Ba312 After Sales Service Study

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Business Administration Department

South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines



A Proposed Research Title Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Business & Good Governance
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
BA 312 – Business Research



March 2024
Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


A. The problem and its setting

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Proposed Title:




After sales service are services provided after a customer purchased a product

or services. It is also termed as after-sales support provided by a retailer, manufacturer

or a customer service provided by a third party. Organizations has been using after

sales service as a strategy as it often leads to higher customer satisfaction and brand

loyalty through word-of-mouth marketing (Chen, 2022).

First Contact Resolution is the percentage of support tickets agents resolve on

first attempt. It is also called as first call resolution which includes a phone call, chat

conversation, or email response (Runyan, 20 24). Average Resolution Time is a

measure of how long it takes to resolve a support ticket. It indicates customer support

efficiency (Rahaman, 2022). Warranty Claim rates is the measure of honoring

warranties and guarantees related to products or services sold, usually entails product

repair or replacement (Zendesk, 2024).

After sales service includes warranty service, training, or repair for a product.

It is considered to be a part of a company’s overall marketing strategy as customers

seek out company’s products based on its after sales services. According to

AppleCare, Apple Inc. offers service with both warranty coverage and extended

service plans. Apple offers after-sales service globally. It has multilingual supports

available and network of authorized service providers in various countries.It provides

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

additional coverage which includes hardware coverage, protection against accidental

damage and priority access to technical support. In the Philippines, Toyota

Dasmarinas-Cavite utilized the SERVQUAL approach. In delivering high quality of

service to meet customers expectation and achieve high customer satisfaction,

subsequently built customer trust towards the company (Balindo, 2021).

Customers satisfaction is a measure of how well a company’s product, services

and customer experience meets customers’ needs and expectations. High satisfaction

leads to greater customer retention, higher lifetime value, and a stronger brand

reputation. Although low customer satisfaction can pinpoint the company’s lackings

and provides insights how to improve operations, service, product and customer

experience (Franklin, 2024).

Customer satisfaction is a vital factor in encouraging customers to recommend

your brand. Measuring the satisfaction of your customers helps identify real needs of

customers and the improvements needed. According to Gooday, using satisfaction rate

can help quantify your customer satisfaction where it focuses on perceived quality

using the product or service. Customer Satisfaction score is a metric used to indicate

how satisfied customers are with products or services, expresses as a percentage or a

yes or no answer. Customer Effort Score focused more on operational aspects to

evaluate loyalty of the customers. Net Promoter Score evaluates the rate at which

customers would recommend the products and services to family and friends.

Intention to buy again reflects the customers experiences with the product or the

brand and is expressed as a percentage of responses received (Morton, 2024).

Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Globally, customer satisfaction has become an important performance metric

for both local and global firms. In the Philippine retail chain, factors of customers

satisfaction namely customer expectation, perceived quality and perceived value

addresses customer experience on dimensions of customer satisfaction ( Rabo and

Ang, 2018)

Studies have recognizes the importance of after sales service and customer

satisfaction in the appliance industry. After sales service quality impacts customer

satisfaction, purchase intent and brand loyalty. However, there’s a lack of research on

specific after sales service practices of Fiesta Appliances and their impact on customer

satisfaction in the Polomolok branch.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

After Sales Service Customer Satisfaction
 First Contract Resolution  Customer Satisfaction
 Average Resolution Time
 Customer Effort Score
 Warranty Claim Rates
 Net Promotes Score

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The variables of this research are the effect of after sales service on customer

satisfaction at Fiesta Appliances in Polomolok branch. In after sales service,

researchers will focus on first contract, average resolution time and warranty claim

rates as its indicators. In customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction score, customer

effort score and net promoter score will serve as its indicators.
Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines

Objectives of the study

The study will focus on the effect of after sales service on customer

satisfaction at Fiesta Appliances at Polomolok Branch/

1. Determine the relationship of after-sales service on customer

satisfaction in terms of:

a. First contact resolution

b. Average resolution time

c. Warranty claim rates

2. Determine the relationship of customer satisfaction and after sales

service in terms of

a. Csutomer satisfaction score

b. Customer effort score

c. Net promoter score

3. Determine the significant relationship between after sales service

and customer satisfaction.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers will frame a survey questionnaire to be used in this study. The

questionnaire will be formulated among questionnaires used in related studies of

several authors. A modified survey questionnaire will be used to obtain answer from

the respondents.
Business Administration Department
South East Asian Institute of Technology, Inc.
National Highway, Brgy. Cr. Rubber, Tupi
South Cotabato, Philippines


Chen J. (2022). After-Sales Service Support: Examples and Best Practices.

Runyun, K. (2024). what is first contact resolution (FCR)? Benefits and Practices
Rahaman, S. (2022). What is Average Resolution Time?
Balindo, J. R. (2021). The Effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in an
Automotive After-Sales Service
Franklin, A. (2024). What is customer satisfaction?
Morton, H. (2024). Good Guide to Customer Satisfaction 2024
Rabo, J. and Ang, M. (2018). determinants of Customer Satisfaction in a Philippines
Reatail Chain.
Tomas, G. et al., (2022). Customer Satisfaction and International Business: A
Multidisciplinary Review and Avenues for Research

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