You Be The Judge

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You Be the Judge!

Part 1 Directions

1. Read each court case carefully.

2. Once you have read each case, you will answer two
a. Is this a criminal case or a civil case?
b. How would YOU decide the outcome of the case and
3. On slides 7 and 10 you will demonstrate your knowledge of
criminal and civil procedures by putting events from the
scenario in the correct order.
Case #1 (class example)

Sammy is taking his neighbor Bob to court because Bob has

planted a tree near the property line in between their
houses. Sammy wants Bob to cut down the tree because he
does not want to be responsible for raking the leaves every
year. After attempting to settle this dispute himself by
billing Bob $20 per hour for Sammy to rake the leaves from
his yard, Sammy has decided to file a complaint against Bob
and let the Stafford General District Court decide.
You be the Judge: Case #1
1. Is this a civil or criminal case? How do you know? Civil because they
aren’t really breaking laws

2. How would you decide the outcome of the case and why? I would have
Bob cut down the tree
Case #2

Camille and Andrew have been dating for five years and WERE in
love. Somehow along the way they grew apart and have decided
to break up. Two years ago they bought a dog to keep Camille
company while Andrew was traveling on business. Since then,
Andrew has come to love the dog and uses her on hunting trips.
Upon breaking up, Andrew took "Goldie" along with his other
belongings and moved across state. Now Camille has brought him
to court to decide who should have ownership over the dog and
has sued him for $5000 in damages due to the emotional distress
losing the dog has caused her.
You be the Judge: Case #2
1. Is this a civil or criminal case? How do you know? Civil because the
problem is over custody

2. How would you decide the outcome of the case and why? I would have
Andrew pay $100 every week and they both will have split custody of the
Camille files a complaint against Andrew with
the General District Court, asking for the dog
to be returned to her and $5,000 in damages.

A judge at the General District Court hears

Camille and Andrew’s case.

The judge rules that Andrew must return the

dog, and agrees that Camille should receive
$5,000 in damages for emotional distress.
Case #3

Dakota and Justin are 18 and recently graduated high school. Over
the summer, they started challenging each other to do dares. They
came across what they thought was an abandoned car and Justin
dared Dakota to set the car on fire. Not wanting to lose the dare
challenge, Dakota bought supplies and went back to complete the
dare. Two women nearby knew that the car belonged to their
neighbor and decided to call the police. Even though Dakota ran
from the scene, the police were able to find him on the next street
over using the description from the two women.
You be the Judge: Case #3
1. Is this a civil or criminal case? How do you know? Criminal because
they’re damaging someones belongings

2. How would you decide the outcome of the case and why? Send Dakota to
prison for 5 years and have Justin do community service for 4 years
A statement from two witnesses is enough
probable cause for the police to arrest Dakota.

Dakota’s bail is set at $30,000, which he pays

to be released before his trial.

Dakota’s trial date is set for one month later.

Dakota hears the charges against him at the

arraignment and pleads not guilty.

A grand jury decides there is enough evidence

to indict Dakota.

A jury returns a verdict that Dakota is guilty of a

felony and will serve 2 years in prison.
Part 2 Directions

1. On the next slide, create your own civil or criminal

case! It must be appropriate.
2. Share your case with a partner and have them
decide what the verdict should be!
Create your own case below:
Isabella (20) gets over 7 speeding tickets. After hearing her original case, she was
found guilty and she thought it was unfair, what court would she go to next

Is this a civil or criminal case? Criminal

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