Q4 Week 3 Emptech

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QUARTER 2 -Module 3
In this module discusses developing an ICT Project for
Social Change covering the topics of:

1. Planning and conceptualizing an ICT Project for Social Change

2. Research for ICT Projects, Audience profiling, (demographics and
3. Designing and copywriting for ICT Projects
4. Developing and constructing the ICT project

Samples of these advocacies or projects include but are not limited


1. Antidrug campaigns
2. Youth election volunteer mobilization
3. Animal welfare and rights
4. Environmental conservation and action
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright
infringement, green technology, and Internet addiction

1 2

Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you

At the end of the this module , the teacher should be able to:
already know. Read the statements carefully, and determine
1. Assist students to curate local community resources, namely:
what is being referred to, then write your answers in your
a. identify and gather art ideas and materials available in the
b. organize materials reflective of the group’s content, theme, and
purpose; 1._________________ It involves the actual creation of the
2. guide students to make decisions on the appearance and content website(s) / page, this involves the production of images,
of a website such as to: infographics and etc.
2._________________ It involves that actual release of the
a. develop an appropriate design based on the previous website / page for public view and promotion. Promotion
knowledge acquired
typically starts before the actual release.
in the course;
3._________________It involves responding to feedback of
b. plan the details involved in the various phases of building a
your website / page visitors and continuing to improve the
website; and
4._________________social media do not control their lives,
3. assist students to identify possible items in the website which may but gets anxious when unable to access networks. (20% of
be considered as invasion of privacy, items that could endanger Facebook users would feel anxious or isolated if they
minors, or items that could affect community norms and mores. had to deactivate their accounts.
5._________________popularity contest, high numbers of
followers, fans, likes and retweets. (1 out of 10 Twitter users
want more followers than friends.)

3 4
WHAT’S NEW? ❖ This contains the budget needed for the project, though some
concept papers do not specify any amount requested from the
Planning a Social Campaign: sponsor.
5.Contact Information
❖ This includes information on how the group can be contacted.
• Before starting a project or campaign, you should be able to do the
necessary paperwork better known as a Concept Paper. This allows
experts to see if your project is doable over the time frame that was given
and if it is significant enough to be made into reality. Your project/campaign must meet the SMART criteria:
S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Time-
Concept Paper
• It is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a
product, program,
or service become a reality

Five Elements of a Concept Paper:

5.Contact Information

1. Introduction
❖ This includes your mission and vision and a brief introduction of
your project /campaign.
❖ This includes the reason why the project / campaign is worth
your sponsor’s time,effort and money.
❖ This includes all the necessary information about the project. It
involves the website/s or page you are going to produce and the
purpose of each and how they work in

5 6
1. Planning

This involves the following tasks:

• Conceptualizing your project
• Researching on available data about your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for your website
• Listing down all applications that you need including web apps
• Funding (if applicable)

2. Development
• It involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves
the production of images, infographics and etc

3. Release and Promotion

• It involves that actual release of the website / page for public view
and promotion. Promotion typically starts before the actual release

4. Maintenance
• It involves responding to feedback of your website / page visitors and
continuing to improve the website/page.

As you manage your page, you will encounter different

ICT Project Process behaviors of people in Social Media. According to Rebecca Dye,
a social media manager at First Direct, there are 12 Different
Behaviors in Social Media.
1. Planning
2. Development
3. Release and Promotion
4. Maintenance

6 7
“Most people using social media will display a combination of WHAT IS IT?
those personality types and they may be even behave
differently on Facebook, for example, how they behave on
Twitter.” - Dr. David Giles ACTIVITY 1

12 Different Behaviors in Social Media Create a concept paper.

1. The Ultras – check feeds dozens of times a day. Happily, admit • Topics of your Concept Paper
their obsession. (14% of Facebook users spend at least 2 hours a day 1. Antidrug campaigns
on the network) 2. Youth election volunteer mobilization
2. The Deniers – social media do not control their lives, but gets
3. Animal welfare and rights
anxious when unable to access networks. (20% of Facebook users
4. Environmental conservation and action
would feel anxious or isolated if they had to deactivate their accounts.
3. The Virgins – taking first tentative steps in social media (19% of
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright
British people don’t use any social networks) infringement, green technology, and Internet addiction
4. The Peacocks – popularity contest, high numbers of followers, fans,
likes and retweets. (1 out of 10 Twitter users want more followers than
friends.) Write the five elements of your concept paper below:
5. The Lurkers – hiding in the shadows of cyberspace. Watches what
others are saying, but rarely (if ever) participate themselves. (45% of
Write your answers in your notebook
Facebook users described themselves as “observers”)
6. The Ranters – mock and mid in face-to-face conversations. Highly
opinionated online.
7. The Changelings – adopt completely new personality online so no
one knows their real identities.
8. The Ghosts – create anonymous profiles, for fear of giving out
personal information to strangers.
.9. The Informers – seek admiration by being the first to share the You will be rated with the following criteria:
latest trends with audiences. Persuasiveness – 20 pts.
10. The Approval Seekers – constantly check feeds and timelines Content of the Project - 20 pts.
after posting.Worry until people respond. Over-all Presentation - 10 pts.
Total 50 pts

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Create a poster for your advocacy

Samples of these advocacies or projects include but are not

limited to:
1. Antidrug campaigns
2. Youth election volunteer mobilization ACTIVITY 3
3. Animal welfare and rights
4. Environmental conservation and action After creating your group’s concept paper, what you’re going to
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright do now is youneed to create a Facebook Pagefor your
infringement, green technology, and Internet addiction Social Campaign out of that concept paper.

Assignment: You can also add images or infographics to your

page. Share your page to your friends for them to like it and
submit your Facebook page’s link to your teacher for grading

How to Create a Facebook Page

1. Type the create a facebook page at google
SUGGESTIONS : 2. Look for Create a Facbook page and click.
SOFTWARES YOU CAN USE TO CREATE YOUR POSTERS LIKE THE 3. Fill up the boxes and paste your poster on your page.
PICTURE 4. Create your facebook page here.
ABOVE. 5. If your are done, Open your facebook to check your page.
You can download apps from your playstore in your cellphone (e.g.photo
editor, photoshop )

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12 13

Five Elements of a Concept Paper: After our lesson let us check what you have learned. Read the
statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then
1.Introduction write your answers in your notebook.
2.Purpose 1._________________ It involves the actual creation of the
3.Description website(s) / page, this involves the production of images,
4.Support infographics and etc.
5.Contact Information 2._________________ It involves that actual release of the website
/ page for public view and promotion. Promotion typically starts
before the actual release.
ICT Project Process
3._________________It involves responding to feedback of your
1. Planning website / page visitors and continuing to improve the website/page.
2. Development 4._________________social media do not control their lives, but
3. Release and Promotion gets anxious when unable to access networks. (20% of Facebook
4. Maintenance users would feel anxious or isolated if they had to deactivate their
12 Different Behaviors in Social Media accounts.
1. The Ultras 6. The Ranters 11. The Quizzers 5._________________popularity contest, high numbers of followers,
2. The Deniers 7. The Changelings
3. The Virgins 8. The Ghosts 12. The Dippers
4. The Peacocks 9. The Informers
5. The Lurkers 10. The Approval

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