De Thi 216 - 6.2022-No Key-1

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Trường Ngoại ngữ Môn: Reading Level 3 Mã môn: ENG 216 1

Khoa: Tiếng Anh Khối lớp: ENG 216
Bộ môn: AVTQ Học kỳ: 2 Năm học : 2021-2022
Thời gian làm bài: 50 phút


1. (0.4 point)
Don’t you think that writing a report is _____ easier than giving a speech in public?
* A. a lot
B. a lot of
C. lots of
D. lots
2. (0.4 point)
The program is not doing as _____ the staff hoped.
A. fine
B. worse
C. good as
* D. well as
3. (0.4 point)
Rainy weather, combined with traffic tie-ups, made the commute to work take _____ than usual.
A. long
* B. longer
C. longest
D. more long
4. (0.4 point)
I regret _____ you that your application has been refused.
* A. to inform
B. inform
C. informing
D. informed
5. (0.4 point)
Much to my surprise, I found my watch exactly _____ the one Peter was wearing.
A. same like
B. the same like
C. same as
* D. the same as
6. (0.4 point)
The usage of the device was ______ more difficult than I had thought.
* A. much
B. very
C. many
D. so
7. (0.4 point)
______ the dealine, we must work out a feasible schedule and strictly stick to it.
A. Meet
* B. To meet
C. Met
D. Meeting
8. (0.4 point)
My father doesn’t allow me ______ in his room.
* A. to smoke
B. smoking
C. smoke
D. not smoke
9. (0.4 point)
She remembers _____ taken to the zoo by her mother .
A. be
B. to be
C. to being
* D. being
10. (0.4 point)
I’m planning ______ a trip to Europe this summer for a big conference on marketing.
A. take
B. in taking
* C. to take
D. for taking
11. (0.4 point)
It’s better to avoid ______ during the rush hour in the city centre.
* A. traveling
B. to travel
C. travel
D. traveled
12. (0.4 point)
Ha Long is one of _____ popular tourist areas in Vietnam.
A. the best
* B. the most
C. the more
D. most
13. (0.4 point)
With an eye to _____ the best candidate for the position, we set up a teamcomposed for
ten experts.
* A. choose
B. choice
C. choosing
D. chose
14. (0.4 point)
Paul considered ______ jobs, but his co-workers asked him to stay because of the
economic recession.
A. to change
B. changed
C. changes
* D. changing
15. (0.4 point)
… the facilities before the upcoming event, the firm required several staff members to
work overtime.
* A. To inspect
B. Inspected
C. Inspection
D. Inspecting
16. (0.4 point)
All the employees were asked … the meeting on Saturday.
A. attend
B. attended
C. attending
* D. to attend
17. (0.4 point)
The marketing manager suggested … the logo to enhance the image of the company
A. change
B. to change
* C. changing
D. changed
18. (0.4 point)
… the number of security guards will hopefully reduce the chance of thefts.
A. Increase
* B. Increasing
C. Increased
D. To increasing
19. (0.4 point)
Because of the bad economic situation, we could not help … our New York branch.
A. close
B. closed
* C. closing
D. to close
20. (0.4 point)
Mr. Carter has had difficulty … experienced research specialists since last month.
A. find
* B. finding
C. to find
D. found
21. (0.4 point)
Ms. Wrigley has decided to stop … applicants because she has found a well-qualified
A. interview
B. interviewed
C. to interview
* D. interviewing
22. (0.4 point)
I’m looking forward …. her tomorrow.
A. to see
* B. to seeing
C. seeing
D. see
23. (0.4 point)
You should hand in the sales report to the boss as … as possible.
A. quick
* B. quickly
C. quicker
D. quickest
24. (0.4 point)
Studies have proven that laborers work twice … hours on average as skilled professionals
in any field.
A. as much
B. more
* C. as many
D. more than
25. (0.4 point)
Unfortunately the shipment will be delayed, as our factory is experiencing more technical
problems … we anticipated.
A. or
B. while
* C. than
D. then

12. … we put off finishing these cases, the more work there will be do over the weekend.
A. Longer B. Longest C. The long D. The longer
13. We expect a ten-percent increase in annual profits … unless our new product
becomes a hit.
A. at best B. at the best C. at the most D at the latest
14. Although less popular than the phonograph, the projection box was the … of the
home viewing devices available in the early 1900s.
A. success
B. successful
C. most success
D. most successful
15. Erickson Brands offers customers the … variety of cellular phone accessories in the
A. wider
B. more widely
C. most widely
D. widest
16. The productivity of the factory became … than before.
A. low B. much low C. lower D. as lower
17. Bringing all of the brochure and website information up to date is the … task the
office team has ever faced.
A. challenged B. challenging C. most challenged D. most challenging
18. In determining whether to close a bank branch, the impact on the majority of
community members is the … important factor.
A. very
B. most
C. much
D. mostly
19. Please take time … the names on this invitation list and feel free to add anyone whom
we might have missed.
A. review B. to review C. be reviewed D. reviewing
20. The meeting’s purpose is __________ improvements in employee benefits.
A. Discuss B. will discuss C. discussion D. to discuss

Questions 15-17 are based on the following letter

Dear Mr. Fast;

RE: Purchase from Randall Meyer

________ to our reporting letter dated March 23, a Development Application was
15. (A) Further
(B) Farther
(C) Far
(D) Farthest
made with respect to the shed located on your property, which did not comply with
regulations. The application was successful and a letter of approval given.
Please ______ a copy of the letter of approval and the Development
16. (A) found
(B) find
(C) to find
(D) finding
Permit Decision for your records.
As this matter is now complete, we were _____ our file.
17. (A) closed
(B) close
(C) to close
(D) closing
Questions 18-20 refer to the following email
Are you: Tired of ______ dull evenings alone at home? Bored with watching as your
18. (A) spend
(B) spends
(C) to spend
(D) spending
friends marry, begin families and get on with their lives? Apprehensive about going old
alone? If so, try these tips _____ your love life.
19. (A) brighten
(B) to brighten
(C) brightening
(D) brightens
* Make new friends, not dating partners of the opposite sex. This is to enlarge your social
circle and to increase your chances of finding a partner.
* Go to the right pplaces to shop for a mate. If you are serious about love, single bars are
not the best place __ it . Try language, sports clubs or night school courses.
20.(A) look for
(B) looked for
(C) to look for
(D) looking for

PART 2: SHORT ANSWERS (3 points)

Questions 21 to 23 refer to the following review
The American Healthcare Association (AHA) and the Research Institute of Yale
University announced today the 5 th Annual International Healthcare Conference
from Wed., Mar. 1 to Sat., Mar.4. This meeting will be a great chance for medical
researchers to get together and discuss the relevant issues in their fields.
Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut will host this event. The conference
will start with a full day of small workshops given by AHA representatives. Three
days of presentations and panel discussions will follow the workshops. There will
be representatives from all over the States including those from the mayo Clinic
and the Atlanta Medical Research Facility. Representatives from the Brookburger
Health and Science Association will be leading the talks. David Schwhizter, the
Dean of Medicine at the University of Carolina, will give the keynote speech on
the opening day of the conference.
If you would like to attend this year’s conference or receive more information,
please call Phil Handson at 456-555-2345.
21. Who would most likely attend this conference?
22. Where will the conference be held?
23. On what day will David Schwhizter give his talk?

Questions 24 through 26 are based on the following reading

24. What is the minimum age for enrollment in the training?
25. What must all trainees provide?
26. When must the registration fee be paid?


Question 27 refers to the following agenda and minutes
Agenda for the INSCAN 5 th Annual Public Board Meeting
Meeting date and time: June 22, 2005 2:25 p.m.
Location: Room 43
- Presentation of minutes from the last meeting
- Reports from the President and CEO
- Reports from the Chair of the System Advisory Committee
- Finance Committee’s report
New Business
- Budget changes
- Election of new Chair of Finance committee

Here is a copy of the minutes from the meeting on June 22 nd. Take a look and let
me know what you think before I make copies to send to everyone. I lost the
notes which I made at the meeting, so tell me if you remember things being the
way that I have described.
The meeting opened with a reading of the minutes of the last meeting by
secretary Jenny Schmidt. These were approved by Anthony Woodward, meeting
chair, and seconded by Francisco Alton, CEO.
The President and CEO read a report of the company’s developments over the
past year. This was followed by a report from the Systems Advisory Committee.
The committee was pleased to report that all new systems implemented since the
previous meeting have been successfully adopted throughout the company in all
branches nationwide. Chair of the committee, Tina Alvarez, noted that the Chain
of Command System has been particularly effective in improving
a. How often does INSCAN hold public board meetings?

b. Who is Tina Alvarez?

c. What has been the result of the Chain of Command system?

d. Who was the new chair of Finance Committee?

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