Kisi Kisi Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Semester 2

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28/03/24, 10.

40 Print Soal

Mata Pelajaran : BING

Tingkat | Jurusan : semua | semua
Pembuat Soal : Amunah, S.Pd
Satuan Pendidikan : SMK NEGERI 1

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1 Do you want me to ………. The meeting room right now ?
A. put away C. pick up E. hung up
B. set up D. set it up
2 Did the Boss ……. His wife at the airport ?
A. put away C. pick up E. hung up
B. set up D. set it up
3 Gunawan : Those bags are yours, ?
Aziz : Yes They are ……
A. His C. Mine E. her
B. your D. Ours
4 complete the following conversation!

A. How are things with you C. May I help you E. How do you do
B. What are you D. How are you
5 The following sentences are expression of congratulation, except....
A. please accept my warm C. I’m sorry to hear that E. well done,
congratulation congratulations for you
B. I congratulate you on D. congratulations!
your success
6 he following sentences are responses of congratulation, except....
A. thank you C. it was really nothing E. no problem
B. thank you very much D. it’s nice of you to say so
7 Deasy : Can we get tikects for the second show of the ‘Danur session 2’
Rangga : I’m afraid we can’t because they.......
A. Are sold out C. Sold out E. Sell out
B. Are to be sold out D. Are selling them out
8 Aisyah : I read a very touching story. It ......... by Ms. Cortland.
Obby : What is it about?
Aisyah : The story is about the struggle of life of a handicapped man in Yogyakarta.
A. Write C. Was written E. Wrote
B. Writes D. Will be written
9 Text procedural is a text that explain about how to do something, how to make something, how how to
use something to the reader or listener.
This title below is suitable for procedural text:
A. My pets C. Lions E. My Unforgotable
B. Cinderella D. How to Make Rainbow
Cake 1/4
28/03/24, 10.40 Print Soal

10 45 Ir.H.Juanda
North Sumatera
This the example of a letter, what we called it ?......................
A. Date C. Greeting E. Closing
B. Address D. Salutation
11 Let …. Introduce myself, I am Alfa, I’m from Pekanbaru.
A. Me C. My E. you
B. I D. Mine
12 Complate the following dialogue
Arfan : Good morning everybody, I would like to …..
My name Arfan, I’m 16 years old. I study at SMA Patriot, and I live on Jl. Cendrawasih no 75.
A. Tell you some information C. Introduce myself E. Say my name
B. Introduce my friend D. Meet a new friend
13 Aisya : I’m so hungry.
Ria : …………………get you something to eat?
A. How about C. Why don’t E. Can you
B. What about D. Can I
14 Aulia Fauzan : What does a good student usually do?
Fahmi : I think he usually studies hard and ………
A. he lay in bed last night. C. he didn’t go to bed late the E. he will sleep in bed late
night before every night
B. he will stay in bed late D. he doesn’t go to bed late at
every night night
15 Firda : Watch out, those glasses are very expensive!
Gita : Don’t worry,……..
A. I will hit it C. I will be careful E. I will drop it
B. I will do it D. will take care of you
16 Teacher : Do you know……….?
Triana : Twelve, Sir
A. how much boys are there C. how many classrooms we E. how much girls are there
in the room have to prepare in the room
B. how much money they D. how many children they
need for need for the art
have to pay performance
17 Interviewer : Could you explain your experience in journalism?
Fylichia : When I was in high school,……..
A. I sent news to my family C. I like to watch news on E. I sent letter to my family
and read gossip magazines TV and discuss it with my and read gossip
friends magazines
B. I joined this group of D. I used to write for my
cheerleaders and took school magazine and
acting lessons interviewed figures
18 Interviewer : Tell me one reason why we should accept you as a reporter.
Saskia : I speak two foreign languages and I look good on camera therefore,…
A. I am qualified enough for C. My job as a reporter is E. you are experienced
the job interesting enough enough in my present job
B. I have got enough D. I am experienced enough
experiences for the job in my present job
19 Operator : Good morning. Multitech .Can I help you ?
Desi : Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr. Raka , please?
Operator : May I know………?
Desi : This is Desi Triana from Tours and Travel Agency.
A. Who are you C. What do you want E. What do you do
B. Who is calling D. Who wants to speak 2/4
28/03/24, 10.40 Print Soal

20 Zira : Maybe we need to try t he new seafood restaurant down the street week.
Suci : That will be great, but I am not free on Wednesday or Friday.
Zira :..…….?
A. Why don’t we try the new C. Let’s go find out what we E. Why didn’t we try the
recipe can eat this afternoon new recipe
B. D. How about going fishing
What about going there on Friday afternoon after
on Monday
21 Assistant : Good evening, Ma’am. How can I help you?
Armayani : Good evening. ……..?
Assistant : What airline would you like ?
Armayani : Garuda, if possible.
A. May I go to Saturday C. Do you still have Garuda E. May I go to Sunday
morning for Surabaya on Saturday morning
B. I wanted to buy a ticket D. I need to reserve a ticket
for a meeting in Surabaya to Surabaya, Saturday
22 Ardana : I heard that you work in a hotel. What is your job?
Anisa Padilla : I’m a room maid. Everyday…….
A. I clean and care for the C. I handle all room E. I clean and care for the
bedrooms reservations bathrooms
B. I take care of the D. I escort the guests
telephone calls
23 Ayulia : would you like to join us for lunch ?
Nazri : I’d be glad to, but……this afternoon and I have to accompany him
A. My boss has gone to gone C. My boss will attend a E. My boss has gone
to the office business lunch
B. My boss is speaking on D. My boss was conducting a
the phone staff meeting
24 Tanty : Where does this industry sell its products?
Ira : This industry exports some of the products but…
A. much of them are sold in C. most of them are sold in E. least made in the
the domestic markets the domestic markets domestic markets
B. few of them are made in D. least of them are made in
the domestic markets the domestic markets
25 Psychologist : What can you say about your childhood?
Client : I’II always remember my sweet time when I was still young. My friends and I loved to
play in a small field near our houses and ….......... our bicycles together.
A. we will ride C. we will use to ride E. we ride
B. we’re riding D. we used to ride
26 Student : Can I remove the car wheels with spanner no.10?
Mechanic : No, you can’t,…......................the bolts.
A. It’s too small to loosen C. It’s big enough to loosen E. It’s too small
B. It’s enough big to loosen D. It’s small enough to
27 Rikky : This book is mine, Is it your book ?
Yopi : No , But, These books are …….
A. Mine His C. your E. your
B. Ours D. her
28 Mahdawika : Hello Everybody I want to introduce our new members in our group
Fauzan : Hai , …….. introduce myself , My name is Aulia Fauzan
A. Let’s go C. Let us E. let you
B. Let me D. Let him
29 The policeman ……… we saw in the Garden yesterday is a captain in the state.
A. which C. whose E. who 3/4
28/03/24, 10.40 Print Soal

B. whom D. of which
30 If you are skill full, many companies… The jobs.
A. offer C. will offer E. is offered
B. offered D. are offering
31 Don’t make noise here ! your father is still slipping now. Please stop ………
A. Talk C. is talking E. was talking
B. Talking D. talked
32 .….........Mr.Hoddy …...........Mam.Fitri didn’t appear at the meeting yesterday.
A. But-also C. Both-and E. too….to
B. Either-or D. Neither-nor
33 I’m looking for somebody ….....................I can trust completely.
A. whom C. which E. That
B. whose D. who is
34 The computer with this … ideal for use as a home computer.
A. specific C. specified E. is specifing
B. specify D. specification
35 We have been running the youth camp….....................five years.
A. before C. since E. at
B. after D. for
36 Irene has been reading that novel…..........
A. for one hour C. next Tuesday E. Yesterday
B. when I mat her D. last Friday
37 Could you send me the catalog to..............…the prices?
A. verifying C. verification E. very
B. verified D. verify
38 …………Karunia and Syabella are the best students in our school.
A. Some C. With E. Naiher
B. And D. Both
39 The package for my parents… the courier a few days ago.
A. was sent C. is being sent E. sending
B. will be sent D. is sent
40 The candidates.............…have submitted their application letters will have to come for an Interview

A. who C. which E. of which

B. whom D. whose

B. Soal Essai 4/4

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