Strategic Communication

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Context The 7 C of Public

Content Relations
Continuity and consistency
Communication channels
Auditorium capacity

Internal Public , related social groups that make up the The Public and the
organization chart of the company or institution. So, for
example: shareholders; the managers; the functionaries; Public PUBLIC RELATIONS AS A MEANS OF
the employees. PERSUATION What is
External Public, are all those social groups that have a The communication is the faculty and the process of
communication? transmitting to another or others, information, feelings and
certain interest that links their members to each other and
experiences. In all communication there must be an
that are not part of the organizational chart of the
issuer, a message and a receiver.
organization in question.
THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS The purposes of the communication should be:
Not logically inconsistent or logically unconscious with itself.
Objectives with the internal publics:
Focused on behavior; that is, expressed in terms of human
That the members of the organization, from the highest behavior.
executive or executive to employees of lower hierarchical Specific enough to allow us to relate it to real communicative
level, constitute a group, in the true sense of the word behavior.
"group" to a group of people who have a common goal and Compatible with the ways in which people communicate.
interact with each other .

Objectives with the External people: Main elements of the communication process:
Project a positive image in these publics making them feel
sympathy towards our company or institution and give us their
Issuer (who issues a message)
support and understanding. Achieve, through a permanent
The Model of Message (what is communicated)
dialogue, the agreement of interests between the organization Communication Channel (where the message is communicated)
and its various publics for the benefit of both parties. Code (signs used to communicate the message)
Context (relationship established between the words of a
message and that clarify and facilitate understanding of what
you want to express.)
Groups in the company In every company, within its internal Receiver (who receives the message).
public, there exist and affinity groups are formed that it is Effective
convenient to take them into account in the public relations communication
program that is elaborated.
Internal Public Relations An effective communication is based on the establishment of a
Public relations and economic and social development:
bridge where the sender has detected the object, the language and
Public relations are some of the most powerful levers for
promoting the economic and social development of a
the correct content, knowing previously who is the perceiver and
community. foreseeing what their feedback will be (doing the right things
The Company: Public relations is an advisory function that
will be responsible for setting the general policy of the
company and, therefore, its location is next to the Certain Concepts Communication: Faculty and process of transmitting to other
presidency or general management. information, feelings and experiences.
Language : Set of means that allow the human being to
express their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
Language : specific forms of language.
"Do it well and make it known." This is the Slogan of Public Speak: individual use that each person makes of language.
Relations. Thus, "Doing it well and making it known" summarizes in Language: Official language of a country.
a few words the basic objective of public relations. In addition to
doing well whatever it is, we must make it known.

Internet : The solutions offered The new sites that abound in Ethics, Basis of Public Relations
the INTERNET, in what refers to providing services, is to take
advantage of all the new channels of communication
telephone, email, etc .; and integrate them in a single
interface, in order to speed up the relationship of each
company with its customers.
Communications improve when distances are long and time presses
us. Spam, junk e-mail and Spam are the different terms to describe
the action of sending unsolicited advertisements en masse through Tactical Communications
the Internet and bound to the mailboxes of hundreds of thousands of are all those disciplines that, in the corporate
recipients at the same time. communication management, fulfill a
The Communication Area in primarily operational function, for example:
Public relations
Companies Advertising
Public Relations Businesses are based not only on a better Design
or worse image of the organization, but on the actual Definition of Public Business
business reality of the moment, since quality and results Relations
Strategic Communication is the discipline from which all
must always be consistent with the image.
tactical communications will be intelligently articulated.
All the points of approach and divergences between the For the organization based on information and knowledge,
company and the public must be evaluated, through a the communication function takes on unprecedented
scientific investigation of the latter. importance.

In 1837, the Age of Entrepreneurship began, a key moment for The Thematic of
PR. Intervention
In the first half of the twentieth, there are actions aimed at acting Birth of Public The strategic communication aims to systematize the communication
on public opinion and the media acquire an increasing Relations THE THEMES OF INTERVENTION functions, through the administration of the "intervention themes":
importance. IN THE STRATEGIC Culture
Basic needs for the exercise of the RRPP: CORPORATE PUBLIC Image
Political freedom understood as the absence of obstacles or RELATIONS
impediments that limit the freedom of expression of the will Personality, Culture
of citizens. and Corporate Identity The Personality is an operative cut to the complex reality, in
Party plurality: regime of freedom and the real possibility of order to achieve a first approximation ordered and intelligible to
exercising the right to propose alternatives in accordance that significant universe that is an organization.
with democratic rules.
The corporate culture is a pattern of behaviors that
Economic-social situation: it must be adequate (capitalism
develops in the organization, with its own logic and
and democracy).
The corporate identity is the most invariable component of the
It has become essential for any organization that pursues a good company. That is to say that, for a corporation, the appearance of a
relationship with its audiences, which ultimately depends on their new identity implies the appearance of a new corporation.
success, as they expand the knowledge of the company, allowing it to be The corporate identity is a set of attributes assumed as proper by the
created, appreciated and distinguished among others. organization.
Nowadays, the phenomenon of Public Relations extends to all the
countries of the world, even to China, a communist country in which
programs of this subject have been taught for twenty years and in more
than 150 universities. Utilization of Public Institutional link: This linking analysis has the purpose of
Relations in the particularizing the relationship of these publics with the
Business World company involved, since each company with each public
forms a specific institutional link.
The Link, the Communication and the The Corporate Image is the public record of corporate attributes. It
For the Public Relations specialist who works in the
Corporate Image is a mental synthesis that the public elaborates about the acts that
the company carries out, whether or not they are specifically
company or organization, the media and especially the communicational in nature.
specialized media are a public, an objective that has to be The Corporate Image is developed by the public and the company
weighted properly and on time. is responsible for the image that the public produces from it.

Corporate communication is that communication that

Some recommendations to establish good and Effectiveness of Public conveys messages related to the company itself, for example:
effective relations with the press: Institutional Advertising
Relations with the Media
Press releases have to conform to standards, be Newsletters and periodic notes that contain corporate
precise and well written. themes.
The news will be exposed objectively and without any Memory and Balance
exaggeration. Opinions will be issued only when they
form an inseparable part of the article.
The public relations business department must be
available at all times.

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