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Hilm is when you’re in a

Al Haleem is The One Who keeps giving blessings, both position to show your anger
visible and hidden, on His creation even though they but still hold it back. How? Let
disobey Him and make many mistakes. So He forgives and Al-Haleem inspire you. Another
does not give the sinners the punishment they deserve. way is to simulate forbearance
He encourages them to repent and gives them time to for the sake of Al-Haleem, even
turn to Him though you feel enraged. Tell
yourself: I’m suppressing my
anger because I love Him and
seek His Love, because I want
to be close to Him, and
Imagine that you got What about Allah? because I would like to obey
If we know that Allah is caught doing Every single day we do His messenger.
Al Haleem, or The Most something bad, but the things we shouldnt, and
Forbearing, how do we person lets it slide and in most instances He
live with this Name? doesn’t punish you or lets it go. Because He is
What is the
How do we copy His embarrass you. How do Al-Haleem, His hilm is
synonym of
Name? you feel? far above any
forbearance a human
being can ever show.

Would you feel

embarrassment, relief,
and gratitude, telling
them you’re not going
to do it again and be
grateful for their
forbearance? [Type text]

Being Friendly How many times have
you talked to somebody
else today? How many
times have you smiled at
somebody else today.
Please write down the

Hi….How is your school

today? Do you have fun
today? Tell us the most We also have fun
interesting thing you did at today…we got a new
school today friend. Her name is Lala.. Do you think being
What do you think a friendly is important?
good friend should be? Why? Do you like to
have many friends?

Do you think being

friendly is important?
Why? Do you like to
have many friends?
Why? [Type text]

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