3 - Demand Assessment - Exercise

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Renewable energy supply of buildings

Lecture 03 – Exercise
Demand Assessment

Markus Kleeberger, M.Sc.

Lehrstuhl für energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang
Question 1

How much heat (for each step and in total) is required to raise the temperature of a 0,2 𝑘𝑔
piece of ice from −20°𝐶 to 130°𝐶 ?
kJ kJ kJ kJ kJ
cice = 2,05 cwater = 4,18 cvapor = 1,52 Lf = 334 Lv = 2.256
kg∗K kg∗K kg∗K kg kg

warm up the vapor

boil the water  vapor

warm up the water

melt the ice  water

warm up the ice

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Question 1

How much heat (for each step and in total) is required to raise the temperature of a 0,2 𝑘𝑔
piece of ice from −20°𝐶 to 130°𝐶 ?

1. Heat needed to warm ice to 0°C Q1 = m ∗ cice ∗ ∆T = 0,2kg ∗ 2,05 ∗ 20K = 8,2 kJ
kg ∗ K
2. Heat needed to melt ice at 0°C Q 2 = m ∗ Lf = 0,2kg ∗ 334 = 66,8 kJ

3. Heat required to warm 0°C water to 100°C Q 3 = m ∗ cwater ∗ ∆T = 0,2kg ∗ 4,18 ∗ 100K = 83,6 kJ
kg ∗ K

4. Heat required to vaporize water at 100°C Q 4 = m ∗ Lv = 0,2kg ∗ 2.256 = 451,2 kJ

5. Heat required to warm 100°C vapor to 130°C Q 5 = m ∗ cvapor ∗ ∆T = 0,2kg ∗ 1,52 ∗ 30K = 9,1 kJ
kg ∗ K

6. Total heat required Q = Q1 + Q 2 + Q 3 + Q 4 + Q 5 = 𝟔𝟏𝟖, 𝟗 𝐤𝐉

Lehrstuhl für energieeffizientes und nachhaltiges Planen und Bauen |3

Question 2

A storage tank is filled with 500 l of water with a temperature of 50°C, when another
200 l of water with a temperature of 80°C are added.
What mixed temperature will the water in the storage tank have?

Q = m ∗ c ∗ ΔΤ

mhot ∗ cwater ∗ Thot − Tmixed = mcold ∗ cwater ∗ Tmixed − Tcold

mhot ∗ Thot + mcold ∗ Tcold

Tmixed =
mhot + mcold

200l ∗ 80°C + 500l ∗ 50°C

Tmixed = = 58,6°C
200l + 500l

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Question 3

What are the types of heat loss of a building and what do they depend on?

 Transmission heat loss

o U-Value of the element

o Area of the element

o Temperature difference between inside and outside

 Ventilation heat loss

o Air exchange rate

o Temperature difference between inside and outside

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© 2021
Renewable energy supply of buildings

03 – Demand Assessment – Exercise // 30.04.2021 // Markus Kleeberger, M.Sc., TU Munich (TUM)

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