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Part 1
Questions 1-10
Complete the form below

Write NO MORE THAN WORDS AND OR A NUMBER for each answer

Dunedin Medical Centre

Type of Patient: new

Contact Details
Name: Henry lan 1. ________
Date of Birth: 2. ________ 1965
Address: 3. ________ Road Dunedin
Phone Numbers: home: 293-8476

Other Details
Ethnic Group: 4. ________
Residency Status: a New Zealand 5. ________
Type of Card Holder: 6. ________

Transfer of Records
Previous Medical Centre: 7. ________
Located in: 8. ________ Island Hill

Assign to Doctor

Patient Preferences (if any): female doctor

Hours: 9. ________
Specialism:10. ________
Register with: Dr.Chang
Part 2
Questions 11-20
Questions 11-14 Choose the correct letter, A,B or C

Children's club
11. The summer programmes are popular with children because
A.they can use the computer equipment
B.they get to make new friends
C.the programme leaders are young

12.What is the most challenging task for the programme director?

A.arranging the programmes
B.Hiring the right staff
C.dealing with finance

13.New employees are trained in how to

A.advise young people
B.organise activities
C.supervise outings

14.To make sure of place on the right programme, parents should before May 1st.
B.register at the office
C.apply online

Questions 15-20
What activity can children do at each of the following summer camps?
Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, -I,next to questions 15-20

A.acting in a play
B.making a short film
C.taking lessons from a writer
D.playing in a musical group
E.taking care of animals
F.learning about plants
G.learning to cook
H.playing team sports
I.sailing on the lake

Summer camps
Elm Camp 15. ________
Maple Camp 16. ________
Willow Camp 17. ________
Ceder Camp 18. ________
Birch Camp 19. ________
Pine Camp 20. ________
Part 3
Questions 21-30
Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letter A, B or C

Presentation on African art

21. What first attracted Terence to the topic of Ife sculptures?
A. He read several journal articles
B. He attended an exhibition
C. He spent some time in Nigeria

22. In his presentation Terence will focus on sculptures featuring

A. abstract designs
B. fish and wild animals
C. people

23. How did Terence finance his trip to Ife?

A. He received money from an arts organisation
B. His mother and father paid for him
C. He wrote about the trip for a newspaper.

24. What was most memorable for Terence about his trip?
A. helping at an archaeological site
B. the professor he met
C. the artists he got to know

Questions 25 and 26
Choose TWO letters, A-E
Which TWO additions will Terence make to the part of the presentation on the sculptures?
A. enlarged pictures of the sculptures
B. more material about the subjects
C. more about his personal opinion of the art works
D. extra information about the techniques used
E. additional information about the artists

Questions 27 and 28
Choose TWO letters, A-E
Which TWO additions will Terence make to the section on history?
A. date about the kings in the LFE area
B. extra information about the surrounding region
C. examination of the beliefs of the LFE people explanation of the development of modern LFE
E. more details of past activities of the LFE people

Questions 29 and 30
Choose TWO letters, A-E
Which TWO features of his research in Nigeria will Terence discuss in his presentation?
A. the influence of the sculptures on Western artists
B. the uncertainty over who made the sculptures
C. the sources of the materials used for the sculptures
D. the problems he faced in collecting information
E. the original discovery of the sculptures
Part 4
Questions 31-40
Questions 31-36
Completed the flow-chart below
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer

Natural rubber production

'Tapping' -tree is cut and a layer of bark is removed

Cup (e.g. made of a 31. _________ shell) is attached to collect latex

Latex is transferred to the ‘factory'

Latex is poured into a 32. _________

Formic acid is added to thicken the latex

Rubber is 33. _________ by hand to make it into a thin sheet

Rubber sheet is put through a mangle (N.B. the only 34. _________ in the process)

Rubber sheets are taken to be 35. _________ in a special room

Rubber sheets are purchased by 36. _________

Questions 37-40
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer
History of rubber

Earliest use Rubber tree originally from Brazil

1525- rubber 37. _________ were used in Mexico

19th century- European interest in rubber

Key discovery- 'vulcanisations' made rubber stronger and 38. _________
Increase in demand when rubber 39. _________ were invented

20th century
Substitute for natural rubber was first developed in 40. _________ during First World War

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