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a. Extent people feel they have control over the events that influence their lives, control
over their destinies. It’s a personal assessment of how you FEEL
b. Internal vs. external: I control vs luck/fate

c. Tests: JB Rotter’s Test (Score=8 Internal locus of control), mindtools, Forbes-melody

d. How to improve:
a. Locus of control is not a trait its an attitude
b. If you take responsibility for things out of your control then IMPROVEMENT
would mean accepting you don’t control everything.
c. When faced with failure, list the factors that led to that failure, after a day create
a new list from an outsiders perspective, compare the 2, ask another person to
adapt and review your list to determine what you truly could have controlled.
d. As always dividing onto smaller tasks and rewarding small wins helps

2. Tolerance of ambiguity
a. Definition: ambiguity
i. Quality of being open to more than 1 interpretation
ii. Inexactness
iii. Situation or statement that is unclear
b. Definition: tolerance of ambiguity
i. Extent to which people are threatened/ have difficulty coping with rapid
change or unpredictability
ii. Degree of comfort with uncertainty, unclear situation, grey areas
c. Why tolerance is important? Positives and potential negatives of high tolerance

d. Low tolerance people need rules, high tolerance are comfortable with grey areas
and may seem inconsistent in their logic
e. Measure:
i. Budners tolerance scale
1. Components: Novelty (Newness), Complexity (multiple distinctive
information), Insolubility (attitude towards difficult problems to
ii. MacDonalds Revision of Rydell and Rosen’s
f. How to Improve:
i. Exposure: observe it, watch videos about it, observe someone doing it
ii. Experience: engage, start small, will increase your feeling of control
iii. Reflection: think about it, how did it go, what did you learn
iv. Repeat: do it again (not necessarily the exact same thing), did you feel
progress was made, do others think you made progress
g. Improve specifically the components of ambiguity:
i. Novelty: watch and read about it, plan and implement
ii. Complexity: watch and read about it then try and do it for yourself
iii. Insolubility: try cross words or Sudoku, balanced documentaries on
difficult social topics, search publicly available databases
1. Values Awareness
a. Definition:
i. Things that are important to us, judgment, beliefs of a person or social
ii. Emotional investment for or against something
iii. Rokeach’s Model:
1. Terminal values: reflect desirable ends or goals (freedom,
2. Instrumental: desirable standards of conduct/methods to reach a
goal (honest, logical)
b. Why is it important?
i. Values consciously and subconsciously influence our perceptions,
attitudes, priorities, ethical concepts, behaviors
ii. Awareness of values can simplify decision making and set a standard of
iii. Different values may lead to conflict
iv. Values influence organizational culture; especially true in entrepreneurs
as they seek people based n their own personal values and thus set the
tone of the corporate culture
c. Measure:
i. Rokeach: Completed but some of the values seemed to generalistic, that I
would assume are derived from others or assumed to be a part of life
ii. personal Values (Free Online Test) values [Wealth, Discipline, Courage,
Financial Stability, Family]
iii. Positive psychology (3 links included)
d. How to Improve:
i. Take an assessment/inventory or ask a friend to complete one about you
(their perception of what you value in rank order)
ii. Rank order what you want to achieve in life
iii. Rank order the characteristics you want used to describe you
iv. Write your obituary or ask a friend to do so
v. Determine how personal attitudes and decisions mesh with personal

Ask yourself how have your values changed over time?

Identify and Live Your Personal Values for Success: Deeply Held Beliefs and Values Bring You
Success in Life and Work
1. Cultural Awareness/Competence
a. Completed:
i. YouTube: Dr. Fons Trompenaars: On Culture
ii. GEERT HOFSTEDE: 6d-model-of-national-culture website
iii. Mindtools:
1. The Seven Dimensions of Culture Article
2. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions

b. YouTube: Hofstede Cultural Framework-International Business- From A Business

Professor #Hofstede
c. Cultural Competence Self-assessment Checklist
d. Cultural Competence Checklist:Personal Reflection

2. Definition:
i. Cultural Values:
1. moral principles/beliefs or accepted standards of a person/social
group; beliefs/ideas a community/society upholds as important
2. people belong to more than one group
ii. National Values:
1. Hofstede’s 6D Model:

power distance is
determined by the
person at the bottom;
uncertainty avoidance
links to ritual and THE
truth than many

2. Trompenaars’s 7 Dimensions:
Internal/external direction links to locus of

3. Layers: 1- expressions and product of culture (architecture, food,

language) 2- norms and value: what we should and what we
would like to do (norms like breathing are basic assumptions)
iii. Cultural competence:
1. Capacity to function effectively in cultural setting in different
cultural settings, recognition of diversity between and within
cultures, capacity for cultural self-assessment.
2. Ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and
socio-economic background.
a. 1. Awareness of own views 2- attitude towards cultural
difference 3- knowledge of different cultural practices 4-
cross cultural skills
3. Cultural Competence Requires:
a. Tact and awareness like a diplomat. Sensitivity and
b. Perspective taking
c. Knowledge of different cultures, interaction with other
b. Why is it important?
i. Cultural values influence perceptions, attitudes and behaviors. The
influence our VALUES.
ii. People belong to multiple cultural groups and do prescribe to one culture
based on appearance
iii. Impacts organizational culture
iv. Differences in values can lead to misunderstanding and conflict
v. Cultural competence increases trust, credibility, reduce tensions and
conflict, work internationally
c. Measure:
i. Mindtools/ how to deal with people in different cultures
ii. Cultural competence assessment
d. How to Improve:
i. Cultural self-awareness:
1. Take cultural competence survey
2. Compare personal values to Hofstede’s and Trompenaars country
3. Have friend rate you
ii. Nonjudgmental attitude towards cultural differences:
1. Remember your culture is one of many and remember that when
you know the why of their actions it will seem logical
iii. Knowledge of different culture
1. Travel, meet people, videos and books
iv. Perspective taking:
1. Movies and books from other culture perspectives (VIETNAM WAR
isn’t called that in Vietnam)
v. Intercultural interaction:
1. Opportunities to interact with other cultures, cultural events,
restaurant and stores
vi. Tact and diplomacy:
1. Think before you speak, choose words purposefully and carefully
(KFC prostitution is good)

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