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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello everyone, welcome back to our English Video. In this Occasion, We would like to share about
Common English Grammar Mistakes in English. Before watching our video, it’s better for me to
introduce myself. My Name is from grade For not making any longer, let’s
get to know about Common English Grammar Mistakes in English. Happy watching!

A: in English, Grammar is one of the most important part to be learned. So let’s see what the common
mistake that we did every day!

Example number 1: we always say “please take it your book!”. Do you notice what’s wrong with this
sentence??? In this sentence, the word ‘it’ is unnecessary because we already have ‘your book’ as an
object. So the correct one is “please take your book!”

B: alright guys, we come to example number 2: we always say “I like drinking coffee”. This sentence is
actually wrong. Do you know what is the mistake in that sentence? Alright. Let me explain!

In English, we have something called as Gerund and Infinitive. Gerund is verb 1 add with ing, while
Infinitive is to add with Verb 1. The word “like” is categorized as infinitive. The word should be followed
by to plus Verb 1. So the correct one is “I like to drink coffe”

Let’s find the other example.

We cannot say “ they like playing football” we cannot say “We like watching TV”

But we can say “They like to play football” but we can say “we like to watch TV”

C: wow, alright we have found 2 grammar mistakes in English. Let’s come to the example number 3!

We always say ‘’ I am watch cartoon everyday’’. Anybody know what is wrong?

In English, to be “ Is, Am, and Are” cannot be combined with “verb 1”

So the correct one is “ I watch cartoon everyday”

Let’s go find the other example.

We cannot say “we are play football” we cannot say “They are read comic”

But we can say “we play football” but we can say “They read comic”

Alright everyone, that is our explanation about Common English Grammar Mistakes. Hope you can learn
something from it! But to make sure you understand or not, how about this sentence?

“My parents like cooking Dendeng” do you think this sentence is correct or incorrect? Please type your
answer in the comment below!

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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