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A n t i b i o t i c S t e w a rd s h i p

P ro g r a m P e r s p e c t i v e
Oral Antibiotic Therapy for Common
Infectious Diseases

Cheston B. Cunha, MD

 Antimicrobial stewardship  Antibiotics  IV-to-oral  Oral therapy
 Pharmacokinetics  Pharmacodynamics

 If chosen properly, oral therapy provides many benefits over intravenous therapy.
 Skin soft tissue infections, community-acquired pneumonia, and urinary tract infections
are relatively low-hanging fruit for oral-only therapy.
 Applying pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles, oral therapy can be used to
treat even severe infectious diseases.


Traditionally, for many bacterial infectious diseases, initial antibiotic therapy was
administered intravenously (IV). Over the past 3 decades, there has been increased
understanding, appreciation, and application of pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmaco-
dynamic (PD) principles in antibiotic therapy.
The utilization of PK/PD parameters as applied to antimicrobial therapy has led to
optimizing dosage regimens as well as increased awareness and experience with
oral antibiotic therapy.1,2
The antibiotics that lend themselves to oral administration are those that are well
absorbed orally such that serum/tissue levels are essentially the same IV or orally.
Clearly, if an oral antibiotic, given at the same dose as its IV formulation, results in
the same serum/tissue levels, why not treat with oral antibiotics whenever possible?
In recent years, there has been an evolution from predominantly IV therapy to IV-to-
oral switch therapy to entirely oral therapy for noncritical inpatients as well as

Antibiotic Stewardship Program, Division of Infectious Disease, Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy
Street, Physicians Office Building, Suite #328, Providence, RI 02903, USA
E-mail address:

Med Clin N Am 102 (2018) 947–954
0025-7125/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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agosto 29, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los
derechos reservados.
948 Cunha

However, physicians are creatures of habit and do not readily accept change. Most
doctors were trained to begin therapy via the IV route. This practice assures rapid
attainment of serum/tissue levels. Certainly, in critically ill patients in danger of dying
in the next half hour should receive initial antibiotic therapy IV.3–5
Patients are often admitted for IV antibiotic therapy, for example, osteomyelitis, as if
the route of administration is of paramount importance over PK/PD considerations
and resistance potential concerns.2 Optimal therapy does not depend on the route
of antibiotic administration. Even with critically ill patients in the intensive care unit,
oral antibiotics administered via nasogastric tube are not only well absorbed but ab-
sorption may also be better than in noncritically ill individuals.6–8
Even though there is a long experience in treating some serious systemic infections
exclusively with oral antibiotics, for example, plague, rocky mountain spotted fever,
there persists the mistaken notion that somehow IV is more effective than oral anti-
biotic therapy.9,10
The many advantages of oral antibiotic therapy have been realized in IV-to-oral
switch programs. Advantages of the oral portion of IV-to-oral switch therapy includes
lower drug costs, no phlebitis, increased patient satisfaction, no peripherally inserted
central catheter lines (with their associated complications of bacteremia, fungemia),
earlier discharge, and decreased length of stay (LOS)11–16 (Table 1).
If IV-to-oral switch is good, then entirely oral therapy is even better.2–5 Sometimes med-
ical practice needs prompting, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
mandated antibiotic stewardship programs (ASPs) have provided the impetetus.17–19
Although IV-to-oral switch is a recommended part of hospital ASPs, practitioners
can take ASPs to the next level by using oral antibiotic therapy whenever possible.2,3
There are only 2 clinical scenarios, when IV is the preferred therapy, that is, inade-
quate absorption, and in critically ill patients likely to die in a half hour or less.2,5,6 Other-
wise, all other patients are candidates for entirely oral antibiotic therapy. ASPs should
provide practitioners with antibiotics and doses that have the relevant PK/PD proper-
ties that essentially makes oral equivalent to IV therapy (high bioavailability: 90% ab-
sorption). The equivalence of oral therapy with IV therapy is straightforward with
antibiotics of the same class, that is, oral levofloxacin 5 IV levofloxacin (at the same
dose) with the same serum/tissue levels. Using oral antibiotics with high bioavailability
(>90% absorbed), oral therapy 5 IV therapy pharmacokineticly1,2,20,21 (Table 2).
ASPs should provide guidance when no same drug oral equivalent is available, for
example, ceftriaxone. The oral equivalent (same spectrum) of ceftriaxone would be
levofloxacin or Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX).2–4 Shortening duration

Table 1
Clinical and pharmacoeconomic advantages of oral antibiotic therapy

Advantages Comments
Oral antibiotic Lower antibiotic acquisition cost Avoid if markedly impaired
therapy (at same dose) gastrointestinal absorption
No IV antibiotic administration If therapeutic effect is needed in
costs ($10/dose) <1 h (patient in shock), begin
Rapid gastrointestinal absorption therapy IV and later switch to PO
(w1 h even in critical ill patients) to complete therapy
Eliminates phlebitis and IV
line–related infections
Decreases LOS
Patients pleased with earlier

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derechos reservados.
Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) Perspective 949

Table 2
Bioavailability of oral antimicrobials

Bioavailability Antimicrobials
Excellent (>90%) Amoxicillin TMP Linezolid
Cephalexin TMP-SMX Tedizolid
Cefprozil Doxycycline Isavuconazole
Cefadroxil Minocycline Voriconazole
Clindamycin Fluconazole Rifampin
Quinolones Metronidazole Isoniazid
Chloramphenicol Cycloserine Pyrazinamide
Good (60%–90%) Cefixime Valacyclovir Ethambutol
Cefpodoxime Famciclovir 5-Flucytosine
Ceftibuten Valganciclovir Posaconazole
Cefuroxime Macrolides Itraconazole (solution)
Cefaclor Nitazoxanide (with food)
Poor (<60%) Vancomycin Cefdinir Nitazoxanide (without food)
Acyclovir Cefditoren Fosfomycin

of treatment is another ASP goal for both inpatients and outpatients. Duration of
course, is independent of route of administration. For years infectious disease experts
in antibiotic therapy have used entirely oral therapy to treat a variety of systemic infec-
tions, for example, endocarditis3,5 (Table 3). To gain physician confidence, initial ef-
forts with entirely oral therapy should be focused to optimize results, for example,
for skin soft tissue infections (SSTIs) community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), and uri-
nary tract infections (UTIs).12–19,22

Table 3
Oral antibiotic therapy of selected infectious diseases

Acute Infections Subacute/Chronic Infections

Anthrax Q fever
Plague Brucellosis
Tularemia Leptospirosis
Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) Nocardia
Typhoid fever Actinomycosis
Legionnaire disease Melioidosis
Diphtheria Bartonellosis
Vibrio vulnificus Lung abscessesa
Cholera Liver abscessesa
Clostridium difficile Intraabdominal abscessesa
Pneumocystis (jiroveci) carinii pneumonia Pelvis abscessesa
(PCP) Renal abscessesa
Malaria Sinusitis
Lyme disease (neuroborreliosis, myocarditis) Pyelonephritis
Febrile neutropenia Prostatitis
Nosocomial pneumonia Complicated skin/soft tissue infections (cSSTIs)
Acute bacterial endocarditis in IVDAs Osteomyelitis
(MRSA) Pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB

Abbreviations: IVDA, intravenous drug abusers; MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus;

TB, tuberculosis.
May also require abscess drainage.
Adapted from Cunha BA. Oral antibiotic therapy of serious systematic infections. Med Clin North
Am 2006;90(6):1203; with permission.

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agosto 29, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los
derechos reservados.
950 Cunha

Accordingly, in tabular form, this article focuses on cellulitis, CAP, cystitis, and skin
abscesses.2 The oral antibiotics suggested are as effective as IV equivalents, have an
excellent record of efficacy, have a good side effect profile, are relatively inexpensive
(compared with IV), and have a low resistance potential. It is suggested that practi-
tioners begin or further use oral antibiotic therapy for these infections.2,23,24 Success
should encourage further use of entirely oral therapy for other clinical syndromes.
In selecting an antibiotic, several factors should be considered. Firstly, the antibi-
otic’s spectrum should be highly active against the usual pathogens at the site of
infection. For example, coverage for cellulitis should be directed against group A
streptococcus (GAS)/group B streptococcus (GBS); but because cellulitis is not
caused by methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA)/methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), coverage for these pathogens is not necessary. Simi-
larly, in a skin abscess, MSSA or MRSA is the usual pathogen but GAS/GBS are not.
Secondly, for the antibiotic to be effective, it must reach the site of infection in thera-
peutic concentrations. Subtherapeutic concentrations predict resistance and/or ther-
apeutic failure; for example, antibiotic treatment of abscesses is ineffective because
antibiotics cannot penetrate in sufficient concentrations to sterilize abscess contents;
for this reason, abscess drainage is needed for cure. Thirdly, the antibiotic selected
should have a low resistance potential to avoid inducing antibiotic resistance; for
example, ampicillin is a high-resistance-potential antibiotic, whereas doxycycline is
a low-resistance-potential antibiotic. Fourthly, the safety profile is important so as to
avoid potential side effects; for example, Clostridium difficile may be more problem-
atic than the infection being treated.
Initial-experience oral antibiotic therapy should include common clinical syn-
dromes, that is, cellulitis/skin abscesses, CAP, and cystitis. Although many other
more serious infections may be effectively treated entirely with oral antibiotics, the
previously mentioned infections are a good way to begin.
Antibiotics selected for oral administration should have all the necessary properties
of their IV counterparts and in addition be well absorbed (>90% bioavailability).
Because patient compliance is essential for cure, oral antibiotics should be well
tolerated and have a long half-life (t ½) that determines the dosing interval. If other fac-
tors are equal, select an oral antibiotic with a long t ½ that permits once- or twice-daily
dosing to enhance patient compliance.
Applying these principles to this article, that is, SSTIs, CAP, and cystitis, the antibi-
otics suggested are optimal choices taking into account the 4 selection factors previ-
ously mentioned. With SSTIs, the key determinant in antibiotic selection is to
appreciate that cellulitis is caused by GAS/GBS but not MSSA/MRSA. For cellulitis,
cephalexin is suggested. Although other longer-acting oral cephalosporins might be
effective, cephalexin, given every 6 hours, has the greatest inherent activity against
GAS/GBS. Abscesses, as mentioned, if well encapsulated, need incision and drainage
for cure. Because MSSA and MRSA are the usual pathogens, streptococcal coverage
is not required. Physicians must be careful to interpret susceptibility data correctly.
Commonly, MRSA is reported susceptible to doxycycline, clindamycin, and TMP-
SMX. None of these antibiotics are highly effective against MRSA, and therapeutic fail-
ure is common. For this reason, minocycline is preferred to doxycycline even though
not routinely tested.20,21,25
There are many treatment regimens for CAP. Clinicians should be able to
differentiate typical CAP for atypical CAP by the presence or absence of extrapulmo-
nary features. With typical bacterial CAP, clinical findings are confined to the lungs,
whereas with atypical CAP, there is pneumonia plus a variety of extrapulmonary find-
ings. It is a common practice to add atypical coverage with a macrolide, for example,

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Table 4
Oral antibiotic therapy of selected common clinical syndromes

Clinical Usual Nonpathogens Optimal Usual

Syndromes Pathogens in This Setting Oral Therapy Usual Dosagea Duration Percent Orally Absorbed Peak Serum Level
Cellulitis GAS MSSA Cephalexin 1 g (PO) q8h  2 wk 99% (PO 5 IV ceftriaxone, 36 mcg/mL
GBS MRSA cefazolin)
Levofloxacin 500 mg (PO) q24h 99% (PO 5 IV levofloxacin) 8 mcg/mL
Clindamycin 300 mg (PO) q8h 90% (PO 5 IV clindamycin) 2.5 mcg/mL
Skin MSSA MRSA Cephalexin 1 g (PO) q8h 2 wk 99% (PO 5 IV ceftriaxone, 36 mcg/mL
abscesses GAS cefazolin)

Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) Perspective

GBS Levofloxacin 500 mg (PO) q24h 99% (PO 5 IV levofloxacin) 8 mcg/mL
derechos reservados.

MRSA MSSA Minocyclineb 100 mg (PO) q12h 1–2 wk 95% (PO 5 IV minocycline) 4 mcg/mL
GAS Linezolid 600 mg (PO) q12h 100% (PO 5 IV linezolid) 20 mcg/mL
Typical CAP Streptococcus Atypical CAP Doxycyclineb 100 mg (PO) q12h 1–2 wk 93% (PO 5 IV doxycycline) 4 mcg/mL
pneumoniae pathogens Levofloxacin 500 mg (PO) q24h 99% (PO 5 IV levofloxacin) 8 mcg/mL
Haemophilus Oral anaerobesc Moxifloxacin 400 mg (PO) q24h 90% (PO 5 IV moxifloxacin) 4.5 mcg/mL
Atypical CAP Mycoplasma Typical CAP Doxycyclineb 100 mg (PO) q12h 2–3 wk 93% (PO 5 IV doxycycline) 4 mcg/mL
pneumoniae pathogens Levofloxacin 500 mg (PO) q24h 99% (PO 5 IV levofloxacin) 8 mcg/mL
Legionnaire Moxifloxacin 400 mg (PO) q24h 90% (PO 5 IV moxifloxacin) 4.5 mcg/mL

(continued on next page)

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Table 4
(continued )
Clinical Usual Nonpathogens Optimal Usual
Syndromes Pathogens in This Setting Oral Therapy Usual Dosagea Duration Percent Orally Absorbed Peak Serum Level
Cystitis GNB CoNS Amoxicillin 1 g (PO) q8h 1 wk 90% (PO 5 IV ampicillin) 14 mcg/mL (urine
MSSA level 5 1000 mcg/mL)
MRSA Nitrofurantoin 100 mg (PO) q12h 1–3 d 80% (PO) 1 mg/mL (urine
VSE level 5 100 mg/mL)
VRE TMP-SMX 1 SS tablet (PO) q6h 98% (PO 5 TMP-SMX) 8 mcg/mL urine
levels 5 60 mcg
derechos reservados.

(TMP)/150 mcg (SMX)

VSE VRE Amoxicillin 1 g (PO) q8h 1 wk 90% (PO 5 IV) 14 mcg/mL (urine
GNB level 5 1000 mcg/mL)
Nitrofurantoin 100 mg (PO) q12h 80% (PO 5 IV ampicillin or 1 mg/mL (urine
levofloxacin) level 5 100 mg/mL)
VRE VSE Nitrofurantoin 100 mg (PO) q12h 1 wk 80% (PO 5 IV ampicillin or 1 mg/mL (urine
GNB levofloxacin) level 5 100 mg/mL)
Linezolid 600 mg (PO) q12h 100% (PO 5 IV linezolid) 20 mcg/mL
MDR CoNS Nitrofurantoin 100 mg (PO) q12h 1 wk 80% (PO 5 IV ampicillin or 1 mg/mL (urine
GNB VSE levofloxacin) level 5 100 mcg/mL)
VRE Doxycycline 200 mg (PO) q12h 93% (PO 5 IV doxycycline) 8 mcg/mL (urine
MSSA levels 5 >300 mcg/mL)
MRSA Fosfomycin 3 g (PO)  72 h  2 37% (PO 5 IV fosfomycin) 26 mg/mL (urine
level 5 1000 mcg/mL)

Abbreviations: CoNS, coagulase negative staphylococci; GNB, gram-negative bacilli; VRE, vancomycin resistant enterococci; VSE, vancomycin sensitive enterococci.
Usual adult dosage with normal renal function.
Begin therapy with a loading dose of 200 mg.
All CAP antibiotic selections are also active against the oral anaerobes causing aspiration pneumonia.
Antibiotic Stewardship Program (ASP) Perspective 953

azithromycin. However, if one uses doxycycline or a “respiratory quinolone” (levoflox-

acin or moxifloxacin) both typical and atypical coverage is provided with one
In cystitis, the clinician must verify the diagnosis and verify the bacteriuria is accom-
panied by substantial pyuria. Antibiotics concentration at the infection site works in
favor of the physician with cystitis because most antibiotics achieve high concentra-
tion in urine. Urinary antibiotic concentrations are useful in overcoming relative resis-
tance of some uropathogens; for example, oral penicillin can easily eradicate resistant
(not multidrug resistant [MDR]) Escherichia coli from the urine. Interpretation of sus-
ceptibilities of uropathogens should take high urinary concentration into account.
As a general rule, if a uropathogen is reported to be susceptible, it likely is. However,
if reported as resistant, the resistance may be relative resistance easily overcome by
high urinary levels. The antibiotics suggested in taking these factors into account to
provide guidance for physicians2,23 (Table 4).
In summary, oral antibiotic therapy for most infectious diseases, but particularly
SSTIs, CAP, and cystitis, provide great advantages for the patient health care system
and makes good ASP sense.


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agosto 29, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los
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