5

Bandwidth Enhancement ofDRAs

The cylindrical and rectangular DRAs were shown to be capable of having

multiple design solutions for a given reso nant frequency and mode. The difference
between these solutions was mani fested in the Q-factor. These simple shapes thus
allowed the flexibil ity to design for either narrow or wideband requirements. This
chapter will examine the theoretical and practical lower limits of the Q-factor for
cylindrical and rectangular DRAs and then survey the various techniques that have
been used to enhance the operational bandwidth beyond what can be achieved by
the simple ORA shapes.


rectangular DRAs, which plotted the Q-factor as a function of dielectric constant

In Chapter 2, a series of curves was presented for both the cylindrical and

and DRA d imensions. By examining these curves, it can be observed that by

choosing a low dielectric constant and the appropriate dimensions, a very low
Q-factor can be obtained. This implies that it is theoretical ly possible to design an
isolated cylindrical or rectangular DRA with a very broad bandwidth. In practice ,

the bandw idth wilL be l imited by the feeding mechanism used to excite the DRA.
This section examines the achievable bandwidths of simple DRAs.
For both the cylindrical and rectangular DRAs, a relatively low Q-factor can
be obtained when a very thin profile design is implemented. Examples are listed in
Table 5 . 1 , which summarizes the dimensions, resonant frequency, and Q·factor,
based on the equations in Chapter 2, for the case of the isolated DRA. In all cases

1 19
1 20 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

the dielectric constant is r., = 1 0 . For a VSWR = 2, these DRAs could achieve
bandwidths of up to nearly 40%. In practice, the potentially wide band performance
of these DRAs will be l imited by the feed mechanisms ' used to excite them.
Focusing attention to the design of the feed is thus one approach to enhance the
bandwidth of DRAs. Before examining the various methods used for enhancing
the bandwidth of DRAs, a brief survey is first carried out on some of the
bandwidths obtained using simple ORA shapes.

T2bk s.r
Isolated DRAs with t, � 10 Designed for Low Q-Factor

Shape Mod� Dimei!Siorrs(em) /(GH;) Q Bamilridth

Cylindrical TEo,. a • J , h a 0.2 6.15 5.4 13.5%
Cylindrical TMo1• a� l,h•l 5.36 1.8 39.3%
Cylindrical HEm a ';' l , h = O.l 1 1.28 2.1 33.7%
R�ctangular TEm w = 4, h = d u 0.5 6.71 3.4 20.8%

The split-cylinder DRA was introduced in Chapter 4 as a variation of the

cylindrical DRA, which can be excited to radiate in the TE01& mode, producing a
pattern similar to a short horizontal magnetic dipole. Figure 5.1 shows a design of
a split-cylindrical DRA fed by a rectangular slot [ I ] . The ORA radius was a = 7.5

mm, depth of d = 3 mm, and it was fabricated with a material of dielectric constant
£, = 10.8. For the slot dimensions and m icrostrip line dimensions shown in Figure
5 . 1 , the split-cylinder ORA achieved a I 0-dB return loss bandwidth of 1 0%. A
split-cylindrical ORA, shown in Figure 5.2, has also been examined, on which a
probe is used instead of the slot aperture [2). In this case, the ORA was fabricated
from a material with a dielectric constant of F, = 12, a radius of a = 22.5 mm, and a
depth of d 39 mm. By varying the location of the probe from near the edge (s =

3.7 mm) to the center of the ORA (s = 19.5 mm), the I 0-dB return loss bandwidth
was increased from 22% (with 1,. = 1 8 mm) to 35% (with lp = 1 5 mm). Feeding
close to the center, however, excites the H E1211 mode (with a null in the broadside
radiation pattern) instead of the TE0 111 mode, which has peak radiation at
An aperture-fed rectangular ORA is shown in Figure 5.3. Usi ng the same slot
and microstrip line dimensions as shown in Figure 5. 1 , a rectangular ORA having
n dielectric constant of e, = I 0.8, and dimensions w 1 5 mm, h 7.5 mm, and

d 3 mm, was found to have a I 0-dB return loss bandwidth of 12% l3J. A probe­

fed rectangular ORA, as shown in Figure 5.4, can achieve a similar bandwid th to
one fed with a small slot. Several ORA sizes were studied in [4j, and for the case
that was similar to the slot-fed case shown i n Figure 5 . 1 (with w 15.3 mm, h =

7.6 mm, d = 3 . 1 mm, and e, = I 0.8), fed with a probe having dimensions shown in
Figure 5.4, a 1 0-dB return loss bandwidth of 12% was also achieved.
Bandwidth Enhancement ofDRAs 121

Split-Cylinder ORA

Figu� 5.1 Slot-fed split-cylindrical ORA (after [I)).

Split-Cylinder ORA

� a

Probe Feed

Figure 5.2 Probe-fed split-cylindrical DRA (after (2)).

Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Rectangular ORA

Lx I I
w .

·- ----""'---'----�
· -r-

Er h

�M =
.=� . =======�
. =�
.= at�=

ub� ) ==�T
S e
1crostnp Lme

FigureS.) Apenure·fed rectangular ORA.

Rectangular ORA

figure 5.4 Probe-fed rectangular ORA (after {4]).

BancfovidthEnhancement o(DRAs 123


This section examines what has been achieved in enhancing the bandwidth of
DRAs of simple cylindrical, ring, and rectangular shapes. The bandwidths of these
DRAs can be increased by an appropriate design of the feeding element or by
introducing air gaps between the DRA and the ground plane. A selection of the
published designs is presented .

5.2.1 Resonating Rectangular Slot Feed

In the sl ot fed ORA examples shown i n Section

5 . 1 , the slot length was chosen to ·
be below resonance , to

unwan ted radiation in the lower hemisphere
(below the ground pl ane). By using a radiating slot, the impedance bandwidth can
be significantly ex tended by setting up a dual resonance, but at the expense of
some increase in the backlobe radiation levels [5]. With reference to Figure 5.3,
the case examined in [5] consisted of a rectangular DRA with E, = 12, w = d = 27.7
mm, and h = 16.7 mm, placed over a rectangular slot with dimensions L, 20 m m
and W. = 5mm, fed by a microstrip line with w., = 5 m m and a stub extension of s

= 3.3 mm, printed on a substrate with E., = 2.2 and a thickness o f t 1.575 mm.
The DRA was located at L0 2.5 rnm from the slot edge. The 1 0-dB return loss

bandwidth for this configuration was measured to be 25%. The worst case front­
to-back ratio is about 5 dB; however, some of the high backlobe level might be
from spillover due to the small ground plane used for the pattern measurements.
(The effects of finite-size ground planes will be exam ined in Chapter 6.)

5.2.2 Ring-Aperture Feed

The aperture shapes used to feed DRAs in Secti on 5 . 1 were all rectangular;

by a ring aperture (6]. Using a DRA with a h 7 mm, and E, = 9.5, fed by a ring
however, other shapes can also be used. Figure 5.5 shows a cylindrical DRA fed
:s =

shown in Figure 5.5, a 10-dB return loss bandwidth of

18% was achieved. The front-to-hack ratio was found to be somewnat high (about
aperture with dimensions

I 0 dB), which is due to a combination of slot radiation and spillover fro m the
finite ground plane used in the measurements. A coplanar-fed ring aperture has
also been used to excite a rectangu lar DRA, resulting in a 10-dB impedance
bandwidth of about 23% [7].

5.2.3 U-Shaped-Aperture Feed

Figure 5.6 [8]. By using a U-shaped slot, there are more parameters that can be
A second example of a different shaped aperture used to feed DRA is shown in

adjusted to tune the impedance response, compared to the simple rectangular slot.
For the U-slot dimensions shown in F igu re 5.6, and using a DRA with a "' 15 mm,
124 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


o st
•, • o.

r-------------��_.----------�---------------, -- r 1 57

Sub rate (es = 2.33} T
Figure S.S Cylindrical ORA fed by a ring �perture (niter [6)).

Microstrip Feed l� a
·--2_ .1
_[1 .6

-- 7
,I � �I
er = llh
--------- --_,,
-- --

-- --

Substrate (es = 4.4}

Fig•rc 5,6 Cylinddcal ORA fed by a U-shaped operture (allcr [8]).

Bandwidth EnhancemenJ o[DRAs 125

h = 7 mm, and E, = 37, a I 0-dB return loss bandwidth of 20% was obtained [8].
Again, the front-to-back ratio for this configuration is on the order of 10 dB.

5.2.4 Microstrip-Fed ORAs

The bandwidth of micostrip-fed rectangular and cylindrical DRAs has been

enhanced by the addition of a simple microstrip-matching stub [9, I 0). Figure 5.7
shows an example of rectangular and cylindrical DRAs fed with microstrip lines,
and terminated with stubs. The bandwidth of a cylindrical DRA (E, 48, a = 1 2.08
mm, h 6.81 mm) fed with a microstrip line and operating in the HE11� mode was

extended from 4% to 18% when a bent stub was added, as shown in Figure 5.7 [9].

Similarly, a rectangular DRA (E, 48, w = 225 mm, h 1 1 . 9 mm, d = 5.55 mm)
exhibited a bandwidth of 2 1 .6% when a microstrip T-stub was added [ 1 0]. In both
= =

these examples, the "dielectric constant used for the DRA was fairly high (E, 48),
which was necessary for efficient coupling between the DRA and the m icrostrip

line. The drawback of this approach is that higher-order modes appeared to be

excited, resulting in a significant degradation in the cross-polarization
performance. fn certain appiications (especially ones in a high scattering
environment) high cross-polarization levels may not be of concern, and these
simple ORAs can be used, offering fairly wide impedance bandwidths. If high
cross-polarization levels are not acceptable, then one solution may be to replace
the simple DRA with a multisegment DRA (Section 3 . 5 . 1 ), in which a lower
dielectric constant is used for the radiating element.

5.2.5 Dual-Mode Rectangular DRAs

The impedance bandwidth of a DRA can be significantly increased by exciting

being excited should produce similar radiation patterns. An example of a ORA

two or more modes. To be useful as a broadband antenna, however, the modes

excited in two modes is shown in Figure 5.8. The rectangular ORA is fed by a flat
probe, which, for the configuration shown, excites both the TE�1 1 and TEh13 modes
[ 1 1 ] . By properly choosing the ORA dimensions, the two modes can be spaced in
frequency such that a broadband impedance response is achieved. These two
modes also exhibit similar radiation patterns, so that the pattern shape is fairly
constant over the entire impedance bandwidth. A l 0-dB return loss bandwidth of
43% was achieved for the DRA configuration in Figure 5.8, where a metal strip of
length 1 0 mm and width l mm was used to excite the two modes [ I I ] .

5.2.6 Cavity-Backed Disk

Another example of a cylindrical ORA with enhanced bandwidth performance is

shown in Figure 5.9 [12]. A hemispherical cavity is positioned underneath the
12 6 Bandwidth EnhancemenJ of DRAs

grounded substrate to minimize the back radiation that would otherwise be

significant due to the large circular aperture in the ground plane. The cylindrical
DRA is fed through a circular aperture in the ground plane by a microstrip line
with a twin stub shaped like a tuning fork. A DRA with Er 10 , a = 6.1 mm, and

h = 11.5 mm, backed by a cavity of radius b = 25 mm, demonstrated a 38 %

impedance bandwidth when fed by the microstrip line with tuning fork stub [12].
Since a lower permittivity is used for the DRA, the cross-polarization levels in the

Figure 5.7. Bandwidth enhancement with microstrip-fed DRAs (after [10,11]).

Figure 5.8. Dual-mode rectangular DRAs (after [11]).

Bandwidth EnhancemenJ of DRAs 12 7

Figure 5.9. Cavity backed cylindrical DRA (after [12]).

radiation patterns are somewhat better than for the previous case of the DRAs with
higher dielectric constants. The drawback for this configuration is the rather large
cavity required to suppress the backlobe radiation. For the design in [12], the
cavity volume is 73 times larger than that of the DRA. This configuration could,
however, be used without the cavity backing for applications where a high front-
to-back ratio is not important

5.2.7 - Air Gaps

One simple method to enhance the impedance bandwidth is to introduce an air gap
between the DRA and the ground plane, as shown in Figure 5.10. Studies on the
effects of introducing these air gaps have found that there can be a significant
change in the resonant frequency and Q-factor, especially if the dielectric constant
of the DRA is relatively high [13-16]. There is generally an increase in the
resonant frequency and a decrease in the Q-factor when an air gap is introduced.
This also translates into a change in the input impedance of the DRA and so the
introduction of an air gap can be used as a method to better match the impedance
of the DRA to that of the feed [17, 18]. Table 5.2 shows the effects on resonant
frequency and bandwidth for two probe-fed rectangular DRAs designed at L-band
128 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

[ 1 8}, dem onstrati ng impedance bandwidths of up to 40%. A low-permittivity

substrate can also be introduced between the ORA and the ground plane, so that
the gap can be better controlled { 1 9] . Air gaps can be implemented by inserting
foam spacers (whose dielectric constant is e, - l ) which can be precise ly cut to the
desired gap height .

flgare 5.1 0 ORAs with air gaps.

Table 5.2
Effects of Air Gap on Probe-Fed Rectangular ORAs {from [18))

f. w • d(mm) h (mm) g (mm) j. (GH=) Bandwidth

JO 45 25.4 0.0 1 .46 7.0o/o
S.O I.S7 IJ.Jo/o
10.0 1.68 34.0%
25 25.4 12.0 0.0 1 .90 4.2%
5.0 2.10 9.5%
10.0 2.10 40.0%

5.2.8 Ring DRAs

Section 4.2.2 presented the ring DRA, which consists of a cylindrical ORA where
a central cylindrical section of radius b has been removed. Feeding the ring DRA
with a probe located at the center, as shown in Figure 5 . 1 1 , will excite the TMo11,
mode, which radiates simi larly to an electric monopole [20]. The effect of
increasing the ratio of inner to outer radius (b/a) of the ring resonator on the
resonant frequency and Q-factor can be seen by applying to As an(4.1) (4.4).
illustration, Table 5.3 shows the change in the Q-factor for a ring DRA of
dielectric constant e, = 36 and h = I em, designed to resonate at 3.3 GHz.
Increasing the bla ratio results in an increase in the Q-factor; however, in or der to
Bandwidth Enhancement o(DRAs 129

maintain the same resonant frequency, the outer radius a must be increased. For an
approximate threefold increase in the outer radius, the Q-factor decreases by about
1 4 limes. Whether this decrease in the Q-factor will result in a similar increase in
bandwidth will depend on the level of coupling of the TM01� mode of the ORA to
the probe. An air gap can also be introduced between the ring ORA and the ground
plane to further enhance the bandwidth [21 ) .

Figure S. I 1 Ring ORA (after (20)).

Table 5.3
Bandwidth Enhancement of a Ring DRA

bla a(cm) Q-FC!£!ar BW(VSWR - 2)

0 1.00 28.0 2.5%
0.25 1 . 16 17.1 4.1%

3.26 36.4%
0.50 1.67 9.7 7Jo/o
0.75 1 .')
130 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


This section examines various examples of bandwidth enhancement by using two

or more ORAs. For each case, the principle of operation is the same. Each ORA is
selected to resonate the same mode at a somewhat different frequency, such that
the combined response increases the overall bandwidth. A typical response of a
two-ORA configuration is shown in Figure 5 . 1 2. If ORA I has a normal ized
resonant frequency of fi and bandwidth of B w�. while ORA2 has a normalized
resonant frequency offi and a bandwidth 8 W2, then the combined response could
have a bandwidth B W that is larger than the sum of BW1 + B W2, if/1 and /2 are
properly chosen. If the assumption is made that the Q-factors of the two resonators
are approximately the same (Q1 :::: Q 1 "" Q..) and if the return loss of the combined
response should be equal to or l>etter than 1 0 dB over the bandwidth BW, then the
required values for the resonant frequencies of the individual ORAs should be
approximately equal to:

5 5
fi "' 1 - - /2 I +- (5.1)
6 6Qtl
• ..


Assuming the bandwidths o f the two ORAs are also similar (8 W 1 ::::: 8 W2 = 8 Wo) .
then the combined bandwidth is approximately B W ::::: 3BW,. The values forfi and
h were obtained using a simple lumped-element (RLC) resonance model for each
ofthe ORAs, and they ignore any mutual interaction as well as any loading effects
of the feed, which could either increase or decrease the bandwidth response. For
example, if two DRAs, each having a Q-factor of 7, were designed to resonate,
one atj, and one atj,, where:

the combined response would have a I 0-dB return loss bandwidth of BW = 30%.
Bandwidth Enhancement ofDRAs 131



- 15




- 30


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1 .4
Normalized Frequency (GHz)

l'i�:urc 5.12 Bandwidth cnhancemcn! using !WO DRAs.

5.3.1 Stacked DRAs

One approach to enhancing bandwidth using multiple DRAs is to stack individual

DRAs [22-28]. Figure 5 . 1 3 shows examples of stacked cylindrical and annular
DRAs. A single probe can be used to feed the stacked DRAs, and the mode to be
excited is determined by the location of the probe. In Figure 5.13, the stacked
cylindrical DRAs are excited in the HE1 t& mode, while the stacked ring DRAs are
excited in the TM01� mode. Air gaps can also be introduced between the DRAs to
improve bandwidth (24]. An example of stacked cylindrical resonators, with
a1 = 7 mm, h 1 = 4.2 mm, £,1 4.5, a2 = 4 mm, h2 = 2.5 mm, and E r2 = 1 0. 5
132 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Fl&ne 5.13 Examples of stacked DRAs (after [22, 24]).

achieved a 25% impedance bandwidth around 9 GHz [22], while an

electromagnetic simulation has shown that a 35% bandwidth should be ach ievable
with the following optimized dimensions: a 1 6.9 mm, h 1 =4.7 mm, firt = 4 .5,

a2"" 4.3 mm, h; = 2.5 mm, and £,1 = I 0.5 {23]. An example of the stacked-ring

resonators, w ith a1 "' a1 = 6.9 mm, b1 = b2 = 1 .05 mm, h 1 = h 1 = 6.2 mm,

g, = � = 2 mm, and e,1 = £,1 = 36 achieved .an impedance bandwidth of 1 8%
around 5.6 GHz [24].

5.3.2 Coplanar DRAs

Stacking DRAs on top of each other will add to the overall height of the antenna,
which may not be feasible in certain applications with height restrictions. As an
alternative, the DRAs can also be placed on the same plane, as shown in
Figure 5.14, where the center element is excited and the two adjacent elements are
electromagnetically coupled [29, 30]. By designing each DRA to have a somewhat
different resonant frequency, the bandwidth of the combined DRAs can be
significantly increased. Table 5.4 summarizes one example of three coplanar
rectangular DRAs, each fabricated with a dielectric constant of e, =: 20 [30]. The
Bandwidth Enhancement o[DRAs 133

Slot Aperture

Ficur� 5.14 Examples o( pnrll$ilic DRAs (nficr (29, 30]).

resonant frequency and 1 0-dB return loss bandwidth for each individual ORA is
listed, along with the bandwidth of the combined DRAs. By optimization of the
resonant frequencies, it should be possible to further extend the impedance
bandwidth using this approach. A copl anar arrangement of DRAs may not be well­
suited for array applications, due to the large area required by the paras itic
elements. This may prevent the required array spacing from be ing physically

Table 5.4
Bandwidth of Individual and Combined Rectangular DRAs (from [30))

DRA E, w (nrm) lt (mm) d (mm) /. (GH=J BW

I 20 12 4.0 8 6.10 5.3%
2 20 12 S.O 8 5.40 4.6%

3 20 12 4.5 8 5.70 3.1%
5.75 17.0%

s1�2.S mm�
(sl�2.4 mm,
• 34 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

5.33 Embedded DRAs

DRAscan also be embedded within one another. Two examples are shown in
Figure 5.15. The configuration on the left consists of a cylindrical ORA embedded
within a ring DRA [31]. The probe feed is located to excite the HE1 16 mode in both
the cyllindrical and ring ORAs, and the air gap is used to further enhance the
impedance bandwidth. For the example presented in [3 1 ] , where both ORAs were
fabricated from a material with a dielectric constant of E, = 36.7, and a1 = 1 2 mm, b2 8

mm, a2 = 4 mm, h1 = h2 = 2 mm, and g = 4 mm, an impedance bandwidth of

3 8 % was achieved around 6.3 GHz.

In the configuration on the right, a smaller cylindrical DRA (with radius a2

height h 2 and dielectric constant �:,2) is embedded in a larger cylindrical ORA (with
radius a, height h 1 and dielectric constant £, 1) [32]. Although this
configuration may be more difficult to manufacture than the cylindrical ORA
embedded within the ring ORA, w ider impedance bandw idths have been repotted.
For example, w ith a2 = 4 mm, h2 = 2 mm, Er2 = 12.3 and a1 = 5.5 mm, h, 6 mm, £r1 =

4 . 1 a n impedance bandwidth of over 50% w as obta ined, using a thin

m i crostrip-fed slot to excite the antenna [32].

Ring ORA Embedded D.RA

Figure 5.15 Embedded cylindrical DRAs (after [31,32]).

Bandwidth Enhancement o(DRAs 1 35


This section exam ines the bandwidth enhancement performance of hybrid antennas
consisting of a combination of a ORA with either microstrip patch or a monopole

5.4.1 DRA-Loaded Microstrip Patch Antenna

Microstrip patch commonly used, due, in part, to the relative ease of

antennas are
fabrication. However, the bandwidth of a simple, single-layer patch is typically
quite narrow {I% to 2%). The bandwidth performance of a microstrip patch antenna
can be improved by loading it with a DRA, as shown in Figure 5 . 1 6 [33-37).
Bandwidths of up to nearly 24% have been reported using this technique with

broadside rad iation patterns.

Cylindrical DRAs

Figure 5.16 E�amples of DRA·Ioadcd microstrip patch antenTil!s (after (33-37]).

136 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Another example of a microstrip patch and ORA hybrid antenna is shown in

Figure 5. 1 7. It consists of a comer-fed patch onto which two DRAs are stacked,
and the entire configuration is then dropped into a square metal cavity. For the
implementation described in [38], the two DRAs had dielectric constants of
e,1 = 2.4 and e,2 = I 0, and the heights of the two DRAs are on the order of a
quarter guided wavelength. The X-band design achieved a bandwidth of about

1 8%.


Microstrip Patch


Metal Cavity

Figure 5.17 Cavity-backed microstrip patch with stacked DRAs (after (38J).

5.4.2 ORA-Loaded Monopole Antenna

The bandwidth of a monopole antenna can be significantly extended by the

addition of a ring ORA, as shown in Figure 5. I 8 [39-44]. The monopole and the
rin g DRA are bo th centered about thesame axis, and the monopole simultaneously
functions as a quarter-wavelength radiator and as a feed for the ORA. The ORA is
designed to operate in the TM016 mode, which has a circular symmetric modal field
pattern similar to that of a short monopole antenna. This all{)ws the centrally
located monopole to efficiently excite th e ORA. Th e monopole is designed to
operate toward the lower end of the spectrum, while the DRA operates toward the
upper end. For wideband operation, the two resonant freq uenc ies are chosen so
that a minimum return loss of 10 dB is maintained over th e operating bandwidth.
(Th e two frequencies can be separated further, if dual-band operation is required
instead of wideband operation.) As an example, a monopole with dimensi ons t =
10 inm and d 0.65 mm, combined with a ri ng DRA having e, "' 10, a = 4.2 mm,

b"' 1 .3 mm, h 4.4 mm, and g = 0, achieved a I 0-dB return loss bandwidth from

6.5 to 1 6.5 GHz 1411.

Bandwidth Enhancement ofDRAs 137


Figure 5.18 ORA-loaded monopole anrenna (after (39-43]).

In-depth investigations of the effects of the various physical parameters on the

bandwidth were carried out in (42, 44) from which was developed the foll owi ng
general design procedure for achieving broadband performance.

I. The monopole antenna height (t) is chosen to be one-quarter

wavelength at the lowest frequency (fi) of the desired frequency
band. That is, I = 'A,J4, where ;..,, is the wavelength corresponding to
frequencyf,. Also, a thin diameter is chosen for the monopole:
0.008A. .:$ d :$ 0.0 ! 61-..
2. The spacing (s) between the monopole and inner DRA radius (b) is
also chosen to be a small fraction of a wavelength:
0.01 3A. .$ s :$ 0.016A.
3. The resonant frequency (ji,) of the TM01h mode of the DRA should
be chosen approximately 2.5 times the resonance frequency Ji.
Guidelines for the DRA dimensions are:
b = d/2 + s
a = b/0.3
0.4A. :S h .:$ 0.5J...
J38 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

4. Finally, the dielectric constant for the ORA can be determined


E, =
where c is the speed of light.

Using these guidelines, three designs were presented in [44] for three different
frequency bands and are summarized in Table 5.5.
F i nally it should be mentioned that by top-loading the monopole and the ORA
with a metal cap, a reduction in resonance frequencies should be possible without
increasing the height of the monopole or the diameter of the ORA. This allows for
a more compact structure, which is desirable at lower frequencies, where the
physical antenna dimensions become increasingly larger.

Table 5.5
ORA-Loaded Monopole Designs {from (441)

b (mm) /r (mnr)
-Rand (GH=)
- 2 -5
l (mm) d (mm) s (mm) a (mm) .�--
37.5 2.0 1.90 '>.5 2.90 16.0 25
3-8 25 .0 1.3 1.40 6.5 1.95 1 1 .0 18
5-13 15.0 1.3 0.84 5.0 1.49 6.0 10


Ex amp les o f ORAs thiit have been specifically designed for wide bandwidth are
presented in this section. Bandwidth enhancement can be achieved by introducing
some simple modifications, such as carving a notch in the ORA, using a
compound shape formed by simple disks or rectangular DRAs, or altering the
shape altogether.

5.5.1 Notched Rectangular DRA

As was seen in Section 5.2.4, the ring DRA has a lower Q-factor than the
corresponding solid cylindrical DRA and thus a potentially wider bandwidth. The
lower Q-factor is obtained by removing the central portion of the dielectric
material of the cylindrical DRA. A similar concept can be applied to the
rectangular ORA [45]. A notch is introduced in the center of the ORA, as shown in
Figure 5 . 1 9, and by applying image theory, the notched DRA appears similar to a
square "ring", as shown in Figure 5.20. By adjusting the dimensions (g and l ) of
Bandwidlh EnhancemenrofDRAs 139

initially solid rectangular ORA fabricated with a dielectric constant o f £, "" I 0.8,
the notch. a dual-band or wideband response can be achieved. As an example. an

and with dimensions w = I 0 mm, d h ""3 mm, had a resonant frequency o f

f, impedance bandwidth o f I 0%. Introducing a notch with

dimensions of I '" mm and g = I mm, the bandwidth was increased to 28%,
= 1 1 .8 GHz and an
operating from I 0.4 to 13.8 GHz (45).
For some gap heights, there may be insufficient from the aperture
into the ORA. To increase this coupling, a high dielectric insert can be introduced
on top of the aperture, as shown in the right in Figure 5.19 [46]. The insert has the

the microstrip line and the DRA. An alternative solution is to

same function as in the case of the multisegment ORA: it acts as an impedance
transformer between
use probe coup! ing.

Notched Rectangular ORA

Figure 5.19. Notched te�:13ngular ORA (after [45]}.

140 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Solid DRA Notched ORA

w w

Infinite Ground Plane

mage Theory

Fi��:urc 5.20. Equivalenl model for tile notched rectangular ORA using image theory.

5.5.2 lnverted Stepped Pyramidal DRAs

In Section 5.3.1 it was shown that stacking individual DRAs was one method of
increasing bandwidth. Instead of using individual stacked DRAs, a single DRA
can be fabricated into' an inverted stepped pyramid, as shown in Figure 5 .21, in
order to achieve bandwidth enhancement (47-49]. By adjusting the dimensions of
each of the steps, the location of the multiple resonances can be controlled to
achieve a broadband response. A square stepped DRA, with E, = 12, h 1 = 1 .8 mm,
h2 = hJ = 1.3 mm, w 1 dt = 12 mm, w2 "' d2 = 8 mm, and w3 = dl 6 mm, was
= =

found to have a 10-dB return loss from 8.0 to 13.1 GHz, or a 62% bandwidth [46].
An example of a cylindrical stepped inverted pyramidal DRA has demonstrated a
bandwidth of33% [48].
Bandwidth Enhancement ofDBAs 1 41

Microstrip Line
Figure 5.21 EKnmples of stepped DRAs (�Iter [48]).

5.5.3 Conical DRAs

The conical and split-conical DRAs, shown i n Figure 5.22, were presented in
Section 4.2.7 and are potential wideband ORA candidates [50-52] . A conical
DRA, of dimensions a = 19.5 mm, b = 33.5 mm, h 25 mm, and 6, = 12, was

found to have a resonant frequency of 1 .44 GHz and a tO-dB return loss
bandwidth of 9% [5 1 ]. Comparing this to .the case of a cylindrical DRA of the
same height and with a radius of an average value (a = 26.5 mm), using (2.15) and
(2.1 6), the theoretical resonant frequency of the HE1 1� mode is 1 .42 GHz, and the
Q-factor is 9.6, which translates to a 7% bandwidth. The small enhancement in
bandwidth achieved by the conical DRA does not seem to warrant the additional
fabrication complexity. However, when the same conical DRA was inverted, as
shown in Figure 5.22, its bandwidth was found to increase to 13% (with an
accompanying increase in the resonant frequency to 1 .68 GHz), which is nearly
double the bandwidth of the corresponding cylindrical DRA.
142 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

By adopting the split-conical DRA configuration of rigurc 5.22, a IIlllCh

vr i d er impedance bandwidth was achieved [52]. For the case of a ORA having E, =
12, a "' 22.5 mm, b = 49 mm, and h = 52 mm, the impedance bandwidth was found
to be 50% (from 1 .2 to 2.04 GHz). The radiation pattern over this bandwidth is,
however; not constant, since there
are higher-order modes being excited.

Conical ORA Split Conical ORA

Figure 5.22 Conical and split-conical DRAs (after [50-52]).

5.5.4 Tetrahedral DRAs

The i nverted tetrahedral ORA, shown in Figure 5.23 , has been proposed for
wideband applications [53, 54]. A 40% bandw idth has been demonstrated for a
probe�fed tetrahedral ORA with L1 2.5 em, L, = 6.4 em, h .:: 2 .6 em, and e., = 12,

operating between 2-3 GHz [53). The tetrahedral DRA offers an advantage over
the split-conical ORA in that the radiation pattern remains fairly constant over the
impedance bandwidth. Design equations for predicting the resonant frequency and
Q-factor for the tetrahedral DRA have not yet been developed. As a crude
approximation, the equation for an equilateral triangular ORA can be used for
esti m a ti ng the resonant frequency by substituting a in (4.9) with the smaller of (IJ,,
L11). For the above example, using L1 in (4.9), the"resultant frequency is 2.3 GHz,
which falls within the band of operation of the tetrahedral DRA.
Bandwidth Enhancement ofDRAs 1 43

Figurt 5.23 Inverted cecrahedral DRA (after [53, S4]).


A summary of the impedance bandwidth performance of the DRAs presented in

the preceding sections is listed in Table 5.6. Only measured results are included in
the table, to give the reader a sense of what bandwidths have currently been
achieved. Wider bandwidths may be possible for these various DRAs, since many
were prototypes and have not been optimized for maximum bandwidth
144 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook

Tablt 5.6
Summary ofORAs with Enhanced Bandwidth

D�.scriplion ucilation Bandwidth Reference

Split-Cylindrical ORA Slot 10% [I]
Rectangular ORA Slot 12% (3 ]
Rectangular ORA Probe 12% [4)
Cylindrical ORA with Air Gap Slot I I% [4}
ORA-Loaded Patch 14% [35]
Rectangular ORA with Air Gap CPW 1 5,.. [16]
3 Coplanar Rectangular ORAs Slot 1 7% [JO]
Cylindrical ORA Annular Slot 18% (6]
ORA-Loaded Patch 18% [36]
Cylindrical ORA with L-Strip Feed Microstrip 18% (!OJ
2 Stacked Ring ORAs Probe 18% [24]
Stacked Rectangulllr DRAs in Cavily Patch 18% (38}
Cylindrical ORA U-S lot 20% [8]
Rcctllllgular ORA with T-Fced Microstrip 22% [II)
Rectangular ORA Annular Slot 23% (7]
ORA-Loaded Patch 24% (37]
2 Stacked Cylindrical DRAs Probe 2S% [22]
Rectangular ORA Resonant Slot 2So/o [5]
Notched Rectangular ORA Slot 28% [45]
Split-Cylindrical ORA Probe 35% [2]
Embedded Disk-Ring ORA Probe 38% [32}
Inverted Truncated Tetrahedron Probe 40% [53, 54) '
Rectangulm ORA with Gap Probe 40% [18)
Rectangular DRA Flat Strip Probe 43% [ I I)
Split Conical Probe SO% {52]
Embedded Cylindrical Aper1ure >SO% [32]
Inverted Stepped Pyramid Probe 62o/o [48]
ORA-Loaded Monopole 87% [4 1]


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[49] Pliakoslnthis. K., Md D. Mirshckar-Syahknl. 'Stepped Dielectric Resonator An tcn nos for
Widcband Applicntions,' IEEE Amennas ,� Propagallon Symposium Digest AP·S 2004,
Monterey, CA, Vol. 2, pp. 1,367-1,370.

A.A .. A.W. Glisson.. nnd J.P. Junker, "Bandwidlh Enhancement for Split Cylindrical
Antennas," Jo11rnal of £/utrorrurgnetic WDYtS and Applications, Vol. IS,
[50] Kishk.
Dielectric Rcsonnlor
No. 6, 200t, pp. 777-778.

[51] Kishk, A.A.• A.W. Glisson. and V. Yin. "Conical Dielectric Resonator Antennas Excited by 11
Coaxiul l'robc," Microwave Optical Technology /..ellers, Vol. 29, No. 3, May 200 1 , pp. 160-162.

[52] Kisl1k, A.A., Y. Yin, and A.W. Glisson, "Conical Dielectric Resonator Antennas for Wideband
Applications," IEEE Transaclions on Anlennas & Propagation, Vol. SO, No. 4, April 2002, pp.

Coaxial Probe." IEEE Transacfloru on Anlennas & Propagallon, Vol. 5 1 , No. 10, Ott. 2003, pp.
[5J] Kishk. A.A., "Wide-Band Truncated Tetrahedron Dielectric Resonator Antenna Excited by a

2,9 1 3-2,911.

Performance," IE££ Antennas & Propagalion Symposium Digesl AP-S 2002, San Antonio TX,
(54] Kishk. A.A., "Tetrahedron and Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Wideband

Vol. 4, pp. 462-465.

Chapter 6

Low-Profile and Compact DRAs

This chapter examines techniques used to design low�profile or compact DRAs.

Applications exist, such as mobile handsets, laptops, or for covert operations
equipment, where compact or low-profile antennas are required. Compact
antennas are also usefu l at lower frequencies, where the phys ical antenna size
becomes large. This chapter begins with a brief overview of the theory of small
antennas, which is used to establish the fundamental limitations of the gain and

to predict the theoretical performance as a function o f maximum size. DRAs with

bandwidth of any electrically small antenna. This theory is then applied to DRAs

low profiles are then examined, where it will be seen that there is a limitation on
the minimum height for a given resonant frequency that is nearly independent of
the DRA shape. The final section is devoted to a survey of techniques used to
make DRAs more compact. By adding metal plates or removing portions of the
ORA, a significant size reduction can be achieved; however, there is usually also a
decrease in the bandwidth performance. This tradeoff will be highlighted.


Before embarking on an examination of compact DRAs, it is instructive to first

consider the fundamental limitations on the gain and bandwidth of electrically
small antennas. These limitations are based on fundamental physical properties
governing a l l antennas and are therefore independent of the specific antenna
geometry or configuration used.

1 49
150 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

An electrically sma ll antenna is one "whose dimensions are w ch that it can be

contained within a sphere whose diameter is small compared to a wavelength at the
operating frequency" (! ]. The theoretical performance of electrically s mall
antennas can be characterized by enclosing the entire antenna by a sphere of radius R.
As an example, for the short dipole of length L shown in Figure 6.1, a sphere of radius
R = L w ould enclose the antenna [2-4J.

Electrically Small Antenna

Enclosing Sphere
, of Radius R


\ _ _ _ _ _ _

Figure 6.1. Electrically small antenna.

The Q·factor of an electrically small antenn a has b een derived as a function of R
and is given by (2]:


where k is the wave number of the surrounding medium (k = k, for free space), and
e, is the radiation efficiency of the antenna. Recalling that the impedance
bandwidth of the antenna is related to the Q-factor by (2.6), (6.1) can be used to
determin e the maximum bandwidth of an electrically small antenna as a function
of normalized radius (kR). As an example, Figure 6.2 plots the bandwidth of an
electrically small antenna for a maximum VSWR 2, for various values of antenn a

radiation efficiency.
Low-Profile and Compact D RAs 151




--a- Efficiency = 50%

-+-- Efficiency = 25%

--- Efficiency = 10%

t. Efficiency = 5%

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 . 1 1 .2 1 .3 1.4 1.5

Figure 6.2 Maximum theoretical bandwidth for electrically small antennas with YSWR = 2.

As shown in Figure 6.2, the bandwidth of an electrically small antenna of a given

radius can be increased by introducing losses into the antenna (lowering its
radiation efficiency). This will, however, adversely affect the gain of the antenna.
152 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

(G) that can

The maximum gain be achieved by an electrically small antenna is
given by [4]:

: (kR)2 2kR ]. for kR <!. I
3e, , for kR < 1

The maximum gain of an electrically small antenna is plotted in Figure 6.3 as a

function of normalized radius (kR). As the radiation efficiency is decreased in
order to increase the antenna bandwidth, there will be an accompanying
degradation in gain.
Equations {6.1) and (6.2) can be used to predict the performance of isolated
DRAs. Assuming that the largest dimension L of the DRA fabricated from a
material of dielectric constant Er can be approximated by:


and assuming the ORA has a radiation efficiency of 1 00%, then the Q-factor and

maximum gain can be expressed by:


{l(*r +Z*J : : : : ::


Equation (6.4) is used to plot the theoretical bandwidth (for VS WR 2) as a =

function of dielectric constant for the case of an isolated DRA with no losses, in
Figure 6.4. Since DRAs are usually fabricated with dielectric constants of 1 0 or
more, the maximum theoretical gain will be independent of the dielectric constant
and will be equal to 3 (4.77 dB).
Low-Profile and Compact DRAs 1 53

---e-- Efficiency = 1 00%
o Efficiency = 50%
-�- Efficiency = 25%
--- Efficiency =

� i
... . ---· ····· ···r·· ·-·
........ ! �

. .
... . ...
···:···· ····-;--··-:"·· ·····:····

0.5 1 .0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Figure 6.3 Maximum gain of an electrically small antenna.
1 54 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

The above analysis has assumed an isolated ORA or a DRA placed on an infinite
ground plane. For small ground planes, the large ground currents incident on the
_ground p lane edges result in a significant amount of scattering, producing ripples
in the radiation patterns and that may affect the antenna gain and bandwidth. The
effects of finite ground planes will be examined more closely in Section 6.5.


30 ........ t ····· · · · · · · · · · · · ······ t !

··········· · ·· ······· ·••·· ··· ·· ········· · · -
; ·- · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · ··· :

· · ·· ·· ·· · ·· · · · · · · · · ·

...... ... l . . . ... .. . . r. .

. . .. . r ; ... . . .. . . .. . .

25 .. .
. .

. ,

. . . . . - · ..· · ·-··· - · - ····· ···-·····--···--·-··· ··· ..-··-- ·-····--·.. -.. . .. .

:5 20 ·············· ···················· ! ····················· · · · · · ········ + ········ ..... ················ · · ·




· · · · · · · · · · ········· -····················-- t -········--··········- i -·-···········---····- : 1
- - - - - - - · · · · - · · · · · · · · · - ··········-·······

: : : :

10 . . . ..... . . .... . ;-.

. . .. . . .... . ... . .. �
. . . .. . . . ."· ···· · · ···· · · · · ·· · · ··· 1
· · ··· ···· · · ·· · ·--·· · ·-
··· · · · · ··· · ··· · · -·· · · · ·-····· · ··· · · ·· · · · ··

5 ....... .....� .. .. .. ....

. . .. .
. . . .. . .� . .. ... . . . . .
. . .. . ... .
. .
�............... . -. ..

0 20 40 60 80 1 00 1 20

Fi2urc 6.4 Theoretical bandwidth limitations for isolated DRAs.

Low-Profile and Compact DRAs 1 55


One method for achieving a compact design is to use a ORA with a high dielectric
constant. In microstrip antennas, the range of dielectric constants that can be used
is limited, since there is a decrease in radiation efficiency as the dielectric constant
increases. This is mainly due to the higher percentage of power trapped in the
surface waves of the microstrip substrate. Since surface waves are not generated i n
ORAs, the radiation efficiency is not affected b y the dielectric constant, and a very
high value can be used to reduce the ORA size. What is affected, however, is the
Q-factor, which increases as a function of increas ing dielectric constant. By
properlychoosing the form factor of the ORA, the Q-factor can be reduced for a
given value of dielectri c constant. Low-loss microwave ceramic-based materials
are commercially available with a wide range of dielectric constants (4 5 £, :S 250).
The impact of the dielectric constant on the volume and Q-factor of a DRA can be
readily seen with a few design examples by applying the equations derived i n
C hapter 2 for isolated ORAs o f simple shapes. Table 6.1 lists a few ORAs
designed at 2 GHz, where a dielectric constant of either £, = 1 0 or £, = 100 is used.
For these designs, increas ing the dielectric constant by a factor of 10 results in a
reduction in volum e of the ORA by a factor of up to 42. There is, however, an
accompanying increase in the Q-factor of up to 166. The volume and Q-factor can
thus be traded off, depending on the particular design application. For a low­
profiledesign, a combination of high dielectric constant and large ORA area can
be used to obtain a reasonable bandwidth, as seen in the following section.

Effo:ct of Increasing Dielectric Constant on the ORA Volume ond Q-faclor

Table 6.1

DRA Volume
DRA t, o(cm) (em) h(cm) d(cm) (em) Q
Rectangular 10 3.70 1.85 3.70 25.30 7.7

100 1.18 0.59 1.18 0.82 204.0
3.12 0.39 3.12 3.80 53.8

Cylindrical \0 2.00 2.00 25.10 8.2
100 0.68 0.68 0.99 152.0
100 1.18 0.15 0.64 77.0

Cylindrical \0 1.97 1.97 21.50 8.7
100 0.77 0.77 1.43 152.0
100 1.84 0.23 2.45 36.6

Cylindrical 10 2.90 2.90 76.60 1.8
100 0.98 0.98 2.96 301.0
156 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook


Various examples of low-profile DRAs have been reported, where either

rectangular, cylindrical, or triangular shapes have been used [5-13]. An overview
of some of these designs and their performance is summarized in Table 6.2, and
the dimensions are defined in Figure 6.5. Most of these l ow profi le DRAs are also

fabricated from material with a high dielectric constant for a compact design.
Impedance bandwidths of between 1% and 4% have been reported for these low­
profile designs, whose heights are h 5 0.03,\,. If the height h of the DRA is much
smaller than its other dimensions, the resonant frequency can be reasonab'ly
approximated using [5]:
o.1s.[e: (6.6)
fGHz .. h

Fl&are 6.5 Low-profile DRAs.

T1ble 6.2
Example of Low-Profile DRAs

f. Band-
DRAShape Dimensions (mm) Feed (GH=) --�i!f.!!!....__l!!L
Rectangular 100 �r•d= 12.7, h = I Aperture 7.72 3.24% [5]
100 W " d= IO, h =- I Aperture 7.97 2.78% (5)
100 w • d ... lO, h => 2 Aperture 4.57 1.17% [5)
100 w • S, d-= IO, h =- I Aperture 8.85 2.03% (5]
100 W "' I O, d = 5, h = I Aperture 8.50 2.00% (5]
79 lV .. d = 28.2. h = 4.9 Coplanar 2.09 2.40% [II]
to w .. l4,d =3.7,h = 2.6 Aperture 14.75 1.40% [8]
Cylindrical 82 a • l2.5, h • 2 Aperture 4.25 3.80"1. [4]
Strip 4.18 3.60% (9J
Triangle 82 f s 20, h = 1 . 1 Aperture 1.59 3.00% (10]
I"' 20, h ""' 0.98 Probe 8.80 3.30"/o [ 12)
J{ile ond Cr,mpact DRAs
LrJW-Prt 1 57


This section surveys some of the techniques used to reduce the size of a ORA for a
given resonant frequency. Most of these methods involve the addition of a metal
plate, strip, or post. Some of these techniques were presented briefly in Chapter 4
and will be examined in more detail in this section.

6.4.1 Electr-ic Monopole D RA

The electric monopole ORA was int�oduced in Section 4.2.3 and is shown again in

cylindrical ORA, altering the mode structure such that the TM01& mode becomes
Figure 6.6. A grounded metallic post has been introduced in the center of the

the lowest orde1· mode [14]. Thus a ORA's size can be significantly reduced for a
given resonant frequency.

Metal Post

Figure 6.6 Geometry oflhe cylindricel ring with grounding post (after (14]).

By assuming a magnetic wall boundary at the air-dielectric interface and enforcing

the electric boundary conditions along the surface of the metal post, the resonant
frequency can be approximated by [14):


where �<: and f3 are the radial and z-directed wave numbers, respectively, which are
solved using:


158 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


'The solution of ICa in (6.9) as a function of bla is graphed in Figure 6. 7, and

selected values are listed in Table 6.3. The curve can be approximated using the
fo llowing equation:

2 3

(1Ca) • 0.66 + 5.32(bla ) - 1 0.72(b ! a ) + 1 6.57(b ! a) (6. 1 0)


·.: .T::::.:.t::::·::. :.J::: · .:: r :::::I.::::::r:: ::· . :::::r:::.:r:·::::r:-:·::: : .::r::::

F r
: : � : :
t : i : i :


J : :::! J : 1 1:1 :; : ;: : : -.

··-··I ··--·-··
�r r1··-·····F:r······-·l:····-···FI·-·-···F·\·-····.-r�-r··-···-·lr··---···::l·--··· ;r········i\·····----: !�------··Ir··--·


� 3.0

i E E i F i F I i -l i I i

••. --�-· ·}· --· . ... . ••...-: !-· ... ····! . ··---�-.....··1·--· -:- --····•(·•·······>···· ... -�---·-·

.... .L. . . .. J. .. ..... . . ..l .. . ... . . . .. ... ..... .

i ...•.•
\ .. � . .
. .

' ... -�---
� - .....••.
; � � l . .•.
l l l j
2.0 ....J. .. . . . L .. .. ... . J .. . J . . . . . .. l.... .l.
. ... .. L . . L . ..L
. . L... .

1 .8
� � j � � f � l l [ l j 1

: I ! I i I t 1 : I 1 :I ! : 1 1
1 .6
1 .4
1 .2
� ! � � ; ; � ! 1 1 f i j
0.05 0. 1 5 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75

Figure 6.7 Solution of K'a versus bla for the ring ORA with shorting pos 1.
Low-Prqfile and Comoact DRAs 1 59

Table 6.3
Solulion lo (6.4) for Selccled Values of bla

bla I("Q bla /(Q

0.05 0.930 0.40 2.165

0.10 1. 102 0.45 2420
0.15 1.230 0.50 2.720
0.20 1.412 0.55 3.084
0.25 1.574 0.60 3.534

0.30 1.749 0.65 4.107
1 .944 0.70 4.866

As an example of lhe size reduction achievable by the addition of a central post, a

ORA with a dielectric constant of 20, radius of a = S mm, height of h = 1 0

mm, and post radius o f b = 0.5 m m has a

res on ant frequency, according to (6.7), of

2.89 GHz, and was found to resonate at 2.52 GHz when fed by a probe [14]. The
dimensions of the ORA are approximately 0.08A0 for this case. Comparing this to
a cylindrical DRA having the same dimensions without the central post, its
resonant frequency for the TM016 mode, using (2.1 3), is 7.95 GHz. Conversely, for
a cylindrical ORA to have a TM01� mode resonant frequency of 2.89 GHz, its
required dimensions would be a == 13.6 mm and h = 27.2 mm, for e, "' 20, which is
twenty times the volume of the post-loaded DRA. The electric monopole DRA
thus represents a significant size reduction compared to the conventional
cylindrical ORA and can be used for lower-frequency applications where the
volume of cylindrical DRAs would be prohibitively large.

6.4.2 Edge-Grounded Rectangular DRA .

The basic shapes of the ORA were examined in detail in Chapter 2. During the
analysis of these DRAs, it was assumed that they were placed on a perfect electric
conductor of infinite extent and image theory was used to account for the resultant
e ffects. The boundary conditions at the cond�ctor-DRA require the
electric fields will be normal to the conductor, while the magnetic fields will be
interface that

tangential. A sketch of the fields in a cross-sectional view of a rectangular ORA is

shown in the left diagram of Figure 6.8. If the rectangular ORA were to be cut in
half, as shown in the right diagram of Figure 6.8, the field configuration would not
be altered if a second conductor of large-enough dimensions were placed along the
interface at the y = 0 plane [15). The volume of the DRA could then be halved for
a given resonant frequency. Alternatively, adding a metal plate to the edge of an
existing DRA would lower the resonant frequency. The probe-fed, edge-grounded
rectangular DRAs shown in Figure 6.9 were studied in detail in [15]. Table 6.4
shows the effect on resonant frequency and bandwidth when a metal plate is added
to the edge of a rectangu lar DRA. In this case, the metal plate did not extend
further than the edge dimensions of the DRA. The resonant frequency is
sign ificantly reduced (down to approximately 60%), but there is also an
accompanying drop in bandwidth (by about 50%). Measured patterns of the DRAs
160 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

with the edge-grounding showed that the copolarized patterns are similar to those
of conventional DRAs, but there can be a significant increase in the cross­
polarization level.
One interesting conclusion in [ 1 5] was that the size reduction and
accompanying decrease in bandwidth obtained by edge grounding was
approximately equivalent to . that obtained simply by increasing the dielectric
constant of the DRA. For example, taking the first case in Table 6.4, in increasing
the dielectric constant from E, 12 to 32, while maintaining the ORA dimensions,

the theoretical resonant frequency would decrease from 2 GHz to 1 .24 GHz, and
the Q-factor would increase from 8 to 32, which is comparable to adding the edge
grounding plate. Edge grounding can thus replace a higher dielectric constant
material as a means of reducing the ORA size.
A multisegment rectangular ORA was also examined in [15], as shown in the
right diagram of Figure 6.9. In this case, the multisegment ORA was fed with. a
probe, and a foam spacer (E, - I) was selected as the lower segment. Table 6.5 lists
two cases, one with and one without edge grounding. The edge grounding is seen
to significantly reduce the resonant frequency, with only a minor degradation in
the bandwidth perfonnance. Similar results are also reported in [ 16] for an edge­
grounded cylindrical ORA.


Ground Plane

<r - - - H

--- £

Figure 6.8 Field conligu111tion in edge-grounded rectangular ORA (after [15)).

Effects of Edge Grounding on Rectangular DRAs (from { 15])

c. w (em) d (cm) h (cm) Edge Plate /. (GH:) Bandwidth

12 2.75 2.75 2.85 No 1.98 10.0%
Yes 1 .24 5.6%
25 2.54 2.54 1.60 No 1.76 3.2%
Yes 1 .34 1.5%
25 2.54 2.54 1 .20 No 1.90 4.2�.
Yes 1 .30 1 .9%
Low-Pro(i[e and Compact DRAs 161

Figure 6.9 Edge-grounded rectangular DRAs.

Table 6.5
Effects of Edge Grounding on Multisegment Rectan&ular ORAs (from ( 15])

4 w (cm) d (cm) h (em) 1 (em) e, Edge Plate f, (GH::) Bandwidth

10 4.50 4.50 2.54 1.0 1.0 No 1.68 34.0%
Yes 1 .27 30.0%
25 2.54 2.54 1 .60 0.5 1.0 No 2.10 9.5%
Yes 1.37 7 .3%

6.4.3 Top-Loaded Rectangular ORA

The concept of adding a metal plate to reduce the size of the DRA can also be
applied, as shown in Figure 6.1 0, where the plate is placed on top of the
rectangular ORA [17]. For this case, where the rectangular ORA is excited in the
TE&� 1 mode, adding the top plate has the effect of reducing the wave number in the
vertical direction to zero (i.e., kz = 0 in (2.1 9)), which, in turn, will significantly
lower the resonant frequency. For the example presented in [17], a metal plate was
placed on top of a rectangular ORA fabricated with a dielectric constant of e, =
9.2, with dimensions w "' d = 25.4 mm, and h 6.35 mm. Without the metal plate,

the theoretical resonant frequency was calculated to be 4.6 GHz, using (2.19).
Adding the top plate, the theoretical frequency drops to 2.29 GHz (using (2.19)
with k; 0). The measured frequency of the probe-fed ORA with the top loading

was found to be 2.08 GHz, which is a reduction of 45%. There is an

accompanying reduction in bandwidth from l S% for the unloaded DRA to 2.4%
when the metal plate is added. For an even more compact design, the top plate can
Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Metal Plate Probe

Fig �rc 6.10 Top-loaded rectangular ORA (after { 1 7]).

be combined with the edge plate of Section 6.4.2. Top loading with a metallic disk
has also been applied to cylindrical DRAs, as seen in Section 4.2.4, producing a
l owering in the frequency response [18, 19].

6.4.4 Sectored Cylindrical DRA

The volume of cylindrical or ring DRAs can be reduced by removing sectors o f

material, as shown in Figure 6. 1 1 (20-22]. The T M modes o f these sectored DRAs
have been analyzed in detail in [22], where the effects of the sectored angle {3 and
optional metallization of the inner faces have been studied. For the sectored
.cylindrical DRA, the resonant frequency f,."'" of the TM,.,,. , � mode is given by
[23) :

fvpm -
. 1-
2 travEr
.'P + ( =
2h (2m + 1))2 (6. 1 I )

where X,., is the solution to:


From [22], if both inner faces are metallic or both nonmetallic, then the value of v
is given by:

v ... - O s fJ s 2rr, n = 1, 2 , 3 .... (6.13)
{3 '
Low-Profile and Comoac/ DRAs 1 63

Sectored Cylindrical ORA

Fi�ure 6.11 Sectored cylindrical �nd ring DRAs (after [20-22)).

For the case where one of the two inner faces are m�tallic, then:

(2n - l):�r
V= ' O s. f3 s 2n, n .. t,2,3 . ... (6.14)

Equations are also provided for the annular sectorized ring, with or without
metallized inner faces, in (22]; however, as discussed in Chapter 4, the annular
ring has a higher resonant frequency than a cylindricar disk of equal outer radius
and will thus not lead to as compact a design.
Sectored cylindrical DRAs of minimum volume can be obtained when one of
the two inner faces is metallized, and the radius and height for a particular TMvpm • a
mode are given by [22] :

164 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


The minimum volume occurs when f3 is s lightly less than 2rc. (In theory f3 should
equal 2n:; however, it would then not be possible to have one metal lic and one
nonmetallic inner face.)


In many applications where compact DRAs would be required, physical space is

l imited and a large ground plane cannot be accommodated. The effect of placing a
DRA on a relatively small ground plane can be quite significant, since much of the
analysis has assumed that the ground plane was infinite. Depending on the size of
the ground plane, the effects can include rippling in the pattern shape due to edge
diffraction, a lowering of the gain due to radiation spil lover, and a change in the
input impedance due to extra groun.d currents reflected at the edges of the ground
plane. Full-wave electromagnetic techniques, such as the method of moments or
finite difference time domain, are usually required to predict the effects of
relatively small ground planes (on the order of 1-2 wavelengths) on the' ORA
impedance and radiation patterns, while for larger but still finite ground planes,
high-frequency techniques, such as the geometric theory of diffraction (GTD), [24,
25] are better suited to predict the effects on the ORA patterns.
Two examples are presented to demonstrate the possible effects that finite
ground planes may have on the radiation patterns. figure 6.1 2 sh ows a hybrid ring
ORA-monopole antenna mounted on a square ground plane of area L x L. On an
infinite ground plane, the antenna pattern would be omnidirectional with a beam
peak at the horizon (B = 90") similar to that of a monopole antenna. Using a finite
element method (FEM) analysis, the radiation patterns of the hybrid antenna were
simulated for two cases where the ground plane was on the order of a wavelength
(L = 0.671.. and L = 1 .33A.). The simulated patterns are shown in Figure 6.13, along
with the theoretical pattern for the infinite ground plane case. The effect of the
small ground plane is to lower the maximum gain value and to push the beam peak
away from the horizon. There is also a significant amount of backlobe due to
spillover of the radiation from the Upper to lower hemisphere.
Low-Profile and Compact DRAs 165

Figure 6 . 1 2 Ring ORA-monopole mounted o n a square finite ground plane.


� -10
-1 5
co -20
0 -2 5
"0 -30


Figure G.IJ Simulated patterns of the ring ORA-monopole.

166 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

A second example is shown in Figure 6 . 1 4 where a ring ORA is placed on a

c i rcular ground p l ane having a diameter of 6.511.. For this size of ground plane,
fu It-wave numerical techniques are not suitable due to the large problem size,
wllich would result in large memory requirements and long computational times.
High-frequency techniques such as GTD are better suited, since they are
computationally fast, require very little memory, and are reasonably accurate. A
good treatment of the application of GTD to antenna problems is given in [26].
Figure 6 . 1 5 compares the measured pattern with that predicted by GTD, and the
agreement is seen to be quite good. The effects of the larger ground plane are less
severe than for the previous case but are still pronounced. The diffraction fro m the
edge of the ground plane introduces ripples in the pattern and the pattern peak is
pushed above the horizon. Spillover into the backlobe is also present but is less
severe than for the small ground plane case.
These two examples were used to illustrate the typical effects on the radiation
pattern when DRAs are mounted on finite ground planes. The impact on the
pattern can be considerable, and the ground plane size needs to be taken into
consid�ration if designing to certain gain or pattern-shape specifications.

6. 51..
Figure 6.14 Ring DRA on a circu lar ground plane.
Low-Profile and Compact DRAs 167


c -10
:= -1 5

iii -30
E -35
z -40

-�- Measured
· ···& - - · GTD
- - � - - Infinite Ground Plane

Figure 6.15 Normalized radiation pattern ofa ring ORA on a 6.5>..-diameter circular ground plane.


[1] IEEE Standard 145-1983.

[2) Hansen, R.C., "Fundamental Limitations in Antennas," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 69, No. 2,
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[3] Wheeler, H.A., "Small Antennas." IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 23, No.
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[5) Mongia, R.K., A. lttipiboon, and M. Cuhaci, "Low Profile Dielectric Resonator Antennas Using a
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Leung, K.W., et al., "Characteristics of a Low-Profile Circular DR Antenna with Very High
Pcrmittivily," 1££ Electronics Lellers, Vol. J I, No. 6. March 1995, pp. 417-418.

Essclle, K.P., • A Low-Prorilc Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna," IEEE Transactions on

Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 44, No. 9, Sept 1996, pp. 1,296-1 ,297.
168 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

{SJ Esselle, K.P., "Circularly Polarised Low-Profile Rcclangular Oicleclric Resonator Anlennn:
FDTD and Experimenlal Resulls." IEEE Antennas & Propagation Symposium Diges.ts. AP·S
1996, Baltimore, MD, Vol. 1 , pp. S77-S80.

(9} Leung, K.W.• et al . "Low-Profile Circular Disk DR Antenna of Very High Permittivity Excited by
a Microstripline." lEE Electronics Lel/ers, Vol. 33, No. 12, June 1997, pp. 1 ,004· 1,005.

[10] Lo, H.Y., et al., "Low Profile Equilateral-Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna of Very High
Penniltivity," lEE Electronics Lel/er.r, Vol. 35, No. 25, Dec. 1999. pp. 2,1 6<1-2,166.

[ I I } Wu, J.Y., C.Y. Huang, and K.L. Wong. "Low-Profile. Very-High Permittivity Dielectric
Resonator Antenna Excited by a Coplanar Waveguide ," MtcrOI�fl'Je and Optical Tulmo/ogy
Letters, Vol. 22, No.2, 1 999, pp. 96-97.

[12] Lo, H.Y., and K.W. Leung, "Excitation of Low-Profile Equilateral-Triangle Dielectric Resonator
Antennn Using a Conducting Confonnal Strip," Mic,-owave and Optical Teclmolag,• l.ellcrs. Vol.
29. No. 5, June 200 I, pp. 317-319.

( 1 3] Lo, H.Y., K.W. Leung, and K.M. Luk, "Slot-Line-Excited Equilateral-Triangular Dielectric
Resonator Antenna of Very High Perrnittivily,'' Microwave and Optical Teclma/ogy Leiters. Vol .
29, No. 4, May 2001, pp. 230-23 1 .

(14] Mongla, R.K., "Small Electric Monopole Mode Dielectric Resonator Antenna, • lEE Electronics
Lellers, Vol. 32, No. I I , May 1996, pp. 947-949.

[IS) Cooper, M., "1nvesligalion of CurTent and Novel Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas for
Broadband Applications at L-Band Frequencies," Master's Thesis, Carleton Universily, 1997.

fl6J Tam, M.T.K., and R.D. Murch, "Half Volume Dielectric Resonator Antenna Designs," lEE
Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, No. 23, Nov. 1997, pp. 1,914-1,916.

(17] Mongia, R.K., "Reduced-Size Metallized Dielectric Resonator Antennas," IE££ A11tennas &
PropagaJion Symposium Digut Af>-S 1997, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2,202-2.205.

[ 1 8] Li, z.. C. Wu, and J. Litva, "Adjustable Frequency Diel ectric Resonator Antenna." lEE
Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 7, Feb. 1996. pp. 606-607.

( 1 91 Chen, Z.N., et at., "Effect of Parasitic Disk on a Coaxial Probe-Fed Dielectric Resonator
Antenna,• Microwave and Optical Technology Lellers, Vol. 1 5 , No. 3, June 1997, pp. 166-168.

[20] Tam, M.T.K., "Compact Dielectric Resonator Antenna Designs for Wireless Communications,"
Master's Thesis, Hong Kong Universily of Science and Technology, Aug. 1998.

[21] Tam, M.T.K., and R.D. Murch, "Compact Cylindrical Sector Dielectric Resonator Anlennos."
IEEE AnleMos & Propagation Sympmium Digest AP-S /998, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1,958·1,961.

{22] Tam, M.T.K and R.O. Murch, "Compact Circular Sector and Annular Sector Dielectric

Resonator Antennas," IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 47, May 1 999. pp.

[23] Long, S.A., M.W. McAllister, and L.C. Shen, ''The Resonant Cylindrical Dielectric Cavity
Antenna,• IEEE Transactions on AnlennoJ & Propagal/on, Vol. 3 1 , No. 3, March 1983, pp. 406-

(24] Keller, J.B., "Geometric Theory of Diffraction ," Journal Optical Society ofAmerica, Vol. 52, No.
2, Feb. 1962, pp. 1 16- I 30.
Low-Profileand Compact DRAs 1 69

i n a Perfectly Conducting Surface," Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 62, Nov. I 974, pp.l ,448-
[25] Kouyoumjinn, R.G .. �nd P.H. Pathak, 'A U n i form Geometric Theory of Diffraction for nn Edge

1 ,461.

[26] Balan is, C.A., Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.
Chapter 7

Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs

Several communications and radar applications make use of circular or dual-linear

polarized signals to improve system performance. Satellite communications, for
instance, often uses circular polarization to overcome polarization rotation effects
due to the atmosphere. Radar systems often use dual-linear polarized signals to
obtain more information from targets. This chapter examines DRAs ·designed for
either circular or dual-linear polarization. A brief review of polarization is first
presented, followed by ORA designs for achieving circular or dual-linear
polarization. Two methods are available for generating circular polarization. The
first makes use of orthogonal degenerate modes and requires a two-point feeding
system. The second technique makes use of a perturbation to slightly shift the
frequency of one of the degenerate modes, requiring only a single-point feed.
Various DRAs designed using each of these techniques will be examined, along
with DRAs designed for dual-linear operation.


The polarization of an electromagnetic wave refers to the motion of the electric

field vector at a fixed location as a function of time. For a plane wave traveling in
the z direction, the electric field (E) will have, in general, a component in both the
x and y directions. At a fixed location (say z 0), the time-harmonic electric field

can be expressed as:


1 72 Dielectric Resonator AntennaHandbook

If the phases of the two £-field components are identical (rf!x = ¢,. "" ¢,), then the
£-field will have an amplitude equal to:


and an angular orientation \11 with respect to they-axis of:

(7 .3)

The angular orientation has no time dependence, and the wave is said to be
linearly polarized, since the electric field vector traces out a straight line over time.
For the case where Ex = Ey = Eo and (¢r - rpy = ±rr/2), the amplitude of the
electric field will be:

(E0 E0 ( 12)] (
and the angular orientation is

.. arctan cos cot +I/J1 ± rr :tsin( cot
cos{wt + ¢.• )
- arctan
cos{cot + 1/J.v )
= ¢>' :!: cor
(7 5)

Equations (7.4) and (7.5) describe a vector with constant amplitude, which rotates
in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, tracing out a circle with time,
and is thus known as circular polarization.
ln general, the wave will be elliptically polarized, where both the magnitude
and orientation of the £-field will vary with time, tracing out an ellipse. The axinl
ratio (AR) is a measure of the ellipticity of polarization and is the ratio of the major
to minor axis of the ellipse. It is often expressed as:

AR = 20 log(EmoxfEmiu) [dB] (7.6)

where Emax and Em111 are the magnitudes of the maximum and minimum £-field.
The axial ratio equals 0 dB for a circularly polarized wave and is infinite for a
linearly polarized wave. Usually, an axial ratio of less than or equal to 3 dB is still
considered an acceptable value when a circular-polarized wave is required.
It can be seen from the above equations that a circular-polarized wave can be
synthesized from two spatially orthogonal linearly polarized waves that are in
Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 173

phase quadrature (i.e., there is a ±rt/2 phase offset between the two waves). An
antenna capable of generating two l i nearly polarized waves that are spatially
orthogonal and in phase quadrature will therefore be able to generate a circularly
polarized signal. This w i l l be used in the design of the two-point-fed DRAs
described in Section 7.2.
The purity of the circular polarization will depend on the relationship between
the magnitude and phase of the two linearly polarized components. The axial ratio
can also be expressed as [ I ] :


where 1/J "' 2(¢1 - rM. For the case where Ex =

£1 and ¢1 - 1/Jz ±rr./2, (7.7) results i n
AR = 0 dB. Figure 7 . I shows the effect on axial ratio when there is either an

amplitude error or a phase error between the two linear components.


0.9 80

0.8 70

0.7 60 Ci>


40 w
. '

..... . .. .
: ..................'l. . .. .... .\. . .. . .. . . . . ,. ,_. 30
0.4 .. . .c

0.3 ............. .r-····----- . .'[.. . ....... .. ...1. . . . . . . .

: .. ... : . . . .
: .

: l
0.2 • - ••••''"••..n••''' '''"'''''''''•••••• ''''•••••••••••o

0.1 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Axial Ratio (dB)

Figur� 7.1 Effects of�mpliludc nnd phase errors on axial rario.

174 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

A. contour plot showing the axial ratio degradation as a function of both amplitude
and phase errors can be found in [2]. The axial ratio is more sensitive to phase
errors than to amplitude errors. For example, a 20• phase error will result in a 3-dB
axial ratio, while the corresponding amplitude ratio would be 0.707. The challenge
in designing circularly polarized antennas is to maintain the amplitude and phases
to within their maximum allowable errors for achieving the desired axial ratio over
the required bandwidth of operation.
The DRA can generate circular polarization, using either a two-point feed or a
single-point-feed technique. These techniques are examined in the following
sections along with examples of various DRAs.


In order to generate two linearly polarized waves that are spatially orthogonal and
have equal amplitudes, the DRA must be capable of supporting degenerate modes
(i.e., modes that have the same resonant frequency). This will occur for DRAs that
exhibit symmetry along the x and y axes. Three examples are shown in Figure 7.2
and consist o f square, circular, and annular cross-sections. I n order


Feed Points
Figure 7.2 DRAs capable ofsupponing degenerate modes.
Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 175

for these DRAs to generate circular polarization, they are excited with ide.ntical
feeds located on orthogonal sides of the DRA. The signals on the two feeds CVx
and Vy) should have equal amplitudes and be in phase quadrature, as discussed in
Section 7 . 1 . Figure 7.2 shows probes as the feed mechanisms, but the method is
equally valid for other feed types. To obtain the correct feed excitations, a power
divider network is usually used, such as a hybrid coupler, a Wilkinson splitter, or a
T-junction, shown in m icrostrip technology in Figure 7.3. The hybrid coupler is
designed to split an incoming signal into two equal signals in phase quadrature
over a fairly broad bandwidth. Wilkinson and T-junction spl itters divide the
incoming power into two equal outputs, and an external delay line is needed to
achieve the required phase quadrature, which is usually narrower band than the
hybrid coupler. These latter two networks typically require less area and are thus
better suited for array applications where there is usually a l imited amount of real
estate available.
One aspect of generating circular-polarized radiation from a dual-point feed
that is often overlooked is the effect of coupling between the two feeds. If there is

electric field components, Ex and E >'• are directly proportional to applied

little or no coupling, then the axial ratio can be determined using (7.7), where the

excitations, V$ and VY" lf the mutual coupling between the two feeds is not
negligible, the electric field components will be perturbed and will degrade the
resultant axial ratio. Letting v.
= V.ref , it can be shown that [3):

I - r0 e j<P
E E.r.e }J<I>
- .

( - r,




and sij are the s-parameters of the dual-point-fed ORA. The upper bound of the
axial ratio can then be expressed as:


Taking the example where ct> = n/2, (7.8) reduces to

1 - jTD
1 " I + 1·r0
E - (7. 1 1)
1 76 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 7.4 plots the axial ratio as a .function of the mutual coupling between the
feeds for different values of feed input match, where the mutual coupling is
defined as 201og(s 1 2), and the input match is 20log(s 1 1) . As the coupling between
probes increases, there is an increasing degradation in the axial ratio performance.

Hybrid Coupler
r - - -� DRA

Wilkinson Splitter


T-Junction Splitter I


Figure 7.3 Examples of power divider networks for generating circular polari'lation.
Circ11far- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 177


18 Matched
8 20 dB
16 10 dB


co 12
(ij 10


-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
Mutual Feed Coupling (dB)

Figne 7.4 Effects of mulual feed coupling on axial ratio.

Even coupling levels as low as -20 dB can introduce up to a 0.5-dB degradation in

the axial ratio. A mutual feed coupling of -I 0 dB would significantly degrade the
axial ratio performance, and the a nt enna would not be able to achieve an axial
ratio of less than 3 dB, which is the normal criterion for defining practical circular
polarization. A deterioration in the feed input match has less of an impact on the
axial ratio performance. It is thus important when de signing a dual-feed ant enna
for circular polarization to ensure high isolation between the two feed ports in
order to guarantee good axial ratio performance. This can be achieved by properly
locating the feed points with respect to the ORA or by using a feed network with
high isolation between ports (such as the quadrature hybrid coupler or the
Wilkinson splitter).
178 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

A few examples of circular-polarized dual-feed DRAs have been publ ished

[4-7]. A probe-fed ring DRA using a commercial quadrature hybrid network was
deSigned in [4), achieving an l l % bandwidth for a 2-dB axial ratio. In [5], a si m?le
microstrip feed was used to provide the required excitation for the dual­pro b e-fed
cylindrical ORA. The axial ratio bandwidth was not specified, but was asstJmed to
be narrow. An integrated microstrip quadrature hybrid network was use� to feed a
cylindrical ORA with flat strips in [6], achieving a 20% bandwidth for l 3-dB axial
ratio. In (7], a simple T-junction was used to feed the two flat strips of a cylindrical
ORA. Here, the required phase quadrature was achieved by using unequal lengths f
or the two flat strip probes. Again, the penalty for the simpler design was a
degradation in axial ratio bandwidth, where in this case it was 3.5% for a 3-dB
axial ratio. As will be seen in the next section, several exarllples of DRAs with
single-point feeds can achieve an axial ratio bandwidth of 5% to 6%, so in order to
justify the added complexity of a dual-fed ORA, a wide circular-polarization
bandwidth should be achieved.


More research has been dedicated to developing ORAs capable of circular

polarization radiation from a single feed point. As will be seen, the single-point
fed DRA does not achieve the same axial ratio bandwidth as the dual-point feed
case, but it does not require a complex feed network and is better suited in an array
environment. In Sectio n 7.4, a technique known as sequential rotation will be
presented that can significantly improve the axial ratio bandwidth of an array of
A detailed analysis and design procedures for circularly polarized single-point
feed microstrip antennas has been carried out in [8], and much of it is applicable to
DRAs. If the DRA is modeled as a simple resonant RLC series circuit, its
nonnalized input impedance, Z, as a function of frequency fcan be expressed as:

Z=I +.j _ik_(f2

f·fo -ff)

wheref," is the resonant frequency, and Q,. is the radiation Q-factor. The amplitude
and phase response ofthe input impedance is shown i n Figure 7.5. Now if one of
the dimensions of a DRA capable of supporting degenerate modes (such as the
examples in Figure 7.2) are perturbed, then the resonant frequency and Q-factor
will be a l tered s l ightly, and the resonance of the two orthogonal modes will be
sl igh tly separated . I f these two resonances can be separated by a dis ta nce such lhat
the difference in their phase response is ±Jr./2, the ORA will radiate a circular­
pola rized signal. Figure 7.6 plots the amplitude and phase response of the ORA
Circular-andDual-PolarizedDRAs 179

with quasi-degenerate modes. The phase difference between the two OlOdes is also
plotted. The axial ratio for the ORA can then be determined by substituting the
two amplitude responses and the phase difference in (7.7). To maximize the axial
ratio bandwidth, the frequencies (fx,]y) of the two modes are chosen to be:

.r�-- �-·
f.v �_k_
I+ -- 1- -
2Q.r 2Qy

Assuming the perturbation is relatively small, then Q,- Qy Qu. Using (7.12), =

(7 .13), and (7.7), the 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth has been determined for DRAs of
various Q-factors, and they are listed in Table 7.1. The axial ratio bandwidth is
approximately half of the impedance bandwidth. Several examples of single-point­
fed DRAs are presented in the following sections.

i i :
i :
i i

�t L t t J I
•••••• ••••••• ••••o•••••••••• •••••oooo•••••• ooooooooo• "'•• •••• ' ' ' • • • u o • •••••ooooo••••• ••ooooooooo•••o • ohoooo••••

·: ·
..:·:::::. :::��:·: �:: ::::::::::: :::·:..::::: :::::.: ::: ::::::::::::::�::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::
0.8 ············rf ··············i:--·-·········
' ' ·:1f·· · ···········1···········
. ---��---··········--�---··
� ··········i··
; ... ·--·-··

0.7 �·i. .:! �it

. ·:::::Ag�:::· 1 1
: �:: t
: :::::::J ·:: . :
·_;·:::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::. ::::::::::::
: : :

a. 0.6

. . . . . . 1..... .�...1···· ......... 1···... .. ..... 1\:... .... ..!... . .. .. .l.. . .. .....l. . . . . ..
E jf 1l �l \_i� !• ll if

..............l.............. .:.............j..............., .. �... . ....i . .. ... l .

ooo.ooooooooooo ooooO••••••oOoo oo•••oo ooooo• o••ooooooo••ooo o0"00'0H0o"0 00000000 oooooo •••ooooOOoooo•o ooOOOooooooo

0.5 . . . . . . .. . . ...
.... :. ... . ... . . ... . .
···--�--····-----·-·r··-----..·.-.· ···1--: --------·· ..l.....
,. ..........

... --------�----------
: ·· ·1-----····:
· : . -30
.. ·
: t t :J ·
:::: .·
: � :

0 .3 ..::.::::::: :l :::::. :::::. ::::::::::::::: ! ::.:.::::::. : ::::::: : ::�::::::::::::r:-::::::::... : :::. ::::

. �

t 1 :i·········---·--t··----------·--l··-------·-·--·t··--······--
..............rt···-·--·····--·l·--··--···-----1------·····--··! 1-:- 1 : .f:
0 .2

0.1 ���� -90 :. : l : : ; :

0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20

Normalized Frequency (/If.,)
Figure 7.5 Amplilude and phase response of an RLC series circuir model.
180 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Q) 0.8
C1) 0.6
� 0.4
"( 0.2


c: 0
Q) -50


i ·i l +
25 ············ "-···············�- ;.
............ . .... ...._....;................� ··············- �·-· ...........:.............


; r
"0 20
ctl 15 ... ......? ... 000400 �· · . ...1 -�- ••••••••••••• -� .... ...... .. . -�- . ' �
ou ••• · · · •••• •••• .. ••••••• " • • • • . • • • ••••• · ··- •••••••••••••

· !: : J : i 1 r : J
]! 10


0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1 . 20 1 . 30 1 . 40
Normalized Frequency (flJ;,)
Figurr 7.6 Magnitude, phase, and axial ratio response for a DRA with quasi-degenerate modes.
Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 181


Axial Ratio Bandwidth os n Function ofQ-Foctor

Impedance J dB A:xial Ratto

______Q, Band!!frf!!!_
__________ f...(f..
______ . ..&![,
.. _,_____ /}?!!!�JY.i!J.!!...
____________ ______

J 24.0% 0.857 1.200 1 1.8%

5 14.0% 0.909 1.111 7.0o/o
7 10.0% 0.933 1.077 5.0%
10 7.0% 0.952 1 053
. 3.5%
14 5.0% 0.966 1.037 2.5%
20 3.5% 0.976 1.026 1.7%
35 2.0% 0.986" 1.014 1.0%

7.3.1 Chamfered Rectangular DRA

The first reported example of a single-point-fed ORA capable of circular-polarized

radiation is the chamfered ORA, shown in Figure 7.7 [9]. The ORA has a square
cross-section {w d) with two opposing corners removed, reducing the cross­

sectional area by l. In this case, the DRA is fed with a probe located at distance p
from the edge of one face, along on·e of the centerlines. Based on the analysis of a

Feed Probe

Figur� 7.7 Chamfered DRA (after [9]).

182 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

chamfered m icrostrip patch [8], the foUowing equation is used to design the DRA:

g 1
-;= �2Qo

when Q0 is the radi at io n Q-factor of the unperturbed DRA. The probe location
and p-obe height are adjusted to obtain a good impedance match, while the sense
of po larization (clockwise or counterclockwise) depends on which set of cor n ers is
cham�red. For the example presented in (9J, a DRA with £, = 9.4, wlh = 1.25, and
glw ..Jo.I5 produced a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of approximately 4%. This

elem01t was then used in an array with sequential rotation to significantly inc rease
the baJdwidth, as will be shown in Section 7.4.

7 .3.2 Rectangular DRA

A second approach for obtaining circular polarization from a single-point-fed

DRA is also borrowed from microstrip patches and consists of a ORA with a

quasi-square cross-section, as show n in Figure 7.8 [10-13]. Th e ORA can either be

fed along the diagonal with a pr obe or near the center with an aperture. FoUowing
tbe analysis in [8], in order to obtain circular polarization, the g dimension is
chosen such that:

Figure 7.8 .Quasi-square single-point-fed D for circular polarization.

Circular- andDual-PolarizedDRAs 183


In the example presented in [11], a ORA withe,= 40, w = 5.8 mm, g = 0.6 mm.
and h = 6.4 mm demonstrated a 3-dB axial ratio of almost 2%. Bandwidths of up
to 6.6% have been reported for a 3-dB axial ratio using the quasi-square ORA
[1 0).

7.3.3 Cross ORA

Another method to achieve the two spatially orthogonal linear-polarized modes

required to generate circular polarization is to use the cross-shaped ORA of
Figure 7.9 [14). The two arms of the cross can each be considered as a linearly
polarized rectangular ORA. The cross is positioned over the slot aperture to


Figure 7.9 Cross-shaped DRA (after [14]).

184 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

equally excite both anns. To design the two arm lengths, /, and /"' (7.13) can first
be used to estimate the required resonant frequencies of the two rectangular DRAs
to generate circular polarization. The dimensions can then be found by usi ng the
equations for rectangular DRAs gi ven in Section 2.4. The resultant values for /,
and /" will be a starting point, since the above procedure assumes that there is no
interaction between the two arms. These values can be adjusted experimentally, or
they can be optimized using electromagnetic solvers [ 1 5]. For a cross DRA
designed at 1 1 GHz with £, = 10.8, /v = 1 1 .5 mm, /11 = 7 mm, and d, "' d,. "' h 3 =

mm, a 3-�B axial ratio bandwidth of 4% was reported [14].

The cross-ORA element has also been used to feed a circu l a r cavity aperture,
as shown in Figure 7 . 1 0 [ 1 6, 17]. The cavity, which has an aperture diameter of



Dielectric Cover

Ly �
I � � JIH
Microstrip Feed Substrate
Figure 7.10 Cavity aperture fed by cross ORA (after (16, I7J).
Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 185

approximately two wavelengths, is used to significantly increase the gain of the

DRA. A design at I 8.5 GHz was presented in [ 16), where the DRA parameters
were £, = I 0.8, 1,. = 6 mm, 1, = 4 mm, d, = d.= 1.8 mm, and h = 2 mm. The cavity
had a diameter of D = 30 mm and a depth of H = 8 mm, and the dielectric cover
was 1-mm thick with a dielectric constant of I 0. A 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of
4% was achieved with a peak gain of 13.3 dBic (compared to about 5 dBic for the
single DRA element). In [17], a 30-GHz design was presented, with similar

7.3.4 Cross-Slot Apcrtui'C

In the last three examples of single-point feeds, the DRAs were modified to obtain
the quasi-degenerate modes. In the next two examples, the feed itself is used to
excite the two spatially orthogonal modes of a DRA with degenerate modes. In
this first example, a cylindrical DRA is placed over a cross-shaped aperture fed
with a microstrip line, as shown in Figure 7.11 [18, I 9]. The arm lengths /, and 1.
are adjusted to achieve the desired phase quadrature excitation needed for circular

Cross Aperture

Figure 7.ll Cylindricnl ORA fed with a cross·shaped·apcnure (afte r [18]).

I 86 Dielectric Resonator An te n na Hand book

polarization. This approach has the advantage that the DRA itse lf need not be
modified, thus simplif ing the geometry. In [18), a cylindrical DRA with e, = 79,
a � 14.72 mm, and h = 5. I mm was fed with a cross-slot aperture with 1. = 13 mm, 1, = 12
mm, and w: I mm, with a resulting 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of almost 4%, centered
around 2.04 GHz. This technique could also be applied to square or hemispherical
DRAs. One disadvantage to the cross-slot aperture technique is the potential for
generating a high backlobe d ue to unwanted radiation from the slot. Tllis can be
minimized by restricting the slot dimensions to less than half the guided wavelength.
An alternative method for suppressing the backlobe is to use a stripline feed instead of a

7 • .3.5 Annular-Slot Apertures

Another approach to achieving the required amplitude and phase ex citati on for
exciting circular polarization in cyl in drica l or hemis pherical DRAs is through th e
use of annular slots [20-23J. Two examples, a C-shaped slot and a tabbed annular
slot, are shown in Figure 7.12. In some cases ca vi t i es can be introduced

Figure 7.Jl Examples of anJlular slots for generating circular polarization (after [20-23]}.
Circular- and Duai-Po/arizedDRAs 187

underneath the slots to suppress backlobe radjation (20, 23]. Axial t:atio
bandwidths of up to 4.5%
have been r eported using these feeds.

7.3.6 Parasitic-Slot Aperture

The next few examples make use of various· pa rasitic elements to properly excite
the spatially orthogonal modes necessary for circular polarization. The first
example, shown in Figure 7.13, consists of two pairs of parasitic slot apertures in
the ground plane of a microstrip-fed cylindrical ORA [24]. By properly adjusting
the lengths 1, and lv of each slot pair, the two spatially orthogonal degenerate
modes can be excited in phase quadrature. By using parasitic elements to generate
circular polarization instead of the feed itself, the tasks of impedance matching and
of generating circular polarization can be separated: the feed can be adjusted to
achieve an input match, while the parasitic elements are independently adjusted to
achieve a low axial ratio. In the previous approach, the feed is required to


Fieur� 7.13 Parasitic slots for generating circular polarization (after [24]).
1 88 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

simultaneously provide an impedance match and generate circular polarization,

and the optimum design for one may not necessarily be optimum for the other. A
3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of up to 2.7% has been reported for a cylindrical ORA
with e, = 79, a = 14.72 mm, and h = 5 . 1 mm, with parasitic slots having 1, = 29
mm and 1. = 30 mm (24].

7.3.7 Parasitic: Strips

As an alternative to introducing parasitic slots in the ground plane underneath the

ORA, parasitic metallic strips or patches can be introduced on the ORA itself to
generate circular polarization [25-3 1 ] . A few examples are shown in Figure 7. 14.

Slot-fed hemispherical ORA

with parasitic strip, after [28)

Mlcrostrlp-fed cylindrical ORA Mlcrostrlp-fe!i rectangular ORA

with parasitic strips, after [25] with parasiUc patch. after [26]

Figure 7.14 Examples of parasitic strips for exciting circular polarization.

Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 189

The addition of the parasitics result in a perturbation of one of the degenerate

modes, and by properly choosing the location and dimensions of the strips,
circular polarization can be achieved. The reported 3-dB axial ratio bandwidths
have been between l% and 3%, which is an average somewhat narrower than for
other single-point-feed methods.

7.3.8. Dielectric-Loaded Microstrip Patch

As a tina! example, a single-point-fed dielectric-loaded microstrip patch antenna is

examined [32]. The dielectric-loaded antenna was ·presented in Chapter 4, where
the di�lectric inserts w ere introduced to lower the resonant frequency of a
microstrip patch, while still maintaining a relatively large bandwidth. In [33], two
dielectric inserts were placed under the lengths of the patch to obtain the desired
frequency shift for a linearly polarized antenna. By designing the microslrip patch
to radiate two orthogonal quasi-degenerate modes, circular polarization can be
obtained in the same manner as single-point-fed DRAs. Figure 7.15 shows the
configuration used for the design of the circular-polarized dielectric-loaded


Figure 7.15 Dielectric· loaded microstrip patch antennn (after [32}}.

190 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

microstrip p atch. rn this case, four dielectric inserts are required, place d along each
of t he four e dge s of the p atch. The single-point feed is implemented using a cross­
slot apertu re to ex c ite the two orthogo nal modes of the patch. A design was
prese nte d in [32) intended for L-band mobile satellite communications, where a low-
profile, compact antenna was desired with good low-elevation angle coverage. By
loading the mi crostrip p atch with high dielectric con stant inserts, th e resonant
frequency was re du c e d by up to 30%, compare d to the ·conventional unloaded
circular-polarized p atch an tenn a A 3-dB ax ial ratio bandwidth of2 .5% could also be

obtain ed, which is sim ilar to the performance of other single-point-fed circular­
pd arized antennas.


In S ec ti o n 7.3, various single-point-fed circularly p olar ized DRAs w ere presented.

In g en eral , these DRAs have a much simpler fee d i ng network than the dual-point
feeds examined in Section 7.2; however, the achievable axial ratio bandwidth is
typicall y limited to a few pe r c en t . One method to significantly extend the axial
ratio bandwidth is to array the DRA e l em ents using a technique known as
sequential rotation [34, 35). In general, if N linearly polarized antennas are arrayed
along the circumference of a c i rc le as sho w n in Fig ure 7.16, where the

polarization of each element is tangential to the circumference, and where each

element is excited with an equal amplitude and phase given by 4J1 360i!N, then "'

the r ad iation will be circularly polarized in the broadside direction. Typically, the
sequential rotation te c hniqu e is applied to either two or fou r element subarrays,
also shown in Figure 7.16, in order to simplify the feed network. (For the case of
only tw o elements, the required phase excitations are 0' and ±90".) These sub­
arrays arc then, in turn, sequentially fed to form larger arrays. Sequential rotation
can also be applied to clements that are themselves circularly polarized, to enhance
the axial rati o bandwidth.
Several examples of DRA arrays fed by sequential rotation have been
reporte d [9, 36-39]. Table 7.2 summarizes the salient features of these arrays. The
3·dB axial ratio bandwidths can be improved significantly, up to 20%, which is

Table 7.2
Summary ofDRA Arrays with Sequential Rotation

Efemefll Element 3 dB /Uia/ Array J dB Axial

ORA Elem�nl Exci/at/o11 Ralio Bandwzdth Ralio Bandwidth Re.f!rence
Chamfered Square Probe 4.0% 17% [9)
Cross Slot 5.0% 16% [36]
Square Cross· Slot N/A 20°/o [37]
Cylindrical Cross-Slot 5.6% 0> 16% [38]
Square with
Parasitic Patch Dia�onal Slot 0> 6.0% > 18% [J9J
Circular-andDual-Polarized DRAs 191

General Case of N Elements, (N > 2)

Antenna Etemen �@ • • · �
� • •

�, IP



Two-Element Sequential Rotation Four-Element Sequential Rotation


' -�­
.,. ... .. ...

� '

1ao· [f] [!Jo·


� Direction of Polarization
'' ·GJ· ,' go·
Figure 7.16 The sequential rotation array technique for circular polarization.
192 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

comparable to that of the dual-fed circular-polarized ORA. Thus by us i ng the

sequential rotation technique, single-point-fed circular-polarized DRAs can be

used in an array, offering a much simpler feeding network but maintaining a
similar axial ratio bandwidth to the dual-point-fed DRAs. Some of these arrays are
shown in Chapter 9.


Dual linearly polarized antennas are often used in radar imaging applications,
where different information can be obtained from the reflected signals having
different polarizations. Another application is where there is limited available
spectrum, and the bandwidth could effectively be doubled by sending information
on two orthogonal polarizations. Both these applications require a high degree of
isolation between the two polarizations, which is one of the main challenges when
designing dual-polarized antennas.
The approach to designing dual-polarized antennas is nearly identical to the
two-point feed design, described i n Section 7.3, for obtaining circular polarization .

The only difference is that the outputs of the two feed points are not combined, but
go to separate channels. If the two polarized signals share the same frequency
bandwidth, then a symmetrical DRA shape is required (as shown in Figure 7.2);
otherwise a rectangular ORA can be used whose dimensions are chosen to
resonate at the desired frequency for each pol arization . Figure 7 . 1 7 shows an
example of a dual l inearly polarized rectangular DRA fed directly by m icrostrip
lines. Excitations using aperture or probe coupling can also be implemented. An·
example of a low-profi le square-shaped DRA (w = d 28.2 mm, h
= 1 .6 mm, "'

e, = 79) designed near 2.2 GHz and fed directly with microstrip lines has bee n
reported, with an isolation between ports of better than ·20 dB and an impedance
bandwidth of2.6% [40].
A second example of a square dual-polarized ORA (w = d = 1 6 mm,
h = 7.62 mm, e, -::: 10) designed at 4 . 5 GHz was presented in [4 1 ) . Due to the lower
dielectric constant, the bandwidth for this second example is over 12%. This
design also achieves a very good isolation between the two ports of -30 dB.
However, the feed is rather complicated, involving coplanar waveguide feeds
located on both the ORA ground plane and on a second substrate perpendicular to
and underneath the ground plane.
The third example of dual polarization is somewhat different and is based on
the ORA-loaded monopole hybrid presented in Section 5.4.2. By exciting the
annular DRA with a pair of probes located on the outer surface (to excite the HE 1 16
mode), the antenna can be made to produce either a l inear- or a circular-polarized
pattern [42]. Isolation between the TM0 16 mode of the monopole feed and the
HEw, mode of the ORA feeds was better than -25 dB for the cited design at
2.3 GHz, where the ring ORA had dimensions a = 8 mm, b = 3.4 mm, h 1 5 mm.

and £, = 44.8, while the monopole had a length of I = 32 mm and diameter

Circular- and Dual-Polarized DRAs 193

d = 2.6 mm (see Figure 5 .II). The compact nature of this antenna could make it
suitable for mobile communication terminals.



ry w

1.. a I

1 f'1


Figure 7.17 Dua1-polnriz�d rectangular ORA (afler [401)


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1.94 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

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Circular- and Dual-PolarizedDRAs 195

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with � Par�sitic Pmch." IEEE Antennas a11d Propagation Symposium Digest AP-S 2001, Son
. Antonio, TX, Vol. 4, pp. 202-205.

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{36] Petosa, A., A. lttipiboon, and M. Cuhaci, "An Array of Circular-Polarised Cross Dielectric
Resonator Antennas,"/££ Electronics le/lers, Vol. 32, No. 19, Sept. 1996, pp. 1,742·1,743.
196 Djelectrjc ResonatorAntenna Handbook

[37) Haneishi, M .• and B. Wu, •Array Antenna Composed of Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator
Antennas; IEEE Antennas & Propagation Symposium Digest AP-S 1999, Orlando, FL. pp. 251-

[38) Pang, K.K., et al., "Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antenna Subarrays." Microll'm•e
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[401 Huang, C.Y., T.W. Chiou, and K.L. Wong, 'Dual-Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas,"
Microwav,e and Optical Technology Leffers, Vol. 3 I. No. :i, Nov. 200 I, pp. 222-223.

{41) Lathiere, G., R. Gillard, and H. Legay, "Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Dual Linear
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[42] Gray, D., and T. Watanabe, "Three Orthogo nal Polarisation ORA-Monopole Ensemble." /££
Electronics Letters, Vol. 39, No. 10, May 2003, pp. 766-767.
Chapter 8

Ferrite Resonator Antennas

This chapter examines ORAs that are fabricated from microwave ferrite materiaL
Some of the radiation properties of these ferrite resonator antennas (FRAs) can be
electronically controlled by applying a de magnetic field to bias the ferrite
material. Using this technique, FRAs with frequency or polarization agility have
been developed. This chapter begins with a review of the properties of microwave
ferrites and then describes how these properties are used to des ig n antennas with
frequency or polarization agility.


The properties and behavior of microwave ferrites is well described in several

publications (1-8] and will only be briefly reviewed in this section. The RF
magnetization (b) inside a microwave ferrite due to the application of a magnetic
field intensity (II) is given by:

b = [,ul , (8.1)

where b and II are vectors and I.Ul is a tensor. In Cartesian coordinates, (8.1) can be
expressed as:

bs '- �t.uh:r + flx..vhy + ,UJthl (8.2)

by� + 1-Lyyhy + IJ.y:hl (8.3)

1 98 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


For a ferrite material biased with a de magnetic field along the z-direction, 11-'1

(also called the Polder permeability tensor) can be expressed as:

f.l_,.... f.l,y �� # - j<
[�-t] - f.l_u f-l_,._,.
J-Ly, • JK f-l

f.lz.r 0 0
f.lz_\' 1-lu

a nd (8.2) to (8.4) reduce to:

bx = J-lllx - jKhy (8.6)

by = f.lhy + jKhx. (8.7)

bz = J-L)!z (8.8)

The terms i n (8.5) are defined as:

f.l "' -
2 2
K' ... --::-----,-
w; - w2 (8.10)
wo - rHa (8. 1 1 )

where y is the gyromagnetic ratio (2.8 MHz/Oe), M is the magnetization (in

gauss), and H, is the magnitude of applied de magnetic field (in oersted). It should
b e noted from (8.9) that IJ.'l is a function of the frequency ( w) and of the applied
magnetic field (H,). This dependence of the ferrite properties on the de magnetic
bias can be used to control the radiation characteristics of the FRA, as described in
the following sections.


The potential for a shift in resonant frequency of a rectangular FRA by altering the
de magnetic field bias can be seen theoretically, by modifying (2.19) to include the
effective permeability, J-L•.D' of the FRA material:
Ferrite ResonatorAntennas 199





and the other variables remain the same as in (2.19). The "±" for p."ff depends on
the orientation ofthe applied bias magnetic field. For a saturated fernte material of
infinite extent:

fl::= I (8.15)


where M, and M, are the remnant and saturation magnetizations of the ferrite
material, respectively. The upper and lower bounds of P.cJT are used to estimate the
maximum shifts in resonant frequency due to an applied bias field. The maximum
obtainable range of frequency tuning depends on the saturation magnetization and
the physical dimensions ofthe FRA.
To get an indication of the potential frequ�ncy tuning range possible with the
biasing of ferrite material, (8.11) to (8.16) were applied to various rectangular
FRAs designed with an unbiased resonant frequency ranging from 2
GHz to
20 GHz. The results are presented in Table 8.1. For each design, the ratio of the
FRA dimensions were fixed at w = 2d 4h, and a dielectric constant of E, = 12.5

was chosen as being a typical value for ferrite materials. The tuning range for
typical values of remnant magnetization are listed in the table. The values for the
coupling coefficientK were determined using (8.16). To calculate the upper bound
of fl•JT• the positive sign in (8.14) was used. The lower bound was restricted to
fl•JT"' 0.64, since this corresponded to a value fle.o£r = 8, where it was felt that the
FRA would no longer confine the fields enough to resonate efficiently below this
value. Table 8.1· shows that as the frequency increases, the tuning range will
decrease for a given remnant magnetization. This can also be deduced from (8.16),
which shows that K is inversely proportional to frequency, and the smaller the
value is forK, the narrower is the achievable frequency tuning range.
To verify the modified rectangular DRA equations, measurements were
conducted on an aperture-fed rectangular FRA with dimensions w = 10 mm,
d = S mm, h =- 2.5 mm, and a dielectric constant of e, 14.8, as shown in

Figure 8.1 [9, 1 0]. The ferrite material selected had a saturation magnetization of
200 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

41tMs = 18SOG and remnant magnetization of 41tMr 1232G. Without a magnetic


bias, the FRA behaves like a conventional ORA and, using (2. 19), h:�s a predicted
resonant frequency of 10.1 GHz. The measured resonant frequency of the un biased
FRA was 1 0.5 GHz. Substituting the values for remnant and saturation
magnetization into {8.1 6), the coupling coefficient K was determined to be 0.328 at
10.5 GHz, so that from (8.14), 0.671 � p.,ff :S 1 .328. Substituting for fLcff i nto (8. 1 2),
the resonant frequency of the FRA is predicted to vary from 8.75 GHz to 1 2.3
The biasing of the ferrite with a static magnetic field was achieved using a
permaneht magnet, located below the ground plane. Two biasi ng directions were
investigated, with the orientation of the magnet parallel (y·direction) and
perpendicular (x-direction) to the length of the FRA. The resonant frequency of the
FRA was measured as a · function of bias strength for each of the two
magnetization orientations. The results are plotted in Figure 8.2 where the applied
magnetic bias intensity was measured in the absence of the FRA. (Since the FRA
is not infinite in extent, there is a demagnetization factor based on the FRA shape
that will reduce the actual magnetic bias intensity within the FRA itself.)

Table S. I
Estimated Tuning Range of Rectangular FRA.s with w • 2d = 4h, and E, � 1 2.5

j. w 4xM, Tuning Trmirtg

(GH;) (mm) (gauss)
Jl<i Range (GH=J Range (%)
2 ss 500 0.70 0.64 . 1 .7 1.53 - 2.49 48.0
1000 1.40 0.64 . 2.4 1 . 2 9 - 2.49 60.0
2000 2.80 0.64 . 3 . 8 1 .02 . 2.49 73. 5
3000 4.20 0.64 - S.2 0.87 . 2.49 8 1 .0
4000 5.60 0.64 . 6.6 0.77 . 2.49 86.0
s 22 500 0.28 0.72 • l.2R 4.40 - 5.87 29.4
1 000 0.56 0.64 . I.S6 �.00 . 6 23 44.6
2000 1.12 0.64 - 2 . 1 2 3.42 - 6.23 56.2
3000 1.68 0.64 . 2.68 3.04 . 6.23 63.8
4000 2.24 0.6•1 - 3.24 2.77 . 6.23 C.'J.2
10 II 500 0. 14 0.86 . 1.14 9.33 . 10.15 14.2
1000 0.28 0.78 - 1 .28 8.08 - 1 1 .75 36.7
2000 0.56 0.64 . 1.56 7.80 . 1 2.45 •16.5
3000 0.64 0.64 . 1 .64 7.30 - 12.45 5!.5
4000 1.12 0.64 - 2. 12 6.&4 - 12.45 56.1
20 5..5 500 0.07 0.93 - 1.07 1 9.27 . 20.67 7.0
1000 0.14 0.86. 1 . 1 4 1 8.67 . 2 1 .49 14.1
2000 0.28 0.78 - 1 . 2 8 17.61 - 2J.49 29.4
3000 0.42 0.64 . 1 .42 16.73 - 24.91 40.9
4000 0.56 0.64 - 1.56 15.96 . 24.91 44.8

Table 8.2 lists the maximum shifts in the measu red resonant frequency of the FRA
and the impedance bandwidth when maximum bias was app l ied in the x and y
directions. The return loss at the resonant frequency consistently remained better
Ferrite Resonator Anlennas 201

than I 5 dB with applied bias. A comparison between the theoretical and measured
maximum shifts in resonant frequencies of the FRA shows fairly close agreement.
A total frequency shift of 20% was achieved for this case, compared to the
predicted 35% (which does not include the effects of the demagnetization due to
the FRA shape). The H-plane radiation patterns for the unbiased and biased FRA
are shown in Figure 8.3.

Ferrite Resonator Antenna

Permanent Magnetic
Fi,urc 8.1 Rectangular ferrite resonntor antenna (afler [9, 10]).

T•ble 8.2

Change in Resonant Frequency oftne FRA with de Magnetic Bias

Resonant Frequency (GH:) Resonant Frequency (GH:) Bondtvidth

Magnetic Bios (measured) (predicted) (measured)
none 10.50 10.10 5.75%
.t·dircctcd bins 9.35 8.75 5.00%
v·directed bias 11.45 12.30 5.30%
102 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


1 1 .0 --- ·-· ··- � - - -- · - -- --· · · · ··· ·i

... ... . .. .. .
. .... . .:..................t--............ .

--&-- X-Bias
N' Y-Bias
:r: o

1 0.5 ..•.•.. -�-. . ...
, .. . . ........

- - · · ·• ·· ··· ····. ' •
•••·· ··· · . ' . ' •.. . -�-. ... ...
. . . . . �-. . .
. .. . . . . .. .. .. . ·······
. · . ······ ···· ,.

Q) � : ; : :
::J : : : :

! I ,

. ,
� 1 0.0 ..

· ·

:- , ' ' '

r 1 r

, · , .

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4
Applied Magnetic Bias (kOe)

Figure 8.2 Resonant frequency vs. magnetic bias of the rectangular FRA (from [9, I OJ).

For the on average, 15 dB

unbiased F RA, the cross-polarized levels were,
below the copolarized levels. For the x-biased FRA, higher cross-polarization was
measured, since the permeabil ity of the ferrite is a tensor with nonzero off­
diagonal components. This s ign ifies that a linearly polarized magnetic field can
generate a component of magnetization in an orthogonal direction (e.g., an x­
di rected field can produce magnetization in the y direction). This property can be
used to advantage, as demonstrated in the next section.
FerriteResonator Antennas 203





Figure 8.3 Measured H-plane patterns of lhe rectangular FRA (from [9, 10]).
204 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


The tensor nature of m icrowave ferrite material can also be exploited to develop
an FRA with polarization agility. To demonstrate this ability, a cylindrical FRA
(a "" 8 mm, h 3 mm, £, "' 1 7.6) operating in the HE11� mode was selected, as

shown in Figure 8.4 [ l l ]. (A rectangular shape with w = d could also be used.)

Ferrite Resonator Antenna

Permanent Magnetic
Fia:urt 8•.f Cylindrical FRA for polarization agility (after {I IJ).

Due to the circular symmetry, the H £ 1 16 mode is degenerate in the x-y plane,
meaning that the orientation of the polarization is solely a function of the feed
location and orientation. When the FRA is unbiased, the permeability of the ferrite
is scalar, and the FRA behaves the same as a cylindrical disk ORA.
The two mutually orthogonal degenerate HE11b modes radiate like :c- and y­
directed magnetic dipoles, but the slot excites on ly the mode, which radiates like a
x-directed magnetic dipole. When the FRA is biased, the resonant frequencies of
Ferrite Resonator Antennas 205

the degenerate HE1 lh modes split. The resonant frequency of the mode with
magnetic field parallel to the :c-direction decreases, while the resonant frequency
of the mode with a magnetic field parallel to they-direction increases similarly to
the behavior of the rectangular FRA in the previous section.
The return loss of the FRA in the unbiased and biased conditions is shown in
Figure 8.5. The resonant frequency of the unbiased FRA was measured to be
7.3 GHz. For the biased condition, the return loss response clearty shows the two
split-resonant frequencies. Both orthogonal modes are excited because of the
tensor nature of the permeability of a biased ferrite, which results in cross­
coupling between the two modes. Operating the FRA at a frequency between the
resonant frequencies of two nearly degenerate, mutually orthogonal modes results
in circular-polarized radiation (as discussed in Section 7.3).

----,� : .
- ;,



:: : , _, :,
: '
........ ........ ...�---,.....
............... ··········· ··········

.... : : '
:::l I
-a; \
0:: I
- - - - • Unbiased '
........:. ····· ·······- l- -----·-·
I I!
.... -----············· ..........

] I
--- Biased I

6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 8.5 Return loss measurements for the FRA (from (1!]).

The H-plane radiation pattern of the FRA in the unbiased and biased condition
is shown in Figure 8.6. For the unbiased case, the cross-polarization level is about
I 0 dB below the copolarized level at boresight. For the biased disk FRA, circular
polarization is a chieved with an axial ratio of 3 dB at boresight, which is
maintained over a 0.1-GHz bandwidth (7.15 to 7.25 GHz). Outside this frequency
206 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

range the axial ratio degrades and eventually becomes linearly polarized,

as expected. Antennas with polarization agility could find applications in mobile

urban environments where multipath fading could be mitigated by switching

-2 5

Unbiased FRA

Biased FRA

figu re 8.6 H-plane pattern oflhe unbiased (from [II]).

Ferrite ResonatorAntennas 207


(I] Polder, D., "On the Theory of Electromagnetic Resonance," Philosophical Moga=ine, Vol. 40,
1949, pp. 99-IIS.

[2] Fox, A. G., S.E. Miller, and M.T. Weiss, "Behavior and Applications ofFenites in the Microwave
Region." Bell System Technlca/Journaf, Jan. 1955, pp. 5-103.

[3) Waldron, R.A., Ferrite: An Introduction for Microwave Engineers, London: D. van Nostrand Co.,

[4) Lax, B., and K. Button, Microwave Ferriles and Ferrlmagne/ics, New York: McGraw, 1962.

[5] Dionne, F.G., "A Review ofFerritcs for Microwave Applications," Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol.
63, No.5, May 1975, pp. 777-789.

[6] Green, J.J., and F. Sandy, "Microwave Characterization of Partially Magnetized Ferrites," IEEE
Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques, Vol. 22, No. 6, June 1974, pp. 641-644.

{7] Clarricoats, P.J.B., Microwave Ferrite:, New York: Wiley & Sons, 1961.

[8] Helszajn, J., Principlu of Microwave Ferrites Engineering, New York: Wiley-lnterscience, \969.

[9} Petosa, A., et al., "Magnetically Tunable Ferrite Resonator Antenna,• lEE Electronics Lmers,
Vol. 30, No. 13, June 1994, pp. 1,021-1,022.
{10] Petosa, A., et al., "Experimental Investigations on a Magnetically Tunable Ferrite Resonator
Antenna," Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnelics ANTEM 94,
Onawa, Canada, Aug. 1994, pp. 697-700.

[I J] Petosa, A Cl al., "Switchable LP/CP Ferrite Disk Resonator Antenna," lEE Eleclronics Lellers,
VoL 31, No. J, February, 1995, pp. 163·164.
Chapter 9

DRA Arrays

DRAs arc typically low-gain antennas with broad radiation patterns. As with other
conventional low-gain antennas, DRAs can be arrayed to achieve higher gain or
shaped radiation patterns. After a brief review of array theory, this chapter
examines various configurations of linear and planar arrays of DRAs, highlights
their performance, and points out some of the challenges which exist.


A good treatment of array theory can be found in numerous antenna textbooks

[1-5], and only a brief review is provided in this section. The radiation pattern
(AP) of an array of N-identical elements evaluated at a location (9,ifi} in the far
field, can be approximated by the product of the radiation intensity of the element
(EP) and the array factor (A F) using:

AP .. 20 log(EP AF)
· (9.1)


AF • 2:Anel1'· (9.2)

210 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


(9 . 3)

where k., is the free-space wave number, (2rc/�). (x•• Yn) is the location of the nth
element, and A. is its complex voltage excitation. This complex excitation can be

expressed as Aneil'•, where A , and {3" are real quantities representing the
amplitude and phase of the excitation, respectively. Equation (9 .2) is the most
general form of the array factor, appl icable to arrays where the elements are
arb itrarily located and excited. Most arrays will be arranged in a regular lattice
configuration, with some typical examples shown in Figure 9. I . The two most
common array geometries are the l inear and rectangular lattices. For a linear array
o f N elements, where the elements are uniformly spaced a distance d apart, the
array factor simplifies to:

2:An ef"k.doin9

AF .. (9.4)

(a) linear (b) Rectangular

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •
• • • •
y • • • •
• • • •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •


(c) Triangular (d) Circular

• ··•
• • • • • .. - .•
.. .

.. . .
• • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
• •·
• • • • • • • • •
• • •
• • • •
• •
• .�
• • • • •
y y
• • • •
• • • • • • • • ' •
• •. •
• •

• • • • • • •
• • • • • •
• • • • •
• • • • • • • .. • • •
• • • • • • • .. •

. .•
• • • • • • • •

• •
• • • • • • •


Figure 9.1 Common array lattice geometries.

DRA Arrqvs 21 I

In many cases, a uniform amplitude excitation (A1 A1 = ... =A,= Ao) is chosen

in order to obtain maximum directivity, and a li!lear phase progression ({31 fJ, =

{32 2{3, ... . f3N NfJ) is selected to scan the beam to a desired angle. The array
= =

factor is then further simplified to:

s n
N/ 1 J/2 )
AF = :'---'--:--L. (9.5)

where t/J kndsin8+f3. The location, 80, of the peak of the radiation pattern is

determined by:


A similar derivation can be applied to a rectangular lattice of M x N elements,

where the elements are spaced dx and dy. in the x- andy-directions, respectively, as
shown in Figure 9.2.

z Radiated Pattern

dy I

::;;; .....,,;o--
;--j /7: -,- � N y
... : '1'- - -·- - -·- - - - ·-·

- _..

-, _,.,- _,_._ -..;�- -,tt - - - - f'

, '
. . .... ., ... ., . -<t- - - - · ·
- ... • "]t• • .,.. ,
• ...• ..,. -• I .
- - • - - r - - • -, - '- - _;<..-"' ... ....1
� ,
,,, , ,
' ,
, '
_ ' _.' tPo_,.' ' Array Elements
,. '

Figure 9.2 Geometry of Ihe recrangular array laltice.

The array factor for this case can be expressed as:

212 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

( 12) sin(MlJ!,. 12)

( /2) sin(1J'.' 12) .
A sin N•'t'.r'•
AF - " (9.7)

si n 1/l,. '



and the peak of the beam is located at ( Oa, rp,). The number of array elements, their
location, and the excitation coefficients can thus be selected to achieve the desired
radiation pattern.
The preceding equations for the array pattern are only approximate, based on
the assumption that every element radiates the same pattern and sees the same
environment. This assumption is true for an array of an infinite number of
elements and remains accurate for large number of e lem ents. For arrays with on ly
a small number of elements, however, this assumption may not hold, as the
elements toward the edges of the array will see a different environment than those
toward the middle and will thus have som ewhat different radiation pattern s.
Another phenomenon that is not captured by these equations is the mutual
interaction between elements. This interaction may distort the radiation pattern of
the isolated element and is usually a function of element spacing, orientation, and
the type of element. Mutual coupling also affects the i nput impedance of the array,
which becomes a function of scan angle. Many arrays suffer from scan blindness,
which occurs at certai n scan angles where the input impedance degrades to a point
that there is very little power transfer from the fee d to the array, effectively
preventing the array from t ra nsm itt i ng or receiving. Mutual coupling in ORA
arrays is exam ined in Section 9.4.
Desirable traits for the radiating e lements to be used in arrays include: wide­
beam width patterns, to minimize gain degradation for beams scanned away from
broadside; a compact footprint, to allow for c loser element spacing, which
increases the maximum scan range without incurring unwanted grating lobes; ease
of integration; and reduced m u tual coupling to i mprove or e l im i nate scan
blindness. Common array elements include monopol es dipoles, hel ices, microstrip

patches, printed tapered slots, and waveguide slot apertures . Each have their
strengths and weaknesses and are general ly selected to meet specific needs.
Adding DRAs to the list of potential array element candidates provides the
designer with another choice, which may offer certain advantages for specific
applications not available with the other conventional elements.
DRA Arrays 213


To achieve the required amplitude and phase excitation for each radiating element,
a feed distribution network is required. The design and implementation of this
network involves a significant part of the overall effort of array design. Challenges
include minimizing losses, meeting bandwidth specifications, and fitting the
network in a usually limited area. The choice and design of a feed network
involves a tradeoff between. bandwidth and radiation efficiency, given a ser of
physical constraints and radiation pattern specifications. A comprehensive
treatment of array feed networks is beyond the scope of Lhis book, but a brief
review of some of the basics with emphasis on ORA arrays, is provided in this
section to help convey a sense ofthe design challenges.

9.2.1 Series- and Parallel-Feed Networks

Phased arrays usually consist of constrained feeds, where the signal is forced (or
constrained) to flow along guided structures such as waveguides or transmission
lines. Constrained feeds can be divided into two categories: series feeds and
parallel (or corporate) feeds, as shown in Figure 9.3. For each of the two feed
categories, Figure 9.3 shows a schematic representation of a generic network,
consisting of a transmission line or other waveguiding structure. The desired
amplitude excitation is achieved by proper design of the junction impedances,
while the required element phase excitations are realized by incorporating passive
or active phase delay elements. Below each generic network, Figure 9.3 also
shows a particular example of both a series and a parallel microstrip feed network
exciting a linear array of 10 microstrip patch elements. From these figures it is
evident that, in general, the series feed is a more compact network, requiring less
transmission line lengths and fewer junctions, and resulting in a lower insertion
loss than the parallel feed. However, the series feed· has less bandwidth than the
parallel feed, since the palh lengths to each element are different, thus the phase
excitation to each element will change with frequency, causing the beam peak of
the array to scan with frequency. The beam squint ( cfJ) as a function of frequency
for a series feed can be estimated using the following formula:

q, = 6./ 1
[rad] (9.8)
f coseo

where eo is the beam peak location, measured from broadside, at the center
frequency f The bandwidth of the end-fed series network is limited by the gain
degradation, which can be tolerated as the main beam is scanned off the desired
position. Another factor limiting the bandwidth of this feed is the mismatch losses

· Series-Feed Network

Transmission Line/Waveguide

Parallel-Feed Network
2 N

0 0 0 0



Figure 9.3. Series and parallel feeds for linear arrays.

that occur due to the in-phase addition of the reflections from the various
branches. For the parallel feed, the path length to each element is identical, so that
the phase excitation to each element will not change with frequency for a
broadside beam. For a beam that is squinted away from broadside, the beam squint
as a function of frequency is given by:
____________ _..
r ..!::
ay'-"'s�. 215


The corporate feed has a relatively wide bandwidth, since it does not suffer ftom
high-mismatch losses. The corporate feeds are, however, much less compact than
the series feeds. Also, there are typically more losses associated with corporate
feeds than with series feeds, due to radiation from the discontinuities and longer
line lengths.

9.2.2 Amplitude Excitation

The amplitude excitation required for each element can be achieved by � proper
design of the feed network junctions. To obtain the appropriate power split' at each
junction, the impedances of the transmission lines must be designed to transfer the
required power ratio. Figure 9.4 shows two typical power-splitter junctions that
could be used in a series- or a parallel-feed network. Power P1 enters the junction
and is split into pov,:ers P2 and P3. The ratio of the output powers will be related to
the ratio of the characteristic impedances of the transmission lines (Zn2 and Z03) by:

(9. 10)

and by conservation of power, for a lossless junction:


Also, ensuring that the junction is input matched requires that:


p2 2

z o2

p zol zo
3 PJ


Figure 9.4. Power-splitter junctions.

216 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Equations (9. 1 0) to (9.12) can be used to arrive at the various impedances needed
in the feed network, so that the desired amplitude distribution is achieved for the
radiating elements.

9.2.3 Phase Excitation

For array applications requiring only a fixed beam peak position, the necessary
phase excitation for the array elements can be obtained using passive phase delays
within the feed network. Examples of passive delays for series and parallel
microstrip-fed two-element arrays are shown in Figure 9.5. For array designs, the
spacing d between elements and the phases ( <f>�o <f>2) will be determ ined by the
pattern-shape requirements. For a passive phase delay, the distance p is rhe only
parameter that can be adjusted to obtain the desired phase excitation. For the
series-fed case:

d + 2p - <f>2 -4>! (9. 13)

A.8 2n:

where Ax i s the guided wavelength in the transmission line, and ( 4> 1,rPz) are
expressed in radians. For the parallel-fed case:

d - 2p
-- =
4>2 -(/.)1 (9. 14)

Series Parallel

<PI <Pz cp2

Figure 9.5 Passive phase delays for series· and parallel-feed nelworks.

When the location of the beam peak is to be steered dynamically, then

electronic phase shifters, such as digital or ferrite phase shi fters, are used, whose
phase can be contro l led by the application of the appropriate bias vo ltage or
DRA Arrays 217


The analysis carried out on linear and planar arrays in Section 9.1 has ignored the
effects of mutual interactions between the elements in these arrays. In a
transmitting array, power emitted from each element will impinge on the other
elements in the array or in a receiving array, some of the scattered power from
each element will impinge upon nearby elements. This interaction between
elements in an array is referred to as mutual coupling. Mutual coupling can cause
distortions in the radiation pattern of the array and can also significantly alter the
input impedance of each element, .. resulting in mismatch losses that were not
originally accounted.
Factors that affect the amount of mutual coupling include:

The type of antenna element used i n the array and its

design parameters (such as gain, .radiation pattern, and
self impedance);
The relative position of the elements within the array (the
closer the elements, the higher the mutual coupling);
The type of feed distribution network.

To get an idea of the amount of mutual coupling that may arise in an array
environment, the mutual interaction between two elements is often investigated.
The two elements are usually arranged in two configurations, as shown in
Figure 9.6. Adopting the short magnetic dipole radiation model for the DRAs, the
elements are aligned such that the magnetic dipoles are either colinear (H-plane)

Figure 9.6 £-plane and H-plane orientation ofDRAs for mutual coupling study.
;218 Dielectric Res o na tor Antenna Handbook

or side-by-side (£-plane). For each or these two positions, the mutual coupling is
measured or computed as a function of the separation s between the elements. s�me
of the published m u tual coupling results for various DRAs are summarized for
separations of s= 0.51.. and s= 1 .OA. in Table 9 .I, which represents the typical rmge
of element spacin g in most arrays. Although the values vary depending on the
of the O A and the feed mechanisms, the general trend is that £-plane c( upling is
stronger than H-plane coupling, and it decreases less quickly with increasing
element separation. This seems to support the use of a short magnetic dipole model for
the radiation behavior of the O A. Figure 9.7 shows the
mutual coupling of two ideal
short magnetic dipoles, where the levels have been normalized to the £-plane mutual
coupl ing level at an elem ent separation of0.5A.. Tbese curves show about a 5-dB

decrease in £-plane mutual coupling and 12-dB de rease in the H-plane, as the
separation is increased from 0.5 .. to 1.0 ... This trend is seen to be followed by most of
the ORA examples in Table 9.1.
Titese coupling l�vels are also similar to those of microstrip patch elements. lf
arrays are b e i n g designed for low sidelobe level or wide-beam scann in g
applications, the mutual cou p l in g between ORA eleme n ts will have to be taken
into account, since these levels will be high enough to alter the actual amplitude
and phase excitations, which will deteriorate the sidelobe level performance or
I imit the scan range.

en l.... -:

-5 .. 1- - -· � ·········
····jf·-·· ·······;··········· -- : ·-··"·-� :
l r� l --�--�- ' -· �-· ...... ;-············r······
' . ····· \. ······ .. .
c -10 ..
:·········· j : � --:-: --:---r-
, : i
····· ·········· ············ : --····h••••·:-·-··········:·········
(_) -15 ! :
··-······!············i········ :
.. ··t········----�---···-- . j .. 1 ;
� 1 1 r 1 i ;
E -20
0 - - - - - £-Plane
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Element Separation (A.)

Figun 9.7 Theoretical mutual coupling between rwo shor1 magnclic dipoles.
DRA Arravs 21 9

T•blc 9.1
Survey of Mutual Coupling llctwccn Various DRA Elements

OR1I Feed £-plane �;_(

Coup/in dB) H-plane Cou
dB) Reference
s = 0.5A. s c l.Ok s = O.SA. s = LOA.
Hemisphere Probe -12 -19 - 12 -25 (6]
MSDRA Microstrip Line -1 3 -18 -27 -35 [7]
Rectangular Slot - 15 -18 -17 -30 [8, 9J
Cylinder Slot - 17 nla - 15 nla [10]
Cylinder CPW -12 - 17 -2 1 -27 ( I I]
Cylinder Probe -12 -19 -16 -31 (12J
Cylinder Probe -12 -17 - 16 -27 [Ill


Linear arrays are used for producing fan-shaped radiation patterns (having a
relatively narrow beamwidth in the plane parallel to the array axis and a broad
beamwidth in the orthogonal plane). By controlling the amplitude and phase of the
element excitation, the beam in the array plane can be shaped to follow a desired
template. Typically, the amplitude values are adjusted to reduce the sidelobe
levels, while the phase is adjusted to steer the peak of the beam to a desired
location. The most common method to provide the desired excitation to the DRA
elements is to use a microstrip-feed network. If the elements are to be excited with
equal amplitude and phase, a corporate-feed network is usually selected. A few
examples of linear DRA arrays are examined in detail in Section 9.4 . 1 .

9.4.1 Microstrip Parallel-Feed Network

A linear array, shown in Figure 9.8, of four rectangular DRA elements fed via slot
apertures, using a parallel microstrip-feed network, was developed in [14]. This
example stands out, since it is perhaps the only published work to date of a DRA
design operating at 40 GHz. It is a useful example, since it highlights many
challenges associated with high-frequency array designs. The DRAs were
fabricated from alumina substrate (£, 9.8) with dimensions w = 1 .9 1 7 mm,

h = 1 .905 mm, and d = 0.635 mm. The small DRA size, coupled with the small
size ( 1 . 1 6 mm x 0 . 1 0 mm) of the slot aperture used to excite the DRAs, makes
array fabrication a challenge, since the DRAs have to be accurately located over
the slot to ensure proper coupling. At this frequency, even a small error in position
can lead to a severe degradation in coupling. Bonding the DRAs also poses a
problem, since the adhesive thickness is no longer an insignificant fraction of the
DRA size and can detune the resonant frequency. The measured gain of the
4-element DRA array was reported to be 6.2 dBi at 40.3 GHz, compared to the
220 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 9.8 Linear array ofORAs cxci1ed wi1h a corporo1e-fccd nc1work (�fler [14]).

predicted directivity of I 0.6 dBi. Much of.this loss was attributed to the losses of
the m icrostrip parallel-feed network, which is a common problem for a l l
microstrip-fed arrays at high frequency, regardless of the type of radiating element
used. Microstrip lines suffer from increased conductor and surface-wave losses at
high frequencies. Furthermore, the parallel-feed network, although offering the
broader bandwidth, suffers from higher losses due to the longer path lengths,
compared to series-type feed networks. The parallel feed also requires more real
estate and may be impractical to implement in a planar array, where the physical
spacing between DRAs is small. The next few examples examine series-fed linear

9.4.2 Mic:rostrlp Series-Feed Line

As discussed in Section 9.3.1, series feeds result in a more compact lower-loss

network than parallel feeds. The disadvantage is a reduced bandwidth arising from
an increase in phase errors away from the design frequency, since the electrical
path lengths are frequency dependent. Perhaps the simplest series-feed network for
a linear DRA array is a microstrip line as shown in Figure 9.9. Power is transferred
fro m the line to the DRAs by electromagnetic coupling, which can be controlled to
a certain degree by adjusting the spacing l between the DRA and the line. The
spacing s between elements is typically set approximately equal to the guided
wavelength J,r of the unloaded microstrip line in order to obtain broadside
radiation at the desired frequency. Two approaches can be applied to designing
linear DRA arrays fed by microstrip lines: the resonant approach and the leaky­
wave approach.
DRA Arrqys 22 1

Microstrip Line

}' -""T'"
- "'T""" -.---.
-- y-
rr- -..--_.__,
X X p
c:J c:J -
c:::J s
c::J c::JT
c::J c:J
c::J c:::J
c::=J , , .. .,. c::j ,
c:J · ·
':.{(:�· ·�--.�·

Figur� 9.9 Linear Rrrays of DR.As fed by a microstrip line.

Resonant Linear Array Design

In the resonant approach, the microstrip line is terminated in an open circuit,

which creates a standing wave on the line where the voltage maxima/minima of
each wave are located at multiples of A./2 from the open-circuit location. For the
DRA configuration shown on the left side of Figure 9.9, where the DRAs are all
located on one side o f the m i crostrip line, the first ORA element would be
positioned at p = m A./2 from the open-circuit location (where m is a positive
integer), while the rest of the elements would be spaced by s = Ax to obtain
radiation at broadside. This array can be modeled as an ideal transmission line
loaded with a series of normalized shunt conductances, gj, as shown in Figure 9. I 0
( 1 5]. The values of gi are a function of the desired amplitude distribution and are
given by:
222 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

(9. 1 5)

where Ai is the desired amplitude coefficient for the ith element, and N is the total
number of elements. The cumulative input reflection coefficient, T1 (defined as the
input reflection coefficient when elements g1 to gi are connected) is given by:



f; j;l (9. 1 6)
:L �j


j: l

This model was used to arrive at a systematic approach for controlling the
amplitude weighting A 1 of the elements in order to produce an array with low
side lobes [I 6]. The lateral spacings, s,, between the DRAs and the microstrip line,
and required to achieve the desired conductances, were determined
experimentally, and the procedure was used to design a I 0-element array with
Taylor amplitude distribution for 2P-d8 side lobes. The amplitude (A j),
conductance (g,), and cumulative reflection coefficient (T1) for each element in this
design are listed in Table 9.2. The measured pattern is shown in Figure 9. 1 1 . A
gain of 1 3 .2 dBi was measured at 8.2 GHz with maximum sidelobe levels of
17.5 dB below the peak value.

Ideal Transmission Line


- -�:1- -.l..--J.-..L---+----L-­
Shunt Conductances
Figure 9.10 Equivalent model for a resonant series-fed linear DRA array.
DRA Arrqys 223

Table 9.2
Required Values for a 20·dB T1ylor Amplitude Design

E/emenl A, g, r, IS,I (dB/)

I 0.64 0.0638 0.88 -1.11
2 0.59 0.0542 0.79 -2.27
3 0.78 0.0947 0.65 -3.74
4 0.92 0.1320 0.49 -6.20
5 1.00 0.1560 0.33 -9.63
6 1 .00 0 . 1 560 0.21 -13.56
7 0.92 0 . 1 320 0.12 -1 8.42
8 0.78 0.0947 0.06 -24.44
9 0.59 0.0542 0,03 -30.46
10 0.64 0.0638 0.00 """


' I : I
: . f-···1. +·�
.......: ......�.......: ......�.......� . . . . .
• • I I I

10 ... ...... �

: ' :
--- Measured . : . :
: ' ;:
: .
. . . . . . . . . Theory : ' :
- 5



� -5

-1 5

-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Angle (degrees)

Figure 9.1 1 PaNcm of the series-fed ORA with Taylor amplitude distribution at 8.2 GHz (from [ 1 6]).
224 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

One drawback to the above design is the narrow impedance bandwidth of the
series-fed array (only about l % in [16]) due to the resonant nature of the series
feed line. By replacing the single DRA elernent with a ORA pair, as shown in the
right diagram in Figure 9.9, the impedance bandwidth can be significantly
improved [17]. The reason for this is explained by adopting a model based on the
theory of small reflections [ 1 8J. The equivalent circuit shown in Figure 9 . 1 2 was
used to model the input reflection coefficient of the array on the right of Figure
9.9, where the model has been generalized to N elements. The equivalent circuit
consists of a series of shunt admittances (y1) representing the admittances of the
DRA elements. If the assumption is made that the admittance of each DRA
produces only a small reflection, then the total input reflection coefficient (T1,) of
the array can be estimated using the theory of small reflections ( 1 8] :

Fi�:ure ?.I:Z Small-n:flcction model for the input impedance o f a linear array of DRAs (aOer [ 18]).

rIn - r1 + r2e-j2Jls + r3e-j2JI( + r4e- j2fl(r•.•l + .. ·

r - J2(N-I)/» - j2(N -1)/l(t + s)

+ N-le + TNe (9.1 7)

where f3 is the propagation constant of the line (which is assumed to be lossless for
this approximation). In (9. 1 8), the approximation is made that T1n is the sum of the
first-order reflections only. Now assuming that the reflection coefficient (T;) from
each element is identical and equal to T0 then (9.18) can be expressed as:

{9. 1 8)

The input reflection can be reduced by choosing 1 = Ag/4 at the center frequency,
such that r,, = 0. By thus spacing DRAs within each pair 1 = A.g/4 apart, the
impedance bandwidth of the linear array can be si g nificantly improved. For
example, in [ 17) the bandwidth was increased from 2% for a linear array of 8
single DRAs to 1 8% for a linear array of8 ORA pairs, as shown in Figure 9 . 1 3 .
DRA Arravs 225

· , ;. r
---· · ··
··- ····-- --
r l ···- !"··· -r --,
· -··· ':"
; r
-- ....· � r ..,
-�-- - .,. ...,...
�- -- - r r ...,
-- -.. �
-·-- ······r - j

. . . �" �
-5 -�
. ··

iD I :
� I :
0 -10

0:: -1 5


I I :
-20 ····· ·····
r� :
·- ···· · · ···


; t
• 7
······ ······· ····· · " ·

- - - - - Single
--- Paired DRAs

-30 ..., I-.-.--�••.,.J,.__.J...-.I.,,_J,,,-,L.,.____,_.,..l......J__..,.I,�.J.-..l..•...L


5 5. 5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 9.\J Bnmlwidth improvement using ORA pnirn for a series-fed array (from [17]).

Leaky-Wave Linear Array Design

The above designs for series-fed linear DRA arrays were based on a resonant array
approach, where a stan d in g wave was assumed o n the microstrip-feed line. This
assumption leads to a fairly good prediction of the radiatio n patterns of the array
when the number of DRAs is small and the amount of coupling from the
microstrip line to each DRA element is relatively low. For a larger number of
elements, or when the coupling to each element is higher, there will be very little
power left over at the open termination of the microstrip line, and a standin g wave
may no longer be present. In this case, the radiation pattern can be better
ap pro x i mate d using a leaky-wave analysis. The relationship between element
spacing s and beam peak a ngle fJ, is determined using [ 1 9] :

cos0111 = � - nm m = 0, 1 .2, .... (9.19)
),� s

where fJ, i s the angle measmcd from the p l ane of the army, A, is the free-space
wavelength, A� is the guided wa velength in the m i crostrip line, and m is the order
!26 Resonator Handbook

of the beam. To avoid grating lobes i n the rad i ati on patterns, the fo
llowing 1estriction is placed on the e l e ment spac i ng:


1he guided wavelength Ag can be approximated using:

(9.2 1 )

v;here c_. is the die lectric co nstan t of the substrate . The curves in Figure 9 . 1 4 are
gen e ra ted using (9. 1 9) and (9.2 1 ) and sh ow the location of the beam peak as a
£unction of element spa ci n g, for ty pical values of c.• used in microstrip substrates.
'The h eavy dashed l ine, ca lc u l ate d
subs tituting (9.2 1 ) and (9. 1 9) into (9 .20),
delineates the maximum ORA spacing before the onset of u n wa nted grating lo be s ,

£or the d i ffe ren t values of subs trate dielectric co n s ta n t (E.J . As the dielectric
constant increases, a larger scan range is possible without incurring grating lobes,
but the element spacing must be decreased. It shou ld be noted that the curves in
Figure 9. 1 4 are only approximate and d o not consider the l oad i ng effect of the
P R.As on th e m i crostrip l i ne (which w i l l alter }..�) o r the mutual i n teraction
b etween DRAs. A lso, due to the ph ys i cal size of the DRAs, it may not be possible
to spac e the ele me nts much less than }..,)2 , which will l imit the maximum d i el ectri c
constant of the rn icrostrip line.
To verify the validity of the leaky-wave d esi g n approach, a prototype linear
array of 16 DRAs was designed a t 30 GHz. The DRAs w ere fabricated fro m a
dielectric material with e, 10 and h ad dimensions of w = 6 mm, h
= 1 mm, =

d 2.54 mm. The element spac ing was s 7 mm, a nd the microstrip l in e was
= =

printe d on a substrate with c, 2 .2 . The array is show n in Figure 9. 1 5 . The


easured radiation patt e rn in the array plane is show n in Figure 9 . 1 6 at 28.8 GHz.
based on the curves in Figure 9. 1 4 , with s 0 .67. .0 , and t1 2.2, the beam peak
= =

locationis predicted at 90". The measured beam peak location was 87", which is close
to the predicted value.
DRA Arrays 227

e5 = dielectric constant .......

of microstrip substrate






o ��L-������J-�
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .0 1.1 1 .2
Figur� 9.14 Beam peak location for a microstrip series-fed linear ORA arrays.

n M C' ,..., n ..., n ...., C" M M

Figure 9.15 Leaky-wave linear ORA array fed by a microstrip line.
228 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook



'iij 0



-1 5
120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40
Angle from Array Plane (Degrees)

Fiaure 9.16 Measured patterns of the 16-DRA linear amy at 28.8 GHz.

9.4.3 Dielectric Image Guide Feed

One d isadvantage with a microstrip-line feed is the increased losses at higher

frequencies due to increases in conductor and surface-wave losses. One alternative
is to use a low-loss dielectric image guide (DIG). instead or the rnicrostrip line, a!>
the feed for the linear ORA array. The design approach is sim ilar to that o f the
microstrip line. The guided wavelength of a DIG. shown in Figure 9 . 1 7, with a
rectangular cross-section (W x H), fabricated fro m a material with a dielectric
constant ofEJ and excited in the TE-"pq mode, can be determined using [20]:


DRA Arrays 229





Figure 9.17 Linear ORA army fed by a dielccrric image guide.

The spacings between DRAs will be related to the guided wavelength of the DIG
in a similar manner as with the microstrip line, and the separation I between the
DRAs and the DIG will control the amount of coupling, which can be used to
adjust the element amplitude excitation.
An example of such a lineilr array, operating between 32 to 35 GHz, was
presented in [2 1 ] . The array consisted of 1 2 DRAs and was operated in the leaky­
wave mode configuration, producing a beam whose peak scanned with frequency
from 6"- to 20'-off broadside. No mention was made of the gain or the efficiency
of this antenna. A second design consisting of 20 DRAs operating at 20 GHz, as
shown in Figure 9 . 1 8, was reported in [22]. For this antenna, a 300-mm-long DIG
was used with a width of W "' 10 mm, and a height of H "' 5 mm, and was
fabricated from a material with a dielectric cons tant of Eu = 2.55. The linear tapers
on each end o f the DIG were 25-mm long and acted as transitions from the DIG to
the metal wavegu ide. The DRAs used had dimensions w = 5 mm, d = 2 mm, and
2.JO Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

h = 1 .6 mm and a dielectric constant of E, 10.8. The DRAs were spaced 12 mm


apart and placed directly against the sidewall of the DIG. A typical pattern of this
array is shown in Figure 9.19. This antenna produced a peak gain of 13.2 dB at
2 1 .8 GHz, with a beam peak at 6.7'-off broadside. Although the DIG itself had an
imertion loss that was significantly less than that of a microstrip line, it was found
that the gain of the DIG-fed array was lower than that of one fed by a microstrip
line, due to the spurious radiation from the feed transition into the DIG, which
appears as a high cross-polarization level in Figure 9 . 1 9. It is thus important to
properly design the transition in order to obtain the benefits of the lower insertion
loss of the DIG. Another consideration is the potential for the periodic loading of
the DIG by the DRAs to produce leaky-wave radiation from the DIG itself. This
can be mitigated by using a DIG where the guided fields are only loosely bound
(i.e., the fields are mainly in the air around the DIG), so that the perturbation effect
from the DRAs is small. The use of lower dielectric constants for the DIG and
certain aspect ratios will result in a loosely bound guided wave.

300 mm

., f
Figur� 9.18 Linear ORA array f�d by a dielectric image guide (after [22)).
DRA Arrays 23 1


.... .. _ ........
.. ..._
.. ....-;.;
.. . . . . . : . . .
10 __. ..._ ······ : ······ � � ;.
····· ······ ·····-- ---··· ······ i···--·:-··· ···t······-�---

Copol l l ! l \ l ! ! !
..,..! . .. i· .. ) . . )......�. [ .. t...) . .). ... ) .

5 · - -
C ross-Pol . . . ..... . ... . . . ..

� ! l � l ! l l l
· - · · - -

- l
� 0

t -5

"0 -1 5
oOO�0OO l
�OOo1 OO r ��-o �� :� -�-::�oooooo1;oooooolO; OO O�O ·tO O OO OUo i� OOooOt•
oOo oo OOO
-20 '" 0 o ·


L :..L....L.....L .

-25 L. . ).... l... .L ... . .L ..

l .l I !
.•.. . .. ... ·---�----

-3 0
. . . . , I ! 1! l
••• •••••• Y.•••···J ·••
. .. I
�--·····�······I·····.,.:•.·····)······�--•····� ·•••••t••, ,•
.;. ••• • •• ••• •
I i ..•)"•••· C·••...·}·•·

1 1 i l 1 � l j 1 j � l 1 l l l
-3 5
-90 -60 -3 0 0 30 60 90
Angle (Degrees)

Figure 9.19 Panem of the DIG-fed ORA array at 20.4 GHz (from [22)).

9.4.4 Microstrip Branchline Feed

The m icrostrip and dielectric image guide series-fed linear ORA arrays presented
in the preceding examples can be considered to operate on the principle of the
loaded transmission line. Each DRA in the array is positioned in close proximity
to the transmission line and couples a small amount of power. ·The amount of
power can be controlled over a l imited range by adjusting the separation between
the DRA and the line; however, the maximum amount of power coupled into the
DRAs is typically quite small. Thus, many DRAs are required in the array to
radiate a majority of the power and to prevent a significant amount from reaching
the end of the transmission line. The high number of DRAs requ ired may not be
practical, especially for commercial applications where cost is an important
In Section 3.5. 1 , the multisegment ORA (MSDRA) was i ntroduced as a
wideband DRA designed to achieve strong coupling when fed by a microstrip line.
With the MSDRA as an array element, a branchline microstrip-feed network can
be used, which has a much greater control over the amplitude excitation than the
232 Dielectric Resonator A nten na Han dbook

simple transmission li nes p re vi ous ly described. A center-fed-series m icrostrip

branchline network, as shown in Figures 9.20 and 9.2 1 , was demonstrated to offer
advantages over the simpler series-fed linear array configurations (23 ]. The feed
consists of two substrate layers shari ng a common ground plane. On the upper

layer is printed the m icrostrip branchline, which excites the MSDRA elements
with the desired amp litude and phase. The branchline is, in turn, center-fed
through a rectangular s lot from a simple microstrip line located on the sec ond
substrate. It is a compact structure that requires about the same amount of area as
an end-fed-series array, making it amenable to integration in a larger planar array.
The advantage of feeding the array at the center is that the beam peak of the array
will not scan with freq uency as is the case for an end-fed-series array.

Ficure 9.20 Linear array of MSDRAs fed with a microstrip branchline network (after [2J]).

Equations (9. 10) to (9.12) can be used to determine the i mpedances of each
branch split in order to achieve the desired amplitude and phase excitation for each
�MSDRA e lement This allows for a much more precise amplitude control than

ach ievab le with the previous series-fed linear arrays. The array of 1 0 MSDRAs

presented in [23] was designed to operate at X-band and achieved a gain peak of
1 5.4 dBi with a 3-dB gain bandwidth of 1 7% and a rad i ati on efficiency of 66%.
The same branchline configuration was also used in the des i gn of a much larger
planar array, which is discussed in Section 9.5.2.
DRA Arrqys 233

Figure 9.21 Linear array of8 MSDRAs red by a microstrip branchline network (photograph cour1esy
of the Comrnun icntions Res�arch Centre Cnnadn).


The number of published papers on planar arrays of DRAs is relatively small. This
section presents a survey of the major developments in planar arrays.

9.5.1 Sequential Rotation Arrays

Many planar arrays have been developed to improve the axial ratio performance of
the ORA elements by using the sequential rotation technique discussed in Section
7.4 [24-27]. Figure 9.22 shows a few examples of these arrays, consisting of up to
16 sequentially rotated DRAs. These arrays achieve very good on-axis axial ratio
performance, which is maintained over a significant bandwidth. A typical
radiation pattem and axial ratio performance are shown in Figures 9.23 and 9.24,
respectively, for the example of the four-element cross-DRA array. The main
challenge o f sequentially rotated arrays is the design of a feed network to provide
the required amplitude and phase to each element over the desired bandwidth.
Since the spacing between elements is usually less than a wavelength, there is a
l imited area in which to locate the feed network. For each of the four cases shown
in Figure 9.22, parallel m icrostrip-feed networks are used to provide the required
amplitude and phase excitations to the DRA elements. This approach has been
used for arrays designed up to about 1 2 GHz [25], but it may be difficult to extend
this technique to higher frequencies, where the physical separation between
elements may not allow enough room for the parallel-feed network.
234 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Chamfered ORA
Cross ORA

180' 270'

Slot-Fed Cross DRAs (after (25])

Probe-Fed Chamfered DRAs (after [24))

Cross-Slot-Fed Cylindrical DRAs (after [27J)

Cross-Slot-Fed Square DRAs (after (26))

Fig•r� 9.22 Examples ofsequentially rotated ORA arrays.

9.5.2 Phased Array of MSDRAs

One of the most complicated planar arrays published to date consists of 320
MSDRAs and has beam scanning capability in the azimuth plane [28, 29]. The
e lements are arranged in a set of 1 6 columns with 20 MSDRAs per column, as
shown in Figure 9.25. The MSDRAs are excited, using the branchline microstrip
described previously, and the columns are then combined with a parallel-feed
network located behind the ground plane. The array also contains 1 6 four-bit
digital phase shifters, which allow for electronic steering of the beam peak in one
plane. A photograph of the array is shown in Figure 9.26, while measured beam·­
scan performance is shown in Figure 9.27.
DRA Arrays 235

.' i l ! ·t ]
I ! I ! I ! I ! I ! I4
� ••• .
. •••
":··· r•• . . :....
. : : ; : �
··· ····· · · ··

·· · · · 1· ·· � -···· r · .
. .l. ... .�l
. ""··�t ··-·

l ! i '

t + ····j ·····i ··· ..i···

. .. ,:... .::
+·· · ···
'ffi : : !I :•

... � . ··l·· .. ;... + . ·l ···· -�··· ·j ...

-10 ; . ....
j ; ; l ! 1: i !
-1 5 . . .
· .!······� ·····:······�······�·· � . : t �
j ; ..··�······!�

. . .. . . ....L_�
·· ······;.. · ..;·····r·····r···-!·····�······ ·· -�·-···!·
i ; ' : l ! ; .! .i
; ; � � � ; i � � � ! l
L.L.J. lJ.
: l i !
-20 . L L �L l. _ _L., Li ' i i...
-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Angle (Degrees)

_Figure 9.23 Spinning linear pattern cut of the four-element cross-ORA array (from [25]).



- 10

0 8
- - - -

- - �
6 - - - -

rp = o·
rp = 45'
- 4> = 90'

� 4

9.5 1 0. 0 10.5 1 1 .0 1 1 .5 1 2. 0 12.5 13.0 13.5
Frequency (GHz)

Figure 9.24 Borcsight axial ratio versus frequency of the cross-ORA array (from [25)).
236 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Branchline Linear Arrays

Fleure 9.25 Plnnar arrny of MSORAs {after (28, 29]).

Figure 9.26 Planar phased array ofMSDRAs (photograph courtesy of the Communications Research
Centre Canada).
DRA Arravs 237





-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Angle (Degrees)

Figure 9.27 Measured rQuiation paHcms scntmed to different electronically scanned angles.

9.5.3 Perforated ORA Array

One of the disadvantages of ORA arrays when compared to microstrip arrays is

the added fabrication complexity involved in having to place and bond the
individual elements. For high-volume applications, this process could be
automated using robotic pick-and-place machines, but it is still not as attractive as
the ctchin�; process of a single die lectric sheet used in printed technology. In
Section 4.3 .4, the perforated ORA was introduced, where the ORA is designed by
perforating a substrate sheet to form regions of lower d ielectric constant
surrounding an area of higher dielectric constant, which behaves as the DRA. The
perforation technique can be extended to fabricate an array of DRAs from a single
dielectric sheet, thereby eliminating the need to place and bond individual array
elements. This technique was used to design a planar ORA array of 64 elements,
operating at 25 GHz [30]. The DRAs were formed into an 8 x 8 grid by
perforating a thin substrate sheet, as shown in Figure 9.28. The DRAs were fed
through a slot aperture in the ground plane, with
. a m icrostrip-feed network, as
shown in Figure 9.29.
238 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

Figure 9.28 Array of pcrforarcd DRAs (photograph courtesy of rhe Communications Research
Centre Canada).

Due to the small physical spacing between ORA elements (8 mm for this 25-GHz
design), there was no room to use a paral lel-feed network, and a hybrid network
was used, consisting of four-element subarrays fed in series. A typical pattern for
the perforated ORA array is shown in Figure 9.30, while the gain and return loss
response versus frequency is shown in Figure 9 .3 1 . A comparison with a
corresponding arra:y of microstrip patches demonstrated that this perforated ORA
array had improved gain and bandwidth perfonnance [30).
8 mm
-1 1-

Figure 9.29 Feed network for the perforated ORA array (from [30]).
DRA Arrays 239

H-Plane Copol
- - - -a- - - H-Plane X-Pol

0 £-Plane Copol
- - - -EJ- - - - £-Plane X-Pol






Figurt 9.30 . Perforated ORA array patterns at 24.4 G H z (from (30]).



10 ·-·--·--···-······ r ··-·--·-··-···

5 i



-1 5


23.0 23.5 24.0 24.5 25.0 25.5 26.0
Frequency (GHz)
Fi�:urc 9.31 Gain and rerum loss response of the perforated DRA array (from [JO)).
240 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

9.5.4 Reflcctarray ofDRAs

The final example of a DRA array is the 529-element retlectarray shown in

Figure 9.32. A reflectarray can be thought of as an antenna that shares the
characteristics of both reflectors and arrays. It uses a feed antenna to illuminate the
radiating aperture, similar to a conventional reflector. However, instead of a
curved reflective surface, the reflectarray incorporates a flat reflector, populated
with an array of elements, where each element is designed to alter the reflected
phase of the incident wave to obtain the desired phase distribution (3 1 ].
Reflectarrays have been designed with open�ended waveguide cavities or with
various t}-pes of microstrip patches and have been found to offer numerous
advantages over conventional reflectors (32):

The flat reflector can be readily mounted to a flat surface, requiring
Jess support structure and volume than the conventional reflector;

The main beam can be designed to point to a large angle off
boresight (up to 60"), while the parabolic reflector is limited to a scan
range of a few beamwidths;

Offers the capability to integrate phase shifters or miniature motors
into the retlectarray elements to provide electronically controlled
beam scanning;

Since it is usu�lly formed of printed elements, standard low-cost
etching processes can be used to"fabricate reflectarrays;

Unlike phased arrays, reflectarrays require no power division
network, thus resistive losses do not increase with antenna aperture
size and electrically large apertures with relatively high efficiency
are achievable;
When a deployment mechanism is required, such as for space-based
applications, the flat structure of the reflectarray can be folded and
unfolded using a simple hinge-type mechanism.

The reflectarray in Figure 9.32 consists of rectangular DRAs designed to operate

at 30 GHz. The dimensions of the DRAs were adjusted over the aperture surface to
produce the desired reflected phase shift, using a technique outlined in [33]. The
ORA reflectarray was machined from a single sheet of microwave dielectric
substrate material and then bonded to a rigid metallic flat plate. A small pyramidal
horn was then used to illuminate the ORA reflectnrray. The measured H-planc
pattern at 30 GHz is shown in Figure 9.33, and the performance was comparable
to a m icrostrip reflectarray of the same dimensions [33].
DRA Arravs 241

Figort 9.32 30-GHz ORA n:flectarr.ty (photograph courtesy ofthe Communications Research Centre




·1··· ·r··-1···:- · · - � · ·
, 5 W...L.J.JUl.lJU.L..IJLL.....LI.L...l..L...J...!Ji...L.:.JlJU...J
-00 ·lO 0 lO 60

ll.nsle (Oegre.,)

Figure 9.33 H-plan� pallem of the ORA reOectarra)' lll 30 GHz.

242 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


The preceding two sections have examined a selection of linear and planar ORA
arrays. The total number of publications containing DRA arrays that have actually
been fabricated and tested is small, and the salient features of these arrays are
summarized in Table 9.3. Many of these arrays consist of only two or four
elements. This underscores the fact that DRA array technology is still in its early
stages of development, and more research is required to overcome some of the
challenges associated with fabricating a large number of ORA elements and
assembling them into an array. The following chapter will address some of these

Table 9.3
Survey of ORA arrays

Element Array Array Polari- Freq.

Elements T�e Element Feed T
� Feed =afiOI! Band Re
2 Cylindrical Probe Linear Microstrip Linear c [34]
2 Cylindrical Annular Slot Linear Microsrrip Circular L [35]
4 Rectangular EM Coupling Linear Aperture Linear K [22]
4 Cylindrical Microstrip Linear M icrostrip Linear c [36]
4 Cylindrical Probe Linear Microstrip Linear c (37]
4 Cylindrical Probe Plan�r Microstrip Linear c [38)
4 Rectangular Aperture Linc.1r Microstrip Lincnr Ka I 14\
4 Cyl i ndrical Aperture L inear Microstrip Linc�r c 139]
4 Cylindrical Cross·Siot Planar Microsrrip Circular c [27]
4 Perforated Aperture l'lannr M icrost rip Linear K [40]
4 Rectangular Aperture Planar M icrostrip Linear c [8]
4 Cross Aperture Planar Microstrip Circulnr X (25]
7 Cross Aperture Planar Microstrip Circul ar Kn [41]
10 Rectangular Microstrip LinC'.!r Microsrrip Linear K (22]
10 Rectangular MicroSlrip Linear Mierostrip Linear X (16]
12 Rectangular Microstrip L inear Microstrip Linear X [42]
12 Rectangular EM Coupling Linear DIG Linear Ka [21]
16 Rcctar1gular Aperture Lj_ncar Microstrip Linear c [431
16 Rectangular Microstrip Linear Microstrip Linear c [17)
16 Chamfered Probe · Planar Micros�rip Circular X (24]
16 Square Crossed-Slot Planar Microslrip Circular X [26]
20 Rectangular EM Coupling Linear DIG Linear K (221
64 MSDRA Microstrip Planar Microstrip Linear X [44)
64 Perforated Aperture Planar Microstrip Linear K [30)
320 MSDRA Microstrip Planar Microstrip Li nea r X (28, 29]
529 Rectangular Space Fed Planar NIA Linear Ka
[3 3]


(I l Balanis, C.A., Anlenna Theory: Analysis And Design. 2..s Edition, New York: Wiley & Sons, 1997.

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DRA Arrays 243

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244 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

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[30) Petosa, A., et al., "Comparison Be tween rlanar Arrays of Perforated DRAs and Microstrir
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[31) Berry, D.G., R.G. Malech, and W.A. Kennedy, "The ReOectarray Antenna," IEEE Transactiom
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Microslrip-Coupled Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antennas," Microwavt and Optical
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DRA Arrays 245

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Series Dielectric Resonator Antenna Arrays," Symposium on Arrte11na Technology and Applied
£/ectramagllelics ANTEM 94, Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 1994, pp. 8 1-84.

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Chapter 10

Practical Considerations

This chapter considers various practical aspects associated with the fabrication and
implementation of DRAs. It begins with an examination of the range of
frequencies over which DRAs can be operated, discussing the challenges
associated with very low or very high frequency designs. Various potential
problems related to the fabrication of DRAs and arrays of DRAs are then
addressed. Common problems associated with measurements of the radiation
patterns and efficiency of DRAs are also touched upon in the final section of this


In theory, DRAs can be made to resonate at any frequency. Assuming a low-loss

substrate is used, there will be little degradation to radiation efficiency as the
frequency is increased, due to the absence of surface wave losses and minimal
conductor losses. The limitations on the frequency range of DRAs are thus based
on practical considerations. The lower frequency limit will be based primarily on
size and weight constraints. For a given dielectric constant, the volume of a ORA
scales inversely as the cube of the operating frequency. For example, a cube­
shaped DRA with e, = 10, designed to resonate at 1 0 GHz. would have dimensions
w = h = d = 1 1 .2 mm, using (2. 1 9). For a design at I GHz, the ORA dimensions
would each scale by a factor of 1 0 : w = h == d = 1 12.0 mm, which represents a
I 000-fold increase in the volume. The volume can be reduced by using a much
higher dielectric constant. For instance, with Er = 100, the ORA dimensions will

248 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

decrease to w = h = d = 35 mm, which represents only a 30-fold increase in

volume over the I 0-GHz design . The disadvantage is the incre ase in rad iation
Q-factor, which rises from Q,oJ 5.2 for Er = 1 0, to Q,..,"
= 1 3 6 for c, = 1 00. The

bandwidth of the higher dielectric constant ORA is thus severe ly restricted. Other
compacting techniques investigated in Chapter 6 can also be used to reduce the
size of the DRA, but, again, at the expense of bandwidth.
Table 1 0.1 lists the dimensions of a cube-shaped DRA des igned at three low
frequencies for different values of dielectric constant to give a sense of how large
these antennas would be for a certain bandwidth requirement. The values for the
dimensions and the bandwidth are obtained using (2. 1 9) for an isolated DRA.
Certain low-frequency applications, such as global positioning systems (GPS),
only require a narrow operating bandwidth, and DRAs fabricated with e, = 40, or
even 100, may be suitable. Other applications, such as cellular communications or
mobile satellite communications, use bandwidths of 10% or more, and the required
size of the DRAs may become prohibitively large. Ceramic material is also
relatively expensive, and the large volume required at low frequency will d rive up
costs. The type of feeding mechanisms for exciting DRAs may also be restr icted at
low frequencies. Aperture coupling may not be feasible due to the physically large
slot size required. A probe feed is usually the preferred coupling technique at
lower frequencies due to its compact size.

T•ble 10. I
Cube-Shaped DRA Dimensions for Low-Frequency Designs

BomJ,.idtlt (•�1) >r � lr � d (mm)

0.5 GH: 1.0 GH: /.5 GH:
10 13.6% 224.0 1 1 2.0 75.0
20 5.4% 158.0 79.0 53.0
40 2.0% 1 1 2.0 56.0 37.3
100 0.5% 70.8 35.4 23.6

The upper frequency is also limited by size and feeding mechanism. For high­
frequency designs, the lowest dielectric constant possible is usually chosen to keep
d imensions from becoming too small. Continuing the example of the cube DRA
with �. = 1 0, a design at 50 GHz would require w = h "" d = 2.24 mm. It is still
possible to fabricate this size from ceramics. For smaller sizes, micromachining
techniques might be better suited, but materials used in this process may not have
very low loss characteristics. A low-temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) process
can also be considered for fabrication of very small DRAs. Aga i n, the loss
performance of LTCC is not as good as typical ceramics, and the availabl e values
for e� are currently l i mited. Exciting these small DRAs is another considerable
challenge. Probes are not suitable, since their size is com para b le to the ORA
Practical Considerations 249

dimensions, and they could contribute to unwanted radiation. Apertures can be

used, but etching tolerances will I imit the size of slot that can be fabricated, and
critical coupling may not be readily achieved. Accurate positioning of the ORA
with respect to tbe feed will also be challenging, since even small errors in
location could lead to a significant degradation in the coupling. Preferred feeding
techniques at these frequencies are with direct microstrip line, coplanar
waveguide, dielectric image guide, or a reflectarray configuration, where the ORA
elements are excited using a space feed.
DRA designs have been reported at as low as 1 .32 GHz [ I , 2] and as high as
40 GHz [3], both designs making use of rectangular DRAs. Table 10.2 lists the
measured resonant frequency and bandwidth of various DRA prototypes that were
designed between 1 .3 and 2 GHz. As mentioned above, the size of the ORAs can
be significantly reduced by using materials with high E,, but at the expense of
bandwidth. The resonant frequency and bandwidth predicted by using (2.19) and
(2.24) are also listed in Table 10.2 and agree quite closely to the measured values.
Examples of DRA designs at higher frequencies include the perforated ORA array
at 25 GHz (Section 9.5.3), the cross ORA at 30 GHz (Section 7.3.3), the ORA
reflectarray at 30 GHz (Section 9.5.4), and the linear array at 40 GHz
(Section 9.4.1).

Table 10.2
Low-Frequency DRA Designs (from [2])

Mea>ured Theo'1'_
... w - d (mm) h (mm) Feed j. (GH=J Bandwidfh f, (GH=J Bandwidth
I () 52.0 25.4 Probe 132 8.2% 1.45 9.2%
47.5 25.4 I'rob..: 1.39 S.4% 1.53 9. 1 %
45.0 25.4 Probe 1.45 7.0% I.SB 9,1%
12 27.5 28.5 Probe 1 .98 10.0% 2.02 8. 9%
27.5 28.5 Aperture 1 .93 1 1 .2% 2.02 8.9o/o
52.5 12.7 Aperture 1 .75 7.5% 2.00 l 1.1%
20 47.0 12.8 Aper1ure 1.55 5. 1 % 1.59 5.0%
53.0 9.2 Aperture 1.86 6.5% 2.00 8.3%
25 25.4 20.0 Probe 1 .69 3.6% 1.60 2.8%
25.4 20.0 Aperture 1 .67 3.4% 1.60 2.8%
25.4 16.0 Probe 1 .76 3.2% 1.70 2.7%
25.4 12.0 Probe 1.90 4 .2% 1.90 2.7%
40 21.1 14.7 Probe 1.75 1 .9% 1.58 1 .4%
21.1 14.7 Aperture 1 .69 2.0% 1.58 1.4%
53.6 B.O Aper1urc 1.61 3.5% 1.59 3.8%
53 .0 6.3 Apcr1urc 1 .92 4.7% 1.97 5.6%
100 12.0 15.0 Probe 1.85 1.0% 1.57 0.5%
12.0 1 5.0 Aper1ure 1.77 1 .0% 1.57 0.5%
250 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook


Low-loss microwave ceramics are most often used for fabric ati ng DRAs. These
ma t erials can usually be purchased in the form of rectangular bars, cylindrical rods, or
thi n sheets and come i n a wide range of dielectric constants from 4 < £, < 250. A list of
some manufacturers of microwave ceramics is provided in Table 1 0.3 . The list also
contains some manufacLUrcrs of dielectric resonators, since i n many i n stances, these
dielectric resonators can serve equal ly well as D s.

Table IO.J
List nf Dielectric Material Manufacturers

__(£'!!.�am� Web Site

Die I cctric Labnratories hltp:l/
Counlis L1bs hHp://www .countis.eom/dataldielectrics.hlml
Emerson & Cumings httpJ/
KCM Col]lOralion http:J/ ish/electronic/electronic_06. h tml
Korea First Microwave hltp:l/
Morgan Electroccramics
Murata http://www
National Magnetics Group http:l/www.m•gnelicsgroup.cornlni_dielcc.htm
Rogcts Corporation ·
Temex hltp:l/www
Trans·Tech httpJ/


This s ec ti o n exami nes some of the challenges associated with develop ing DRA
e l ements and arrays. Fabrication of the in d i v id u a l elements, locat i on and
attachment of the DRAs to the appropriate substrate, and element excitation will
be cons idered.

1 0.3 . 1 DRA Element Fabrication

Many of the dielectric resonator manufacturers offer a large · quantity of off�the­

shel f diel ectric resonators, to cover various applications at different frequ ency
bands, that can also be used as DRAs. Some- o f the manufacturers also prov ide
cust om des igns if the re qu ested volume is sufficiently large to warrant the
additional expenses incurred. If only small quantities are req u ired however, one ,

approach is to purchase bulk ceram i c material (bars, ro ds or sheets) that can then

be machined to the desired shape. Due to the abrasive nature of the ceramic,
carbide too l ing is req u i red to prevent excess ive wear. M ac h ining very small sizes
can be quite challenging, si nce the ceram ics have a tend e n cy to chip or fracture.
For DRAs d esigned with a d ie l ect ri c constant of l':r - I 0, an a l ternative ceramic-
Practical Considerations 251

filled Teflon-based material is available from Rogers Corporation (30 I 0 or 60 I 0),

which is much easier to machine than the ceramics. This is especially useful for
very small DRAs, since the material is not prone to chipping. This material is,
however, significantly more expensive than ceramic, and is available only in thin
sheets of limited thicknesses, restricting the maximum size of ORA that can be
fabricated. For high-volume fabrication, molds can be made, and the ceramics can
be formed to the desired shape without machining. The costs of molds are
typically quite high and would not be viable in small quantities.

10.3.2 Bonding

Once fabricated, the DRAs must be attached to a ground plane or grounded

substrate, which has its own set of challenges. For prototyping purposes, a
nonpermanent adhesive (such as a silicon sealant) can be used to bond the DRA in
place. This is a convenient approach, since the DRA location is often adjusted to
improve coupling to the feed and using the nonpermanent adhesive facilitates. this
optimization. In t.he final product, a more permanent solution is required, and an
epoxy is usually necessary. Care must be taken to properly clean the surfaces to be
bonded, and steps are required to prevent unwanted air gaps between the ORA and
substrate or ground plane to which it is bonded, since this can have a significant
impact on the input impedance and resonant frequency, especially if the dielectric
constant of the ORA is high.

10.3.3 Air Gaps

Several studies have shown that the presence of unwanted air gaps between the
DRAs and the substrates on which they are placed, or between the DRAs and the
in input impedance or resonant frequency [4-
feeds, can lead to significant changes
7]. Some potential areas where unwanted air gaps may arise are shown in Figure
I 0. 1 . A small air gap could occur between the DRA and a probe if either the DRA
surface or the probe is not perfectly vertical . Air gaps can also occur between the
DRA and the substrate it is placed on if either DRA or substrate ·js not perfectly
flat. In the case of direct feeding from a microstrip. line, an air gap will b e
introduced, due to the metallization thickness of the printed line. Air gaps o f less
than 0.05 mm can be enough to significantly alter the expected input impedance,
especially if the DRA is fabricated. from a high dielectric constant material.
Several solutions to eliminate or mitigate the effects of air gaps are available.
Figure 10.2 shows two potential solutions for air gaps between the DRA and
probes. A metallic strip can be glued or printed to the surface of the DRA, and the
probe can then be soldered to the strip (1, 2). This is not a perfect solution, since if
the strip is glued to the ORA, the high temperatures used to solder the probe to the
strip may result in delamination. The soldering process is also labor intensive and
252 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

ii�·i- !;P=o=te=n=tia=
=L=Y=·��:!!!:!!! �

Flpre IG,l Possible locations for air gaps,

Figure 10.2 Solutions to potcntinl oir gop for n probe-fed ORA.

adds to the cost of production. A second alternative is to insert a thin spacer of low
dielectric constant between the ORA and the probe The spacer would ensure a

known and repeatable separation between the probe and the DRA, which can be
included in the numerical modeling of i np u t impedance. The spacer can also be
PracticalConsiderations 253

used between the ORA and the ground plane, as shown in Figure I 0.3, to elimi nate
air gap variability [8). Figure 10.4 shows a solution for elim inating the gap caused
by the ORA sitting on a microstrip line. The line is bent to form a strip probe, so
that the ORA can sit flat on the substrate [9).


Microstrip Feed Line
Figure 10.3 Insertion of spacer between ORA and ground plane for controlled distance.

Figure 10.4 Bent-strip feed {from [9]).

�54 Dielectric Resonator Anten n a Handbook

10.3.4 DRA Array Fabrication

Ar rays of DRAs pose a particular s e t of fabrication chal lenges, namely, how to

pos ition and bond potenti a l ly hundreds of elements. For m ic ros tr i p arrays, the
process is a relatively easy one, involving standard photoetching techniques,
w h i ch are common in p r i nt ed circuit board fabrication. For the case of DRA
arrays, a mo re complex, labor-intensive procedure is required. If vo l u m es are
su fficiently h igh, the proc e s s can be automated using robotic "pick-and-place"
machines, sim ilar to the ones used to p op ulate consumer electronics printed circuit
boards. For lower volumes, templates or fixtures can be fab r i c ated to fac i l itate
locating and bonding the DRA elements. An example of a fixture is shown in
Fig ure 1 0 . 5 . The DRA elements are all p laced into grooves machined into an
al uminum base plate to ensure accurate loca tio n . Adhesive material can be

appl ied either to the tops of the individual DRA el em ents or onto the substrate
boa rd, which is aligned and then lowered onto the array . n1e substrate and the
elements are san dwic he d between two alum in u m p lates, and bond ing occurs under
pressure. Once the adhesive has cured, the array is removed from the fixtu re . This
process is repeatable and ensures proper alignment of all the DRA elements.
As d iscussed in Chapt e r 9, an alternative app roach to using indi vidual DRAs
in an a rray is to adopt the perforated d ielec tric technique, fabricating a ll the
e lements from a single sheet, thus eliminating th e need to accurately locate
individual elements. This technique is useful for certain array de sig ns but has its
lim itations.

Figure 10.5. DRA fiture for array assembly (photograph courtesy of the Communications Research
Centre Canada).
Practical Considerations 255

The process requires more material than would be used for individual DRAs, thus
increasing material cost. It is also best suited for Teflon-based dielectric sheets,
where drilling through the substrate does not pose any difficulties. If ceram ic­
based substrates are used, drilling is more difficult, and there is a considerable
danger that the material will crack, especially if the required hole diameters are
large. There will also be a limitation as to how small a DRA element can be
fabricated using this process. In Chapter 9, DRAs designed at 25 GHz (with
w == d = 4 mm, h = I mm) were successfully implemented using the perforation
technique. Designing for higher frequencies using conventional drilling techniques
may prove more challenging, since the minimum hole diameter is limited by the
diameter of the smallest drill bit and may become too large, compared to the DRA
dimensions, to properly fonn the DRA. Etching holes into the substrate using
micromachining techniques might be suitable for higher frequency designs, but
this approach has yet to be tested for DRA array applications.
Instead of perforating a dielectric sheet to form the DRAs, the· sheet can also
be machined, as was done for the DRA retlectarray shown in Figure 9.30. In this
process, a thin layer of substrate is left at the base of the array, which acts as a
support for the DRAs. The array can .then be bonded to the feed layer (or in the
case of the· reflectarray, to a ground plane). The .substrate support should be thin
enough to minimize the amplitudes of potential surface waves, but thick enough to
be self-supporting. Again, the advantage of this technique is that individual
elements do not have to be positioned and bonded to the feed substrate. The
disadvantage is the increased amount of material required and the potential for
exciting surface �aves that will degrade radiation efficiency.
Whatever method is adopted for fabricating DRA arrays, it will involve more
complexity than what is required for microstrip arrays. The ORA arrays will
.therefore have to offer superior performance over competing technology in order
to justify the additional cost and complexity associated with their fabrication.


This section provides a quick review of far-field pattern measurements and then
discusses some of the practical considerations involved in measuring the radiation
patterns of DRAs. Some methods for mounting and connecting to the DRAs will
be examined, and the potential impact this may have on the measured patterns will
be d iscussed. The material in this section is not intended to be an in-depth
examination of far-field pattern techniques, but to highlight some of the practical
aspects associated with measuring DRA patterns.
256 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

I 0.4.1 Basic Far-Field Pattern Measurement Setup

Although the radiation patterns of antennas are three-dimensional, as sketched for

the ORA in the upper drawing of Figure 10.6, in many applications these patterns
can be adequately characterized by taking two-dimensional pattern cuts in two
orthogonal planes, as shown in the lower drawing. For linearly polarized antennas,
these two pattern cuts usually correspond to the E- and H-planes of the antenna.

Fi�urt 10.6 Two- and lhrcc-dimcnsionlll radialion pattems.

Practical Considerations 257

To measure these two-dimensional far-field patterns, a setup si mil ar to the one

shown in Figure 10.7 is typically used. TheORA, or antenna under test (AUT), is
usua l ly attached to a receive tower that, in its most basic configuration, is mounted
on a turntable, allowing the tower to be rotated in azimu th. More elaborate setups,
as shown in Figure 10.7, also allow for elevation control and rotation of the AUT.
The separation R between transmit and receive towers has to be great enough for
the two antennas to appear in each other's far-field. The general rule of thumb for
the far-field range is given by:


where D represents the largest antenna dimension, and A. i s the wavelength of

operation. As mentioned i n Chapter I , the DRA dimensions are on the order of
/..0 IF,, where /...0 is the wavelength at the resonant frequency. Since, in practice,
the values of the dielectric constant of the DRA seldom drop below £, = 1 0, the
maximum dimension of the DRA will typically be less than f.. r/ 3. Placing a
conservative upper bound of D = )..J2 on the largest DRA dimension results in a
far-field range for the ORA of:

( 1 0.2)

Assuming that the pattern measurements are taken at frequencies in th e vicinity of

the DRA resonant frequency, then /...0 :::: )..., so that (I 0.2) reduces to R )..0 1 2 . For

ORAs designed at I GHz or above, their far-field range will be only 15 em or less.
The separation between towers will thus be dictated by the type of transmit

Transmit Transmit Antenna

Antenna Under Test Antenna Roll Positioner

c;:���:;;;J.---� Azimuth
. '·

Receive Transmit
Tower Tower ·

Figure 10.7 Schcmatic ofn typical rar·fteld measurement setup.

258 Dielectric Reso nator Antenna Handbook

mtenna used, since its dimensions will typically be larger than those of the D RA.
To meas ure arrays of DRAs, the largest dimension of the array must be used to
determine the far-field range, resulting in a larger m i nimum separation between
the transmit and receive towers. For indoor test ranges, space restrictions w i l l
place constraints on the maximum tower separation, thereby limiting how large an
array can be measured To measure larger arrays, a near-field or compact range 'Would

be required, or else an outdoor far-field range.

To measure the H-plane pattern of a linearly polarized DRA, the DRA is
criented such that it is vertically polarized (as shown in the left diagram of
Figure 1 0 . 8 ) , and the azimuth turntable is then rotated over the range of angles of
interest. For an E pla n e pattern cut, the DRA is aligned so that it is horizontally

polarized (as shown in the right of Figure I 0.8), and the turntable is then rotated. l e
next sections outline some of the problems or challenges that may arise when
measuring the far-field patterns of DRAs using such a measurement setup.

H-pla(le cut_ _

Roll Stage


'·· <:·?��'�:�::.: _:;

H-plane pattern cut E-plane pattern cut

Figure 10.8. DRA orientation for E-plane and H-plane pattern cuts.

1 0.4.2 AUT Roll Posi tioner a n d Backlobc Measu rements

If an AUT rol l positioner is available, this simp li fies the measurement, since the
DRA can be attached to the ll position er, and the two orthogonal pattern cuts can be
obtained by simply rotating the roll stage w i thout having to d i s p lace the DRA
(assuming it is initia[Jy positioned over the center of rotation). Often these roll
positioners are motorized and computer controlled to further min im ize manual
Practical Considerations 259

intervention. The disadvantage of the AUT roll positioner is it does not allow for
accurate measurements of the backlobes. If the DRA is mounted on a large-enough
ground plane, measuring beyond e 90' is usually not necessary, since there will

be l ittle radiated fields below the ground plane. However, for DRAs mounted on
small ground planes, there could be a signi ficant amount of power spilling over
into the backlobes, as described in Chapter 6. For these cases, the AUT roll
positioner will scatter this spillover radiation and will obscure the true backlobe
levels of the ORA.
To get a truer indication of the backlobes of a DRA mounted on a small
ground plane, the AUT roll positioner could be removed, and a test fixture similar
to the one shown in Figure 10.9 could be adopted. The antenna i s attached to a
plastic frame made from a low dielectric constant material, which will have a
minimal impact on the radiation pattern . The one inconvenience with this
approach occurs after a pattern cut is taken; the antenna will then have to be
manually rotated in order to measure the orthogonal pattern cut. Care must thus be
taken to ensure that the antenna is properly repositioned.

Finite Ground .

Plastic Frame

Plastic Tower=

Figu�� 10.9 Test fixture for measuring backlobes.

260 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook

10.4.3 Connectors and Cables

As seen in Chapter 3, a DRA can be excited using various feeding mechanisms.

The type of feed used will have implications on the setup for the pattern
measurements, since all feeds will have to interface to a coaxial cable connecting
the AUT to the receiver. This section examines some of the transitions used
between the ORA feed and the coaxial cable, and how the DRAs are subsequently
mounted for pattem measurements.

A probe feed is perhaps the simplest to interface with a coaxial cable. Various
commercially available radio frequency (RF) connectors exist, with a long center
pin that can serve as a probe to excite the DRA. Furthermore, by mounting the
DRA on a thick metal plate, these connectors can be screwed directly into the
plate, providing a mechanically rigid connection. A sketch of a typical probe
connector is shown in Figure 1 0. 1 0. Since the coaxial cable is attached to the
connector behind the ground plane, it usually. does not interfere with the pattern
measurements. This can be better seen in the mounting setup for the probe-fed
DRA shown in Figure I 0.1 I . Regardless of whether the H-plane or £-plane pattern
is being measured, the connector and cable are situated beneath the ground plane
of the DRA and will not perturb the measurements.

: SSsSSSS s, 1 S\ ;�:-:(:�� s S .Ss ,

Fi,are tO. tO RF connector for probe feed.

Practical Considerations 261

H-plane_ _ £-plan�

Figure 10.1 I Mounting setup for far-field patlems of a probe-fed ORA,

Microstrip Lines
Interfacing between a coaxial cable and a microstrip line poses somewhat more of
a challenge than for the probe feed. The usual transition from coaxial line to
microstrip involves an edge-mounted RF connector, as sketched in Figure I 0 . 1 2 .
A photograph o f an RF connector attached t o a microstripline feeding a n MSDRA
is shown i n Figure 10.13. The center pin of the connector should be soldered to the
microstrip line to ensure that good electrical contact is maintained throughout the
pattern measurement. One method to rigidly attach the connector to the microstrip
substrate uses a connector support b lock as shown in Figure I 0 . 1 2 , located

undemcalh the substrate. This block cau be attached to the substrate by bonding or
by using screws. The RF connector can then be screwed into the block, preventing
it from moving due to stresses by the coax cable. lf the substrate board is too thin,
it will have to be attached to a rigid support plate to avoid bending during the
The problem with this type of interface is the obtrusion of the connector into
the radiating aperture. For higher-frequency applications, the size of the connector
·is often larger than the DRA, and it may act as a sign ificant scatterer, degrading
the radiation pattern. It is important, therefore, to allow for a sufficient separation
(labeled s in Figure I 0 . 12) between the DRA and the connector. Ideally, one
would like to have a separation of several wavelengths in order to m i n imize the
scattering effect. Often, this may not be possible, due to lim itations of the board
size. Another problem with using a large separation at high frequencies is the
added conductor losses. associated with the longer microstrip line. If a shorter
separation is unavoidable, the connector can be covered with absorbi n g material;
however, this never fully elim inates the effects on the radiation pattern. Care must
262 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

A typical mounting setup for a microstrip-fed DRA is shown in Figure 10.14.

Of note in such a setup is the location of the connector and cable in each of the
two patern cuts. For the H-plane case, the connector and cable are not located in
the plane of the pattern cut, while for the E-plane case, they lie directly along in
the cut plane. For this reason, any scattering from the connector and cable usually
manifests itself more prominently in the E-plane pattern than in the H-plane. This
can be observed in Figure 10.15, which shows the measured patterns for the
microstrip-fed MSDRA of Figure 10.13. The scattering from the connector results
in ripples in the E-plane pattern (in addition to the ripples due to the finite ground
plane) of up to 4 dB in depth, whereas the H-plane pattern does not exhibit ripples
and is close to the ideal pattern of the short magnetic dipole model. The E-plane
ripples can be improved somewhat by placing absorbing material over the
connector and by using a larger ground plane. A better solution is to extend the
microstrip line, increasing the separation between the connector and the DRA.


RF Connector � �
. ..____ 0 I
-- ·
=· ¥1

- - -


� ����
� �������
� :Z:::S::: upp�rt Plate
Support Block
Figure 10.12. RF connector for microstrip feed .
Practical Considerations 263

Figure 10.13 RF connector attached to a microstrip-fed MSDRA (Photograph courtesy of the

Communications Research Centre Canada).

Mounting Plate


.., >"�-_...

Figure 10.14 Mounting setup for far-field pattems of a microslrip-fed DRA.

Microstrip-Fed Apertures
Although the interface between the RF connector and the microstrip line feeding
the slot aperture is the same as in the preceding case, there are added complexities
related to taking pattern measurements. As shown in Figure 10.16, the connector
support block now lies above the ground plane, in the plane of the radiating
aperture. This metallic block acts as a significant scatterer-even more so than the
connector-and must be located far enough away from the DRA to minimize its
effect on the radiation pattern. Furthermore, it is difficult to achieve strong
coupling using a slot through a thick ground plane, so if the substrate board is thin,
264 Dielectric ResonatorAntenna Handbook


al -5

·a; -10




Flgurf 1&.15 Measured E-plane and H-plane pancms of a microstrip-fed MSDRA.

then some form of stiffener will be requi red Figure I 0 . 1 6 shows a rigid frame

attached to the underside of the substrate board for providing the required
stiffness. Again, care must be taken when routing the coax cable, to ensure that it
does not greatly perturb the radiation pattern.
As shown in Figure 10.17, the mounting of an aperture-fed DRA is similar to
that o f the microstrip-fed DRA, and similar problems occur with scattering. In th is
case, the scattering can be even more pronoun ced since the connector support

block is now located above the ground plane. The measured patterns of an
aperture-fed disk DRA are shown in Figure I 0 . 1 8. The scattering from the
conn ector leads to asymmetrical patte rns in the E-plane. For this case, the
maximum £-plane ripple depth is nearly 6 dB, while there is again little scattering
evident in the H-plane. Careful consideration should thus be given to the connector
interface and mounting to avoid these potentially large scattering effects.
Practical Considerations 265

RF Connector

� Connector
Support s;ock
Support Frame

'\ (

Fl1urt 10.16 RF connector for microstrip-fcd.aperture.

Fi�urt I 0.17 RF connector for microstrip·fed aperture.

266 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

� -10
·� -15
(.9 -20

-30 r-��+-1-����-+��-;��

Figurr I 0.18 Me..sured patterns of an aperture-fed DRA.

10.5 Measuring Radiation Efficiency ofDRAs

The radiation efficiency (e,.n) of an antenna is the ratio of the total radiated
power (P,.d) of the antenna to the total power (P;,) entering the antenna input
(1 0.3)

Radiation efficiency is a measure of the amount of dissipative losses of the

antenna. For printed antennas, such as.microstrip patches, power is dissipated due
to losses in the dielectric, conductor losses, and power trapped as surface waves in
the substrate. At lower frequencies, condu·ctor and surfac�-wave losses are
negligible, but they can become quite significant at the higher microwave and at
millimeter-wave frequencies, reducing the radiation efficiency. One of the
advantages of DRAs over printed microstrip antennas is the i mproved radiation
efficiency due to the absence of surface waves and reduced conductor losses.
One method to determine the radiation efficiency of an antenna is by taking
the ratio of the antenna gain (G) to the antenna directivity (D):

erad "' 1 0
( 1 0.4)
Practical Considerations 267

where G and 0 are expressed in dB. Measuring the gain of an antenna is relatively
straightforward ; however, determining its directivity is more complicated. For a
high gain antenna, the directivity can be estimated from the measured half-power
beamwidths in the two principal planes. This method could thus be used for
estimating the rad iation efficiency of ORA arrays. For a single, low-gain ORA,
however, an integration of the three-dimensional radiation pattern is required to
accurately determine the directi vity. Measuring the three-dimensional pattern of a
low-gain antenna in a far-field range would be a time-consuming process and is
rarely done. An alternati ve is to use a spherical near-field system, but such systems
are not widely available. A rough approximation of the DRA radiation efficiency
could be obtained by calculating the directivity based on the pattern of the short
magnetic dipole model on an infinite ground plane. The resultant calculation might
have significant errors if the actual ORA is mounted on a small ground plane. A
better approximation would make use of an electromagnetic solver to estimate the
directivity of the ORA. The accuracy of this last method will depend on the
accuracy of the model to predict the radiation pattern.
For electrically small antennas, there is a second method, known as Wheeler's
cap method [10j, for determining the radiation efficiency without having to resort
to pattern measurements. The method is based on the premise that if a metallic
enclosure is placed around the antenna to encompass all of its near-fields, as
shmvn in Figure J 0. 1 9, the antenna will cease to radiate, and the only power
leaving the antenna is due to dissipative losses. Using a simple RLC circuit mo<!el
for estimating the input impedance of a resonant antenna, at resonance the input
impedance (R;.) will be purely resistive and can be expressed as:

( 1 0.5)
The expression for radiation efficiency in (10.3) can be rewritten as:


{ 1 0.6)

Figure 10.19 ORA with Wheeler's cap.

268 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

When the metal lic cap is placed over the DRA, the radiation resistance is short
circuited (Rrnd 0), and so, from ( 10.5}, the input resistance would be equal to the

loss resistance (R1• R «u.s> · Therefore, by measuring the input resistance of the

DRA with CRrnp) and without (R,"""P) the metal cap, the radiation efficiency can be
determined using:

( ! 0.7)

Since the input resi stance of the ORA can be easily measured on a network
analyzer, this method would appear to be an ideal one for determining the
radiation efficiency. Unfortunately, in practice, it is rather difficult to obtain
accurate measurements, due to the sensitivity of the input impedance around the
resonance value.
A better method for determin i ng the radiation efliciency using the Wheeler's
cap method is to measure the impedance bandwidth of the ORA, which is a much
Jess sensitive quantity to measure than the input resistance at reson a nce [ 1 1 1.

-(-�- +-�-)-'
Knowing that the quality factor (Qn) of an antenna can be expressed as:

Qrod Qloss Prad P,oss
0 +
( \ 0.8)
where w is the radian frequency, and W is the stored energy, the radiation
efficiency can be expressed as:

( ! 0.9)
The values of QD and Q�ow in (1 0.9} can be determined by measuring the
impedance bandwidth of the ORA without, and with, the metal cap, respecti vely.
where (2.6) is used to convert bandwidth into quality factor. If the measured
impedance bandwidth without, and with, the metal cap is BW0 and BWrow
respecti vely, as shown i n Figure 1 0.20, then the radiation efficiency can be
determined using:

( !0. 1 0)

Using this technique, radiation efficiencies of greater than 98% have bee n ·
measured for DRAs 1.10]. One interesting point that was brought up in 1 1 01 was
that the losses in a DRA are primarily due to the Joss tangent of the material. Thus
Q1011 would be only a function of the ORA material and not its shape. For a given
Practicaf Considerations 269

-5 ------·-················
\ - -- --- -

-1 0
k' -
L----�-"'--�-----------------:. ... . ·-------- --> < --BW : .. . .
. ���--- - -- ��
- ; T " . --_ -

-1 5 1--- - - - - ----------------------
-- -------- . .. . .. . . . .... .. . � --BWii -------------------�]- '------- . .. .. . . .. . . ... . . ... _

/ :
-20 1-------------------- ......... ,. .
'"'\;"'" .... : .. ·-···· ·---··----- ., - 1
.. ---·- · -- --- - ---- -

-25 f-.-- . .. . . .
. - - , _ _________ _ _
\ I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

-30 t-- - ------------- - -. . .............\......... . ------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - -

-35 f- .... .. "'" · .. ........

. . ;,. . .... .... ............ T""
-- .... . . .., .. - - - - - No Metal Cap
--- With Metal Cap

-40 J
0.90 0.95 1 .00 1.05 1.10
Normalized Frequency

Figure 10.20 ORA impedance bandwidth with and without metal cap.

dielectric material, then, B W1,._., would be constant, and by designing a DRA with a
wider bandwidth (BW.), the radiation efficiency would be improved.


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List of Symbols

{3 propagation constant
X coupling factor

y gyromagnetic ratio
Ee effective dielectric constant
£, dielectric constant ..

1)0 intrinsic impedance of free space

Jl permeabil ity
f t., permeability of free space
K magnetic coupling factor
Ao free-space wavelength
w radian frequency
tJf difference of two frequencies
AF array factor
AP antenna pattern
AR axial ratio
b magnetization flux density vector
BW fractional bandwidth
c speed of light
DRA dielectric resonator antenna
e, radiation efficiency
E electric field intensity
EH hybrid mode (H: field dom inant)
EP element pattern
I frequency
j;, resonant frequency
FEM finite element method
FDTD finite di fference time domain
FRA ferrite resonacor antenna
G gain
GTD geometric theory of diffraction

302 D i electric Resonator Handbook

m agnetic field intensity vector

H magnetic field intensity
Hnm(x) nth order Hankel function of the mth kind
HE hybrid mode (£, field dominant)
Jn(x) nth order Bessel function of the first kind
electric source current density
k wavenumber

ko wavenumber in free space

M magnetic dipole source equ ivalent

Mr remnant magnetization

Ms magneti c source current d ensity

Ms saturation magnetization
MOM method of moments
MSDRA multisegment dielectric resonator antenna
quality factor
normalized qual ity factor
Qext external qual ity factor
loaded quality factor
Qrad radiation qual ity factor
RF rad i o frequency
TE transverse electric
TLM transmission line matrix
TM tran sverse magnetic
magnetic dipole moment
stored energy
VSWR voltage standing wave ratio
z impedance
characteristic i mpeda nce
About the Author

Aida Petosa was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1966. He attended Carleton

University in Ottawa from 1985 to 1995, obtaining bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering. From 1990 to 1 994, he carried out research at
CAL Corporation (now EMS SATCOM} in Ottawa on microstrip antennas for
cellular and mobile satellite communication applications. He then worked for a
year on the development of planar base station antennas for Personal
Communication Systems at GANDEC Systems Inc., Ottawa. Since then, Dr.
Petosa has been with the Communications Research Centre Canada, where he is
presently the project leader of Antenna Design and Development in the Advanced
Antenna Technology Lab. He has worked on various projects involving a wide
range of antenna technology including: multi layer m icrostrip arrays, dielectric
lenses,dielectric resonator antennas, holographic antennas, and spatial power
combining arrays. Since 1 997, Dr. Petosa has also been an adjunct professor with
the Department of Electronics at Carleton University, where he teaches a course in
Antennas & Arrays and cosupervises graduate students. Dr. Petosa is a senior
member of the IEEE, and in 2005, he was nominated for a three-year term as the
chair for the CNC URSI Commission B (Fields and Wav es} .

Agility Confonnal strip feed, see Coupling to
polarization, 204-206 DRAs
rrequency, 198-203 Coplanar feeds, see Coupling to DRAs
Air gap, 60, 101 , 123, 127-129, 131, Corporate feed network, see Feed
134, 144, 25 1-253 network design
Amplitude excitation in arrays, 211, Coupling to DRAs
215-216,219,222-223 rrom annular slot, 55, 58, 186-187
Array factor, 209-212 rrom apertures, 55-66
Array theory, 209-212 from coplanar feeds, 77-78
Arrays of DRAs from cross-slot, 185-186
linear, 2 19-233 from dielectric image guide,
planar, 233-24 I 78-79, 228-23 1
Aspect ratio, 3, 8, 17, 29, 42, 43, 53, 99 from microstrip lines, 71-77,
230 2 19-228
Axial ratio, 99, I 01-102, 172-190, 192, from microstrip branchlines,
205-206, 233. 235 231 -234
from probes, 67-70
Bandwidth, see Fractional impedance Coupling coefficients, 49-5 1
bandwidth Coupling theory, 4, 49-5 1
Bandwidth enhancement, 119-144
Beam peak of arrays, 213, 2 I 5, 225- Degrees of freedom, 17, 29, 33
227, 230,232,234 Degenerate modes, 171,174, 178-1 80,
Beam squint, 213-2 14 185, 187, 189
Bonding, 251 Dielectric image guide, see
Broadside pattern, 9 Coupling to DRAs
DIG, see Coupling to DRAs
Circular polarization, 171-174 Dielectric resonator antenna
Coaxial probe feed , see Coupl ing to arrays, see Arrays of DR As
DR As broadband, see Bandwidth

306 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

chamfered, 101-102, 181-182 Dielectric insert, 73-76, 11 3-114, 139,

cavity-backed disk, 125-127 253
circular polarized, 181-190 Dielectric waveguide model, 29-30, 42,
compact, 157-164 51-52, 74-75, 228-229
conical, 100, 141-142 Dielectric material, 250-251
cross, I 02-1 03, 183-185 Dielectric spheres, 9, 14, 48
cylindrical, 2, 4, 7, 17-29 DRA, see Dielectric resonator
cylindrical ring, 91-96, 128-129 antenna
disk-loaded cylindrical, 97-98 DRA arrays, see Arrays of DRAs
dual-polarized, 192-193 Dual-point feed, 174-178
edge-grounded, 159-161 Dual-polarized DRAs, 192-193
electric monopole, 97, 157-159
elliptical, 99 Effective height, 74
embedded, 134 Efficiency, see Radiation efficiency
feeding methods, see Coupling Electrically small antennas, 149-154
to DRAs Excitation of DR As, see Coupling to
hemispherical, 2, 4, 8-17, 89-90 DRAs
history of, 1-2
hybrid, 111-114, 135-137 Fabrication of DRAs, 250-255
low profile, 156 Far-Field radiation panems, 10, 165,
major characteristics of, 3 167, 203, 206, 223, 228, 23 1,
modified, 138-143 235, 237, 239, 241
multisegment, 73-77, 231-233, measurement of, 255-259
224, 236, 238 Feeding mechanisms, see Coupling
multiple, 130-134 to DRAs
notch, 101, 138-140 Feed network design, 213-216
parasitic, 132-133
perforated, I 03-106, 237-239 Ferrite resonator antennas, I 97-206
pyramidal, see stepped Field configurations
pyramidal of cylindrical DRAs, 54-57
rectangular, 2, 4, 29-45, 51-54, ofrectangular DRAs, 51-54
121 , 122, 124, 125, 159-162, Finite difference time domain (FDTD),
182-183, 192- I 93, 219-220 81 -82
ring, see cylindrical ring Finite element method (FEM), 80-81
sectored, 98, 162-164 Finite ground plane effects, 164-167
split-cylinder, 61 , 90-91 FRA, see Ferrite resonator antenna
split-triangular, 107 Fractional impedance bandwidth, II
stacked, 131-132 Frequency agility, see Agility
staircase, I I 0 Frequency limitations, 247-249
stepped pyramidal, I 10, 140-141 Fundamentals of DRAs, 3
tetrahedral, I 09, 142-143 Fundamental limits,
top-loaded, 97-98, 161-162 of electrically small antennas, 149- I 54
triangular, I 07-108, 156
!nd x 7

Gain, Phase quadrature, 173. 175, 176. 185.

of electrically small antennas, 152-154 187
Geometric theory of diffraction, Phased arrays, 213,234-237
164, 166- 167 Polder permeability tensor, 198
Green's function analysis, 80 Polariz.ation agility, see Agility
GTD, see Geometric theory of Probe-coupled DRAs, see Coupling
Gyromagnetic ratio, 197 Q-factor. see Quality factor
Quality factor,
HE modes, see Resonant modes of hemispherical ORA, TE 111 mode,
Hybrid antennas, see Dielectric resonator 10-13
antenna, hybrid ofhemispherical ORA, TM1o1 mode,
Hybrid coupler, 176-177 14-16
Impedance bandwidth, see of cylindrical ORA, TEo1hmode, 20
Fractional impedance bandwidth of cylindrical ORA. TMo1hmode, 22
of cylindrical ORA, HE 11 h mode, 24
Leaky-wave linear array design, 225-228 of electrically small antennas, 150
Magnetic dipole, 9, 18, 29, 33, 52. 71 , of rectangular ORA, 33-41
90, 129,204,2 17-218 of ring ORA , 93-94,96
Magnetic dipole moment, 33 external Q-factor, 50
Magnetic wall, 18, 29 loaded Q-factor, 50
Method of moments, 80-81
Microstrip branchline feed, 23 1-233 Radiation efficiency, 3, 266-268
Microstrip line, see Coupling to DRAs Radiation model
Microstrip patch antenna, 60, 111-114, of aperture-fed DRAs, 59-6 1
135-136, 182, 189-190,212-2 13. of coplanar-fed DR As, 78
2 18,238,240,265 of DIG-fed DRAs, 79
Modes, see Resonant modes of rnicrostrip-fed DRAs, 72
Monopole, ORA-loaded, 11 2, 136-138 of probe-fed DR As. 67-70
MSDRA , see Dielectric resonator Radiation Q-factor. see Quality
antenna, multisegment factor
Mutual-feed coupling, 175-177 Radiation patterns, see Far-field
Mutual coupling, 2 12, 217-218 radiation patterns
Reflectarray, 240-241
Omni-directional pattern, 10 Remnant magnetization, 199-200
Resonant frequency,
Parallel-feed network, see Feed ofhemispherical DRAs, 9, 11-1 6
network design of cylindrical DR As, 19, 21, 23
Parasitic slot apertures, 187-188 of rectangular DRAs, 30-32
Parasitic strips, 188-189 Resonant linear array design, 22 1-225
Permeability. see Polder permeability Resonant modes,
tensor HE, 18, 23-24
Phase excitation in arrays, 216 TE, 9-14, 19-20
TM. 14-17, 18,2 1-22
308 Dielectric Resonator Antenna Handbook

higher-order. 53-54
RLC circuit model. 130. 178-179. 267
Saturation magnetization, 199-200
Scan blindness, 2 12
Sequential rotation, 182, 190-1 94
arrays, 233-235
Single-point feed , 178-181
Stub matching, 60-65, 76-77

TE Modes. see Resonant modes

T heory of small refle.c tions, 224
TM Modes, see Resonant modes

Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR). I I

VSWR, see Voltage standing wave ratio

Wheeler's ca p. 267-268
Wilkinson splitter, 175-176

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