Lecture 18

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Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J.


Electromagnetic Interference and

EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Compatibility Techniques

Prof. M. Jaleel Akhtar

Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Kanpur – 208016 (U.P.)

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Radiated Emission Model

 The undesired electromagnetic fields are usually generated in an electronic device, which may
propagate outward resulting into radiation.
 These undesired radiated emissions are then recorded by an antenna along with a measuring
instrument such as the spectrum analyzer (EMI receiver), which is used to verify compliance to the
governmental regulatory limits.
 The exact procedure for measuring the radiated emission depends upon a number of factors such as
the product specifications and the geographic region.
 For example, as per FCC requirement, the measurement of the radiated emission should be carried
out at a distance of 3 m for Class B products and 10 m for Class A products.
 However, as per CISPR 22 requirement, the measurement distance is 10 m for both Class B and
Class A products.
 For domestic radiated emission, the measurement range is typically in the range of 30 MHz to 1 GHz,
and the far field condition might not be satisfied over the full range.

 However, the far field condition is assumed for simplifying the developed radiated emission model.
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Simple Emission Models for Wires and PCB Lands

 The main aim here is to develop simple models for first order prediction of the radiated emission
from wires and PCB lands using the far field approximation (the measurement antenna assumed
to be in the far field region of the radiated emissions).
 The wires, PCB lands and other metallic structures such as enclosures etc., are basically
considered to be unintentional antennas due to current flowing over these structures, which may
produce emissions in the regulatory frequency range.
 The simple emission models will be developed assuming an ideal situation where a pair of wires
is situated at isolated position without being disturbed by other obstacles in vicinity.
 These models should help us to understand the procedure of creating the radiated emissions, and
methodologies to mitigate these emissions by making these unintentional antennas to be less
effective in the regulatory frequency range.

 Fig. 1: 2 wire parallel conductor

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Differential-Mode versus Common-Mode Currents

 Let us consider the pair of parallel wires or PCB lands of
length L and separation s as shown in Fig. 2.
 The conductors are placed in the xz- plane parallel to z-axis.
 The currents at the cross-section are assumed to be directed
to the right and are denoted as 𝐼 and 𝐼 (phasor components)
on two wires. Fig.2: Differential mode and common mode
currents on a pair of parallel conductors
 The total current can be decomposed into the differential-
mode and the common-mode components.

Î𝟏 = Î𝑪 + Î𝑫 …(1.a)
Î𝟐 = Î𝑪 Î𝑫 … (𝟏. 𝒃)

Î𝟏 Î𝟐 Î𝟏 Î𝟐
Î𝑫 = ….(2.a) Î𝑪 = …(2.b)

𝟐 𝟐
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Differential-Mode versus Common-Mode Currents

 At a cross section of the line, the differential-

mode currents 𝐼 are equal in magnitude but
opposite in direction. These are the functional
or desired currents on the line.

 The differential-mode currents are equal in magnitude but

oppositely directed, the radiated electric fields will also be
oppositely directed, and will tend to cancel. They will not
exactly cancel, since the wires are not collocated, so the
net electric field 𝐸 will be the difference between these
emission components.
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Differential-Mode versus Common-Mode Currents

 The common-mode currents 𝐼 are undesired currents. At
any line cross section the common-mode currents are equal
in magnitude but, are along the same direction. The
common-mode currents are sometimes called “antenna-
mode currents.” The common-mode currents will be
substantially smaller than the differential-mode currents.

 The common-mode currents on both wires flow along the same

direction, and hence their radiated electric field components will
add, producing a net radiated electric field 𝐸 .

 The common-mode currents are not required for functional performance of electronic products,
but they often produce larger radiated emissions than the differential mode currents.
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Differential-Mode versus Common-Mode Currents

 For a 1-m ribbon cable having a wire separation of 50 mils, the
differential mode current of 20 mA at 30 MHz will produce a
radiated emission of about 40 dB µV/m. However, a common
mode current of just 8 µA will produce the same level of radiated
emission. The ratio is about 2500 (20/0.008).

 A number of factors such as the proximity to the conducting

bodies, and some asymmetry in the structure can create
common mode currents.

 The radiated emission model here will be primarily developed for a pair of parallel wires or PCB
lands resulting from the currents on those conductors. This simple configuration may also provide

some insight into the radiation mechanism of other types of structures.

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Far Fields of the Wire Currents

 The basic technique to determine the radiated fields of a
pair of parallel conductors is to superimpose the radiated
fields of each conductor.
 This technique of treating each conductor as a wire-type,
linear antenna (Hertzian dipole, halfwave dipole, etc.), and
superimposing the fields of each conductor to determine the
net radiated field may also be applied to an array of wire
type antennas as shown in figure.

 For example, in order to compute the total radiated electric

field due to two conductors, they may be placed along the x
axis, and the current in each conductor may be assumed to
flow along the z direction.
 The electric field due to each antenna element in this case
will be maximum along the broadside direction (perpendicular
to the antenna), which is in the xy-plane (θ=90o). The

maximum electric field will be thus computed in the xy- plane.

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Far Fields of the Wire Currents

 The total radiated electric field in this case will be due to the sum of the radiated electric field
contributed due to each element (assuming a far field condition):

ÊӨ,𝒊 = ÊӨ,𝟏 + ÊӨ,𝟐 ….(3) Max. Field F(θ) =1 (θ=90o)

 The individual electric field of each element in this case is of the following form:
𝜷 𝒓
𝒆 𝒋 𝟎𝒊
ÊӨ,𝒊 =𝑀 Î𝒊 𝑭 (θ)….(4)  Pattern is independent of φ due to symmetry.

 The term 𝐼 represents the current at the center of the individual antenna element;
 The factor F(𝜃) has a maximum value of unity representing the 𝜃 variation of the antenna pattern;
 The term 𝑀 is a function of the antenna type.

𝜼𝟎 𝜷𝟎
 For a Hertzian dipole: 𝑀=j
𝓵=j2𝛱×𝟏𝟎 𝟕 𝑓𝓵 …(5.a) F(θ) =Sin θ…(5.b)

 For a half-wave dipole having a 𝑴=
𝒋 𝟎 =j60….(6.a) F(Ө) =
𝑪𝒐𝒔( 𝜫𝑪𝒐𝒔𝜽)

sinusoidal current distribution: 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝜽

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Far Fields of the Wire Currents

 The total fields may be computed using the “parallel-ray approximation” as shown in Figure. In
terms of the distance r from the midpoint between the lines to point P
𝒔 𝒔
𝒓𝟏 = 𝒓 𝐂osφ…(7.a) 𝒓𝟐 = 𝒓 + 𝐂osφ….(7.b)
𝟐 𝟐

Substituting equation (4) into equation (3) for 2-element antenna

𝒆 𝒋𝜷𝟎𝒓𝟏 𝒆 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝒓𝟐
𝑬Ө = 𝑀 (𝑰𝟏 + 𝑰𝟐 ) …..(8)
𝒓𝟏 𝒓𝟐

The exponential phase terms in (8) may be expanded using (7)

𝒔 𝒔
𝒆 𝒋 𝜷𝟎 𝒓 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝝓 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝝓
𝑬𝜽 = 𝑴 ( 𝑰𝟏 𝒆 𝟐 + 𝑰𝟐 𝒆 𝟐 ) ….(9)

 The factor 𝒓𝟏 ≅ 𝒓𝟐 ≅ 𝒓 is assumed in the denominator.

 Far field assumption.

 Equation (9) can be specialized to determine the total fields for the case of differential-

mode currents (𝐼 = 𝐼 and 𝐼 = - 𝐼 ) and common-mode currents (𝐼 = 𝐼 and 𝐼 = 𝐼 ).

Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Differential-Mode Current Emission Model

 The model is based on three major assumptions:
 The conductor length L is very short and the measurement point is
sufficiently distant so that the vectors from each point on the
antenna to the measurement point are approximately parallel.
 The current distribution (magnitude and phase) is constant along
the line (each wire is assumed to be a Hertzian dipole).
 The measurement point is in the far field of each antenna.

 For differential-mode currents, 𝐼 = -𝐼 , the maximum field will occur in the

plane of the wires (φ= 0 , 180 ), the measurement point is at a distance
d from midpoint of the line.

𝑀=j 𝓵=j2𝛱×10 𝑓𝓵 …(5.a) 𝒔 𝒔

𝒆 𝒋 𝜷𝟎 𝒓
𝑬𝜽 = 𝑴 ( 𝑰𝟏 𝒆 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝟐𝑪𝒐𝒔𝝓 + 𝑰𝟐 𝒆 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝝓
𝟐 ) ….(9)
F(θ) =Sin θ…(5.b)

𝑰𝟏 = -𝑰𝟐 = 𝑰𝑫 …..(10)  Now, in the above equation, we substitute r = d, and

φ=180 to compute the field in the plane of the wires,
Substituting equation 5 and 10 into as given on the next page.

equation 9 gives
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

𝒇𝑰𝑫 𝓵 𝒋𝜷 𝒅 𝒋 𝜷𝟎 𝒔
𝜷𝟎 𝒔
𝑬𝑫,𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝒋𝟐𝜫 × 𝟏𝟎 𝒆 𝟎 𝒆 𝒆 𝒋
𝒅 𝟐 𝟐
𝒇𝑰 𝓵 𝟏
= 𝟒𝜫 × 𝟏𝟎 𝟕 𝑫 𝒆 𝒋𝜷𝟎 𝒅 𝑺𝒊𝒏 𝜷𝟎 𝒔 ……………(11)
𝒅 𝟐

 The above equation can now be approximated using the following approximation.
1 𝛱𝑠 𝛱𝑠𝑓
Sin β 𝑠 ≅ β s β 𝑠= = = 1.05 × 10 𝑠𝑓
2 λ 𝑣

𝟏𝟒 𝑰𝑫 𝒇 𝓵𝒔
𝑬𝑫,𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟑𝟏𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎 ……(12)

 The maximum value of the approximated radiated field due to the differential mode current in a
pair of wire.
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

 Consider the case of a ribbon cable constructed of 28-gauge wires separated by a distance of 50 mils. The
length of each wire is 1 m, and that they are carrying a 30 MHz differential-mode current. Calculate the level
of differential-mode current that will give a radiated emission in the plane of the wires and broadside to the
cable (worst case) that just equals the FCC Class B limit (40 dB µV/m or 100 µV/m at 30 MHz).

𝟏𝟒 𝑰𝑫 𝒇 𝓵𝒔
𝑬𝑫,𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟑𝟏𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎 ……(12) 3 m distance for FCC
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

The radiated emissions due to the differential-mode currents for a two-

conductor line driven by a trapezoidal pulse train
𝟏𝟒 𝑰𝑫 𝒇 𝓵𝒔
𝑬𝑫,𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟏. 𝟑𝟏𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎 ……(12)

 The transfer function relating the maximum

received electric field due to differential-mode
currents varies with the loop area A = ls and the
square of the frequency;

𝑬𝑫,𝒎𝒂𝒙 K = 1.316× 𝟏𝟎 𝟏𝟒 /𝒅
= K𝒇𝟐 𝐀 ……(13)
d=3 m for FCC Class-B

The maximum radiated electric fields vary with  In order to reduce the radiated emissions at a
 the square of the frequency specific frequency due to differential-mode
 the loop area A = Ls currents:
 the current level 𝐼  reduce the current level.
 reduce the effective loop area.
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Spectral content of the radiated emission

(differential-mode currents )

Bounds on the (sinx/x) function

= K𝒇𝟐 𝐀
One-sided magnitude spectrum of a trapezoidal pulse train

K = 1.316× 𝟏𝟎 𝟏𝟒 /𝒅

 Envelope of a trapezoidal pulse train
Lecture 18 – Radiated Emission Differential Current Model Prof. M. J. Akhtar
EE 644A – EMI/EMC Techniques

Spectral content of the radiated emission

(differential-mode currents )

 The 100 MHz trapezoidal pulse train with 50% duty cycle and rise/fall time of 1 ns.
 For this case,
= 𝟔𝟑. 𝟕 MHz,
= 𝟑𝟏𝟖. 𝟑 MHz

 The radiated emissions due to the differential mode currents are usually confined to the upper

frequencies of the regulatory limits, mostly above 200 MHz.

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