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1. Required videos and reading

2. Book: The Courage to be Disliked (Ch 1-5)
3. Video:
a. pygmalion-effect:
b. Operant Conditioning:
c. Edward Deci - Self-Determination Theory:
4. Reading:
a. Intrinsic Motivation: How to Pick Up Healthy Motivation Techniques
b. 10 Questions to Assess Your Motivational Skills
c. What is Locke’s Goal Setting Theory of Motivation?
d. Schedules Of Reinforcement In Psychology
e. McClelland's Human Motivation Theory
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5. Tests:
a. Motivation Assessment Scale
1. Basics of Motivation and Performance
a. Definition:
i. Perspective of focal person: a strong reason to act or accomplish
ii. External view: external factors that create desire to act
iii. Intrinsic v extrinsic motivation
b. Why it is important?
i. Necessary to accomplish task/goal; performance issues are sometimes
misinterpreted as lack of motivation (not always true)- counseling
resolves motivation, coaching resolves lack of ability. Need to pick the
right one; people are motivated by different things
c. Performance-motivation equation:
i. Performance= ability x motivation
1. Ability= aptitude x training x resources
2. Motivation= desire x commitment
ii. Performance = aptitude x training x resources x desire x commitment
d. Measure:
i. Optimum are context or goal specific:

e. How to Improve: must determine if its due to ability or motivation

i. Ability related:
1. Performance = aptitude x training x resources x desire x
2. Ability= aptitude x training x resources
a. Aptitude: Ability is done wrong if improper assessment at
time of hire (solve by training, find another position or
terminate them; if the selection system is flawed then
need to correct). The same solutions if there is a change in
the role itself.
i. If promoted beyond your skills (management form
technical) solutions
b. Low aptitude makes it unlike to be successful even with
c. Resources need to be provided
3. Steps to improve ability:
a. Resupply resources to avoid defensiveness
b. Retrain: formal or informal
c. Refit (change job to fit the person) because you can not
control aptitude. This where the defensiveness and
awkwardness starts
d. Reassign (transfer to different position)
e. Release (terminate)
f. Ask if the employee worth the effort. Are they hard
working and good attitude with willingness to change. If no
you can terminate before doing the other steps
2. Motivation Theories: Expectance and goal setting
a. Definition:
i. Theory: formal idea or set of ideas to explain something, potential
explanation of something has been tested and used to predict future
ii. Theories of motivation are not mutually exclusive, a combination will
explain behavior better than any single one due to the complexity of
human nature
iii. Motivation = Desire x Commitment
b. EXPECTENCY Theory: Motivation = Expectancy x Instrumentality x Valence
1. Expectancy: belief that effort will result in performance
2. Instrumentality: performance will lead to an outcome
3. Valence: value of the outcome to the individual
ii. To diagnose performance: ask the questions in order
1. Is the person willing and able
2. Do they trust they will be rewarded
3. Do they value the reward
c. GOAL SETTING: goals enhance performance by mobilizing efforts
1. Goal setting process should be participatory; study shows
2. Effectiveness in goals (SMART); Higher expectations may lead to
higher performance
3. Feedback
ii. Goal setting to Diagnose:
1. Does it allow for employee input
2. Does goal meet criteria for effectiveness (SMART)
3. Are they receiving accurate encouraging and timely feedback
d. PATH-GOAL: leaders and managers should lay out the path for success
i. This is a contingency style of leadership- based on the situation
ii. Manager needs to clear the path to success
iii. Management style:
1. Directive: tells employees what to do
2. Supportive: attends to the needs of the employees
3. participative solicits input
4. achievement oriented pushes employees to achieve
iv. applying: ask these questions to know which style is effective:
1. how much help is needed; task difficulty v structure
2. how much direction does the employee EXPECT not need:
subordinate ability/experience and desired autonomy
3. how much support is available from others; managers shouldn’t
duplicate what is already available
e. REINFORCMENT THEORY (operant conditioning): what gets rewarded gets
1. + reinforcement: pleasant desired outcome
a. Rewards: formal
b. Actions: informal
2. – reinforcement: removing negative outcome
3. Punishment: administering a negative outcome
ii. Reinforcement timing/schedule
1. Continuous (ever time the behavior happens) v intermittent (more
long term effectiveness with an unknown schedule)
iii. Relation to performance issues: this theory relates specifically to
1. What reinforcer is provided
2. What schedule is used
3. Has promised reward been withheld
iv. Applying reinforcement theory to performance issues:
1. Shaping (unwanted) behavior
a. Reprimand (immediate after it happens), redirect,
2. Desirable behavior stop when ignores, undesirable behavior
continues if unpunished
f. NEEDS AND EQUITY THEORY: links specifically to valence
1. Origin is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: doesn’t take into
consideration that we can be motivated by more than one need
and that we don’t all value these needs the same
2. Alderfer: corrected the problem with Existence, relatedness,
growth (ERG)
3. Self-determination theory: innate non hierarchical
a. Ryan and Deci: Competence, relatedness, autonomy
4. Acquired needs theory: achievement, affiliation, power

ii. EQUITY THEORY: fairness of what they receive compared to others

1. Distributive justice: fairness of outcome
2. Procedural justice: fairness of the process determining the
3. If your ratio of input and outcome is the same as the ratio of
others then its fair. Disequilibrium requires rationalizing

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