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A. Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.

1. The British Empire was firmly established by 1856

2. The kotwal were in charge of the cities.
3. The majority of the British Indian army comprised of Civil servants.
4. A charter is a grant from the government giving rights and privileges to
an individual or corporation.
5. Before the Charter Act of 1833 the East Indian Company had a
monopoly in tea trade in India and China.
• Match the columns.
Column A Column B
1. Regulating Act a. 1833-1853
2. Pitts India Act b. 1773
3. Charter Act c. 1793
4. Bengal Regulation d. 1784 d. 1784
• C. Fill in the blanks.
1. They Regulating Act failed to check the corruption in the ranks of
the East India Company.
2. The Supreme Court was first set up in Calcutta
3. Pitt’s India provides for a board ofcontrol in Britain
4. The East India Company lost its monopoly trading privileges in 1813.
5. The district sub-divisions were under the charge of daroga
• D. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement.
• 1. The British government interfered in the activities of the East India
Company for the first time in 1753. – False in 1773
• 2. The British administrative structure was meant to promote the welfare
of the Indian people. False
The British administrative structure was meant to exploit the resources of
• 3. The Indians in the army and civil services enjoyed equal rights as their
British colleagues.- False
Indians were not treated equally.
4. The colonial police force enjoyed popular support of the native population
– False
The colonial police force did not have the support of native population.
E. Answer the following questions in 10-20words.
1. What is a charter?
Ans. charter is a written grant from the sovereign power of a country
conferring certain rights and privileges on a person or corporation.
2. When was the Pitt's India Act implemented?
Ans. The Pitt's India Act was implemented in 1784.
3. Who founded the Indian Civil Service?
Ans. Lord Cornwallis was the founder of the civil service in India.
4 Name the pillars of British administration.
Ans. The four main pillars of British administration were:the civil services,
the army, the police, the judiciary
5. When was the Bengal Regulation set up?
Ans. The Bengal Regulation was set up in 1793
E. Answer the following questions in 50-70 words.
1. Why did the British Parliament pass the Regulating Act of 1773?
Ans. As a result of the misuse of power by officials of the company and the
failure of dual government in Bengal, the British Parliament enacted various
acts from time to time which laid the foundations of the colonial
administrative machinery. The Regulating Act of 1773 was passed by the
British to regulate and control the company's affairs.

2.What were the shortcomings of the Regulating Act of 1773?

Ans. Although the Regulating Act of 1773 provisioned for the governor-
general to be assisted by a council of four members and put the governors of
Bombay and Madras under the governor-general's supervision, it failed to
define the powers of the governor-general and the council. As a result, the
activities of the East India Company could not be regulated.
• 3. What was the position of the Indians in the British administrative
Ans. The colonial administrative structure kept Indians out of
responsible offices. The field of their employment was narrowed to
subordinate positions such as daroga, chowkidar and sepoys. This was
mainly because the British were convinced that an administration
based on British ideas, institutions and practices could be firmly
established only by Englishmen. In this system of administration, the
people of India themselves hada very small role to play.
• 4. In what ways were the soldiers employed by the British different
from those employed by the Indian rulers?
Ans. The army raised by the company was loyal and disciplined unlike
the armies of the Indian rulers which were unruly and ill-paid. The
company sepoys were also trained in the use of the latest arms, which
the armies of the Indian rulers did not have access to. However, these
soldiers were the soldiers of a colonial power and hence did not have
the pride that inspired the soldiers of a national army.established only
by Englishmen. In this system of administration, the people ofIndia
themselves had a very small role to play.

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