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How do you feel when

Hi…Do you like sleeping? How somebody tells a lie to you?

many hours do you usually
sleep? Do you think kids should
go to bed early, about 10
o’clock? Why?

Why do you think Why do you think we have to

people tell a lie? tell the truth?

Do you know how

many hours a koala
sleep? Find the facts
about me on the
internet please……I
What’s the meaning of Al Haqq? Would you please
copy the Arabic of Al Haqq here?

Al Haqq is the One Who is the truth. His Word,

Reward, Punishment, Promise, and His
Messengers are Truth.
Seek the truth in every
situation and matter, no
matter how insignificant and
Do you sometimes hold back a truthful stand up for the truth even if it
advice because you don’t want to is against yourself.

Know, especially ‘hurt’ someone’s feelings? Think

How do you live by in difficult time, a step further, a know that a truthful
this Name? that the promise advice given in a wise way is the right
of Al Haqq is true of your fellow Muslim brother or Let’s memorize the doa to
sister! ask Allah show us the

O Allah! Enable me to see the Truth as Truth and give me the ability
to follow it. And enable me to see falsehood as false and give me the
ability to refrain from it

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